Boletin de tabla de contenidos de publicaciones de odontologia Dic 2011

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Publicaciones Periódicas de Odontología

Boletín de tablas de contenidos de publicaciones en la biblioteca.

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Volume 140 Number 3 September 2011

American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics

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, Litigation Talkingtrash!


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Ethics Confidentiality J








Research Design Thepyramid of evidence /

Official Publication of the AmericanAssociationof Orthodontists,its constituentsocieties,the AmericanBoardof Orthodontics, and the College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics Published by Elsevier,

ISSN 0889-5406


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American Journal of Orthodontics


Dentofacial Orthopedics Founded in 1915 Volume 140 Number 3 September 2011 Copyright @ 2011 by the American Association oIOrthodontists

CONTENTS COYER On the cover: Adults often choose lingual orthodontics to avoid the appearance of labial brackets on their teeth. In some adults with missing teeth, it is necessary to plan treatment with a diagnostic wax-up to determine precise tooth fit. Can this be accomplished with CAD/CAM technology? Read the Techno Bytes article by Grauer and Proffit to learn the answer. The smiling patient on the cover is Amanda Klick, who was treated orthodontically by Dr. Benjamin Larrabee from Mesa, Arizona.


How do you determine the quality of the evidence? Vincent G. Kokich, Editor-in-Chiej,

Tacoma, Wash


What happened to the alveolar bone during retraction? Grace Ang, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

Author's res pon se Takeshi Yanagita, Okayama, Japan


A note about sample size AlessandroManganoand CristinaBalan,Gravedona,Italy,and Iasi, Romania


Author's response Abby Wu,HongKong


Incidence and effects of genetic factors on canine impaction HasanKamakand GĂźlenKamak,Kirikkale,Turkey


Authors' response



David D. Chung, Michael Weisberg, and Mulali Pegala, Brooklyn. NY



ETHICS IN ORTHODONTICS Confidentiality: To honor or to override? Peter M. Greco, Philadelphia,



The American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (ISSN 0889-5406) is published monthly by Elsevier Inc., 360 Park A venue South, New York, NY 10010-1710. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing o[fÂĄces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, EIsevier Health Sciences Division, Subscription 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.


Customer Service,

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics/September 2011




American Journal of Orthodontics 8r Dentofacial Orthopedics

DeInineralization Is there an evidence-based method for preventing this problem during orthodontic treatment?

See the RCT by Robertson


et al.

. /"

Litigation Don't bug me!


Official Publication of the AmericanAssociationof Orthodontists,its constituent societies,the AmericanBoardof Orthodontics, and the College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics

Published by Elsevier, Inc. ISSN 0889-&406


Volume 140 Number 5 November 2011

American Journal of Orthodontics


Dentofacial Orthopedics Founded in 1915 Volume 140 Number 5 November 2011 Copyright @ 2011 by the American Association of Orthodontists



On the cover: Demineralization of enamel is an unfortunate aftermath of poor oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment. Is there an evidence-based method for preventing this problem? A randomized clinical trial documents the effect of MI Paste Plus at preventing demineralization. The results of this study provide a valuable clinical solution for orthodontists. The smiling patient on the cover is Kaitlyn Castor, who was treated orthodontically by Dr Grant G. Coleman, Charlotte, North Carolina.



Do you know what this image represents? Vincent G.Kokich, Editor-in-Chief, Tacoma, Wash


READERS' FORUM Concerns about the new logo! AndrewP. Collins,Durham,NC


Clarification of a historical fact ChaninahZweihorn,Brooklyn,NY


Third molars RaymondP. White,ir and WilliamR. Proffit,ChapelHill,NC


Author's response SanjivanKandasamy,Midland,WesternAustralia,Australia




ETHICS IN ORTHODONTICS When the tail wags the dog Peter M. Greco, Philadelphia,



RESIDENTS' JOURNAL REVIEW Residents' journal review


The American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (ISSN 0889-5406) is published monthly by EIsevier Inc., 360 Park A venue South, New York, NY 10010-1710. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offlces. POSlMASTER: Send address changes to the American Journal ofOrthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, EIsevier Health Sciences Division, Subscription Customer Service, 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.


American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics/November




Volume 37, Number 12

CONSORT Researehpage1603


AnestheticEfficacyof4%Articaine in Patientswith IrreversiblePulpitis

lasie Researeh page1691 Direct Contactwith MTAActivates ,Yo

DentalPulp Cells

Case Report Accuracyof Pulp SensibilityTests page1619

page 1696


¡oumal 01Endodon tics December 2011, Volume 37, Number 12 CONSORT Randomized ClinicalTrial 1603 Anesthetic Efficacy of FourPercent Articaine forPulpalAnesthesia byUsingInferior AlveolarNerveBlockand BuccallnfiltrationTechniquesin Patientswith Irreversible Pulpitis:A Prospective RandomizedDouble-blindClinicalTrial Saravanan Poorni, Baskaran Veniashok, Ayyampudur Durairaj and Sundararaman Ramachandran

Clinieal Research

Senthilkumar, Rajamani lndira,

1608 Efficacy of Ibuprofen andIbuprofen/Acetaminophen onPostoperative Pain in SymptomaticPatientswith a PulpalDiagnosisof Necrosis L. Kevin Wells, Melissa Drum, john



Al Reader,

and Mike


Immunohistochemical Expression of FibronectinandTenascinin HumanToothPulp Cappedwith MineralTrioxideAggregateand a NovelEndodonticCement Mohammad Hassan Zarrabi, Maryam javidi, Amir Hossein jaJarian, and Bahareh joushan

1619 Evaluation of Accuracy, Reliability, andRepeatability of FiveDentalPulpTests Eugene Chen and Paul V. Abbott

1624 Association of Endodontic Infection withDetection of an Initiallesion to theCardiovascular System Elisabetta Cotti, Cristina Dessi, Alessandra Piras, Giovanna Flore, Martino Deidda, CleNaMadeddu, Angela Zedda, Giorgio Longu, and Giuseppe Mercuro

1630 Radiographic StudyoftheMandibular Retromolar Canal:AnAnatomic Structure withClinicallmportance Thomas van Ar.x-,Andrea Hanni, Pedram Sendi, Daniel Buser, and Michael M. Bornstein

lasie Research-Biology1636

Immunohistological Characterization of NewlyFormed Tissues afterRegenerative Procedurein ImmatureDogTeeth Nozomu Yamauchi, Hideaki Nagaoka, Sbizuko Yamaucbi, Fabricio B. Teixeira, Patricia Miguez, and Mitsuo Yamaucbi

