Ancient Greece

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Ancient Greece By: Michel, Ivan, Yara and Crist.




Index 1. Greek Religion 1.1 Gods and Goddesses 2. Olympic Games 2.1 The ancient games 2.2 Changes through the year 3.

Greek art

4. The Greek Polis 5. The Greek Colonies


Religion as important to the ancient Greeks because they believed that it would make their lives better while they were living. They also believed the gods would take care of them when they died.


The Ancient Greeks believed in many different gods and goddesses. The Greeks believed that these gods and goddesses controlled everything in their lives and the environment. There was a god for every aspect of their lives. It was important to please the gods; happy gods helped you, but unhappy gods punished you. People had special places in their homes where they could pray to the gods. There were also public shrines. -Temples The Greeks, to show the gods how important they were, built temples in every town for one god or goddess. The temples were not like modern places of worship, for ordinary people to pray in. -Priests Priests were important people, because it was said they spoke with the gods, to be a priest, your mother or father had to be priests or he had to say a priest before he died. -Greek Gods The Ancient Greeks believed that all the gods came from Gaia (the Earth) and Uranus (the sky).They thought they were like adult humans - always falling in love, arguing, having children, playing music and partying. Like the Romans, the Greeks believed that different gods were responsible for different things. -Mount Olympus 4

The Greeks believed that twelve most important gods and goddesses lived at the top of Mount Olympus. They were a family and, just like a human family, they argued as well as looking after each other. Mount Olympus, in northern Greece, is the highest mountain in the country. It was believed to be the home of the gods, because it was often so cloudy and no-one could see its summit. -Who was the ruler of the Greek gods? The ruler of the gods was Zeus. His symbol was the thunderbolt.


Gods and goddesses Zeus: The King of Gods

Hera: The Wife of Zeus


Poseidon: The King of Sea

Ares: God of War


Hermes: Messenger God

Hefeso: God of Fire and Forge


Afrodita: Goddess



Atenea: Goddess of War




Apolo: God of Light and Sun (soon of


Artemisa: God of Hunting (sister of



Demeter: Goddess of Agriculture

Hades: God of the Underworld 11

Olympic Games T

he Olympics are a celebration of sports and they are celebrated every four years, with the Winter and Summer games celebrated in alternating years. They started celebrations of the Greek ideals of fitness and discipline, as well as a way to honor Zeus the king of the gods.


The Ancient Games The ancient Greeks appreciated physical and mental discipline. The first record of the Olympics was in 776 B.C. This race continued to characterize the Olympics for many years, in 708 B.C., when other events were added, such as the pentathlon, which included the javelin throw, wrestling (that is a type of fight that Greeks invent), running, discus throw and jumping.

Changes through the Years For many years, only amateur athletes go to complete the Olympic Games. Other changes through the years have the addition and elimination of various sports. Women's softball, for example, was a popular sport when it was added for the 1996 Games, but was eliminated from the Summer Games starting with the 2012 Games. Other sports such as snowboarding and freestyle skiing have become immensely popular since they were added to the Winter Games in 1998.


Greek Art A


ncient Greek art is mainly in five forms: architecture, sculpture, painting, painted pottery, and music.

-Greek music includes the lyre, pipes, and singing, and around 500 BC gradually developed branches like Greek plays (which always involved music) and Greek philosophy, which tried to figure out how music and numbers related to each other.

-Architecture includes houses, religious buildings like temples and tombs, and public building like city walls, theaters and stadia.

-Sculpture includes small figurines and life-size statues, but also relief sculptures which were on the sides of buildings, and also tombstones.

-We have very little Greek painting from the Classical period; most of what we have is from the Bronze Age. The paintings were painted on walls, as decoration for rooms, like murals or wallpaper. On the other hand, we have a good deal of painted ceramic from all periods of Greek history (down to the Hellenistic).

Greek colonies


n Ancient vanquished at the hand disorders, when 15

Greece, colonies were sometimes founded by people, who left their homes to escape subjection of a foreign enemy; sometimes as a sequel to civil the losers in internecine battles left to form a new

city elsewhere; sometimes to get rid of surplus population, and thereby to avoid internal convulsions.

Two flushes of new colonists set out from Greece at the transition between the "Dark Ages" and the start of the Archaic Period, one in the early 8th century BC and a second burst of the colonizing spirit in the 6th century. Through this Greek expansion the use of coins flourished throughout the Mediterranean Basin.

An oracle, especially one such as the Oracle of Delphi, was almost invariably consulted beforehand. Sometimes certain classes of citizens were called upon to take part in the enterprises. A person of distinction was selected to guide the emigrants and make the necessary arrangements. It was usual to honor these founders of colonies, like heroes.

The Polis of Athens


n contrast to Sparta, Athens, the largest polis, combined several regions of the peninsula of Attica. It developed a social system in which power was based on wealth rather than aristocratic birth. The king lost all power in the


polis of Athens. In the place of the king emerged the Areopagus, which was a council recruited from the former magistrates. The members of the Areopagus were called Archons.

Three important Athenian officials were: • •

Draco, who codified and published the laws in 621 BCE. In 594 BCE Solon, one the Archons, divided the citizens into four groups based on income from the land and established a Council of 400 The aristocrat and "Father of Athenian Democracy," Clisthenes, who separated religious ties from political organizations. Eight years later the Assembly voted once a year whether it wanted to a member, which meant exile him for three years. Another very important group was the Board of Generals. The members of the Board were elected annually by the Assembly. The Board of Generals was the basis of Pericles power (Patterson).



http://es.wikipedia.or g/wiki/Wikipedia:Por tada http://www.historyfo s/art/greekart.htm


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