Boletín de tablas de contenidos de publicaciones de odontología Julio 2011

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Publicaciones Periódicas de Odontología Julio 2011











Intemational Endodon tic Journal

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In terna tional Endodon tic .


]ourhal TheOfficialJournalof theBritishEndodontic SocietyandtheEuropean Societyof Endodontology

Volume44 Number8 August2011



International Endodontic Journal Volume44. Number 8. August 2011

Contents> I


Review~ 697 Z. Mohammadi & P. M. H. Dummer: Properties and applícations of calcium hydroxide in endodontics and dentaf'"t;aumatology

o r i9 i n aI

S e ¡en t ifi e A rt ¡el e s

731 R. P. Hussne. L. C. Braga, F. L. C. V. Berbert. V. T. L. Buono & M. G. A. Bahia: Flexibility and torsional resistance of three nickel-titanium retreatment instrument systems 739 H. Matsui. M. Yamasaki. K. 'Nakata, K. Amano & H. Nakamura: Expression ofMMP-8 and MMP-13 in the development of periradicular lesions 746 T. F. Krzeminski. L. Gilowski. R. Wiench, 1. Plocica, P. Kondzielnik & A. Sielanczyk: Comparison of ropivacaine

752 759 764


and articaine with epinephrine

for infiltration


in dentistry


a randomized

study R. Bauman, W. Scarfe, S. Clark.J. Morelli. J. Scheetz & A. Farman: Ex vivo detection of mesiobuccal canals in maxillary molars using CBCTat four different isotropic voxel dimensions A. S. Oliveira,E. S. Ramalho, F. A. Ogliari& R. R. Moraes: Bonding self-adhesive resin cements to glass fibre posts: to silanate or not silanate? M. Tanomaru-Filho,R. V. S. Pinto. R. Bosso. C. A. Nascimento, F. L. C. V. Berbert & J. M. GuerreiroTanomaru: Evaluation of the thermoplasticity of gutta-percha and Resilon@ using the Obtura II System at different temperature settings V. Miletic. K. Beljic-Ivanovic& V. Ivanovic:Clínical reproducibility of three electronic apex locators Case Report

777 B. Bhuva. J. J. Barnes & S. Patel: The use of límited cone beam computed tomography in the diagnosis and management of a case of perforating internal root resorption Abstracts 787 BESEndodonticSociety- Spring ScientificMeeting2011

Cover illustration: Selected CBcr images (a) axial slice (b) coronal slice. p. 777. Tbe journal is covered by ASCA. Current Contents and Science Citation Index. Medline Information on tbis journal can be accessed at Por information on tbe European Society of Endodontology and member societies visit 11

1 I



Volume 37, Number 7


5vstematicReviewpage895 hnpact of Quality Measures of Coronal Restoration and Root Canal Filling on Clinical Outcomes

lasic 5ciencepage983 Role of KLF4 in Differentiation of Odontoblasts from Dental Pulp Cells page 948

Spectroscopic Analysis of the Precipitate Formed by NaOCl and Chlorhexidine

Case Report

page 1017

Treatment of ToothDiscoloration following Use of White MTA

OlficialJournal01theAmericanAssociation 01Endodontists !

¡oumal01Endodontics I

1 ~

July2011, Volume 37, Number 7 ReviewArdele 895

Impactof the Qualityof CoronalRestoration versusthe Qualityof RootCanalFillingson Success of RootCanalTreatment:A Systematic Review andMeta-analysis Brian M. Gillen, Stepben W. Looney, Li-Sba Gu, Betbany A. Lousbine, Roger N. Weller, Robert J Lousbine, David H. Pasbley, and Franklin R. Tay


Qualityof Lifeof Endodontically TreatedversusImplantTreatedPatients: A University-based QualitativeResearch Study Dustin L. Gatten, Cbristine A. Riedy, Sul Ki Hong,James D. Jobnson, and Nestor Cobenca


Five-yearChangesin PeriodontalParameters afterApicalSurgery Tbomas von Ar.x, Mobammed


AlSaeed, and Giovanni E. Salvi

EndodonticRadiography: Who15Readingthe DigitalRadiograph? Sbalini Tewary,Josepb Luzzo, and Gary Hartwell


ExploringBacterialDiversityof Endodont~c Microbiotaby Cloningand Sequencing 16SrRNA Adriana C. Ribeiro, Flávia Matarazzo, and Marcia PA. Mayer


MarceÚJ Faveri, Denise M. Zezell,

PrognosticFactorsfor ClinicalOutcomesin EndodonticMicrosurgery: A Retrospective Study Minju Song, II-YoungJung, Seung-jong Lee, Cban-Young Lee, and Euiseong Kim


The Effectof OrthodonticForceson CalcitoninGene-related PeptideExpression in HumanDentalPulp Javier Caviedes-Bucbeli, Jaime O. Moreno, Jacqueline Ardikl-Pinto, HUda Rosa Del Toro-Carreño, Hemando Saltarín-Quintero, Ckludia Liliana Sierra-Tapias, Fabio Macias-Gomez, Esteban Uklte, Nelson Lombana-Sancbez, and Hugo Roberto Munoz


A Prospective, Randomized Single-blindStudyof the Anesthetic Efficacyof Frequency-dependent ConductionBlockadeof the Inferior AlveolarNerve GregoryHutcbison, Todd Halcomb, Al Reader, Melissa Drum, Jobn Nusstein, and Mike Beck

lasie Research-BloloUV943 Insulin-likeGrowthFactor1 andTransformingGrowthFactor-,6Stimulate Cystine/Glutamate Exchange Activityin DentalPulpCells Katberine pauly, Kymberly Fritz, Alyssa Furey, and Doug Lobner


KLF4Promotesthe Odontoblastic Differentiationof Human DentalPulpCells Heng Lin, LUiXu, Huan Liu, Qin Sun, Zbuo Coen, Guobua Yuan, and Zbi Cben

¡oumal 01Endodontics July 2011, Volume 37, Number 7 955

Effectsof HeatStressandStarvationon Clonal Odontoblast-like Cells Takahiko Morotomi,

