Buyers’ Guide

3030 N. Central Ave., Suite 706 Phoenix, AZ 85012 USA Phone: 602-788-6243 Fax: 602-788-4144 isigmaonline.org
NATHAN CAMPBELL Chief Executive Officer Extension 2001
GINA LENTINE, CSDS Vice President of Marketing & Events Extension 2008
JENNIE GIFT, CSDS, CRA Vice President of Member Services Extension 2009
Director of Certification Extension 2006
MAGGIE GEOLAT Marketing Manager Extension 2003
KAREN LYONS, CSDS Regulatory Compliance Manager Extension 2011
SHAINA VAN KILSDONK Certification Associate Extension 2020
VICTORIA VALE Certification Associate Extension 2004
JENA ROBINSON Business Support Manager Extension 2010
VANESSA PEREZ Member Services Associate Extension 2007

Dear i-SIGMA Members,

As we begin another promising year, I’m honored to welcome you to the 2025 edition of the i-SIGMA Buyers’ Guide—a resource that stands at the heart of our industry’s success. This guide not only serves as a tool for sourcing top-tier products and services but also reflects the vibrant collaboration between our service provider members and corporate partner members.
At i-SIGMA, we recognize that our industry thrives on the trust, expertise, and innovation fostered by these partnerships. Corporate partner members bring invaluable solutions that enable service providers to meet client needs with excellence, efficiency, and security. Together, this synergy drives the standards and professionalism our clients have come to expect.
The Buyers’ Guide represents more than just a directory; it’s a testament to the collective strength of our association. By choosing to work with trusted partners featured in this guide, you not only invest in quality but also reinforce the integrity of the secure information lifecycle management and data destruction industries.
Our Team at i-SIGMA, we remain committed to championing initiatives that empower your businesses to grow and succeed. Over the past year, we have introduced new member benefits, streamlined our operations, and strengthened our certification programs to better serve you. These advancements were made possible by the dedication and collaboration of our entire i-SIGMA community—a true reflection of what we can achieve when we work together.
As you explore this year’s guide, I encourage you to connect with our corporate partners and consider how their offerings can enhance your operations. These businesses are not just vendors; they are allies in your success, standing ready to help you navigate challenges and seize opportunities in a dynamic marketplace.
Thank you for your continued commitment to the values and mission of i-SIGMA. Together, we are building a stronger, more resilient industry that remains an essential pillar in safeguarding information and fostering trust.
Here’s to another year of collaboration, growth, and achievement.
Warm regards,
Nathan Campbell CEO, i-SIGMA

When you make the investment to become an i-SIGMA® Member, you gain access to resources and tools, which assist your business within the information management governance industry. As a member, you’re also supporting the success of our industry as a whole, as i-SIGMA® advocates for better business practices and legal parameters.
All i-SIGMA Members
• IG Journal
The quarterly industry and member journal
• iG Direct
The twice monthly e-newsletter to keep members up-to-date
• Buyers’ Guide

A handy directory of industry product and service suppliers
• Industry blog: Your resource for articles and thoughtleadership between journal editions
The annual conference and expo attracts the largest concentration of secure data destruction professionals worldwide and is one of the largest secure information management
shows as well. It has proven to be an invaluable networking and educational opportunity for professionals who want to learn from experts, exchange ideas, and see new products and the latest industry technology.
i-SIGMA® hosts events throughout the world on any given year, often with content focused for one division or the other. The content for each regional event is specific to those who would attend, be that in Europe, Australasia, or elsewhere, sharing applicable best practices for their specific industry segment, target audience, and applicable changing laws.
When a new program is launched or legislation is amended, i-SIGMA® provides webinars to keep members informed. Some are also housed in the Members Only portal for future reference.
Those new and old to the secure data destruction industry find this two-day workshop, covering industry information, data protection legislation, and sales and marketing tips, invaluable for growing their business.
As a member benefit, i-SIGMA® reaches out to legal, accounting, and other consulting resources to resolve i-SIGMA® Member questions and concerns about industry services. i-SIGMA™ provides this service at no cost to members.
i-SIGMA® brings industry professionals together via face-to-face events, like the annual conference which hosts approximately a thousand attendees, and online through industry related discussions on our LinkedIn Group and in our members-only Facebook group, where individuals can get to know the lighter side of their colleagues.
The i-SIGMA® website is chalked full of helpful information, especially in the newsroom, which is regularly updated, and the i-SIGMA® Market, which lists industry product and service suppliers at your fingertips.
i-SIGMA® seeks out the best qualified legal authorities to create sample contracts and agreements aligned with current data protection regulations. These vary by division and are provided to eligible members at no cost. Examples include:
•Standardized Industry Contract Language and Liability Limitations
•GDPR Compliant Industry Contract Language