1642 Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Angiogenesis andTryptase-positive MastCell Infiltration in Periapical lesions Sílvio Luciana

Carlos Albuquerque Yamamoto





Toral Rizo,

Os/ei Paes Almeida,

Yara Teresinba

and Jorge Esquiche




1647 Potential Characteristics of St~mCellsfromHumanExfoliated Deciduous Teeth Compared withBoneMarrow.:cJerived Mesenchymal StemCellsfor Mineralized Tissue-forming CellBiology Kenji Hara, Yoicbi Yamada, Sayaka Nakamura, Eri Umemura, Kenji /to, and Minoru Ueda

1653 Porphyromonas endodontalis Lipopolysaccharides InduceRANKlbyMouse Osteoblast in a WayDifferent fromThatof Escherichiacoli Lipopolysaccharide Yin Tang, Feifei Sun, Xiaoting Li, Yuan Zbou, Sbibai Yin, and Xuedong Zbou


journal 01Endodontics


December 2011, Volume 37, Number 12 1659 CytokineAnalysisin LesionsRefractoryto EndodonticTreatment luiz CarlosFeitosa Henriques, luciana Caria Neves de Brito, Warleyluciano Fonseca Tavares, leda Quércia Vieira, and Antonio Paulino Ribeiro Sobrinho

1663 MatrixMetalloproteinase-2 Expression InducedbyTwoDifferentAdhesiveSystems on HumanPulpFibroblasts Giovanna Orsini, Annalisa Mazzoni, Monía Orciani, Angelo Putignano, Maurizio Procaccini, Mirella Fakoni, David H. Pashley, Franklin R. Tay, and Lorenzo Breschi

1668 BleachingAgentsIncreaseMetalloproteinases-mediated CollagenDegradation in Dentin Manuel Toledano, Monica Yamauti, Estrella Osorio, and Raquel Osorio

lasie Researeh-Teehnolouv1673 HeavyMetalAnalysisof OrthoMTA andProRootMTA Seok-WooChang, Seung-Ho Baek, Hyeong-Cheol Yang, Deog-Gyu Seo, Sung-Tae Hong, Seung-Hyun Han, Yoon lee, Yu Gu, Ho-Bum Kwon, Woocheollee, Kwang-Shik Bae, and Kee- Yeon Kum

1677 ApicalExtrusionof SodiumHypochloriteUsingDifferentRootCanalIrrigation Systems Ross P. MitcheO, j. Craig Baumgartner,


and Christiue M. Sedgley

Micro-Computed Tomography Studyof the InternalAnatomyof MesialRootCanals of MandibularMolars Marcelo Haas Villas-Boas, Norberti Bernardineli, Bruno Cavalini Cavenago, Marina Marciano, Aldo del Carpio-perochena, lva/do Gomes de Moraes, Marco H. Duarte, Clovis M. Bramante, and Ronald Ordinola-Zapata


Effectof CanalLengthand'CurvatureonWorkingLengthAlterationwith WaveOne Reciprocating Files Elio Berutti, Giorgio Chiandussi, Davide Salvatore Paolino, Nicola Scotti, Giuseppe Cantatore, Arnaldo CasteOucci,and Damíano pasqualini


DirectContactwith MineralTrioxideAggregateActivatesandDifferentiates HumanDentalPulpCells Avina paranjpe, Tyler Smoot, Haz Zhang, and james D. johnson

Case ReporllClinicalTeehniques 1696 PersistentExtraradicular Infectionin Root-filledAsymptomaticHumanTooth: ScanningElectronMicroscopic AnalysisandMicrobiallnvestigationafterApical Microsurgery

l' 1

Fernanda G.C.Signoretti, Marcos S. Endo, Brenda P.FA. Gomes, Francisco Montagner, Fernanda B. Tosello,and Rogério C.jacinto


Author Index




Volume 112 . Number 6 December 2011


OralSurgery, OralMedicine, OralPathology, OralRadiology, and Endodontology ORALAND MAXILLOFACIALSURGERV Closureof difficult palatalfistulas using a "parachutingand anchoring"techniquewith the tongueflap A. R. EIyassi,E.R. Helling,J. J. C/osmann Comparisonof three pain scales after impacted third molar surgery K. Isik, A. Unsal,A. Kalayci, et al. ORALMEDICINE A modelfor the pathogenesisof bisphosphonateassociatedosteonecrosisof the jaw and teriparatide'spotentialrole in its resolution G. Subramanian, H. V. Cohen, Samuel Y.P. Duek Nicorandil-inducedoral ulceration:report of 3 cases and review of the Japaneseliterature K. Yamamoto, Y. Matsusue, S. Horita,et al. .

ORALAND MAXILLOFACIALRADlOLOGY John AlexanderReid,November29, 1924-March29, 2011 Characterizationof an optically stimulateddosimeter for dentomaxillofacialdosimetry J. V. Valiyaparambil,S. M. Mal/ya ENDODONTOLOGV Effectivenessof ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid (EDTAIand MTADon debris and smear layer removalusing a self-adjustingfile OzkanAdigĂźzel, S. Yigit-Ozer,S. Kaya, et al. A quantitativeand qualitativeanalysisof ultrasonic versus sonic endodonticsystemson canal cleanlinessand obturation V. Kanter, E. Weldon, U. Nair, et al.

ORALAND MAXILLOFACIALPATHOLOGV Comparativeimmunohistochemicalstudy of ameloblastomaand ameloblasticcarcinoma H.-J. Yoon, B.-C. Jo, w.-J. Shin, et al. A prospectiveclinicaltrial for assessingthe efficacyof a minimallyinvasiveprotocolin patientswith . bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosisof th~ jaws F. Moretti, G. A. Pelliccioni, L. Montebugno/i, et al.

