ISEAS 2010-12 Catalogue

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CONTENTS About ISEAS Publishing


ISEAS Books Adopted as Texts


Highlights and Awards


E-Coursepacks and Licences




Society and Culture


Politics and International Affairs


Best of Backlist


Country and Regional Studies ASEAN and Asia-Pacific












Indochina (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam)










ASEAN Studies Centre

ISEAS Journals • ASEAN Economic Bulletin

• Contemporary Southeast Asia

• SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia

46 46 46

Author Index


Title Index



Series Index


Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre


How to Order


APEC Study Centre


Other Publishers Represented by ISEAS Ascanio


ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity


East-West Center Series


NIAS Press


Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC)


Monash Asia Institute


Stanford University Press






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• Printed books are in soft cover edition only, unless otherwise stated.

• All ISEAS books and journals are available as e-books, and also as individual e-chapters and articles.


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A b o u t I S E A S P u b l is h i n g

WHAT’S NEW The output of ISEAS Publishing in 2009-2010 exceeded that of previous years with almost 70 new publications in one year. This is a reflection not only of greater productivity and efficient work processes, but also the increasing number of manuscripts submitted to ISEAS by scholars all over the world.


Noteworthy is the significant increase in the sales of ISEAS e-books as well as access to e-articles. In fact, sales have doubled. More libraries are buying ISEAS e-books as an entire collection. This augurs well, since all ISEAS books are now available both as e-books and as printed books.


ISEAS Publishing is now in the process of preparing our e-books for delivery on the iPad. Customers in the United States and Europe will be the first to benefit. As soon as Apple’s iBookstore is open to Asian markets, our regional customers will also be able to buy ISEAS books to read on their iPad or iPhone. We take this opportunity of thanking our authors, librarians, co-publishers, bookshops, customers, and friends for their continuing support and interest in ISEAS publications. Happy Reading!


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H i g h l i g h t s a n d A w a r d s Awarded by

Asia Publishing Convention 2010 ExcellenCE award

Awarded by

Asia Pacific Publishers Association 2010 Gold First Prize

Awarded by

Awarded by

2010 Winner “Vodaphone Crossword BOOK Award for Non-Fiction�

2009 Top 10 Titles Social Sciences

Vodafone Crossword Book Award, India International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS)


Best Book/Best Writer on Asian Socio-Economic or Media Scene

Best Co-published Academic Book

Best Seller 2010

Best Seller 2010

Rewards the best of Indian writing and ensures that works of merit reach a wider audience.

Best Seller 2011

Best Seller 2010

Author belongs in the top tier of Asia Scholars

Best Seller 2010

Adopted as Text

Adopted as Text

Adopted as Text

Adopted as Text

National University of Singapore

University of Delaware, USA

Webster University, Thailand

Ministry of Defence, Singapore

University of Minnesota, USA

University of Malaya

Cornell University, USA

Northern Illinois University, USA

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A S E A N an d A s i a - P a c i f i c

Southeast Asian Affairs 2011 Daljit Singh, editor

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.


Southeast Asian Affairs 2011 provides an informed and readable analysis of the events and developments in the region in 2010. In the regional section of this volume, the first four articles provide the political and economic overview of Southeast Asia and the region. Eleven country reviews as well as six special theme articles follow, delving into domestic political, economic, security, and social developments during 2010 and their implications for countries in the region and beyond. 2011 400 pp Soft cover 978-981-4345-02-6 Hard cover 978-981-4345-03-3 E-book 978-981-4345-04-0

SEAA11 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$59.90/US$43.90

Visit ISEAS website for price

Contents THE REGION Southeast Asian Economies in 2010: The Challenge of Sustaining Growth after the Recovery by Thiam Hee Ng The United States, China and Southeast Asia by Carlyle A Thayer ASEAN in 2010 by Rodolfo Severino Dynamics of Natural Gas Industry in Southeast Asia by Tilak Doshi BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Brunei in 2010 by Christopher Roberts

CAMBODIA Cambodia in 2010: Economic Recovery, Governance and Human Rights Shortfalls by Khatharya Um INDONESIA Indonesia in 2010: Moving on from the “Democratic Honeymoon” by Bernhard Platzdasch The Ongoing Extremist Threat in Indonesia by Sidney Jones LAOS Laos: Celebrations and Development Debates by Simon Creak

MALAYSIA Malaysia in 2010: Resurgent Najib and BN, Stumbling Anwar and PR by Ong Kian Ming Malaysia ‘Punching Above its Weight’ ... and Finally Hitting the Target by John Lee

Regional Outlook Southeast Asia 2011–2012


MYANMAR Myanmar in 2010: The Elections Year and Beyond by David Steinberg Myanmar Elections 2010: Continuity and Change by Tin Maung Maung Than

THE PHILIPPINES The Philippines in 2010: Reclaiming Hope by Edilberto C de Jesus Balancing Gambits in 21st Century Philippine Foreign Policy: Gains and Possible Demise? by Renato C De Castro

SINGAPORE Singapore in 2010: Rebounding from Economic Slump, Managing Tensions Between a Global City and a Fledging Nation State by Faizal Yahya Goh Keng Swee: Thinker and Institution Builder by Ooi Kee Beng THAILAND Thailand in 2010: Struggles and Transformations of the Emergency State by Michael Connors Competing Diplomacies: Thailand Amidst SinoAmerican Rivalry by Pavin Chachavalpongpun TIMOR–LESTE Timor Leste in 2010 by Dennis Shoesmith

VIETNAM Vietnam in 2010: Familiar Patterns and New Developments Ahead of the 11th Party Congress by Edmund J Malesky, Paul Schuler & Ngoc Anh Tran

International Relations in Southeast Asia


Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Regional Outlook is designed for the busy executive, professional, diplomat, journalist, or interested observer. It aims to provide a succinct analysis of current political and economic trends shaping the region, and the outlook for the forthcoming two years. This forward-looking book contains focused political commentaries and economic forecasts on all ten countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as a select number of topical pieces of significance to the region.

This fully revised and updated edition of Donald Weatherbee’s widely praised text offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the international relations of contemporary Southeast Asia. The author analyses the Southeast Asian states’ efforts to adapt to a regional international environment that is characterized by the security demands of the war on terrorism; the economic demands of globalism; and the political demands of nontraditional issues such as democracy, human rights, the environment, and gender.

E-book 978-981-4311-69-4 Visit ISEAS website for price

(ISEAS/Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.)

2011 183 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-00-7

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RO/11 S$29.90/US$24.90

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2010 323 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-13-7


BM423 S$10.00/US$8.00

E-book 978-981-4311-35-9 Visit ISEAS website for price

Wang Gungwu: Junzi


Scholar-Gentleman in Conversation with Asad-ul Iqbal Latif This book of interviews with Professor Wang Gungwu, published to felicitate him on his 80th birthday in 2010, seeks to convey the life, times and thoughts of a leading historian, Southeast Asianist, Sinologist and public intellectual. The interviews flesh out Professor Wang’s views on being Chinese in Malaya; his experience of living and working in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia; the Vietnam War; Hong Kong and its return to China; the rise of China; Taiwan’s, Japan’s and India’s place in the emerging scheme of things; and on the United States in an age of terrorism and war. The book includes an interview with his wife, Mrs Margaret Wang, on their life together for half a century. 2010 261 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-52-6 Hard cover 978-981-4311-53-3

BM428 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4311-54-0 Visit ISEAS website for price

Pirates, Ports, and N EW Coasts in Asia

An anthropologist and historian, and Associate Professor, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Donald S. Russell Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina, USA.

Fellow and Joint Coordinator, Regional Economic Studies Unit, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

2010 52 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-34-2

John Kleinen, editor

Donald E Weatherbee

Lee Poh Onn, editor

Know Your ASEAN sets down, in clear and simple language, the basic facts about the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It does so in the form of 40 questions and their answers. This is the second edition of the booklet that was among the contributions of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies to the observance of the 40th anniversary of ASEAN’s founding on 8 August 1967. Since the first edition was published in 2007, many developments have taken place in ASEAN and Southeast Asia, including the adoption of the ASEAN Charter. Hence, the need for an updated version of the text.

Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

The Struggle for Autonomy (Second Edition)

Michael J Montesano, editor

Know Your ASEAN N EW (2nd Edition)


BM417 S$48.90/US$34.95

Manon Osseweijer, editor Deputy Director, International Institute for Asian Studies, the Netherlands, and she coorganized the workshop from which the chapters of this book result.

Pirates, Ports and Coasts in Asia aims to fill in some of the historical gaps in the coverage of maritime piracy and armed robbery in Asia. Piracy being the most dramatic of marginal(ized) maritime livelihood, this book brings the relationship between pirates, ports, and coastal hinterlands into focus. 2010 299 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-07-9

IIAS-P4 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4279-11-6 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/IIAS)


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A S E A N an d A s i a - P a c i f i c

Southeast Asia Background Series


Islam in Southeast Asia Hussin Mutalib Islam is a major religion in Southeast Asia, with Indonesian Muslims comprising the largest Muslim population in the world. Events and developments since 11 September 2001 have added greater attention to Islam and its adherents in this part of the world. This survey is intended to inform, explain and update readers about the more significant aspects of Islam in Southeast Asia, then and now. 2008 94 pp Hard 978-981-230-758-3 E-book 978-981-230-759-0

SEAB11 S$19.90/US$15.90


Modernization Trends in Southeast Asia Terence Chong This book discusses and identifies the modernizing trends, which have changed Southeast Asian countries in varying ways. After an overview of current concepts of modernity, the following chapters introduce issues of education, citizenship and ethnicity, religion, the emergence of the middle class, and mass consumption in Southeast Asia. 2005 72 pp Hard 978-981-230-316-5 E-book 978-981-230-705-7

SEAB9 S$14.00/US$10.90


Evolution of ASEANJapan Relations

As part of ISEAS’ 35th anniversary celebration in 2003, we launched the Southeast Asia Background Series. This series aims to promote a better awareness among the general public of trends and developments in the region. The General Editor of the Southeast Asia Background Series is Professor Saw Swee-Hock. Print-on-Demand

Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals of the Twentieth Century This study examines the Indonesian Muslim intellectuals of the twentieth century carefully examined the society in which they lived. They did this at a time when the Indonesian nation was forming itself, beginning with the nationalist movements of the early part of the century when the Dutch controlled the archipelago, and continuing into the last half of the century when Indonesia was an independent nation. Reprint 2008 96 pp Hard 978-981-230-299-1 E-book 978-981-230-704-0

SEAB8 S$25.00/US$15.00


Southeast Asia in the WTO Razeen Sally

This book charts ASEAN-Japan relations from the immediate postwar years to the foreign policy doctrines of successive Japanese governments since ASEAN’s inception. The author concludes that, for relations with ASEAN to realize full mutual potential, Japan will have to continue to fully recognize its regional responsibility in maintaining sustained economic growth and peace and security in the region. E-book 978-981-230-702-6

E-book 978-981-230-701-9

2005 66 pp Hard 978-981-230-281-6

SEAB6 S$14.00/US$10.90


Corporate Governance of Listed Companies in Thailand Sakulrat Montreevat This book provides an understanding of corporate governance in the context of Thailand. It explains the background and scope of corporate governance in Thailand before and after the Asian financial crisis, and details the roles of the relevant agencies and the key elements of corporate governance for listed companies. 2006 90 pp Hard 978-981-230-266-3 E-book 978-981-230-699-9

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SEAB3 S$14.00/US$10.90

2004 98 pp Hard 978-981-230-268-7

SEAB5 S$14.00/US$10.90


ASEAN Economic Co-operation and Challenges

Since its founding in 1967, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has been an increasingly large part of the life of Southeast Asia, although most people in the region know very little about it. ASEAN has helped bring peace and stability to the region. This book seeks to shed some light on what ASEAN is all about. An essential part of the Southeast Asia Background Series, this book seeks to shed some light on what ASEAN is all about. 2008 111 pp Hard 978-981-230-750-7 E-book 978-981-230-751-4

E-book 978-981-230-698-2

SEAB2 S$14.00/US$10.90


Robbie B H Goh This book briefly recounts the history of the establishment and expansion of Christianity during the colonial and post-colonial eras. With the exception of the Philippines, Christianity has been a minor religion in much of Southeast Asia. Although statistically small, evangelical Christian groups in particular are trying to increase membership and influence, which may have adverse reactions in the countries whose populations are adherents of other major world faiths. Reprint 2008 80 pp Hard 978-981-230-297-7 E-book 978-981-230-703-3

SEAB7 S$25.00/US$15.00


Housing in Southeast Asian Capital Cities Ooi Giok Ling The author presents some of the wider debates on housing and development while focusing on the major Southeast Asian capital cities. All these cities have expanded enormously in terms of population and size, all have enormous problems ranging from provision of clean water and sustainable housing for the poor to dealing with a constant inflow of rural-urban migrants. 2005 90 pp Hard 978-981-230-265-6 E-book 978-981-230-700-2

SEAB4 S$14.00/US$10.90


Free Trade Agreements in Southeast Asia Rahul Sen This book attempts to create a conceptual understanding on the features and benefits of FTAs proliferating in Southeast Asia. It focuses on the debate of whether such FTAs are a building or stumbling block towards achieving global free trade.

2004 96 pp Hard 978-981-230-250-2 E-book 978-981-230-697-5



Christianity in Southeast Asia

This book is written in an easily understood style. It explains the background of the orgin of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) of which there are 10 member-countries. The author looks at the progress made, as well as the problems that the association faces.

2004 81 pp Hard 978-981-230-264-9

SEAB10 S$19.90/US$15.90


Linda Low


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Rodolfo C Severino

Howard M Federspiel

Razeen Sally looks at Southeast Asia in the World Trade Organization, against the background of national trade policy trends post-Asian crisis, sluggish ASEAN economic integration, and the recent high-speed proliferation of bilateral and regional trade negotiations. ASEAN co-operation in the WTO has broken down, with little prospect of revival. Nevertheless, Sally argues forcefully that Southeast Asia needs a liberal, rules-based multilateral trading system; and that the WTO needs active Southeast Asian participation.

Sueo Sudo



SEAB1 S$14.00/US$10.90


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Life after the Charter


S Tiwari, editor

Former Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

With the completion of the ASEAN Charter, ASEAN needs to fully appreciate and work out the issues connected with its implementation. It is also important for ASEAN and its business sector to understand and implement the two newly completed key integration instruments (the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement and the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement 2009) and the business enhancing initiatives envisaged under them.

2010 166 pp Hard cover 978-981-4279-56-7

PIC194 S$39.90/US$32.90

E-book 978-981-4279-55-0 Visit ISEAS website for price

Managing Economic Crisis in Southeast Asia


Professorial Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and President’s Honorary Professor of Statistics, National University of Singapore.

The chapters deal with the management of the 2008–09 economic crisis in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, and the region as a whole. They represent an analysis of the impact of the economic crisis and the stimulus packages that were swiftly put in place by the governments to mitigate the economic recession and to pave the way for a quick recovery.

PIC203 S$39.90/US$32.90 S$49.90/US$42.90

E-book 978-981-4311-24-3 Visit ISEAS website for price


Power, Authority, and Legitimacy in Late Modernity - Second and Enlarged Edition


Daljit Singh, editor

Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

The essays in this volume provide the Indian and Southeast Asian perspectives on some of the geopolitical and security challenges facing South and Southeast Asia.

(ISEAS/KW Publishers)

Energy Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region

PIC198 S$34.90/US$25.90


BM409 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4311-02-1 Visit ISEAS website for price

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The report identifies priorities for replacing stimulus programmes with structural reforms, and for launching new growth engines to drive investment and employment throughout the AsiaPacific region. 2010 133 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-966-2

Asian Maritime Power in the 21st Century

Strategic Transactions: China, India and Southeast Asia

Mark Hong, editor

Vijay Sakhuja

Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) and Vice-Chairman, International Committee, Singapore Business Federation.

This useful energy book, based on lectures delivered at the ISEAS Energy Forum, as well as papers written by invited experts, provides a means to access energy information. It is part of the ISEAS Energy books series which serves to educate and raise public awareness on energy issues.

ENERGY6 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4279-29-1 Visit ISEAS website for price

Decentring and Diversifying Southeast Asian Studies


Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore and Director (Research), Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi.

Maritime power has been a key defining parameter of economic vitality and geostrategic power of nations. The first decade of the twenty-first century has witnessed the rise of China and India as confident economic powers pivoting on high growth rates, exponential expansion of science, technology and industrial growth. 2011 363 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-09-0

BM415 S$49.90/US$39.90

E-book 978-981-4311-10-6 Visit ISEAS website for price

Managing Economic Crisis in East Asia


Professorial Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and President’s Honorary Professor of Statistics, National University of Singapore.

John Wong, editor

BM430 S$39.90/US$34.90 S$49.90/US$45.90

E-book 978-981-4311-98-4 Visit ISEAS website for price



Saw Swee-Hock, editor

Current critical thinking on regions outside the West appear to be motivated by the limitations of Western discourse in comprehending the variation of human experiences and paths of modernity. This book represents part of the effort to decentre and diversify the future of area studies in the current politics of knowledge production. It presents dilemmas encountered by Southeast Asian intellectuals and their ethical recourse as they respond to the critique of area studies and political-economic and cultural reconfigurations around them. 2011 308 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-56-4 Hard cover 978-981-4311-57-1

PIC197 S$25.90/US$19.90

E-book 978-981-4279-77-2 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/PECC)

Visiting Associate, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

2010 329 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-28-4


Carl J. Shapiro Professor of International Finance, Brandeis International Business School (IBS) and a Senior Fellow, East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.

A Distinguished Fellow, Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi.

2010 166 pp Hard cover 978-981-4279-94-9

Inclusive, Balanced, Sustained Growth in the Asia-Pacific


Peter A Petri, editor

K.V. Kesavan, editor

Head, Southeast Asian Studies Programme, National University of Singapore.

The central metaphor in Globalization: Power, Authority, and Legitimacy in Late Modernity is partly constructed out of Michel Foucault’s metaphor of the Ship of Fools in Madness and Civilization. Building on Foucault’s brilliant argument, the three themes of hope, progress, and optimism as used in this book represent idiomatic expressions of the business of modernity that have developed since the time of the Industrial Revolution in the West. With this in mind, this book has been designed for upper-level undergraduates, graduate students, and readers who are interested in contemporary political theory.

2ASEAN.indd 5

Responding to Changing GeoPolitical and Security Challenges

Goh Beng-Lan, editor

Senior Lecturer, Security Studies, School of Business, SIM University, Singapore.

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Perspectives from the Region

Antonio L Rappa

2010 304 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-99-4

South and Southeast Asia

Amy Lugg, editor

Saw Swee-Hock, editor

2011 340 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-23-6 Hard cover 978-981-4311-79-3

A S E A N an d A s i a - P a c i f i c

Professorial Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore.

The chapters present a detailed analysis of the impact of the 2008–09 economic crisis in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, and the stimulus packages that were swiftly put in place by the governments to mitigate the economic recession and to pave the way for a quick recovery. With contributions from experts, this book will be extremely valuable to businessmen, analysts, academics, students, policy-makers and the general public interested in seeking a greater understanding of the global economic crisis. 2010 220 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-972-3 Hard cover 978-981-4311-18-2

PIC200 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$49.90/US$39.90

E-book 978-981-4279-01-7 Visit ISEAS website for price


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A S E A N an d A s i a - P a c i f i c

Forthcoming Harnessing Production Networks

The Making of Southeast Asia

Impacts and Policy Implications

Amitav Acharya Professor of International Relations, School of International Service, American University.

Aekapol Chongvilaivan Fellow and Trade Policy Unit Coordinator, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Characteristics of Firms in Thailand’s Manufacturing Sector 3 Firm Productivity Effects 4 Labour Productivity Effects 5 Skill Upgrading: Winners or Losers? 6 Outsourcing Typology: Does It Matter? 7 Policy Implications

Asia-Europe Dialogue and the Making of Modern Science

Implications for History, Philosophy and Sociology of Knowledge Arun Bala, editor Visiting Senior Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore. This study draws writers from a plurality of Asian cultures so as to not only better situate the contributions of the different Asian scientific traditions into a more balanced perspective, but also promote deeper insights into the ways in which influences from a diversity of civilizations get transmitted and modified as they cross boundaries of culture and become contextualized in new intellectual milieus.

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation New Agenda in its Third Decade Ippei Yamazawa Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University, ex-President, International University of Japan, and former President, Institute of Developing Economies/JETRO. Contents 1 APEC’s Current State and New Challenges 2 Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation 3 APEC’s Organization and Activities 4 Has APEC Achieved the Mid-Term Bogor Goal? 5 Realistic Approach for the Past Decade 6 Post-Bogor Agenda of APEC 7 APEC vs East Asian Community Statistical Appendices

Celebrating Europe An Asian Journey Asad-ul Iqbal Latif Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore. Contents Introduction: Europe 1 Europe Abroad 2 Gentiles 3 The Berlin Wall 4 Soviets of the Mind 5 The Secular Soul 6 The Leopard’s Italy 7 England 8 Champagne France 9 Two Bengali Greeks 10 The Polish Hospital 11 Postmodern Europe

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International Relations of a Region

Contents 1 Introduction: Region and Regionalism in the Making of Southeast Asia 2 Imagined Communities and Socially Constructed Regions 3 Imagining Southeast Asia 4 Nationalism, Regionalism and the Cold War Order 5 The Evolution of Regional Organization 6 Southeast Asia Divided: Polarization and Reconciliation 7 Constructing “One Southeast Asia” 8 Globalization and the Crisis of Regional Identity 9 Whither Southeast Asia? (ISEAS/Cornell University Press)

The Challenge of Energy Security in the 21st Century Trends of Significance Hooman Peimani, editor Head, Energy Security, Energy Studies Institute (ESI), National University of Singapore (NUS). Contents 1 Introduction 2 Global Trends in Renewable Electricity, Renewable Fuels and Markets for Renewable Heating and Cooling 3 Resource Mutualism or Co-dependence? The WaterEnergy Nexus in Asia 4 OPEC’s Long–Term Role in Affecting Energy Security 5 Whither a Gas OPEC? Not in the Pipelines 6 Shared Interests or Competing Actions: What Drives Energy Security Cooperation between Asia and Europe? 7 Conclusion

ASEAN-U.S. Relations What are the Talking Points? Pavin Chachavalpongpun Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore. This volume is the result of a workshop on “ASEAN-U.S. Relations: What are the Talking Points”, organized by the ASEAN Studies Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, in July 2010. The objective of the workshop was clear: to ascertain the facts of those relations and the specific matter of the United States’ engagement with ASEAN and East Asia, for possible use by ASEAN in the discussions at the next ASEAN-U.S. Summit Meeting in 2010 and at other ASEAN-U.S. policy forums. The topics of discussion cover several elements of this relationship, ranging from the U.S. military presence in the ASEAN region, cooperation on maritime security and recent U.S. policy towards Myanmar, to progress on technical cooperation.

Water Issues in Southeast Asia Present Trends and Future Directions Lee Poh Onn, editor Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. The topics covered in this book include the potential of upstream-downstream conflicts between China and the various Indochinese states, solutions for cross-border conflicts in the form of river basin agreements between countries and the preconditions for success, public-private partnership issues in Southeast Asia, and water-related issues in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

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Poverty, Food and Global Recession in Southeast Asia Is the Crisis Over for the Poor? Aris Ananta, editor Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. Richard Barichello, editor Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. This book aims to contribute a better understanding on poverty and food security in Southeast Asia during the recent global recession considering both recent developments and the previous major crisis of 1997-98.

History of India for the Children of the Diaspora Balaji Sadasivan The late Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore. Contents 1 The Dancing Girl 2 The Vedic Age 3 The Middle Path 4 Greeks at the Door 5 The Science of Government 6 Remorse at Kalinga 7 Martyrdom at Mylapore 8 Valley of Blood 9 The Nine Gems 10 The Giver of Knowledge 11 Arab Storm 12 The Reformation 13 The Gates of Somnath 14 Beacon of Civilization 15 Sovereign Lord 16 A Slave’s Slave 17 The Shadow of Allah 18 Thousand Dinar Kafur 19 Delhi Woes 20 The Bulwark 21 For Christians and Spices 22 Matchlocks and Cannons 23 The Afghan 24 The Last Maharajah of Delhi 25 The Death of a City 26 The Divine Religion 27 The Book 28 The Light of the World 29 Splendour Amidst Misery 30 The Seizer of the Universe

The U.S.–Singapore Free Trade Agreement An American Perspective on Power, Trade, and Security in the Asia Pacific Eul-Soo Pang Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore. Contents Introduction 1 On the Crest of Trade and Globalisation: Singapore and America 2 The Road to the United States–Singapore Free Trade Agreement 3 American International Trade Practices: History and Theory 4 The USSFTA Bridging Economic Regionalism and Security Regionalism 5 The American Politics of FTAs, Lobbying, and Domestic Reforms 6 A New Strategic Relationship in the Western Pacific: Asia’s Preferences and America’s Choices


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The Gulf Cooperation Council


A Rising Power and Lessons for ASEAN Linda Low

Head of Strategic Planning, Department of Economic Development, Abu Dhabi Government, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Senior Research Analyst with a global consulting firm.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is comprised of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Seeking to draw out lessons applicable to ASEAN, this report looks at the structure and evolution of the GCC. The report sets out the key challenges ahead for the Council, and concludes by highlighting the structural, organizational, and political lessons that resonate with ASEAN and its membership.

ASC12 S$22.90/US$16.90

E-book 978-981-4311-41-0 Visit ISEAS website for price

Oceans of Crime Maritime Piracy and Transnational Security in Southeast Asia and Bangladesh


Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University, Australia.

IIAS-P5 S$59.90/US$54.90

E-book 978-981-4279-43-7 Visit ISEAS website for price

India, China and Globalization


The Emerging Superpowers and the Future of Economic Development

2ASEAN.indd 7

The book examine the agreement and how it evolved, it also provides lessons for others, particularly in ASEAN, as they work on regional on bilateral economic relations. The special features of the Agreement are identified, and its evolution is charted. Current debates are reviewed, and assessments of its impact are discussed. Ten lessons for the designers of other agreements are presented.

ASC11 S$29.90/US$25.90

E-book 978-981-4279-98-7 Visit ISEAS website for price


Lino Miani

Major, United States Army Special Forces.

Situated in a remote area long a historical buffer zone between competing political entities, the Sulu Arms Market is an illicit market of a typical form in that it is both a source and a destination for less-than-legal guns. Like most black arms pipelines, the Sulu Arms Market is intertwined with piracy, terrorism, and the traffic of other illicit commodities.

BM416 S$39.90/US$32.00

E-book 978-981-4311-12-0 Visit ISEAS website for price

Looking East to Look West

BM398 S$59.90/US$42.90

Fax +65 6775 6259

This book traces the process from the earliest mention of Suvarnadbhumi in the Ramayana to Lee Kuan Yew’s letter to Lal Bahadur Shastri within moments of declaring independence on 9 August 1965, from the Tata’s pioneering industrial training venture in Singapore to Singapore’s Information Technology Park in Bangalore. It explains the part Lee played in India’s emergence as a player in the emerging Concert of Asia. 2009 384 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-04-8

BM386 S$29.90/US$24.90

E-book 978-981-4279-30-7 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/Penguin India)


The book explores the ethos of domestic travel and holiday-making in order to understand the distinctive common strands that underlie conventional and contemporary tourism practices, against the local and global backdrop. It presents some of the many interfaces of Asian cultural and natural heritages with tourism, while giving due consideration to today’s political and economic realities. 2011 335 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-93-9 (ISEAS/Earthscan)

Southeast Asian Regionalism New Zealand Perspectives

BM437 S$49.90/US$35.90


Nicholas Tarling

Retired Professor of History, University of Auckland, New Zealand.

With the disappearance of the imperial structures that had dominated Southeast Asia, newly independent states had to develop foreign policies of their own. But so far few if any of these states have been willing to allow the public to explore any documentation of their activities. Building on his earlier work that drew on UK records, the author incorporates material from New Zealand archives — which also contain reports from Australian and Canadian diplomats — to provide a historical analysis of the foreign policies of Southeast Asian nations from a New Zealand perspective. 2011 108 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-49-6

BM410 S$29.90/US$24.90

E-book 978-981-4311-01-4 Visit ISEAS website for price

How Asia Can Shape the World


From the Era of Plenty to the Era of Scarcities Jørgen Ørstrom Møller

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

One of India’s leading journalists. He was Editor of the Statesman.

India and China are recent reminders of an invaluable lesson of our times: development does not need perfect systems, but it is the outcome of strategic thinking, smart implementation and efficient governance. The book presents an exploration that emanates from the empirical evidence which is pertinent to the ascent of India and China and the impact that globalization has had during recent decades.

Phone +65 68702447/68702483

PhD Candidate, School of Economics, University of Adelaide.

Sunanda K. Datta-Ray

Development Economist who has worked as a journalist with the Economic Times and author of The Economic Con-Game.

(ISEAS/Palgrave Macmillan)

Uwe Kaufmann

Lee Kuan Yew’s Mission India

Piya Mahtaney

2010 323 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-49-9

Associate Professor, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, Brock University, Canada.

Professor and Head, School of Economics, University of Adelaide.

2011 215 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-11-3


Shalini Singh, editor

Christopher Findlay

2010 116 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-97-0

Domestic Tourism in Asia


Diversity and Divergence

National Responses to a Regional Problem

This book explains why, and in what form, piracy still exists. It offers an integrated analysis of the root causes of piracy, linking declining fish stocks, organized crime networks, radical politically motivated groups, the use of flags of convenience, the lack of state control over national territory, and the activities of private security companies, and identifies their wider security implications. (ISEAS/IIAS)


Associate Professor of Economics and Director, the APEC Study Centre, University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Arms Trafficking in the Sulu Region

Carolin Liss

2011 426 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-46-8

Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) and Regional Integration Robert Scollay

Lorraine Carlos Salazar

2010 60 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-40-3

A S E A N an d A s i a - P a c i f i c

Asia will redraw the map of economic progress over the next twenty-five years. Growth is necessary to solve economic and social problems, but harder to achieve as the age of plenty gives way to the age of scarcities. The challenge opens the doors for an Asian economic model based on shifting of productivity for the individual to groups, ecological productivitiy instead of economic productivity, and a reversal to traditional Asian values — less materialistic than Western values. A new paradigm for economic thinking emerges to replace the one launched in the West 200 years ago. 2011 540 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-33-5

BM422 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4311-74-8 Visit ISEAS website for price


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A S E A N an d A s i a - P a c i f i c


India and ASEAN P. V. Rao, editor

Professor of Political Science and Director, Centre for Indian Ocean Studies, Osmania University, India.

This book is an exercise, by regional specialists, in assessing the different dimensions of India-ASEAN relations. As Asia-Pacific has become the foci of great power involvement, one cannot ignore the relevance of such involvement to the India-ASEAN relations. Dealing with ASEAN means engaging its individual member countries as well as those other powers and forums affiliated with that organization. Hence, India’s relations with the individual countries, ASEAN’s affiliated bodies as well as the impact on India of great power relations, say China, with ASEAN are broadly debated. 2011 438 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-92-2 (ISEAS/KW Publishers)


BM436 S$39.90/US$29.90

Papua Road Map

Negotiating the Past, Improving the Present and Securing the Future Muridan S. Widjojo, editor Worked at LIPI since1993.

The atmosphere of Reformasi, and the existence of the accommodative Law No. 21/2001 on Special Autonomy (UU Otsus), a responsive central government, as well as the very large size of Papua’s budget, lead the LIPI team to have faith that the problems of Papua can be resolved with justice, peace and dignity.

2010 211 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-00-0 (ISEAS/Yayasan Obor)


BM411 S$35.90/US$24.90

Ruling Myanmar

From Cyclone Nargis to National Elections Nick Cheesman, editor

Doctoral candidate, Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University, Canberra.

Monique Skidmore, editor

Dean, Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra, and Adjunct Professor, School of Humanities, Australian National University.

Trevor Wilson, editor

Visiting Fellow, Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University, Canberra.

While the elections represent a turning point for Myanmar/Burma, the lead-up period has not been marked by many notable improvements in the way the country is governed or in the reforming impact of international assistance programmes. Leading experts from the United States, Japan, France, and Australia as well as from Myanmar/Burma have conributed to this collection of papers from the Myanmar/Burma Update Conference.

2010 353 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-46-5 Hard cover 978-981-4311-47-2

PIC205 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$49.90/US$39.90

Phone +65 68702447/68702483

Fax +65 6775 6259

E-book 978-981-4311-48-9 Visit ISEAS website for price

2ASEAN.indd 8


Partners at Summit

Southeast Asian Personalities of Chinese Descent A Biographical Dictionary Leo Suryadinata, editor Director, Chinese Heritage Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. This is the first authoritative scholarly work on Southeast Asian personalities of Chinese descent. It will showcase the impact and contribution of these personalities in Southeast Asia in the 20th century and beyond. Scholars and country experts have conducted extensive research to include personalities from the 10 ASEAN countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Strategic Currents Issues in Non-Traditional Security in Asia Yang Razali Kassim, editor Senior Fellow, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. This volume focuses on the theme of Non-Traditional Security, especially issues currently impacting on Asia. The issues revolve around human security and range from climate change and natural disasters; energy security; health, food and water security to questions of internal challenges such as governance, politics and identity. The role of diplomacy in non-traditional security is also covered in this volume of published essays and commentaries written by scholars and academics from, or associated with, the S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University.

PORTUGUESE AND LUSO-ASIAN LEGACIES, 1511-2011 Complexities of Engagement, Culture, and Identity in Southeast Asia Laura Jarnagin Pang, editor Visiting Professorial Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.


