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by Fibremood
Fibre Mood is so much more than just this magazine more than 10.000 sewistas
Fibre Mood - n° 03 - € 12,50 English edition - n°03 16 x sewing & knitting PAT T E R N S / ST E P- BY- ST E P P L A N / T R E N DS / C R E AT I O N S • 16 PATTERNS / 25 VERSIONS • 1 EXTRA FREE ONLINE PATTERN This section reveals all the latest dos & don’ts of the fashion world, the newest color trends, and the hippest fabrics and prints. In a nutshell, you’ll find out all you need to know about what’s going on in the fashion world. We’ll make sure you see those trends again in our patterns too! ➌ the latest trends Sometimes a picture says ten times more than long strings of text. That’s why we’ve created animated film clips for you that show you useful techniques : altering a pair of pants, finishing a yoke, lengthening a pat tern or taking it in. In short, it’s a library that keeps on growing with every issue! ➍ handy how to film clips ➊ sewing instructions We provide detailed sewing descriptions along with drawings and written instructions . By following them carefully, you’re sure to end up with a perfect version of your favorite design. Would you like a better view of how a garment drapes? Our videos and additional photos online will help you get the full picture. ➋ style advice Our style advice gives you all the tips and tricks you need to flat ter your figure. We take a look at your body proportions to help you alter the pattern in terms of cut and length. That will give you an even better idea of how to accentuate your positives and camouflage what’s less positive. You’ll look even more stylish in no time at all by using our smart tips. For your daily dose of inspiration Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. Sign up for our weekly newsletter. Mak e it y ours / Cr ea te S har e Inspir e It’s so much fun to see how everyone gets started on our designs. We really get a kick out of seeing your fabric choices and how gorgeous everyone looks. So take a quick look what your fellow sewistas are making. ➎ our community Y ou can read all about the unique Fibre Mood Collection on our online fabrics page: from the composition, washing instructions, which fabrics are appropriate for what patterns and the fabric plans, to the retailers in your area selling the collection. 30° www.fibremood.com 30° www.fibremood.com 3 0° www.fibremood. com NEW: WITH EXTRA STEP-BY-STEP PLANS ➏ fabrics ONLINE Fibre Mood - No. 04 - UK £ 9.99 - Denmark DKK 99,95 - Sweden SEK 139,- English edition - No. 04 22 x sewing & knitting PAT TERNS / STEP-BY-STEP PL AN / TRENDS / CRE ATIONS WITH EXTRA STEP-BY-STEP PLANS • 17 PATTERNS / 25 VERSIONS • 2 EXTRA FREE ONLINE PATTERNS • 4 DIY NET BAGS ONLINE 5 good reasons ➊ DON’T MISS A SINGLE PATTERN ➋ ACCESS TO INSTRUCTIONS ANYTIME, ANYWHERE ➌ STYLE ADVICE FOR ALL WOMEN’S PATTERNS ➍ SHARE YOUR OWN CREATIONS ➎ 1000+ OTHER SEWISTAS WILL SPARK YOUR IMAGINATION Become Fibre Mood Fibre Mood is so much more than just a magazine SUBSCRIBE NOW ON WWW.FIBREMOOD.COM more than 15,000 sewistas Make it yours / Create Share Inspire Fibre Mood - No. 05 - UK £ 9.99 - Denmark DKK 99,95 - Sweden SEK 139,- English edition - No. 05 26 x sewing & knitting PAT T E R N S / ST E P- BY- ST E P P L A N S / T R E N DS / C R E AT I O N S WITH EXTRA STEP-BY-STEP PLANS • 14 PATTERNS / 26 VERSIONS • 1 FREE DIY ONLINE • 1 x CROCHET & 1 x KNITTING 5 good reasons ➊ DON’T MISS A SINGLE PATTERN ➋ ACCESS TO INSTRUCTIONS ANYTIME, ANYWHERE ➌ STYLE ADVICE FOR WOMEN’S PATTERNS ➍ SHARE YOUR OWN CREATIONS ➎ 1000+ SEWISTAS TO SPARK YOUR IMAGINATION Become Fibre Mood Fibre Mood is so much more than just a magazine more than 20,000 sewistas ONLINE Mak e it y ours / Cr ea te S har e Inspir e Descubre Fibre Mood:
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Una revista 5x al año con 12 patrones de costura de tendencia, 2 patrones de punto y pequeños proyectos DIY para toda la familia, en papel; además, más de 50 patrones atemporales en papel y más de 100 patrones en formato PDF.
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