Complete table qf contents begLĂ?7sinside

See us on/ine at:

ISSN 1079-2104


Vol. 112

No. 6

December 2011

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology CONTfNTS EDITORIAL Teriparatide's


role in jaw bone related

diseases. Craig S. MilIer, DMD, MS


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Bisphosphonates that lack a nitrogen-containing side chain do not canse osteonecrosis of the jaws, regardless of their effect on STAT3 phosphorylation and SOCS3 expression. Allan C. Jones, DDS, Los Angeles, California


Bisphosphonates that lack a nitrogen-containing side chain do not cause osteonecrosis of the jaws, regardless of their effect on STAT3 phosphorylation and SOCS3 expression - reply. Jayne S. Reuben,PhD, Dalias,Texas


Two-stage split-crest technique with ultrasonic bone surgery for controlled ridge expansion: a novel modified technique. Eduardo Anitua, MS, DDS, PhD, Leire Bego単a, MSc, and Gorka Orive, PhD, Vitoria, Spain


ORAL AND MAXILLOFAClAL SURGERY Closure of difficult palatal fistulas using a "parachuting and anchoring" technique with the tongue flap. Ali R. Elyassi, DDS, Eric R. Helling, MD, and James J. Closmann, DDS, Honolulu, HI


Comparison of three pain scales after impacted third molar surgery. Kubilay Isik, DDS, PhD, Alkim Unsal, DDS, Abdullah Kalayci, DDS, PhD, and Ercan Durmus, DDS, PhD, Ankara and Konya, Turkey


Changes in quality of life after orthognathic surgery: a comparison based on the involvement of the occIusion. Ashish Khadka, BDS, Yao Liu, DDS, Jihua Li, DDS, Songsong Zhu, DDS, En Luo, DDS, Ge Feng, DDS, and Jing Hu, DDS, Chengdu, China


Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology

(ISSN: 1079-2104) is published monthly by Elsevier Inc., 360

Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010-1710. Business Office: 1600 lohn F. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1800, Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899. Editorial Office: 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Customer Service (orders, cIaims, online, change of address): Elsevier Health Sciences Division, Subscription Customer Service, 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. Periodicals York, NY and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, Sciences Division, Subscription Customer Service, 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043.


postage paid at New

and Endodontology,

Elsevier Health

Comparative analysis of osseointegration of titanium implants with acid-etched su単aces and different biomolecular coatings. Cornelia Katharina Mueller, Michael Thorwarth, MD, DMD, PhD, Michelle Schmidt, MD, Karl Andreas Schlegel, MD, DMD, PhD, and Stefan Schultze-Mosgau, MD, DMD, PhD, Jena and Erlangen, Gennany


Plate removal following orthognathic surgery. Bart Falter, MD, Serge Schepers, MD, DDS, Luc Vrielinck, MD, DDS, Ivo Lambrichts, DMD, PhD, and Constantinus Politis, MD, DDS, MHA, MM, Genk, Gent, and Diepenbeek, Belgium


Online Only Articles Gap coronoidotomy for management of coronoid process hyperplasia of the mandible. Chun-Ming Chen, DDS, MS, Chao-Ming Chen, DDS, Cho-Ming Ho, DDS, DDS, and I-Yueh Huang, DDS, MS, Kaohsiung, Taiwan


Conservative treatment of dentigerous cyst associated with primary teeth. Yu-Hsuan Hu, DDS, Yu-Liang Chang, DDS, PhD, and Aileen Tsai, DDS, MSD, Taoyuan, Taiwan (ROC)


Composite bone graft for treatment of osseous defects after surgical removal of impacted third and second molars: case report and review of the literature. Khalid S. Hassan, MSc, PhD, Hesham F. Marei, MSc, MFDS RCS, DDS, and Adel S. Alagl, BDS, CAGS, DSc, Dammam, Saudi Arabia; and Assiut and Ismailia, Egypt


Craniofacial morphology characteristics of operated unilateral complete cleft lip and palate patients in mixed dentition. Renkai Liu, MD, Dawei Lu, MD, PhD, Peter Wamalwa, BDS, MS, Chenghao Li, MD, Haikun Hu, MD, and Shujuan Zou, MD, Chengdu, China, and Nairobi, Kenya


Accelerated healing with the use of a silk fibroin membrane for the guided bone regeneration technique. Ji-Young Song, DDS, Seong-Gon Kim, DDS, PhD, Jong-Won Lee, DDS, Weon-Sik Chae, PhD, HaeYong Kweon, PhD, You-Young Jo, PhD, Kwang-Gill Lee, PhD, Yong-Chan Lee,.DDS, PhD, Je-Yong Choi, DDS, PhD, and Jwa-Young Kim, DDS, Gangneung, Suwon, Seoul, Daegu, and Anyang, Republic of Korea


The surgical management of a leiomyosarcoma of the submandibular gland in a 95-year-old patient. Paolo Boffano, MD, Fabio Roccia, MD, Emanuele Zavattero, MD, Cesare Gallesio, MD, DDS, Emanuele Cassarino, MD, Paola Campisi, MD, and Sid Berrone, MD, DDS, Turin, Italy .



PSA block for maxillary molar's anesthesia an obsolete technique? Mukul Padhye, MDS, Savina Gupta, MDS, Girish Chandiramani, and Rati Bali, Navi Mumbai, India


Mandibular traumatic peripheral osteoma: a case reporto Ruggero Rodriguez y Baena, MD, DDS, Silvana Rizzo, MD, DDS, Giacomo Fiandrino, MD, Saturnino Lupi, DDS, and Silvestre Galioto, MD, Pavia, Italy


2A December 2011 OOOOE

, The use of zygomatic implants for the rehabilitation of atrophic maxillas with 2 different techniques: Stella and Extrasinus. Ernesto Barquero Cordero, MSD, Cesar A. Magalhaes Benfatti, PhD, Marco A. Bianchini, PhD, Leonardo Vieira Bez, MSD, Kyle Stanley, DDS, and Ricardo de Souza Magini, PhD, Santa Catarina, Brazil


Squamous cell carcinoma arising in a skin flap: case report and review on malignant transformations in skin grafts and microvascular cutaneous flaps. Wolfgang Zemann, MD, DDS, Christine Jacobsen, MD, DDS, Michael Malek, MD, DDS, Philipp Metzler, MD, DDS, and Joachim A. Obwegeser, MD, DDS, Zurich, Switzerland, and Linz, Austria


Caldwell-Luc procedure for retrieval of displaced root in the maxillary sinus. I-Yueh Huang, DDS, MS, Chun-Ming Chen, DDS, MS, and Fu-Hsiung Chuang, DDS, MS, Kaohsiung, Taiwan


Limitation of mouth opening caused by osteochondroma of the coronoid process. Manuel Acosta-Feria, MD, Raquel Villar-Puchades, MD, Juan José Haro-Luna, MD, Benito Ramos-Medina, MD, and Eulalia García-Solano, MD, Cartagena, Spain