Chiaki Kitamura,

Takashi Tayono, Toshinori

Okinaga, Ayako Washio,

Noriko Saito, Tatsuji Nishihara, Masamichi Terashita, and Hisashi Anan


TheUseof GreenTeaExtractasa StorageMedium for the AvulsedTooth Ji Young Hwang, Sung Chul Choi,Jae-Hong Park, and Sang Wook Kang


LaserRamanSpectroscopy asa PotentialChair-sideMicrobiological DiagnosticDevice Scott C. HoweH,Anne D. Haffajee, Tom C. pagonis, and Kevin A. Guze


TheIsolationof StemCellsfrom HumanDeciduous TeethPulp15 Relatedto the Physiological Processof Resorption Lisiane Bernardi, Simone Bonato Luisi, Raquel Pernandes, Tiago Pires Dalberto, Lauren Vakntim, José Artur Bogo Chies, Anna Christina Medeiros Possati, and Patricia Pranke

lasie Research-Teehnolouv 980 Effectof DisinfectantSolutionson the SurfaceFreeEnergyand Wettabilityof FillingMaterial Maíra Prado, Danielle Perreira de Assis, Brenda P.PA. Gomes, and Renata A. SimQo


An In Vitro SpectroscopicAnalysisto Determinethe ChemicalComposition of the PrecipitateFormedby Mixing SodiumHypochloriteand Chlorhexidine James B. Nowicki and Daniel S. Sem


TorsionalProfilesof NewandUsedRevo-SRotaryInstruments: An In Vitro Study Bettina Basrani, Karina Roth, Geoffrey Sas, Anil Kishen, and OveA. Peters


StructuralAnalysisof Cycijc-Ioaded Nickel-Titanium RotaryInstruments by UsingResonance Frequency asa Parameter Haw-Ming Hnang, Wei-Jen Chang, Nai-Chia Teng, Hung-Lung Lin, and Sung-Chih Hsieh


FatigueTestingof ControlledMemoryWireNickel-Titanium Rotary Instruments Ya Shen, Wei Qian, Houman Abtin, Yuan Gao, and Markus Haapasalo


Flat-OvalRootCanalPreparation with Self-Adjusting FileInstrument: A Micro-Computed TomographyStudy Marco Aurélio Versiani,Jesus Djalma Pécora, and Manoel DamiQo de Sousa-Neto

July 2011

. Volume


. Number 7

@)oumaL 06 I




IN 1"15 155UE OENTOALVEOLAR SURGERV Pericoronal Ostectomy: An Altemative Surgical Technique for Management of Mandibular Third Molars in Close Proximity to the Inferior Alveolar Nerve Len Tolstunov, Bahram Javid, et al 3-Dimensional Imaging for Lower Third Molars: Is There an Implication for Surgical Removal? Gerold Eyrich, Burkhardt Seifert, et al ANESTHESIAlFACIAL PAIN


Does a Difference Exist in Inferior Alveolar Canal Displacement Caused by Cornrnonly Encountered Pathologic Entities? An Observational Study Antonia Kolokythas, Humam Al-Ghamian, «~ j CRANIOMAXILLOFACIALTRAUMA A Study of 2 Bone Plating Methods for Fractures of the Mandibular Symphysisl Body Edward Ellis 1lI

Use of Opioids in Long-Term Management of Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Gary F. Bouloux

Surgical Treatment of Sagittal Fracture of Mandibular Condyle Using LongScrew Osteosynthesis Shufang Luo, Bo Li, et al

Keeping Ether "En-Vogue": The Role of Nathan Cooley Keep in the History of Ether Anesthesia Walter C. Guralnick, Leonard B. Kaban


IMPLANTS Influence of Estrogen Deficiency on Bone Around Osseointegrated Dental Implants: An Experimental Study in the Rat Jaw Model Gabriela Giro, Paulo G. Coelho, et al Buccal to Lingual Transalveolar Implant Placement for All On Four Irnmediate Function in Posterior Mandible: Report of 10 Cases

Ole Jensen, Jared Cottam, et


PATHOLOGV Oral Leukoplakia in a Patient With Fanconi Anemia: Recurrence or a New Primary Lesion? Renata Gonf(alves Resende, Jeane de Fátima Correia-Silva, et al

Outcome Study of Computer-Aided Surgical Simulation in the Treatment of Patients With Craniomaxillofacial Deforrnities James J. Xia, Liza Shevchenko, et al Does Skeletal Facial Profile Influence Preoperative Motives and Postoperative Satisfaction? A Prospective Study of 66 Surgical-Orthodontic Patients Jesper @land,John Jensen,et al SURGlCAL ONCOLOGV ANO RECONSTRUCTION Maxillectomy Through MandibulotomycA Retrospective Clinical Review . Sanjiv Nair, K.R. Sridhar, et al Reconstruction of Forehead Skin: The Unilateral Horizontal Advancement Flap Mark Jürgen Alan Turner, William P. Smith

Saving Faces

I Changing Lives

Official Joumal oi the American Association oi Oral and Maxilloiacial Surgeons

JOumal of Oral and MaxillofacialSurgery VOLUME69, NUMBER7, JULy 2011



the Editor


Scienee, Not Polities, Delivers Wisdom Tbomas B. Dodson


Perieoronal Osteetomy: An Altemative Surgieal Teehnique for Management of Mandíbular Third Molars in Close Proximity to the Inferior Alveolar Nerve Len Tolstunov, Bahram javid, Lance Keyes, and Anders Nattestad


3-Dimensional Imaging for Lower Third Molars: Is There an Implieation for Surgieal Removal? Gerold Eyrich, Burkhardt Seifert, Pelix Matthews, Urs Matthiessen, Cyrill K Heusser, Astrid L. Kruse, joachim A. Obwegeser, and Heinz-Tbeo Lübbers


Correlation of Radíographie Signs, Inferior Dental Nerve Exposure, and Deficit in Third Molar Surgery Yiu Yan Leung and Lim Kwong Cheung


Faetors Affeeting Incidenee of Dry Soeket: A Prospeetive Community-Based Study Krishnan Parthasarathi, Andrew Smith, and Arun Chandu


Use of Opioids in Long-Term Management of Temporomandíbular )oint Dysfunetion Gary F. Bouloux


Keeping Ether "En-Vogue": The Role of Nathan Cooley Keep in the History of Ether Anesthesia Walter e Guralnick and Leonard B. Kaban


