IGU in Spain - Achievements and initiatives 2016-2021

Page 22

Cooperation between the Presidency and the Secretariat


he Presidency and the Secretariat are normally

the fortnightly meetings. As activities expanded, the

located far apart geographically and often in

coordination was extended to include regular event

different time zones. Moreover, due to different

meetings and advocacy meetings.

traditions and cultural backgrounds, their working

During the Spanish term we have had the

practices may vary. A close relationship and

pleasure of working with two Presidents and have

alignment between the two about the vision and

seen the election of two future Presidents. We have

direction of IGU are essential for the Union’s

asked the US and Korean Presidents to reflect on

successful management and development.

the importance of IGU, the contributions of the

Since the beginning of the Spanish term, the

host country and cooperation with the Secretariat

Presidency and the Secretariat have shared the vision

and the accomplishments of their Presidency. Here

of working as a single, not a split leadership team.

are their comments.

During the USA Presidency, fortnightly video conferences were held using iPerson. Under the

USA Presidency 2015-2018

Korean Presidency the conferences migrated to

The USA Presidency, which led IGU from 2015 to

Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

2018, developed its Triennial Work Programme

Close collaboration was a must and proved to

around the theme “Fuelling the Future”. The USA’s

be critical in the development of IGU’s advocacy

David C. Carroll, now Immediate Past President of

work as the Global Voice of Gas and of the Building

IGU, offered the following perspectives.

for the Future (BFTF) project. Both projects required

“We’re grateful to the Spanish Secretariat team,

additional meetings and coordination with the

under strong leadership by Secretary General Luis

Regional Coordinators and with a new group, the

Bertrán Rafecas, for its enthusiastic embrace of IGU’s

Transition Team as part of BFTF.

USA Presidency. After a smooth transition from IGU’s

With the transition from the USA to the Korean

previous base in Oslo, Norway the Barcelona-based

Presidency in 2018, the strong coordination between

Secretariat assumed its role in November 2016. This

the Presidency and Secretariat teams continued in

transition occurred after more than a year of close


David C. Carroll, IGU President 2015-2018. centre right

Menelaos (Mel) Ydreos, Coordination Committee Chair 2015-2018. fa r r i g h t

Rod Rinholm, Acting Coordination Committee Chair 2016-2018.


C ooperation



P residenc y



S ecretariat

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