Index of Tables Table 1.1 | More downloads of the Aarogya Setu app reported among the rich, young and most literate
Table 1.2 | Higher download and usage of Aarogya Setu app by police reported in big cities
Table 2.1 | Men, young and lower-income groups feared the police the most
Table 2.2 | Those who witnessed the police using force during lockdown were more fearful of the police
Table 2.3 | During the lockdown, four out of five people saw the messaging by the police as an act of care; but men, young, and poor people slightly more likely to feel threatened
Table 2.4 | People in Tier II/III cities more likely to positively rate police’s behaviour during lockdown, compared to those from Tier I cities
Table 2.5 | Police personnel reported poor localities to be least compliant with lockdown rules Table 2.6 | One in two police personnel report penalising the violators during lockdown very frequently; one in three personnel report use of force frequently Table 2.7 | Two out of five police personnel found it very difficult to manage the migrant workers travelling home during the lockdown
Table 2.8 | One out of two people witnessed police facilitating migrants in their homeward journey and providing food to the migrants during the lockdown 45 Table 3.1 | Younger male police personnel with more than 10 years of work experience most likely to be assigned Covid-specific duties
Table 3.2 | State-wise breakup of difficulties faced by the police during the lockdown
8 | Status of Policing in India Report 2020–2021: Volume II
Table 3.3 | Police personnel from Tier I cities are more likely to report a decrease in overall crime compared to Tier II cities, except in cases of domestic violence
Table 4.1 | More than two in five police personnel reported that the vulnerable police personnel were not shifted to low-risk areas
Table 4.2 | Physical distancing while performing duties were possible to a large extent only for one in three police personnel
Table 4.3 | More than two in five police personnel reported not being provided any special training; one in three reported not having PPE kits for those deployed in sensitive-zones
Table 4.4 | Personnel with existing co-morbidities were more likely to be working for longer hours during the lockdown
Table 5.1 | Sixty-six percent police personnel consider police highly capable in handling the pandemic, as against 41 percent citizens
Table 5.2 | More than a quarter of police personnel and citizens reported that managing the public during the lockdown was the biggest difficulty faced by the police
Table 5.3 | Best of police: More than one in five believe police did their best in providing help to the needy
Table 5.4 | Worst of the police: More than one in five felt police did their worst in (neglecting) their general or routine duties
Table 7.1 | Availability of essential services to migrant workers while travelling back to their villages/home states
Table A | Sample frame
Table B | Targeted sample
Table C | Achieved Sample
Table D | Profile of the respondents