Kingdom Lyfestlye Magazine Mobile Edition

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[Year] [Type the company name] Trainor Family



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Change is an inevitable part of life. Some changes may be good and some may be bad. The change that Shai Boogie has made with his music has been good, and has had a definite impact on his listeners. The journey to change for any artist is a long one. “It started a while ago, it was something that was always with me. It was something I was always good at, so I just ran wit it.� Shai Boogie stated when asked about his journey. Shai Boogie, born Joseph Evans, grew up in Erie, PA. There he would attend church faithfully with Page | 2

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his parents. Shai’s mother was very involved in church activities as well as his father and uncle. But as Shai got older, it wasn’t church hymns he was singing. More so, it was songs that reflected his lifestyle as a young man: Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll. But what now? After Shai gave his life to Christ, he felt compelled to redeem lost time and make music that Page | 3

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would tell a message of redemption. “If you listen to these artists today Everything is simple. Its being dumbed down for society, its for people that don’t wanna think.” With every evolution, there are going to be critics. Gospel Hip-Hop has been in a strange spot for decades and has taken its share of criticism. Positive music definitely taking a toll on the artists’ lives. Not street enough for the streets, too street for the church. “Positive music is coming off like a new fad. People pay attention to labels too much. Like Tim Tebow, he is a Christian who is also a NFL player.” Boogie exclaims. Shai’s most recent mixtape “Narrow Escape” proves the true power that music really holds. “The impact of my mixtape (Narrow Escape) was huge. My inbox was full. People was contacting me on all levels to find out what path I was on. It also affected me as well.” He said. Based on Page | 4

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I used to think I had to get drunk and high [to write]. I love the natural bars, my other bars was under the influence.�

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the statistics, the community definitely could relate a lot compared to his previous projects. “This is just the beginning. A lot of people can relate to this project for a few reasons, A, People who know me B ,People who knows somebody like me C ,Actually going through or have been through what I talk about in my music. Im just the voice.” A Lot people (including myself) who said they had heard the album was rather curious on what Shai thought his own project, and when I asked him he said “The Intro was one of my favorite track on the project. The energy level was amazing. That track sums up the whole entire project in one song.” A lot of artists are always being compared to other artists throughout time. Shai used to draw comparisons to former Roc-AFella artist Memphis Bleek. Some have also compared him to Lecrae. “I give all the respect to that man. He is not Page | 6

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ashamed of reppin Christ in his music. If I had to make a secular comparison, his music is like Mos Def and mine is like Jeezy. Mine is geared for lost souls, and there is also a big difference on where we came from.” Another big change that with this new and improved Boogie is the process of making his music. “ Its more of a natural vibe. I used to think I had to get drunk and high. I lover the natural bars, my other bars was under the influence.” He stated when asked about the recording process of Narrow Escape. “ I asked him about how “Narrow Escape” compared to his last secular project. “Yeahhhhhhhhh! The music I was doin had no purpose. The music I’m doin now has purpose. The music I’m doin now shows you where I came from. (As Fancy agrees).” This is just the beginning, Boogie has a lot of irons in the fire. But one of those iron that are really hot to say the least is a duo Page | 7

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project with JB. I sat down wit Boogie and asked him bout this project and working with JB. “Im really excited about this duo project. Two people, same city, and same state of mind. Both have different testimonies. What his lack, mine make up and what mine lacks, his make up. The best way to describe me and JB is Page | 8

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oppositely the same.” The two Erie natives only collaborated one time before talks of this project. I guess you can say it was a match made in heaven. “Take Off was the first time that we have been on the same track. Me and JB chemistry was built since we was kids. With that bein said, its definite a huge shock us working together.” One thing is for sure, these up and coming projects are going to definitely affect the world in a big way. I tried to get an inside scoop on what we can expect from his album and all he told me was “You can expect something you have never thought of in your life.” I would wanna speak for everybody but what I can say is this Narrow Escape project was only the beginning. The man we know and love has evolved. –


Click link to listen to narrow escape Page | 9

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1. Rest. We all have busy schedules. But nothing is worse than trying to do something creative at 3 am. It’s not going to work. 2. Set aside some time. If you are married ask your spouse to give you an hour of uninterrupted time to work on music. This can invaluable with attempting to lay something down. Page | 11

