International Gas Union 1931-2021 - The history of the global voice of gas

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Post-War Recovery

As World War II drew to a close in Europe, the

honour those colleagues in the gas industry

national gas associations started thinking about

who had died in the war. Delegates then

were the major issues of the time as the post-

re-establishing international contacts. First off

elected Colonel Cyril M. Croft, President of the

war recovery got underway. It was clear that

the mark was the Union Syndicale, which sent a

UK’s IGE, as IGU President for 1946-49, while

greater international cooperation was essential

delegation to visit the IGE in London in

Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, The

to reduce the risk of future conflict, and new

February 1945.

Netherlands, Sweden and the USA were invited

global and regional bodies were set up. IGU

to nominate Vice Presidents. The statutes were

was keen to start developing links with them.

and with the agreement of Hermann Zollikofer,

reviewed and minor amendments made. The

Relationships with CMI and the World Power

the Union Syndicale called a meeting in Paris for

main changes were to remove German as an

Conference1 were re-established; and, in 1949,

December 18 and 19. The defeated countries

official language and allow the President to

IGU was granted observer status at relevant

were not invited and representatives of Belgium,

appoint a President’s Secretary as well as a

meetings of the Coal and Power Division of the

France, Switzerland and the UK attended, while

Secretary General. Cyril Croft appointed the IGE

UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

The Netherlands and Sweden sent messages of

Secretary, Dr Walter T. K. Braunholtz, to assist

support. It was decided to reorganise IGU and

him and asked Hermann Zollikofer to carry on

topics were allocated to national member

convene a Council meeting in London on June

as Secretary General. The subscription remained

associations and it would not be until 1951 that

5 and 6, 1946. This was attended by represen­

at Sfr200 initially but was increased to Sfr500

the first international committees were set up.

tatives of Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia,

the following year.

Once the war was over in Europe and Asia,

France, The Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland

As regards the technical work programme,

The 1949 conference

and the UK. Wilfred Philpot of the Canadian Gas

industries of IGU’s second and third highest gas

Dansk Gasteknisk Forening from Denmark was

Association had a mandate to represent the

consuming members, the UK and France, were

welcomed as the 10th post-war member in the

American Gas Association (AGA), and Norway

nationalised. Gaz de France was set up in 1946

run-up to the 4th International Gas Conference,

sent an observer.

(whereupon the Union Syndicale was

which was held in London, June 15-17, 1949.

disbanded and the ATG became the French IGU

The venue was the same as in 1931 – the

The Council meeting was opened by


During the 1946-49 Triennium, the gas

Indeed, reorganisation and reconstruction

Auguste Baril in his capacity as Honorary

member), while the Gas Act of 1948 reorganised

President, who asked for a minute of silence to

the British gas industry into 12 Area Boards.

Post-War Recover y

1  From 1968, the World Energy Conference and from 1990, the World Energy Council (WEC).

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