Part I: Adaptations and Transitions in the South and Southeast Asian Theatres, Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries 1


3 4 5

Supplying Simples for the Royal Hospital: An ­­Indo-Portuguese Medicinal Garden in Goa (1520-1830) by Timothy Walker

Melaka in the Era of Viceroy Linhares (162935) by Anthony Disney Eighteenth-Century Diplomatic Relations between Portuguese Macao and Ayutthaya: The 1721 Debt Repayment Embassy from Macao by Stefan Halikowski-Smith

From Meliapur to Mylapore, 1662-1749: The ­Portuguese Presence in São Tomé between the Qutb Shai Conquest and Incorporation into British Madras by Paolo Aranha Continuities in Portuguese Contact with Bengal and Their Legacy: A Community’s Future Entangled with the Past by Ujjayan Bhattacharya

Part II: Dispersion, Mobility, and Demography, Sixteenth to Twenty-First Centuries 6 7 8

The Luso-Asians and Other Eurasians: Their Domestic and Diasporic Identities by John Byrne

Demographic Trends of the Estado da Índia by Paulo Matos

Flying with the “Papagaio Verde” (Green Parrot): An Indo-Portuguese Folkloric Motif in South and Southeast Asia by K. David Jackson

Part III: The Mixed Legacies of the Portuguese and Luso-Asians in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries 9

Portuguese Communities in Southeast and East Asia during the Japanese Occupation by Felicia Yap

10 The Indo-Portuguese Literature and the Goa of Its Writers by Everton Machado 11 Binding Ties of Miscegenation and Identity: The Narratives of Henrique Senna de Fernandes (Macau) and Rex Shelley (Singapore) by Isabel Morais


VOLUME 2: THE TENACITIES AND PLASTICITIES OF CULTURE AND IDENTITY Part I: Crafting Identity in the Luso-Asian World 1 2 3 4 5

Catholic Communities and Their Festivities under the Portuguese Padroado in Early Modern Southeast Asia by Tara Alberts

A Snapshot of a Portuguese Community in Southeast Asia: The Bandel of Ayutthaya, 1684-86 by Rita Carvalho Diaspora, Discovery, and Multiple Identities: The Portuguese Sephardim of Luso Asia by Bonnie Wasserman

The Colonial Command of Ceremonial Language: Etiquette and Custom-Imitation in NineteenthCentury East Timor by Ricardo Roque

Remembering the Portuguese Presence in Timor and Its Contribution to the Making of Timor’s National and Cultural Identity by Vicente Paulino

Part II: Cultural Components: Language, Architecture, and Music 6

The Malayo-Portuguese Language of Malacca: A Delicate Ecology by Alan Baxter


Verb Markings in Makista: Continuity, Discontinuity, and Accommodation by Mário Pinharanda



Oral Traditions of the Luso-Asian Communities: Local, Regional, and Continental by Hugo Cardoso From European-Asian Conflict to Cultural Heritage: Identification of Portuguese and Spanish Forts in Ternate and Tidore Islands by Manuel Lobato

10 The Influence of Portuguese Musical Culture in Southeast Asia in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Christian Storch Part III: Adversity and Accommodation

11 “Aocheng” or “Cidade do Nome de Deus”: Urban Development of Old Macao through Chinese Eyes, 16th to 18th Centuries by Vincent Ho

12 Enemies, Friends, and Relations: PortugueseEurasians during Malacca’s Dutch Era and Beyond by Dennis De Witt

12 Portuguese Past, Still Imperfect: Asian ReEncounters in Contemporary Lusophone Literatures by Christopher Larkosh



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ASEAN-China Study Programme Southeast Asian Studies in China Saw Swee-Hock and John Wong, editors The book traces the development of Southeast Asian Studies in China, discusses the current status of these studies, examines the problems encountered in the pursuit of these studies, and attempts to evaluate their prospects in the years ahead.

2007 204 pp Hard 978-981-230-404-9 E-book 978-981-230-654-8

PIC152 S$39.90/US$32.90

Visit ISEAS website

Bibliography of ASEAN-China Relations

ASEAN-China Relations

2006 165 pp Hard 978-981-230-380-6 E-book 978-981-230-564-0

BM301 S$49.90/US$39.90

Visit ISEAS website

2005 375 pp Soft 978-981-230-342-4 E-book 978-981-230-636-4

Saw Swee-Hock, editor This book, is designed to deal with the rapidly expanding economic relations between ASEAN and China in recent years. With contributions from experts in the various topics covered, it will be invaluable to businessmen, analysts, academics, students, and policymakers.

2006 376 pp Soft 978-981-230-408-7 Hard 978-981-230-422-3 E-book 978-981-230-656-2

Impact of China on Poverty Reduction in the Greater Mekong Sub-region Greater Mekong Sub-Region Development Analysis Network (GMS DAN) Contents 1 China’s Impact on Poverty in the Mekong Subregion: An Introduction 2 “Assessing China’s Impact on Poverty Reduction in the Greater Mekong Sub-region”: International Literature Review 3 Assessing the Impact of GMS Cooperation on International Trade and Poverty Reduction of Yunnan Province 4 Assessing the Impact of China’s Economic Growth on its FDI to GMS Countries 5 China’s ODA to the GMS Countries 6 Cambodia Country Report 7 Assesing China’s Impact on Poverty in Lao PDR 8 Thailand Country Report 9 Vietnam Country Report (ISEAS/CDRI)

Preserving Cultural Identity through Education

PIC134 S$49.90/US$38.90

Visit ISEAS website


2004 66 pp Soft 978-981-230-284-7



Professorial Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and President’s Honorary Professor of Statistics, National University of Singapore.

John Wong, editor

Zhang Xing

Professorial Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore.

PhD candidate, Peking University (China) and Martin Luther University (Germany).

This detailed and unprecedented study examines the history and significance of Chinese- medium schools in Calcutta. It focuses on the role the schools played in preserving Chinese cultural identity not only through the use of educational curricula and textbooks imported from China, but also with the emphasis on the need to return to the ancestral homeland for higher education.

NSC1 S$19.90/US$14.90

E-book 978-981-4279-88-8 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/Manohar)

Managing Economic Crisis in East Asia

PIC122 S$19.90/US$15.90

Saw Swee-Hock, editor

The Schools of the Chinese Community in Calcutta, India

2010 88 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-87-1

Visit ISEAS website

To provide a comprehensive understanding of China’s rapid rise and explore the impact and implications for ASEAN, the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) organized the first ASEAN-China Forum from 23 to 24 June 2004 in Singapore. The Forum brought together more than thirty reputable experts and scholars from China and ASEAN countries. E-book 978-981-230-625-8


PIC154 S$49.90/US$40.90 S$69.90/US$54.90

Realities and Prospects. A Brief Report on the ASEAN-China Forum

Saw Swee-Hock, Sheng Lijun and Chin Kin Wah editors ASEAN and China have established a promising strategic partnership ensuring peace, stability, cooperation as well as prosperity for the region. This book examines some of the areas of convergence and divergence and the possible trajectories of the development of ASEAN-China relations.

ASEAN-China Economic Relations

Developing ASEANChina Relations

Realities and Prospects

Linda Yip Seong Chun, compiler Bibliography of ASEAN-China Relations contains the most comprehensive and up-to-date list of 999 titles in English covering relations between ASEAN and China. The book is an indispensable source for researchers interested in the relations between ASEAN and China.

The ASEAN-China Study Programme is dedicated to the study of ASEANChina relations. It conducts research on development in the political and economic relations between ASEAN and China. It also seeks to build strong academic ties with leading research i­ nstitutions in both China and ASEAN countries through cooperation such as exchange of visiting research fellows, joint research, and international conferences. It promotes academic interactions among those who are in the study of ASEAN-China relations. This programme is funded by Professor Saw Swee-Hock.

The chapters present a detailed analysis of the impact of the 2008–09 economic crisis in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, and the stimulus packages that were swiftly put in place by the governments to mitigate the economic recession and to pave the way for a quick recovery. With contributions from experts, this book will be extremely valuable to businessmen, analysts, academics, students, policy-makers and the general public interested in seeking a greater understanding of the global economic crisis. 2010 220 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-972-3 Hard cover 978-981-4311-18-2

PIC200 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$49.90/US$39.90

E-book 978-981-4279-01-7 Visit ISEAS website for price

Phone +65 68702447/68702483 3CHINA.indd 9

Fax +65 6775 6259



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South and Southeast Asia

Responding to Changing GeoPolitical and Security Challenges


Strategic Transactions: China, India and Southeast Asia

K V Kesavan, editor

Vijay Sakhuja

Distinguished fellow, Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi.

Daljit Singh, editor

Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

The book provides the Indian and Southeast Asian perspectives on some of the geopolitical and security challenges facing South and Southeast Asia. These include the interests and role of major outside powers in the two regions and the relations between these powers; the trends in Asian regionalism, especially the ASEAN-led regionalism and India’s place in it; the growing maritime and naval interests of the two rising Asian powers, China and India; and the impact of climate change.

2010 166 pp Hard cover 978-981-4279-94-9 (ISEAS/KW Publishers)


PIC198 S$34.90/US$25.90

India and ASEAN Partners at Summit

Asian Maritime Power in the 21st Century

Director (Research), Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi.

Maritime power has been a key defining parameter of economic vitality and geostrategic power of nations. The first decade of the twentyfirst century has witnessed the rise of China and India as confident economic powers pivoting on high growth rates, exponential expansion of science, technology and industrial growth. Sequel to their steadily growing economic clout has been the emphatic resurgence of their maritime power evident in maritime shipping, port development and the concomitant expansion of naval power. 2011 363 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-09-0

BM415 S$49.90/US$39.90

E-book 978-981-4311-10-6 Visit ISEAS website for price


P. V. Rao, editor

Professor of Political Science and Director, Centre for Indian Ocean Studies, Osmania University, India.

How Asia Can Shape the World From the Era of Plenty to the Era of Scarcities Jørgen Ørstrom Møller

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

This book is an exercise, by regional specialists, in assessing the different dimensions of India-ASEAN relations. As Asia-Pacific has become the foci of great power involvement, one cannot ignore the relevance of such involvement to the India-ASEAN relations. Dealing with ASEAN means engaging its individual member countries as well as those other powers and forums affiliated with that organization. Hence, India’s relations with the individual countries, ASEAN’s affiliated bodies as well as the impact on India of great power relations, say China, with ASEAN are broadly debated.

Asia will redraw the map of economic progress over the next twenty-five years. Growth is necessary to solve economic and social problems, but harder to achieve as the age of plenty gives way to the age of scarcities. The challenge opens the doors for an Asian economic model based on shifting of productivity for the individual to groups, ecological productivitiy instead of economic productivity, and a reversal to traditional Asian values — less materialistic than Western values. A new paradigm for economic thinking emerges to replace the one launched in the West 200 years ago.

(ISEAS/KW Publishers)

E-book 978-981-4311-74-8 Visit ISEAS website for price

2011 438 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-92-2


BM436 S$39.90/US$29.90

India, China and Globalization

The Emerging Superpowers and the Future of Economic Development Piya Mahtaney

Development Economist who has worked as a journalist with the Economic Times and author of The Economic Con-Game.

India and China are recent reminders of an invaluable lesson of our times: development does not need perfect systems, but it is the outcome of strategic thinking, smart implementation and efficient governance. The book presents an exploration that emanates from the empirical evidence which is pertinent to the ascent of India and China and the impact that globalization has had during recent decades. 2010 323 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-49-9

BM398 S$59.90/US$42.90

Phone +65 68702447/68702483

Fax +65 6775 6259

(ISEAS/Palgrave Macmillan)

4INDIA.indd 10

2011 540 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-33-5


BM422 S$59.90/US$49.90

Energy Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region Amy Lugg, editor

Visiting Associate, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

Mark Hong, editor

Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) and Vice-Chairman, International Committee, Singapore Business Federation.

This useful energy book, based on lectures delivered at the ISEAS Energy Forum, as well as papers written by invited experts, provides a means to access energy information. It is part of the ISEAS Energy books series which serves to educate and raise public awareness on energy issues.

Forthcoming Beyond the Myth Indian Business Communities in Singapore Jayati Bhattacharya Visiting Research Fellow at Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore. This book is a macro-study of Indian business communities in Singapore through different phases of their growth since colonial times. It goes beyond the conventional labour-history approach to study Indian immigrants to Southeast Asia, both in terms of themselves and their connections with the peoples’ movements. It looks at how Indian business communities negotiated with others in the environments in which they found themselves and adapted to them in novel ways.

History of India for the Children of the Diaspora

Balaji Sadasivan The late Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore. Contents 1 The Dancing Girl 2 The Vedic Age 3 The Middle Path 4 Greeks at the Door 5 The Science of Government 6 Remorse at Kalinga 7 Martyrdom at Mylapore 8 Valley of Blood 9 The Nine Gems 10 The Giver of Knowledge 11 Arab Storm 12 The Reformation 13 The Gates of Somnath 14 Beacon of Civilization 15 Sovereign Lord 16 A Slave’s Slave 17 The Shadow of Allah 18 Thousand Dinar Kafur 19 Delhi Woes 20 The Bulwark 21 For Christians and Spices 22 Matchlocks and Cannons 23 The Afghan 24 The Last Maharajah of Delhi 25 The Death of a City 26 The Divine Religion 27 The Book 28 The Light of the World 29 Splendour Amidst Misery 30 The Seizer of the Universe

Nagapattinam to Suvarnadwipa Reflections on the Chola Naval Expeditions to Southeast Asia Hermann Kulke, editor

Professor Emeritus of Asian History, Kiel University, Germany.

K. Kesavapany, editor

Director, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Vijay Sakhuja, editor

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

This volume examines the background, course and effects of the Chola naval expeditions, as well as the regional context of the events. It brings to light many aspects of this key period in Asian history. Unprecedented in the degree of detail assigned to the story of the Chola expeditions, this volume is also unique in that it includes translations of the contemporary Tamil and Sanskrit inscriptions relating to Southeast Asia and of the Song dynasty Chinese texts relating to the Chola Kingdom. 2009 337 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-936-5 Hard cover 978-981-230-937-2

2010 329 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-28-4

ENERGY6 S$59.90/US$49.90



E-book 978-981-4279-29-1 Visit ISEAS website for price

PIC187 S$49.90/US$39.90 S$69.90/US$59.90

E-book 978-981-230-938-9 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/Manohar)

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Vietnam Update Series This series is published jointly by ISEAS and the Vietnam Update Project of the ­Research School of ­Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University.

Education in Vietnam N EW


Jonathan D. London, editor

Minorities at Large

Labour in Vietnam

Approaches to Minority Ethnicity in Vietnam

Anita Chan, editor

Philip Taylor, editor

QEII Fellow, Department of Anthropology, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University.

This collection of essays offer provocative analyses that challenge stereotypes about minority groups in scholarship and official development policy in Vietnam. These studies reveal how peoples at the periphery of the modern nation-state have been active in the transformation and redefinition of their worlds. (ISEAS/University of California Press)

Modernity and Re-enchantment Religion in Post-revolutionary Vietnam Philip Taylor, editor 2007 492 pp IU24 Soft 978-981-230-438-4 S$49.90/US$32.90 Hard 978-981-230-440-7 S$69.90/US$54.90 E-book 978-981-230-456-8 Visit ISEAS website

Director, Vietnam Project, Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, and Assistant Professor, Department of Asian and International Studies both at City University of Hong Kong.

Two decades after Vietnam introduced a programme of economic renovation commonly known in Doi Moi, the country today allows market competition in industry, and a new working class has been created. This is the first book to focus on the role and conditions of workers in the new economic regime. The authors of the book trace Vietnam’s labour history, explore the impact of the socialist legacy and examine the reasons for the large number of recent strikes. The book provides insights into the workforce of one of Asia’s most rapidly developing industrial economies.

Social Inequality in Vietnam and the Challenges to Reform Philip Taylor, editor 2004 393 pp IU20 Soft 978-981-230-275-5 S$39.90/US$30.90 Hard 978-981-230-254-0 S$69.90/US$49.90 E-book 978-981-230-595-4

Visit ISEAS website

Featuring contributions from scholars and policy analysts from within and outside Vietnam, Education in Vietnam addresses key issues pertaining to the political economy of education, the provision and payment for primary and secondary education, and the development of vocational and tertiary education. 2011 341 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-05-5

E-book 978-981-4279-06-2 Visit ISEAS website for price

Beyond Hanoi

Local Government in Vietnam Benedict J Tria Kerkvliet and David G Marr, editors 2004 356 pp IU18 Soft 978-981-230-220-5 S$39.90/US$27.90 Hard 978-981-230-222-9 S$59.90/US$44.90 E-book 978-981-230-594-7

Visit ISEAS website


Getting Organized in Vietnam Moving in and around the Socialist State

Benedict J Tria Kerkvliet, Russell HiangKhng Heng and David Koh, editors 2003 277 pp IU17 Soft 978-981-230-165-9 S$39.90/US$30.90 Hard 978-981-230-235-9 S$59.90/US$43.90 E-book 978-981-230-593-0

(ISEAS/Lexington Books)

Forthcoming CambodiaN ECONOMY

Charting the Course of a Brighter Future - A Survey of Progress, Problems and Prospects Hang Chuon Naron Secretary General, Ministry of Economy and Finance and Permanent Deputy Chairman, Supreme National Economic Council (SNEC), Cambodia. “Hang Chuon Naron’s Cambodian Economy: Charting the Course of a Brighter Future is a tour de force of modern Cambodia’s development challenges. The book is without peer in terms of providing a comprehensive and thorough review of Cambodia’s economy, from key economic sectors to social development to governance. On a country that still seems ‘exotic’ and sometimes difficult to penetrate, Dr. Naron’s survey provides valuable empirical analysis, insightful explanations, and practical recommendations for the way forward. The book ought to be required reading for every student, academic, or practitioner working on Cambodia.” Robert Taliercio, Lead Economist, The World Bank

Impact of China on Poverty Reduction in the Greater Mekong Sub-region

Greater Mekong Sub-Region Development Analysis Network (GMS DAN) Contents 1 China’s Impact on Poverty in the Mekong Sub-region: An Introduction 2 “Assessing China’s Impact on Poverty Reduction in the Greater Mekong Sub-region”: International Literature Review 3 Assessing the Impact of GMS Cooperation on International Trade and Poverty Reduction of Yunnan Province 4 Assessing the Impact of China’s Economic Growth on its FDI to GMS Countries 5 China’s ODA to the GMS Countries 6 Cambodia Country Report 7 Assesing China’s Impact on Poverty in Lao PDR 8 Thailand Country Report 9 Vietnam Country Report (ISEAS/CDRI)

Phone +65 68702447/68702483 5INDOCHINA.indd 11

IU26 S$49.90/US$39.90

Fax +65 6775 6259

The Cambodia Forum Cambodia was once in the news for all the wrong reasons: relentless bombing during the Vietnam War, genocide during the Khmer Rouge era, and the ghastly human dislocation, misery and poverty that are the legacies of war and conflict. In recent years, however, Cambodia has emerged as one of ASEAN’s stories of hope, a country determined to put its past behind and take its place among the emerging successes of Southeast Asia.

Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region

François Molle, editor

Institutions, Motivations and Incentives

Senior Researcher, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, France.

Hossein Jalilian and Vicheth Sen, editors

Tira Foran, editor


Costs and Benefits of Cross-Country Labour Migration in the GMS Greater Mekong Sub-Region Development Analysis Network (GMS DAN) Contents 1 Migrants of the Mekong: Wins and Losses 2 Economic Costs and Benefits of Labour Migration: Case of Cambodia 3 Economic Costs and Benefits of Labour Migration: Case of Lao PDR 4 Economic Costs and Benefits of Labour Migration: Case of Thailand 5 Economic Costs and Benefits of Labour Migration: Case of Vietnam 6 Migrants of the Mekong: Lessons


Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance

Improving Health Sector Performance

Contents 1 Overview 2 Organizational Arrangements: Purchasing Health Services 3 Optimal Health Workers Contracts 4 Managing Doctors and Nurses 5 Health Service Consumer Behavior Appendix

Visit ISEAS website

Research Fellow, Chiang Mai University – Unit for Social and Environmental Research.

Mira Käkönen, editor

Researcher, Water and Development Research Group, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.

The water resources of the Mekong region – from the Irrawaddy and Nu-Salween in the west, across the Chao Phraya to the Lancang-Mekong and Red River in the east – are increasingly contested. Governments, companies, and banks are driving new investments in roads, dams, diversions, irrigation schemes, navigation facilities, power plants and other emblems of conventional ‘development’. Their plans and interventions should provide some benefits, but also pose multiple burdens and risks to millions of people dependent on wetlands, floodplains and aquatic resources, in particular, the wild capture fisheries of rivers and lakes. 2010 426 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-42-7 (ISEAS/Earthscan)

EDS17 S$79.90/US$57.00




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lndonesia Update Series This series has been published jointly by ISEAS and the Indonesia Project of the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University since 1994.

Forthcoming Employment, Living Standards and Poverty in Contemporary Indonesia Chris Manning, editor

Associate Professor at Arndt–Corden Department of Economics, The Australian National University.

Sudarno Sumarto, editor

Senior Research Fellow, SMERU Research Institut, Jakarta.

Understanding the nexus between employment, social participation and reform, and poverty is a major challenge in Indonesia. Trends in poverty are heavily dependent on labour market opportunities and social spending in education and health. Which strategies should be adopted is the subject of intense debate. The 2010 Indonesia Update conference aims to assess how Indonesia has travelled in regard to social policies and poverty alleviation since the Asian financial crisis, and especially under President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). The conference papers will also seek to identify possible new directions for poverty alleviation policies in SBY’s second term of government.

Different Cultures, Shared Futures Australia, Indonesia and the Region John Monfries, editor This book examines the wide range of factors and approaches that are involved in meeting the bilateral and regional challenges, including government links, public images and mutual perceptions, regional organizations, the role of Islam, the aid relationship, security and counterterrorism, economic and business relations, and the student market. 2006 206 pp Hard 978-981-230-387-5 E-book 978-981-230-565-7

BM302 S$49.90/US$32.90

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Business in Indonesia New Challenges, Old Problems M Chatib Basri and Pierre van der Eng, editors This book examines Indonesia’s business environment since reformasi began in 1985 - what stayed the same, what changed, and would could change. The book includes insights of distinguished and stimulating speakers from business, independent research organizations, and academic institutions in Indonesia, Australia and elsewhere. E-book 978-981-230-539-8

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Indonesia beyond the Water’s Edge

Problems of Democratisation in Indonesia

Managing an Archipelagic State

Elections, Institutions and Society Edward Aspinall, editor

Senior Fellow, Department of Political and Social Change, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University.

Marcus Mietzner, editor

Lecturer, Indonesian Studies, Faculty of Asian Studies, The Australian National University.

This book, written by leading democracy experts and scholars of Indonesia, presents a sorely needed study of the inner workings of Indonesia’s political system, and its interactions with society. Combining careful case studies with an eye to the big picture, it is an indispensable guide to democratic Indonesia, its achievements, shortcomings and continuing challenges. 2010 360 pp Soft 978-981-4279-90-1 Hard 978-981-4279-89-5 E-book 978-981-4279-91-8

Greg Fealy and Sally White editors This book examines some of the myriad ways in which Islam is being expressed in contemporary Indonesian life and politics. It gives fascinating insights into such topics as the marketisation of Islam, contemporary pilgrimage, the rise of mass preachers, gender and Islamic politics, online fatwa, current trends among Islamist vigilante and criminal groups, and recent developments in Islamic banking and microfinance.

The challenges in using and managing natural resources in Indonesia include ensuring that resource utilisation benefits most Indonesians; optimising the rate of exploitation of mineral reserves, bearing in mind the interests of future generations; and achieving sustainable forest and maritime exploitation.


BM280 S$39.90/US$28.90 S$59.90/US$43.90

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BM382 S$29.90/US$24.90 S$49.90/US$39.90

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Indonesia Democracy and the Promise of Good Governance Ross H McLeod and Andrew MacIntyre editors The success or failure of democratic reform in Indonesia is a key question for Indonesia itself and for the surrounding region. Although Indonesia’s transition to democracy holds out the promise of good governance, this cannot be taken for granted — as the recent military takeover in Thailand shows. This book is about the challenge of making democracy work in Asia’s third-largest nation. 2007 208 pp Soft 978-981-230-466-7 Hard 978-981-230-459-9 E-book 978-981-230-467-4

BM325 S$29.90/US$21.90 S$49.90/US$32.90

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Indonesia in Transition Social Aspects of Reformasi and Crisis

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Budy P Resosudarmo, editor

E-book 978-981-230-636-4

E-book 978-981-230-981-5

BM353 S$29.90/US$25.90 S$49.90/US$42.90

The Politics and Economics of Indonesia’s Natural Resources

2005 294 pp Soft 978-981-230-312-7 Hard 978-981-230-304-2

2009 248 pp Soft 978-981-230-984-6 Hard 978-981-230-985-3

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Religious Life and Politics in Indonesia

E-book 978-981-230-852-8

This book addresses issues related to maritime boundaries and security, marine safety, inter-island shipping, the development of the archipelagic concept in international law, marine conservation, illegal fishing, and the place of the sea in national and regional identity.

BM408 S$29.90/US$24.90 S$49.90/US$39.90

Expressing Islam

2008 296 pp Soft 978-981-230-850-4 Hard 978-981-230-851-1

Robert Cribb and Michele Ford, editors

Peter van Diermen and Chris Manning, editors The book looks at recent developments to analyse the social dimensions of reformation: poverty and income, environment and livelihood, civil society and legal institutions, and Islam and politics. 2000 410 pp Hard 978-981-230-094-2


BM217 S$59.90/US$43.90

The Indonesia Update CD The entire series of books produced in the Indonesia Update series, from 1988 to 2004, is now available on a CD. Each year’s Update focuses on a particular theme and brings together an expert group of commentators and scholars from Indonesia, Australia, and elsewhere. 2005 978-981-230-309-9


CD3 S$35.90/US$27.90

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Environmental Dispute Resolution in Indonesia



Professor of Southeast Asian Studies, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany.

Practices law in Western Australia, specializing in environmental planning and local government law.

EDS16 S$59.90/US$45.90

Negotiating the Past, Improving the Present and Securing the Future


Worked at LIPI since1993, in the areas of local and national politics with a focus on studying movements in Eastern Indonesia (Papua).

Professor for Anthropology of Colonial and Postcolonial Orders, University of Frankfurt, Germany.

Edwin Wieringa, editor

Professor (Chair) of Indonesian Philology and Islamic Studies, Department of Oriental Studies, University of Cologne.

This book is an attempt at providing helpful background information on Acehnese history, politics and culture, which would benefit expatriate aid workers as well as foreign and domestic scholars in their dealings with the people of Aceh. It is written by specialists of Indonesian and Acehnese studies from a number of countries, together with Acehnese scholars. 2010 386 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-12-3

Papua Road Map


Muridan S. Widjojo, editor

Susanne Schröter, editor

This book is the first attempt to analyse the implementation of the framework for environmental dispute resolution in detail and to assess the effectiveness of litigation and mediation in resolving environmental disputes in Indonesia. It includes a detailed overview of the environmental legal framework and its interpretation by Indonesian courts in landmark court cases. The book features a number of detailed case studies of both environmental litigation and mediation and considers the legal and non-legal factors that have influenced the success of these approaches to resolving environmental disputes. (ISEAS/KITLV)

History, Politics and Culture Arndt Graf, editor

David Nicholson

2010 334 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-93-2



The atmosphere of Reformasi, and the existence of the accommodative Law No. 21/2001 on Special Autonomy (UU Otsus), a responsive central government, as well as the very large size of Papua’s budget, lead the LIPI team to have faith that the problems of Papua can be resolved with justice, peace and dignity. 2010 211 pp Soft 978-981-4279-00-0 (ISEAS/Yayasan Obor)

BM411 S$35.90/US$25.90

BM390 S$69.90/US$59.90

E-book 978-981-4279-13-0 Visit ISEAS website for price

Forthcoming The Indonesian Development Experience A Collection of Writings and Speeches Widjojo Nitisastro This book is a rich selection of speeches and writings of Professor Widjojo Nitisastro, often referred to as Indonesia’s architect of the “New Order” economy during the period 1968 to 1993. Much of his life’s work was dedicated to radically changing Indonesia’s command economy to focus on development planning using economic analysis . He is one of the most respected and influential economists of the twentieth century. This book provides invaluable insight for all who are interested in Indonesia’s economic development. The book is divided into six parts: Indonesia’s Development Plan; Implementation of Indonesian Development; Facing Economic Crises; Foreign Debt Management; Equity and Development; and Indonesia and the World.

From the Ground Up

Perspectives on Post-Tsunami and PostConflict Aceh Patrick Daly, R Michael Feener and Anthony J S Reid, editors The international relief effort in the wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami broke all records both in scale and diversity, with seven billion U.S. dollars donated for Sumatra alone. The disbursement of those funds and the rebuilding work posed major challenges. However, this was not simply a reconstruction effort; Aceh at that time was a war zone, with Indonesia’s military engaged in a major operation to crush a separatist rebellion that had been simmering since 1976. This volume serves the purpose not only of discussing some of the lessons of the Aceh reconstruction and peace processes, but also of maintaining critical links between Aceh and the international community after the initial tranches of aid expire.

The Crescent Arises over the Banyan Tree

The Indonesian Economy

A Study of the Muhammadiyah Movement in a Central Javanese Town (Revised Edition)

Aris Ananta, editor Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

Mitsuo Nakamura Contents PART I 1. Introduction: The Islamization of Java 2. Kotagede under the Banyan Tree: Traditional Society and Religion 3. The Beginning of the Muhammadiyah: Court Religious Officials and the Urban Middle Class 4. The Development of the Muhammadiyah: Religion and Social Action 5. The Sociology of Ummat Islam: Structure and AntiStructure 6. The Ideology of the Muhammadiyah: Tradition and Transformation 7. Conclusion: Re-Islamization of Java PART II: KOTAGEDE REVISITED 8. Social Changes In Kotage, 1970-2010 9. The Achievements of the Muhammadiyah 10. Internal Dynamics of the Muhammadiyah Movement 11. Challenges Faced by the Muhammadiyah 12. Festival Kotagede and the Aftermaths of the 2006 Earthquake

Poverty, Food and Global Recession in Southeast Asia Is the Crisis Over for the Poor?

Aris Ananta, editor Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. Richard Barichello, editor Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Entering a New Era

Mulyana Soekarni, editor Director, Indonesian Banking Development Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia. Sjamsul Arifin, editor Senior Advisor to Board of Governors on International Relations, Bank Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. Contents PART I. INTRODUCTION 1. Economic Challenges in a New Era 2. Government Economic Policies since the Beginning of New Order Era PART II. MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES 3 The Dynamics of Monetary Policy 4 The Financial System: Balancing Stability and Growth 5 Economic Crisis and Fiscal Policy Management 6 Understanding the Roles of Fiscal Stimulus in Maintaining Economic Resilience

PART III: DOMESTIC ECONOMY 7. Regional Heterogeneity of the Large Market and Production Base 8. Industrial Relation in the Democratizing Era 9. Decentralisation and Domestic Trade Interdependence

PART IV: SEARCH FOR NEW PARADIGMS 10. Embracing ASEAN Economic Integration 2015: A Quest for ASEAN Business Cycle – Indonesian Point of View 11. Governance and Economic Performance 12. A Search for a World Development Paradigm: With Specific Recommendations for Indonesia

This book aims to contribute a better understanding on poverty and food security in Southeast Asia during the recent global recession considering both recent developments and the previous major crisis of 1997–98.

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Energy Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region


Amy Lugg, editor

Visiting Associate, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

ENERGY6 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4279-29-1 Visit ISEAS website for price


Assistant Specialist, University of Hawai‘i Economic Research Organisation.

Arsenio Molina Balisacan, editor

Professor of Economics at the School of Economics University of the Philippines Diliman.

“Sustainability Science can be both fundamental and practical, both deep and interdisciplinary. This application of Sustainability Science to Pacific watersheds illustrates its promise.”

Peter Vitousek, Stanford University

2010 346 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-96-3 Hard cover 978-981-4279-60-4

PIC199 S$29.90/US$24.90 S$39.90/US$29.90

E-book 978-981-4279-95-6 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/SEARCA)

JapaneseTrained Armies in Southeast Asia

New Agenda in its Third Decade Ippei Yamazawa Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University, ex-President, International University of Japan, and former President, Institute of Developing Economies/JETRO.

This is the first study by a Western scholar of a significant facet of the history of the Second World War — Japanese-trained independence and volunteer armies as agents of revolution and modernization. At the time, the Japanese did not see that their military imprinting would affect a whole generation of political/military leadership of nations of post-Second World War Southeast Asia. Leaders like Suharto, Ne Win and Park are all products of Japanese military training. 2010 226 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-44-4

BM396 S$49.90/US$39.90

Plugging into Production Networks

Professor, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies and the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

2008 371 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-744-6

JAP6 S$59.90/US$43.90

E-book 978-981-230-748-4 Visit ISEAS website for price

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John Wong, editor

Professorial Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore.

The chapters present a detailed analysis of the impact of the 2008–09 economic crisis in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, and the stimulus packages that were swiftly put in place by the governments to mitigate the economic recession and to pave the way for a quick recovery. With contributions from experts, this book will be extremely valuable to businessmen, analysts, academics, students, policy-makers and the general public interested in seeking a greater understanding of the global economic crisis. 2010 220 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-972-3 Hard cover 978-981-4311-18-2

Industrialization Strategy in Less Developed Southeast Asian Countries Ikuo Kuroiwa, editor

Director, Development Strategy Studies Group, Development Studies Center, Institute of Developing Economies (IDEJETRO) in Japan.

This work focuses on how less developed economies in Southeast Asia, namely Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV), can establish links with neighbouring countries and participate in production networks. It also takes a look at links between Singapore and the Batam-Bintan-Karimun (BBK) Special Economic Zone in Indonesia.

PIC200 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$49.90/US$39.90

E-book 978-981-4279-01-7 Visit ISEAS website for price

Competition among Financial Centres in Asia-Pacific

Former Professor of Japanese History and Indian History, University of Colorado.

Lim Hua Sing

“This is an excellent and versatile textbook, as well as an intervention in the scholarly debate on the Asian economies. During the last few years Lim has paid particular attention to China, realizing that the Chinese and Japanese economies are complementary and dependent on each other. The chapters are freestanding, which makes it easier to use the book as a text, as the instructor can be selective, if needed.” Professor Hans C. Blomqvist Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland

Professorial Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and President’s Honorary Professor of Statistics, National University of Singapore.

Joyce Lebra

E-book 978-981-4279-45-1 Visit ISEAS website for price

Japan and China in East Asian Integration

Saw Swee-Hock, editor

Kimberly M. Burnett, editor

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

Contents 1 APEC’s Current State and New Challenges 2 Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation 3 APEC’s Organization and Activities 4 Has APEC Achieved the Mid-Term Bogor Goal? 5 Realistic Approach for the Past Decade 6 Post-Bogor Agenda of APEC 7 APEC vs East Asian Community Statistical Appendices

Managing Economic Crisis in East Asia

Professor of Economics, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, and Research Fellow, University of Hawai‘i Economic Research Organisation.

Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) and Vice-Chairman, International Committee, Singapore Business Federation.

2010 329 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-28-4


James Roumasset, editor

Mark Hong, editor

This useful energy book, based on lectures delivered at the ISEAS Energy Forum, as well as papers written by invited experts, provides a means to access energy information. It is part of the ISEAS Energy books series which serves to educate and raise public awareness on energy issues.

Sustainability Science for Watershed Landscapes

Prospects, Benefits, Risks and Policy Challenges Soogil Young, editor

President, National Strategy Institute, and Chair, Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation.

Dosoung Choi, editor

Member, Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of Korea.

Jesús Seade, editor

Vice-President, Lingnan University.

Sayuri Shirai, editor

Professor of Economics, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University.

The book consists of case studies and commentaries presented at the conference to examine the prospects for success for seven such financial centres (Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo and Wellington), weigh the costs and benefits of such competition for local economies as well as the region as a whole, and derive implications for cooperation among the regional governments. 2009 399 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-855-9 Hard cover 978-981-230-930-3

PIC189 S$69.90/US$54.90 S$89.90/US$69.90

E-book 978-981-230-931-0 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/KOPEC)

Energy Efficiency in Japan Agung Wicaksono, editor

Visiting Associate, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore

E-book 978-981-230-935-8 Visit ISEAS website for price

Energy efficiency has become one of the most important aspects in the global energy outlook today. The depletion of fossil fuels as energy resources and global warming make it imperative for us to consider energy efficiency policies and measures as an important priority for policy-makers and every responsible global citizen.


E-book 978-981-230-742-2 Visit ISEAS website for price

2009 313 pp Hard cover 978-981-230-934-1

BM372 S$69.90/US$49.90



2008 95 pp Hard cover 978-981-230-741-5

ENERGY2 S$19.90/US$15.90

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Forthcoming Domination and Contestation The Muslim Bumiputera Politics in Sarawak 1970-2008 Faisal S. Hazis Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics and International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. “This book makes an important contribution to understanding the ongoing political evolution of politics in Sarawak. It also provides a case study of the engagement of a dominant state with social forces in a multi-ethnic society.”