Management and outcomes of three cases of rhinocerebral mucormycosis. Stefano Viterbo, MD, DDS, Massimo Fasolis, MD, Paolo Garzino-Demo, MD, Alessandro Griffa, MD, Paolo Boffano, MD, Caterina Iaquinta, MD, Giulia Tanteri, MD, and Remo Modica, MD, DDS, Turin, Italy


The association between orthodontic treatment need and maxillary incisor trauma, a retrospective clinical study. Ali Borzabadi-Farahani, DDS, MScD (Cardiff), MOrth RCS (Edinburgh), and Anahid Borzabadi-Farahani, DDS, Los Angeles, California; and Tehran, Iran


Oral and maxillofacial myiasis: a case series and literature review. Antonio Azoubel Antunes, DDS, Thiago de Santana Santos, DDS, MSc, Rafael Linard Avelar, DDS, MSc, Evandro Carneiro Martins Neto, DDS, Bruno Macedo Neres, DDS, and José Rodrigues Laureano Filho, DDS, MSc, PhI;>,Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre, and Recife, Brazil


Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from the mandibular marrow aspirates. Bu-Kyu Lee, DDS, PhD, Su-Jin Choi, MD, PhD, David Mack, PhD, and Se-Hoon Oh, PhD, Seoul, Korea; and Winston-Salem, North Carolina


Periorbital emphysema during dental treatment: a case reporto Lokman Onur Uyanlk, DDS, PhD, Melek Aydm, DDS, Oguz Buhara, DDS, Aysa Ayall, DDS, and Atakan Kalender, DDS, PhD, Nicosia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus


Maxillary sinus floor augmentation in patients with maxillary sinus pseudocyst: case reporto Nukhet Celebi, DDS, PhD, Zeynep Burcin Gonen, DDS, Erdem Kilic, DDS, PhD, Osman Etoz, DDS, PhD, and Alper Alkan, DDS, PhD, Kayseri, Turkey


Accidental benzalkonium chloride (zephiran) injection. Erdem Kilic, DDS, PhD, Nilay Er, DDS, Alper Alkan, DDS, PhD, and Ayten Ferahbas, MD, Kayseri, Turkey


OOOOE December 2011 3A

Psychological stress induces alterations in temporomandibular joint ultrastructure in a rat model of temporomandibular disorder. Gaoyi Wu, MD, Lei Chen, DDS, Guoxiong Zhu, Yucheng Su, DDS, Yongjin Chen, MD, Jing Sun, MD, and Yanliang Wang, MD, Ji'nan, Xi-an, Beijing, and Wenzhou, China


Epidermoid cyst of the temporal region. Paolo Boffano, MD, Fabio Roccia, MD, Paola Campisi, MD, Emanuele Zavattero, MD, Cesare Gallesio, MD, DDS, and Giovanni Francesco Bosco, MD, DDS, Turin, Italy


Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor: a case reporto Stylianos Zanakis, DDS, MSc, Maria Faippea, DDS, MD, Christina Dicoglou, MD, and Christos Dendrinos, DDS, MD, Athens, Greece


Actinomycosis: report of a case with a persistent extraoral sinus tract. G. G69men, DDS, A. Varol, DDS, PhD, K. G6ker, DDS, PhD, and S. Basa, DDS, PhD, Istanbul, Turkey


Sinos histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy Rosai-Dorfman disease: a unique case presentation. Jordan M. Kaltman, DMD, Steven P. Best, DMD, and Shawn A. McClure, DMD, MD, Fort Lauderdale, FL


ORAL MEDICINE A model for the pathogenesis of bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw and teriparatide's potential role in its resolution. Gayathri Subramanian, PhD, DMD, Harold V. Cohen, DDS, and Samuel Y.P. Quek, DMD, MPH, Newark, NJ


Nicorandil-induced oral ulceration: report of 3 cases and review of the Japanese literature. Kazuhiko Yamamoto, DDS, PhD, Yumiko Matsusue, DDS, Satoshi Horita, DDS, Marni Minarniguchi,DDS, Yuko Komatsu, DDS, and Tadaaki Kirita, DDS, DMSc, Nara, Japan


No effect of glucosamine sulfate on osteoarthritis in the temporomandibular joints-a randomized, controlled, short-ter:m study. Birgitta Johansson Cahlin, DDS, and Lars Dahlstr6m, DDS, PhD, M61ndal and G6teborg, Sweden


Online Only Article 2011 Abstracts from AAOM Meeting


ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL PATHOLOGY Comparative immunohistochemical study of ameloblastoma and ameloblastic carcinoma. Hye-Jung Yoon, DDS, PhD, Byoung-Chan Jo, DDS, Wui-Jung Shin, y oung-Ah Cho, DDS, Jae-U Lee, DDS, PhD, Sam-Pyo Hong, DDS, PhD, and Seong-Doo Hong, DDS, PhD, Seoul, South Korea


A prospective clinical trial for assessing the efficacy of a minimally invasive protocol in patients with bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws. Filippo Moretti, DDS, Gian Andrea Pelliccioni, MD, DDS, Lucio Montebugnoli, MD, DDS, and Claudio Marchetti, MD, DDS, Bologna, Italy


4A December 2011 OOOOE

Neural hyperplasia in maxillary bone of muItiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B patient. Yu Usami, DDS, PhD, Toshihiko Takenobu, DDS, DMSc, Risa Kurihara, MD, Yukihiro Imai, MD, PhD, Shogo Shinohara, MD, PhD, Yasuo Fukuda, DDS,

PhD, and SatoruToyosawa,DDS, PhD, Osaka and Hyogo,Japan

ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY John Alexander Reid, November 29, 1924-March 29, 2011



Characterization of an optically stimulated dosimeter for dentomaxillofacial dosimetry. Jayasanker V. Valiyaparambil, BDS, MPH, and Sanjay M. Mallya, BDS, MDS,PhD, Farmington,CT, and Los Angeles,CA


Radiographic features of a patient with both cemento-ossifying fibroma and keratocystic odontogenic tumor in the mandible: a case report and review of literature. Hiroaki Shimamoto, DDS, PhD, Mitsunobu Kishino, DDS, PhD, Masaya Okura, DDS, PhD, Jira Chindasombatjaroen, DDS, PhD, Naoya Kakimoto, DDS, PhD, Shumei Murakarni, DDS, PhD, and Souhei Furukawa, DDS, PhD, Osaka, Japan, and Bangkok, Thailand


fNDODONTOLOGY Effectiveness of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and MTAD on debris and smear layer removal using a self-adjusting file. Ozkan Adigüzel, Senem Yigit-Ozer, Sadullah Kaya, ibrahim Uysal, SelengüI Ganidagli-Ayaz, and Zeki Akku§, Diyarbakir, Turkey


