Investigation of Multi-hop Cellular Network and Self organizing Packet Radio Next Generation Hybrid Wireless Networks Deptt. Of Electronics & Communication Engg. BMSCE Muktsar, India blessurahul@gmail.com
Deptt. Of Electronics & Communication Engg. BMSCE Muktsar, India Sheenugirdher_007@yahoo.co.in relaying through the intermediate hopes. Routing is done through intermediate nodes or base stations. Base stations are used for keeping routing information. Multi-hop relaying is used in these architectures. They are selforganized networks. Every node looks for activities of its neighbour. Nodes exchange topology information periodically. They try to find new paths on path breaks through routing protocols. These architectures can be divided on the base of system with dedicated relay stations or on the systems host-cum relay stations. The next generation networks are expected to reuse the spectrum better. If we want to increase the throughput of traditional cellular networks, we use multi hop cellular network (MCN), integrated cellular and ad hoc relaying system (ICAR), hybrid wireless network (HWN) architecture, self organizing packet radio networks with overlay (SOPRANO), multi power architecture for cellular network (MuPAC) & throughput enhanced wireless in local loop (TwiLL). Examples of other hybrid architecture include mobile assisted data forwarding (MADF) system, ad hoc GSM (A-GSM), directional throughput enhanced wireless in local loop (DwiLL) and unified cellular and ad hoc network (UCAN). These architectures are used to reduce interference, extended coverage broadband support over extended range, increased reliability and support for large number of users. The concepts of these architectures are described as Multi-hop Cellular Network (MCN) [15] combines the features of Single-hop cellular network and ad-hoc networks. MCN suggests that the transmission power of the MHs and the BS over the data channel be reduced to a fraction 1/k (where k is reuse factor) of the cell radius R. This means that more than one node can transmit simultaneously on the same channel. ALL MHs in a cell take part in the topology. In mobile-assisted data forwarding (MADF) [19], an adhoc overlay is added to the fixed cellular infrastructure. Special channels also known as forwarding channels are used to connect mobile units in a hot cell and its surrounding cold cells without going through the hot cellâ€&#x;s base station. The main objective of this system is to divert the traffic load from hot cell to cooler cell in its neighbourhood to achieve load balancing. The integrated cellular and ad hoc relaying system (iCAR) [18] is a next
Abstract: Technological innovations in the recent past have shown the way to use wireless networks which is based on next generation wireless system for our different type of communication needs. They are infrastructureless systems. Mobile users use multi-mode terminals that can be used for different networks. When users move out of the coverage of serving area, their terminal automatically switches to another network. Next generation wireless networks are also known as hybrid networks because they combine the benefits of existing cellular network and adhoc network. The principle behind Ad hoc networking is Multi-hop relaying in which messages are sent from the source to destination by relaying through the intermediate hopes. This paper discussed the multi hop cellular network and self-organizing packet radio adhoc network with overlay and analyzes their performance in terms of inbound ,outbound and through traffic. Beside this it also simulate the traffic received, sent and dropped at routers. Further it simulate Ethernet delay at every node of LAN.
Sheenu Girdher2
Rahul Malhotra1
Keywords: Next generation Wireless Networks; Mobile Communication; Ad hoc networks; throughput; spectrum reusability; overlay; bandwidth; multi-hop cellular network.