•An updated HIPAA/HITECH Business Associate Agreement
•Red Flags Rule language for Internal Policies and Contracts
•Regulatory Compliant Standard Terms and Conditions
•Regulatory Compliant Operational Policies and Procedures
•Employee and Client Confidentiality Agreements
•Data Breach Notification Agreements
•Customer Information Destruction Policy and Form Templates
•Commercial Records Center Self Evaluation Checklist
i-SIGMA® members have access to value-added tools and training that are regulatory requirements for their customers, making them an integral partner in their clients’ overall compliance strategy.
•Information Destruction Compliance Toolkit
•Customer Employee Training Program
•Doctors’ Office Marketing Program
NAID AAA Certification
i-SIGMA® Members have access to the most prominent, industry recognized third party security certification. NAID AAA Certification is now required by thousands of organizations around the world, including government agencies and health care and financial companies, and its security components are selling points to win new business.
PRISM Privacy+® Certification
i-SIGMA® Members have access to Privacy+, the prestigious international certification program that allows records and information management companies to demonstrate their commitment to ensuring the privacy of information.
CSDS® Professional Accreditation

i-SIGMA® has produced the only professional accreditation for individuals in the secure destruction industry in the world. By earning the Certified Secure Destruction Specialist® (CSDS) accreditation, industry professionals not only gain critical knowledge, they also improve sales and earn the respect of customers.
Downstream Data® Coverage
NAID AAA Certified Members have access to Downstream Data Coverage (www. downstreamdata.com), the only i-SIGMA®endorsed professional liability insurance product that provides complete and meaningful coverage to cover all risks and liabilities in the secure destruction industry.
Employee Operational Training & Validation
Training programs have been designed for i-SIGMA® members and their employees to promote best practices and protect customers. Educate your team on data protection responsibilities and acceptable operational security practices.
All Active/Company Members are listed in the i-SIGMA® Services Locator. The site sees thousands of web visitors monthly, many of whom are seeking a local service provider for their RIM and secure destruction needs and finds one there.
All Associate/Corporate Partner Members supplying products and services to active members within the industry are listed in the i-SIGMA® market by category and region. This is a great resource for Active members to find business solutions at their fingertips.
NAID AAA Certified Members may leverage code to display their credentials on their site so that visitors are always up-to-date on their certification status. This will be offered to Privacy+ Certified Members in the near future.
Active/Company Members of i-SIGMA can proudly display the appropriate corporate partner logo. Certified members may boast their certificate credentials.
i-SIGMA® has made it easy for members to reach their customers, by creating informational and sales tools to leverage, including content that can be reused, brochures and flyers available for download, and videos that can be shared. These sales tools educate customers, increase business, and enhance the professional image of member companies.

i-SIGMA® has active relationships with buying group associations (i.e., our members’ customers) and do public relations to keep prospective clients and the public educated on the need for secure RIM and data destruction as well as informed on the latest in news and regulations.

