International Gas Union 1931-2021 - The history of the global voice of gas

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The History of the International Conference and Exhibition on Liquefied Natural Gas The world’s leading forum for the exchange of

Other members and observers of the SC

of the event. This includes arranging the con­

information on liquefied natural gas is the LNG

without voting rights are the SC Secretariat,

ference facilities, securing hotel space and

Event Series of conferences co-owned by IGU,

which is provided by the IGU Secretary General,

contracting with professional conference and

the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) and the

the Programme Committee leadership (the

exhibition organi­sers. The NOC also arranges

International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR).

Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary) and represen­

the opening and closing ceremonies subject to

tatives of the National Organising Committee

SC approval, hosts the opening and closing

for the next two events.

receptions and organises post-conference tours.

The first conference was held in Chicago in 1968 and was organised by the Institute of Gas Technology (IGT), which merged with the Gas

Most impor­tantly, the NOC handles the

Research Institute in 2000 to form GTI. IGU and

Conference Chair and IGT provided the Chair of

registrations and manages the revenues from

IIR came on board from the second conference

the SC. After LNG 7, the SC Chair alternated

registration and exhibition fees to ensure a

in 1970. Originally numbered, the conferences

between IGT (later GTI) and IGU.

sound financial operation. The host country

are now named by combining LNG with the

The Programme Committee (PC) is respons­

year of the event and the next one, LNG2023,

ible for the conference technical programme,

will be held in St Petersburg.

which is the backbone of a successful information

appoints the NOC Chair and Executive Director for the event. Innovations introduced commencing with

exchange. The PC plans all the paper sessions,

LNG2019 include payment of a royalty fee to


workshops, poster session and films; solicits,

the owners by the host and the role of Events

Three committees run these prestigious and

reviews and selects the presentations; organises

Director within the SC Secretariat (managed by

well-attended conferences. The first is the

the sessions; and works with GTI on the prepar­

IGU) to strengthen owner support and engage

Steering Committee (SC), which has the

ation of the Conference Proceedings. The Chair,

with the NOC.

responsibility for selecting the host countries

Vice Chair and Secretary are appointed by IIR

and venues of future conferences, inviting the

and they invite 40-50 experts to serve on the PC

From LNG 1 to LNG 18

keynote and plenary speakers and overseeing

to perform the required tasks.

The very first international conference on LNG,

all aspects of each conference. The SC is


For the early conferences, IGU provided the

The National Organising Committee (NOC),

organised by IGT, took place April 7-12, 1968, in

composed of two representatives of each

which represents the appointed host country,

Chicago, USA. At the time, the LNG industry was

of the three owners with voting rights.

is respons­ible for the physical organisation

in its infancy. The only exporting nation was

The History of the International Conference and Exhibition on Liquefied Natural Gas

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