make the invisible visible
Create a rough model of the idea so that users can experience the innovation and you can also check quickly if they are interested and if it meets their needs.
©2021 Dr Fiona Chambers – slides not for distribution
“They slow us down tospeed us up. By taking the time to prototype our ideas, we avoid costly mistakes such as becoming too complex too early and sticking with a weak idea for too long.”
Tim Brown (2008)
Source - https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/topics/interaction-design
Source - https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/topics/interaction-design
• Quick and inexpensive.
• Possible to make instant changes and test new iterations.
• Disposable/throw-away.
• Enables the designer to gain an overall view of the product using minimal time and effort, as opposed to focusing on the finer details over the course of slow, incremental changes.
• Available to all; regardless of ability and experience, we are able to produce basic versions of products in order to test users or find out the opinions of stakeholders.
• Encourages iteration in design thinking.
©2021 Dr Fiona Chambers – slides not for distribution
… the better it looks, the more narrow the feedback!
Paper prototypes (for applications)
Storyboards (for procedures and processes)
Desktop Walkthrough (complex services)
Model (shape, size, weight, functionality)
Role play (social interactions)
©2021 Dr Fiona Chambers – slides not for distribution
Video prototypes (interaction, product idea)