Recycling & Waste Equipment Division.
The Avis Industrial Recycling & Waste Equipment Division proudly serves customers across the environmental services industry, including: Metals R ecycling Facilities | Materials R ec overy Facilities (MRF’ s) | Auto Recyclers | Converting Plants Box Board Plants | MSW Transfer Station s | C&D Recy cling Plants
fast Facts
NAID® and PRISM International TM proudly came together in 2018 to offer comprehensive information lifecycle management under the auspices of the newly formed International Secure Information Governance & Management Association® (i-SIGMA®). But who is i-SIGMA? Discover the integrity behind the association you support.
Fact: i-SIGMA is a member-owned, non-profit association. Members, through their elected board, are in complete control of the association’s funds, and every dollar is spent to advance the interests of members and to promote the use of member services.
Fact: No one company contributes more than 3% of i-SIGMA’s total revenue, meaning the association is free of undue influence.
Fact: All i-SIGMA member-representatives are eligible and encouraged to serve on the Board of Directors. Directors are restricted from serving two consecutive terms, making sure there is healthy turnover so that it never becomes a “good ole boys club” and the general membership is well represented.
Fact: The overwhelming majority of those serving on the Board of Directors are owners or managers of small, independent businesses, which means they are ideal to best represent the general membership.
Fact: i-SIGMA utilizes a Code of Member Resolution Council with an established system for members to hold each other accountable. i-SIGMA will take action against any industry company engaging in harmful activities or producing materials with false information.
Fact: i-SIGMA as a trade-association (meaning our membership is made up of companies vs. a professional association wherein the membership is made up of individuals) believes in being cost sensitive to our members. Active member dues vary by division and company revenue; they are several thousand dollars less than other similar trade associations.
Fact: i-SIGMA international initiatives and events are fully funded by dues from the regions they serve. This means that i-SIGMA as a global entity has a healthy and proportionate focus on regions to membership.
Involvement to Shape the Industry
i-SIGMA® provides members with the opportunity to serve on committees, task forces, and the Board of Directors, which helps to shape the direction of the association as well as the secure information governance industry.
Member Resolution Council
The i-SIGMA® Member Resolution Council establishes a system for members to hold each other accountable. i-SIGMA® will take action against any industry company engaging in harmful activities or producing materials with false information.
Government Relations
i-SIGMA® forges relationships with government agencies and leaders to ensure they protect the role of secure information management service providers.
Industry Advocacy
i-SIGMA® has a successful history of working directly with the Federal Trade Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S. Financial Services Committee, Canadian House of Commons, Canadian Privacy Commissioner, and the British Standards Institution. i-SIGMA™ continues to foster these relationships.

Recent Endeavors
On behalf of its members i-SIGMA® has recently responded to the FTC on the FACTA Final Disposal Rule, testified before the Canadian House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics’ PIPEDA Review hearings, directly leading to the data breach notification law implemented November 1, 2018. It also arranged with the Australian Government that now through a special endorsement NAID AAA Certified destruction services in Australia may destroy Official Government (classified) information.
Industry Research
i-SIGMA® routinely conducts research to advance the interests of the industry and raise awareness among consumers and policymakers.
Recent Projects
i-SIGMA® has recently conducted the largest second-hand device electronic data research project in the world to date. Results from such studies have earned NAID increased attention and credibility and serves to enhance awareness.
AES - Advanced Equipment Sales
Jeff Diet terich 535 Hagey Rd Souderton, PA 18964 US (800) 572-9998
aesjeff@aesales.net www.aesales.net

Allegheny Shredders
Joseph Barush Old William Penn Highway East Delmont, PA 15626-0080 US (800) 245-2497 ext. 230 josephb@alleghenyshredders.com www.alleghenyshredders.com
For over half a century, Allegheny Shredders has been known for superior design and reliable, powerful, and safe equipment. Not only will our shredders, balers, and tippers (and much more!) provide you with years of troublefree high performance, but our industry knowledge and responsive service keep our customers coming back for more Allegheny customized solutions to enhance their success. Allegheny – our reputation and experience are as rock-solid as our equipment!
See our ad on page 24
Accent Wire Tie
Steve Schug 10131 FM 2920
Tomball, TX 7 7375 (706) 975-5920
sschug@accentwire.com ww.accentwiretie.com
American Baler Company
Misty Boyd 800 E Center Street Bellevue, OH 44811 US (419) 483-5790 mboyd@americanbaler.com www.americanbaler.com
See our ad on page 7
B E Equipment, Inc.
Jonathan Mann PO Box 139 Quakertown, PA 18951 US (215) 536-0700 jmann@beequipment.com www.beequipment.com
Tracie Dubuque 980 Crown Ct Crown Point, IN 46307-2732 (219) 663-4525 traciedubuque@balemaster.com www.balemaster.com
Harris Holly Waters 315 W 12th Ave Cordele, GA 31015-2333 US (615) 428-5949 holly.waters@harrisequip.com www.harrisequip.com

You pay membership dues to hear from the association. Are you receiving our communication pieces?
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• Text iSIGMA to 22828 to get started or email communications@isigmaonline.org today
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• If you see anything there, please mark as “Not Junk” so you can receive future emails
• Have your IT department Whitelist our domains:
• isigmaonline.org
• isigmaonline.ccsend.com
Have questions or concerns? Contact us at communications@isigmaonline.org.

