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This semester’s focus was the design process as a function of context, program, and the engagement of both interior and exterior spaces. Throughout this semester, I began by studying the Piraja house by Estudio Bra and used his solutions for the small space in this design to begin thinking about how I can use his ideas to create an interesting building in this unique site. I then analyzed the given Polish Hill site and designed a group of five buildings that included the programs as well as the resident specific units.


In beginning this project, I think that I played it safe by separating each unit into a different building, however, in the design development phase I added the design features that made my design interesting and original. I chose to focus on the circulation on this site and how both residents and the public will move through the space using stairs, ramps, and pathways. This focus allowed me to incorporate what would be a difficult site into something that is celebrated.

I struggled with my choice of rendering software as it was my first attempt at creating a design in Revit and I think that the software may have hindered my ability to create a unique design due to its limitations in the early phases. Persevering with this software payed off in the end as I was able to bring my ideas to life and render them in a way that showcased my vision for this project.

This semester forced me to go out of my comfort zone both with my design ideas as well as the way that it was created. I think that I learned a lot about context and the engagement of interior and exterior spaces as well as the use of Revit to showcase my ideas.

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