Struetural Charaeteristies of Bilateral Temporomandíbular )oint Dise Displaeement Without Reduetion and Osteoarthrosis Are Important Determinants of Horizontal Mandíbular and Vertieal Ramus Deficiency: A Magnetie Resonanee Imaging Study Stefan Bertram, Alexander Moriggl, Ansgar Rudisch, and Rüdiger Emshoff Gonttnued on next page

Contents Continued





Extraction of 6 Molars Under General Anesthesia in Patient With Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva Yoshiyuki Mori, Takafumi Susami, Nobuhiko Haga, Kazumi Tamura, Yuki Kanno, Hideto Saijo, and Tsuyoshi Takato


Comparison of the Ambu AuraFlex With the Laryngeal Mask Airway Flexible: A Manikin Study Takuro Sanuki, Gosuke Nakatani, Shingo Sugioka, Erina Daigo, and juniehiro Kotani

1911 Intluence of Estrogen Deficiency on Bone Around Osseointegrated Dental Implants: An Experimental Study in the Rat ]aw Model Gabriela Giro, Paulo G. Coelho, Roberto Sales-Pessoa, Rosa Maria Rodrigues Pereira, Toshihisa Kawai, and Silvana Regina Perez Orrieo 1919

Buccal to Lingual Transalveolar Implant Placement for All On Four Immediate Function in Posterior Mandible: Report of 10 Cases Ole jensen, jared Cottam, J Mark Adams, and Seott Adams


Cone Beam Computed Tomography and SimPlant Materialize Dental Software Versus Direct Measurement of the Width and Height of the Posterior Mandible: An Anatomic Study Karl Maloney, jairo Bastídas, Katherine Freeman, Todd R. Ulson, and Riehard A. Kraut


Using the Proximal Ulna as a Novel Site for Autogenous Bone Graft Harvesting Matthew J Madsen, Cyril Mauffrey, Nathan Bowles, and David Seligson


The Effect of CrqwnlImplant Ratio and Crown Height Space on Stress Distribution in Unsplinted Implant Supporting Restorations joseph Nissan, Oded Ghelfan, Ora Gross, ¡lan Priel, Martín Gross, and Gavriel Chaushu


The Biomechanical Analysis of Simulating Implants in Function Under Osteoporotic ]awbone by Comparing Cylindrical, Apical Tapered, Neck Tapered, and Expandable Type Implants: A 3-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis jian-Rui Xiao, Yong-Feng Li, Su-Min Guan, Li Song, Li-Xian Xu, and Liang Kong

Continued on next page

Contents Continued


,omaxillofacial .


Oral Leukoplakia in a Patient With Fanconi Anemia: Recurrence or a New Primary Lesion? Renata Gonfalves Resende, jeane de Fdtima Correia-Silva, Clarice Ferreira Galvao, Carolina CavaliĂŠri Gomes, Marcelo Antunes Carneiro, and Ricardo Santiago Gomez


Does a Difference Exist in Inferior Alveolar Canal Displacement Caused by Cornmonly Encountered Pathologic Entities? An Observational Study Antonia Kolokythas, Humam Al-Ghamian, and Michael Miloro


From the Teaching Centers: University of Illinois Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Bernard G. Sarnat, Daniel Laskin, lrwin Robinson, and Michael Miloro


Treatment of Mandibular High-Flow Vascular Malformations: Report of 2 Cases juliana Lemound, Peter Brachvogel, Friedrich G6tz, Martin RĂźcker, Nils-Claudius Gellrich, and Andre Eckardt


Polymorphous Low Grade Adenocarcinoma: Case Series and Review of Surgical Management lmad Abu El-Naaj, Yoav Leiser, Amir Wolff, and Micha Peled


Primary YoIk Sac Tumor in Floor of Mouth in a Child Xiangyu fin, Chengmin Han, and Hongchen Sun


On the Self-Resolution Nature of the Buccal Bifurcation Cyst Yehuda Zadik, Oded Yitschaky, Tzahi Neuman, and Dorrit w: Nitzan


A Study of 2 Bone-Plating Methods for Fractures of the Mandibular SymphysislBody Edward Ellis I/I


Surgical Treatment of Sagittal Fracture of Mandibular Condyle Using Long-Screw Osteosynthesis Shufang Luo, Bo Li, Xing Long, Mohong Deng, Hengxing Cai, and Yong Cheng


Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Bite Force in 2-rnm Locking Plates Versus 2-rnm Standard Plates in Treatment of Mandibular Fractures Mohit Agarwal, Shadab Mohammad, Rakesh K Singh, and Vibha Singh


Continued on next page

Contents Continued

Craniomaxillofacial Deformities/Cosmetic Surgery

Surgical Oncology and Reconstruction


A Retrospective Analysis of Submental Intubation in Maxillofacial Trauma Patients Sergio Monteiro Lima júnior, Luciana Asprino, Roger Willian Pernandes Moreira, and Márcio de Moraes


Transoral Osteosynthesis of Subcondylar Fractures of the Mandible Using a Fenestrated Levassier-Merrill Retractor Ardavan R. Kheradpir, Al/en Terry Chien, and Robert S.julian 1//


Positioning Miniplates for Orthodontic Anchorage Eveline Gava, José Augusto M. Miguel, and Cátia C. A. Quintao


Outcome Study of Computer-AidedSurgicalSimulationin the Treatment of Patients With CraniomaxillofacialDeformities james J Xia, Liza Shevchenko, Jaime Gateno, john F. Teichgraeber, Terry D. Taylor, Robert E. Lasky, jeryl D. English, Chung H. Kau, and Kathleen R. McGrory


Does Skeletal Facial Profile Influence Preoperative Motives and Postoperative Satisfaction? A Prospective Study of 66 SurgicalOrthodontic Patients jesper 0land, john jensen, Moschos A. Papadopoulos, and Birte Melsen


Primary Study of the Use of an Intemal, Self-Activated Shape Memory Alloy Distraction Device in the Dog Mandible: Alveolar Ridge Distraction and Implant Placement Min Xie, Min Hu, Hongchen Liu, and Hongxi Xiao


Maxillectomy Through Mandibulotomy-A Retrospective Clinical Review Sanjiv Nair, K.R. Sridhar, Anjan Shah, Balasubramaniam Kumar, Kishore Nayak, and Pritam Shetty


