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Research Speakers and Visitors
The following invited researchers and guests came to the School of Information Studies during 2017 to speak with faculty, staff and students.
Jos Aarts, Ph.D., fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics and associate professor in biomedical informatics at the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Buffalo, “Designing for Medication Safety: A Sociotechnical Perspective on Medication Reconciliation,” October 6.
Dr. Ofer Bergman, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Information Studies, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv, Israel; and Steve Whittaker, Ph.D., professor of human computer interaction, University of Southern California, Santa Cruz, “The Science of Managing Our Digital Stuff,” March 30. Sean P. Goggins,Ph.D., associate professor of computer science and director of the Data Science and Analytics Master’s Program at the University of Missouri, “Computational Intelligence Pipelines: Imagination and Reality,” January 31. Joseph A. Konstan, Ph.D., distinguished McKnight professor and distinguished university teaching professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota, “Recommender Systems: Beyond Machine Learning,” October 3. Yoel Roth, API policy lead and senior product trust program manager, Trust and Safety operations, Twitter,“Swiping Left: Personalization and the Politics of Online Dating,” April 25. Daniel Russell, Ph.D., research scientist and Uber tech lead for quality and user happiness at Google, presenting “In the Library of the Future,” November 8. Zachary O. Toups, Ph.D., assistant professor of computer science, New Mexico State University, “The Collecting Itself Feels Good,” September 19. Rebekah Tromble, Ph.D., visiting scholar in the iSchool’s Center for Computational and Data Sciences and assistant professor, Institute of Political Science, Leiden University, the Netherlands, “API Bias: Preliminary Insights Into the Impact of Twitter Data Collection on Scientific Inference,” March 23.
Jos Aarts, Ph.D.
Rebekah Tromble, Ph.D.
Jodi Upton, professor of newspaper and online journalism and Knight Chair in data and explanatory journalism, S.I.Newhouse Schoolof Public Communications at Syracuse University, “What Data Journalism Is,” October 27. James M. Walker, M.D., FACP, chief health information officer, Siemens Healthcare, “The Patient’s Care Team: Its Complexity, With Implications for Care-System Re-Design and Information Systems,” November 3. Richard (Rick) Watson, Regents professor and J. Rex Fuqua distinguished chair of internet strategy at the Terry College of Business, University of Georgia, “An Information Systems Perspective onSustainability,” December 1.
INVITED PRESENTERS Melissa Adler, Ph.D., assistant professor at University of Western Ontario, presented a Syracuse symposium talk December 4 on “Consequences of Classification: Systemic Violence Against Marginalized Communities.” In a workshop the next day, she focused on taxonomic repair work. Adler’s research concerns the history of library classifications as they intersect with state and cultural discourses about race and sexuality.
iSCHOOL PRESENTERS Yatish Hegde, research staff member, Center for Computational and Data Sciences, School of Information Studies at Syracuse University, “Improving Your Research through Development of IT Artifacts,” September 29.