Le Femme Clothing

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Site Navigation The site navigation will be horizontal with the following tabs: Home About New Arrivals Products Sale   Search bar   Shopping bag   My account log-in 

The navigation bar will be clean, streamlined, and easy to use. Since we only offer women’s sweaters, there is no need for too many product categories. However, under the new arrivals, products and sale categories there will be several sub-categories of sweater styles. We will be including a search bar, for customers to find products faster if they are looking for something specific, a shopping bag tab so that they can always check what they have shopped for so far and purchase them at any time, and an account log-in feed, so that our customers will be able to log in right anytime.

Merchandising Story For our winter time merchandising story, we will be coming out with a merchandising story that focuses on the coziness and warmth that our sweater will bring during the cold months. We are doing a sexy yet feminine angle wherein the story shows that winter can be sexy in the midst of thick clothing and the cold weather. We will be announcing the new winter sweater styles and a free shipping with orders over $100 to entice customers to buy our new styles. Different seasons can also follow this angle, here at La Femme Clothing we pride ourselves of selling the softest and coziest sweaters and we want to emphasize these benefits of our products. The merchandising story can be placed in the homepage and the landing page.

Merchandising Story Sample

Product Page Our product page will have several components in it. One is the product photo on a mannequin, with a “click to zoom” tab underneath it for more detailed viewing. It will have the style name, the style number, price, color selection, different views, customer reviews, and sizing choices. On top of the product photo is a navigation tab where customers can click to go back to the categories and to the homepage. There will also be a “Share” section where the customer can add it to their wish list and share it through email, pinterest, and Facebook. There is also a brief bullet type description of the product. On the side of page, there will be a section of “Styles you might like”. This section will show photos of different merchandise that the customer might like according to their clicks on products. This is our way of marketing our other products. On the bottom of the page, there will be tabs for customer reviews, product details, return and exchange, and shipping policies.

Product Page

Business Forecast Traffic: According to our research, the keyword “womens sweaters” has the highest search ratings at the start of the fall season, specifically September. The search volume continues to rise till December and starts declining by half on January. Highest search volumes are in October, November, December. Lowest month on searches are during the summer months May, June, and July.

Search Volume for keywords “womens sweaters”

Business Forecast Conversion: Conversion would be high during the start of the F/W season when people are looking at sweaters to buy for the cold season. It will also be high during the gift giving months of October-December as for gift giving people are going to our websites to shop for gifts. Conversion will be low during the spring-summer months as these months people are mostly browsing for future purchases or just buying sale items.

Business Forecast   AOS: Our AOS on a regular month will be average since

we are selling sweaters that are priced between $50$100, and people purchase one sweater at a time because it can be used with different outfits. On our peak months, our AOS will be higher as we will have people buying multiple items for gifts and stocking up for the cold months.   We plan to have higher AOS by creating marketing strategies that entice the customers to buy more items. One strategy is to offer free shipping for a certain dollar amount of orders, this will push the customer to purchase that other item to avail of the free shipping. Another strategy would be to offer discounts for more items bought for the lean months, so customers will buy multiple items.

Marketing and Community   SEO- we will be employing and SEO strategy to ensure that we drive traffic to the site

throughout the year through searches and link backs

  Email-We will be sending out email newsletters that informs our customers of our

latest promotions, merchandise, and the like. We will be sending out promotional emails to our current customers to send to their friends so that our market reach will widen.

  Promotions- During lean months, we will be having promotions like discounts and

sales to make customers shop in our site.

  Social Media- We will be using social media sites to widen our customer reach, send

out new information about the brand and the products, and most importantly connect with out customers. We will talk to them via discussion questions, polls, and asking them for feedback. We will also be doing promotions through our social media sites to drive more traffic to our accounts which we hope will trickle down to our website.

  Blogger Connect- We will be marketing our products through bloggers, asking them to

feature our products on their blog sites.

Order Fulfillment For our order fulfillment, we will be doing the following steps: 1.  Once the customer finishes the purchase, we will send an email saying thank you and that we have received their order. 2.  Payment will have to go through verification. 3.  Once the payment has been verified we will send an email that the order has gone through. 4.  Picking, packing, and shipping will be done. 5.  Once we have turned over the shipment to the shipping company, we will send an email to the customer saying that their order has been shipped with a tracking number.

Customer Service Customer service is very important to our business as we are an ecommerce site and that is one of the only incentive. Because of this, we will have several avenues where our customers can reach us.   Email- Customers can reach us through email and we will reply within one business day   Phone- We employ a call center to handle our phone service so that our customers can reach us 24/7

Technology Since our website is custom built and we want to be able to change and control it fully, we will be employing in-house personnel to manage it fully.   Email Management- We will be using email management to keep track of our lists of emails and track shopper behavior.   Analytics- This is a very important part for our website as we will always need to track the reach and traffic our site is getting in order to create new strategies to suit the findings.   We will be employing a call center to handle our customer service.   OMS- We will use this system to track invoices, orders, and for validation of correct orders and correct shipping.

Growth Opportunity There are several growth opportunities for Le Femme, namely the following:   Brick and mortar store. Data of buyers and visitors of the

stores can lead the company into information if a brick and mortar store is a viable idea.   Expansion to other countries. Since Ecommerce sites can be viewed in any country, the company can serve other markets if there is demand.   New media marketing. New media marketing is very powerful because it has no boundaries and can open a lot of avenues for a retailer. New markets, new target customers, and wider audience are all attainable.

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