International Gas 2018 - Autumn Edition

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up another successful World Gas

Welcome to the latest edition of the

Conference, in Washington DC.

gas industry’s openness to business

IGU magazine, welcome to the new

It was a truly monumental event, not

and discussion, as it included leaders

2018-2021 triennium and welcome

just because of its size, diversity of

not only from within the industry, but

to Korea.

participants and the richness of

also from the broader community of

debates, but also because it concluded

energy, academia, civil society, gover­

loud and clear that Gas is Back!

nance (regional, national and global)

This past June, which seems as if it were just a few days ago, IGU wrapped

This year’s WGC made evident the

and even finance. Thus, we extend our sincere congratulations to President David Carroll and the USA Presidency team for their successfully completed triennium. Their success is evident, as IGU raised its voice, and the global voice of gas reached ever-wider audiences and influenced the most critical global energy debates. Thanks to these advocacy efforts, gas was re-inserted into the global energy conversation and, during the Korean triennium, we will work hard to ensure that the vital environmental role of gas in the sustainable energy future solidifies further. Your new IGU management team will continue to build on IGU’s accom­ plishments and deliver on its mission to be a key credible advocate of the political, technical and economic progress of the global gas industry. We will do so, while putting greater efforts into ensuring that we deliver value to our members, who are this organisation’s backbone and reason Joo-Myung (Joe) Kang (right) and Luis Bertrán Rafecas.

8  Message from the President and the Secretary General

for being.

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