I INTRODUCTION In wireless networks, mobile users use multi-mode terminals that are equipped with multiple air interfaces and adaptive protocols so that the same terminal can be used for different networks. Using these terminals, mobile users are always connected to the best available network or networks. When users move out of the coverage of the serving network, their terminals automatically switch to another network such that the applications do not experience connection interruption. Therefore, users perceive different wireless networks as a single integrated system. We refer to this integrated system as the next-generation wireless systems (NGWS) [2].The next generation wireless networks face new challenges in the form of increasing volume of traffic with the increase in number of users and the average traffic generated by users. Next generation hybrid wireless network architectures are known as Hybrid networks because they combine the benefits of ad hoc wireless networks and cellular networks. The principle behind Ad hoc networking is Multi-hop relaying in which messages are sent from the source to destination by
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stations help to relay packets, which are not allowed in other variant systems of SCN, such as Ricochet network and mobile base network. MCN has several merits viz. the number of bases or the transmission ranges of both mobile stations and base can be reduced, connections are still allowed without base stations, multiple packets can be simultaneously transmitted within a cell of the corresponding SCN, and paths are less vulnerable than the ones in ad hoc networks because the bases can help .To reduce the wireless hop count, MCN suggests that the transmission power of the MHs and the BS over the data channel be reduced to a fraction 1/k (where k is reuse factor) of the cell radius R. This means that more than one node can transmit simultaneously on the same channel. ALL MHs in a cell take part in the topology discovery wherein each MH regularly sends to the BS information about the beacon power received from its neighbours. This information is used by the BS to estimate distances between MHs. For better communication, all the cells share a single data channel and a single control channel. The transmission range on the data channel is kept at the half of the cell radius and that on the control channel is equal to the cell radius. Duplexing Schemes used by MCNs:-In MCN, relay stations transmit data to the base stations and receive data from the mobile stations. This affects self interference at the relay stations. To avoid the self interference at relay stations, the relay stations should not transmit and receive on the same frequency at the same time. Multi-hop transmission can be used in frequency division duplex or time division duplex. Frequency division duplexing (FDD): FDD multi-hop cellular networks require two paired frequency channels. One paired frequency channel is for uplink and downlink transmission between MSs and RSs. The other paired frequency channel is for uplink and downlink transmission between MSs/RSs and BSs. In addition, each RS needs to have two antennas to separate the transmission and reception. Thus, multi-hop in FDD requires additional paired frequency channel and two antennas. Time division duplexing (TDD): TDD multi-hop cellular networks require a single antenna in each relay station because transmission to BS and reception from MS at the RS can be separated by different time slot. One paired frequency channel is required to separate the transmission to BSs and reception from MSs at RSs because the transmission to BSs and reception from MSs at RSs is separated by different time slots.
generation wireless architecture that can easily evolve from the cellular infrastructure. The iCAR deploys is to use a number of ad hoc relaying stations (ARS) placed at proper location to relay excess call traffic from a hot cells to cool cells around it. There are three basic relaying strategies, Primary Relaying, Secondary Relaying and Cascaded Relaying. The hybrid wireless network (HWN) [16] architecture operates in two modes: ad hoc mode and cellular mode. This architecture requires the global positioning system (GPS) because nodes need to know their exact geographical location. The self-organizing packet radio ad hoc network with overlay (SOPRANO) [21] architecture is a wireless multi-hop network overlaid on a cellular structure. This is a slotted CDMA system with dedicated relay stations where a repeater forms a hexagon or a random shape. The multi-power architecture for cellular networks (MuPAC) [5] is a multichannel architecture, where n-channel architecture has n+ 1 channel, each operating at a different transmission range. The available bandwidth is divided into a control channel (used for sending topology information and routing control packets) using a transmission range equal to the cell radius(R) and n data channel each operating at different transmission range. A wireless multi-hop architecture based on MCN for local loops called Throughput enhanced Wireless in Local Loop (TWiLL). The bandwidth available is split into one control channel and several data channels which are not clustered between cells. In TWiLL [11], every channel will be designated as a multi-hop channel (MC) or a single-hop channel (SC). An MH transmits in the control channel and SCs with a range of R (cell radius) and in the MCs with a range of r = R/2 thus keeping the reuse factor k = 2 among the MCs. Directional throughput enhanced wireless in local loop (DWiLL) is high performance architecture for wireless in local loop systems. It employs a unique combination of directional multi-hop relaying in the uplink and single hop relaying in the downlink to reuse bandwidth and thus improve the throughput of WLL systems. Unified cellular and ad hoc network (UCAN) [9] architecture is a hybrid wireless network architecture that combines wireless WANs and 802.11b based ad hoc wireless networks. Every node requires multiple radio interfaces, narrow bandwidth, high transmission range interface to directly communicate to the BS and the high bandwidth, low transmission range interface for multi-hop communication. The ad hoc GSM is an extension to the GSM cellular architecture for providing extended coverage service to dead spots. The handoff process in A-GSM requires three steps: link quality measurement, initiation or trigger, and handoff control. II THE MCN ARCHITECTURE
Multi-hop Cellular Network (MCN) is good alternative to the conventional Single-hop Cellular Network (SCN) by combining the features of SCN and ad-hoc networks. In this connection between source and destination is established over a multi-hop path. In MCN, mobile
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III THE SOPRANO ARCHITECTURE The self-organizing packet radio ad hoc network with overlay (SOPRANO) architecture is a wireless multi-hop network overlaid on a cellular structure. This is a slotted CDMA system with dedicated relay stations where a repeater forms a hexagon or a random shape as shown in figure1. The repeaters are not expected to generate traffic on their own; rather they help forward traffic originated by other MHs. Neighbour discovery in SOPRANO
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Figure 1 The SOPRANO Architecture
V. IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTI-HOP CELLULAR NETWORK (MCN) The figure 2 shows the MCN network which includes two LANs (LAN1 & LAN2) that are connected to the switch by two routers. LAN1 is connected to the switch through router1 and LAN2 is connected through router2.