Reconstrnction of Forehead Skin: The Unilateral Horizontal Advancement Flap Mark jürgen Alan Turner and William P. Smith


Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positive Warthin Tumor in a Neck Node Mimicking Metastasis in Primary Intraosseous Left Posterior Mandibular Cancer Staging With Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Akifumi Enomoto, Hirokazu Nakahara, Takayuki Uchihashi, Hirofumi Tsuji, and Suguru Hamada

Conttnued on next page

Contents Continued


Multistage Reconstruction in Facial ]uvenile Psammomatoid Ossifying Fibroma: Clinical Therapeutic Conference César Colmenero-Ruiz, Jorge Cano-Sánchez, José María López-Arcas, María Teresa Martínez-Iturriaga, Julián Campo-Trapero, and José Ramón Castelló-Fortet


Transformation of Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma Into Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma in the Mandible: Case Report Toshiaki Tanaka, Takehito Kobayashi, and Mituyoshi lino


Adrenal Insufficiency with Gingival Mass-An Unusual Presentation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Dharnappa Poojary, Mohan Baliga, Nandita Shenoy, Anand Amirthraj, and Rammohan Kumar


Massive Craniofacial Teratoma: A Case Report Reza Tabrizi, Abbas Khodayari, and Amir Vahedi



Attitudes and Opinions of Residency Directors and Residents About the Importance of Research in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residencies Ali E. Mohammad, Al M Best, and Daniel M Laskin



News and imouncements


Reader's Circle úing Education Program Except where specifica1ly stated, the opinions expressed or statements made in articles or editorials are not endo:rsed by nor represent official policy oí the American Association oí Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons or the publisher, Elsevier. Publication oí an advertisement in this joumal does not imply endorsement oí the product or service by the American Association oí Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons or EIsevier.

Included in this issue of the Journalo Reader's Circle Continuing Education program!







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Erik Dabelsteen



I Dllicial Publication 01

John Greenspan I The InternationalAssociation lan Mackenzie

I 01 Oral Pathologists,

Stephen Porter

I TheAmericanAcademy

John J. Sauk I 01Oral and Maxillolacial Pathology, TakashiTakata I The British Societylor Oral and Maxillolacial


British Society lor Oral Medicine, and Scandinavian Fellowship 01 Ora'l Pathology and Oral Medicine


Vol. 40 . No. 6 . July2011


OralPathology & Medicine Contents Review artiele Mastocytosis: oral implications of a rare disease


T. A. Rama, l. Corte-Real, P. S. Gomes, L. Escribano & M. H. Fernandes

451 456

K. Bjorndal, S. R. Larsen, C. Godballe &A. Krogdahl P. R. de Faria,R. A. Lima, F.L. Dias, P.A. S. de Faria, A. L. A. Eisenberg, K. C. do Nascimento Souza, S. V.Cars}oso &A. M. Loyola

Nuclear ~-catenin expression in basal cell adenomas of salivary gland


Immunohistochemical study of the expression of fatty acid synthase and Ki-67 in salivary gland tumors


A. Kawahara, H. Harada, H. Abe, T. Yamaguchi, T. Taira,K. Nakashima, H. Mihashi, J. Akiba &M. Kage R. Prado, A. L. da Silva Machado, C. E. D. Colombo & y. R. Carvalho

The effect of proteoglycans inhibited on the neurotropic growth of salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma


y. Zhang, J. Wang, F.Dong, H. Li & Y. Hou

5-aminolevulinic acid induce apoptosis via NF-KB/JNK pathway in human oral cancer Ca9-22 cells


H.-M. Chen, C.-M. Liu, H. Yang, H.-Y. Chou, C.-P. Chiang &M. Y.-P.Kuo

Transfection of truncated bone morphogenetic protein receptor-U into oral squamous cell carcinoma cellline Tca8113 and inhibitory effect on proliferation and inductive effect on apoptosis


S. Fu, H.-B.Lv, Y.Liu,Y.Zhao, L.-S. He &Y.Jin

Potential relevance of cyclooxygenase-2 expression in keratocystic odontogenic tumours - an immunohistochemical study


R. A. Mendes, J. F. C. Carvalho &l. van der Waal

Differences between and within human parotid saliva and nasal mucus cAMP and cGMP in normal subjects and in patients with taste and smell dysfunction

504< R. 1.Henkin & l. Velicu

Vascular endothelial growth factor genetic polymorphisms and haplotypes in female patients with bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws


Expression of metallothionein in ameloblastoma. A regulatory molecule?




Original artieles Osteopontin expression

in salivary gland carcinomas

Vascular endothelial growth factor and thymidine phosphorylase expression in salivary gland tumors with distinct metastatic behavior

This Journal is available online. Visit to search die articles and register for table of contentse-mail alerts.


.. .

P. G. Arduino, E. Menegatti, M. Scoletta, C. Battaglio, M. Mozzati, A. Chiecchio, D. Berardi, A. M. Vandone, M. Donadio,S. Gandolfo,C. Scully & R. Broccoletti A. L. R. Ribeiro, R. M. Nobre, G. C. M. A. Rocha, l. H. de Souza Lobato, S. de Melo Alves Junior, R. G. Jaeger &J. de Jesus Viana Pinheiro

The Journal is iiĂ?dexed by Biological Abstracts/BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts, Elsevier BIOBASE/Current Awareness in Biological Sciences, Science Citation Index, SCISEARCH, Research Alert, Current Contents: Life Sciences, Reference Update, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE.

rhe] ournalof




Pr ostltetlC


.. .... ..