Bins4 Shredding
Cory Layes
81 Rawson Avenue Barrie, Ontario L4N 6E5 Canada Canada and USA 855-792-4050 cory@bins4shredding.com www.bins4shredding.com
BINS4 Shredding have launched some incredible innovations that will make your secure containers last longer, safer to use and service in less than 1/3 the time. Don’t miss out on this HUGE advantage in the marketplace. Visit us at www.bins4shredding.com
See our ad on page 3
Griffin Resources LLC
Christopher LaMont
2876 NE Diamond Lake Blvd
Roseburg, OR 97470-3651
(702) 415-8350
Jake, Connor & Crew
European Division BM Box 3274, London, WC1N 3XX (00) 800 3525-JAKE (5253) sales@jakeconnorandcrew.co.uk www.jakeconnorandcrew.co.uk
See our ad on inside front cover

Jake, Connor & Crew
Will Vasey
199 Trillium Dr Unit #1 Kitchener, ON N2E 1W9 CA (877) 565-JAKE (5253) sales@jakeconnorandcrew.com www.jakeconnorandcrew.com
Celebrating 30 years as the industry’s most trusted and reliable manufacturer of shred carts and consoles. With a legacy built on innovation and dependability, we have earned our reputation as the leading name in secure container solutions.
Continuously refining our exclusive manufacturing process, we deliver durable, secure, and tailored products that meet the evolving needs of our customers. From our signature designs to creative, customized solutions, every cart and console embodies our unwavering commitment to quality, security and excellence. 3 decades…Still Your Best Friend in Document Protection!
See our ad on inside front cover
American Container Equipment & Supplies, LLC (ACES)
Emil Brignola III PO Box 70483
Marietta, GA 30007-0483 US (770) 971-6042 sales@acesllcusa.com www.acesllcusa.com

Bins4 Shredding
Cory Layes
81 Rawson Ave
Barrie, ON L4N 6E5 CA (855) 792-4050
cory@bins4shredding.com www.bins4shredding.com
BINS4 Shredding have launched some incredible innovations that will make your secure containers last longer, safer to use and service in less than 1/3 the time. Don’t miss out on this HUGE advantage in the marketplace. Visit us at www.bins4shredding.com
See our ad on page 3
Hallco Industries Inc.
Charley Russell PO Box 505 Tillamook, OR 97141 US (503) 842-8746 info@hallcoindustries.com www.hallcoindustries.com
EZ Tippers Mfg.
Shafer Gabrel 615 W 38th St Houston, TX 77018-6403 (281) 808-1435 sgabrel@eztippers.com

Connor & Crew
Will Vasey
199 Trillium Dr Unit #1 Kitchener, ON N2E 1W9 CA (877) 565-JAKE (5253) sales@jakeconnorandcrew.com www.jakeconnorandcrew.com
Celebrating 30 years as the industry’s most trusted and reliable manufacturer of shred carts and consoles. With a legacy built on innovation and dependability, we have earned our reputation as the leading name in secure container solutions.
Continuously refining our exclusive manufacturing process, we deliver durable, secure, and tailored products that meet the evolving needs of our customers. From our signature designs to creative, customized solutions, every cart and console embodies our unwavering commitment to quality, security and excellence. 3 decades…Still Your Best Friend in Document Protection!
See our ad on inside front cover
Rapid Distributing
Scott Dennis, CSDS PO Box 248
Grandville, MI 49468 US (616) 791-4747 sdennis@rapiddistributing.com www.RapidDistributing.com
Debbie Johnson 841 Meacham Rd Statesville, NC 28677-2983 (704) 872-817 1 djohnson@wastequip.com www.toter.com
Greg Haber 110 W Commercial Ave Moonachie, NJ 07074 US (800) 283-2222 Ext. 229 sales@babaco.com www.babaco.com

Bins4 Shredding
Cory Layes 81 Rawson Ave Barrie, ON L4N 6E5 CA (855) 792-4050 cory@bins4shredding.com www.bins4shredding.com
See our ad on page 3

Bins4 Shredding
81 Rawson Ave
Barrie ON L4N 6E5 CA
(855) 792-4050
cory@bins4shredding.com www.bins4shredding.com
See our ad on page 3

Are you interested in demonstrating your professionalism in the secure data destruction industry and closing more sales? Earn your credentials and become a Certified Secure Destruction Specialist® (CSDS®). www.isigmaonline.org/certifications/csds/
Shred America
Ray Barry 1682 Katy Ln Fort Mill, SC 29708-8974 ray@shredamerica.com www.shredamerica.com
ShredMetrics, LLC
Steven Innerfield, CSDS 101 E. Park Ave. #1165 Long Beach, NY 11561 US (516) 738-5225
info@shredmetrics.com www.shredMetrics.com