Harold Crouch, Emeritus Professor, Department of Political & Social Change, School of International, Political & Strategic Studies, The Australian National University

Between UMNO and a Hard Place


The Najib Razak Era Begins

With a new coalition opposing him in parliament, Najib comes to power wedged between his own coalition’s aged traditions and the restive spirit of the times. Whether he can squeeze his way into a comfortable spot and stay in power is the question the coming years will answer. BM420 S$25.90/US$19.90

E-book 978-981-4311-29-8 Visit ISEAS website for price

Malaysia’s Foreign Policy, the First Fifty Years


Alignment, Neutralism, Islamism Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

This book captures Malaysia’s foreign policy over the first fifty years and beyond since the date of the country’s formal independence in 1957. The author provides “macro-historical” narratives of foreign policy practices and outcomes over distinct time periods under the tenures of the five prime ministers. 2010 389 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-78-9 Hard cover 978-981-4279-79-6

BM406 S$45.90/US$39.90 S$59.90/US$49.90

Wang Gungwu: Junzi


E-book 978-981-4279-80-2 Visit ISEAS website for price

Scholar-Gentleman in Conversation with Asad-ul Iqbal Latif

This book of interviews with Professor Wang Gungwu, published to felicitate him on his 80th birthday in 2010, seeks to convey the life, times and thoughts of a leading historian, Southeast Asianist, Sinologist and public intellectual. The interviews flesh out Professor Wang’s views on being Chinese in Malaya; his experience of living and working in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia; the Vietnam War; Hong Kong and its return to China; the rise of China; Taiwan’s, Japan’s and India’s place in the emerging scheme of things; and on the United States in an age of terrorism and war. The book includes an interview with his wife, Mrs Margaret Wang, on their life together for half a century. 2010 261 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-52-6 Hard cover 978-981-4311-53-3

BM428 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4311-54-0 Visit ISEAS website for price

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PIC203 S$39.90/US$32.90 S$49.90/US$42.90

E-book 978-981-4311-24-3 Visit ISEAS website for price


2011 284 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-21-5

BM393 S$45.00/US$39.90

E-book 978-981-4279-22-2 Visit ISEAS website for price

Domestic Tourism in Asia


The book explores the ethos of domestic travel and holiday-making in order to understand the distinctive common strands that underlie conventional and contemporary tourism practices, against the local and global backdrop. It presents some of the many interfaces of Asian cultural and natural heritages with tourism, while giving due consideration to today’s political and economic realities. 2011 335 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-93-9 (ISEAS/Earthscan)

International Relations in Southeast Asia

BM437 S$49.90/US$35.90


Donald E Weatherbee

Chandra Kanagasabai

Donald S. Russell Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina, USA.

Former Visiting Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

This book positions itself in the time span between the decisive period of the first judicial crisis in 1988 and the March 2008 Malaysian General elections which saw the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition losing its two thirds majority. For lawyers whose livelihood is dependent on a judicial system, the compelling choice in the face of public loss of confidence in the system is to attempt to right the system.

BM375 S$32.00/US$29.90 S$52.00/US$42.90

E-book 978-981-230-950-1 Visit ISEAS website for price


The history of modern Chinese schools in Peninsular Malaysia is a story of conflicts between Chinese domiciled there and different governments that happened or happen to rule the land. The Chinese community today continues to safeguard its educational institutions to ensure they survive.

The Struggle for Autonomy (Second Edition)

Post-1988 and into the Twenty-first Century

2011 200 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-03-8 Hard cover 978-981-230-949-5

Lecturer, New Era College, in Kajang, Malaysia.

Associate Professor, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, Brock University, Canada.

The chapters deal with the management of the 2008–09 economic crisis in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, and the region as a whole. They represent an analysis of the impact of the economic crisis and the stimulus packages that were swiftly put in place by the governments to mitigate the economic recession and to pave the way for a quick recovery.

The Role of the Malaysian Judiciary in the Rule of Law

Mok Soon Sang

Shalini Singh, editor

Professorial Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and President’s Honorary Professor of Statistics, National University of Singapore.

2011 340 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-23-6 Hard cover 978-981-4311-79-3

President of the Singapore Chinese Writers’ Association for a number of years, for which he was awarded the BBM by the President of Singapore.

Diversity and Divergence

Saw Swee-Hock, editor

Johan Saravanamuttu


Managing Economic Crisis in Southeast Asia


Lee Ting Hui

Senior Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, where he coordinates its Malaysia Study Programme.


Chinese Schools in Peninsular Malaysia


The Struggle for Survival

Ooi Kee Beng

2010 144 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-28-1


This fully revised and updated edition of Donald Weatherbee’s widely praised text offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the international relations of contemporary Southeast Asia. The author analyses the Southeast Asian states’ efforts to adapt to a regional international environment that is characterized by the security demands of the war on terrorism; the economic demands of globalism; and the political demands of nontraditional issues such as democracy, human rights, the environment, and gender. 2010 323 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-13-7

BM417 S$48.90/US$34.95

(ISEAS/Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.)


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Malaysia Study Programme The Population of Peninsular Malaysia Saw Swee-Hock

Professorial Fellow and Adviser to the Malaysia Study Programme, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

This book, a reprint project of the Malaysia Study Programme of ISEAS, covers the duration from the time when data are available up to the early eighties. The book presents a comprehensive study of the multiracial population of the region for the period under consideration. The strength of the book lies in the author’s deep familiarity with the country where he was educated up to secondary level, and even taught for some years in the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, in the sixties. 2007 342 pp Hard 978-981-230-427-8 E-book 978-981-230-730-9

The Malaysia Study Programme studies and monitors changes in Malaysian politics, culture and e ­ conomics. Its activities include creating and publishing books, arranging talks, and organizing ­international workshops and seminars about various aspects of ­Malaysia. It contributes to interaction between scholars in their efforts to identify and discuss emerging trends and issues in ­Malaysia. This programme is funded by Professor Saw Swee-Hock.

BM318 S$49.90/US$38.90

Visit ISEAS website

The Population of Malaysia Saw Swee-Hock

Professorial Fellow and Adviser to the Malaysia Study Programme, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

This book covers the whole of Malaysia since its formation in 1963, using statistics collected in the four pan-Malaysia Population Censuses held in 1970, 1980, 1991, and 2000, and data from other sources up to 2005 wherever possible. The book is by far the most up-to-date and comprehensive study of the multiracial population of the country, with painstaking effort and skill of the author in interpreting the vast array of information at his disposal. The strength of the book lies in the author’s deep familiarity with the country where he was educated up to secondary level, and even taught for some years in the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, in the sixties. 2007 206 pp Hard 978-981-230-443-8 E-book 978-981-230-728-6


SingaporeMalaysia Relations under Abdullah Badawi

Recent Trends and Challenges Saw Swee-Hock, editor

Professorial Fellow and Adviser to the Malaysia Study Programme, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Saw Swee-Hock

Professorial Fellow and Adviser to the Malaysia Study Programme, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Director, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

K Kesavapany, editor

Visit ISEAS website

Bibliography of Malaysian Demography

Saw Swee-Hock, editor

K Kesavapany, editor

BM317 S$39.90/US$32.90

Professorial Fellow and Adviser to the Malaysia Study Programme, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

This book documents the trends and challenges that are taking place in the more important sectors of Malaysia. The chapters, written by specialists with an intimate knowledge of the country, cover major topics such as population trends and patterns, Islam Hadhari, Bangsa Malaysia, politics and the 2004 general election, civil service reforms, corporate governance, educational reforms, the impact of globalisation on the economy, and Malaysia’s relations with Singapore.

This book documents the series of important events that have contributed to the warmer relations presently enjoyed by Singapore and Malaysia under Abdullah Badawi. In an era of rapid globalization and interdependence, the two countries have much to gain by maintaining harmonious relations and by strengthening economic cooperation to bring peace and prosperity to their people.

Bibliography of Malaysian Demography contains the most comprehensive and up-to-date list of 1,379 titles covering various aspects of the demography of Malaysia. The titles have been classified into twenty-one sections dealing with the more important topics such as census reports, population laws, internal migration, urbanization, ethnic composition, nuptiality, fertility, labour force, family planning, population problems, population ageing, and future population trends.

E-book 978-981-230-554-1

E-book 978-981-230-563-3

E-book 978-981-230-559-6

2005 313 pp Hard 978-981-230-339-4


BM288 S$59.90/US$43.90

Visit ISEAS website

Director, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

2006 100 pp Hard 978-981-230-378-3

Pirates, Ports, and Coasts in Asia

Deputy Director, International Institute for Asian Studies, the Netherlands, and she coorganized the workshop from which the chapters of this book result.

Pirates, Ports and Coasts in Asia aims to fill in some of the historical gaps in the coverage of maritime piracy and armed robbery in Asia. Piracy being the most dramatic of marginal(ized) maritime livelihood, this book brings the relationship between pirates, ports, and coastal hinterlands into focus.

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Fellow, Socio-economic and Environment Research Institute, Penang, Malaysia.

Being a small state situated relatively far away from the administrative capital of Putrajaya, Penang has to be economically innovative if it is to regain its place at the forefront of Malaysian development. The relationship between the state and the federal government remains a vital matter. 2010 288 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-69-7




Goh Ban Lee, editor

BM389 S$22.50/US$19.90 S$29.90/US$25.90

IIAS-P4 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4279-11-6 Visit ISEAS website for price

Senior Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, where he coordinates the Malaysia Study Programme.

2010 163 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-838-2 Hard cover 978-981-4279-02-4

2010 299 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-07-9

E-book 978-981-4279-03-1 Visit ISEAS website for price

Visit ISEAS website

Ooi Kee Beng, editor

Lecturer, School of Arts and Social Sciences, Monash University.

Malaysia is widely regarded as an authoritarian state. Increasingly, however, Malaysian society and politics are also characterized by the presence of a conservative Islam. The confluence of these two characteristics — authoritarianism and Islamization — have resulted in a number of consequences, some of which are regarded by commentators and activists in Malaysia as threatening fundamental liberties and democracy in general.

BM293 S$39.90/US$32.90

Pilot Studies for a New Penang

Julian C. H. Lee

John Kleinen, editor

Manon Osseweijer, editor

Visit ISEAS website

2005 218 pp Hard 978-981-230-354-7

Islamization and Activism in Malaysia

Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

An anthropologist and historian, and Associate Professor, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

BM299 S$24.90/US$21.90

BM403 S$29.90/US$24.90

E-book 978-981-4279-70-3 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/SERI)

Mail 30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Singapore 119614 24/02/11 11:43 AM

International Relations in Southeast Asia



Former Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

Donald E Weatherbee

Donald S. Russell Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina, USA.

This fully revised and updated edition of Donald Weatherbee’s widely praised text offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the international relations of contemporary Southeast Asia. The author analyzes the Southeast Asian states’ efforts to adapt to a regional international environment that is characterized by the security demands of the war on terrorism; the economic demands of globalism; and the political demands of nontraditional issues such as democracy, human rights, the environment, and gender.

BM417 S$48.90/US$34.95

(ISEAS/Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.)

ASEAN’s Myanmar Crisis Challenges to the Pursuit of a Security Community

With the completion of the ASEAN Charter, ASEAN needs to fully appreciate and work out the issues connected with its implementation. It is also important for ASEAN and its business sector to understand and implement the two newly completed key integration instruments (the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement and the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement 2009) and the business enhancing initiatives envisaged under them.

2010 166 pp Hard cover 978-981-4279-56-7

PIC194 S$39.90/US$32.90

E-book 978-981-4279-55-0 Visit ISEAS website for price

Forthcoming IN THE NAME OF PAUK-PHAW Maung Aung Myoe

Lecturer, International Relations and Asian Studies, Faculty of Business and Governtment, University of Canberra.

“This book reveals the full extent to which Myanmar has challenged the solidarity and development of ASEAN itself. This is a must read for anyone interested in either Myanmar or the future of Southeast Asia.”

Maung Zarni, Research fellow on Burma, LSE Centre for Global Governance, London School of Economics and Political Science; Founder, Free Burma Coalition

This book analyses the historical development of Myanmar’s China policy since 1948. It examines the whole process of Myanmar’s relationship with China with an emphasis on goals and strategies and the factors that have shaped it. The study is divided into three historical periods: the Anti Fascist People’s Freedom League (AFPFL) and the Union Party (UP) period (1948-1962); the Revolutionary Council (RC) and the Burma Socialist Programme Party (BSPP) period (1962-1988); and the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) and the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) period (1988-). The Sino-Myanmar relationship has been described as “Pauk-Phaw (kinsfolk)” friendship. Myanmar reserves this term exclusively to describe her relations with China.

BM384 S$45.90/US$35.90 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4279-37-6 Visit ISEAS website for price

The Shan of Burma

Building the Tatmadaw

Teaches Southeast Asian Politics and International Relations, Inha University, Korea.

The late Chao Tzang Yawnghwe graduated from Rangoon University in 1969 and passed away in July 2004.

Ever since Myanmar regained her independence in January 1948, the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Armed Forces) has been crucial in restoring and maintaining law and order. It is one of the most important institutions in Myanmar politics. Various aspects of the Tatmadaw have been studied. The most notable area of study has been the political role of the military. This study looks at the organizational development of the Myanmar armed forces. This work studies rationales and strategy behind the force modernization programme and examines the military capabilities of the Tatmadaw.

In this highly personal account, the author, the late Chao Tzang Yawnghwe, a son of the first President of the Union of Burma, tells of his youth and involvement in the Shan resistance movement. He gives his version of Shan history and explains the complexity of Shan politics covering the issues of autonomy, Shan-Burmese relations, opium, and other contraband trade. He discusses the personalities involved in the war that is now more than twenty years old. The final part of this book is a compendium of who’s who in Shan history and politics. The author passed away in July 2004.

E-book 978-981-230-849-8 Visit ISEAS website for price

E-book 978-981-230-601-2 Visit ISEAS website for price

2009 255 pp Hard cover 978-981-230-848-1

BM352 S$49.90/US$39.90

Phone +65 68702447/68702483

Fax +65 6775 6259

9MYANMAR.indd 17

National Elections

Doctoral candidate, Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University, Canberra.

Monique Skidmore, editor

Dean, Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra, and Adjunct Professor, School of Humanities, Australian National University.

Trevor Wilson, editor

Visiting Fellow, Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University, Canberra.

While the elections represent a turning point for Myanmar/Burma, the lead-up period has not been marked by many notable improvements in the way the country is governed or in the reforming impact of international assistance programmes. Leading experts from the United States, Japan, France, and Australia as well as from Myanmar/Burma have conributed to this collection of papers from the Myanmar/Burma Update Conference. 2010 353 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-46-5 Hard cover 978-981-4311-47-2

PIC205 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$49.90/US$39.90

E-book 978-981-4311-48-9 Visit ISEAS website for price

Regional Outlook Southeast Asia 2011–2012


Michael J Montesano, editor

Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Lee Poh Onn, editor

Fellow and Joint Coordinator, Regional Economic Studies Unit, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Regional Outlook is designed for the busy executive, professional, diplomat, journalist, or interested observer. It aims to provide a succinct analysis of current political and economic trends shaping the region, and the outlook for the forthcoming two years. This forward-looking book contains focused political commentaries and economic forecasts on all ten countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as a select number of topical pieces of significance to the region.

RO/11 S$29.90/US$24.90

E-book 978-981-4311-69-4 Visit ISEAS website for price

Chao Tzang Yawnghwe

Maung Aung Myoe

Ruling Myanmar N EW From Cyclone Nargis to

2011 183 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-00-7

Memoirs of a Shan Exile

Myanmar Armed Forces Since 1948


Nick Cheesman, editor

Myanmar’s China Policy Since 1948

Christopher Roberts

2010 268 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-24-6 Hard cover 978-981-4279-36-9

Life after the Charter S Tiwari, editor

The Struggle for Autonomy (Second Edition)

2010 323 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-13-7



A Plastic Nation

The Curse of Thainess in ThaiBurmese Relations Pavin Chachavalpongpun Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

This book is intended for students and professors in the field of Thai nationhood and Thai nationalism, as well as contemporary Thai-Burmese relations. It is also intended for policy practitioners such as those in the government and military.

2010 276 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-396-7

LH16 S$49.90/US$39.90



2010 189 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-16-1

BM392 S$49.90/US$36.00

(ISEAS/Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.)

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P h i l i pp i n e s


Sustainability Science for Watershed Landscapes


James Roumasset, editor

An anthropologist and historian, and Associate Professor, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Manon Osseweijer, editor

Deputy Director, International Institute for Asian Studies, the Netherlands, and she coorganized the workshop from which the chapters of this book result.

Kimberly M. Burnett, editor Assistant Specialist, University of Hawai‘i Economic Research Organisation.

Arsenio Molina Balisacan, editor

“Sustainability Science can be both fundamental and practical, both deep and interdisciplinary. This application of Sustainability Science to Pacific watersheds illustrates its promise.”

Peter Vitousek, Stanford University

2010 346 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-96-3 Hard cover 978-981-4279-60-4

PIC199 S$29.90/US$24.90 S$39.90/US$29.90

E-book 978-981-4279-95-6 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/SEARCA)


Where in the World is the Philippines?

Debating Its National Territory Rodolfo C. Severino

Head, ASEAN Studies Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

“‘Where in the world is the Philippines?’ is a question that has been deftly and consistently dodged by our politicians at the expense of clearly defining the Philippines’ territorial and maritime jurisdictions. Severino’s scholarly work lays out what has happened in the past and what must be done in the future – and does so just as newly elected President Benigno S. Aquino begins his term in office. With the help of this timely and comprehensive study, it is imperative that Aquino and the Congress confront and resolve territorial issues once and for all.” - Roberto R. Romulo, former Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines 2011 132 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-70-0 Hard cover 978-981-4311-71-7

BM433 S$29.90/US$25.90 S$39.90/US$29.90

E-book 978-981-4311-72-4 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/CPR Foundation)

By Design or Accident

Reflections on Asian Security

Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

John Kleinen, editor

Professor of Economics, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, and Research Fellow, University of Hawai‘i Economic Research Organisation.

Professor of Economics, School of Economics, University of the Philippines Diliman.

Pirates, Ports, and Coasts in Asia

Pirates, Ports and Coasts in Asia aims to fill in some of the historical gaps in the coverage of maritime piracy and armed robbery in Asia. Piracy being the most dramatic of marginal(ized) maritime livelihood, this book brings the relationship between pirates, ports, and coastal hinterlands into focus. 2010 299 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-07-9

E-book 978-981-4279-11-6 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/IIAS)


How Asia Can Shape the World From the Era of Plenty to the Era of Scarcities Jørgen Ørstrom Møller

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Asia will redraw the map of economic progress over the next twenty-five years. Growth is necessary to solve economic and social problems, but harder to achieve as the age of plenty gives way to the age of scarcities. The challenge opens the doors for an Asian economic model based on shifting of productivity for the individual to groups, ecological productivitiy instead of economic productivity, and a reversal to traditional Asian values — less materialistic than Western values. A new paradigm for economic thinking emerges to replace the one launched in the West 200 years ago. 2011 540 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-33-5

This collection of essays reflects on some of the major balance of power among the major powers, American engagement and policies in Asia, India’s rise, the global war on terrorism, the Iraq war, domestic developments in some countries as well as ASEAN’s efforts to build regional peace and security.

2010 176 pp Hard cover 978-981-4279-71-0

BM404 S$32.90/US$26.90

Phone +65 68702447/68702483

Fax +65 6775 6259

E-book 978-981-4279-72-7 Visit ISEAS website for price


An Upland Community in Transition

Environment and Economic Development in Rural Philippines Agnes C. Rola, editor

Dean, College of Public Affairs, University of the Philippines Los Baños.

Contents 1 Introduction 2 An Upland Community in Transition 3 The Economy of an Upland Community 4 Land Use and Labor Allocation 5 Development Pathways of Upland Households 6 Property Rights, Externalities and Upland Sustainability 7 Decentralization, Governance and Natural Resource Management 8 Towards a Sustainable Upland Community 9 Conclusions, Recommendations and Lessons Learned (ISEAS/SEARCA)

REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT Jose Rizal in Southeast Asia John Nery Contents Introduction: The Uses of Error A Rizal Chronology 1 Turning Points 2 “The Very Soul of This Rebellion” 3 Doctor Rizal 4 “Halfbloed” 5 “No Marx or Lenin” 6 Under the Southern Sun 7 The Hope of Millions in Asia 8 “His Name is Sweet in Our Memory” 9 The Myth Busters 10 “A Great Historical Experiment” Epilogue Appendices

Moving Forward Southeast Asian Perspectives on Climate Change and Biodiversity

BM422 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4311-74-8 Visit ISEAS website for price

Terrorism in South and Southeast Asia in the Coming Decade Daljit Singh, editor

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Daljit Singh

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

IIAS-P4 S$59.90/US$49.90


This book addresses threats at the international, regional and national levels. South Asia and Southeast Asia have been afflicted by the scourge of transnational jihadi terrorism, sometimes subsumed in long-standing insurgencies. Both regions also have significant problems of poverty and poor governance. It is not surprising that there are many points of agreement in the articles by the South Asian and the Southeast Asian scholars in this book.

2009 231 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-900-6 (ISEAS/Macmillan India Ltd)


PIC184 S$39.90/US$29.90

Percy E. Sajise, editor

Senior Fellow, SEARCA, and an Honorary Research Fellow, Bioversity International and Adjunct Professor, School of Environmental Science and Management, University of the Philippines Los Baños.

Mariliza V. Ticsay, editor

Knowledge Management Specialist, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), and a Technical Consultant, Programme Development and Implementation, SEARCA, and ACB.

Gil G. Saguiguit, Jr., editor

Deputy Director, administration and financial management, SEARCA.

This book explores the two-way link between climate change and the state of biodiversity in Southeast Asia. This book aims to provide insights, lessons, and perspectives on how Southeast Asia is dealing with these twin concerns. 2010 259 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-977-8 Hard cover 978-981-230-978-5

PIC192 S$19.90/US$14.90 S$39.90/US$29.90

E-book 978-981-230-979-2 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/SEARCA)


Mail 30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Singapore 119614 24/02/11 11:43 AM

Wang Gungwu: Junzi


Scholar-Gentleman in Conversation with Asad-ul Iqbal Latif This book of interviews with Professor Wang Gungwu, published to felicitate him on his 80th birthday in 2010, seeks to convey the life, times and thoughts of a leading historian, Southeast Asianist, Sinologist and public intellectual. The interviews flesh out Professor Wang’s views on being Chinese in Malaya; his experience of living and working in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia; the Vietnam War; Hong Kong and its return to China; the rise of China; Taiwan’s, Japan’s and India’s place in the emerging scheme of things; and on the United States in an age of terrorism and war. The book includes an interview with his wife, Mrs Margaret Wang, on their life together for half a century. 2010 261 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-52-6 Hard cover 978-981-4311-53-3

BM428 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$59.90/US$49.90

Singapore NEW Women’s Charter E-book 978-981-4311-54-0 Visit ISEAS website for price

Roles, Responsibilities and Rights in Marriage Theresa W. Devasahayam, editor Fellow and Gender Studies Programme Coordinator, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

The chapters in this book are an assembly of commentaries by a distinguished team of specialists on the social impact of the Singapore Women’s Charter. Highlights of this book include the reasons for the significance of legislation to protect women’s rights in marriage; how the Singapore Women’s Charter became established; how the Charter goes beyond protecting women’s rights; how the Charter came to be perceived by men and women; and the social repercussions of the Charter on the family.

2011 200 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-76-5 Hard cover 978-981-4345-01-9

PIC196 S$29.90/US$25.90 S$49.90/US$45.90

E-book 978-981-4279-75-8 Visit ISEAS website for price

In Lieu of Ideology NE An Intellectual Biography of Goh Keng Swee


Senior Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies where he coordinates its Malaysia Study Programme.

BM421 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4311-32-8 Visit ISEAS website for price

11SINGAPORE.indd 19

Sino-Malay Trade and Diplomacy from the Tenth through the Fourteenth Century Derek Heng Assistant Professor, Department of History, Ohio State University, USA This study’s uniqueness and value lie in its integration of archaeological, epigraphic, and textual data from both China and Southeast Asia to provide a rich, multilayered picture of Sino–Southeast Asian relations in the premodern era. Derek Heng approaches the topic from both the Southeast Asian and Chinese perspectives, affording a dual narrative otherwise unavailable in the current body of Southeast Asian and China studies literature. (ISEAS/Ohio University Press)

Zubir Said

The Nation’s Composer Rohana Zubir

A retired lecturer with Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

Contents Part I 1 The Birth of an Anthem and Challenges to Overcome 2 Headlong into Adulthood 3 Mystical Singapore: City of Lights, Butter, Coffee and Milk Part II 4 World War II: New Directions Part III 5 Where the Sky Above I Hold, the Earth Beneath I Tread 6 190A Joo Chiat Place: A Sanctuary of Bliss and Blessed Woes 7 The Lull, Celebrations , Music, Respite, Then the … 8 Storms Afterwards Part IV 9 The Birthday Bash and the Final Curtain Epilogue

Beyond the Myth

Indian Business Communities in Singapore Jayati Bhattacharya Visiting Research Fellow, Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore. This book is a macro-study of Indian business communities in Singapore through different phases of their growth since colonial times. It goes beyond the conventional labour-history approach to study Indian immigrants to Southeast Asia, both in terms of themselves and their connections with the peoples’ movements. It looks at how Indian business communities negotiated with others in the environments in which they found themselves and adapted to them in novel ways.

The U.S.–Singapore Free Trade Agreement Eul-Soo Pang Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

Born in Malacca in 1918, Dr Goh Keng Swee reached maturity at a time when European colonialism was breathing its last. By the time this keen-eyed Malayan became self-governing Singapore’s first Minister of Finance in 1959, he had made a name for himself as the colony’s foremost social scientist, having carried out groundbreaking surveys on urban poverty and housing.

Phone +65 68702447/68702483


An American Perspective on Power, Trade, and Security in the Asia Pacific

Ooi Kee Beng

2010 307 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-30-4 Hard cover 978-981-4311-31-1


Fax +65 6775 6259

Contents Introduction 1 On the Crest of Trade and Globalisation: Singapore and America 2 The Road to the United States–Singapore Free Trade Agreement 3 American International Trade Practices: History and Theory 4 The USSFTA Bridging Economic Regionalism and Security Regionalism 5 The American Politics of FTAs, Lobbying, and Domestic Reforms 6 A New Strategic Relationship in the Western Pacific: Asia’s Preferences and America’s Choices



Road to Recovery N EW Singapore’s Journey through the Global Crisis Sanchita Basu Das

Lead Researcher for Economic Affairs, ASEAN Studies Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

Singapore had been severely affected by the 2008–09 global financial crisis. To counter these shocks, Singapore policymakers undertook unprecedented monetary and fiscal policy measures. They subsequently charted a revival strategy that would help the country emerge stronger after the crisis. These all-encompassing policies helped the city state bounce back faster and stronger than many other regional economies. This book provides an insight into the events that occurred during the crisis and Singapore’s successful navigation to economic recovery. 2010 228 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-05-2

BM413 S$35.00/US$29.90

E-book 978-981-4311-04-5 Visit ISEAS website for price

Private Passion The Photographs of Pioneer Politician and Diplomat S. Rajaratnam


Sinnathamby Rajaratnam was one of Singapore’s founding fathers and her first foreign minister. While much has been written about his distinguished public career, which spanned almost 30 years, and his significant political accomplishments, this book is about his private passion for photography and introduces his photographic art to a wider audience for the first time. The Introductory essay provides essential biographical information as well as new insights into the depths of Rajaratnam’s nearly life-long interest in photography. This is followed by an album of images selected from the thousands that he left behind – images from his student years in London, from his extensive travels, and from Singapore and his home surroundings. 2011 120 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-43-4

BM425 S$39.90/US$29.90

The Singapore Women’s Charter NEW 50 Questions Leong Wai Kum

Professor, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore.

The author gives a balanced view of the Charter by highlighting the progressive provisions as well as its shortcomings. Outstanding is her personal view that the Charter provides a moral view of marriage as being “an equal cooperative partnership of different efforts”. She also holds the view that the Charter elevates the status of women as it gave equal importance to women’s unpaid work and men’s paid work. Cheng U Wen Leng, Founder Member and 1st President of AWARE 2011 151 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-07-6 Hard cover 978-981-4311-06-9

BM414 S$19.90/US$16.90 S$29.90/US$24.90

E-book 978-981-4311-08-3 Visit ISEAS website for price


Mail 30 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Singapore 119614 24/02/11 11:43 AM




Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region


The Policy Challenges

Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance

Patarapong Intarakumnerd, editor

Lecturer, College of Innovation, Thammasat University, Bangkok.

François Molle, editor

Yveline Lecler, editor

Senior Researcher, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, France.

Senior Research Fellow, Maison Franco-Japonaise (Tokyo), UMIFRE 19, and invited researcher, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo.

Tira Foran, editor

Research Fellow, Chiang Mai University – Unit for Social and Environmental Research.

Mira Käkönen, editor

Researcher, Water and Development Research Group, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.

The water resources of the Mekong region – from the Irrawaddy and Nu-Salween in the west, across the Chao Phraya to the Lancang-Mekong and Red River in the east – are increasingly contested. Governments, companies, and banks are driving new investments in roads, dams, diversions, irrigation schemes, navigation facilities, power plants and other emblems of conventional ‘development’. Their plans and interventions should provide some benefits, but also pose multiple burdens and risks to millions of people dependent on wetlands, floodplains and aquatic resources, in particular, the wild capture fisheries of rivers and lakes. 2010 426 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-42-7 (ISEAS/Earthscan)


Saw Swee-Hock, editor

Professorial Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and President’s Honorary Professor of Statistics, National University of Singapore.

The chapters deal with the management of the 2008–09 economic crisis in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, and the region as a whole. They represent an analysis of the impact of the economic crisis and the stimulus packages that were swiftly put in place by the governments to mitigate the economic recession and to pave the way for a quick recovery.

2011 340 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-23-6 Hard cover 978-981-4311-79-3

This book points out weaknesses of Thailand’s national innovation system or education and suggests how the country should develop new capabilities to survive and prosper in the globalized and fiercely competitive world. It will be useful to researchers and students who want to learn more about Thailand and emerging countries, and also to policy-makers and executives involved in economic and industrial development. 2010 331 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-47-5

BM397 S$62.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4279-48-2 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/IRASEC)


EDS17 S$79.90/US$57.00

Managing Economic Crisis in Southeast Asia

Sustainability of Thailand’s Competitiveness

International Relations in Southeast Asia The Struggle for Autonomy (Second Edition)

Donald E Weatherbee

Donald S. Russell Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina, USA.

This fully revised and updated edition of Donald Weatherbee’s widely praised text offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the international relations of contemporary Southeast Asia. The author analyses the Southeast Asian states’ efforts to adapt to a regional international environment that is characterized by the security demands of the war on terrorism; the economic demands of globalism; and the political demands of nontraditional issues such as democracy, human rights, the environment, and gender. 2010 323 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-13-7

BM417 S$48.90/US$34.95

(ISEAS/Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.)

Through the Eyes of the King

PIC203 S$39.90/US$32.90 S$49.90/US$42.90

E-book 978-981-4311-24-3 Visit ISEAS website for price

The Travels of King Chulalongkorn to Malaya

Reinventing Thailand Thaksin and His Foreign Policy Pavin Chachavalpongpun

P. Lim Pui Huen

Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

An independent scholar, writing on local history.

From 2001 to 2006, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra transformed Thailand’s international role from one of obscurity into a kind of regional hegemon. Thaksin’s diplomatic ambitions were reflected in his myriad of grandiose foreign policy initiatives, designed to locate Thailand at the forefront of regional politics and reinstall the Thai sphere of influence over weaker neighbouring states.

This book takes the reader to old Malaya as seen through the eyes of King Chulalongkorn of Siam. The King was probably the most travelled monarch of his time. He went to Java three times, India and Burma once, and Europe twice. In all these journeys, he had to pass through Singapore, and when he went westwards, he had to pass through Penang.

E-book 978-981-4279-20-8 Visit ISEAS website for price


2010 354 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-19-2

BM394 S$59.90/US$49.90

Phone +65 68702447/68702483

Fax +65 6775 6259


12THAILAND.indd 20

2009 178 pp Hard cover 978-981-230-773-6


LH20 S$89.90/US$79.90

Forthcoming Poverty, Food and Global Recession in Southeast Asia Is the Crisis Over for the Poor? Aris Ananta, editor Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. Richard Barichello, editor Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. This book aims to contribute a better understanding on poverty and food security in Southeast Asia during the recent global recession considering both recent developments and the previous major crisis of 1997–98.

Harnessing Production Networks

Impacts and Policy Implications Aekapol Chongvilaivan Fellow and Trade Policy Unit Coordinator, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Characteristics of Firms in Thailand’s Manufacturing Sector 3 Firm Productivity Effects 4 Labour Productivity Effects 5 Skill Upgrading: Winners or Losers? 6 Outsourcing Typology: Does It Matter? 7 Policy Implications

Impact of China on Poverty Reduction in the Greater Mekong Sub-region Greater Mekong Sub-Region Development Analysis Network (GMS DAN) Contents 1 China’s Impact on Poverty in the Mekong Subregion: An Introduction 2 “Assessing China’s Impact on Poverty Reduction in the Greater Mekong Sub-region”: International Literature Review 3 Assessing the Impact of GMS Cooperation on International Trade and Poverty Reduction of Yunnan Province 4 Assessing the Impact of China’s Economic Growth on its FDI to GMS Countries 5 China’s ODA to the GMS Countries 6 Cambodia Country Report 7 Assesing China’s Impact on Poverty in Lao PDR 8 Thailand Country Report 9 Vietnam Country Report (ISEAS/CDRI)

Bangkok May 2010 Michael J Montesano, editor Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. Pavin Chachavalpongpun, editor Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. Aekapol Chongvilaivan, editor Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. After a two-month stand-off between Red Shirt protestors and the government of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, violence and arson scarred central Bangkok in mid-May 2010. This shocking turn of events underlined how poorly understood the deep divisions in the society and politics of Thailand remained, even five years into the country’s prolonged crisis. This volume collects analysis and commentary on those divisions from an unusually large and prominent group of Thai and foreign scholars and observers of the country. Contributions examine socio-economic, political, diplomatic, historical, cultural, and ideological issues with rare frankness, clarity, and lack of jargon.


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The ASEAN Studies Centre is devoted to research on issues that pertain to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as an institution and a process. This is distinct from ISEAS’ broader concerns with respect to Southeast Asia. The Centre aims to conduct studies and make policy recommendations on issues and events that call for collective ASEAN actions and responses. Through its studies, the Centre offers a measure of intellectual support to the ASEAN member-countries and the ASEAN Secretariat in building the ASEAN Community.

The Gulf Cooperation NEW Council A Rising Power and Lessons for ASEAN

Robert Scollay

Linda Low

Associate Professor of Economics and Director, APEC Study Centre, University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Head of Strategic Planning, Department of Economic Development, Abu Dhabi Government, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Christopher Findlay

Lorraine Carlos Salazar

Senior Research Analyst with a global consulting firm.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is comprised of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Seeking to draw out lessons applicable to ASEAN, this report looks at the structure and evolution of the GCC. The report sets out the key challenges ahead for the Council, and concludes by highlighting the structural, organizational, and political lessons that resonate with ASEAN and its membership.