A quantitative and qualitative analysis of uItrasonic versus sonic endodontic systems on canal cleanliness and obturation. Valerie Kanter, DMD, Ernily Weldon, DMD, Uma Nair, DMD, MDS, Claudio Varella, DDS, MS, Keith Kanter, DDS, Kenneth Anusavice, PhD, and Roberta Pileggi, DDS, MS, Gainesville, FL


Introducing nickel-titanium rotary instrumentation in a public dental service: the long-term effect on root filling quality. Lisbeth Dahlstrom, DDS, Anders Molander, DDS, OdontDr, and Claes Reit, DDS, OdontDr, Goteborg, Sweden


Efficacy of sodium hypochlorite, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, citric acid and phosphoric acid in calcium hydroxide removal from the root canal: a microscopic cleanliness evaluation. Juliana Melo da Silva, MD, Amanda Silveira, Elizandra Santos, Lails Prado, and pscar F. Pessoa, DDS, Belém, Brazil


A prospective cohort study of endodontic treatments of 1,369 root canals: results after 5 years. Domenico Ricucci, MD, DDS, John Russo, DMD, Michael Rutberg, DMD, Josef A. Burleson, PhD, and Larz S. W. Spangberg, DDS, PhD, Rome, Italy; and Farmington, Connecticut


Effect of propolis on proliferation and apoptosis of periodontaI ligament fibroblasts. Anjanette W. Gjertsen, DDS, MS, Karen A. Stothz, PhD, Kathleen G. Neiva, DDS, PhD, and Roberta Pileggi, DDS, MS, Houston, TX, and Gainesville, FL


OOOOE December 2011 5A

Vol. 56 No.6

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Dental Abstracts

Volume27 Number12 December2011 ISSN0109-5641


Available online at


Volume 27 Number 12 December 2011 Review 1197 Spotlight on bond strength testing-Unraveling the complexities L.Roeder,P.N.Rpereira, T.Yamamoto, N. Ilie,S. Armstrong,J. Ferracane

Original articles 1204 Pressedceramicsonto zirconia.Part 1:Comparisonof crystallinephases present, adhesion to a zirconiasystem and flexural strength

;.E. Choi,J.N. Waddell, B. Torr, M.V. Swain 1213 Effect of surface treatments S.E. Elsaka, M.V. Swain

on adhesion

of low-fusing


to titanium

as determined

by strain energy release rate

1221 Surface morphology and mechanical properties of new-generation flowable resin composites M. Salemo, G. Derchi, S. Thorat, L. Ceseracciu, R. Rufjil1i, A.e. Barone 1229 In vitro validation of a shape-optimized fiber-reinforced dental bridge y. Chen, H. Li, A. Fok

for dental restoration

1238 In situ evaluation of a new silorane-based composite resin's bioadhesion properties D. Claro-Pereira, B. Sampaio-Maia, e. Ferreira, A. Rodrigues, L.E Melo, M.R. Vasconcelos 1246 A comparisonofbond strengths measured ]. Li, H. Li, X. Yun, A.S.L. Fok 1252 Failure responses

of a dental porcelain

using cantileverbending and rnicro-tensilemethods

having three surface treatments

under three stressing


Y.-]. Yi,J.R. Kelly

1259 Flexural strength and failure modes oflayered ceramic structures M. Borba, ArmĂ­.jo,E. de Lima, H.N.Yoshimura, P.ECesar,].A. Griggs,A. Della Bona 1267 Effect of impact velocity and specimen stiffness on contact forces in a weight-controlled chewing simulator S. Rues,G.Huber, P. Rammelsberg,T.Stober 1273 Three-dimensional fit of CAD/CAM-madezirconia copings O.Moldouan,RG. Luthardt, N. Corcodel,H. Rudolph 1279 Mapping the tetragonal to monoclinic phase transformation in zirconia core dental crowns M. Allahkarami,].e. Hanan 1285 Mechanical behavior of post-restored upper canine teeth: A 3D FE analysis P.Ausiello,P.Franciosa,M. Martorelli, D.C.Watts 1295 Development of a discriminatory biocompatibility testing model for non-precious dental casting alloys E.L.McGinley,G.].P.Fleming,G.P.Moran

Online only artic1e e213 Marginal analysis of resin composite restorative systems using optical coherence tomography G.Q.M. Monteiro, M.A.].R Montes, A.S.L. Gomes, C.e.B.O. Mota, S.L. Campello, A.2. Freitas


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Denta ,Traumatology ISSUE6



Dental Traulllatology EDITORIAL Changed policyformanuscripts inepidemiology

413 lo Andersson


Invitfasplintrigidityevaluation - comparison ofadynamicandastaticmeasuring method

414 C.Berthold,F.J.Auer,S.Potapov& A_Petschelt

byadynamicanda Influenceofwireextensionandtypeonsplintrigidity- evaluation staticmeasuring method

422 C.Berthold,F.J.Auer,S.Potapov& A.Petschelt

laypeoples'preferredsourcesofhealthinformation ontheemergency management of toothavulsion

432 M.Al-Sane,N.Bourisly,1. Almulla& lo Andersson

Microbiologic endodontic statusofyoungtraumatized tooth Non-accidental collisionfollowedbydentaltrauma:associated factors

Tissuereactionsto subperiosteal onlaysof demineralized xenogenous dentinblocksinrats Post-traumatic bifidcondyle: thepathogenesis analysis

438 K.Baumotte, A.C.Bombana &S.Cai 442 M.loRamos-Jorge, J.Tataounoff, P.Corréa.Faria, C.E.P.Alcantara, J.Ramos-Jorge & loS.Marques 446 A.Mordenfeld, M.Hallman &S.lindskog 452, K.A_Djae&