Boehringer Capital
Michael Boehringer 630 Bluebird Lane Aurora, OH 44202 (216) 789-9677
mlb@boehringercapital.com www.BoehringerCapital.com
See our ad on page 33
Greeneye Partners, LLC
Kelley Keogh 15845 Eastbend Way Apple Valley, MN 55124 US (707) 843-1632
kelley@greeneyepartners.com www.greeneyepartners.com
JT Environmental Consulting
Jason Teliszczak, CPP, CSDS PO Box 141444 Orlando, FL 32814 US (888) 583-6826
info@jtenv.com www.jtenv.com
Royal Sustainable Solutions
Stephen Lefon 1100 Rolling Dr Greenwood, MO 64034-9228 (816) 604-9740
slefon@royalsustainablesolutions.com www.royalsustainablesolutions.com
Ameri-Shred Corp
Julie Anderson
3490 US Highway 23 N Alpena, MI 49707-6910 US (989) 358-6121 (800) 634-8981
KEITH Mfg. Co.
James Robinson 401 NW Adler St Madras, OR 97741 US (541) 475-3802
sales@keithwalkingfloor.com www.keithwalkingfloor.com
See our ad below

Gulf Warehousing Company QSC
Vijayakumaran Kunnamkuzhi
PO Box 24434
Doha, QA
vijay.kumar@gulfwarehousing.com gwclogistics.com
CSR Privacy Solutions, Inc.
Dan Federgreen 830 NE Pop Tilton Pl
Jensen Beach, FL 34957-5009
dfedergreen@csrps.com www.csrps.com

Morgan Records Management, LLC
Laura Morgan 159 Frontage Rd Manchester. NH 03103-6013 (800) 604-3994
lmorgan@morganrm.com www.morganrm.com

Allegheny Shredders
Joseph Barush
Old William Penn Highway East Delmont, PA 15626-0080 US (800) 245-2497 ext. 230 josephb@alleghenyshredders.com www.alleghenyshredders.com
As the premier manufacturer of high capacity shredding systems, Allegheny is committed to providing EVERYTHING you need for secure, costeffective destruction of electronic media. Our hard drive shredders completely destroy not only rotary hard drives but solid state drives, circuit boards, cell phones, laptops, tablets, flash drives, and other e-scrap products. The future of information destruction is right around the corner… we’ll make sure you don’t fall behind!
See our ad on page 24
Ameri-Shred Corp
Julie Anderson
3490 US Highway 23 N Alpena, MI 49707-6910 US (989) 358-6121 (800) 634-8981
info@ameri-shred.com https://ameri-shred.com
Data Security, Inc.
Renee Schafer, CSDS
300 S 7th Street
Lincoln, NE 68508 US (402) 434-5959
rschafer@telesis-inc.com www.datasecurityinc.com
Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations
Casey Dingfelder
N5549 County Rd Z
Onalaska, WI 54650 US (608) 781-4030
cdingfelder@thinkdynamic.com www.thinkdynamic.com
eDR Europe
Helen Fouche Unit 4 Manor Farm Cottages Basingstoke, RG25 2RQ GB (44) 0 800-689-9010
sales@edreurope.com www.edreurope.co.uk
eDR Solutions, LLC
Charles Smith III PO Box 9181 Greenville, SC 29604 US (864) 672-4210 csmith@edrsolutions.com www.edrsolutions.com
Extreme Protocol Solutions Inc.
Colin Carufel 10 River Road, Ste 101 Uxbridge, MA 01569 US (508) 278-3600
sales@extremeprotocol.com www.EnterpriseDataErasure.com

