Postgraduate Programme in Statistical Systems (specialisation in Central Banks' Statistics)

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Postgraduate programme

Statistical Systems specialisation in

Central Banks’ Statistics

with access to MASTER DEGREE programme

Postgraduate programme

Statistical SystemS

specialisation in

Central Banks’ Statistics

Overview The postgraduate programme in Statistical Systems, with a specialisation in Central Banks' Statistics, was developed in a close collaboration between ISEGI-NOVA and Banco de Portugal in order to provide the experts and managers who work with central banks' statistics (either as producers, analysts or users of statistical information) with the fundamental knowledge and skills to the development of their activity. Anchored in the latest techniques and statistical methodologies, the programme places a special emphasis on the collection and compilation of monetary, financial, foreign exchange and balance of payments statistics, as well as any other statistics produced by central banks. This postgraduate programme is supported by the European Central Bank.



The main goal of this programme is the training of

The programme is targeted at staff of central banks,

managers and experts to:

including producers, analysts or users of statistical

● Develop techniques and methodologies of data collection;

information. The programme is also addressed to all those interested

● Master the tools and processes used for the storage,

in central banks' statistics, particularly employees in

organization and access to information in an entity

statistical departments of banks and other financial

responsible for the production of central banks'

institutions, as well as in national statistical offices and


other statistical authoritites.

● Apply the statistical and computational methodologies and tools of exploration and analysis of information, to produce official statistics that can add value to decision making; ● Organize and communicate results, in written form and orally, adapting them to the level and specific interests of the audience.


Coordinators of the programme ● João Cadete de Matos ● Maximiano Pinheiro ● Pedro Simões Coelho

Study programme The programme offers 16 elective course units, which correspond to 96 ECTS. To earn the postgraduate programme diploma, students complete 60 ECTS, which correspond to 10 course units. Students can enroll in a maximum of 12 course units, total of 72 ECTS.

Course Units (UC)

fall semester

Sampling and Estimation * | 6 ECTS

Central Banks' Statistics | 6 ECTS

Multivariate Data Analysis * | 6 ECTS

Databases Management | 6 ECTS

Postgraduate Programme in Statistical Systems

Business Intelligence | Datawarehousing | 6 ECTS

Management of Statistical Systems | 6 ECTS

Computational Statistics I | 6 ECTS

Inquiry Methodologies | 6 ECTS

spring semester Postgraduate Programme in Statistical Systems

Course Units (UC) ►

Business Intelligence | Analytics | 6 ECTS

People Leadership and Management | 6 ECTS

National Accounts | 6 ECTS

Financial Report | 6 ECTS

Applied Econometrics and Forecasting * | 6 ECTS

Research Seminar* | 6 ECTS

Computational Statistics II | 6 ECTS

Statistical Treatment of Data * | 6 ECTS

*Course Unit mandatory for students that intend to earn a Master degree

The postgraduate programme gives access to the Master Program in Statistics and Information Management, with a specialisation in Information Analysis and Management. To earn the Master diploma, students must present a scholarly thesis or a project work in the third semester, which corresponds to 35 additional credits.

Course Units Content 1. Multivariate Data Analysis ►

Introduction to multivariate statistical analysis

Principal component analysis

► ►

Data modification: manipulation of variables, observations and SAS data sets

Analysis on common and specific factors

Combining data sets

Hierarchical classification

Production of reports

Some statistical procedures

Advanced topics in data modification

2. Sampling and Estimation ►

Introduction to sampling

Simple random sampling

Stratified random sampling

Monetary and financial statistics


External Statistics

Complex sampling: sampling in conglomerates and two-stage sampling

Other (including central balance sheet, securities, financial accounts)