CASEREPORTS Treatment ofobliquecrownfracturesinmaxillarypremolars usingadhesive toothfragment reattachment: 19yearsoffollowup Horizontal rootfracturetreatedwithMTA,acasereportwitha 10-year follow-up Evaluation of horizontal/oblique rootfracturesinthepalatalrootsofmaxillaryfirst molars usingcone-beam computed tomography: areportofthreecases follow-upof Management ofa9-year-old boyexperiencing severedentalinjury- a21-year threeautotransplants: acasereport 3-Dimaginginpost-traumatic malformation anderuptivedisturbance inpermanent incisors:a casereport Clinicalmanagement ofdensinvaginatus ina maxillarylateralincisorwiththe aidof - acasereport cone.beam computed tomography Detectionofverticalrootfractureusingconebeamcomputed tomography: reportoftwo cases

455 J.A.B. Ferraz,J.D.Pécora,P.C.Saquy& M.D.Sousa-Neto 460 M.Roig,J.Espona,M.Mercadé& F.Duran-Sindreu 464 P.Wang,W.He,H.Sun, & lo Ni 468 A.-loM.Aas& A.B.Skaare

473 S.Sahai,S.Kaveriappa,H.Arora& B.Aggarwal 478 1. Kaneko,H.Sakaue,1. Okiji& H.Suda 484 lo Tang,X..d.Zhou,Y.Wang,lo Zhang, Q.-h.Zheng& D.-m.Huang

SHORT COMMUNICATlON Easyfabricationofanewtypeofmouthguard incorporating ahardinsertandspaceand offeringimproved shockabsorption ability

489 1.Takeda, K.Ishigami,O.Mishima,K.Karasawa, K.Kurokawa, 1.Kajima&K.Nakajima

LETTERS TOTHEEDITOR Comment onverticallyfracturedteethwithoutrootcanalfillings Doesmineraltrioxideaggregate reinforcetheimmatureroots? DoesMTAreallyincreaseexpression oftissueinhibitorof metalloproteinase (TIMp.2)in extractedteeth?

496 K.Kamburoglu 497 A.S.Milani&M.A.Jafarabadi 499 A.S.Milani

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In terna tioi1al Endodon tic ]ournal TheOfficialJournaloftheBritishEndodontic Societyandthe European Societyof Endodontology

Volume44 Number12 December2011




International Endodontic Journal


Volume 44, Number 12, December 2011

Contents o ri 9 i n a I Sei entifie

Arti el es

1081 L. Han & T. Okiji: Uptake of calcium and silicon released from calcium silicate-based endodontic materials into root canal dentine 1088 B. Sagsen, Y. Ustiin, S. Demirbuga& K. Pala: Push-out bond strength of two new calcium silicate-based endodontic sealers to root canal dentine 1092 M. Pigg. T. List, K. Petersson. C. Lindh & A. Petersson:Diagnostic yield of conventional radiographic and cone-beam computed tomographic images in patients with atypical odontalgia 1102 E. Ozcan.A. U. Eldeniz& H. An: Bacterial killing by several root filling materials and methods in an ex vivo infected root canal model 1110 S. V. vander Waal. L. W. M. vander Sluis.A. R. Ozok.R. A. M. Exterkate.J. vanMarle, P. R. Wesselink & J.J.deSoet:The elIectsof hyperosmosisor high pH on a dual-speciesbiofilmof Enterococcus faecalisand Pseudomonas aeruginosa:an in vitrostudy 1118 S. Lennon,S. Patel. F. Foschi,R. Wilson.J. Davies& F. Mannocci:Diagnostic accuracy of limited-volume cone-beam computed tomography in the detection of periapical bone loss: 3600 scans versus 1800 scans 1128 R. D. Morgental,F. V. Vier-Pelisser.S. D. Oliveira.F. C. Antunes.D. M. Cogo& P. M. P. Kopper:Antibacterial activity of two MTA-based root canal sealers 1134 G. Bolortuya.A. Ebihara,S. Ichinose,S. Watanabe.T. Anjo. C. Kokuzawa.H. Saegusa. N. Kawashima& H. Suda: Initial fibroblastattachment to Erbium: YAG laser-irradiateddentine 1145 S. Zara.M. Di Giulio. S. D'Ercole,L. Cellini & A. Cataldi:Anti-adhesive and pro-apoptotic elIects of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate on human gingivalfibroblastsco-cultured with Streptococcus mitis strains 1155 T. ROdig,M. Hirschleb.A. Zapf& M. Hülsmann:Comparison of ultrasonic irrigation and RinsEndo for the removal of calcium hydroxide and Ledermix paste from root canals 1162 M. Athanassiadis. N. Jacobsen & P. Parashos:The elIect of calcium hydroxide on the steroid component of Ledermix@and Odontopaste@




Case Report 1170 K. Er. M. Bayram& T.Ta~demir: Root canal treatment of a periradicularlesioncaused by unintentional root damage after orthodontic miniscrewplacement: a case report Abstraets 1176 WladimirAdlivankineEuropean Societyof EndodontologyResearch Prize Tribute 1222 Tribute to Dr. med. dent. WladimirAdlivankine



Cover iIlustration: Radiographs after placement of mini screws. p. 1170.

The ¡ournal is coveredby ASCA.CurrentContentsamI SeienceCitationIndex.Medline Information on this ¡ournal can be accessed at For information on the European Society of Endodontology and member societies visit

Journal of Clinical Periodontology 路 Vol. 38

No. 12 December 2011

Contents Periodontal Diseases Serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterollevel associated with the extent of periodontal inflammation in type 1 diabetic subjects


A. Passoja, M. Knuuttila, L. Hiltunen, R. Karttunen, O. Niemela, T. Raunio; O. Vainio, P. Hedberg and T. Tervonen

MMP-8 -799 C>T genetic polymorphism is associated with the susceptibility to chronic and aggressive periodontitis in Taiwanese


Y.-H. Chou, Y.-P. Ho, Y.-e. Lin, K.-F. Hu, Y.-H. Yang, K.-Y. Ho, Y.-M. Wu, E. Hsi and e.-e. Tsai

Hydrogen-rich water attenuates experimental in a rat model

1085 1091

K. Kasuyama, T. Tomofuji, D. Ekuni, N. Tamaki, T. Azuma, K. Irie, Y. Endo and M. Morita F. Matas, J. Sent铆s and e. Mendieta

Application of self-regulation theory and motivational interview for improving oral hygiene: a randomized controlled trial


A. Godard, T. Dufour and S. Jeanne

Treatment of experimental periodontal disease with antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in nicotine-modified rats


Potential impact of surgical periodontal therapy on oral health-related quality of !ife in patients with periodontitis: a pilot study


Acellular dermal matrix allograft versus subepithelial connective tissue graft in treatment of gingival recessions: a 5-year randomized clinical study