Shred-Tech Corp.
295 Pinebush Road
Cambridge, ON N1T 1B2 CA 1-800-465-3214
sales@shred-tech.com www.shred-tech.com
See our ad on page 42
continued on page 20
VS Security Products LTD
Linda Schiro
Vecoplan North America
501 Gallimore Dairy Road
Greensboro, NC 27409 (336) 252-4994
info.us@vecoplan.com www.vecoplanllc.com
Made in the USA, Vecoplan’s mobile shredding solutions deliver reliable, powerful performance with operator-focused features and intuitive controls. Shred trucks in CDL and non-CDL models feature pierce-andtear shredders for secure, high-throughput, on-site destruction. Vecoplan also offers a Collection truck and unloading system for secure transport to off-site, plantbased shredding facilities. With the Vecoplan LiveLink app, truck management has never been easier, with remote access and real-time insights into performance metrics and maintenance needs - whether you’re monitoring one truck or an entire fleet. Backed by unparalleled service and support, Vecoplan’s mobile shredding solutions keep your business rolling.
See our ad on page 21
Alpine Shredders Limited
Guy Wakutz
30 Alpine Ct
Kitchener, ON N2E 2M7 CA (519) 745-8562
gwakutz@alpineshredders.com www.alpineshredders.com
See our ad on page 34
Ameri-Shred Corp
Julie Anderson
3490 US Highway 23 N Alpena, MI 49707-6910 US (989) 358-6121 (800) 634-8981
info@ameri-shred.com https://ameri-shred.com
3160 Texas Hill Rd Placerville, CA 95667-8472 US (530) 626-6924
info@vssecurityproducts.com www.veritysystems.com
Garner Products Inc.
Michael Harstrick, CSDS 10620 Industrial Avenue #100
Roseville, CA 95678 US (916) 784-0200
mharstrick@garner-products.com www.garner-products.com
Shredfast, Inc.
Rocky Rajewski 2714 S Garfield Rd.
Airway Hgts, WA 99001-9595 (509) 244-7076
rocky@shredsupply.com www.shredfast.com

ShredSupply, Inc.
Randy Rauenzahn
2714 S Garfield Rd
Airway Heights, WA 99001-2229
Phone: (509) 999-9539
Fax: (509) 340-9057
randy@shredsupply.com www.shredsupply.com

Shred-Tech Corp.
295 Pinebush Road
Cambridge, ON N1T 1B2 CA
sales@shred-tech.com www.shred-tech.com
How you can benefit from Shred-Tech®’s solutions:
- High ROI
- Easy financing options
- High security trucks
- Designed to last and easy to use
- Government compliant & environmentally friendly
- Best Cost of Ownership
- Nationwide Service Centers
- Proud Women Owned Business
- Largest Global Footprint of any Specialty Shredding Equipment Manufacturer
See our ad on page 42

Vecoplan North America
501 Gallimore Dairy Road Greensboro, NC 27409 (336) 252-4994 info.us@vecoplan.com www.vecoplanllc.com
Made in the USA, Vecoplan’s mobile shredding solutions deliver reliable, powerful performance with operator-focused features and intuitive controls. Shred trucks in CDL and non-CDL models feature pierce-and-tear shredders for secure, highthroughput, on-site destruction. Vecoplan also offers a Collection truck and unloading system for secure transport to off-site, plant-based shredding facilities. With the Vecoplan LiveLink app, truck management has never been easier, with remote access and real-time insights into performance metrics and maintenance needs - whether you’re monitoring one truck or an entire fleet. Backed by unparalleled service and support, Vecoplan’s mobile shredding solutions keep your business rolling.
See our ad on page 21
AES - Advanced Equipment Sales
Jeff Dietterich 535 Hagey Rd., Souderton, PA 18964 US (800) 572-9998
aesjeff@aesales.net www.aesales.net

Allegheny Shredders
Joseph Barush
Old William Penn Highway East Delmont, PA 15626-0080 US (800) 245-2497 ext. 230 josephb@alleghenyshredders.com www.alleghenyshredders.com
For over 50 years, we’ve provided our customers with effective, innovative solutions for every aspect of information destruction; that’s why they keep coming back. Our equipment – from balers to hard drive/e-scrap shredders to complete shredding systems – is recognized as the most reliable in the industry. We offer all top five technologies for paper shredding: strip cut, cross-cut, cross-shred, particle cut, and single shaft rotary grinders. Come see what experience can do!
See our ad on page 24
Ameri-Shred Corp
Julie Anderson
3490 US Highway 23 N Alpena, MI 49707-6910 US (989) 358-6121 (800) 634-8981 info@ameri-shred.com https://ameri-shred.com
HSM of America, LLC
Marshall Eubanks 419 Boot Rd Downingtown, PA 19335-3043 US (910) 245-2171
marshall.eubanks@hsmofamerica.com www.hsmofamerica.com
Lindner Recyclingtech America
Jeff Wolfe 152 Walker Rd Statesville, NC 28625 US (336) 471-6662
jeff.wolfe@lindner.com www.lindner.com

Shred-Tech Corp.
295 Pinebush Road Cambridge, ON N1T 1B2 CA 1-800-465-3214 sales@shred-tech.com www.shred-tech.com
How you can benefit from Shred-Tech®’s solutions:
- High ROI
- Easy financing options
- High security trucks
- Designed to last and easy to use
- Government compliant & environmentally friendly
- Best Cost of Ownership
- Nationwide Service Centers
- Proud Women Owned Business
- Largest Global Footprint of any Specialty Shredding
Equipment Manufacturer
See our ad on page 42
continued on page 25