- APRIL 2011-lssUE 4

Table of Contents Augmenting retention and stability of an occlusal device for a partially dentate patient using existing extracoronal attachments: a clinical report SafehA. AI-Rowaieh, DOS, MSD

Novel-design.l¡lltra-thin CAD/CAM composite resin and ceramic occlusal veneers for the treatment of severe dental erosion LuísHenrique Schlichting, DOS, MS, PhD, Hamilton Pires Maia, DOS, PhD, Luiz Narciso Baratieri, DOS, PhD, and Pascal Magne, DMD, PhD

Influence of different surface conditioning protocols on microtensile bond strength of self-adhesive resin cements to dentin Jatyr Pisani-Proens;a,DOS, MSc, PhD, Maria Carolina Guilherme Erhardt, DOS, MSc, PhD, Regina Amaral, DOS, MSc, Luiz Felipe Valandro, DOS, MSc, PhD, Marco Antonio Bottino, DOS, PhD, and Ramón Del Castillo-Salmerón, DOS, PhD

Color stability of sealed composite resin restorative materials after ultraviolet artificial aging and immersion in staining solutions Anderson Catelan, DOS, André Luiz Fraga Briso, DOS, MS, PhD, Renato Hermann Sundfeld, DOS, MS, PhD, Marcelo Coelho Goiato, DOS,MS,PhD,and Paulo Henrique dos Santos, DOS,MS,PhD

Influence of varied surface texture of dentin porcelain on optical properties of porcelain specimens Hui Wang, PhD, FangXiong, PhD, and Luo Zhenhua, MsD

Fit of single tooth zirconia copings: comparison between various manufacturing processes Charlotte Grenade, DOS, Amélie Mainjot, DOS, and Alain Vanheusden, DOS, PhD

Impact of facial form on the relationship between conventional or implantassisted mandibular dentures and masticatory function KentT. Ochiai, DOS, PhD, Satoru Hojo, DOS, PhD, Camille Nakamura, DOS, Hideki Ikeda, DOS, MS, and Neal R. Garrett, PhD

Retentive force and magnetic flux leakage of magnetic attachment keeper and magnetic assembly combinations

in various


Mikage Hasegawa, DOS, Yoshitada Umekawa, DOS, PhD, Eiich Nagai, DOS, PhD, and Tomohiko Ishigami, DOS, PhD

Influence of anterior palatal coverage on perception and retention in complete dentures

Takashi Koike, DOS, Ken Ishizaki, DOS, PhD, Koichiro Ogami, DOS, PhD, Takayuki Ueda, DOS, PhD,d and Kaoru Sakurai, DOS, PhD

TheJournal ofProsthetic Dentistry (ISSN 0022-3913) is published monthly by Elsevier,Inc, 360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010-1710. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY,and additional mailing offices. Customer Service Office: 3251 Riverport Lane Maryland Heights, MO 63043. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TheJournalofProsthetic Dentistry, Elsevier Health Sciences Division, Subscription Customer Service, 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. TABLE OF CONTENTS

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Table of Contents

Rehabilitation of malpositioned implants with a CADjCAM milled implant overdenture: a clinical report ~auricio S.Moeller, DDS, MS, Renee E. Duff, DDS, MS, and Michael E. Razzoog, DDS, MS, MPH

-.. -..

lateral and crestal bone planing antrostomy: A simplified surgical procedure to reduce tJ{e incider,¡ce of membrane perforation during maxillary sinus augmentation procedures Jaime L. Lozada, DMD, Charles Goodacre DDS, MSD, Aladdinj. AI-Ardah, DDS, MS, and Antoanela Garbacea, DDS

The use of computer-aided manufacturing during the treatment of the edentulous mandible in an oral radiation therapy patient: clinical report MadelynL. Fletcher-Stark,DDS,MSD,jeffrey E. Rubenstein,DMD, MS,andArielj. Raigrodski, DMD, MS The effects of an airborne-particle abrasion and silica-coating on the bond strength between grooved titanium alloy temporary cylinders and provisional veneering materials Ann Yu-Chieh Wei, DDS, Arun B. Sharma, BDS MSC,bLarry G Watanabe, and Frederick C. Finzen, DDS

Fracture load of titanium crowns coated with gold or titanium nitride and bonded to low-fusing porcelain Hyun-Pil Lim, DDS, MSD, PhD,ji-Hye Kim, DDS, MSD, Kwang-Min Lee, PhD, and Sang-Won Park, DDS, MSD, PhD

Color match of two different ceramic systems to selected shades of one shade guide Gabriele Corciolani, DDS, MS, Alessandro Vichi,DDS, PhD, Chris Louca, DDS, PhD, and Marco Ferrari,


Bond degradation behavior of self-adhesive cement and conventional resin cements bonded to silanized ceramic Qing Liu, BDS, Xiangfeng Meng, DDS, Keiichi Yosl:1ida, DDS, and Xiaoping Luo, DDS

Surface properties and bond strength measurements of N-vinylcaprolactam

(NVC)-containing glass-ionomer cements Alireza Moshaverinia, DDS, MS, Winston W. Chee, DDS, William A. Brantley, PhD, and Scott R. Schricker, PhD

Therapies most frequently used for the management of bruxism by a sample of German dentists Michelle A. Ommerborn,

PhD, Dr med dent, jalleh Taghavi, Preeti Singh, DDS, MScD, joerg

Handschel, PhD, MD, Dr med dent, Rita A. Depprich, PhD, MD, Dr med dent, and Wolfgang H. M. Raab, PhD, Dr med dent

TheJournalofProstheticDentistry(ISSN0022-3913) is published monthly by Elsevier,Inc, 360 ParkAvenueSouth, NewYork,NY 10010-1710. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY,and additional mailing offices. Customer Service Office: 3251 Riverport Lane Maryland Heights, MO 63043. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TheJournalofProsthe.ticDentistry, Elsevier Health Sciences Division, Subscription Customer Service, 3251 Riverport Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Volume 112 }uly 2011


. Number 1

OralSurgery, OralMedicine, ~,OralPathology, OralRadiology,and Endodontology ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERV Perioperativeantibiotic prophylaxisin orthognathic surgery:a systematicreview and meta-analysisof clinical trials S. K. Tan,J. Lo, R.A. Zwahlen An in vitro study of temperaturechangesin type 4 bone during implantplacement:bone condensing versus bone drilling T. Misic, A. Markovic,A. Todorovic,et al. ORAL MEDICINE Riskof laryngealedemaand facial swellingsafter tooth extraction in patientswith hereditary angioedemawith and without prophylaxiswith Cl inhibitor concentrate:a retrospectivestudy K.Bork,J. Hardt,P. Staubach-Renz,et al. The role of sensoryinput of the chordatympani nerve and the numberof fungiformpapillaein burningmouthsyndrome

C. Nasri-Heir, J.


G.M. Heir,

ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL RADlOLOGV Ultrasoundassessmentof increasedcapsularwidth in temporomandibular¡oint internal derangements: relationshipwith joint pain and magneticresonance gradingof ¡oint effusion B.'Bas, N. Ytlmaz,E. G6kce, et al. Cephalometricvariablesdiscriminateamong magneticresonanceimaging-basedstructural characteristicgroupsof the temporomandibularjoint R. Emshoff, A. Moriggl,A. Rudisch, et al. ENDODONTOLOGV Medico-Iegalaspectsof altered sensationfollowing endodontictreatment:a retrospectivecase series N. Givol,E. Rosen, L. Bjomdal, et al. Evaluationof pH, availablechlorine content,and antibacterialactivity of endodonticirrigants and their combinationsagainst Enterococcusfaecalis J. M. Guerreiro-Tanomaru,R. D. Morgental, D. L. Flumignan,et al.

et al.

