International Gas Union 1931-2021 - The history of the global voice of gas

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IGU – Advocating for Gas

Making gas advocacy an integral part of IGU’s

campaign launched in 2010 during the

tive advocates for the natural gas industry

Vision and Mission has been a key strategic

Malaysian Presidency.

on a global level. There were five different

development for the Union. Natural gas now

The first phase was to provide online

has a more effective and consistent voice; and

resources to help members promote under­

downloaded and tailored to suit different

communications with stakeholders outside the

standing and awareness about natural gas to

audiences and circumstances. They included

industry – including policymakers and

stakeholders, and to join forces with other

advocacy messages, facts and figures, a report

regulators, NGOs and the general public –

organisations to raise the profile of gas. The

on gas and climate change mitigation, a report

have been improved.

second phase developed a global vision and

on the environmental issues associated with

IGU works to ensure that the benefits of

roadmap for natural gas which clearly defines

shale gas development and an overview of the

natural gas, particularly its role in meeting

the pathway natural gas can take as part of the

shale gas sector. In each presentation, the

the challenge of providing additional energy

world’s low-carbon energy future.

theme of “CARES” (that of natural gas being a

supplies and at the same time reducing

After revision of the Union’s Vision by

Clean, Affordable, Reliable, Efficient and Secure

emissions by replacing more polluting fuels,

the Council in Paris in 2015, work started to

are widely appreciated. Moreover, gas is ideally

position IGU as the Global Voice of Gas and

suited to complement intermittent power

establish a sustainable means of funding

ciations based in Europe to launch a joint

generation from renewable sources and

strategic projects supporting gas advocacy.

advocacy programme called GasNaturally.

has an important role to play in a sustainable

Now the focus is on stronger engagement and

This targeted the European Commission and

energy future.

further development of an integrated and

Parliament with the aim of ensuring that natural

comprehensive outreach strategy.

gas was well represented in discussion of the

Various initiatives have been developed to ensure IGU’s messages reach targeted


presentations on the website which could be

energy source) was predominant. IGU also teamed up with six gas asso-

future energy mix in Europe. The GasNaturally

audiences around the world. Attention was

Gas advocacy toolkit and GasNaturally

programme kicked off in 2012 and today has

first focused on engaging with policymakers

The centrepiece of phase one of the gas

eight members (IGU plus Eurogas, GERG, GIE,

as detailed in the previous chapter. Then work

advocacy initiative was an online toolkit.

the International Association of Oil and Gas

began to reach out to institutional stakeholders

Available free of charge via the IGU website,

Producers, Liquid Gas Europe, Marcogaz and

and the general public with an advocacy

this allowed IGU members to be more effec-

NGVA Europe).

IGU – Advocating for Gas

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