A wireless multi-hop network overlaid with a cellular structure combines the advantages of both cellular networks and ad hoc networks. The advantages of using such a structure include: Increasing robustness and scalability of the system, Supporting dynamic topology through packet radio, Load balancing in the network due to routing opportunity, Extending the cell coverage area, Providing a broad connectivity based on multi-hop technology, Exploiting spatial diversity through adaptive routing, Reducing the total consumed power, increasing the network capacity. Every node updates its location by registration process. SOPRANO assumes the use of asynchronous CDMA with a large number of spreading sequences. A channel assignment process is used to inform every node about the channel to be used by that node. It provides high data rate. Two separate frequency bands are assumed to carry the information, one each for up-streams and down streams. The upstream and downstream transmissions in SOPRANO may involve multiple routers, and thus routers must be able to receive on all the channels on which they transmit. Also, note that due to the high power level difference between transmit and receive signals, simultaneous transmission and reception in the same frequency band is not practical. Thus, from an implementation point of view, the simplest practical way of creating transmit and receive channels is to use a time division duplex (TDD) scheme.
advantages of OPNET compared to other simulators are GUI interface, comprehensive library of network protocols and models, graphical interface for results viewing, availability of documentation for the user to develop the network models etc.
architecture is done on powering up the MH by receiving the carrier signal from the nearest repeater.
IV OPNET Simulation is the process of testing a designed model on a platform which imitates the real environment. It provides the opportunity to create, modify and study the behavior of proposed design. It helps the user to predict its strengths and weakness before implementing the model in real environment. Some of the popular simulators used to simulate the data networks are OMNet++, OPNET Modeler [12], and NS2. OPNET Modeler provides several modules for the simulation comprising a vast universe of the protocols and network elements. It has gained popularity in academia as it is offered for free of cost to institutions. The users don„t need to have deep programming knowledge to use OPNET. The user can directly concentrate in building and analyzing model for simulation .The main feature of OPNET is that it provides various real-life network configuration capabilities that make the simulation environment close to reality. The
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Figure 2 MCN network
Figure 3 Inbound, outbound and through traffic between different nodes of LAN_1 of MCN
Figure 4 Inbound, outbound and through traffic between different nodes of LAN_2 of MCN It is observed from figure 3 & 4 that the inbound traffic, outbound traffic and through traffic for LAN_1 and LAN_2 of MCN network is comparatively equal due to the small size of the network. Inbound traffic is very high at the start of simulation process but goes on decreasing with time and stabilizes.
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Figure 5 Traffic received & forwarded by central switch of MCN As shown in figure 5, the traffic received and forwarded through switch of MCN network are comparatively equal. It indicates that the switch is forwarding all the data packets received to the destination. It is observed from figure 6 and 7 that in Router_1 and Router_2 of MCN network traffic sent is higher than traffic received. Traffic dropped in Router_1 is constant at the starting of simulation sign, but after then traffic dropped is observed but if we compare it with the Router_2 then it is clear that it is constant throughout the simulation process. No drop of traffic is seen there.