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3. Listen. Listen to other projects you did that you liked. Also listen to other people making beats. This will inspire you. 4. Remix. Take one of your old tracks with all the sounds ready and clear out the patterns. Make something fresh with old sound set. 5. Revisit. Cue up some of your older projects that you did not quite like before and see if you can make them fresh. Try to complete them. This also works in the reverse. Don’t scrap a project, name and set it aside. A simple “ND” code for not done can help reference back to it when the time is right

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You don’t have to spend a fortune to ice out the summer (prices courtesy of ebay) ALL GOOD IN THE WOOD - $1.99

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Food From The Kitchen OG

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Classic hip-hop mixed with a Gospel message The First Project from OG brings a refreshing nostalgia of classic hip-hop mixed with a Gospel message. The sound is unique to the genre. The first song, Saying Grace, is an explosion of sound with intense lyrics that sets the stage for the rest of the project. Popular has a catchy beat which chronicles the downfalls of chasing fame at the expense losing salvation. The entire project is due early fall. Go to to hear samples of this highly anticipated project. Page | 18

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THE ELEVEN HIP-HOP’S NEXT MOVEMENT We currently caught up with Ishmael Trainor to find out what the deal is with the secret project, The XI. Page | 19

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KLM: So what is the XI? Will it have eleven members? IT: The XI is a representation of the faithful remaining disciples after the betrayal. One Project could have 3 people and the next can have 30. KLM: So it’s going to be a CD right? IT: Yes and more. It’s going to be an entire kit. Something that never been done an the industry. KLM: Can we expect any surprise guests? IT: (Grinning) If I told you, It would not be much of surprise.


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LOVE IT OR HATE IT, MANY GOSPEL ARTIST HAVE LINKED WITH SECULAR ARTISTS LATELY. From videos, to BET AWARDS, The link up has been more prevalent. Some see the benefit while others believe it totally goes against the word. What do you think? VISIT fACEBOOK.COM/KINGDOMLYFESTLE TO VOICE OPINION. Page | 21

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Missy Elliot and Karen watch?v=D24HIngMbk0

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Kayne in Mary Mary’s video watch?v=agxi8cei9h8

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Focus on the Word


I shall be

Perfected Page | 26

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Luke 13:31-33 King James Version (KJV) 31

The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying unto him, Get thee out, and depart hence: for Herod will kill thee. 32

And he said unto them, Go ye, and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected. This is one of my favorite quotes from our savior. It is profound and bold. Most people not familiar with Christ view him as a weak individual who always “turns the other cheek”. But from this verse, and others, we see that Jesus’ strength and power was accompanied on grace and mercy. In this verse we find some Pharisees, saying unto him, that king Herod would have him killed for doing miracles. Jesus responds by referring to the king as fox, and also saying that he would not cease Page | 27

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his father’s perfection.





Even though Christ was perfect without sin, he was not speaking of being perfect in that sense. This perfect comes from the Greek word, teleioo. This refers to being complete. In other words, a death threat was not going to stop him from seeing his mission through. Christians today face the same challenge. Do we abandon our mission to make disciples of men, for idle threats. Or can we look toward our savior, and strive to be perfected? -KLM

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had to be one of the most difficult covers to do. OG wanted something to cover essence of his project. Many attempts later, he was pleased with the final results [last square]. Which one do you like (my personal fav is the first)?

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DESICIONS The sun is coming up, the birds are chirping, and the dogs are barking. It was a rather quiet morning in the usual loud, busy city of Detroit. Antonio Fleetwood was getting ready for his last day of his junior year. Then all of sudden he heard sirens, gun shots, and followed by his mother yelling. “Antonio Lamar Fleetwood, get your butt down here right now!” his mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs. “What is it, ma?” Antonio wondered. Antonio rushed over to the window, and he looked across the street. He looked on with amazement as his best friend; Tyrone Johnson’s house was covered with police, lights, drug searching dogs, and even helicopters flying around the perimeter. Page | 30

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“All I know is you better pray that fool Tyrone wasn’t involved in any of this.” Mama Fleetwood proclaimed. “I certainly hope he wasn’t ma, I certainly hope he wasn’t.” Antonio worried. To be continued

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