2010 60 pp ASC12 Soft 978-981-4311-40-3 S$22.90/US$16.90 E-book

Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) and Regional Integration NEW

Visit ISEAS website for price

Energy and Geopolitics in the South China Sea Implications for ASEAN and Its Dialogue Partners

Professor and Head, School of Economics, University of Adelaide.

Uwe Kaufmann

PhD Candidate, School of Economics, University of Adelaide.

The book examine the agreement and how it evolved, it also provides lessons for others, particularly in ASEAN, as they work on regional on bilateral economic relations. The special features of the Agreement are identified, and its evolution is charted. Current debates are reviewed, and assessments of its impact are discussed. Ten lessons for the designers of other agreements are presented.

2010 116 pp ASC11 Soft 978-981-4279-97-0 S$29.90/US$25.90 E-book

Visit ISEAS website for price

Economic Integration and the Investment Climates in ASEAN Countries

To this day, the South China Sea has remained one of the region’s most dangerous ‘flashpoints’. Despite regional efforts to calm the situation, the complicated nature of the issue continues to challenge regional security.

Perspectives from Taiwan Investors


2009 95 pp ASC7 Soft 978-981-230-774-3 S$29.90/US$24.90

2009 78 pp ASC8 Soft 978-981-4279-23-9 S$22.90/US$16.90 Visit ISEAS website for price

Attitudes and Awareness Towards ASEAN

Findings of a Ten-Nation Survey Eric C Thompson and Chulanee Thianthai

Information on ASEAN countries and doing business in them should be readily available, especially in Chinese, as many Taiwanese investors had limited grasp of the English language. E-book

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ASEAN Community

Unblocking the Roadblocks

This report shares results of a regionwide survey undertaken in late 2007 among over 2,000 students from leading universities across ASEAN member countries.

The session examined the benefits expected from regional community building for the people of Southeast Asia and the obstacles that lay on the way to its achievement.



2008 98 pp ASC2 Soft 978-981-230-869-6 S$19.90/US$15.90 Visit ISEAS website for price

Phone +65 68702447/68702483 13ASC.indd 21

2008 100 pp ASC1 Soft 978-981-230-843-6 S$19.90/US$15.90

Fax +65 6775 6259

Visit ISEAS website for price

The Global Economic Crisis

Implications for ASEAN The current economic crisis was considered as a new kind of insecurity. Hence, the future treatment of regional security should be reconceptualised, so that there could be better prospects of anticipating future threats from the economic realm. Lastly, the roundtable judged that ASEAN had not fully addressed the implications of the current crisis on the poor. In the light of the tendency of the crisis to push increasing number of people to become poor, ASEAN cooperation in labour and social protection needed to aim at preventing the crisis from causing further social damage.

2010 155 pp ASC10 Soft 978-981-4279-41-3 S$25.00/US$19.90 E-book

Visit ISEAS website for price

Global Financial Crisis Implications for ASEAN

The ASEAN Studies Centre have published article about the current global financial crisis, its implications for ASEAN, and what ASEAN can do about it. The Centre thus hope to contribute to the analysis of the crisis, to the mitigation of its impact, and to the search for an eventual solution.

2009 52 pp ASC6 Soft 978-981-230-918-1 S$16.00/US$12.00 E-book

Visit ISEAS website for price

ASEANCanada Forum 2008 The forum concluded that fundamentally the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) were two different kinds of agreements. Many studies presented trade liberalisation as a win-win proposition, the distribution of costs and benefits was mostly uneven. In the case of Canada, short-run gains in efficiency from expanded trade could be identified, but it was harder to determine longer-term dynamic gains. On the other hand, in the case of ASEAN, it was still grappling with the issue of the development divide, especially since the admission of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam into the group.

2010 266 pp ASC9 Soft 978-981-4279-14-7 S$39.90/US$29.90 E-book

Visit ISEAS website for price

MERCOSUR Economic Integration Lessons for ASEAN

Among the spurs that goaded ASEAN to undertake the shift was the rise of economic regionalism in several other parts of the world. One of those regions was the southern cone of Latin America, where the Treaty of Asunción had been signed in 1991 to create the Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR), or Common Market of the South.

2009 132 pp ASC5 Soft 978-981-230-916-7 S$34.90/US$26.90 E-book

Visit ISEAS website for price

ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint The brainstorming session examined the non-tariff barriers, designing a comprehensive ASEAN Investment Agreement, a regional framework for competition policy, the role of infrastructure development in economic integration, the importance of international production networks in economic integration, etc.

The Road to Ratification and Implementation of the ASEAN Charter



2009 103 pp ASC4 Soft 978-981-230-932-7 S$27.90/US$19.90


Visit ISEAS website for price

Pavin Chachavalpongpun The objective of the discussion was to illuminate the provisions of the ASEAN Charter and its strengths and weaknesses.

2008 70 pp ASC3 Soft 978-981-230-898-6 S$19.90/US$15.90


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T h e N a l a n d a-S r i w i j aya C e nt r e The Nalanda-Sriwijaya Series has been created as a publications avenue for the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre. The Centre, at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, focuses on the ways in which Asian polities and societies have interacted over time. To this end, the series invites submissions which engage with Asian historical connectivities. Such works might examine political relations between states, the trading, financial and other networks which connected regions, cultural, linguistic and intellectual interactions between societies, or religious links across and between the diverse parts of Asia.


Preserving Cultural Identity through Education The Schools of the Chinese Community in Calcutta, India Zhang Xing

PhD candidate, Peking University (China) and Martin Luther University (Germany).

Immigrants from China started settling in Calcutta, the British capital of colonial India, from the late eighteenth century. Initially, the immigrant community comprised of male workers, many of whom sojourned between China and India. Only in the early twentieth century was there a large influx of women and children from China. To address the educational needs of the children — both immigrant and locally-born — several Chinese-medium primary and middle schools were established in Calcutta by the community in the 1920s and 1930s. Using many hitherto unexplored textual sources and interviews in India, China, and Canada, this detailed and unprecedented study examines the history and significance of these Chinesemedium schools. It focuses on the role they played in preserving Chinese cultural identity not only through the use of educational curricula and textbooks imported from China, but also with the emphasis on the need to return to the ancestral homeland for higher education. This study also breaks new ground by examining the impact of political and other factionalism within the community as well as the India-China conflict of 1962 that resulted in the closure of most of the Chinese-medium schools in Calcutta by the 1980s.

2010 88 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-87-1

NSC1 S$19.90/US$14.90

E-book 978-981-4279-88-8 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/Manohar)

Nagapattinam to Suvarnadwipa

Reflections on the Chola Naval Expeditions to Southeast Asia Hermann Kulke, editor

Professor Emeritus of Asian History, Kiel University, Germany.

K. Kesavapany, editor

Director, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Vijay Sakhuja, editor

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

This volume examines the background, course and effects of these expeditions, as well as the regional context of the events. It brings to light many aspects of this key period in Asian history. Unprecedented in the degree of detail assigned to the story of the Chola expeditions, this volume is also unique in that it includes translations of the contemporary Tamil and Sanskrit inscriptions relating to Southeast Asia and of the Song dynasty Chinese texts relating to the Chola Kingdom. 2009 337 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-936-5 Hard cover 978-981-230-937-2

PIC187 S49.90/US$39.90 S$69.90/US$59.90

Phone +65 68702447/68702483

Fax +65 6775 6259

E-book 978-981-230-938-9 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/Manohar)

14NALANDA.indd 22

Forthcoming ANTHONY REID and THE STUDY OF THE SOUTHEAST ASIAN PAST Geoff Wade, editor Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Li Tana, editor Senior Fellow, Division of Pacific and Asian History, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University.

To celebrate Anthony Reid’s numerous and seminal contributions to the field of Southeast Asian history, a group of his colleagues and students has contributed essays for this Festschrift. In addition to introductory essays which provide personal and intellectual histories of Anthony Reid the man, there is a range of original scholarly contributions addressing historical issues which Reid has researched during his career. Divided into sections which examine Southeast Asia in the world, early modern Southeast Asia, and modern Southeast Asia, these works engage with issues ranging from the Age of Commerce and comparative Eurasian history, to nationalism, ethnic hybridity, Islam, technological change, and the Chinese and Arabs in Southeast Asia. The authors include some of the foremost historians of Southeast Asia in our generation.

Buddhism Across Asia Networks of Material, Intellectual and Cultural Exchange Tansen Sen, editor Head, Nalanda-Sriwijaya Center, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

The spread of Buddhism stimulated cross-cultural interactions among Asian societies and polities and integrated them into networks of material, intellectual and cultural exchange. The essays in this volume examine the Pan-Asian role of Buddhism by focusing on the diffusion of ideas, material goods, and texts from around the first century CE to the twentieth century. The topics covered include the transmission of Āgama literature from India to China, the relationship between Buddhism and the State in India and Southeast Asia, Indian Abhidharma literature in Tibet, and the import of Japanese Esoteric Buddhism to China in the early twentieth century. (ISEAS/Manohar)

Sino-Malay Trade and Diplomacy from the Tenth through the Fourteenth Century Derek Heng Assistant Professor, Department of History, Ohio State University, USA Sino–Malay Trade and Diplomacy from the Tenth through the Fourteenth Century examines how changes in foreign policy and economic perspectives of the Chinese court affected diplomatic intercourse as well as the fundamental nature of economic interaction between China and the Malay region, a subregion of Southeast Asia centred on the Strait of Malacca. This study’s uniqueness and value lie in its integration of archaeological, epigraphic, and textual data from both China and Southeast Asia to provide a rich, multilayered picture of Sino–Southeast Asian relations in the premodern era. Derek Heng approaches the topic from both the Southeast Asian and Chinese perspectives, affording a dual narrative otherwise unavailable in the current body of Southeast Asian and China studies literature. (ISEAS/Ohio University Press)

Eurasian Influences on Yuan China

Cross-Cultural Transmissions in the 13th and 14th Centuries Morris Rossabi, editor This collection of essays is the first work in 20 years to be devoted exclusively to the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368). This unique era in China, during which the Chinese polity was part of a larger empire, and which exposed the Chinese to a wider world and numerous foreign influences, has only recently begun to attract intense scholarly attention. The essays examine a range of issues including the impact of foreigners on the Yuan, and particularly the political and commercial impact of the Uyghur Turks and the Arab and Persian Muslims during the Mongol administration. Also reflected in the studies are the extensive Eurasian cultural exchanges fostered by the Mongols which induced artistic diffusion as well as remarkable interchange of knowledge about astronomy and geography. These elements enriched both China and West Asia, allowing the creation of more accurate calendars and maps, and greater knowledge of the world. A study of the ways in which the Yuan influenced the succeeding Ming dynasty brings the volume to a close.


Early Interactions Between South and Southeast Asia

Reflections on Cross-Cultural Exchange Pierre-Yves Manguin, A. Mani and Geoff Wade, editors This book takes stock of the results of some two decades of intensive archaeological research carried out on both sides of the Bay of Bengal, in combination with renewed approaches to textual sources and to art history. To improve our understanding of the trans-cultural process commonly referred to as Indianisation, it brings together specialists of both India and Southeast Asia, in a fertile inter-disciplinary confrontation. Most of the essays reappraise the millennium long historiographic no man’s land during which exchanges between the two shores of the Bay of Bengal led, among other processes, to the Indianization of those parts of the region that straddled the main routes of exchange. Some essays follow up these processes into better know “classical” times or even into modern times, showing that the localisation process of Indian themes has long remained at work, allowing local societies to produce their own social space and express their own ethos. (ISEAS/Manohar)


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A P E C S T U D y C e n t r e Singapore APEC Study Centre

Forthcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation New Agenda in its Third Decade Ippei Yamazawa Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University, ex-President, International University of Japan, and former President, Institute of Developing Economies/JETRO. Contents 1 APEC’s Current State and New Challenges 2 Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation 3 APEC’s Organization and Activities 4 Has APEC Achieved the Mid-Term Bogor Goal? 5 Realistic Approach for the Past Decade 6 Post-Bogor Agenda of APEC 7 APEC vs East Asian Community Statistical Appendices

APEC at 20 Recall, Reflect, Remake

An APEC Trade Agenda?

Inclusive, Balanced, Sustained Growth in the Asia-Pacific

The Political Economy of a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific


Peter A Petri, editor

Carl J. Shapiro Professor of International Finance, Brandeis International Business School (IBS) and a Senior Fellow, East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Charles E. Morrison, editor

President, East West Center and International Chair, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC).

Eduardo Pedrosa, editor

Secretary General, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) International Secretariat.

This report assesses the political feasibility of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) proposal and looks at alternative modalities for achieving free trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific. The report includes trade policy perspectives from the three largest economies of the region: the United States, China and Japan, lessons from similar proposals such as the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), possible convergence among the many preferential trade agreements (PTAs) in the region, and alternative approaches to regional economic integration.

PIC161 S$39.90/US$32.90

The recovery of the AsiaPacific region from the global economic crisis of 2008–2009 is underway but incomplete. Risks range from slow growth and persistent unemployment to re-emerging international imbalances and financial volatility. While early policy responses to the crisis were successful in avoiding a larger calamity, new policy strategies are now needed to resolve imbalances among the United States, China, and other economies, and to build robust demand in the medium term. 2010 133 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-966-2

PIC197 S$25.90/US$19.90

E-book 978-981-4279-77-2 Visit ISEAS website for price


E-book 978-981-230-461-2 Visit ISEAS website for price


Director, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Labour Mobility in the Asia-Pacific Region

Hank Lim, editor

Director for Research, Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA).

APEC embraces many of the world’s dynamic developed and developing economies that are better poised to meet the new challenges of this century. For those seeking to get a quick sweep of APEC, this book recalls, reflects and provides enough food for thought on the possible remake of APEC. The chapters are carefully written by experts who have been directly involved in the APEC process one way or another. The invaluable insights serve to place the whole APEC process in a balanced perspective, yet with candid deliberations. APEC9 S$39.90/US$29.90

E-book 978-981-4279-27-7 Visit ISEAS website for price

APEC in the 21st Century Riyana Miranti, editor

Former Research Associate, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Denis Hew, editor

Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

APEC remains an informal intergovernmental organization that provides a useful platform for leaders, ministers, businessmen and experts to discuss regional issues on a regular basis. This book examines APEC’s accomplishments in recent years and the challenges it faces in the new century. These challenges include the proliferation of Free Trade Agreements in the region and the implications of China’s accession in the World Trade Organization. 2004 303 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-253-3

The objectives of the Centre are to undertake research, disseminate information, facilitate discussions on APEC-related issues, and promote linkages with other APEC Study Centres. The Centre also liaises with the APEC Secretariat, the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), the Latin America/Caribbean and Asia/Pacific Economics and Business Association (LAEBA), and other organizations working on APEC.

2007 256 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-460-5

K. Kesavapany, editor

2009 120 pp Soft 978-981-4279-26-0


Competition among Financial Centres in Asia-Pacific

Dynamics, Issues and a New APEC Agenda

Prospects, Benefits, Risks and Policy Challenges

Graeme Hugo, editor

Soogil Young, editor

President, National Strategy Institute, and Chair, Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation.

Professorial Research Fellow, Department of Geographical and Environmental Studies and Director, National Centre for Social Applications of Geographic Information Systems, University of Adelaide.

Dosoung Choi, editor

Member, Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of Korea.

Jesús Seade, editor

Soogil Young, editor

President, National Strategy Institute, and Chair, Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (KOPEC), Seoul, Korea.

Driven by demographic changes, and reinforced by intensifying globalization, international labour mobility has been on the rise in recent decades in the Asia-Pacific region. It seems that, after trade and investment, labour mobility constitutes the final frontier for regional integration among the Asia-Pacific economies. There is no doubt that labour movements are integral to regional economic integration and critical to the long-term health of the regional economies and business operations. In reality, such movements are much burdened with political and social problems in the labour origin economies and the labour destination economies. 2008 235 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-893-1 Hard cover 978-981-230-894-8

PIC183 S$25.90/US$19.90 S$39.90/US$29.90

Vice-President, Lingnan University.

Sayuri Shirai, editor

Professor of Economics, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University.

The book consists of case studies and commentaries presented at the conference to examine the prospects for success for seven such financial centres (Hong Kong, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo and Wellington), weigh the costs and benefits of such competition for local economies as well as the region as a whole, and derive implications for cooperation among the regional governments. 2009 399 pp Soft 978-981-230-855-9 Hard 978-981-230-930-3

PIC189 S$69.90/US$54.90 S$89.90/US$69.90

E-book 978-981-230-931-0 Visit ISEAS website for price


E-book 978-981-230-895-5 Visit ISEAS website for price


APEC8 S$39.90/US$28.50

E-book 978-981-230-502-2 Visit ISEAS website for price

Phone +65 68702447/68702483 15APEC.indd 23

Fax +65 6775 6259



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Now available from ISEAS for distribution to non-retail sectors in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Brunei, Indonesia and Thailand


Rare antiquarian books of scholarly Asian interest in fine quality Facsimile Editions for libraries and collectors. ASCANIO Facsimile Editions mirror the value, rarity and significance of the original book by a strict limited edition in bibliophile finishing; casebinding, hardcover with gold-stamping; unabridged reproduction of the entire document with text, maps, plates and gatefolds in original size; and offset printed on acid-free, woodfree cream paper. For a detailed list of publications from ASCANIO, visit

An Account of the Empire of China Bernardin de Escalante Bernardino de Escalante included already in 1577 in this “Account of the Empire of China” the most remarkable features of Chinese culture: the custom of drinking tea, the great wall, the use of chopsticks, the exquisite quality of porcelain and the daily use of it, the fishing by cormorants, aquafarming and the habit of footbinding for ladies of the upper class.

2008 171 pp ASCA9 Soft 978-3-940933-07-2 S$27.50/US$20.00

Account of A Voyage of Discovery

To the West of Corea and the Great Loo-Choo Island

George Henry Mason The daily life of the common people in China, as it took place in the streets, shops and warehouses of the late 18th century was “still but little known by Europeans”. H. Mason published with his collection of 60 hand-coloured plates the first colour book of China in the Western world. It gave a completely new insight into life, habits, trade and costumes of this fascinating world. The characters like the mandarin in his summer dress, the beggar with a monkey, the embroidering woman or the acrobat in his balancing act are described by explanatory notes and characterised by the pictures in their typical costumes and poses, as if just stepping into life again. 2008 60 pp ASCA8 Hard 978-3-940933-12-6 S$98.00/US$75.00

Moscow to China 1692-1695

Basil Hall After taking Lord Amhersts Embassy in 1816 to China, the ships “Alceste” and “Lyra” started the expedition to the South China Sea. Captain Halls account added considerable knowledge about little known Korea and described the Ryukyu Islands for the first time in detail. The fine colour plates of scenery and costumes were drawn by W. Havell after sketches made on the spot by crew members. This book, an Ascanio Facsimile Edition of the original first edition in English, London 1818, is unabridged and complete with all plates including 8 in colour.

2008 426 pp ASCA5 Hard 978-981-05-9057-4 S$190.00/US$139.00

E. Ysbrants Ides This book is unique, due to the early description of Siberia and the eye-witness account of the Peking Court life. The detailed description of China done originally by a Chinese Author and the 30 superb plates make it a significant document of its time.

This book, an Ascanio Facsimile Edition of the original first edition in English, London 1706, is unabridged and complete with all 30 colour plates. 2008 212 pp ASCA4 Hard 978-981-05-8620-1 S$135.00/US$99.00

Our Tropical Possessions in Malayan India John Cameron John Cameron describes as well with enthusiasm and in great detail all facets of social and natural life in tropical Singapore: the various colourful cultures, the mighty jungle, opium smoking, amok assaults, the exotic fruits, the growing city and the busy harbour. The author does not forget the menace of tigers: “I am fully convinced that 365 men per annum have lives dashed out by the crushing stroke of the tiger’s paw.” This book, an Ascanio Facsimile Edition of the original first edition in English, London 1865, is unabridged and complete with all 7 colour plates.

2008 408 pp Hard 978-981-05-8825-0

ASCA1 S$119.00/US$88.00

Fax Phone +65 68702447/68702483 +65 6775 6259 16ASCANIO.indd 24

A Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas

The Costumes of China

Thomas Forrest Cruising the Eastern Archipelago in a small boat of only 10 tons burden made the mission of Captain Thomas Forrest not only adventurous and arduous. It required very close contact with the natives of the islands and enabled much better insight into their social life and costumes than any other survey before and long time after this expedition. The colourful narrative of the voyage is therefore founded on solid firsthand experience, which is also shown in the fascinating plates with maps, plans and drawings of native scenes. This book, an Ascanio Facsimile Edition of the original first edition in English, London 1779, is unabridged and complete with 33 copperplates.

2008 407 pp ASCA7 Hard 978-981-05-8824-3 S$199.00/US$149.00

Borneo and the Indian Archipelago Frank S Marryat Marryat, the young midshipman, describes the world of the Indian Archipelago as he encounters it: the countries, the native people, the landscape, the fighting with pirates and the cruel reality in a hospitalship. He is also not reluctant to criticize his captain for mistreating officers, the admiralty for not employing professional draughtsmen and the British government for choosing Hong Kong as a base for a settlement in fact, that in a few years, Hong Kong will be totally deserted, and all the money expended upon it will be lost. The future will proof him to be wrong. His eye-witness accounts of the situation on the China coast only a few years after the first opium war, and the occupation of Hong Kong are remarkable. Equally interesting are his reports of Borneo in established ethnological perspective as well as the newly established rule of Brooke in Sarawak. This book, an Ascanio Facsimile Edition of the original first edition in English, London 1848, is unabridged and complete with all 22 colour plates.

2008 232 pp ASCA3 Hard 978-981-05-8830-4 S$149.00/US$109.00


The History of the Portuguese 1495-1521 (2 Volumes) Jerome Osorio During the Reign of Emmanuel (14951521) the Portuguese expanded their influences from the coast of Africa across the Atlantic to Brazil and across the Arab Sea, the Indian Ocean and South China Sea to the Moluccas. Osorios contemporary history describes the men who sailed into unknown oceans, fought fierce battles and forged alliances to win maritime supremacy and to establish India Portuguesa in the existing trading networks of the East. This book, an Ascanio Facsimile Edition of the original first edition in English, London 1752, is unabridged.

2008 764 pp ASCA6 Hard 978-3-940933-02-7 S$205.00/US$153.00

Embassy to the Eastern Courts of CochinChina, Siam and Muscat Edmund Roberts In 1832 US President Andrew Jackson started the first diplomatic contacts with “the countries of the Indian Ocean and the China Sea” with the objective “to place American commerce on a surer basis and on equality”. The envoy E. Roberts describes his mission to the courts and the customs, commerce and culture of the people he visited in colourful facets and great details, including his stay in China and the Philippines. This book, an Ascanio Facsimile Edition of the original first edition in English, New York 1837, is unabridged. 2008 432 pp ASCA2 Hard 978-3-940933-03-4 S$118.00/US$89.00


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For worldwide distribution


The ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) at the campus of the University of the Philippines, Los Ba単os, is an intergovernmental regional centre of excellence that facilitates cooperation and coordination among the members of ASEAN, and with relevant national governments, regional and international organizations, non-government organizations, private corporations and individuals on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in Southeast Asia. For a detailed list of publications from ACB, visit


The ASEAN Heritage Parks A Journey to the Natural Wonders of Southeast Asia Monina T. Uriarte, editor

Chairwoman, Philippine Board of Foresters.

The book traces the background of ASEAN Heritage Parks Programme, and describe features of the ASEAN Heritage Parks such as information on the habitats and ecosystems, rich wildlife, threats to natural resources and conservation activities and programmes within the park. Stories on management activities and interrelationships between local communities and natural resources provide a picture of the human element that is crucial to protected area management. 2010 292 pp Soft cover 978-971-94164-3-2 Hard cover 978-971-94164-3-2

ASEAN Guidelines on Competence Standards for Protected Area Jobs

Guidebook of Biodiversity Principles for Developers and Planners ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation

Michael R. Appleton, compiler

This booklet presents a multitude of ways in which careless development can cause great damage to biodiversity. It presents two scenarios: the left picture represents careless development, and the right, the recommended alternative. 2002 84 pp Soft cover 978-971-8986-62-2

ACB3 S$19.90/US$15.00

ACB4 S$45.90/US$39.90 S$59.90/US$49.90

ASEAN Biodiversity

The Newsmagazine of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity This newsmagazine is now available from ISEAS for distribution worldwide. It is published quarterly.

Training Adviser, ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation.

Gregorio I. Texon, compiler

ASEAN Co-Director, ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation.

Monina T. Uriarte, compiler

Training Branch Head, ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation.

The competence standards in this book were developed through a one-year consultative process conducted by the ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation. They consist of recommendations for the skills and knowledge ideally required for 24 key protected areas jobs, divided into 17 technical categories and five levels. The book contains details of all the standards and guidance as to how to use them. 2003 104 pp Soft cover 978-971-8986-61-5

ACB2 S$19.90/US$15.00

Marine Protected Areas in Southeast Asia Catherine P. S. Cheung, compiler

Asian Bureau for Conservation.

Porfirio M. Ali単o, compiler

University of the PhilippinesMarine Science Institute.

Andre Jon Uychiaoco, compiler


Europe/N&S America/Africa/ME Singapore/Malaysia/Brunei

University of the Philippines-Marine Science Institute.

Hazel O. Arceo, compiler








Published 3 times a year. Single issue cost S$20.00/US$15.00 per copy. The annual subscription rates include postage by airmail. Phone +65 68702447/68702483 17ACB.indd 25

Fax +65 6775 6259



University of the Philippines-Marine Science Institute.

The ASEAN region has the richest biodiversity, the most extensive coastline and most diverse coral reefs in the world. However, it is also one of the most threatened regions in terms of coastal marine resources degradation. Marine protected areas in Southeast Asia were assessed and reviewed to analyze the increasing threats such as coastal development, collecting of endangered species, ornamental trading, overexploitation, pollution and tourism that lead to the depletion of the biodiversity resources of the marine protected areas in the region. 2002 142 pp Soft cover 978-971-8986-46-2


ACB1 S$29.90/US$22.00

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Asian Media Information and Communication Centre

For worldwide distribution

The Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC), located on the campus of Nanyang Technological University, is a non-profit NGO and a registered charity in Singapore with the mission of spearheading the development of media and communication expertise in Asia within the broad framework of economic, social, and cultural development. For a detailed list of publications from AMIC, visit

Changing Media, Changing Societies

Media and the Millennium Development Goals Indrajit Banerjee & Sundeep R. Muppidi, editors

This book explores the media’s role in the UN’s efforts to attain the MDGs. Chapters are presented in this book under the sections of thematic issues, case studies of the media in various Asian countries and media representations of the various issues.

2009 224 pp AMIC17 Soft 978-981-4136-13-6 S$45.00/US$40.00

Human rights are difficult to define but perhaps they are rights that any person has as a human being. They are “what reason requires and what conscience commands”, as aptly stated in 1988 by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 2000 290 pp AMIC16 Soft 978-9971-905-86-8 S$33.00/US$24.00

Indrajit Banerjee, editor Everywhere in the world, the advent of the Internet has been seen as a new catalyst for political freedom and democracy. Scholars and pundits have acclaimed the birth of the Internet as a new dawn of global democracy and have hailed the Internet as an insurmountable threat to authoritarian regimes.

2003 325 pp AMIC13 Soft 978-981-2102-31-7 S$43.00/US$30.00

Kavitha Shetty, editor For media to function effectively they need to represent not only all manner of information and opinion, but also the constituents who represent this diversity. And while women in the South Asian media in recent years have achieved an increased presence in the industry, they are strikingly absent in decision-making positions or news editing and reporting. 2006 188 pp AMIC12 Soft 978-997-1905-99-6 S$36.00/US$26.00

Media Pluralism in Asia

The Role and Impact of Alternative Media

Indrajit Banerjee and Kalinga Seneviratne, editors

2006 347 pp AMIC9 Soft 978-981-4136-01-8 S$50.00/US$36.00

Anura Goonasekera and Chua Chong Jin The presentation of facts about Asia is primarily information from analysts who view Asian affairs from a Western perspective. Under Asian Eyes addresses the continued imbalance in information flows between the East and the West.

2002 186 pp AMIC15 Soft 978-9971-905-93-0 S$33.00/US$24.00

Women in Newspapers in South Asia

Public Service Broadcasting in the Age of Globalization

This book takes a scholarly perspective aimed at creating debate about the role and function of public service broadcasting at a time that it is facing a variety of threats, not only from governments, but more so from commercialization of broadcasting.

What the West Says What the East Thinks

Changes Asia’s March Towards and Freedom of Expression Challenges and Development

Rhetoric and Reality

The Internet Challenge for Democracy in Asia

Under Asian Eyes

Media and Human Rights in Asia

Kalinga Seneviratne, editor This book gives the reader an idea of the diversity of alternative media sources available across Asia, which is very much a result of the different media regulatory regimes in the countries included in this study.

2007 273 pp AMIC8 Soft 978-981-4136-04-4 S$43.00/US$30.00

18AMIC.indd 26

Fax +65 6775 6259

Building Women Communicators for Environmental Conservation Mildred Moscoso Although this manual is far from comprehensive and has been produced with ASEAN women communicators in mind, the lessons inside will be useful for both men and women everywhere who take their role as advocates and stewards of the environment seriously. 2003 299 pp AMIC14 Soft 978-981-2102-36-2 S$38.00/US$27.00

Media’s Challenge

Kalinga Seneviratne and Suganthi Singarayar, editors Freedom of Expression has traditionally been linked to freedom of speech and writing, particularly in the political and religious contexts. However, it has equal relevance to the contexts of culture and development.

2006 212 pp AMIC11 Soft 978-981-4136-00-6 S$36.00/US$26.00

The Internet and Governance in Asia

Asian Tsunami and Beyond Kalinga Seneviratne, editor

The tsunami demonstrated that modern journalists can do more than just bring unfolding stories to the world. One of the biggest lessons of the tsunami that is unravelling is that the modern journalist can also help to heal communities, rebuild lives, keep families intact and raise funds.

2006 266 pp AMIC10 Soft 978-981-4136-03-7 S$43.00/US$30.00

Media and Conflict Reporting in Asia

A Critical Reader

Indrajit Banerjee, editor This book constitutes a first ever attempt to map the impact of the Internet on governance in Asia. It examines key implications for democratization, cyber security, e-government, technical coordination and Internet policy and regulation.

2007 280 pp AMIC7 Soft 978-981-4136-02-0 S$57.00/US$40.00

The Fourteenth Paw

Growing up on an Iowa Farm in the 1930s Everett M Rogers 2008 148 pp AMIC5 Soft 978-981-4136-11-2 S$38.50/US$28.00

Phone +65 68702447/68702483

Strengthening Women’s Voices


Shyam Tekwani, editor This book examines the challenges faced by media practitioners reporting on conflicts across the diverse media ecologies of Asia.

2008 203 pp AMIC6 Soft 978-981-4136-05-1 S$44.00/US$32.00

South Pacific Islands Communication

Regional Perspectives, Local Issues Evangelia Papoutsaki, editor 2008 288 pp AMIC4 Soft 978-981-4136-08-2 S$44.00/US$32.00


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For worldwide distribution


The primary function of the East-West Center, USA is to further the Center’s mission of ­strengthening r­ elations and understanding among the governments and peoples of Asia, the Pacific, and the United States. EWC advances this mission and the Center’s institutional objective of helping to build a peaceful, prosperous, and just community in the Asia Pacific through substantive programming activities focused on the theme of conflict reduction. For a detailed list of publications from EWC, visit

A New Geography of Knowledge in the Electronics Industry?

EthnoDiplomacy The Uyghur Hitch in Sino-Turkish Relations

Asia’s Role in Global Innovation Networks Dieter Ernst

Eric C Thompson and Chulanee Thianthai Beginning in 1949, China responded to so-called Uyghur separatism and the quest for Eastern Turkestan (Xinjiang) independence as a domestic problem. Since the mid-1990s, however, when it became aware of the international aspects of this problem, Beijing has begun to pressure Turkey to limit its support for Uyghur activism.

2009 72 pp PS53 Soft 978-1-932728-80-4 S$19.90/US$11.00

Framing Security Agendas

2009 65 pp PS54 Soft 978-1-932728-82-8 S$19.90/US$11.00

Southern Thailand

U.S. Counterterrorist Policies and Southeast Asian Responses

John Funston

What has it meant to be labeled the “second-front” in the “global war on terror”? Have Southeast Asian states accepted that the primary threat their countries face is Al-Qaeda-inspired terrorist violence, or are other security concerns deemed more pressing? This study investigates threat perceptions in four Southeast Asian countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore. It probes the extent to which their security concerns align with those of Washington, together with their preferred means for dealing with the phenomenon of terrorist violence.

2008 60 pp PS49 Soft 978-981-230-866-5 S$19.90/US$11.00 S$19.90/US$11.00

This monograph examines the tragic conflict in Thailand’s southern Muslim-majority provinces near the border with Malaysia. Although the conflict has attracted wide national and international interest, no agreement exists on the cause of the resumption of violence in an area that had remained free of major conflict for two decades. This monograph critically examines explanations for the conflict and traces its evolution from the early 1990s to the beginning of the Samak government in 2008.

2008 81 pp PS50 Soft 978-981-230-887-0 S$19.90/US$11.00 E-book

This study argues that the lifestyles and strategies that the Karens have pursued are diverse and not confined to armed resistance. Acknowledging these multiple voices will not only shed light upon the many positive features of ethnic interactions, including harmonious communal relationships and significant attempts to promote peace and stability by encouraging “normal” activities and routines in both peaceful and war-torn areas; it will also help to identify policy recommendations for future ceasefire negotiations and a possible long-term political settlement within the context of a militarized Burma.

2008 81 pp PS45 Soft 978-981-230-804-7 S$19.90/US$11.00 E-book-2


Phone +65 68702447/68702483 19EWC.indd 27

The economic crisis of 2008–09 has had a highly damaging effect on Asian economies. While it appears in the second half of 2009 that the worst of the crisis is over, expectations are that the region will revert to its pre-crisis growth trend only in 2011, and many uncertainties remain.

2009 58 pp PS55 Soft 978-1-932728-84-2 S$19.90/US$11.00

Civil Society in Burma

The military government is deeply unpopular, and further episodes of mass protest similar to those that occurred in August and September 2007 cannot be ruled out. However, strategic options for elite-level regime change in the country remain limited. Therefore, local and international actors should focus on incremental approaches to democratization, and in particular on the roles of local communities and NGOs.

2008 78 pp PS51 Soft 978-981-230-904-4 S$19.90/US$11.00 S$19.90/US$11.00

Supporting Peace in Aceh

Journey over Milestones

Development Agencies and International Involvement

Swarna Rajagopalan

Patrick Barron and Adam Burke

This monograph examines the effectiveness and sustainability of peace accords in Northeast India. A comparative examination of thirteen accords signed in the region between 1949 and 2005 finds that only one - the Mizo Accord of 1986 - was successful in creating an enduring peace. Most often, mediators and negotiators have seen a peace accord as an endpoint instead of viewing it as just one part of a peace process. Moreover, no responsive and accountable political infrastructure has been created in Northeast India either for conflict resolution or for governance itself.

