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Year 10 and 11 Curriculum
Non-examined core curriculum material
Core IGCSE Subjects Optional IGCSE Subjects
Non-examined core curriculum material
Physical Education
PE remains a compulsory subject in Years 10 and 11. The emphasis is on participation and enjoyment to promote a prolonged interest in sport and physical activity.
PE IGCSE is available as an examined option in addition to CORE PE.
(Personal, Social and Health Education) PSHE helps the overall development of students. Topics covered include careers education, character education, study skills and examination revision skills.
Core IGCSE Subjects
First Language / ESL (based on English department’s decision)
First Language / ESL (based on English department’s decision)
Global Perspectives
Students develop transferable skills that will be useful for further study in GP.
Spanish or French or Turkish (English Support for some students)