Buy technologically advanced Santilli telescopes at the best price Ruggero Maria Santilli is the best Italo-American nuclear physicist. He also has known as in mathematics for the discovery of a series of new numbers which are called “Santilli iso-, geno-, hyper- and isodual-numbers” and other discoveries. He was born and educated in Italy where he achieved his Ph.D. in mathematics and physics. Apart from this, Ruggero Santilli has written 250 technical articles & 18 post Ph.D. level monographs in mathematics, physics, superconductivity, cosmology, chemistry and biology published the world over. Presently, he is a CEO and Chief Scientist in Thunder Energies Corporation. The company specializes in offering TEC-DOE PRODUCTS, TEC-DOE 200 MM EQUIPMENT, TEC-DOE 150 MM EQUIPMENT, TECDOE 100 MM EQUIPMENT, TEC-DOE 70 MM EQUIPMENT among others. These telescopes are generally considered by professional astronomers. There are various types of telescope available like Binoculars, Microscope, Refracting telescope, Lens among others. There are various features associated with telescope like Diameter of its light-gathering lens or mirror/ better optical quality Equipped with the increasingly sophisticated modern ccd imaging and spectroscopic instrumentation Reflectors gather light using a mirror at the rear of the main tube. Compound telescopes come with the combination of lenses and mirrors Schmidt-Cassegrains and Maksutov-Cassegrain are the most popular design Our Santilli telescopes have been conceived, designed, constructed, tested and produced to detect antimatter galaxies, antimatter cosmic rays and antimatter asteroids. If you want to but our telescope, feel free to place your order. Your desired products will be delivered at your doorstep in the best possible price. We focus on the manufacture, sale, and service of various technologies in the United States through three divisions that are Nuclear Instruments, Optical Instruments and Fuel Combustion. If you have any queries regarding our services, then contact ruggero santilli today. We will be happy to help you and cater all sorts of your needs. In order to know more, feel free to visit at