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Junior School - Lunch and Snack

• Students are encouraged to use the hot lunch provided by the food company (SIAF) that also offers alternatives for specific dietary needs. Students may also bring lunch. Healthy lunch and snacks are encouraged e.g. fruit, vegetables, yogurt, cheese, juice (no potato chips, sweets).

• EY1 and EY2 children eat lunch in their own lunchroom. To use the Junior School lunch service please subscribe to the Portale Genitori portal or app. Instructions on how to register can be found at this link.

• Lunch service provider contacts: 0143 836 050 (9am-12:30pm and 2pm4:30pm) or buonopasto@camst.it

• A dietician designs the menu in accordance with the Italian Health and safety regulations and is sent weekly through the Friday Flash.

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