ORALAND MAXILLOFACIAL PATHOLOGV Increasedprevalenceof TH17cells in the perjpheral blood of patientswith head and neck squamGUS cell carcinoma C. Lí, Y. Zhao, W. Zhang, et al. ERBB2gene amplificationin oral squamouscell malignancies:a correlationwith tumor progression and gene expression F. Chu,a. Feng,Y.aian, et al.

Complete table if contents begins inside

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ISSN 1079-2104

Vol. 112 No. 1 July 2011


Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodon~ology ~ CONTENTS EDITORIAL'" ~ Are we doing enough? Larz S.W. Spangberg, DDS, PhD


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Gingival bleeding as a presenting sign of primary fibrinogenolysis. Sheng Li, MDS, Ji' an, China


The importance of using diagnostic codeso Elsbeth Kalenderian, DDS, MPH, Rachel B. Ramoni, DMD, ScD, Joel M. White, DDS, MS, Meta E. Schoonheim-Klein, DDS, PhD, Paul C. Stark, MS, ScD, Nicole S. Kirnmes, BS, DDS, Virnla L. Patel, PhD, and Muhammad F. Walji, PhD, Boston, MA; San Francisco, CA; Omaba, NE; and Houston, TX The importance of using diagnostic codes



- reply. Craig S. Miller, DMD, MS


CL/NICOPA THOLOGIC CONFERENCE Multilocular radiolucency of the mandibular condyle in a 19-year-old woman. I-Yueh Huang, DDS, MS, Yi-Lun Shih, DDS, MS, Ching-Wei Shu, DDS, MS, and Yuk-Kwan Chen, DDS, MS, Kaohsiung, Taiwan


MEDICAL MANAGEMENT AND PHARMACOLOGY UPDATE Fibrodysplasia ossificansprogressiva (FOP) in South Africa: dental implications in 5 cases.Tina Roberts,BChD,MChD,Lawrep.ceStephen,BChD,MSc, PhD, Chris Scott, FCPaed(SA), M. Urban, FRCP(SA), Stephen Sudi, DDS, and Peter Beighton, OMB, MD, PhD, FRCP, Cape Town, South Africa

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology


(ISSN: 1079-2104) is published monthly by EIsevier Ine., 360

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and Endodontology,

EIsevier Health

ORAL AND MAXILLOFAClAL SURGERY Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in orthognathic surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials. Su Keng Tan, DDS, MDS, John Lo, BDS, MDS, and Roger A. Zwahlen, MD, DMD, Hong Kong, China


i \

An in vitro study of temperature changes in type 4 bone during implant placement: bone condensing versus bone 4rilling. Tijana Misie, DDS, Aleksa Markovie, DDS, PhD, Aleksandar Todorovie, DDS, PhD, Snjezana Colie, DDS, PhD, Seepanovic Miodrag, DDS, MSe, and Biljana Milieie, MD, PhD, Belgrade, Serbia ~



Clinical application of free anterolateral thigh flap in the reconstruction of intraoral defects. Guowen Sun, DDS, MD, PhD, Mingxing Lu, BDS, Enyi Tang, MDS, Xudong Yang, MDS, Jianmin Wen, BDS, and Zhiyong Wang, DDS, MD, PhD, Nanjing, China


Alveolar ridge augmentation using anodized implants coated with EscherichÜl coli-derived recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2. Jung-Bo Hub, DDS, MSD, Chan-Kyung Park, DDS, MSD, Se-Eun Kim, DVM, MS, Kyung-Mi Shim, DVM, PhD, Kyung-Hee Choi, PhD, Sun-Jong Kim, DDS, PhD, June-Sung Shim, DDS, PhD, and Sang-Wan Shin, DDS, PhD, Seoul, Pusan, and Gwangju, Korea


Effects of bone morphogenetic protein 2 gene therapy on new bone formation during mandibular distraction osteogenesis at rapid rate in rabbits. Jie Long, MD, PhD, Peng Li, MD, PhD, Hong-rning Du, MD, PhD, Lei Liu, MD, PhD, Xiao-hui Zheng, MD, PhD, Yun-feng Lin, MD, PhD, Hang Wang, MD, PhD, Wei Jing, MD, PhD, Wei Tang, MD, PhD, Wei-hui Chen, MD, PhD, and Wei-dong Tian, MD, PhD, Chengdu and Fuzhou, China


Online Only Articles Extraction of four wisdom teeth in a patient with congenital factor V deficiency hemophilia. Akira Kitamura, DDS, PhD, Hiromi Yamashita, DDS, Teruhito Okumura, DDS, and Izurni Asahina, DDS, PhD, Nagasaki, Japan Traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the facial artery: late complication and effects on local blood flow. André Luis Ribeiro-Ribeiro, DDS, Sérgio de Melo Alves Junior, DDS, MSe, Pl)D, and Joao de Jesus Viana Pinheiro, DDS, MSe, PhD, Belém, Brazil '



ORAL MEDICINE Risk of laryngeal edema and facial sweIlings after tooth extraction in patients with hereditary angioedema with and without prophylaxis with Cl inhibitor concentrate: a retrospective study. Konrad Bork, MD, Joehen Hardt, PhD, Petra Staubaeh-Renz, MD, and Guenther Witzke, PhD, Mainz, Germany