Ratios estimation and subpopulations study

Use of auxiliary information

6. Databases Management ►

Introduction to Information Systems and Databases

Databases development: main stages

Business Intelligence

Databases planning; system specification; analysis of requirements

Data Warehousing

Conceptual modeling: EA model and UML notation


Logic modeling: relational model and normalization

L.1 SQL Server Management Studio

SQL language, relational algebra

L.2 SQL Business Intelligence Development Studio

Physical modeling; development and implementation of databases

L.3 SQL Server Integration Services

L.4 SQL Server Integration Services

Organization and operation of the statistical system

L.5 SQL Server Management Studio

Planning of the statistical function

Management of statistical information systems

3. Business Intelligence – Data Warehousing ►

5. Central Banks' Statistics

4. Computational Statistics I

7. Management of Statistical Systems

Introduction to the SAS System

Management of statistical dissemination systems

Data access: read data from structured and unstructured files

Statistics quality management

8. Inquiry Methodologies

13. People Leadership and Management

Introduction to data collection


Target population and survey basis


Nonsampling errors

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Nonprobabilistic sampling


Questionnaire design and other methods of data collection


Organizational Culture

9. Business Intelligence - Analytics

14. Financial Report

Business Analytics and Data Visualization

Data, Text and Web Mining

Accounting standards

Business Performance Management

Reporting of non-financial corporations

Information Dashboard Design

Recognition and measurement of assets, liabilities and equity

Off balance sheet items

Introduction and general framework

The reporting of financial corporations

The non-financial accounts

Standards and regulatory requirements and oversight mechanisms

The financial accounts

Analysis, valuation and Risk Management of Financial Instruments

Public finances

10. National Accounts ► ►

Introduction to index numbers

Introduction - Least squares and basic concepts

Statistical/axiomatic approach to index numbers

Panel data methods

Productivity indicators

Models of discrete dependent variables

Methodologies for seasonality correction

Advanced topics in time series

Conversion of time series frequencies

Causal models for treatment evaluation

Treatment of anomalous observations (outliers)

Conducting empirical projects

Treatment of missing values

11. Applied Econometrics and Forecasting ► ► ► ► ► ►

12. Computational Statistics II ► ► ► ► ►

15. Statistical Treatment Of Data

16. Research Seminar

Topics on data management in SAS

Introduction to research work

The ODS - Output Delivery System

Topic formulation and research objectives

Linear regression

The proposal

Introduction to SAS IML - Interactive Matrix Language

The critical review of the literature

SAS Macro Language

Methodological approaches in scientific research

Presentation of the final work: structure, content, and editing rules


The NOVA School of Statistics and Information Management (ISEGI-NOVA) is an unit of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. It is a research based school and the first institution in the Iberian Peninsula to integrate iSchools, an international organization that gathers the best universities in research and teaching in the area of information management. ISEGI-NOVA offers bachelor, postgraduate, master and doctoral programs in information management and information systems and technologies. ISEGI-NOVA Master Programs are ranked among the top 8 Best Master Degree Programs in the World according to Eduniversal Masters Ranking 2013-2014. For more information please see:


Postgraduate programME

with access to MASTER DEGREE programme

Statistical Systems specialisation in

Central Banks’ Statistics


Academic Calendar and Timetable

Tuition Fees

Option 1 - After Working Hours Schedule

The tuition fee for this postgraduate programme is

The programme lasts for 2 semesters and each course

4.500€. The tuition fee for individual course units is 750€.

unit takes place once per week in sessions of 2 hours.

The addition tuition to obtain the master degree (2nd year

The classes will start in September 2014 and end in

for the development of a scholarly thesis or work project)

June 2015, on an after working hours schedule (after

is 1.600€. There are special discount and forms of

5p.m.), 3 to 4 times a week. Classes run in classroom or

payment for the postgraduate programme. For more

through videoconference.

information, please visit the course webpage.

Option 2 - Intensive Course The programme lasts for 8 weeks, divided in 2 periods


of 4 weeks each (November and May), with classroom or

If you need more information about the Postgraduate

videoconference sessions. Each course unit runs in

Programme in Statistical Systems with specialisation in

part-time (4 hours), for approximately 2 weeks.

Central Banks' Statistics, contact any of the elements of this program’s team, who will be glad to clear any

Option 3 - Individual Courses Participants may choose to follow individual course units, either by videoconference or in classroom, within

questions you may have. Pedro Simões Coelho, PhD | Program Director

Option 1 (After Working Hours Schedule) or Option 2 (Intensive Course).

Ana Paiva | Marketing Manager

Gisela Garcia | Academic Services Manager

How to get to ISEGI-nova Carris 701, 713, 742, 756, 758

Metro São Sebastião (Blue and Red Lines) Praça de Espanha (Blue Line)

NOVA School of Statistics and Information Management

4th Edition: 2014-2015

Campus de Campolide, 1070-312 Lisboa Tel. (+ 351) 21 382 86 10 | Fax. (+ 351) 21 382 86 11

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