It is observed from the figure 8 that at start of the simulation process, both LAN_1 and LAN_2 of MCN network offers less delay than all nodes. Up to 1m it is almost same but after this, delays of node_11, LAN_1 and LAN_2 abruptly increases and then remains constant up to 5m simulation time. At the end of simulation time, the delay of node_14 is very high and then node_11, LAN_2, node_13, LAN_1, node_12 respectively. It is concluded from the figure 9 that Ethernet delay is negligible at all the simulation time. Ethernet traffic received is very high at the start of simulation but it decreases abruptly and at the end of simulation time it is less than the Ethernet load. It is concluded from the figure 10 that Ethernet delay is negligible at all the simulation process. Ethernet traffic received is very high at the start of simulation process but it abruptly decreases with time at the end of simulation time it is being observed that the Ethernet traffic is less than the Ethernet load.
Figure 9 Ethernet load, traffic received and delay through node_11of MCN
Figure 6 Traffic sent, received and dropped through Router_1 of MCN
Figure 7 Traffic sent, received and dropped through Router_2 of MCN
Figure 8 Comparison of Delay results at every node and LAN of MCN
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Figure 10 Ethernet load, traffic received and delay through node_12 of MCN
Figure 11 Ethernet load, traffic received and delay through node_13 of MCN
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It is concluded from the figure 11 that Ethernet delay is negligible at all the simulation time. Ethernet traffic received is very high at the start of simulation but it goes on decreasing and at the end of simulation process it is less than the Ethernet load. The Ethernet load is varying all the time. It is concluded from the figure 12 that Ethernet delay is negligible at all the simulation time. Ethernet traffic received is very high at the start of simulation process but it abruptly decreases and at the end of simulation process it is less than the Ethernet load. The Ethernet load is varying all the time.
Figure 14 Traffic received and Forwarded through central switch of SOPRANO network
Figure 12 Ethernet load, traffic received and delay through node_14 of MCN
VI. IMPLEMENTATION OF SELF-ORGANIZING PACKET RADIO ADHOC NETWORK WITH OVERLAY (SOPRANO) NETWORK Figure 13 shows the SOPRANO network, in which four networks are used that is connected to the central switch with the help of routers. Network 1and 2 are connected to switch by router1 and router 2 respectively. Similarly Network 3 and 4 are connected to switch by router 3 and router 4 respectively. Network 1 is connected to five nodes (node 1, node 2, node 3, node 4 and node 5). Network 2 contains five nodes (node 6, node 7, node 8, node 9 and node10). Network 3 has five nodes (node 16, node17, node18, node 19 and node 20). Network 5 is connected to five nodes (node 11, node 12, node 13, node 14 and node 15).
Figure 13 SOPRANO network
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Figure 15 Traffic received and Forwarded through network_1 of SOPRANO network
It is observed from figure 14 that traffic received through central switch at the start of simulation process is less than the traffic forwarded .After sometime both decreases and continuously varying till 5m. But then after that it stabilizes.
Figure 16 Traffic received and Forwarded through network_2 of SOPRANO network
Figure 17 Traffic received and Forwarded through network_3of SOPRANO network
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Figure 18 Traffic received and Forwarded through network_4 of SOPRANO network
Figure 22 Traffic sent, Received and Dropped through ROUTER_4 of SOPRANO network
As shown above figures (19-22), the traffic sent in all routers is very high as compared to received traffic at zero simulation time. The dropped traffic is negligible throughout the simulation process. The received traffic lies in between the sent and dropped traffic all the time of simulation.
VII CONCLUSION This paper investigates the multi hop cellular network and self-organizing packet radio adhoc network with overlay. MCN network uses cellular and WLAN wireless technology whereas SOPRANO network uses cellular and MANET. SOPRANO reduces interference between nodes when traffic load is very high because decisions are made whether to use relay stations or base station directly to transfer data. If we compared it to MCN network then it is concluded that interference problem occurs here because all nodes take part to transmit data. In MCN numbers of base stations are reduced because data can be transferred with the help of nodes itself.
Figure 19 Traffic sent, Received and Dropped through ROUTER_1of SOPRANO network
It is observed from figures (15 to 18) that in network 1, 2, 3, 4 at start of simulation process traffic received is less than the traffic forwarded. After sometime both goes on decreasing and becomes stabilizes.
Figure 20Traffic sent, Received and Dropped through ROUTER_2 of SOPRANO network
Figure 21 Traffic sent, Received and Dropped through ROUTER_3 of SOPRANO network
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