The role of sensory input of the chorda tympani nerve and the number of fungiform papillae in burning mouth syndrome. Cibele Nasri-Heir, DDS, MSD, Julyana Gomes, DMD, MSD, Gary M. Heir, DMD, Sowmya Ananthan, DMD, Rafael Benoliel, BDS, Sorin Teieh, DMD, MBA, and Eli Eliav, DMD, PhD, Newark, New Jersey; Cleveland, Ohio; and Jerusalem, Israel


2A July 2011 OOOOE

.A screening test for capsaicin-stimulated salivary ftow using filter paper: a study for diagnosis of hyposalivation with a complaint of dry mouth. Takashi Kanehira, DDS, PhD, Tomotaka Yamaguchi, DDS, Kozo Asano, PhD, Manabu Morita, DDS, PhD, Etsuko Maeshima, MD, PhD, Akemi Matsuda, DDS, PhD, Yoshihiro Fujii, MD, and Wataru Sakamoto, MD, Sapporo, Okayama, Osaka, Wakayama, Hanakawa, and Ebetsu, Japan

Online Only Articles



Association of candy weight loss rate with whole saliva ftow rates. Kazuhiko Yamamoto, DDS, . PhD, Yumiko Matsusue, DDS, Yuko Komatsu, DDS, Miyako Kurihara, DDS, Yosuke Nakagawa, DDS, and Tadaaki Kirita, DDS, DMSc, Nara, Japan


A comparison of salivary substitutes versus a natural sialogogue (citric acid) in patients complaining of dry mouth as an adverse drug reaction: a clinical, randomized controlled study. Felice Femiano, MDM, PhD, Rosario Rullo, MDMDr, Federica di Spirito, DDSDr, Alessandro Lanza, DDS, MScDr, Vincenzo María Festa, DDS, MScDr, and Nicola Cirillo, DDS, PhD, Naples, Italy; and



ORAL AND MAXILLOFAClAL PATHOLOGY Increased prevalence of TH17 cells in the peripheral blood of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Chen Li, PhD, Yifang Zhao, MD, Wenfeng Zhang, PhD, and Wei Zhang, MD, Wuhan, China I


ERBB2 gene amplification in oral squamous cell malignancies: a correlation with tumor progression and gene expression. Fengting Chu, MD, Qiping Feng, MD, Yufen Qian, MD, Chunye Zhang, MD, Zhengyu Fang, PhD, and Gang Shen, MD, Shanghaiand Shenzhen, China


Expression of the membrane-cytoskeletal linker Ezrin in salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinoma. You-yuan Wang, DDS, Wei-liang Chen, DDS, MD, MBA, Zhi-Quan Huang, DDS, PhD, Zhao-hui Yang, DDS, PhD, Bin Zhang, DDS, PhD, Jian-guang Wang, DDS, PhD, Hai-gang Li, MD, and Jin-Song Lí, DDS, MD, PhD, Guangzhou, China


Online Only Articles Oral melanotic macule and primary oral malig'hant melanoma: Epidemiology, location involved, and clinical implications. Zheng-Yu Shen, MD, Wei Líu, MD, Zhe-Xuan Bao, DDS, Zeng-Tong Zhou, DDS, and Lí-Zhen Wang, DDS, Shanghai, China


Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature. Adel Kauzman, DMD, MSc, FRCD(C), Jean-Claude Tabet, MD, and Tudor-Ioan Stiharu, Montréal, Canada


ORAL AND MAXILLOFAClAL RADIOLOGY Three-dimensional computerized tomographic angiography diagnosis and surgical treatment of macroglossia with huge venous malformation: a case reporto Jingcai Zou, DDS, PhD, Kaitao Yu, DDS, PhD, Wenxing Xun, MS, Xuan Zou, MS, Xiaoli Qu, MS, Guoping Long, MS, and Yu Zhang, BS, Beijing and Xi'an, China


. OOOOE July 2011 3A

r Ultrasound assessment of increased capsular width in temporomandibular joint internal derangements: relationship with joint pain and magnetic resonance grading of joint effusion. Burcu Bas, DDS, PhD, Nergiz Ytlmaz, DDS, PhD, Erkan G6kce, MD, and Hüseyin Akan, MD, Samsun, Turkey Cephalometric variables discriminate among magnetic resonance imaging- based structural characteristic groups of the temporomandibular joint. Rüdiger Emshoff, Univ-Doz, DrMeD, ];)r(H), Alexander Moriggl, CandMedDent, Ansgar Rudisch, Univ-Doz, DrMed, Silvia Brunold, DrMed, DrMedDent, Nikolaus ~ Neul1teufel,DrMed, DrMedDent, and Adriano Crismani, Univ-Prof, DrMedDent, Innsbruck, Austria '- ¡¡ Online Only Articles A case of synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint followed for 17 years. Yui Mori, DDS, PhD, Kenji Kakudo, DDS, PhD, Motohiro Gotoh, DDS, PhD, Hirohito Kubo, DDS, PhD, Hironori Akiyama, DDS, PhD, y oritaka Yotsui, DDS, PhD, and Kimishige Shimizutani, DDS, PhD, Osaka, Japan Ameloblastic carcinoma: a case report with radiological features of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography. Hidenobu Matsuzaki, DDS, Naoki Katase, DDS, PhD, Marina Hara, DDS, Jun-Ichi Asaumi, DDS, DMSci, Yoshinobu Yanagi, DDS, Teruhisa Unetsubo, DDS, PhD, Miki Hisatomi, DDS, PhD, Hironobu Konouchi, DDS, PhD, and Hitoshi Nagatsuka, DDS, PhD, Okayama, Japan






ENDODONTOLOGY Medico-Iegal aspects of altered sensation following endodontic treatment: a retrospective case series. Navot Givol, DMD, Eyal Rosen, DMD, Lars Bj0rndal, DDS, PhD, Silvio Taschieri, MD, DDS, Ronen Ofec, DMD, and Igor Tsesis, DMD, Tel Hashomer and Tel Aviv, Israel, Copenhagen, Denmark, and Milan, Italy


Evaluation of pH, available chlorine content, and antibacterial activity of endodontic irrigants and their combinations against Enterococcus faecalis. Juliane M. Guerreiro-Tanomaru, DDS, PhD, Renata D. Morgental, DDS, MSc, Danilo L. Flumignan, DDS, MSc, Fabricia Gasparini, DDS, MSc, José E. Oliveira, DDS, PhD, and Mário Tanomaru-Filho, DDS, PhD, Araraquara, SP, Brazil


