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2.3.About Wayside amenities
from Kyosang on Highway - An Eco tourist rest stop at high altitude region of Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh
by Ishwar Bhat
What is Wayside Amenities ?
Amenities which contribute to human health and leisure on a Wayside during an emergency in
travel. Generally used for food, refreshment and Motel in an overnight journey by truck drivers and
travel enthusiast. These highways are used by truckers which contributes large part of user group
on road. Wayside amenities are also called laybys, turnover, layover or a rest stop/ pits-top. Way-
side amenities are referred as plaza where all the facility and services are at one place. The service
include Mechanic, restaurants, local goods, food franchises, marts and petrol pumps.
These amenities have been part highway which adds value for the user that contributes locally
and nationally. The Amenities are important to reduce road accidents, increase safety and reduce the
traffic. Wayside amenities have always functioned for food and hotel stays which are only the basic requirements mostly found near urban area, Dhabas are always there even in the remote areas which
helps in affordable and basic facility which is needed to overcome the fatigue.
Figure 11 A1 plaza Reliance in chitradurga karnatak 2008. A1 plaza were new concepts coined by Reliance for truck drivers which gave clean and hygiene service with affordable food. It was also used as motels by drivers for long halts. Later due to Hike in Petrol Prizes it was shut except for petrol pumps