The study finds that domestic factors were more important than international involvement in bringing peace to Aceh. AMM played an effective but narrow role, and its success counters arguments for inclusive and broad “human security” approaches to peacebuilding. The net effect of international aid agencies was positive, but by and large they did not shape government policies and provided technical assistance that was often of limited use. Local knowledge and ability to work within political constraints were key factors in the success of international aid.

2008 79 pp PS46 Soft 978-1-932728-74-3 S$19.90/US$11.00

Fax +65 6775 6259

2008 73 pp PS47 Soft 978-981-230-863-4 S$19.90/US$11.00 E-book

Ethnicity and Nationalism in China


Wenfang Tang and Gaochao He The survey points to some surprising findings, including the fact that ethnic minorities in China showed higher levels of both ethnic identity and national identity than U.S. and Russian respondents. These findings seem to support the argument that national identity is based on the multiethnic Chinese state, and they offer a rare empirical perspective on how the government can maintain the balance needed to preserve its legitimacy.

2010 58 pp PS56 Soft 978-1-932728-86-6 S$19.90/US$11.00

India and the Naga Insurgency

Ashley South


Separate but Loyal

The State Strikes Back


The Karen Revolution in Peace Accords in Burma Diverse Voices, Uncertain Ends Northeast India Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung

Michael G. Plummer

The Development of Democracy Amidst Conflict

The Dynamics of Conflict

Rosemary Foot


Debates about globalization are focused on offshore outsourcing of manufacturing and services. This approach, however, neglects an important change in the geography of knowledge--the emergence of global innovation networks (GINs) that integrate dispersed engineering, product development, and research activities across geographic borders.

The Global Economic Crisis and Its Implications for Asian Economic Cooperation


Charles Chasie and Sanjoy Hazarika In the first decade after declaring independence in 1947, the Indian state faced numerous challenges to its very existence and legitimacy. This monograph addresses the tackling of nationalist aspirations through the use of the AFSPA, with a focus on Nagaland; it analyzes the approach and its impact of Naga society, as well as the fallout for the Indian state.

2009 57 pp PS52 Soft 978-1-932728-78-1 S$19.90/US$11.00

Civil Society in Uncivil Places

Soft State and Regime Change in Nepal Saubhagya Shah This monograph analyzes the role of civil society in the massive political mobilization and upheavals of 2006 in Nepal that swept away King Gyanendra’s direct rule and dramatically altered the structure and character of the Nepali state and politics. Although the opposition had become successful due to a strategic alliance between the seven parliamentary parties and the Maoist rebels, civil society was catapulted into prominence during the historic protests as a result of national and international activities in opposition to the king’s government. This process offers new insights into the role of civil society in the developing world.

2008 79 pp PS48 Soft 978-1-932728-76-7 S$19.90/US$11.00

Email Website

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For exclusive distribution in Southeast Asia excluding Indonesia

KITLV Press publishes scholarly monographs and other books on the ­anthropology, art, economics, history, linguistics and literature of Southeast Asia, with special emphasis on ­Indonesia. Some 15 titles are published annually most of which are in the English language. As regards Indonesia, KITLV Press ranks among the foremost academic publishers in the world. For a detailed list of publications from KITLV Press, visit

The politics of redress

Creole Jews

War Damage Compensation and Restitution in Indonesia and the Philippines, 1940-1957

Negotiating community in colonial Suriname


Wieke Vink

This study presents a refined analysis of Surinames-Jewish identifications. The story of the Surinamese Jews is one of a colonial Jewish community that became ever more interwoven with the local environment of Suriname. Ever since their first settlement, Jewish migrants from diverse backgrounds, each with their own narrative of migration and settlement, were faced with challenges brought about by this new environment; a colonial order and, in essence, a race-based slave society. A place, furthermore, that was constantly changing: economically, socially, demographically, politically and culturally.

2010 306 pp KITLV106 Soft 978-90-6718-343-7 S$72.00/US$55.00

Indonesian Economic Decolonization in Regional and International Perspective


This collection of essays provides insights into the complex process of economic decolonization in Indonesia from a variety of perspectives. The emancipation from Dutch colonialism in the economic sphere is linked to the unique features of the new nation-state emerging in newly independent Indonesia. This included a key role in business for the military.

2010 212 pp KITLV102 Soft 978-90-6718-353-6 S$63.00/US$45.00

From Monologue to Dialogue

Radio and Reform in Indonesia Edwin Jurriëns The book examines ideas and practices such as independent journalism, peace journalism, meta-journalism, virtual interactivity, talk-back radio and community radio, which have all been designed to renew audience interest in media and societal affairs. 2009 190 pp KITLV98 Soft 978-90-6718-354-3 S$58.00/US$42.00

20KITLV.indd 28

Peter Keppy

This book focuses on the aftermath of World War II in Asia as described in a sobering and insightful history of two types of redress: compensation for material war damage and restitution of looted property. The politics of redress makes an important contribution to the study of law and society in Southeast Asia. It lays bare the complex web of interconnections between politics, law and economy from a comparative historical perspective.

2010 284 pp KITLV105 Soft 978-90-6718-369-7 S$63.00/US$49.00

The StrangerKings of Sikka is the first monographic study of an origin myth and history of an indigenous eastern Indonesian state and the first contemporary ethnography of the Ata Sikka of Flores. The book will be of interest to anthropologists, ethnologists of Austronesia, historians and political scientists whose interests include Southeast Asia.

2010 434 pp KITLV104 Soft 978-90-6718-328-4 S$80.00/US$62.00


2008 266 pp KITLV101 Soft 978-90-6718-290-4 S$63.00/US$45.00

The Lands West of the Lakes A History of the Ajattappareng Kingdoms of South Sulawesi 1200 to 1600 CE Stephen C Druce The book will be of primary interest to scholars of pre-European-contact Southeast Asia, including historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, linguists and geographers, and scholars with a broader interest in oral tradition and the relationship between the oral and written registes. 2009 377 pp KITLV96 Soft 978-90-6718-331-4 S$69.00/US$49.00

Fax +65 6775 6259

The Sumatra Railroad

Final Destination Pakan Baroe, 1943-1945

The Economic Decolonization of Indonesia

This monograph offers the first comprehensive history of the decolonization of the Indonesian economy, a process with a different momentum and timing from the achievement of political independence. It traces the origins of economic decolonization to the late-colonial period, covers developments during the Japanese occupation and the Indonesian Revolution as well as continued operations by Dutch enterprises in Indonesia during the 1950s.

The strangerkings of Sikka

JakartaBatavia SocioCultural Essays

E. Douglas Lewis

Bridges to New Business J. Thomas Lindblad

J Thomas Lindblad and Peter Post

Phone +65 68702447/68702483



Henk Hovinga This is the gripping historical tragedy of the 220 km railroad that bored its way through the hot, humid Sumatran jungle during World War II. The railway was commissioned by Japan and built with the blood and tears of Allied prisoners of war and press-ganged Javanese romushas. Henk Hovinga interviewed nearly one hundred former railroad workers and did painstaking archival research. The result is a moving book, richly illustrated with numerous authentic drawings of life in the internment camps, charts and photographs. 2010 391 pp KITLV100 Soft 978-90-6718-340-6 S$79.00/US$57.00


Crossroads of Cultures Francine Brinkgreve and Retno Sulistianingsih, editors This book looks at the rich artistic heritage of Sumatra that has come down to us from the early Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms and from the later Islamic sultanates. It examines the influences from China, India, the Islamic lands and Europe, through the statues, textiles, jewelry, and other crafts in two of the world’s finest collections of Indonesian art, those of the National Museum of Indonesia (Jakarta) and the National Museum of Ethnology (Leiden). This book, and the exhibition that it accompanies, are part of the cooperative project between the two museums.

2009 203 pp KITLV95 Soft 978-90-67183-56-7 S$69.00/US$49.00


Kees Grijns and Peter J M Nas This book combines the work of twenty-one authors from East and West, some of whom are longtime residents of Jakarta and all of whom have lived and studied there for shorter or longer periods. They have in common that each of them has become fascinated by certain characteristics of Jakarta’s manysided life. Historians, anthropologists, sociologists, administrators and town planners may well draw inspiration from this kaleidoscopic picture of Indonesia’s capital.

2000 349 pp KITLV103 Soft 978-90-6718-1396 S$65.00/US$50.00

Gender, Ritual and Social Formation in West Papua

A Configurational Analysis Comparing Kamoro and Asmat Jan Pouwer This study, based on a lifelong involvement with New Guinea, compares the culture of the Kamoro (18,000) with that of their eastern neighbours, the Amat (40,000), both living on the South coast of West Papua, Indonesia. The comparison, showing substantial differences as well as striking similarities, contributes to a deeper understanding of both cultures. 2010 300 pp KITLV99 Soft 978-90-6718-325-3 S$79.00/US$57.00

The Javanese Kris David van Duuren Groneman describes in minute detail the forging of a number of blades and the manufacture of the other parts of the kris, and then places it all in a broader historical and cultural framework. His articles were inspired by a strong interest in how Javanese krisses were forged, but also by his great concern that this craft that he admired so much, was at risk of bleeding to death and disappearing from the face of the earth.

2009 288 pp KITLV93 Soft 978-90-6718-329-1 S$180.00/US$128.00


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For exclusive distribution in Southeast Asia, India and Japan


The MAI Press, an imprint of Monash University Press, specializes in academic publications on research about Asia, Asian Studies and related fields. With over thirty years of experience in publishing in this field, MAI Press has one of the largest Asian collections in Australia. The series include books, monographs and working papers that have been contributed by members of the academic community who are engaged in research in Asian Studies and/or Development Studies. For a detailed list of publications from MAI Press, visit

A Travellers’ Literary Guide to Thailand Caron Eastgate Dann Thailand has been systematically transformed into a classic neocolonial object of Western desire, an easily penetrated erotic zone that caters to the appetites of Western interlopers. In the first comprehensive critical study of Western literature about Thailand, Imagining Siam provides a thorough analysis, using Edward Said’s concepts, of English language travelogues and travel literature.

2009 250 pp MAI22 Soft 978-1-876924-62-1 S$49.90/US$38.90

Horizons of home

Penelope Graham, editor Mobility and migration, hardly new phenomena in Southeast Asia, raise intriguing questions about experiences of place, home and belonging. The term ‘homeland’ can refer to the modern nation citizenship, but often ‘homelands may be places of origin socially memorialised in people’s lives in far-distant locations.

2008 168 pp MAI18 Soft 978-1-876924-29-4 S$34.00/US$24.00

Indonesian Islam in a New Era How Women Negotiate Their Muslim Identities

The book underscores the negotiations Muslim women have made in arenas such as schools, organisations, popular culture and village life. Whereas theology has until recently dominated studies of women and Islam in Indonesia, this book breaks new ground by examining from social science perspectives how Indonesian women negotiate their Muslim identities.

2008 212 pp MAI15 Soft 978-1-876924-54-6 S$49.90/US$38.90


David Templeman

Derek McDougall, editors

Marshall Clark

This wide-ranging book brings new and fresh visions of important aspects of Tibetan culture. It considers fields as diverse as power in Lhatok in Eastern Tibet, the dynamics and politics of lattice window design in Rebgong (Amdo), humour in old Tibetan verse, and concepts of the self in modern testimonia. The authors approach their topics with verve and insight, employing novel and often ground-breaking ways of dealing with their respective fields.

The Bandung Conference was one of the great political events of the 1950s. Its glittering array of international stars, including Sukarno, Nehru, and Zhou Enlai, ensured headlines in newspapers around the world. How should it be assessed today? More than half a century after the first great gathering of heads of independent Asian and African countries, this book presents some new and unusual perspectives on the history of the conference.

2010 186 pp MAI23 Soft 978-1-876924-77-5 S$45.00/US$30.00

Dr Luthfi Assyaukanie considers the search for an ideal model of polity and focuses on the santri generation, which entered the public arena in the 1970s. Professor Robert Hefner discusses the influence of informal Muslim politics on Indonesia’s formal political process, the rise of Islamist paramilitaries, and the conservative turn among ulama groups like the MUI. Finally, Professor Azyumardi Azra explores the compatibility of an Islamic state and democracy and evaluates the 2004 elections in Indonesia.

Little Histories

2010 170 pp MAI24 Soft 978-1-876924-73-7 S$39.90/US$29.90

Tall tales and true

India, Historiography and British Imperial Imaginings Kate Brittlebank Tall Tales and True: India, historiography and British imperial imaginings is an interdisciplinary collection of eight case studies. Written in an engaging and accessible style, in order to appeal not only to specialists but also to students, teachers and general readers, it explores issues relating to the construction of historical narratives.

2008 147 pp MAI20 Soft 978-1-876924-61-4 S$39.90/US$28.50

2008 68 pp MAI19 Soft 978-1-876924-42-3 S$29.90/US$21.00

Is Japan really remilitarising?

Susan Blackburn

Yasuo Takao

Every year on 22 December, Indonesia celebrates Women’s Day, commemorating the start of the first Indonesian women’s congress in 1928, and leading to the first federation of women’s organisations. Although this fact is quite well-known in Indonesia, the details of what happened at the congress are not, because the record of the congress has been lost to view.

Tokyo’s stance on national security is becoming uncharacteristically assertive. This book explores the prospect of Japan’s remilitarisation and challenges the preconceived approaches taken by Japan’s pacifism since the end of the Second World War, developments in Japanese military build-up since the late 1960s, and Japan’s responses to the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Politics of Norm Formation The First Indonesian Women’s Congress of 1928 and Change

Susan Blackburn, Bianca Smith and Siti ­Syamsiyatun, editors

21MAI.indd 29

NEW Antonia Finnane and


Muslim politics and democratisation in Indonesia

Nation, Gender and Migrancy in Island Southeast Asia

Phone +65 68702447/68702483


Bandung 1955

New Views of Tibetan Culture

Imagining Siam

2008 250 pp MAI14 Soft 978-1-876924-48-5 S$45.00/US$30.00

Fax +65 6775 6259

2009 206 pp MAI16 Soft 978-1-876924-60-7 S$48.90/US$34.90


Culture, Gender and Politics in Indonesia

Maskulinitas is a ground-breaking treatment of the representation of men and masculinity in Indonesian culture, from Suharto’s New Order era to the present. It includes critical analysis of Indonesian cultural expression in literature, cinema, society and politics. Drawing on the ideas of Bakhtin, Bourdieu, Maier and others, Marshall Clark explores, with acute insight and a critical eye, constructions of the masculine in contemporary Indonesian society.

2010 182 pp MAI25 Soft 978-1-876924-76-8 S$39.90/US$29.90

Narrating the other Australian Literary Perceptions of Japan Megumi Kato The first extensive study of Japan in Australian literary consciousness, Narrating the other provides a broad chronological exploration of Australian writers’ representations of the Japanese from the late 19th to the 21st century.

2008 234 pp MAI21 Soft 978-1-876924-59-1 S$49.90/US$35.90

The Iconic Female Goddesses of India, Nepal and Tibet Jayant Bhalchandra Bapat and Ian Mabbett, editors In this book, for the first time, ten Australian researchers working on many aspects of the Devi have come together and offered, in a single collection, new research on the divine female. This book is the beginning of a renewed quest for the iconic Devi who continues to emerge in her many, unpredictably powerful forms.

2009 244 pp MAI17 Soft 978-1-876924-66-9 S$59.90/US$42.90


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N I A S P r e ss

For distribution in Asia, excluding Japan, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam

The Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, a research institute located in Copenhagen, encourages and supports Asian Studies in the Nordic countries while actively participating in the international scholarly community in its own right.


For a detailed list of publications from NIAS Press, visit

Saying the Unsayable

Monarchy and Democracy in Thailand


2010 286 pp NIAS55 Soft 978-87-7694-072-0 S$44.90/US$32.00



The Rise of the Individual in Modern Chinese Society Mette Halskov Hansen and Rune Svarverud, editors

The volume makes an essential contribution to the debate about how ‘modernity’ should be conceptualized from a cosmopolitan perspective. It depicts China’s individualization process in conceptually acute and empirically sensitive terms, and as something distinctively Chinese, making it a ‘must read’ for those wanting to understand Chinese society in all its ambivalences, contingencies and contradictions.

2010 296 pp NIAS51 Hard 978-87-7694-0053-9 S$49.90/US$37.00


Politicized Society The Long Shadow of Taiwan’s One-Party Legacy

2010 336 pp NIAS54 Soft 978-87-7694-060-7 S$49.90/US$37.00

Gendered Inequalities in Asia

Configuring, Contesting and Recognizing Women and Men


2011 324 pp NIAS51 Soft 978-87-7694-062-1 S$49.90/US$37.00

Phone +65 68702447/68702483 23NIAS.indd 30

Helle Rydstrøm, editor

2010 287 pp NIAS53 Soft 978-87-7694-055-3 S$105.00/US$75.00


Global processes with flows in money, commodities and people have made it increas¬ingly varied and blurred what it means to be a female or male in Asia today. Socio-economic and cultural patterns in Asia intersect with one another and, in doing so, they translate into power relations that create both possibilities and constraints for women and men. 2010 320 pp NIAS50 Hard 978-87-7694-047-8 S$49.90/US$37.00


Vibeke Børdahl and Margaret B. Wan, editors

Through subjects ranging from Ming vernacular fiction to popular prints and contemporary storytelling and folk ballads, this volume examines the interplay of oral and written traditions in China from interdisciplinary perspectives.

This volume examines heritage tourism across the Southeast Asian region from different disciplinary perspectives. It makes an important contribution to the fields of tourism studies, cultural studies, development and planning studies, and beyond.

The Social Dynamics of Deforestation in the Philippines


Jan Ovesen and Ing-Britt Trankel This study offers an historical and contemporary anthropology of the nation of Cambodia. More than a medical anthropology, this key text makes a significant contribution to the anthropological study of Cambodian society at large and will be an important resource for development planners and aid workers in medical and related fields.

2010 319 pp NIAS49 Soft 978-87-7694-058-4 S$49.90/US$37.00

Designed for teaching and individual use, this updated electronic version of Robert Cribb’s landmark Historical Atlas of Indonesia includes much new or updated text plus over 150 new maps. In total, there are almost 500 maps output as JPEG images suitable for use in classroom teaching (e.g. using Powerpoint) plus high-resolution files suitable for royaltyfree reproduction by scholars in their own publications. 2010 DVD NIAS52 Soft 978-87-91114-66-3 S$56.00/US$40.00

2010 409 pp NIAS50 Hard 978-87-91114-53-3 S$49.90/US$37.00

Fax +65 6775 6259


I Will Send My Song

Kammu Vocal Genres in the Singing of Kam Raw Hakan Lundstrom

This work contains an ethnomusical presentation in print and sound of one person’s vocal performance of rather highly varied sets of words, manners of performance, and the use of these competences in communication with other singers. Although this orally transmitted form of singing is unique to the Kammu of northern Laos, it is related to a much larger complex in Southeast Asia and thus will be of interest to a wide group of musicologists.

2010 256 pp NIAS48 Soft 978-87-91114-32-8 S$49.90/US$37.00


Asian Cities Globalization, Urbanization and Nation-Building Malcolm McKinnon

Gerhard van den Top A major contribution to knowledge both in the field of Philippine studies and in relation to deforestation, environmental change, political ecology and development. This book offers solid empirical data and a compelling insight into the long history of national, regional and local outsiders gaining access to the natural resources and lands of the last large forest frontier in the Philippines.

Digital Atlas of Indonesian Robert Cribb

Cambodians and Their NEW Doctors A Medical Anthropology of Colonial and PostColonial Cambodia

Actions, Options and Motivations

Mikael Mattlin Taiwan’s gradual democratization has been celebrated as one of the most successful cases of political transformation, due to an initially smooth political transition from one-party authoritarianism to multiparty politics. A study with empirical value – warning that extreme politicization is the main internal threat to the sustainability of Taiwan’s democratic politics – but its analysis also applies to other transitional democracies around the world.


Michael Hitchcock, Victor T. King and Michael Parnwell, editors

Søren Ivarsson and Lotte Isager, editors The Thai monarchy today is usually presented as both guardian of tradition and the institution to bring modernity and progress to the Thai people.It also analyses important cultural, historical, political, religious, and legal forces shaping the popular image of the monarchy and, in particular, of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

The Interplay of the Oral and the Written in Chinese Popular Literature

Heritage Tourism in Southeast Asia

Modern Muslim Identities Negotiating Religion and Ethnicity in Malaysia Gerhard Hoffstaedter

Historical Dictionary of the Indochina War (1945–1954) An International and Interdisciplinary Approach

Cambodia’s Economic Transformation Caroline Hughes and and Kheang Un, editors

Christopher E. Goscha

Performing the Divine Mediums, Markets and Modernity in Urban Vietnam Kirsten W. Endres


Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts Early Acquisitions and the Nepal Collection Hartmut Buescher

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For worldwide distribution


The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) is one of the 15 regional centres of excellence of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). SEARCA is hosted by the Government of the Philippines on the campus of the University of the Philippines Los Baños in Los Baños, Laguna. For a detailed list of publications from SEARCA, visit

Changing Agrifood Markets in Southeast Asia Impacts on Small-Scale Producers

Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series

Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series

Nguyen Tri Kiem

Nipon Poapongsakorn

Ngiam Tong Tau


Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at An Giang University, Vietnam.

Larry Digal, editor

Associate Professor, University of the Phillippines, Mindanao.

Felicity Proctor, editor

Independent Consultant and Visiting Fellow, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), UK.

Bill Vorley, editor

Has a background in ecology and trained in the farm fields of Southern England and Southeast Asia.

Agrifood markets are in an unprecendented state of flux, and are generating intense policy debate worldwide. The primary drivers are market liberalization, a reduced role of the state and shifts into market-driven policy, changes in consumer preferences and purchasing power rising energy and food prices, climate change and its implications, and the modernization of food processing and retail itself. 2008 356 pp SEAR8 Soft 978-971-560-145-0 S$29.90/US$24.90

Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series

This primer starts by describing Vietnam’s agriculure and its significant contributions in bolstering the country’s overall economy. It features the primary agricultural commodities produced for the import and export market and the market trend. Government interventions and policy reforms that have had profound impact on development efforts are also discussed. The final parts of the primer deal with the important facets that could potentially help boost the agriculture sector if addressed accordingly - public investment and research and development. 2007 Soft 1813-2316

70 pp

SEAR7 S$12.00/US$9.00

Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series Myanmar Tit Htut Oo


Director-General, Department of Agricultural Planning, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Myanmar.

Majah-Leah V Ravago Ph.D. candidate in Economics, University of Hawaii, Manoa.

Amy Doreen S. J Cruz Economist, Department of Economic Research of Central Bank of the Philippines.

The Philippine agricultural sector, notwithstanding its falling share in the country’s overall output, is considered a key element in economic development and poverty reduction, given the sector’s important forward and backward linkages with the rest of the economy. 2007 Soft 1813-2316

Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series

91 pp

SEAR4 S$16.00/US$12.00

Out of print

24SEARCA.indd 31

Fax +65 6775 6259

Chief Fisheries Officer, AgriFood and Veterinary Authority of Singapore.

68 pp

SEAR6 S$12.00/US$9.00

Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series Zainal Abidin Mohamed

68 pp

SEAR3 S$7.00/US$5.00

Head, Department of Agribusiness and Information System, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Amin Mahir Abdullah

Lecturer, Department of Agribusiness and Information System, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

Ismail Abd Latif

Lecturer, Department of Agribusiness and Information System, Universiti Putra Malaysia.

The primer is useful to the world community in getting to know Malaysian agriculture and its role in economic and social development in the 20th and 21st centuries. This primer on Malaysia will give the reader an expansive overview of the nation’s economic and agricultural environment. Those who wish to cut across different aspects of Malaysian agriculture in brief will find this an invaluable and timely reference. 2005 Soft 1813-2316

Phone +65 68702447/68702483

Leslie Cheong

The primer starts with the discussion on the state of Thai agriculture and the accompanying issues that beset the industry in recent decades, one of which is the ageing of Thai farmers. The countrywide socioeconomic impacts that ensued are likewise discussed. The primer also features Thailand’s decisive shift to high-value agriculture as a response to long-term structural problem. It chronicles pragmatic measures made by the government in its efforts to gain momentum in reforming the agriculture industry through technology infusion and policy recommendations. It also narrates how Thailand maintains its status as a major net exporter of agricultural products and food. 2007 Soft 1813-2316



Was Director General, AgriFood and Veterinary Authority of Singapore until his retirement in 2005.

Associate Professor and Dean, Faculty of Economics, Thammasat University. He is also an adviser to the Minister for Commerce and Minister for Finance, Thailand.


The volume attempts to present the needed information relevant to policies, reforms, and endeavours instituted since the Colonial days. It is hoped that this publication will be able to portray a true picture of Myanmar’s efforts in modernizing its agriculture. It also tackles policy reforms, investments, and R&D. Its format enables easy comparison of agriculture data among countries, making it a useful situationer for researchers, students, donor agencies and the business community. 2006 Soft 1813-2316


96 pp

SEAR2 S$12.00/US$9.00

Singapore, being a city-state, has little agriculture because of land constraints. Agricultural development, by necessity, has to blend into an urban environment and must not cause pollution problems. The application of current and most appropriate agrotechnology has enabled Singapore to produce a measure of its food supply as well as other agricultural products of economic value such as orchids and ornamental fish. Farmers as well as scientists and professionals have made it possible for Singapore to have a vibrant agriculture sector. 2006 Soft 1813-2316

36 pp

SEAR5 S$10.00/US$7.00

Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series Indonesia

Faisal Kasryno President Commissioner, Kinantan Rural Bank, Bogor, Indonesia.

The primer describes the state and behaviour of Indonesian agriculture. It discusses the different changes that figured in with the government’s attempt to increase agricultural productivity. This series aims to promote awareness on the state of agriculture of the Southeast Asian countries. The consistency in format and presentation of the series enables easy comparability of agriculture situation across countries and the drawing of lessons from each other’s experiences. The cultural differences notwithstanding, there are many commonalities and similarities among the countries, especially in geographical characteristics, making agriculture a common priority and concern in the region.

2007 157 pp SEAR1 Soft 1813-2316 S$19.90/US$13.00


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For distribution in Southeast Asia

A collaborative effort by Stanford University Press and the East-West Center, this Contemporary Issues in Asia and the Pacific series addresses contemporary issues of policy and scholarly concern in Asia and the Pacific. The series focuses on political, social, economic, cultural, demographic, environmental, and technological change and the problems related to such change. For a detailed list of publications from SUP, visit

Constructing China’s Jerusalem

Christians, Power, and Place in Contemporary Wenzhou


Nanlai Cao

Drawing on extensive ethnographic fieldwork and indepth life history interviews, this illuminating book provides an intimate portrait of contemporary Chinese Christianity in the context of a modern, commercialized economy. In vivid detail, anthropologist Nanlai Cao explores the massive resurgence of Protestant Christianity in the southeastern coastal city of Wenzhou—popularly referred to by its residents as “China’s Jerusalem”—a nationwide model for economic development and the largest urban Christian center in China.

2010 232 pp SUP10 Soft 978-0-8047-7360-7 S$33.00/US$26.00

Beyond the Middle Kingdom

Comparative Perspectives on China’s Capitalist Transformation


2011 256 pp SUP11 Soft 978-0-8047-6958-7 S$33.00/US$26.00

Rise of the Red Engineers

The Cultural Revolution and the Origins of China’s New Class

Magali Barbieri and Danièle Bélanger, editors This book chronicles and analyzes the most significant change for families in Vietnam’s recent past — the transition to a market economy, referred to as Doi Moi in Vietnamese and generally translated as the “renovation.”

2009 464 pp SUP8 Soft 978-0-8047-6058-4 S$47.00/US$36.00

Opposing Suharto

Compromise, Resistance and Regime Change in Indonesia Edward Aspinall

This book is an important study not only for readers interested in contemporary Indonesia and political change in Asia, but also for all those interested in democratization processes elsewhere in the world. This book provides an account from the perspective of those who were struggling to bring about change.

2005 328 pp SUP4 Soft 978-0-8047-4845-2 S$39.00/US$30.00

Phone +65 68702447/68702483 25SUP.indd 32

Niko Besnier Adopting a wide-angled perspective that brings together political, economic, cultural, and social concerns, Besnier argues that life in twenty-firstcentury Tonga is rife with uncertainties at odds with the appearance of stability and order conveyed by traditionalism. In the political realm, these uncertainties adopt a vocabulary of neo-traditionalism, democracy, neo-liberal economics, and citizenship.

2011 264 pp SUP12 Soft 978-0-8047-7406-2 S$37.00/US$27.00

Rising China and Asian Democratization

Socialization to “Global Culture” in the Political Transformations of Thailand, China, and Taiwan

2009 368 pp SUP9 Soft 978-0-8047-6078-2 S$43.00/US$32.00

This book argues that democratization is inherently international: states democratize through a process of socialization to a liberalrational global culture.

2008 299 pp SUP6 Soft 978-0-8047-6104-8 S$42.00/US$30.00

The Fourth Circle

Civil Society and Coalitions for Political Change in Malaysia Meredith Weiss

2006 324 pp SUP3 Soft 978-08047-5295-4 S$42.00/US$32.00

Fax +65 6775 6259

This book is about how the design of institutional change results in unintended consequences. Many postauthoritarian societies have adopted decentralization-effectively localizing power — as part and parcel of democratization, but also in their efforts to entrench “good governance.” 2010 264 pp SUP7 Soft 978-0-8047-6853-5 S$37.00/US$27.00

Southeast Asia in Political Science

Theory, Region, and Qualitative Analysis Erik Martinez Kuhonta, Dan Slater and Tuong VU, editors The book provides a state-of-the-art review of key topics in the fields, including: state structures, political regimes, political parties, contentious politics, civil society, ethnicity, religion, rural development, globalization and political economy. 2008 455 pp SUP5 Soft 978-0-8047-6152-9 S$47.00/US$36.00

Japan’s Dual Civil Society

Political Ecology of Sumatra’s Rainforest Frontier

Protest and Possibilities

Protest and Possibilities explores the pursuit of political reform in Malaysia, an illiberal democracy and contrasts coalitionbuilding and reform processes there with those of electoral, authoritarian Indonesia.

Vedi R. Hadiz

Daniel C Lynch

Joel Andreas Rise of the Red Engineers explains the tumultuous origins of the class of technocratic officials who rule China today. In a fascinating account, author Joel Andreas chronicles how two mutually hostile groups—the poorly educated peasant revolutionaries who seized power in 1949 and China’s old educated elite— coalesced to form a new dominant class.

On the Localising Power in PostEdge of the Authoritarian Indonesia A Southeast Asia Perspective Global Modern Anxieties in a Pacific Island Nation

Scott Kennedy, editor

This book breaks new ground by systematically examining China’s capitalist transformation through several comparative lenses. The great majority of research on China to date has consisted of single-country studies. The moniker Middle Kingdom, a direct translation of the Chinese-language word for China, is one of the most prominent symbols of the country’s supposed uniqueness.

Reconfiguring Families in Contemporary Vietnam


John F McCarthy The book describes how, as key actors interact, they create arrangements that effectively manage local resources, eclipsing adat and formal state management structures. While outside interventions try to work with adat and the state, they fail to engage fully with the main problem, that is, that district webs of power and interest, coalescing aroung local resources and reaching into wider society, lead inexorably to environmental decline.

2006 353 pp SUP2 Soft 978-0-8047-5212-1 S$46.00/US$35.00


Members Without Advocates Robert Pekkanen

This book provides an overview of the state of Japan’s civil society and a new theory, based on political institutions, to explain why Japan differs so much from other industrialized democracies. The book offers a new interpretation of why Japan’s civil society has developed as it has, with many small, local groups, but few large, professionally managed national organizations.

2006 252 pp SUP1 Soft 978-0-8047-5429-3 S$42.00/US$32.00


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Adopted by:

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Webster University, Thailand

National University of Singapore

University of Delaware, USA

Ministry of Defence, Singapore

2010 354 pp BM394 Soft 978-981-4279-19-2 S$59.90/US$49.90

2010 638 pp BM407 Soft 978-981-4279-84-0 S$59.90/US$49.90 Hard 978-981-4279-85-7 S$79.90/US$59.90

2010 409 pp SEAA10 Soft 978-981-4279-81-9 S$39.90/US$29.90 Hard 978-981-4279-82-6 S$59.90/US$43.90

2010 576 pp BM399 Soft 978-981-4279-50-5 S$45.00/US$35.00 Hard 978-981-4279-51-2 S$55.00/US$45.00

Adopted by:

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Adopted by:

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University of Minnesota, USA

University of Minnesota, USA

Northern Illinois University, USA

Northern Illinois University, USA

2010 228 pp BM413 Soft 978-981-4311-05-2 S$35.00/US$29.90

2007 74 pp PS37 Soft 978-981-230-489-6 S$19.90/US$11.00

2009 220 pp BM376 Hard 978-981-230-954-9 S$42.90/US$32.90

2009 235 pp BM357 Hard 978-981-230-876-4 S$59.90/US$49.90

Adopted by:

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Northern Illinois University, USA

Northern Illinois University, USA

University of Malaya

University of Malaya

2009 392 pp PIC177 Soft 978-981-230-840-5 S$42.90/US$34.90 Hard 978-981-230-841-2 S$69.90/US$59.90

2008 400 pp PIC185 Soft 978-981-230-914-3 S$44.90/US$29.90

2008 184 pp BM359 Soft 978-981-08-1822-7 S$29.90/US$22.90

Adopted by:

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University of Malaya

University of Malaya

University of Malaya

Cornell University, USA

2008 70 pp ASC3 Soft 978-981-230-898-6 S$19.90/US$15.90

2009 103 pp ASC4 Soft 978-981-230-932-7 S$27.90/US$19.90

2008 720 pp PIC175 Soft 978-981-230-868-9 S$79.90/US$69.90 Hard 978-981-230-799-6 S$99.90/US$89.90

2008 310 pp BM321 Soft 978-981-230-437-7 S$29.90/US$21.90

E-book 978-981-4279-20-8

E-book 978-981-4311-04-5

2009 417 pp SEAA09 Soft 978-981-230-946-4 S$39.90/US$29.90 Hard 978-981-230-948-8 S$59.90/US$43.90 E-book 978-981-230-947-1

E-book 978-981-230-899-3

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E-book 978-981-4279-86-4

E-book 978-981-230-490-2

E-book 978-981-230-842-9

E-book 978-981-230-915-0

Fax +65 6775 6259

E-book 978-981-4279-83-3

E-book 978-981-230-965-5


E-book 978-981-230-800-9


E-book 978-981-4279-52-9

E-book 978-981-230-879-5

E-book 978-981-230-884-9

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Adopted by:

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Adopted by:

National University of Singapore

Harvard University

University of North Carolina, USA

Simon Fraser University, Canada

University of Melbourne Australian National University

2006 311 pp LH17 Soft 978-981-230-424-7 S$29.90/US$21.90 Hard 978-981-230-425-4 S$59.90/US$43.90 E-book 978-981-230-729-3

2006 540 pp BM296 Soft 978-981-230-367-7 S$39.90/US$32.90 Hard 978-981-230-368-4 S$69.90/US$54.90

University of Western Australia

2003 452 pp EDS7 Soft 978-981-230-117-8 S$39.90/US$24.90 Hard 978-981-230-119-2 S$64.90/US$39.90 E-book 978-981-230-578-7

2007 311 pp BM315 Soft 978-981-230-433-9 S$39.90/US$32.90 Hard 978-981-230-434-6 S$59.90/US$43.90 E-book 978-981-230-722-4

Adopted by:

Adopted by:

Adopted by:

Adopted by:

Scripps College, USA

Northern Illinois University, USA

Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Northern Illinois University, USA

Duke University, USA

2006 381 pp SEC28 Hard 978-981-230-400-1 S$69.90/US$54.90 E-book 978-981-230-710-1

1985 407 pp SISEA1 Soft 978-9971-988-08-1 S$52.20/US$35.90

2005 328 pp SEC26 Soft 978-981-230-260-1 S$39.90/US$29.90 Hard 978-981-230-261-8 S$59.90/US$47.90

2005 362 pp PIC121 Hard 978-981-230-283-0 S$69.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-230-709-5

E-book 978-981-230-624-1

Adopted by:

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Adopted by:

Harvard University, USA

University of Western Australia

Dokkyo University, Japan

Georgetown University, USA

Portland State University, USA

1999 256 pp IU11 Soft 978-981-230-039-3 S$49.90/US$35.90

2004 266 pp BM258 Soft 978-981-230-240-3 S$29.90/US$21.90 Hard 978-981-230-241-0 S$59.90/US$43.45 E-book 978-981-230-536-7

Adopted by:

Adopted by: Universiti Sains Malaysia

American University, USA

Warren Wilson College, USA

University of Western Australia

2004 374 pp PIC120 Hard 978-981-230-278-6 S$69.90/US$44.90 E-book 978-981-230-623-4

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Agder Research Foundation, Norway

2001 440 pp BM208 Soft 978-981-230-133-8 S$59.90/US$39.90 E-book 978-981-230-504-6

Fax +65 6775 6259


2005 423 pp SEAA05 Soft 978-981-230-306-6 S$39.90/US$29.90 Hard 978-981-230-307-3 S$59.90/US$43.90 E-book 978-981-230-695-1

Adopted by: Universiti Sains Malaysia University of San Francisco, USA

2008 393 pp SEAA08 Soft 978-981-230-789-7 S$39.90/US$29.90 Hard 978-981-230-790-3 S$59.90/US$43.90 E-book 978-981-230-791-0

Adopted by: National University of Singapore

American University, USA Duke University, USA 2006 72 pp SEAB9 Soft 978-981-230-316-5 S$14.00/US$10.90 E-book 978-981-230-705-7


2000 380 pp BM217 Hard 978-981-230-094-2 S$59.90/US$43.90

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Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) and Regional Integration


Christopher Findlay

Professor and Head, School of Economics, University of Adelaide.