Examination of the prevalence of periapicallesions and technical qulity of endodontic treatment in a Turkish subpopulation. Hakan Ozba§, DDS, PhD, Selmin A§CI,DDS, PhD, and Yal~m Aydm, DDS, Istanbul, Turkey


Online Only Articles Apicallimit of root canal filling and its relationship with success on endodontic treatment of a mandibular molar: ll-year follow-up. Ronaldo Araújo Souza, DDS, MSc, PhD, Joito da Costa Pinto Dantas, DDS, MSc, Suely Colombo, DDS, Maurício Lago, DDS, and Jesus Djalma Pécora, DDS, MSc, PhD, Salvador and Ribeirito Preto, Brazil


Long buccal nerve block injection pain in patients with irreversible pulpitis. Melissa Drum, DDS, MS, Al Reader, DDS, MS, and Mike Beck, DDS, MA, Columbus, OH 4A July 2011 OOOOE







ETHICALMOMENT:Treating a Medicaid patient who is a repeated no-show 858 THE










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CLlNICALPRACTICE Self-reported cases of xerostomia and associated risk factors 811


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Evaluating tM performances of etch-and-rinse adhesives 828

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RESEARCH Alternatives to replacing defective amalgam restorations 842

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Guest Editorial: Modern Perspectives on Caries Activity and Control N.B. Pitts Dr. Pitts provides information about current and emerging evidence on caries activity and control with the goal of helping dentists improve patient care and enhance professional satisfaction.


Letters: JADA readers explore intradisciplinary conflict, children with autism spectrum. disorders and laser treatment.


page 800



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Cytomegalovirus Infection: Swabbing a newborn's mouth for saliva can be used effectively to screen for cytomegalovirus infection, a leading cause ofhearing loss in children, according to a study published in the June 2 issue ofThe New England Journal of Medicine.




Opioid Abuse: Prevention of Prescription Opioid Abuse: The Role of the Dentist R.C. Denisco, G.A. Kenna, M.G. O'Neil, R.J. Kulich, P.A Moore, WT. Kane, N.R. Mehta, E.V.Hersh, N.P. Katz The authors explore the use and abuse of opioid drugs and offer steps that dentists can take to minimize drug abuse and diversion of prescribed controlled substances.




Xerostomia: Dental Patients' Self-Reports of Xerost9mia and Associated Risk Factors .

A Villa, A Polimeni, L. Strohmenger, D. Cicciu, E. Gherlone, S. Abati Dr. Villa and colleagues conduct a study of dental patients 18 years or older to determine the prevalence of self-reported xerostomia and associated risk factors.


Case Report: Multifocal Oral Melanoacanthoma and Melanotic Macula in a Patient After Dental Implant Surgery P. Galindo-Moreno, M. Padial-Molina, M. Gómez-Morales, J. Aneiros-Fernández, F. Mesa, F. OValle In this case report, the authors describe apatient who visited a dentist one month after undergoing implant surgery because of the presence of pigmented lesions at different oral mucosal sites.


Diagnostic Challenge: Diffuse Brown Pigmentation ofthe Buccal Mucosa and Tongue G. Mergoni, M. Meleti, M. Manfredi, P. Vescovi Dr. Mergoni and colleagues ask readers to diagrtose a case of a patient who visited a dental clinic because of the presence of a dark a1teration of the oral mucosa, especially on her cheeks and ventral surface of the tongue.




Adhesives: Applícation of Etch-and-Rinse Adhesives on Dry

and Rewet Dentin Under Rubbing Action: A 24-Month Clínical Evaluation C. Zander-Grande, S. Q. Ferreira, T.R.F. Costa, AD. Loguercio, A Reis The authors evaluate the 24-month clinical performance of resin-based composites in noncarious cervicallesions in teeth restored with two etch-and-rinse adhesives that had been applied with a vigorous rubbing action to both dry and rewet dentin.


JADA 142(7)

July 2011





Sodium Ascorbate: Assessing the Use of 35 Percent Sodium Ascorbate for Removal of Residual Hydrogen Peroxide Mter In-Office Tooth Bleaching


A. Freire, M.T. Durski, M. lngberman, L.S. Nakao, E.M. Souza, S. Vieira Dr. Freire and colleagues conduct a study to quantify the amount ofhydrogen peroxide remaining after in-office bleaching and to investigate the effectiveness of 35 percent sodium ascorbate on re~oval of the bleaching agent from dentin. Defective




to Replacement


~DefectiveA1;PalgamRestorations: Results of a Seven-Year Clinical Study v.v. Gordan,J.L. Riley IlI, P.K.Blaser,E. Mondragon,C.w: Garvan,LA. Mjor Dr.Gordanan~ colleaguesconducta prospectivecohortclinicalstudy to investigate page 836 the effectivenessofaltemative treatments to the replacementofdefectiveamalgam restorations. .


Critical Summaries:

Periodontal Plastic Surgery Procedures Reduce Localized

Gingival Recession Defects D.M. Kim Dr. Kim provides a critical summary of a systematic review article in which researchers evaluated the effectiveness of periodontal plastic surgical procedures such as guided tissue regeneration and subepithelial connective-tissue grafts in reducing localized gingival recession defects. JOURNALSCAN 852.

Current Literature: This feature offers summaries of selected relevant studies in the current dental and medicalliterature. B. Pihlstrom



A Better Practice: Building Better Team Morale


Ethical Moment: Is It Unethical to Have a Policy for Medicaid-Enrolled Patients That

R.P. Levin Dr. Levin suggests ways in which dentists can motivate their team members. Allows Termination ofthe Relationship When the Patient Does Not Show Up or Call? L.S. Ortego Dr. Ortego explores the ethical issues involved in dismissing a Medicaid-enrolled patient because of repeated failures to keep appointments.



865 877


JADA's continuing education program highlights prevention of prescription opioid abuse, dental patients' self-reports of xerostomia and associated risk factors, application of etch-andrinse adhesives on dry and rewet dentin under rubbing action, and altemative treatments to replacement of defective amalgam restorations. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING




JADA 142(7)

July 2011


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