V. G. Garcia, L. A. Fernandes, V. e. Macarini, J. M. de Almeida, T. M. Martins, A. F. Bosco, M. J. H. Nagata, J. A. Cirelli and L. H. Theodoro A. Saito, K. ata, Y. Hosaka, M. Akamatsu, H. Hayakawa, e. Fukaya, A. Ida, K. Fujinami, H. Sugito and T. Nakagawa N. Moslemi, M. M. Jazi, F. Haghighati, S. P. Morovati and R. Jamali

Engineering of a periodontalligament alignment induced by shear stress


S. G. Kim, S.-G. Kim, B. Viechnicki, S. Kim and H.-D. Nah


K.G. Svensson and M. Trulsson


J. Torres, F. Tamimi, M. H. Alkhraisat, J. C. Prados-Frutos, E. Rastikerdar. U. Gbureck, J. E. Barralet and E. L贸pez-Cabarcos


e. M. Faggion fr, N. N. Giannakopoulos and S. Listl


Ten-year longitudinal study of gingival recession in dentists Periodontal Therapy

construct: cell and fibre

Implant Therapy Impaired force control during food holding and biting in subjects with tooth- or implant-supported fixed prostheses Vertical bone augmentation with 3D-synthetic monetite blocks in the rabbit calvaria

Research Methodology Risk of bias of animal studies on regenerative procedures for periodontal and peri-implant bone defects - a systematic review

This journal is abstracted or indexed in: Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases, Botanical Pesticides Abstracts, CABAbstracts, Chemical Abstracts.

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Effect of Aging on Power Output Properties in Rat Skinned Cardiac Myocytes M. Diffee

Eunhee Chung and Gary


Enhanced Delivery of Rapamycin by VI56K-apoA-1 High-Density Lipoprotein Inhibits Cellular Proatherogenic Effects and Senescence and Promotes Tissue Regeneration Kyung-Hyun Cho


Thioredoxin 1 Overexpression Extends Mainly the Earlier Part of Life Span in Mice Viviana l. Pérez, Lisa A. Cortez, Christie M. Lew, Marisela Rodriguez, Celeste R. Webb, Holly Van Remmen, Asish Chaudhuri, Wenbo Qi, Shuko Lee, Alex Bokov, Wilson Fok, Dean Jones, Arlan Riehardson, Junji Yodoi, Yiqiang Zhang, Kaoru Tominaga, Gene B. Hubbard, and Yuji lkeno


Experimental Evolution Reveals Antagonistic Pleiotropy in Reproductive Timing but Not Life Span in Caenorhabditis elegans Jennifer L. Anderson, Rose M. Reynolds, Levi T. Morran, Julie Tolman-Thompson, and Patriek C. Phillips




in Innate Immune

Response in Captive Baboons

Dianne MeFarlane, Roman F. Wolf, KristenA. MeDaniel, and Gary L. White



Risk of Continued Institutionalization After Hospitalization in Older Adults James S. Goodwin, Bret Howrey, Dong D. Zhang, and Yong-Fang Kuo In-Region Versus Out-of-Region Hospitalizations at the End of Life Among Older Rural Residents: The Relationship Between Personal and System-Related Verena H. Menee, Seott Nowieki, and Philip D. Sto John




Stiffness and Cognitive Decline in Well-Functioning

Older Adults

Nora L. Watson, Kim Sutton-Tyrrell, Caterina Rosano, Robert M. Boudreau, Susan E. Hardy, Eleanor M. Simonsiek, Samer S. Najjar, Lenore J. Launer, Kristine Yaffe, Hal H. Atkinson, Suzanne Satterfield, and Anne B. Newman 1343

Long-term Cognitive Impairment in Older Adult Twins Discordant for Gynecologic Cancer Treatment


Gender and Life Course Occupational Social Class Differences in Trajectories Limitations in Midlife: Findings From the 1946 British Birth Cohort

Keiko Kurita, Beth E. Meyerowitz, Per Hall, and Margaret Gatz of Functional

Emily T. Murray, Rebeeea Hardy, BjlÓrnHeine Strand, Raehel Cooper, Jaek M. Guralnik, and Diana Kuh 1360

Intrinsic Association of Widowhood With Mortality in Community-Dwelling Older Women and Men: Findings From a Prospective Propensity-Matched Population Study Beverly R. Williams, Yan Zhang, Patricia Sawyer, Marjan Mujib, Linda G. Jones, Margaret A. Feller, O. James Ekundayo, lnmaeulada B. Aban, Thomas E. Lave, Amy Latt, and Ali Ahmed



Relations of a Marker of Endothelial Community-Dwelling OIder Adults


(s- VCAM) tó Function

and Mortality


Kim M. Huffman,Carl F.Pieper, VirginiaB. Kraus, William E. Kraus, Gerda G. Fillenbaum, and Harvey J. Cohen MuscIe Strength and BMI as Predictors of Major Mobility Disability in the Lifestyle Interventions and Independence

for Elders Pilot (LIFE-P)

Anthony P.Marsh, W.Jaek Rejeski, Mark A. Espeland, Miehael E. Miller, Timothy S. Chureh, Roger A. Fielding, Thomas M. Gill, Jack M. Guralnik, Anne B. Newman, and Marco Pahor,

for the L/FE Study lnvestigators (See Appendix 1) 1384

MuscIe Strength and Sedative Load in Community-Dwelling People Aged 75Years and Older: A Population-Based


Heidi T. Taipale,J. Simon Bell, Danijela Gnjidie, Raimo Sulkava, and Sirpa Hartikainen LETTERS TO THE EDITOR


A New Prognostic Index Centered on Polypathological Patients. The PROFUND Index Maximo Bernabeu-Wittel, Francese Formiga, and Manuel Ollero-Baturone, on behalf of the PROFUND RESEARCHERS


The Importance of a Standardized Instrument to Assess the Burden of Multimorbidity ClaudiaDiederichs,DorotheeB. Bartels,andKlausBerger




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Official Journal of *




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Intemational 01 Oro!