Uwe Kaufmann

PhD Candidate, School of Economics, University of Adelaide.

The book examine the agreement and how it evolved, it also provides lessons for others, particularly in ASEAN, as they work on regional on bilateral economic relations. The special features of the Agreement are identified, and its evolution is charted. Current debates are reviewed, and assessments of its impact are discussed. Ten lessons for the designers of other agreements are presented. 2010 116 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-97-0


How Asia Can Shape the World

From the Era of Plenty to the Era of Scarcities

The Policy Challenges

Jørgen Ørstrom Møller

Patarapong Intarakumnerd, editor

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Lecturer, College of Innovation, Thammasat University, Bangkok.

Yveline Lecler, editor

Senior Research Fellow, Maison Franco-Japonaise (Tokyo), UMIFRE 19, and invited researcher, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo.

Robert Scollay

Associate Professor of Economics and Director, the APEC Study Centre, University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Sustainability of Thailand’s Competitiveness

This book points out weaknesses of Thailand’s national innovation system or education and suggests how the country should develop new capabilities to survive and prosper in the globalized and fiercely competitive world. It will be useful to researchers and students who want to learn more about Thailand and emerging countries, and also to policy-makers and executives involved in economic and industrial development. 2010 331 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-47-5

BM397 S$62.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4279-48-2 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/IRASEC)

Asia will redraw the map of economic progress over the next twenty-five years. Growth is necessary to solve economic and social problems, but harder to achieve as the age of plenty gives way to the age of scarcities. The challenge opens the doors for an Asian economic model based on shifting of productivity for the individual to groups, ecological productivitiy instead of economic productivity, and a reversal to traditional Asian values — less materialistic than Western values. A new paradigm for economic thinking emerges to replace the one launched in the West 200 years ago. 2011 540 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-33-5

BM422 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4311-74-8 Visit ISEAS website for price

ASC11 S$29.90/US$25.90

E-book 978-981-4279-98-7 Visit ISEAS website for price

Forthcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

The Indonesian Economy

Impacts and Policy Implications

New Agenda in its Third Decade

Aris Ananta, editor

Aekapol Chongvilaivan

Ippei Yamazawa Professor Emeritus, Hitotsubashi University, ex-President, International University of Japan, and former President, Institute of Developing Economies/JETRO.

Harnessing Production Networks Fellow and Trade Policy Unit Coordinator, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

Contents 1 Introduction 2 Characteristics of Firms in Thailand’s Manufacturing Sector 3 Firm Productivity Effects 4 Labour Productivity Effects 5 Skill Upgrading: Winners or Losers? 6 Outsourcing Typology: Does It Matter? 7 Policy Implications

Contents 1 APEC’s Current State and New Challenges 2 Trade and Investment Liberalization and Facilitation 3 APEC’s Organization and Activities 4 Has APEC Achieved the Mid-Term Bogor Goal? 5 Realistic Approach for the Past Decade 6 Post-Bogor Agenda of APEC 7 APEC vs East Asian Community Statistical Appendices

Beyond the Myth Indian Business Communities in Singapore Jayati Bhattacharya

Visiting Research Fellow at Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

This book is a macro-study of Indian business communities in Singapore through different phases of their growth since colonial times. It goes beyond the conventional labour-history approach to study Indian immigrants to Southeast Asia, both in terms of themselves and their connections with the peoples’ movements. It looks at how Indian business communities negotiated with others in the environments in which they found themselves and adapted to them in novel ways.

Phone +65 68702447/68702483 27ECONOMICS.indd 36

Fax +65 6775 6259


Charting the Course of a Brighter Future - A Survey of Progress, Problems and Prospects Hang Chuon Naron Secretary General, Ministry of Economy and Finance and Permanent Deputy Chairman, Supreme National Economic Council (SNEC), Cambodia.

“Hang Chuon Naron’s Cambodian Economy: Charting the Course of a Brighter Future is a tour de force of modern Cambodia’s development challenges. The book is without peer in terms of providing a comprehensive and thorough review of Cambodia’s economy, from key economic sectors to social development to governance. On a country that still seems ‘exotic’ and sometimes difficult to penetrate, Dr. Naron’s survey provides valuable empirical analysis, insightful explanations, and practical recommendations for the way forward. The book ought to be required reading for every student, academic, or practitioner working on Cambodia.” Robert Taliercio, Lead Economist, The World Bank


Entering a New Era Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

Mulyana Soekarni, editor Director, Indonesian Banking Development Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia. Sjamsul Arifin, editor Senior Advisor to Board of Governors on International Relations, Bank Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia.

Contents PART I. INTRODUCTION 1. Economic Challenges in a New Era 2. Government Economic Policies since the Beginning of New Order Era PART II. MONETARY AND FISCAL POLICIES 3 The Dynamics of Monetary Policy 4 The Financial System: Balancing Stability and Growth 5 Economic Crisis and Fiscal Policy Management 6 Understanding the Roles of Fiscal Stimulus in Maintaining Economic Resilience PART III: DOMESTIC ECONOMY 7. Regional Heterogeneity of the Large Market and Production Base 8. Industrial Relation in the Democratizing Era 9. Decentralisation and Domestic Trade Interdependence PART IV: SEARCH FOR NEW PARADIGMS 10. Embracing ASEAN Economic Integration 2015: A Quest for ASEAN Business Cycle – Indonesian Point of View 11. Governance and Economic Performance 12. A Search for a World Development Paradigm: With Specific Recommendations for Indonesia


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India, China and Globalization


The Emerging Superpowers and the Future of Economic Development

Sustainability Science for Watershed Landscapes

BM398 S$59.90/US$42.90



S Tiwari, editor

Former Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

Kimberly M. Burnett, editor Assistant Specialist, University of Hawai‘i Economic Research Organisation.

Arsenio Molina Balisacan, editor

Professor of Economics, School of Economics, University of the Philippines Diliman.

“Sustainability Science can be both fundamental and practical, both deep and interdisciplinary. This application of Sustainability Science to Pacific watersheds illustrates its promise.”

Peter Vitousek, Stanford University PIC199 S$29.90/US$24.90 S$39.90/US$29.90

E-book 978-981-4279-95-6 Visit ISEAS website for price

Inclusive, Balanced, Sustained Growth in the Asia-Pacific

PIC200 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$49.90/US$39.90

E-book 978-981-4279-01-7 Visit ISEAS website for price

Life after the Charter

Professor of Economics, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, and Research Fellow, University of Hawai‘i Economic Research Organisation.


The chapters present a detailed analysis of the impact of the 2008–09 economic crisis in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, and the stimulus packages that were swiftly put in place by the governments to mitigate the economic recession and to pave the way for a quick recovery. With contributions from experts, this book will be extremely valuable to businessmen, analysts, academics, students, policy-makers and the general public interested in seeking a greater understanding of the global economic crisis.


James Roumasset, editor

2010 346 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-96-3 Hard cover 978-981-4279-60-4

Lead Researcher for Economic Affairs, ASEAN Studies Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

Professorial Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore.

2010 220 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-972-3 Hard cover 978-981-4311-18-2


PIC194 S$39.90/US$32.90

E-book 978-981-4279-55-0 Visit ISEAS website for price

Regional Outlook


Southeast Asia 2011–2012 Michael J Montesano, editor

Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Lee Poh Onn, editor

Fellow and Joint Coordinator, Regional Economic Studies Unit, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Peter A Petri, editor

E-book 978-981-4279-77-2 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/PECC)

E-book 978-981-4311-69-4 Visit ISEAS website for price

The report identifies priorities for replacing stimulus programmes with structural reforms, and for launching new growth engines to drive investment and employment throughout the Asia-Pacific region. 2010 133 pp Soft cover 978-981-230-966-2

Phone +65 68702447/68702483 27ECONOMICS.indd 37

PIC197 S$25.90/US$19.90

Fax +65 6775 6259

2011 183 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-00-7


2010 228 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-05-2

BM413 S$35.00/US$29.90

E-book 978-981-4311-04-5 Visit ISEAS website for price

Managing Economic Crisis in Southeast Asia


Professorial Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and President’s Honorary Professor of Statistics, National University of Singapore.

The chapters deal with the management of the 2008–09 economic crisis in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, and the region as a whole. They represent an analysis of the impact of the economic crisis and the stimulus packages that were swiftly put in place by the governments to mitigate the economic recession and to pave the way for a quick recovery. 2011 340 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-23-6 Hard cover 978-981-4311-79-3

PIC203 S$39.90/US$32.90 S$49.90/US$42.90

E-book 978-981-4311-24-3 Visit ISEAS website for price

Domestic Tourism in Asia


Diversity and Divergence

Shalini Singh, editor

Regional Outlook is designed for the busy executive, professional, diplomat, journalist, or interested observer. It aims to provide a succinct analysis of current political and economic trends shaping the region, and the outlook for the forthcoming two years. This forward-looking book contains focused political commentaries and economic forecasts on all ten countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as a select number of topical pieces of significance to the region.

Carl J. Shapiro Professor of International Finance, Brandeis International Business School (IBS) and a Senior Fellow, East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Singapore had been severely affected by the 2008–09 global financial crisis. To counter these shocks, Singapore policymakers undertook unprecedented monetary and fiscal policy measures. They subsequently charted a revival strategy that would help the country emerge stronger after the crisis. These all-encompassing policies helped the city state bounce back faster and stronger than many other regional economies. This book provides an insight into the events that occurred during the crisis and Singapore’s successful navigation to economic recovery.

Saw Swee-Hock, editor

With the completion of the ASEAN Charter, ASEAN needs to fully appreciate and work out the issues connected with its implementation. It is also important for ASEAN and its business sector to understand and implement the two newly completed key integration instruments (the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement and the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement 2009) and the business enhancing initiatives envisaged under them. 2010 166 pp Hard cover 978-981-4279-56-7


Road to Recovery

Sanchita Basu Das

John Wong, editor

India and China are recent reminders of an invaluable lesson of our times: development does not need perfect systems, but it is the outcome of strategic thinking, smart implementation and efficient governance. The book presents an exploration that emanates from the empirical evidence which is pertinent to the ascent of India and China and the impact that globalization has had during recent decades.


Singapore’s Journey through the Global Crisis

Professorial Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and President’s Honorary Professor of Statistics, National University of Singapore.

Development Economist who has worked as a journalist with the Economic Times and author of The Economic Con-Game.

(ISEAS/Palgrave Macmillan)


Saw Swee-Hock, editor

Piya Mahtaney

2010 323 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-49-9

Managing Economic Crisis in East Asia


RO/11 S$29.90/US$24.90

Associate Professor, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, Brock University, Canada.

The book explores the ethos of domestic travel and holiday-making in order to understand the distinctive common strands that underlie conventional and contemporary tourism practices, against the local and global backdrop. It presents some of the many interfaces of Asian cultural and natural heritages with tourism, while giving due consideration to today’s political and economic realities. 2011 335 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-93-9 (ISEAS/Earthscan)


BM437 S$49.90/US$35.90

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Wang Gungwu: Junzi

Scholar-Gentleman in Conversation with Asad-ul Iqbal Latif


Chinese Schools in Peninsular Malaysia The Struggle for Survival

Perspectives from the Region

This book of interviews with Professor Wang Gungwu, published to felicitate him on his 80th birthday in 2010, seeks to convey the life, times and thoughts of a leading historian, Southeast Asianist, Sinologist and public intellectual. The interviews flesh out Professor Wang’s views on being Chinese in Malaya; his experience of living and working in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia; the Vietnam War; Hong Kong and its return to China; the rise of China; Taiwan’s, Japan’s and India’s place in the emerging scheme of things; and on the United States in an age of terrorism and war. The book includes an interview with his wife, Mrs Margaret Wang, on their life together for half a century.

2010 261 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-52-6 Hard cover 978-981-4311-53-3

Decentring and NEW Diversifying Southeast Asian Studies

Lee Ting Hui

President of the Singapore Chinese Writers’ Association for a number of years, for which he was awarded the BBM by the President of Singapore.

Goh Beng-Lan, editor

Head, Southeast Asian Studies Programme, National University of Singapore.

Current critical thinking on regions outside the West appear to be motivated by the limitations of Western discourse in comprehending the variation of human experiences and paths of modernity. This book represents part of the effort to decentre and diversify the future of area studies in the current politics of knowledge production. It presents dilemmas encountered by Southeast Asian intellectuals and their ethical recourse as they respond to the critique of area studies and political-economic and cultural reconfigurations around them.

BM428 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$59.90/US$49.90

2011 308 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-56-4 Hard cover 978-981-4311-57-1

E-book 978-981-4311-54-0 Visit ISEAS website for price

BM430 S$39.90/US$34.90 S$49.90/US$45.90

E-book 978-981-4311-98-4 Visit ISEAS website for price

Mok Soon Sang

Lecturer, New Era College, in Kajang, Malaysia.

The history of modern Chinese schools in Peninsular Malaysia is a story of conflicts between Chinese domiciled there and different governments that happened or happen to rule the land. The Chinese community today continues to safeguard its educational institutions to ensure they survive. 2011 284 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-21-5

E-book 978-981-4279-22-2 Visit ISEAS website for price


The Singapore Women’s Charter 50 Questions


Leong Wai Kum

Professor, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore.

Portuguese and Luso-ASIAN Legacies Complexities of Engagement, Culture, and Identity in Southeast Asia, 1511–2011 Laura Jarnagin Pang, editor Visiting Professorial Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. Contents VOLUME 1: THE LUSO-ASIAN WORLD: INTRICACIES OF ENGAGEMENT Part I: Adaptations and Transitions in the Asian Theatre, 16th - 18th Centuries 1 Supplying Simples for the Royal Hospital: An ­­IndoPortuguese Medicinal Garden in Goa (1520-1830) by Timothy Walker 2 Melaka in the Era of Viceroy Linhares (1629-35) by Anthony Disney 3 Eighteenth-Century Diplomatic Relations between Portuguese Macao and Ayutthaya: The 1721 Debt Repayment Embassy from Macao by Stefan Halikowski-Smith 4 From Meliapur to Mylapore, 1662-1749: The ­Portuguese Presence in São Tomé between the Qutb Shai Conquest and Incorporation into British Madras by Paolo Aranha 5 Continuities in Portuguese Contact with Bengal and Their Legacy: A Community’s Future Entangled with the Past by Ujjayan Bhattacharya Part II: Dispersion, Mobility, and Demography, 16th 21st Centuries 6 The Luso-Asians and Other Eurasians: Their Domestic and Diasporic Identities by John Byrne 7 Demographic Trends of the Estado da Índia by Paulo Matos 8 Flying with the “Papagaio Verde” (Green Parrot): An Indo-Portuguese Folkloric Motif in South and Southeast Asia by K. David Jackson Part III: The Conveniences and Inconveniences of Portuguese and Luso-Asian Legacies in the 20th and 21st Centuries 9 Portuguese Communities in Southeast and East Asia during the Japanese Occupation by Felicia Yap 10 The Indo-Portuguese Literature and the Goa of Its Writers by Everton Machado 11 Binding Ties of Miscegenation and Identity: The Narratives of Henrique Senna de Fernandes (Macau) and Rex Shelley (Singapore) by Isabel Morais 12 Portuguese Past, Still Imperfect: Asian ReEncounters in Contemporary Lusophone Literatures by Christopher Larkosh

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VOLUME 2: THE TENACITIES AND PLASTICITIES OF CULTURE AND IDENTITY Part I: Crafting Identity in the Luso-Asian World 1 Catholic Communities and Their Festivities under the Portuguese Padroado in Early Modern Southeast Asia by Tara Alberts 2 A Snapshot of a Portuguese Community in Southeast Asia: The Bandel of Ayutthaya, 1684-86 by Rita Carvalho 3 Diaspora, Discovery, and Multiple Identities: The Portuguese Sephardim of Luso Asia by Bonnie Wasserman 4 The Colonial Command of Ceremonial Language: Etiquette and Custom-Imitation in NineteenthCentury East Timor by Ricardo Roque 5 Remembering the Portuguese Presence in Timor and Its Contribution to the Making of Timor’s National and Cultural Identity by Vicente Paulino Part II: The Evolution of Cultural Components: Language, Architecture, and Music 6 The Malayo-Portuguese Language of Malacca: A Delicate Ecology by Alan Baxter 7 Oral Traditions of the Luso-Asian Communities: Local, Regional, and Continental by Hugo Cardoso 8 Verb Markings in Makista: Continuity, Discontinuity, and Accommodation by Mário Pinharanda 9 From European-Asian Conflict to Cultural Heritage: Identification of Portuguese and Spanish Forts in Ternate and Tidore Islands by Manuel Lobato 10 The Influence of Portuguese Musical Culture in Southeast Asia in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries by Christian Storch Part III: Adversity and Accommodation 11 “Aocheng” or “Cidade do Nome de Deus”: Urban Development of Old Macao through Chinese Eyes, 16th to 18th Centuries by Vincent Ho 12 Enemies, Friends, and Relations: PortugueseEurasians during Malacca’s Dutch Era and Beyond by Dennis De Witt


BM393 S$45.00/US$39.90

The author gives a balanced view of the Charter by highlighting the progressive provisions as well as its shortcomings. Outstanding is her personal view that the Charter provides a moral view of marriage as being “an equal cooperative partnership of different efforts”. She also holds the view that the Charter elevates the status of women as it gave equal importance to women’s unpaid work and men’s paid work. Cheng U Wen Leng, Founder Member and 1st President of AWARE 2011 151 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-07-6 Hard cover 978-981-4311-06-9

BM414 S$19.90/US$16.90 S$29.90/US$24.90

E-book 978-981-4311-08-3 Visit ISEAS website for price


Where in the World is the Philippines?

Debating Its National Territory Rodolfo C. Severino

Head, ASEAN Studies Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

“‘Where in the world is the Philippines?’ is a question that has been deftly and consistently dodged by our politicians at the expense of clearly defining the Philippines’ territorial and maritime jurisdictions. Severino’s scholarly work lays out what has happened in the past and what must be done in the future – and does so just as newly elected President Benigno S. Aquino begins his term in office.” - Roberto R. Romulo, former Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines 2011 132 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-70-0 Hard cover 978-981-4311-71-7

BM433 S$29.90/US$25.90 S$39.90/US$29.90

E-book 978-981-4311-72-4 Visit ISEAS website for price (ISEAS/CPR Foundation)


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Know Your ASEAN (2nd Edition)


Know Your ASEAN sets down, in clear and simple language, the basic facts about the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It does so in the form of 40 questions and their answers. This is the second edition of the booklet that was among the contributions of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies to the observance of the 40th anniversary of ASEAN’s founding on 8 August 1967. Since the first edition was published in 2007, many developments have taken place in ASEAN and Southeast Asia, including the adoption of the ASEAN Charter. Hence, the need for an updated version of the text. 2010 52 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-34-2

BM423 S$10.00/US$8.00

E-book 978-981-4311-35-9 Visit ISEAS website for price

Pirates, Ports, and NEW Coasts in Asia Historical and Contemporary Perspectives


Environmental Dispute Resolution in Indonesia

An anthropologist and historian, and Associate Professor, Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Manon Osseweijer, editor

François Molle, editor

Senior Researcher, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, France.

Practices law in Western Australia, specializing in environmental planning and local government law.

Tira Foran, editor

This book is the first attempt to analyse the implementation of the framework for environmental dispute resolution in detail and to assess the effectiveness of litigation and mediation in resolving environmental disputes in Indonesia. It includes a detailed overview of the environmental legal framework and its interpretation by Indonesian courts in landmark court cases. The book features a number of detailed case studies of both environmental litigation and mediation and considers the legal and non-legal factors that have influenced the success of these approaches to resolving environmental disputes. 2010 334 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-93-2 (ISEAS/KITLV)

EDS16 S$59.90/US$45.90



E-book 978-981-4279-88-8 Visit ISEAS website for price



History, Politics and Culture

2010 88 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-87-1

NSC1 S$19.90/US$14.90

Singapore NEW Women’s Charter Roles, Responsibilities and Rights in Marriage

Arndt Graf, editor

Professor of Southeast Asian Studies, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany.

Fellow and Gender Studies Programme Coordinator, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Edwin Wieringa, editor

The chapters in this book are an assembly of commentaries by a distinguished team of specialists on the social impact of the Singapore Women’s Charter. Highlights of this book include the reasons for the significance of legislation to protect women’s rights in marriage; how the Singapore Women’s Charter became established; how the Charter goes beyond protecting women’s rights; how the Charter came to be perceived by men and women; and the social repercussions of the Charter on the family.

This book is an attempt at providing helpful background information on Acehnese history, politics and culture, which would benefit expatriate aid workers as well as foreign and domestic scholars in their dealings with the people of Aceh. It is written by specialists of Indonesian and Acehnese studies from a number of countries, together with Acehnese scholars. 2010 386 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-12-3

BM390 S$69.90/US$59.90

E-book 978-981-4279-13-0 Visit ISEAS website for price

Phone +65 68702447/68702483 28SOCIETY.indd 39

Fax +65 6775 6259

2011 200 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-76-5 Hard cover 978-981-4345-01-9

PIC196 S$29.90/US$25.90 S$49.90/US$45.90

E-book 978-981-4279-75-8 Visit ISEAS website for price


EDS17 S$79.90/US$57.00


Mark Hong, editor

Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) and Vice-Chairman, International Committee, Singapore Business Federation.

This useful energy book, based on lectures delivered at the ISEAS Energy Forum, as well as papers written by invited experts, provides a means to access energy information. It is part of the ISEAS Energy books series which serves to educate and raise public awareness on energy issues. 2010 329 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-28-4

ENERGY6 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4279-29-1 Visit ISEAS website for price

Jonathan D. London, editor

Professor for Anthropology of Colonial and Postcolonial Orders, University of Frankfurt, Germany. Professor (Chair) of Indonesian Philology and Islamic Studies, Department of Oriental Studies, University of Cologne.

2010 426 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-42-7


Education in Vietnam

Theresa W. Devasahayam, editor

Susanne Schröter, editor

The water resources of the Mekong region – from the Irrawaddy and Nu-Salween in the west, across the Chao Phraya to the Lancang-Mekong and Red River in the east – are increasingly contested. Governments, companies, and banks are driving new investments in roads, dams, diversions, irrigation schemes, navigation facilities, power plants and other emblems of conventional ‘development’. Their plans and interventions should provide some benefits, but also pose multiple burdens and risks to millions of people dependent on wetlands, floodplains and aquatic resources, in particular, the wild capture fisheries of rivers and lakes.

Visiting Associate, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

PhD candidate, Peking University (China) and Martin Luther University (Germany).

E-book 978-981-4279-11-6 Visit ISEAS website for price

IIAS-P4 S$59.90/US$49.90

Researcher, Water and Development Research Group, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.

Amy Lugg, editor

It focuses on the role they played in preserving Chinese cultural identity not only through the use of educational curricula and textbooks imported from China, but also with the emphasis on the need to return to the ancestral homeland for higher education.

2010 299 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-07-9

Mira Käkönen, editor

Energy Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region

Zhang Xing

Pirates, Ports and Coasts in Asia aims to fill in some of the historical gaps in the coverage of maritime piracy and armed robbery in Asia. Piracy being the most dramatic of marginal(ized) maritime livelihood, this book brings the relationship between pirates, ports, and coastal hinterlands into focus.

Research Fellow, Chiang Mai University – Unit for Social and Environmental Research.


The Schools of the Chinese Community in Calcutta, India

Deputy Director, International Institute for Asian Studies, the Netherlands, and she coorganized the workshop from which the chapters of this book result.

Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region Hydropower, Livelihoods NEW and Governance

David Nicholson

Preserving Cultural Identity through Education

John Kleinen, editor



Director, Vietnam Project, Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, and Assistant Professor, Department of Asian and International Studies both at City University of Hong Kong.

Featuring contributions from scholars and policy analysts from within and outside Vietnam, Education in Vietnam addresses key issues pertaining to the political economy of education, the provision and payment for primary and secondary education, and the development of vocational and tertiary education.

2011 341 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-05-5

IU26 S$49.90/US$39.90

E-book 978-981-4279-06-2 Visit ISEAS website for price


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Forthcoming Poverty, Food and Global Recession in Southeast Asia Is the Crisis Over for the Poor? Aris Ananta, editor Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Richard Barichello, editor Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

This book aims to contribute a better understanding on poverty and food security in Southeast Asia during the recent global recession considering both recent developments and the previous major crisis of 1997–98.

Water Issues in Southeast Asia Present Trends and Future Directions Lee Poh Onn, editor Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

The topics covered in this book include the potential of upstream-downstream conflicts between China and the various Indochinese states, solutions for cross-border conflicts in the form of river basin agreements between countries and the preconditions for success, public-private partnership issues in Southeast Asia, and water-related issues in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Asia-Europe Dialogue and the Making of Modern Science Implications for History, Philosophy and Sociology of Knowledge Arun Bala, editor Visiting Senior Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

This study draws writers from a plurality of Asian cultures so as to not only better situate the contributions of the different Asian scientific traditions into a more balanced perspective, but also promote deeper insights into the ways in which influences from a diversity of civilizations get transmitted and modified as they cross boundaries of culture and become contextualized in new intellectual milieus.

Impact of China on Poverty Reduction in the Greater Mekong Sub-region Greater Mekong Sub-Region Development Analysis Network (GMS DAN) Contents 1 China’s Impact on Poverty in the Mekong Sub-region: An Introduction 2 “Assessing China’s Impact on Poverty Reduction in the Greater Mekong Sub-region”: International Literature Review 3 Assessing the Impact of GMS Cooperation on International Trade and Poverty Reduction of Yunnan Province 4 Assessing the Impact of China’s Economic Growth on its FDI to GMS Countries 5 China’s ODA to the GMS Countries 6 Cambodia Country Report 7 Assesing China’s Impact on Poverty in Lao PDR 8 Thailand Country Report 9 Vietnam Country Report (ISEAS/CDRI)

The Indonesian Development Experience A Collection of Writings and Speeches Widjojo Nitisastro This book is a rich selection of speeches and writings of Professor Widjojo Nitisastro, often referred to as Indonesia’s architect of the “New Order” economy during the period 1968 to 1993. Much of his life’s work was dedicated to radically changing Indonesia’s command economy to focus on development planning using economic analysis . He is one of the most respected and influential economists of the twentieth century. This book provides invaluable insight for all who are interested in Indonesia’s economic development. The book is divided into six parts: Indonesia’s Development Plan; Implementation of Indonesian Development; Facing Economic Crises; Foreign Debt Management; Equity and Development; and Indonesia and the World.

Southeast Asian Personalities of Chinese Descent A Biographical Dictionary Leo Suryadinata, editor Director, Chinese Heritage Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

This is the first authoritative scholarly work on Southeast Asian personalities of Chinese descent. It will showcase the impact and contribution of these personalities in Southeast Asia in the 20th century and beyond. Scholars and country experts have conducted extensive research to include personalities from the 10 ASEAN countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Improving Health Sector Performance Institutions, Motivations and Incentives

History of India for the Children of the Diaspora Balaji Sadasivan The late Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore.

Contents 1 The Dancing Girl 2 The Vedic Age 3 The Middle Path 4 Greeks at the Door 5 The Science of Government 6 Remorse at Kalinga 7 Martyrdom at Mylapore 8 Valley of Blood 9 The Nine Gems 10 The Giver of Knowledge 11 Arab Storm 12 The Reformation 13 The Gates of Somnath 14 Beacon of Civilization 15 Sovereign Lord 16 A Slave’s Slave 17 The Shadow of Allah 18 Thousand Dinar Kafur 19 Delhi Woes 20 The Bulwark 21 For Christians and Spices 22 Matchlocks and Cannons 23 The Afghan 24 The Last Maharajah of Delhi 25 The Death of a City 26 The Divine Religion 27 The Book 28 The Light of the World 29 Splendour Amidst Misery 30 The Seizer of the Universe

Hossein Jalilian and Vicheth Sen, editors Contents 1 2

Overview Organizational Arrangements: Purchasing Health Services 3 Optimal Health Workers Contracts 4 Managing Doctors and Nurses 5 Health Service Consumer Behavior Appendix (ISEAS/CDRI)

Costs and Benefits of CrossCountry Labour Migration in the GMS Greater Mekong Sub-Region Development Analysis Network (GMS DAN) Contents 1 Migrants of the Mekong: Wins and Losses 2 Economic Costs and Benefits of Labour Migration: Case of Cambodia 3 Economic Costs and Benefits of Labour Migration: Case of Lao PDR 4 Economic Costs and Benefits of Labour Migration: Case of Thailand 5 Economic Costs and Benefits of Labour Migration: Case of Vietnam 6 Migrants of the Mekong: Lessons

Employment, Living Standards and Poverty in Contemporary Indonesia Chris Manning, editor Associate Professor at Arndt–Corden Department of Economics, The Australian National University.

Sudarno Sumarto, editor Senior Research Fellow, SMERU Research Institut, Jakarta.

Understanding the nexus between employment, social participation and reform, and poverty is a major challenge in Indonesia. Trends in poverty are heavily dependent on labour market opportunities and social spending in education and health. Which strategies should be adopted is the subject of intense debate. The 2010 Indonesia Update conference aims to assess how Indonesia has travelled in regard to social policies and poverty alleviation since the Asian financial crisis, and especially under President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). The conference papers will also seek to identify possible new directions for poverty alleviation policies in SBY’s second term of government.


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Between UMNO and a Hard Place


The Najib Razak Era Begins

Senior Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, where he coordinates its Malaysia Study Programme.

BM420 S$25.90/US$19.90

E-book 978-981-4311-29-8 Visit ISEAS website for price

Southeast Asian Regionalism


New Zealand Perspectives

Nicholas Tarling

Retired Professor of History, University of Auckland, New Zealand.

With the disappearance of the imperial structures that had dominated Southeast Asia, newly independent states had to develop foreign policies of their own. But so far few if any of these states have been willing to allow the public to explore any documentation of their activities. Building on his earlier work that drew on UK records, the author incorporates material from New Zealand archives — which also contain reports from Australian and Canadian diplomats — to provide a historical analysis of the foreign policies of Southeast Asian nations from a New Zealand perspective. 2011 108 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-49-6

BM410 S$29.90/US$24.90

E-book 978-981-4311-01-4 Visit ISEAS website for price

Problems of Democratisation in Indonesia Elections, Institutions and Society


This book captures Malaysia’s foreign policy over the first fifty years and beyond since the date of the country’s formal independence in 1957. The author provides “macro-historical” narratives of foreign policy practices and outcomes over distinct time periods under the tenures of the five prime ministers.

E-book 978-981-4279-80-2 Visit ISEAS website for price

E-book 978-981-4311-32-8 Visit ISEAS website for price

2010 389 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-78-9 Hard cover 978-981-4279-79-6


International Relations in Southeast Asia

BM406 S$45.90/US$39.90 S$59.90/US$49.90


Donald E Weatherbee

Lecturer, Indonesian Studies, Faculty of Asian Studies, The Australian National University.

This fully revised and updated edition of Donald Weatherbee’s widely praised text offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the international relations of contemporary Southeast Asia. The author analyses the Southeast Asian states’ efforts to adapt to a regional international environment that is characterized by the security demands of the war on terrorism; the economic demands of globalism; and the political demands of nontraditional issues such as democracy, human rights, the environment, and gender.

BM417 S$48.90/US$34.95

(ISEAS/Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc.)


Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore and Director (Research), Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi.

Maritime power has been a key defining parameter of economic vitality and geostrategic power of nations. The first decades of the twenty-first century have witnessed the rise of China and India as confident economic powers pivoting on high growth rates, exponential expansion of science, technology and industrial growth.

E-book 978-981-4279-91-8

E-book 978-981-4311-10-6 Visit ISEAS website for price

Phone +65 68702447/68702483 29POLITICS.indd 41

BM408 S$29.90/US$24.90 S$49.90/US$39.90

Visit ISEAS website

Fax +65 6775 6259

2011 363 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-09-0



A Distinguished Fellow, Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi.

This book, written by leading democracy experts and scholars of Indonesia, presents a sorely needed study of the inner workings of Indonesia’s political system, and its interactions with society. Combining careful case studies with an eye to the big picture, it is an indispensable guide to democratic Indonesia, its achievements, shortcomings and continuing challenges. 2010 360 pp Soft 978-981-4279-90-1 Hard 978-981-4279-89-5

South and Southeast Asia

BM421 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$59.90/US$49.90

K.V. Kesavan, editor

Donald S. Russell Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of South Carolina, USA.

