2 minute read
President’s Message
by i-SIGMA
It is with great anticipation that I look forward to this year’s conference. Every year I gain something out of this cornerstone industry event; however, this year, i-SIGMA is strategically focused on how we can create lift in new ways for both those who are seasoned veterans and those who are newer to attend – this is true for all things i-SIGMA actually… assessing ways of creating added value.
I’m also quite excited for this year’s conference keynote speaker, which as of this printing hasn’t been formally announced. Please just note that they are an inspiration and incredible speaker, but once they are announced, I would caution you NOT to sit and watch all of their online content (even though it is GOOD). Watching their videos before the conference is like snooping around your house as a kid trying to find all of your gifts before Christmas. I’ve been guilty of both in the past and in my opinion, it takes away from the experience. I had not heard of the speaker until they were sent over for review, but I am familiar with their organization, and I’m curious to learn the story behind it and its success. I know you will be too!
I hope that you’ll join us in Las Vegas the end of March and discover the added value for yourself. And keep your eyes open for the other great initiatives from i-SIGMA. The Board of Directors is meeting in person in January to work on strategic plans with new CEO, Nathan Campbell and all i-SIGMA Staff. We’re pleased with the trajectory and look forward to it carrying on for the benefit of all.
See you in March!
Bowman Richards, CSDS
i-SIGMA President