Vecoplan North America
501 Gallimore Dairy Road Greensboro, NC 27409 (336) 252-4994
info.us@vecoplan.com www.vecoplanllc.com
Made in the USA, Vecoplan’s mobile shredding solutions deliver reliable, powerful performance with operator-focused features and intuitive controls. Shred trucks in CDL and non-CDL models feature pierce-and-tear shredders for secure, high-throughput, on-site destruction. Vecoplan also offers a Collection truck and unloading system for secure transport to off-site, plant-based shredding facilities. With the Vecoplan LiveLink app, truck management has never been easier, with remote access and real-time insights into performance metrics and maintenance needs - whether you’re monitoring one truck or an entire fleet. Backed by unparalleled service and support, Vecoplan’s mobile shredding solutions keep your business rolling.
See our ad on page 21
Audit Quality
Regulatory Alignment
Security Specifications
Provide Audit Report
Free Compliance Monitoring
i-SIGMA's NAID AAA Certification Program
When it comes to service provider qualifications, choose the certification program with strength and integrity.
On any day of the week, a NAID AAA Certified company could be audited. A global network of 17 accredited security consultants conduct biannual scheduled and random audits in the field and at all facilities. Free audit reports are available to clients.
The program requires written policies and procedures for each company to ensure incident response preparedness, employee training, and regulatory compliance.
Accredited auditors review employee background screening and training, compliance with written procedures, access controls, operational security, destruction equipment, and confidentiality agreements.
A customer may request an audit report to monitor the service provider and to ensure they meet the regulatory risk assessment requirements.
A customer may monitor compliance by subscribing to email notifications of the service provider’s certification renewal, audit, or lapse.
The Certification Review Board and the Certification Rules Committee oversee the program’s integrity, both of which contain industry veterans and outside, accredited professionals. Oversight
Program Acceptance
Program Recognition

All documents and specifications are available to the public for free and online. Audit reports and monitoring services are also provided to clients at no charge. The association’s financial records and board of director’s meeting minutes are available online as well.
More than 1,000 operations on five continents are NAID AAA Certified, including mobile, plantbased, paper, and computer destruction services. NAID AAA Certification is required by hundreds of government offices and thousands of private contracts.
NAID AAA Certification is acknowledged by many accreditation programs, such as those offered by the International Association of IT Asset Managers, the Institute of Certified Records Managers, and the R2 IT asset recycling program certification offered by the Sustainable Electronic Recycling Institute (SERI).
For more information, contact the Certification Department at 602-788-6243 or certification@isigmaonline.org
Vecoplan North America
501 Gallimore Dairy Road Greensboro, NC 27409 (336) 252-4994 info.us@vecoplan.com www.vecoplanllc.com
See our ad on page 21

Shred-Tech Corp.
295 Pinebush Road Cambridge, ON N1T 1B2 CA
1-800-465-3214 sales@shred-tech.com www.shred-tech.com
See our ad on page 42
Security Engineered Machinery Co., Inc.
Heidi White
5 Walkup Dr, PO 1045 Westboro, MA 01581 US (508) 366-1488
h.white@semshred.com www.semshred.com

i-SIGMA Has Launched a New Portal for Members!