2010 323 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-13-7

2010 307 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-30-4 Hard cover 978-981-4311-31-1

Responding to Changing GeoPolitical and Security Challenges

The Struggle for Autonomy (Second Edition)

Vijay Sakhuja

Marcus Mietzner, editor


Born in Malacca in 1918, Dr Goh Keng Swee reached maturity at a time when European colonialism was breathing its last. By the time this keen-eyed Malayan became self-governing Singapore’s first Minister of Finance in 1959, he had made a name for himself as the colony’s foremost social scientist, having carried out groundbreaking surveys on urban poverty and housing.

Strategic Transactions China, India and Southeast Asia

Senior Fellow, Department of Political and Social Change, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University.

An Intellectual Biography of Goh Keng Swee

Senior Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies where he coordinates its Malaysia Study Programme.

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

Asian Maritime Power in the 21st Century

Edward Aspinall, editor

In Lieu of Ideology

Ooi Kee Beng

Johan Saravanamuttu

With a new coalition opposing him in parliament, Najib comes to power wedged between his own coalition’s aged traditions and the restive spirit of the times. Whether he can squeeze his way into a comfortable spot and stay in power is the question the coming years will answer. (ISEAS/REFSA)


Alignment, Neutralism, Islamism

Ooi Kee Beng

2010 144 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-28-1

Malaysia’s Foreign Policy, the First Fifty Years


BM415 S$49.90/US$39.90

Daljit Singh, editor

Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

The essays in this volume provide the Indian and Southeast Asian perspectives on some of the geopolitical and security challenges facing South and Southeast Asia. 2010 166 pp Hard cover 978-981-4279-94-9 (ISEAS/KW Publishers Pvt Ltd)

Private Passion The Photographs of Pioneer Politician and Diplomat S. Rajaratnam

PIC198 S$34.90/US$25.90


Sinnathamby Rajaratnam was one of Singapore’s founding fathers and her first foreign minister. While much has been written about his distinguished public career, which spanned almost 30 years, and his significant political accomplishments, this book is about his private passion for photography and introduces his photographic art to a wider audience for the first time. The Introductory essay provides essential biographical information as well as new insights into the depths of Rajaratnam’s nearly life-long interest in photography. This is followed by an album of images selected from the thousands that he left behind – images from his student years in London, from his extensive travels, and from Singapore and his home surroundings. 2011 120 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-43-4


BM425 S$39.90/US$29.90

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Power, Authority, and Legitimacy in Late Modernity - Second and Enlarged Edition


Senior Lecturer, Security Studies, School of Business, SIM University, Singapore.

2010 304 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-99-4

BM409 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4311-02-1 Visit ISEAS website for price


How Asia Can Shape the World

From the Era of Plenty to the Era of Scarcities Jørgen Ørstrom Møller

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Asia will redraw the map of economic progress over the next twenty-five years. Growth is necessary to solve economic and social problems, but harder to achieve as the age of plenty gives way to the age of scarcities. The challenge opens the doors for an Asian economic model based on shifting of productivity for the individual to groups, ecological productivitiy instead of economic productivity, and a reversal to traditional Asian values — less materialistic than Western values. A new paradigm for economic thinking emerges to replace the one launched in the West 200 years ago. 2011 540 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-33-5

BM422 S$59.90/US$49.90

E-book 978-981-4311-74-8 Visit ISEAS website for price


Oceans of Crime

Maritime Piracy and Transnational Security in Southeast Asia and Bangladesh Carolin Liss

Research Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University, Australia.

This book explains why, and in what form, piracy still exists. It offers an integrated analysis of the root causes of piracy, linking declining fish stocks, organized crime networks, radical politically motivated groups, the use of flags of convenience, the lack of state control over national territory, and the activities of private security companies, and identifies their wider security implications.

2011 426 pp Soft cover 978-981-4279-46-8

IIAS-P5 S$59.90/US$54.90

Phone +65 68702447/68702483

Fax +65 6775 6259

E-book 978-981-4279-43-7 Visit ISEAS website for price

29POLITICS.indd 42


Papua Road Map

Negotiating the Past, Improving the Present and Securing the Future

National Responses to a Regional Problem

Antonio L Rappa

The central metaphor in Globalization: Power, Authority, and Legitimacy in Late Modernity is partly constructed out of Michel Foucault’s metaphor of the Ship of Fools in Madness and Civilization. Building on Foucault’s brilliant argument, the three themes of hope, progress, and optimism as used in this book represent idiomatic expressions of the business of modernity that have developed since the time of the Industrial Revolution in the West. With this in mind, this book has been designed for upper-level undergraduates, graduate students, and readers who are interested in contemporary political theory.

Arms Trafficking in the Sulu Region

Muridan S. Widjojo, editor

Worked at LIPI since1993, in the areas of local and national politics with a focus on studying movements in Eastern Indonesia (Papua).

Lino Miani

Major, United States Army Special Forces.

Situated in a remote area long a historical buffer zone between competing political entities, the Sulu Arms Market is an illicit market of a typical form in that it is both a source and a destination for less-than-legal guns. Like most black arms pipelines, the Sulu Arms Market is intertwined with piracy, terrorism, and the traffic of other illicit commodities. 2011 200 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-11-3

BM416 S$39.90/US$32.00

E-book 978-981-4311-12-0 Visit ISEAS website for price


Ruling Myanmar

The atmosphere of Reformasi, and the existence of the accommodative Law No. 21/2001 on Special Autonomy (UU Otsus), a responsive central government, as well as the very large size of Papua’s budget, lead the LIPI team to have faith that the problems of Papua can be resolved with justice, peace and dignity. 2010 211 pp Soft 978-981-4279-00-0 (ISEAS/Yayasan Obor)


From Cyclone Nargis to National Elections

Willy Purna Samadhi

Doctoral candidate, Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University, Canberra.

Demos’ Deputy Director or Research.

Nicholas Warouw

Teaches, Department of Anthropology and deputy, Centre for Southeast Asian Social Studies (CESASS), Gadjah Mada University.

Monique Skidmore, editor

Trevor Wilson, editor

Visiting Fellow, Department of Political and Social Change, Australian National University, Canberra.

While the elections represent a turning point for Myanmar/Burma, the lead-up period has not been marked by many notable improvements in the way the country is governed or in the reforming impact of international assistance programmes. Leading experts from the United States, Japan, France, and Australia as well as from Myanmar/Burma have conributed to this collection of papers from the Myanmar/Burma Update Conference.

2010 353 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-46-5 Hard cover 978-981-4311-47-2

PIC205 S$39.90/US$29.90 S$49.90/US$39.90

E-book 978-981-4311-48-9 Visit ISEAS website for price

BuildingDemocracy on the Sand

Advances and Setbacks in Indonesia

Nick Cheesman, editor

Dean, Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra, and Adjunct Professor, School of Humanities, Australian National University.

BM411 S$35.90/US$25.90

This collected essays, based on survey of democracy, suggests that Indonesia’s democracy is held back. It is true that all people are allowed to vote, but women (who are not well connected), the poor and subordinated people are de-facto prevented from standing as candidates and sometimes even from voting, thus from trying to develop popular representation. Basic issues of equal civic rights and political equality thus present a similar challenges but also an opportunity as did the movements for the right to vote in the old democracies. 2009 291 pp Soft cover 978-979-17049-1-5 (DEMOs)


DEMO2 S$49.90/US$35.90

The Gulf Cooperation Council

A Rising Power and Lessons for ASEAN

By Design or Accident

Linda Low

Head of Strategic Planning, Department of Economic Development, Abu Dhabi Government, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Reflections on Asian Security Daljit Singh

Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.

Lorraine Carlos Salazar

Senior Research Analyst with a global consulting firm.

This collection of essays reflects on some of the major balance of power among the major powers, American engagement and policies in Asia, India’s rise, the global war on terrorism, the Iraq war, domestic developments in some countries as well as ASEAN’s efforts to build regional peace and security.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is comprised of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Seeking to draw out lessons applicable to ASEAN, this report looks at the structure and evolution of the GCC. The report sets out the key challenges ahead for the Council, and concludes by highlighting the structural, organizational, and political lessons that resonate with ASEAN and its membership.

E-book 978-981-4279-72-7 Visit ISEAS website for price

E-book 978-981-4311-41-0 Visit ISEAS website for price

2010 176 pp Hard cover 978-981-4279-71-0

BM404 S$32.90/US$26.90

2010 60 pp Soft cover 978-981-4311-40-3

Email Website

ASC12 S$22.90/US$16.90

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Forthcoming The Making of Southeast Asia International Relations of a Region Amitav Acharya Professor of International Relations, School of International Service, American University.

Contents 1 Introduction: Region and Regionalism in the Making of Southeast Asia 2 Imagined Communities and Socially Constructed Regions 3 Imagining Southeast Asia 4 Nationalism, Regionalism and the Cold War Order 5 The Evolution of Regional Organization 6 Southeast Asia Divided: Polarization and Reconciliation 7 Constructing “One Southeast Asia” 8 Globalization and the Crisis of Regional Identity 9 Whither Southeast Asia? (ISEAS/Cornell University Press)

Celebrating Europe An Asian Journey Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

Contents Introduction: Europe 1 Europe Abroad 2 Gentiles 3 The Berlin Wall 4 Soviets of the Mind 5 The Secular Soul 6 The Leopard’s Italy 7 England 8 Champagne France 9 Two Bengali Greeks 10 The Polish Hospital 11 Postmodern Europe

Patrick Daly, R Michael Feener and Anthony J S Reid, editors The international relief effort in the wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami broke all records both in scale and diversity, with seven billion U.S. dollars donated for Sumatra alone. The disbursement of those funds and the rebuilding work posed major challenges. However, this was not simply a reconstruction effort; Aceh at that time was a war zone, with Indonesia’s military engaged in a major operation to crush a separatist rebellion that had been simmering since 1976. This volume serves the purpose not only of discussing some of the lessons of the Aceh reconstruction and peace processes, but also of maintaining critical links between Aceh and the international community after the initial tranches of aid expire.

The Challenge of Energy Security in the 21st Century Hooman Peimani, editor

Head, Energy Security, Energy Studies Institute (ESI), National University of Singapore (NUS).

Contents 1 Introduction 2 Global Trends in Renewable Electricity, Renewable Fuels and Markets for Renewable Heating and Cooling 3 Resource Mutualism or Co-dependence? The WaterEnergy Nexus in Asia 4 OPEC’s Long–Term Role in Affecting Energy Security 5 Whither a Gas OPEC? Not in the Pipelines 6 Shared Interests or Competing Actions: What Drives Energy Security Cooperation between Asia and Europe? 7 Conclusion

The U.S.–Singapore Free Trade Agreement

Domination and Contestation The Muslim Bumiputera Politics in Sarawak 1970-2008 Faisal S. Hazis Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics and International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

“This book makes an important contribution to understanding the ongoing political evolution of politics in Sarawak. It also provides a case study of the engagement of a dominant state with social forces in a multi-ethnic society.”

Harold Crouch, Emeritus Professor, Department of Political & Social Change, School of International, Political & Strategic Studies, The Australian National University

REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT Jose Rizal in Southeast Asia John Nery Contents Introduction: The Uses of Error A Rizal Chronology 1 Turning Points 2 “The Very Soul of This Rebellion” 3 Doctor Rizal 4 “Halfbloed” 5 “No Marx or Lenin” 6 Under the Southern Sun 7 The Hope of Millions in Asia 8 “His Name is Sweet in Our Memory” 9 The Myth Busters 10 “A Great Historical Experiment” Epilogue Appendices

29POLITICS.indd 43

Perspectives on Post-Tsunami & PostConflict Aceh

Trends of Significance

Asad-ul Iqbal Latif

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From the Ground Up

Fax +65 6775 6259

An American Perspective on Power, Trade, and Security in the Asia Pacific Eul-Soo Pang Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

Contents Introduction 1 On the Crest of Trade and Globalisation: Singapore and America 2 The Road to the United States–Singapore Free Trade Agreement 3 American International Trade Practices: History and Theory 4 The USSFTA Bridging Economic Regionalism and Security Regionalism 5 The American Politics of FTAs, Lobbying, and Domestic Reforms 6 A New Strategic Relationship in the Western Pacific: Asia’s Preferences and America’s Choices

ASEAN-U.S. Relations

What are the Talking Points? Pavin Chachavalpongpun Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

This volume is the result of a workshop on “ASEAN-U.S. Relations: What are the Talking Points”, organized by the ASEAN Studies Centre, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, in July 2010. The objective of the workshop was clear: to ascertain the facts of those relations and the specific matter of the United States’ engagement with ASEAN and East Asia, for possible use by ASEAN in the discussions at the next ASEAN-U.S. Summit Meeting in 2010 and at other ASEAN-U.S. policy forums. The topics of discussion cover several elements of this relationship, ranging from the U.S. military presence in the ASEAN region, cooperation on maritime security and recent U.S. policy towards Myanmar, to progress on technical cooperation.


Asia-Europe Dialogue and the Making of Modern Science Implications for History, Philosophy and Sociology of Knowledge Arun Bala, editor Visiting Senior Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore.

This study draws writers from a plurality of Asian cultures so as to not only better situate the contributions of the different Asian scientific traditions into a more balanced perspective, but also promote deeper insights into the ways in which influences from a diversity of civilizations get transmitted and modified as they cross boundaries of culture and become contextualized in new intellectual milieus.

Strategic Currents

Issues in Non-Traditional Security in Asia Yang Razali Kassim, editor Senior Fellow, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

This volume focuses on the theme of Non-Traditional Security, especially issues currently impacting on Asia. The issues revolve around human security and range from climate change and natural disasters; energy security; health, food and water security to questions of internal challenges such as governance, politics and identity. The role of diplomacy in non-traditional security is also covered in this volume of published essays and commentaries written by scholars and academics from, or associated with, the S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University.

The Crescent Arises over the Banyan Tree A Study of the Muhammadiyah Movement in a Central Javanese Town (Revised Edition) Mitsuo Nakamura Contents PART I 1. Introduction: The Islamization of Java 2. Kotagede under the Banyan Tree: Traditional Society and Religion 3. The Beginning of the Muhammadiyah: Court Religious Officials and the Urban Middle Class 4. The Development of the Muhammadiyah: Religion and Social Action 5. The Sociology of Ummat Islam: Structure and AntiStructure 6. The Ideology of the Muhammadiyah: Tradition and Transformation 7. Conclusion: Re-Islamization of Java PART II: KOTAGEDE REVISITED 8. Social Changes In Kotage, 1970-2010 9. The Achievements of the Muhammadiyah 10. Internal Dynamics of the Muhammadiyah Movement 11. Challenges Faced by the Muhammadiyah 12. Festival Kotagede and the Aftermaths of the 2006 Earthquake


Myanmar’s China Policy Since 1948 Maung Aung Myoe This book analyses the historical development of Myanmar’s China policy since 1948. It examines the whole process of Myanmar’s relationship with China with an emphasis on goals and strategies and the factors that have shaped it. The study is divided into three historical periods: the Anti Fascist People’s Freedom League (AFPFL) and the Union Party (UP) period (1948-1962); the Revolutionary Council (RC) and the Burma Socialist Programme Party (BSPP) period (1962-1988); and the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) and the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) period (1988-). The Sino-Myanmar relationship has been described as “Pauk-Phaw (kinsfolk)” friendship. Myanmar reserves this term exclusively to describe her relations with China.


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2006 1006 pp BM310 Soft 978-981-230-418-6 S$69.90/US$54.90 E-book 978-981-230-573-2

2006 266 pp IIAS-P2 Soft 978-981-230-391-2 S$39.90/US$29.90 E-book 978-981-230-590-9

2006 311 pp LH17 Soft 978-981-230-424-7 S$29.90/US$21.90 Hard 978-981-230-425-4 S$59.90/US$43.90 E-book 978-981-230-729-3

2006 96 pp SEAB8 Hard 978-981-230-299-1 S$25.00/US$15.00 E-book 978-981-230-704-0

2008 168 pp BM286 Hard cover 978-981-230-329-5 S$29.90/US$19.90

2005 170 pp BM290 Soft 978-981-230-340-0 S$29.90/US$21.90 Hard 978-981-230-337-0 S$39.90/US$28.90 E-book 978-981-230-705-7

2005 174 pp IIAS-P1 Soft 978-981-230-276-2 S$39.90/US$29.90 Hard 978-981-230-326-4 S$59.90/US$43.90 E-book 978-981-230-589-3

2005 362 pp PIC121 Hard 978-981-230-283-0 S$69.90/US$49.90 E-book 978-981-230-624-1

2005 327 pp PIC136 Soft cover 978-981-230-347-9 S$49.90/US$36.20 E-book 978-981-230-638-8

2005 61 pp PIC144 Soft 978-981-230-369-1 S$19.90/US$14.20 E-book 978-981-230-646-3

2005 80 pp SEAB7 Hard 978-981-230-297-7 S$25.00/US$15.00 E-book 978-981-230-703-3

2004 157 pp BM261 Soft 978-981-230-246-5 S$24.90/US$17.50 E-book 978-981-230-538-1

2004 374 pp PIC120 Hard 978-981-230-278-6 S$69.90/US$44.90 E-book 978-981-230-623-4

2003 219 pp BM233 Soft 978-981-230-169-7 Print-on-Demand

2003 244 pp BM240 Soft 978-981-230-156-7 S$39.90/US$24.90 Hard 978-981-230-161-1 S$64.90/US$43.90 E-book 978-981-230-522-0

2003 194 pp BM244 Hard 978-981-230-218-2 S$49.90/US$32.90 E-book 978-981-230-526-8

2003 604 pp BM248 Soft 978-981-230-233-5 S$59.90/US$43.90 Hard 978-981-230-234-2 S$89.90/US$65.90 E-book 978-981-230-529-9

2003 452 pp EDS7 Soft 978-981-230-117-8 S$39.90/US$24.90 Hard 978-981-230-119-2 S$64.90/US$39.90 E-book 978-981-230-578-7

2002 264 pp BM229 Soft 978-981-230-154-3 S$39.90/US$23.90 Hard 978-981-230-175-8 S$69.90/US$39.90 E-book 978-981-230-514-5

2002 252 pp PIC104 Soft 978-981-230-155-0 Print-on-Demand E-book 978-981-230-608-1

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2009 95 pp ASC7 Soft cover 978-981-230-774-3 S$29.90/US$24.90 E-book 978-981-4279-18-5

2009 640 pp BM295 Soft cover 978-981-230-365-3 S$49.90/US$43.90 Hard cover 978-981-230-366-0 S$69.90/US$49.90 E-book 978-981-230-561-9

2009 292 pp BM351 Soft cover 978-981-230-837-5 S$59.90/US$49.90 E-book 978-981-230-839-9

2009 235 pp BM357 Hard cover 978-981-230-876-4 S$59.90/US$49.90 E-book 978-981-230-879-5

2008 224 pp BM332 Soft cover 978-981-230-743-9 S$34.90/US$27.90 Hard cover 978-981-230-747-7 S$59.90/US$49.90 E-book 978-981-230-798-9

2008 426 pp BM340 Soft cover 978-981-230-787-3 S$49.90/US$39.90 Hard cover 978-981-230-788-0 S$69.90/US$52.90 E-book 978-981-230-845-0

2008 708 pp BM341 Soft cover 978-981-230-795-8 S$49.90/US$39.90 E-book 978-981-230-797-2

2008 324 pp BM346 Soft cover 978-981-230-815-3 S$29.90/US$24.90 Hard cover 978-981-230-829-0 S$59.90/US$49.90 E-book 978-981-230-830-6

2008 734 pp BM348 Soft cover 978-981-230-819-1 S$79.90/US$65.90

2008 390 pp EDS11 Soft cover 978-981-230-860-3 S$39.90/US$36.90 Hard cover 978-981-230-861-0 S$59.90/US$56.90 E-book 978-981-230-862-7

2008 130 pp LH21 Soft cover 978-981-230-980-8 S$29.90/US$24.90 Hard cover 978-981-230-902-0 S$32.00/US$25.00 E-book 978-981-230-903-7

2008 416 pp PIC165 Soft 978-981-230-478-0 S$54.90/US$43.90 Hard 978-981-230-488-9 S$69.90/US$54.90 E-book 978-981-230-493-3

2007 271 pp BM307 Soft 978-981-230-399-8 S$34.90/US$27.90 Hard 978-981-230-402-5 S$49.90/US$38.90 E-book 978-981-230-570-1

2007 333 pp BM308 Soft 978-981-230-413-1 S$39.90/US$32.90 Hard 978-981-230-414-8 S$59.90/US$43.90 E-book 978-981-230-571-8

2007 310 pp BM321 Soft 978-981-230-437-7 S$29.90/US$21.90

2007 252 pp BM329 Soft 978-981-230-732-3 S$39.90/US$28.90 Hard 978-981-230-733-0 S$69.90/US$45.90 E-book 978-981-230-734-7

2007 372 pp ENERGY1 Hard 978-981-230-410-0 S$59.90/US$43.90 E-book 978-981-230-579-4

2007 160 pp IIAS-P3 Hard 978-981-230-407-0 S$39.90/US$29.90 E-book 978-981-230-731-6

2006 540 pp BM296 Soft 978-981-230-367-7 S$39.90/US$32.90 Hard 978-981-230-368-4 S$69.90/US$54.90

2006 490 pp BM304 Soft 978-981-230-388-2 S$49.90/US$38.90 Hard 978-981-230-389-9 S$69.90/US$54.90 E-book 978-981-230-567-1

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Editorial Committee Chairperson: K Kesavapany Co-editors: Sanchita Basu Das, Aekapol Chongvilaivan, Lee Poh Onn, Benjamin Chen-Han Loh, Jayant Menon, Yohanes Eko Riyanto Book Review and Assistant Editor: Catherine Wong Mei Ling The Bulletin publishes articles and book reviews on the economics, business, and political economy of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and its individual member countries. The Bulletin is published three times a year, in April, August, and December. The editors of the ASEAN Economic Bulletin welcome scholarly article submissions that have clear policy relevance and pertain to the ASEAN region and its member countries.

The annual subscription rates include electronic delivery as well as the printed copy by air. Some recent articles:

• Prema-chandra Athukorala and Aekapol Chongvilaivan The Global Financial Crisis and Asian Economies: Impacts and Trade Policy Responses • David Jay Green Southeast Asia’s Policy Response to the Global Economic Crisis

• Muhammad Chatib Basri and Sjamsu Rahardja The Indonesian Economy amidst the Global Crisis: Good Policy and Good Luck

• Kok Sook Ching, Mori Kogid and Fumitaka Furuoka Causal Relation between Life Insurance Funds and Economic Growth: Evidence from Malaysia • Chris Manning Globalization and Labour Markets in Boom and Crisis: The Case of Vietnam

• Bhanupong Nidhiprabha Effectiveness of Thailand’s Macroeconomic Policy Response to the Global Financial Crisis

• Le Quoc Hoi and Richard Pomfret Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Spillovers in Vietnam: Evidence from Firm Level Data

• Amzul Rifin The Effect of Export Tax on Indonesia’s Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Export Competitiveness • Fadzlan Sufian and Muzafar Shah Habibullah Assessing the Impact of Financial Crisis on Bank Performance: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

Contemporary Southeast Asia

Individuals Institutions (Print & Electronic)

Singapore/ Malaysia/Brunei

Asia/Australia/NZ/ Japan Europe/N&S America/Africa/ME


US$63 US$78

Phone +65 68702447/68702483 31JOURNAL.indd 46


US$117 US$146

Fax +65 6775 6259

Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia

Editorial Committee Chairperson: K Kesavapany Editor: Ian Storey Associate Editor: Deepak Nair Contemporary Southeast Asia (CSEA) is an internationally refereed journal on the politics, international relations and security-related issues of Southeast Asia and its wider geostrategic environment. Serving as a reliable and up-todate source of information on events and trends in international relations and security affecting Southeast Asia, CSEA publishes the results of original research. CSEA is published three times a year — in April, August, and December.

The annual subscription rates include electronic delivery as well as the printed copy by air. Some recent articles: • • •

• • • • • •



Mark R. Thompson Populism and the Revial of Reform: Competing Political Narratives in the Philippines

Sunny Tanuwidjaja Political Islam and Islamic Parties in Indonesia: Critically Assessing the Evidence of Islam’s Political Decline

Sinderpal Singh and Syeda Sana Rahman India-Singapore Relations: Constructing a “New” Bilateral Relationship John Funston Malaysia and Thailand’s Southern Conflict: Reconciling Security and Ethnicity

Christopher M Joll Religion and Conflict in Southern Thailand: Beyond Rounding up the Usual Suspects

Carlyle A Thayer US Rapprochement with Laos and Cambodia

Richard A. Bitzinger A New Arms Race? Explaining Recent Southeast Asian Military Acquisitions Satu P Limaye Introduction: America’s Bilateral Relations with Southeast Asia: Constraints and Promise Frederick Z Brown Rapprochement Between Vietnam and the United States

Priscilla Clapp Prospects for Rapprochement between the United States and Myanmar ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES

Individuals Institutions (Print & Electronic)

Singapore/ Malaysia/Brunei

Asia/Australia/NZ/ Japan Europe/N&S America/Africa/ME





US$77 US$94

Editorial Committee Chairperson: K Kesavapany Editors: Terence Chong, Theresa W. Devasahayam, Hui Yew Foong, Lee Hock Guan, Ooi Kee Beng SOJOURN is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of social issues in Southeast Asia. Empirical and theoretical research articles are published with a view to promoting and disseminating scholarship in and on the region. Areas of special concern are ethnicity, religion, urbanization, migration, and development.

SOJOURN is published twice a year — in April and October. The annual subscription rates include electronic delivery as well as the printed copy by air. SOJOURN is on the list of the 100+ most important periodicals in Asian studies selected by the Association for Asian Studies for indexing. Forthcoming Special Focus issue, October 2011, “Social Structure and Differentiation in Contemporary Laos”

As Laos undergoes rapid social change, it is important to examine the country as a modern nation state with a complex and differentiated social structure. This Special Focus issue will explore through anthropological fieldwork the influence of globalization and modernization on politics, religion, economics, ethnicity, history and lifestyles in Laos. Articles will also look into the relationship between social differentiation and symbolic differentiation in the context of contemporary Laos. Articles include:

• The Lao People’s Revolutionary Party in Transition: Historical Development and Challenges of the Future

• Memory, Tourism, and Development: Changing Sociocultural Configurations and UplandLowland Relations in Houaphan Province • The Genesis and Demarcation of the Religious Field: Monasteries, State Schools and the Secular Sphere in Lao Buddhism • Differentiated Origins: Trajectories of Transcultural Knowledge in Laos and Beyond • Processes of Social Differentiation and (Re-) Integration in Northern Laos

• Differentiation of Sociocultures, Classification, and the Good Life in Laos ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES Singapore/ Malaysia/Brunei

Asia/Australia/NZ/ Japan Europe/N&S America/Africa/ME

Email Website

Individuals Institutions (Print & Electronic) S$42

US$33 US$45


US$62 US$84

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AUTHOR INDEX Acharya, Amitav 6, 43 Aliño, Porfirio M. 25 Amin Mahir Abdullah 31 Ananta, Aris 6, 13, 20, 36, 40 Appleton, Michael R. 25 Arceo, Hazel O. 25 Arifin, Sjamsul 13, 36 ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation 25 Aspinall, Edward 12, 32, 41

Bala, Arun 6, 40, 43 Balisacan, Arsenio Molina 14, 18, 37 Banerjee, Indrajit 26 Bapat, Jayant Bhalchandra 29 Barbieri, Magali 32 Barichello, Richard 6, 13, 20, 40 Barron, Patrick 27 Basri, M Chatib 12 Basu Das, Sanchita 19, 37, 46 Bélanger, Daniele 32 Besnier, Niko 32 Bhattacharya, Jayati 19, 36 Blackburn, Susan 29 Børdahl, Vibeke 30 Brinkgreve, Francine 28 Brittlebank, Kate 29 Buescher, Hartmut 30 Burke, Adam 27 Burnett, Kimberly M. 14, 18, 37 Cameron, John 24 Cao, Nanlai 32 Chachavalpongpun, Pavin 6, 17, 20, 43, 46 Chan, Anita 11 Chao Tzang Yawnghwe 17 Chasie, Charles 27 Cheesman, Nick 8, 17, 42 Cheong, Leslie 31 Cheung, Catherine P. S. 25 Chin Kin Wah 9 Choi, Dosoung 14, 23 Chong, Terence 4, 46 Chongvilaivan, Aekapol 20, 36 Chua Chong Jin 26 Clark, Marshall 29 Cribb, Robert 12, 30 Cruz, Amy Doreen S. J. 31

Daly, Patrick 13, 43 Dann, Caron Eastgate 29 Datta-Ray, Sunanda K. 7 de Escalante, Bernardin 24 Devasahayam, Theresa W. 19, 39, 46 Digal, Larry 31 Druce, Stephen C 28 Endres, Kirsten W. 30 Ernst, Dieter 27

Faisal Kasryno 31 Faisal S. Hazis 15, 43 Fealy, Greg 12 Federspiel, Howard M. 4 Feener, R. Michael 13, 43 Feinberg, Richard E. 23 Findlay, Christopher 7, 21, 36 Finnanae, Antonia 29 Foot, Rosemary 27 Foran, Tira 11, 20, 39 Ford, Michele 12 Forrest, Thomas 24 Funston, John 27 Goh Ban Lee 16 Goh Beng-Lan 5, 38 Goh, Robbie B. H. 4

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Goonasekera, Anura 26 Goscha, Christopher E. 30 Graf, Arndt 13, 39 Graham, Penelope 29 Greater Mekong Sub-Region Development Analysis Network (GMS DAN) 11, 40 Grijns, Kees 28 Hadiz, Vedi R. 32 Hall, Basil 24 Hang Chuon Naron 11, 36 Hansen, Mette Halskov 30 Hazarika, Sanjoy 27 He, Gaochao 27 Heng, Derek 19, 22 Heng, Russell Hiang-Khng 11 Hew, Denis 23 Hitchcock, Michael 30 Hoffstaedter, Gerhard 30 Hong, Mark 5, 10, 14, 39 Hovinga, Henk 28 Hughes, Caroline 30 Hugo, Graeme 23 Hui Yew Foong 46 Hussin Mutalib 4

Ides, E Ysbrants 24 Intarakumnerd, Patarapong 20, 36 Isager, Lotte 30 Ismail Abd Latif 31 Ivarsson, Søren 30 Jalilian, Hossein 11, 40 Jurriëns, Edwin 28

Käkönen, Mira 11, 20, 39 Kanagasabai, Chandra 15 Kato, Megumi 29 Kaufmann, Uwe 7, 21, 36 Kennedy, Scott 32 Keppy, Peter 28 Kerkvliet, Benedict J. Tria 11 Kesavan, K. V. 5, 10, 41 Kesavapany, K. 10, 16, 22, 23, 46 Kheang Un 12 King, Victor T. 30 Kleinen, John 3, 16, 18, 39 Koh, David 11 Kuhonta, Erik Martinez 32 Kulke, Hermann 10, 22 Kuroiwa, Ikuo 14 Latif, Asad-ul Iqbal 6, 43 Lebra, Joyce C. 14 Lecler, Yveline 20, 36 Lee, Julian C. H. 16 Lee Hock Guan 46 Lee Poh Onn 3, 6, 17, 37, 40, 46 Lee Ting Hui 15, 38 Leong Wai Kum 19, 38 Lewis, E. Douglas 28 Lim, Hank 23 Lim Hua Sing 14 Lim Pui Huen, Patricia 2, 20 Lindblad, J. Thomas 28 Liss, Carolin 7, 42 Loh, Benjamin Chen-Han 46 London, Jonathan 11, 39 Low, Linda 4, 7, 21, 42 Lugg, Amy 5, 10, 14, 39 Lundstrom, Hakam 30 Lynch, Daniel C. 32 Mabbett, Ian 29 MacIntyre, Andrew 12 Mahtaney, Piya 7, 10, 37 Manguin, Pierre-Yves 22 Mani, A. 22

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Manning, Chris 12, 40 Marr, David G. 11 Marryat, Frank S. 24 Mason, George Henry 24 Mattlin, Mikael 30 Maung Aung Myoe 17, 43 McCarthy, John F. 32 McDougall, Derek 29 McKinnon, Malcolm 30 McLeod, Ross H. 12 Menon, Jayant 46 Miani, Lino 7, 46 Mietzner, Marcus 12, 41 Miranti, Riyana 23 Mok Soon Sang 15, 38 Molle, François 11, 20, 39 Møller, Jørgen Østrom 7, 10, 18, 36, 42 Monfries, John 12 Montesano, Michael J. 3, 17, 20, 37 Montreevat, Sakulrat 4 Morrison, Charles E. 23 Moscoso, Mildred 26 Muppidi, Sundeep R. 26

Nair, Deepak 46 Nakamura, Mitsuo 13, 43 Nas, Peter J. M. 28 Nery, John 18, 43 Ngiam Tong Tau 31 Nguyen Tri Kiem 31 Nicholson, David 13, 39 Nitisastro, Widjojo 13, 40

Ooi Giok Ling 4 Ooi Kee Beng 15, 16, 19, 41, 46 Osorio, Jerome 24 Osseweijer, Manon 3, 16, 18, 39 Ovesen, Jan 30 Pang, Eul-Soo 6, 19, 43 Pang, Laura Jarnagin 8, 38 Papoutsaki, Evangelia 26 Parnwell, Michael 30 Peimani, Hooman 6, 43 Pekkanen, Robert 32 Petri, Peter A. 5, 23, 37 Poapongsakorn, Nipon 31 Post, Peter 28 Pouwer, Jan 28 Proctor, Felicity 31

Rajagopalan, Swarna 27 Ramstedt, Martin 13, 45 Rao, P. V. 8, 10 Rappa, Antonio 5, 42 Ravago, Majah-Leah V. 31 Reid, Anthony J. S. 13, 43 Resosudarmo, Budy P. 12 Riyanto, Yohanes Eko 46 Roberts, Christopher 17 Roberts, Edmund 24 Rogers, Everett M. 26 Rohana Zubir 19 Rola, Agnes C. 18 Rossabi, Morris 22 Roumasset, James 14, 18, 37 Rydstrom, Helle 30

Sadasivan, Balaji 6, 40 Saguiguit Jr, Gil C. 18 Sajise, Percy E. 18 Sakhuja, Vijay 5, 10, 22, 41 Salazar, Lorraine Carlos 7, 42 Sally, Razeen 4 Samadhi, Willy Purna 42 Saravanamuttu, Johan 15, 41 Saw Swee-Hock 5, 9, 14, 15, 16, 20, 37



Schröter, Susanne 13, 39 Scollay, Robert 7, 21, 36 Seade, Jesús 14, 23 Sen, Rahul 4 Sen Tansen 22 Sen, Vicheth 11, 40 Seneviratne, Kalingga 26 Severino, Rodolfo C. 4, 18, 38 Shah, Saubhagya 27 Sheng Lijun 9 Shetty, Kavitha 26 Shirai, Sayuri 14, 23 Sidel, John T. 33 Singarayar, Suganthi 26 Singh, Daljit 3, 5, 10, 18, 41, 42 Singh, Shalini 7, 15, 37 Siti Syamsiyatun 29 Skidmore, Monique 8, 17, 42 Slater, Dan 32 Smith, Bianca 29 Soekarni, Mulyana 13, 36 South, Ashley 27 Storey, Ian 46 Sudo, Sueo 4 Sulistianingsih, Retno 28 Sumarto, Sudarno 12, 40 Suryadinata, Leo 8, 40 Svarverud, Rune 30

