11 minute read
12 #jules
from Edition 19 EN
by Fibremood
Peri wears the Jules top by Fibre Mood (size 8 y). Fabric: french terry, organic coton & recycled polyester FM312509-50. Hat Elvis Pompillo and trousers Zara.
Peri wears the Jules top by Fibre Mood (size 8 y). Fabric: knit co/pl/ea recycled jacquard FM319021-21. T-shirt and trousers Scotch and Soda.

Ryu wears the Jules top by Fibre Mood (size 5 y). Fabric: knit co/pl/ea recycled jacquard FM319020-10. Trousers and T-shirt Uniqlo.
size chart (in cm) B sewing instructions
H The sewing instructions explain how to make the top if you don't have an overlocker. Select a stretch stitch on your sewing machine to sew the seams and an overlock stitch to finish the raw edges. The top (except for joining the neck binding) can also be made with just a 4-thread overlocker, i.e. 2 upper looper threads and 2 lower looper threads. The raw edges and seams are sewn together at the same time, which keeps the seams stretchy. Choose your size based on your bust measurement. Is your hip measurement wider than what’s listed in the size chart? If so, check the hip measurement in the size chart below to check if you need to grade out at the hip. size
body height 4 160 6 164 8 166 10 167 12 168 14 169 16 170 18 171 20 172 22 172 24 172 26 172 28 172 30 172 32 172 B (bust) 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 110 116 122 128 134 140 146 H (hips) 86 90 94 97 100 103 106 109 115 120 125 130 135 140 145
pattern measurements (in cm)
F front B back CF centre front CB centre back right side This chart's measurements are the pattern measurements based on the fabric type and serve as a reference. Ease has been added to the width measurements (in addition to the exact body measurements) for a more comfortable fit. Harriette is designed to have a relaxed fit. Depending on the preferred cut, you could decide to go a size smaller or larger than the recommended size.
wrong side trim fabric
shorten or lengthen the pattern here
size 1 Compare the stated lengths to the measured or desired lengths. Lengthen or shorten the dress and/or the sleeves by cutting the pattern pieces at the indicated double lines. Then either increase the distance between the cut pieces by the desired amount (to lengthen) or overlap the pieces (to shorten). Make sure that the CF and CB lines and the side seams are always straight. Pin and sew the shoulder seams of the front (1) and back (2) together.
length sleeve length* 4 120.75 69.25 6 121.25 69.5 8 122 69.75 10 122.5 70.25 12 123 70.5 14 123.5 70.75 16 126 71 18 126.75 71.5 20 130.5 71.75 22 131.25 72.25 24 132 72.75 26 132.75 73 28 133.75 73.5 30 134.5 74 32 135.25 74.25 bust 89.25 93.25 97.25 101.25 105.25 109.25 113.25 117.25 123.25 1 129.25 135.25 141.25 147.25 153.25 159.25 hips 152.75 159.25 165.75 170.75 2 175.75 180.5 185.5 190.25 198.5 206.75 215 223.25 231.5 239.75 248 * Including the shoulder length and cuff.
Do you need some help with sewing techniques, or would you like to know about the ones that we use in our patterns? Our team is ready for you! Discover loads of tutorials on our website under FM Academy. This time we will focus on the zip fly of Clover, the blind zipper of Vanya and the collar of Harriette.

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Camille is wearing the Wanda dress (size S). Fabric: woven co/ea jacquard FM310170-20. Camille: height 177 – bust 83.
size chart (in cm) sewing instructions B
H The sewing instructions explain how to make the top if you don't have an overlocker. Select a stretch stitch on your sewing machine to sew the seams and an overlock stitch to finish the raw edges. The top (except for joining the neck binding) can also be made with just a 4-thread overlocker, i.e. 2 upper looper threads and 2 lower looper threads. The raw edges and seams are sewn together at the same time, which keeps the seams stretchy. Choose your size based on your bust measurement. Is your hip measurement wider than what’s listed in the size chart? If so, check the hip measurement in the size chart below to check if you need to grade out at the hip. size
body height 4 160 6 164 8 166 10 167 12 168 14 169 16 170 18 171 20 172 22 172 24 172 26 172 28 172 30 172 32 172 B (bust) 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 110 116 122 128 134 140 146 H (hips) 86 90 94 97 100 103 106 109 115 120 125 130 135 140 145
pattern measurements (in cm)
F front B back CF centre front CB centre back right side This chart's measurements are the pattern measurements based on the fabric type and serve as a reference. Ease has been added to the width measurements (in addition to the exact body measurements) for a more comfortable fit. Harriette is designed to have a relaxed fit. Depending on the preferred cut, you could decide to go a size smaller or larger than the recommended size.
wrong side trim fabric shorten or lengthen the pattern here size
2 1 Compare the stated lengths to the measured or desired lengths. Lengthen or shorten the dress and/or the sleeves by cutting the pattern pieces at the indicated double lines. Then either increase the distance between the cut pieces by the desired amount (to lengthen) or overlap the pieces (to shorten). Make sure that the CF and CB lines and the side seams are always straight. Pin and sew the shoulder seams of the front (1) and back (2) together.
length sleeve length* 4 120.75 69.25 6 121.25 69.5 8 122 69.75 10 122.5 70.25 12 123 70.5 14 123.5 70.75 16 126 71 18 126.75 71.5 20 130.5 71.75 22 131.25 72.25 24 132 72.75 26 132.75 73 28 133.75 73.5 30 134.5 74 32 135.25 74.25 bust 89.25 93.25 97.25 101.25 105.25 109.25 113.25 117.25 123.25 129.25 135.25 141.25 147.25 153.25 159.25 hips 152.75 159.25 165.75 170.75 175.75 180.5 185.5 190.25 198.5 1 206.75 215 223.25 231.5 239.75 248 * Including the shoulder length and cuff.

