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Litchfield Preschool

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Litchfield Public Schools Preschool is an on-site, all early childhood service combined in the pre-k-grade 3continuum with Lake Ripley School. Early childhood licensed teachers use curriculum and assessment tools approved by the

Department of Education. We have beautiful facilities for learning that include a playground and gymnasium.


LITCHFIELD PRESCHOOL 2021-2022 School Year

To inquire about preschool openings, call Litchfield Community Education & Recreation at (320) 693-2354. Spaces are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Child must be at least 3½ years old on or before August 31, 2021 and fully potty-trained in order to participate.

Litchfield Preschool Teachers

Aimee Gabrielson Teresa Strowbridge

Litchfield Preschool and EFCE programs are the proud recipients of a Parent Aware 4-Star Rating

What is Parent Aware Rating?

Parent Aware Ratings are an important tool that Minnesota parents can use to find childcare and early learning providers in their area that use best practices to prepare their children for kindergarten.

What does a 4-Star mean?

To earn a 4-Star Rating, programs are excelling in use of most best practices in preparing kids for kindergarten.

Where can I find more information?

To read more about Parent Aware in Minnesota go to parentawareratings.org


Monday, August 30

Tuesday, August 31 Wednesday, September 1 Thursday, September 2

Friday, September 3

10:00 AM-6:00 PM 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Regular Class Schedule Regular Class Schedule No School

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