Takao, Yasuo 29 Tana, Li 22 Tang, Wenfang 27 Tarling, Nicholas 7, 41 Taylor, Philip 11 Tekwani, Shyam 26 Templeman, David 29 Texon, Gregorio I. 25 Thawnghmung, Ardeth Maung 27 Thianthai, Chulanee 21, 27 Thompson, Eric C. 21, 27 Ticsay, Mariliza V. 18 Tit Htut Oo 31 Tiwari, S. 5, 17, 37 Trankel, Ing-Britt 30 Uriarte, Monina T. 25 Uychiaoco, Andre Jon 25

van den Top, Gerhard 30 van der Eng, Pierre 12 van Diermen, Peter 12 van Duuren, David 28 Vink, Wieke 28 Vorley, Bill 31 Vu, Tuong 32

Wade, Geoff 22 Wan, Margaret B. 30 Warouw, Nicolaas 42 Weatherbee, Donald K. 3, 15, 17, 20, 41 Weiss, Meredith 32 White, Sally 12 Wicaksono, Agung 14 Widjojo, Muridan S. 8, 13, 42 Wieringa, Edwin 13, 39 Wilson, Trevor 8, 17, 42 Wong Mei Ling, Catherine 46 Wong, John 5, 9, 14, 37 Yang Razali Kassim 8, 43 Yamazawa, Ippei 6, 14, 23, 36 Yip Seong Chun, Linda 9 Young, Soogil 14, 23 Zainal Abidin Mohamed 31 Zhang Xing 9, 22, 39


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Account of a Voyage of Discovery: To the West of Corea and the Great Loo-Choo Island 24 Account of the Empire of China, An 24 Aceh: History, Politics and Culture 13, 39 Anthony Reid and the Study of the Southeast Asia Past 22 APEC as an Institution: Multilateral Governance in the Asia-Pacific 25 APEC at 20: Recall, Reflect, Remake 23 APEC in the 21st Century 23 APEC Trade Agenda? The Political Eonomy of a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific, An 23 Arms Trafficking in the Sulu Region: National Responses to a Regional Problem 7, 42 ASEAN 4 ASEAN Biodiversity: The Newsmagazine of the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity 25 ASEAN-Canada Forum 2008 21 ASEAN-China Economic Relations 9 ASEAN-China Relations: Realities and Prospects 9 ASEAN Community: Unblocking the Roadblocks 21 ASEAN Economic Bulletin 46 ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 21, 33 ASEAN Economic Co-operation and Challenges 4 ASEAN Heritage Parks: A Journey to the Natural Wonders of Southeast Asia, The 25 ASEAN Guidelines on Competence Standards for Protected Area Jobs 24 ASEAN: Life after the Charter 5, 17, 37 ASEAN-U.S. Relations: What are the Talking Points? 6, 43 ASEAN’s Myanmar Crisis: Challenges to the Pursuit of a Security Community 17 Asia-Europe Dialogue and the Making of Modern Science: Implications for History, Philosophy and Sociology of Knowledge 6, 40, 43 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation: New Agenda in Its Third Decade 6, 14, 23, 36 Asian Cities: Globalization, Urbanization and Nation-Building 30 Asian Maritime Power in the 21st Century: Strategic Transactions China, India and Southeast Asia 5, 10, 41 Asia’s March Towards Freedom of Expression and Development 26 Attitudes and Awareness Towards ASEAN: Findings of a Ten-Nation Survey 21 Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relation Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) and Regional Integration 7, 21, 36

Bandung 1955: Little Histories 2 Bangkok May 2010 20 Between UMNO and a Hard Place: The Najib Razak Era Begins 15, 41 Beyond Hanoi: Local Government in Vietnam 11 Beyond the Middle Kingdom: Comparative Perspectives on China’s Capitalist Transformation 32 Beyond the Myth: Indian Business Communities in Singapore 10, 19, 36 Bibliography of ASEAN-China Relations 9 Bibliography of Malaysian Demography 16 Borneo and the Indian Archipelago 24 Bridges to New Business: The Economic Decolonization of Indonesia 28 Buddhism Across Asia: Networks of Material, Intellectual and Cultural Exchange 22 Building-Democracy on the Sand: Advances and Setbacks in Indonesia 42 Building the Tatmadaw: Myanmar Armed Forces since 1948 17 Business in Indonesia: New Challenges, Old Problems 12 By Design or Accident: Reflections on Asian Security 18, 42 Cambodia Forum, The 11

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Cambodian Economy: Charting the Course of a Brighter Future – A Survey of Progress, Problems and Prospects 11, 36 Cambodians and their Doctors: A Medical Anthropology of Colonial and Post-Colonial Cambodia 30 Cambodia’s Economic Transformation 30 Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts: Early Acquisitions and the Nepal Collection 30 Celebrating Europe: An Asian Journey 6, 43 Challenge of Energy Security in the 21st Century: Trends of Significance, The 6, 43 Changes and Challenges: Women in Newspapers in South Asia 26 Changing Media, Changing Societies: Media and the Millennium Development Goals 26 Chinese Schools in Peninsular Malaysia: The Struggle for Survival 15, 38 Christianity in Southeast Asia 4 Civil Society in Burma: The Development of Democracy amidst Conflict 27 Civil Society in Uncivil Places: Soft State and Regime Change in Nepal 27 Competition among Financial Centres in Asia-Pacific: Prospects, Benefits, Risks and Policy Challenges 14, 23 Contemporary Southeast Asia 46 Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance 11, 20, 39 Corporate Governance of Listed Companies in Thailand 4 Costs and Benefits of Cross-Country Labour Migration in the GMS 11, 40 Costumes of China, The 24 Creole Jews: Negotiating Community in Colonial Suriname 28 Crescent Arises over the Banyan Tree: A Study of the Muhammadiyah Movement in a Central Javanese Town, The 13, 43 Decentring and Diversifying Southeast Asian Studies: Perspectives from the Region 5, 38 Developing ASEAN-China Relations: Realities and Prospects. A Brief Report on the ASEAN-China Forum 9 Different Cultures, Shared Futures: Australia, Indonesia and the Region 12 Digital Atlas of Indonesia 30 Domestic Tourism in Asia: Diversity and Divergence 7, 15, 37 Domination and Contestation: The Muslim Bumiputera Politics in Sarawak 1970–2008 15, 43

Early Interactions between South and Southeast Asia: Reflections on Cross-Cultural Exchange 22 Economic Integration and the Investment Climates in ASEAN Countries: Perspectives from Taiwan Investors 21 Education in Vietnam 11, 39 Embassy to the Eastern Courts of Cochin-China, Siam and Muscat 24 Employment, Living Standards and Poverty in Contemporary Indonesia 12, 40 Energy and Geopolitics in the South China Sea: Implications for ASEAN and Its Dialogue Partners 21 Energy Efficiency in Japan 14 Energy Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region 5, 10, 14, 39 Environmental Dispute Resolution in Indonesia 13, 39 Ethno-Diplomacy: The Uyghur Hitch in Sino-Turkish Relations 27 Eurasian Influences on Yuan China: Cross-Cultural Transmissions in the 13th and 14th Centuries 22 Evolution of ASEAN-Japan Relations 4 Expressing Islam: Religious Life and Politics in Indonesia 12

First Indonesian Women’s Congress of 1928, The 29 Fourteenth Paw: Growing up on an Iowa Farm in the 1930s, The 26 Fourth Circle: Political Ecology of Sumatra’s Rainforest Frontier, The 32



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TITLE INDEX Framing Security Agendas: U.S. Counterterrorist Policies and Southeast Asian Responses 27 Free Trade Agreements in Southeast Asia 4 From Monologue to Dialogue: Radio and Reform in Indonesia 28 From the Ground Up: Perspectives on Post-Tsunami and Post-Conflict Aceh 13, 43

Gender, Ritual and Social Formation in West Papua: A Configurational Analysis Comparing Kamoro and Asmat 28 Gendered Inequalities in Asia: Configuring, Contesting and Recognizing Women and Men 30 Getting Organized in Vietnam: Moving in and around the Socialist State 11 Global Economic Crisis and Its Implications for Asian Economic Cooperation, The 27 Global Economic Crisis: Implications for ASEAN, The 21 Global Financial Crisis: Implications for ASEAN 21 Globalization: Power, Authority and Legitimacy in Late Modernity Second and Enlarged Edition 5, 42 Guidebook of Biodiversity Principles for Developers and Planners 25 Gulf Cooperation Council: A Rising Power and Lessons for ASEAN, The 7, 21, 42 Harnessing Production Networks: Impacts and Policy Implications 6, 20, 36 Heritage Tourism in Southeast Asia 30 Historical Dictionary of the Indochina War (1945-1954): An Interdisciplinary Approach 30 History of the Portuguese 1495-1521 (2 vols), The 24 Horizons of Home: Nation, Gender and Migrancy in Island Southeast Asia 29 Housing in Southeast Asian Capital Cities 4 How Asia Can Shape the World: From the Era of Plenty to the Era of Scarcities 7, 10, 18, 36, 42

I Will Send My Song: Kammu Vocal Genres in the Singing of Kam Raw 30 iChina: The Rise of the Individual in Modern Chinese Society 30 Iconic Female: Goddesses of India, Nepal and Tibet, The 29 Imagining Siam: A Traveller’s Literary Guide to Thailand 29 Impact of China on Poverty Reduction in the Greater Mekong SubRegion 9, 11, 20, 40 Improving Health Sector Performance: Institutions, Motivations and Incentives 11, 40 In Lieu of Ideology: An Intellectual Biography of Goh Keng Swee 19, 41 Inclusive, Balanced, Sustained Growth in the Asia-Pacific 5, 23, 37 India and ASEAN: Partners at Summit 8, 10 India, China and Globalization: The Emerging Superpowers and the Future of Economic Development 7, 10, 37 Indonesia Beyond the Water’s Edge: Managing an Archipelagic State 12 Indonesia: Democracy and the Promise of Good Governance 12 Indonesia in Transition: Social Aspects of Reformasi and Crisis 12 Indonesia Update CD, The 12 Indonesian Development Experience: A Collection of Writings and Speeches, The 13, 40 Indonesian Economic Decolonization in Regional and International Perspective 28 Indonesian Economy: Entering a New Era, The 13, 36 Indonesian Islam in a New Era: How Women Negotiate Their Muslim Identities 29 Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals of the Twentieth Century 4 International Relations in Southeast Asia: The Struggle for Autonomy (Second Edition) 3, 15, 17, 20, 41 Internet and Governance in Asia: A Critical Reader, The 26 Interplay of the Oral and the Written in Chinese Popular Literature, The 30

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Is Japan Really Remilitarising? The Politics of Norm Formation and Change 29 Islam in Southeast Asia 4 Islamization and Activism in Malaysia 16

Jakarta-Batavia: Socio-Cultural Essays 28 Japan and China in East Asian Integration 14 Japanese-Trained Armies in Southeast Asia (First Reprint 2010) 14 Japan’s Dual Civil Society: Members Without Advocates 32 Javanese Kris, The 28

Karen Revolution in Burma: Diverse Voices, Uncertain Ends, The 27 Know Your ASEAN (Second Edition) 3, 39 Labour in Vietnam 11 Labour Mobility in the Asia-Pacific Region: Dynamics, Issues and a New APEC Agenda 23 Lands West of the Lakes: A History of the Ajattappareng Kingdoms of South Sulawesi 1200 to 1600 CE, The 28 Localising Power in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia: A Southeast Asia Perspective 32 Looking East to Look West: Lee Kuan Yew’s Mission India 7

Making of Southeast Asia: International Relations of a Region, The 6, 43 Malaysia: Recent Trends and Challenges 16 Malaysia’s Foreign Policy, the First Fifty Years: Alignment, Neutralism, Islamism 15, 41 Managing Economic Crisis in East Asia 5, 9, 14, 37 Managing Economic Crisis in Southeast Asia 5, 15, 20, 37 Marine Protected Areas in Southeast Asia 25 Maskulinitas: Culture, Gender and Politics in Indonesia 29 Media and Conflict Reporting in Asia 26 Media and Human Rights in Asia 26 Media Pluralism in Asia: The Role and Impact of Alternative Media 26 Media’s Challenge: Asian Tsunami and Beyond 26 Mercosur Economic Integration: Lessons for ASEAN 21 Minorities at Large: Approaches to Minority Ethnicity in Vietnam 11 Modern Muslim Identities: Negotiating Religion and Ethnicity in Malaysia 30 Modernity and Re-enchantment: Religion in Post-revolutionary Vietnam 11 Modernization Trends in Southeast Asia 4 Moscow to China 1692–1695 24 Moving Forward: Southeast Asian Perspectives on Climate Change and Biodiversity 8 Muslim Politics and Democratisation in Indonesia 29 Nagapattinam to Suvarnadwipa: Reflections on the Chola Naval Expeditions to Southeast Asia 22 Narrating the Other: Australian Literary Perceptions of Japan 29 New Geography of Knowledge in the Electronics Industry? Asia’s Role in Global Innovation Networks, A 27 New Views of Tibetan Culture 29 Nine Gems: Indian History for Children of the Diaspora, The 6, 10, 40

Oceans of Crime: Maritime Piracy and Transnational Security in Southeast Asia and Bangladesh 7, 42 On the Edge of the Global: Modern Anxieties in a Pacific Island Nation 32 Opposing Suharto: Compromise, Resistance and Regime Change in Indonesia 32 Our Tropical Possessions in Malayan India 24 Papua Road Map: Negotiating the Past, Improving the Present and Securing the Future 8, 13



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Peace Accords in Northeast India: Journey over Milestones 27 Performing the Divine: Mediums, Markets and Modernity in Urban Vietnam 30 Pilot Studies for a New Penang 16 Pirates, Ports and Coasts in Asia: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives 3, 16, 39 Plastic Nation: The Curse of Thainess in Thai-Burmese Relations, A 17 Plugging into Production Networks: Industrialization Strategy in Less Developed Southeast Asian Countries 14, 17 Politicized Society: The Long Shadow of Taiwan’s One-Party Legacy 30 Politics and Economics of Indonesia’s Natural Resources, The 12 Politics of Redress: War Damage Compensation and Restitution in Indonesia and the Philippines, 1940-1957, The 28 Population of Malaysia, The 16 Population of Peninsular Malaysia (First Reprint 2007), The 16 Portuguese and Luso-Asian Legacies, 1511-2011: Complexities of Engagement, Culture, and Identity in Southeast Asia 8, 38 Poverty, Food and Global Recession in Southeast Asia: Is the Crisis over for the Poor? 6, 13, 20, 40 Preserving Cultural Identity through Education: The Schools of the Chinese Community in Calcutta, India 9, 22, 39 Private Passion: The Photographs of Pioneer Politician and Diplomat S. Rajaratnam 19, 41 Problems of Democratisation in Indonesia: Elections, Institutions and Society 12, 41 Protest and Possibilities: Civil Society and Coalitions for Political Change in Malaysia 32 Public Service Broadcasting in the Age of Globalization 26 Reconfiguring Families in Contemporary Vietnam 32 Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2011–2012 3, 17, 37 Reinventing Thailand: Thaksin and His Foreign Policy 20 Reluctant Politician: Tun Dr Ismail and His Time, The 34 Revolutionary Spirit: Jose Rizal in Southeast Asia 18, 43 Rhetoric and Reality: The Internet Challenge for Democracy in Asia 26 Rise of the Red Engineers: The Cultural Revolution and the Origins of China’s New Class 32 Rising China and Asian Democratization: Socialization to “Global Culture” in the Political Transformations of Thailand, China, and Taiwan 32 Road to Ratification and Implementation of the ASEAN Charter, The 21 Road to Recovery: Singapore’s Journey through the Global Crisis 19, 37 Role of the Malaysian Judiciary in the Rule of Law: Post 1988 and into the Twenty-first Century, The 15 Ruling Myanmar: From Cyclone Nargis to National Elections 8, 17, 42

Saying the Unsayable: Monarchy and Democracy in Thailand 30 Separate but Loyal: Ethnicity and Nationalism in China 27 Shan of Burma: Memoirs of a Shan Exile, The 17 Singapore-Malaysia Relations under Abdullah Badawi 16 Singapore Women’s Charter: 50 Questions, The 19, 38 Singapore Women’s Charter: Roles, Responsibilities and Rights in Marriage 19, 39 Sino-Malay Trade and Diplomacy from the Tenth through the Fourteenth Century 19, 22 Social Dynamics of Deforestation in the Philippines: Actions, Options and Motivations, The 30 Social Inequality in Vietnam and the Challenges to Reform 11 SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 46 South and Southeast Asia: Responding to Changing Geo-Political and Security Challenges 5, 10, 41 South Pacific Islands Communication: Regional Perspectives, Local Issues 26

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Southeast Asia in Political Science: Theory, Region, and Qualitative Analysis 32 Southeast Asia in the WTO 4 Southeast Asian Affairs 2011 3 Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series: Indonesia 31 Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series: Malaysia 31 Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series: Myanmar 31 Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series: Philippines 31 Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series: Singapore 31 Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series: Thailand 31 Southeast Asian Agriculture and Development Primer Series: Vietnam 31 Southeast Asian Personalities of Chinese Descent: A Biographical Dictionary 8, 40 Southeast Asian Regionalism: New Zealand Perspectives 7, 41 Southeast Asian Studies in China 9 Southern Thailand: The Dynamics of Conflict 27 State of Strife: The Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict in Burma 27 Strategic Currents: Issues in Non-Traditional Security in Asia 8, 43 Strengthening Women’s Voices: Building Women Communicators for Environmental Conservation 26 Stranger-Kings of Sikka, The 28 Sumatra: Crossroads of Cultures 28 Sumatra Railroad: Final Destination Pakan Baroe 1943-1945, The 28 Supporting Peace in Aceh: Development Agencies and International Involvement 27 Sustainability of Thailand’s Competitiveness: The Policy Challenges 20, 36 Sustainability Science for Watershed Landscapes 14, 18, 37 Tall Tales and True: India, Historiography and Britsh Imperial Imaginings 29 Terrorism in South and Southeast Asia in the Coming Decades 18 Through the Eyes of the King: The Travels of King Chulalongkorn in Malaya 2, 20 Under Asian Eyes: What the West Says What the East Thinks 26 Upland Community in Transition: Environment and Economic Development in Rural Philippines, An 18 U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement: An American Perspective on Power, Trade, and Security in Asia Pacific, The 6, 19, 43 Voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas, A 24

Wang Gungwu: Junzi. Scholar-Gentleman in Conversation with Asadul Iqbal Latif 3, 15, 19, 38 Water Issues in Southeast Asia: Present Trends and Future Directions 6, 40 Where in the World is the Philippines? Debating Its National Territory 18, 38 Zubir Said: The Nation’s Composer 19



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S$115.00 US$82.50 S$34.90 US$24.90 S$60.00 US$44.00 S$140.00 US$100.00 S$63.00 US$45.00

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S$57.90 S$106.35 S$89.90 S$79.90

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SERIES INDEX Local History and Memoirs

LH9s LH10s LH11s LH12h LH12s LH13s LH14h LH15h LH16s LH17h LH17s LH18h LH18s LH19s LH20h LH21h LH21s

P Lim Pui Huen, James H. Morrison Oral History in Southeast Asia and Kwa Chong Guan, eds. P. Lim Pui Huen and Diana Wong, eds. War and Memory in Malaysia and Singapore Patricia Lim Pui Huen Wong Ah Fook Thee Kian Wie Recollections: The Indonesian Economy, 1950s-1990s (hc) Thee Kian Wie Recollections: The Indonesian Economy, 1950s-1990s J. Soedradjad Djiwandono Bank Indonesia and the Crisis Samuel S Dhoraisingam Peranakan Indians of Singapore and Melaka (hc) Robert H Taylor Dr Maung Maung (hc) Chao Tzang Yawnghwe The Shan of Burma: Memoirs of a Shan Exile Ooi Kee Beng The Reluctant Politician (hc) Ooi Kee Beng The Reluctant Politician Chan Heng Chee and Obaid ul Haq, eds. S. Rajaratnam (hc) Chan Heng Chee and Obaid ul Haq, eds. S. Rajaratnam Ooi Kee Beng Bukan Kerana Pangkat P. Lim Pui Huen Through the Eyes of the King (hc) Tawfik Ismail and Ooi Kee Beng, comps. Malaya’s First Year at the United Nations (hc) Tawfik Ismail and Ooi Kee Beng, comps. Malaya’s First Year at the United Nations

Vernon L Porritt Marika Vicziany Joost Cote Margaret Kartomi Marika Vicziany and David Wright-Neville, eds. Wakita Haruko Michael Ackland Marian Hosking Machi Sato Damien Kingsbury and Michael Leach, eds. Ingrid Neilsen, Russell Smyth and Marika Vicziany, eds. Kylie Baxter Russell Smyth and Marika Vicziany, eds. Susan Blackburn Susan Blackburn, Bianca J Smith and Siti Syamsiyatun, eds. Yasuo Takao Jayant Bhalchandra Bapat and Ian Mabbett, eds. Penelope Graham, ed. Kate Brittlebank Megumi Kato Caron Eastgate Dann David Templeman, ed. Antonia Finnane and Derek McDougall, eds. Marshall Clark

MAI1s MAI2s MAI3s MAI4s MAI5s MAI6s MAI7s MAI8s MAI9s MAI10s MAI11s MAI12s MAI13s MAI14s MAI15s MAI16s MAI17s MAI18s MAI19s MAI20s MAI21s MAI22s MAI23s MAI24s MAI25s

978-981-230-027-0 2000 S$39.90


978-981-230-037-9 2001 978-981-230-198-7 2002 978-981-230-178-9 2003 978-981-230-174-1 2003 978-981-230-308-0 2005 978-981-230-346-2 2006 978-981-230-409-4 2008 978-981-230-396-7 2010 978-981-230-425-4 2006 978-981-230-424-7 2006 978-981-230-431-5 2007 978-981-230-430-8 2007 978-981-230-469-8 2007 978-981-230-773-6 2009 978-981-230-902-0 2008 978-981-230-980-8 2009

S$39.90 S$54.00 S$59.90 S$39.90 S$29.90 S$39.90 S$59.90 S$49.90 S$59.90 S$29.90 S$79.90 S$39.90 S$24.90 S$89.90 S$32.00 S$24.90

US$30.15 US$38.70 US$44.65 US$31.35 US$21.90 US$32.90 US$49.90 US$39.90 US$43.90 US$21.90 US$54.90 US$32.90 US$18.70 US$79.90 US$25.00 US$29.90

The Rise and Fall of Communism in Sarawak 1940-1990 Cultures and Technologies in Asia On Feminism and Nationalism The Year of Voting Frequently Islamic Terrorism in Indonesia

978-187-692-427-0 2004 978-187-692-431-4 2004 978-1-876924-35-5 2005 978-1-876924-38-6 2005 978-1-876924-30-0 2005

S$52.50 S$19.90 S$48.50 S$45.90 S$39.50

US$36.10 US$14.20 US$33.00 US$31.80 US$27.40

Globalisation and Labour Mobility in China

978-1-876924-47-8 2007 S$45.90


Monash Asia Institute Press

Women in Medieval Japan Unexpected Encounters Tracks: Works in Silver 2005-2006 Dilemmas of Public University Reform in Malaysia East Timor: Beyond Independence

978-1-876924-45-4 2006 978-1-876924-50-8 2007 978-1-876924-46-1 2006 978-1-876924-41-6 2007 978-1-876924-49-2 2007

S$39.50 S$45.90 S$26.50 S$32.90 S$49.90

US$27.40 US$31.80 US$18.15 US$23.00 US$38.40

British Muslims and the Call to Global Jihad Business in Asia The First Indonesian Women’s Congress of 1928 Indonesian Islam in a New Era

978-1-876924-55-3 2007 978-1-876924-53-9 2008 978-1-876924-48-5 2008 978-1-876924-54-6 2008

S$30.00 S$42.00 S$45.00 S$49.90

US$22.00 US$30.80 US$30.00 US$38.90

Horizons of Home Muslim Politics and Democratisation in Indonesia Tall Tales and True Narrating the Other Imagining Siam New Views of Tibetan Culture Bandung 1955

978-1-876924-29-4 2009 978-1-876924-42-3 2009 978-1-876924-61-4 2008 978-1-876924-59-1 2009 978-1-876924-62-1 2009 978-1-876924-77-5 2010 978-1-876924-73-7 2010

S$34.00 S$29.90 S$39.90 S$49.90 S$49.90 S$45.00 S$39.90

US$24.00 US$21.00 US$28.50 US$35.90 US$38.90 US$30.00 US$29.90

978-0-333-55310-7 1998 S$65.90


Is Japan Really Remilitarising The Iconic Female


978-1-876924-60-7 2009 S$48.90 978-1-876924-66-9 2009 S$59.90

978-1-876924-76-8 2010 S$39.90

Modern Economic History of Southeast Asia Series

US$34.90 US$42.90



Anne Booth The Indonesian Economy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries John H Drabble An Economic History of Malaysia, c. 1800-1990 David Henley and Peter Boomgaard, eds. Credit and Debt in Indonesia, 860-1930

978-0-333-55300-8 2000 S$63.00 978-981-230-846-7 2009 S$69.90

US$45.90 US$54.90


Stefan Eklöf Amirell Pirates in Paradise Peter Sercombe and Bernard Sellato, eds. Beyond the Green Myth

978-87-91114-37-3 2006 S$34.90 978-87-7694-018-8 2007 S$49.90

US$19.90 US$34.90

Nordic Institute of Asian Studies

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Donald M. Seekins Burma and Japan Since 1940 Michael Kelly Connors Democracy and National Identity in Thailand Mikael Gravers Exploring Ethnic Diversity in Burma Maria Heimer and Stig Thøgersen, eds. Doing Fieldwork in China Monica Janowski and Kinship and Food in South East Asia Fiona Kerlogue, eds. Mikaela Nyman Democratising Indonesia Anak Agung Banyu Perwita Indonesia and the Muslim World Stefan Eklöf Amirell Power and Political Culture in Suharto’s Indonesia Stanley Adi Prasetyo, A. E Priyono Indonesia’s Post-Soeharto Democracy Movement and Olle Törnquist, eds. Anders Poulsen Childbirth and Tradition in Northeast Thailand Duncan McCargo and The Thaksinization of Thailand Ukrist Pathmanand Somchai Phatharathananunth Civil Society and Democratization Claudia Derichs and The Powers of Ideas (hc) Thomas Heberer, eds. Greg Bankoff and Sandra Swart, eds. Breeds of Empire Monica Lindberg Falk Making Fields of Merit Ole Bruun and Li Narangoa, eds. Mongols From Country to City (hc) Geir Helgesen and Politics, Culture and Self Seren Risbjerg Thomsen, eds. Jorgen Hellman Performing the Nation (hc) Jens Hoff Internet, Governance and Democracy Anna-Greta Nilsson Hoadley Indonesian Literature vs New Order Orthodoxy (hc) Dagfinn Gatu Village China at War Irmeli Perho Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts (hc) Soren ivarsson Creating Laos Mette Thuno Beyond Chinatown Victor T King The Sociology of Southeast Asia Alexandra Kent Divinity and Diversity (hc) R. A. Cramb Land and Longhouse Cecilia Milwertz Beijing Women Organizing for Change Kazuki Iwanaga Women and Politics in Thailand Mona Lilja Power, Resistance and Women Politicians in Cambodia Irmeli Perho Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts (Books 1 to 3) (hc) Wil Burghoorn, Kazuki Iwanaga, Gender Politics in Asia Cecilia Milwertz and Qi Wang, eds. Kazuki Iwanaga Women’s Political Participation and Representation in Asia Trudy Jacobsen Lost Goddesses Alexandra Kent and David Chandler, eds. People of Virtue Johan Fischer Proper Islamic Consumption Michael D Barr and Zlatko Skrbis Constructing Singapore Gerald Jackson and Marie Lenstrup Getting Published Michael Hitchcock, Victor T King Tourism in Southeast Asia and Michael Parnwell, eds. Sean Turnell Fiery Dragons Are Knudsen Violence and Belonging Sylva Frisk Submitting to God Joakim Öjendal and Mona Lilja, eds. Beyond Democracy in Cambodia Deborah Sutton Other Landscapes (hc) Lucie Olivova and Vibeke Bordahl, eds. Lifestyle and Entertainment in Yangzhou (hc) Hakan Lundstrom I Will Send My Song Jan Ovesen and Ing-Britt Trankell Cambodians and Their Doctors Helle Rydstrom Gendered Inequalities in Asia Mette Halskov Hansen and iChina: The Rise of the Individual in Modern Rune Svarverud, eds. Chinese Society Robert Cribb Digital Atlas of Indonesian History (with CD) Vibeke Børdahl and Margaret B Wan, eds. The Interplay of the Oral and the Written in Chinese Popular Literature Michael Hitchcock, Victor T King and Heritage Tourism in Southeast Asia Michael Parnwell, eds. Soren Ivarsson and Lotte Isager, eds. Saying the Unsayable

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978-87-7694-017-1 2007 978-87-7694-002-7 2007 978-87-91114-96-0 2007 978-87-91114-97-7 2006 978-87-91114-93-9 2007


S$39.90 S$39.90 S$39.90 S$39.90 S$49.90

US$25.90 US$25.90 US$34.90 US$25.90 US$34.90

978-87-7694-003-4 2007 S$49.90 978-87-91114-46-5 2005 S$29.90

US$34.90 US$19.90

978-87-91114-82-3 2006 978-87-91114-92-2 2007 978-87-91114-50-2 2004 978-979-98029-0-3 2004

S$39.90 S$39.90 S$44.90 S$89.90

978-87-91114-85-4 2006 S$39.90 978-87-91114-81-6 2006 S$99.90

978-87-7694-021-8 2007 978-87-7694-019-5 2007 978-87-91114-41-0 2006 978-87-91114-99-1 2007

US$25.90 US$25.90 US$25.90 US$49.90

US$25.90 US$59.90

S$39.90 S$39.90 S$89.90 S$49.90

US$26.90 US$25.90 US$59.90 US$34.50

S$49.90 S$39.90 S$49.90 S$39.90 S$49.90 S$34.90 S$49.90

US$38.40 US$28.90 US$38.40 US$32.90 US$38.40 US$28.90 US$38.40

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S$89.90 US$59.90 S$34.90 US$19.90 S$59.90 US$39.90 S$49.90 US$34.90 S$250.00 US$150.00 S$49.90 US$34.90 S$39.90 US$25.90 S$39.90 US$25.90 S$89.90 US$39.90 S$39.90 US$39.90 S$34.90 US$25.90 S$34.90 US$28.90 S$39.90 US$25.90 S$500.00 US$300.00 S$39.90 US$29.60

978-87-7694-040-9 2009 978-87-7694-045-4 2009 978-87-7694-048-5 2009 978-87-7694-043-0 2009 978-87-7694-027-0 2009 978-87-7694-035-5 2009 978-87-91114-32-8 2010 978-87-7694-058-4 2010 978-87-7694-047-8 2010 978-87-7694-053-9 2010

S$49.90 S$44.90 S$44.90 S$49.90 S$91.00 S$119.90 S$49.90 S$49.90 S$49.90 S$49.90

US$38.40 US$38.90 US$32.00 US$37.00 US$65.00 US$85.00 US$37.00 US$37.00 US$37.00 US$37.00

978-87-7694-060-7 2010 S$49.90


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978-87-91114-66-3 2010 S$56.00 978-87-7694-055-3 2010 S$105.00

978-87-7694-072-0 2010 S$44.90


US$40.00 US$75.00


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Donald B Wagner

A Mencius Reader For Begining and Advanced Students 978-87-9111-428-1 2010 S$27.00 of Classical Chinese



Zhang Xing

Preserving Cultural Identity through Education

978-981-4279-87-1 2010 S$19.90



Atiur Rahman

Education for Development

978-981-230-132-1 2002 S$23.00


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Mya Than and Carolyn L Gates, eds. ASEAN Enlargement: Impacts & Implications Geoffrey Benjamin and Tribal Communities in the Malay World Cynthia Chou, eds. Anthony Milner Region, Security and the Return of History Denis Hew and Loi Wee Nee, eds. Entrepreneurship and SMEs in Southeast Asia Lee Hock Guan, ed. Civil Society in Southeast Asia (hc) Lee Hock Guan, ed. Civil Society in Southeast Asia Aris Ananta and Evi Nurvidya Arifin, eds. International Migration in Southeast Asia (hc) K S Nathan and Islam in Southeast Asia (hc) Mohammad Hashim Kamali, eds. Australia-New Zealand & Southeast Asia Relations Ho Khai Leong and Samuel C Y Ku, eds. China and Southeast Asia Kyaw Yin Hlaing, Robert H Taylor Myanmar: Beyond Politics to Societal Imperatives (hc) and Tin Maung Maung Than, eds. Kyaw Yin Hlaing, Robert H Taylor Myanmar: Beyond Politics to Societal Imperatives and Tin Maung Maung Than, eds. Ho Khai Leong, ed. Reforming Corporate Governance in Southeast Asia Nagesh Kumar, Rahul Sen and India-ASEAN Economic Relations Mukul G Asher, eds. Saw Swee-Hock, Sheng Lijun and ASEAN-China Relations Chin Kin Wah, eds. Denis Hew Wei-Yen, ed. Roadmap to an ASEAN Economic Community Cavan Hogue, ed. Thailand’s Economic Recovery Gennady Chufrin, Mark Hong and ASEAN-Russia Relations (hc) Teo Kah Beng, eds. Douglas Arner, Paul Lejot and Impediments to Cross-Border Investments in S. Ghon Rhee Asian Bonds Trevor Wilson Myanmar’s Long Road to National Reconciliation (hc) Trevor Wilson Myanmar’s Long Road to National Reconciliation Rodolfo Severino Framing the ASEAN Charter A P J Abdul Kalam Evolution of Enlightened Societies Cynthia Chou and Vincent Houben, eds. Southeast Asian Studies (hc) Cynthia Chou and Vincent Houben, eds. Southeast Asian Studies Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud Opportunities and Challenges for Asian-Arabian Ties Leo Suryadinata Southeast Asia’s Chinese Businesses in an Era of Globalization (hc) Leo Suryadinata Southeast Asia’s Chinese Businesses in an Era of Globalization Saw Swee-Hock and John Wong, eds. Southeast Asian Studies in China (hc) Ho Khai Leong, ed. ASEAN-Korea Relations (hc) Saw Swee-Hock, ed. ASEAN-China Economic Relations (hc) Saw Swee-Hock, ed. ASEAN-China Economic Relations Pacific Food System Outlook 2006-2007 Arsenio Molina Balisacan and Reasserting the Rural Development Agenda (hc) Nobuhiko Fuwa, eds. Arsenio Molina Balisacan and Reasserting the Rural Development Agenda Nobuhiko Fuwa, eds. Singapore Energy Conference 2006 David Koh Wee Hock, ed. Legacies of World War II in South and East Asia (hc) David Koh Wee Hock, ed. Legacies of World War II in South and East Asia Daljit Singh, ed. Political and Security Dynamics of South and Southeast Asia (hc) Lee Hock Guan and Leo Suryadinata, eds. Language, Nation and Development in Southeast Asia (hc)

978-981-230-081-2 2001 S$49.90 978-981-230-166-6 2002 S$59.90

US$36.20 US$39.90

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