Babs is wearing the Wanda dress by Fibre Mood (size S). Fabric: woven vi/modal jacquard FM320094-727. Sneakers Veja. Babs: height 178 – bust 95.
Babs is wearing the Wanda top by Fibre Mood (hack, size S). Fabric: woven li/vi FM310208-11. Trousers Vince. Babs: height 178 – bust 95.
size chart (in cm) B sewing instructions
H The sewing instructions explain how to make the top if you don't have an overlocker. Select a stretch stitch on your sewing machine to sew the seams and an overlock stitch to finish the raw edges. The top (except for joining the neck binding) can also be made with just a 4-thread overlocker, i.e. 2 upper looper threads and 2 lower looper threads. The raw edges and seams are sewn together at the same time, which keeps the seams stretchy. Choose your size based on your bust measurement. Is your hip measurement wider than what’s listed in the size chart? If so, check the hip measurement in the size chart below to check if you need to grade out at the hip. size
body height 4 160 6 164 8 166 10 167 12 168 14 169 16 170 18 171 20 172 22 172 24 172 26 172 28 172 30 172 32 172 B (bust) 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 110 116 122 128 134 140 146 H (hips) 86 90 94 97 100 103 106 109 115 120 125 130 135 140 145
pattern measurements (in cm)
F B CF CB front back centre front centre back right side This chart's measurements are the pattern measurements based on the fabric type and serve as a reference. Ease has been added to the width measurements (in addition to the exact body measurements) for a more comfortable fit. Harriette is designed to have a relaxed fit. Depending on the preferred cut, you could decide to go a size smaller or larger than the recommended size.
wrong side trim fabric
shorten or lengthen the pattern here
size 1 Compare the stated lengths to the measured or desired lengths. Lengthen or shorten the dress and/or the sleeves by cutting the pattern pieces at the indicated double lines. Then either increase the distance between the cut pieces by the desired amount (to lengthen) or overlap the pieces (to shorten). Make sure that the CF and CB lines and the side seams are always straight. Pin and sew the shoulder seams of the front (1) and back (2) together.
length sleeve length* bust 4 120.75 69.25 89.25 6 121.25 69.5 93.25 8 122 69.75 97.25 10 122.5 70.25 101.25 12 123 70.5 105.25 14 123.5 70.75 109.25 16 18 126 126.75 71 71.5 113.25 117.25 20 22 130.5 131.25 71.75 72.25 1 123.25 129.25 24 26 28 132 132.75 133.75 72.75 73 73.5 135.25 141.25 147.25 30 32 134.5 135.25 74 74.25 153.25 159.25 hips 152.75 159.25 165.75 170.75 2 175.75 180.5 185.5 190.25 198.5 206.75 215 223.25 231.5 239.75 248 * Including the shoulder length and cuff.
Camille wears the Jemma skirt by Fibre Mood (size 36). Fabric: woven li/vi FM310208-11. Top BSB, clogs AGL. Camille: height 177 – waist 64 – hips 92.

Silke is wearing the Jemma skirt by Fibre Mood (size 36). Fabric: woven co batist FM 997503-727. Top Christian Wijnants and sandals H&M. Silke: height 181 – waist 62 – hips 92.
size chart (in cm) size B sewing instructions H
F front B back CF centre front CB centre back The sewing instructions explain how to make the top if you don't have an overlocker. Select a stretch stitch on your sewing machine to sew the seams and an overlock stitch to finish the raw edges. The top (except for joining the neck binding) can also be made with just a 4-thread overlocker, i.e. 2 upper looper threads and 2 lower looper threads. The raw edges and seams are sewn together at the same time, which keeps the seams stretchy.pattern measurements (in cm) This chart's measurements are the pattern measurements based on the fabric type and serve as a reference. Ease has been added to the width measurements (in addition to the exact body measurements) for a more comfortable fit. Harriette is designed to have a relaxed fit. Depending on the preferred cut, you could decide to go a size smaller or larger than the recommended size. Choose your size based on your bust measurement. Is your hip measurement wider than what’s listed in the size chart? If so, check the hip measurement in the size chart below to check if you need to grade out at the hip.
body height 4 160 6 164 8 166 10 167 12 168 14 169 16 170 18 171 20 172 22 172 24 172 26 172 28 172 30 172 32 172 B (bust) 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 110 116 122 128 134 140 146 H (hips) 86 90 94 97 100 103 106 109 115 120 125 130 135 140 145
right side wrong side trim fabric shorten or lengthen the pattern here size
2 1 Compare the stated lengths to the measured or desired lengths. Lengthen or shorten the dress and/or the sleeves by cutting the pattern pieces at the indicated double lines. Then either increase the distance between the cut pieces by the desired amount (to lengthen) or overlap the pieces (to shorten). Make sure that the CF and CB lines and the side seams are always straight. Pin and sew the shoulder seams of the front (1) and back (2) together.
length sleeve length* 4 120.75 69.25 6 121.25 69.5 8 122 69.75 10 122.5 70.25 12 123 70.5 14 123.5 70.75 16 126 71 18 126.75 71.5 20 130.5 71.75 22 131.25 72.25 24 132 72.75 26 132.75 73 28 133.75 73.5 30 134.5 74 32 135.25 74.25 bust 89.25 93.25 97.25 101.25 105.25 109.25 113.25 117.25 123.25 129.25 135.25 141.25 147.25 153.25 159.25 hips 152.75 159.25 165.75 170.75 175.75 180.5 185.5 190.25 1 198.5 206.75 215 223.25 231.5 239.75 248 * Including the shoulder length and cuff.