Association PaIhoIcgists

Europeon Association of Oral Medicine

ORALONCOLOGY oraloncology November 2011

Volume 47, Issue 11 CONTENTS

Review N.O.Binmadiand J.R. Basile


Original Articles K.-H.Shin, R.H. Kim, B. Yu, M.K. Kang, 1011 D. Elashoff, R. Christensen, A. Pucar and N.-H. Park A. Monti Hughes, E.e.e. Pozzi, E.M. Heber, 1017 S. Thorp, M. MilIer, M.E. Itoiz, R.F. Aromando, A.J. Molinari, M.A. Garabalino, D.W. Nigg, V.A.Trivillin and A.E. Schwint H.-J. Yoon, J.-S. Hong, W.-J. Shin, Y.-J. Lee, 1023 K.-O. Hong, J.-I. Lee, S.-P. Hong and S.-D. Hong M.-Y.Ahn, S.-G. Ahn and J.-H. Yoon 1032

Perineural invasion in oral squamous cell carcinoma: A discussion of significance and review of the literature Expression and mutation analysis of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G in human oral cancer Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT)in an oral precancer model: Therapeutic benefits and potential toxicity of a double application of BNCTwith a six-week interval The role of Cripto-1 in the tumorigenesis and progression of oral squamous cell carcinoma

C.E. Galer, D. Sano, S.e. Ghosh, J.H. Hah, E. Auzenne, A.N. Hamir, J.N. Myers and J. Klostergaard


Apicidin, a histone deaceylase inhibitor, induces both apoptosis and autophagy in human oral squamous carcinoma cells Hyaluronicacid-paclitaxel conjugate inhibits growth of human squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck via a hyaluronic acid-mediated mechanism

V. Jayaprakash, M. Reid, E. Hatton, M.Merzianu, N. Rigual, J. Marshall, S. GilI, J. Frustino, G. Wilding, T. Loree, S. Popat and M.Sullivan LA. Gibb, K.S.S. Enfield, G.L. Stewart, K.M.Lonergan, R. Chari, R.T. Ng, L. Zhang, C.E.MacAulay, M.P. Rosin and W.L. Lam F. Clatot, J.-M. Picquenot, O. Choussy, S. GouĂŠrant, e. Moldovan, D. Schultheis, M.Cornic, A. Fran~ois, E. Blot and S. Laberge-Le-Couteulx K.-Y.Kim and l.-H. Cha


Humanpapillomavirustypes 16 and 18 in epithelial dysplasia of oral cavity and oropharynx: A meta-analysis, 1985-2010


Long non-coding RNAsare expressed in oral mucosa and altered in oral premalignant lesions


Intratumoural level of SDF-1correlates with survival in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma


J.P.J. Dings, T.J. Maal, M.S. Muradin, K.J. Ingels, B.J. Klevering, R. Koole, M.A.Merkx and G.J. Meijer B.M.Wensing, W.M.L.L.G. Deserno, R.B.J. de Bondt, H.A.M. Marres, M.A.W.Merkx, J.O. Barentsz and F.J.A. van den Hoogen c.-J. Kang, e.-T. Liao, e. Hsueh, L.-Y. Lee, c.-Y. Lin, K.-H. Fan, H.-M. Wang, S.-F. Huang, l.-H. Chen, S.-H. Ng, e.-K. Tsao, Y.-e. Huang and T.-e. Yen Y.-S. Huang, e.-e. Lee, T.-S. Chang, H.-e. Ho, Y.-e. Su, S.-K. Hung, M.-S. Lee, P. Chou, Y.-H. Chang and e. -e. Lee


A novel algorithm for lymph node status prediction of oral cancer before surgery Extra-oral implants: Insertion per- or post-ablation?


Diagnostic value of magnetic resonance lymphography in preoperative staging of clinicaUynegative necks in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity: A pilot sttldy


Outcome analysis of patients with well-differentiated oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma


Increased risk of stroke in young head and neck cancer patients treated with radiotherapy or chemotherapy

Indexed/ Abstracted in: CINAHL;Current Contents/Clinical Medicine; Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences; EMBASE/Excerpta Medica; Global Health; Index Medicus; MEDLlNE; Research Alert; Science Citation Index; SciSearch








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COVERIMAGE Glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve IX)

GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE(CRANIALNERVEIX) Thecoverimagesin volume217of the Journal depict the 72cranial nerves,showing both their origin in the brain and the areasthat theyinnervate.Thisissue'scoverfeaturesthe glossopharyngeal nerve,which receivestaste from the posterior third of the tongueand innervatesthe parotid gland andstympharyngeu~ lIIustrated in watercolourbyJoannaCulleyBA(Hons)MMM RMIp,Medicaland ScientificArtist Tel:+44 (0)203287 7202


Notjustfor Christmas Stephen Hancocks OBE


Denture record Private medical notes Unfortunate comments Forward to harmonisation


Proportional to the investment


Cultural preparations NHS amazement Therapist omission Vegetable granulomaTime for change?

NEWS 401

November is Mouth Cancer Action Month BDPMAis now ADAM Beware patient discount deals


Honours. awards. appointments Chivalrous Tony to row for charity New Young Dentist Group launched

Mole rats appropriate for human dental regeneration studies p404


Dentist captures souls on film BDAbulletin CDSneeds to pull together


Mole rats appropriate for human dental regeneration studies Tooth movement an alternative to bone transplants Manchester practice fights silent killer




ยก ~



Adult Dental Health Surveys:40 years on

J. J. MurrayCBE PRACTICE 411

Soft tissue manipulationfor single implant restorations VERIFIABlECPDPAPER A. Alani, M. Corson


Relative efficacy of oral analgesics after third molar extraction

- a 2011 update

S. Derry, P. J. Wiffen, R. A. Moore Implant with healing abutment in the 23 site p411




A selection of abstracts of clinicallyrelevant papers from other journals John R. Radford Magnifyingloupesversus surgical microscopesin endodontic surgery: a four-year retrospective study Silver-polysaccharidenanocompositeantimicrobial coatings for methacrylicthermosets Partial caries removalin primaryteeth: association of clinical parameters with microbiologicalstatus A randomisedcrossovertrial to comparethe potential of stannous fluoride and essential oil mouth rinsesto inducetooth and tongue staining


Summaryof: 'Is there a differential in the dental health of new recruits to the BritishArmed Forces?A pilot study'


Summaryof: 'Pharmacycounter assistants and oral health promotion: an exploratory study'



Isthere a differential in the dental health of new recruits to the BritishArmedForces?A pilot study T. B. Elmer,J. Langford,R. McCormick,A. J. Morris DOI:10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.937 Pharmacycounter assistants and oral health promotion: an exploratory study VERIFIABlE CPDPAPER B. J. Steel, C. Wharton DOI:10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.938


VOLUME211 NO.9 NOV 12 2011

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