Rajesh Chaitya Vangad Rajesh Chaitya Vangad has painted notable murals at the Craft Museum, New Delhi, Homi Bhaba Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai and the T2 Terminal at the International Airport in Mumbai. He has also exhibited his works in the UK, Spain, Germany and Japan. Vangad has published three Books: My Gandhi Story, Kabir Saamagri and The Indian Craft Journey. In 2017, his artworks were a part of Documenta 14 Kassel, Germany In 2013, he worked on a collaborative series with photographer Gauri Gill. The photo essay has been published in ‘Granta Magazine’ and exhibited in various art galleries. In 2019, Vangad was the Master Artist Awardee for Ojas Art Award in Warli.
In this work, the artist paints a plane in the sky and a running train, a scene that is often witnessed by farmers as they work in the fields, creating a wave of excitement amongst the village folk. The artwork creates an interesting contrast between rooted practices and modern technology, a metaphor of the current times. Kheti Viman Mixed media on traditionally treated cloth done with bamboo sticks 34 x 53 inch | 86 x 134 cm
Rs. 91,000 16