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When you visit isigmaonline.org, you will see the “Member Portal” button in the top right corner. Click on this and you will see a new login page.Click “Set Up Account” and follow the steps to get your account set-up and synced.
2. Update Info
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Whenyouareonthenewportal, lookaroundandmakesureyour companiescurrentinformationis uptodate.Thisincludes employees,companyaddress, phonenumber,etc.
Crawford Thomas Recruiting
William Stonehouse
429 S Keller Road, Ste 250 Orlando FL 32810 US (407) 960-5800
william.s@crawfordthomas.com www.crawfordthomas.com
Matt Sweeney 320 LeClaire St Davenport, IA 52801 US (563) 323-5922
matt@inquirehire.com www.inquirehire.com
BMO Transportation Finance
Frank Zellner
300 E John Carpenter Fwy
Irving, TX 75062-2727 US (214) 492-4479
Frank.Zellner@BMO.COM www.bmotf.com
Intek Truck & Equipment Leasing
Paul Gar funkel CVLP
152 Eagle Rock Ave
Roseland, NJ 07068 US (973) 403-7 788 paul@intekleasing.com www.intekleasing.com/mobile-shredding-trucks-leasingfinancing.php
Trans Lease, Inc.
Doug Ferrante
1400 W 62nd Ave
Denver, CO 80221-2400
doug.ferrante@transleaseinc.com www.transleaseinc.com
Merit Profiles Background Screening
Bill Rinehar t 160 N 9th St Grover Beach, CA 93433 US (805) 489-4500
wlr@meritprofiles.com www.MeritProfiles.com
VettFirst Security, LLC
Jason Lawson 2712 Middleburg Dr Ste 222 Columbia, SC 29204-2415 jason.lawson@vettfirst.com vettfirst.com/naid-background-checks/
Russell Atkins 955 NW 17th Ave Ste D Delray Beach, FL 33445-2516 (336) 422-6151 russell.atkins@iriscorporate.com www.irisdatacapture.com
Downstream Data Coverage
Nathan Campbell
3030 N Central Ave., #706 Phoenix, AZ 85012 US (602) 788-6243
ncampbell@isigmaonline.org www.downstreamdata.com
See our ad on page 36

Boehringer Capital
Michael Boehringer
630 Bluebird Lane Aurora, OH 44202 (216) 789-9677
mlb@boehringercapital.com www.BoehringerCapital.com
See our ad on page 33

Ross Engelman 7901 4th Street N. Suite 11432
St Petersburg FL 33702 USA
+1 (484) 222 3123
ross@k-2partners.com www.k-2partners.com
K-2 Partners specializes in Mergers & Acquisitions services to the Records and Information Management and Destruction industries by helping owners achieve record valuations when selling. We each have decades of senior management RIM industry operating experience and have completed 350+ M&A transactions, worth more than US$6 billion in the US and worldwide.
Our industry background, senior-level relationships and vast deal experience mean that we know the buyers, their objectives and how to efficiently complete a deal that represents a win for owners like you. Most importantly, we have an unmatched track record of exceeding expectations, irrespective of market conditions.
K-2 Partners, LLC
Art’s Cube, LLC
Brannon A. Williams, MBA 604 Lee Street Salisbury, NC 28144-2870 (833) 737-8481
helpme@artscube.biz www.artscube.biz
NetGain SEO
Drew Dekker 174 Bayfield Street Barrie, ON L4M 3B5 (888) 797-2455
info@netgainseo.com www.netgainseo.com
Record Nations
Rand LeMarinel
777 S Wadsworth Blvd Ste 3-250 Lakewood, CO 80226-4369 (303) 962-5585
rlemarinel@shrednations.com www.shrednations.com
Shred Nations
Rand LeMarinel
777 S Wadsworth Blvd Ste 3-250 Lakewood, CO 80226-4369 (303) 962-5585
rlemarinel@shrednations.com www.shrednations.com
Steve Elmore 8401 Old Courthouse Road Vienna, VA 22182 US (703) 584-3990
selmore@sourceamerica.org www.sourceamerica.org
Tom Adams 793 Center Street, Unit #356 Lewiston, NY 14092 US (800) 450-5390
info@webvitality.net www.webvitality.net
MedXwaste Franchise LLC
Sean Fredricks 13340 Lincoln Rd Riverview, FL 33578-7506 (844) 733-2247
sean@redbags.com www.medxwaste.com

Boehringer Capital
Michael Boehringer 630 Bluebird Lane
Aurora, OH 44202 (216) 789-9677
mlb@boehringercapital.com www.BoehringerCapital.com
After 25 years in the shredding and records storage industries as an operator, owner, buyer, seller, and broker, Boehringer Capital is uniquely qualified to guide you throughout your journey of growing, positioning, and selling your business. Throughout my experience, I have found it important to periodically step back, check the value of an investment, survey the environment, and commit to a revitalized strategy. Together we can determine whether it’s time to test the sales waters or to keep growing. Boehringer Capital will be your advocate and ultimately help you maximize the value of your investment.
See our ad on page 33
Greg Stangle
700 Commerce Dr, Ste 500 Oak Brook, IL 60523-8736 US (312) 420-8100
gstangle@ig2data.com www.ig2data.com

K-2 Partners, LLC
Ross Engelman 7901 4th Street N. Suite 11432
St Petersburg FL 33702 USA
+1 (484) 222 3123
ross@k-2partners.com www.k-2partners.com
K-2 Partners specializes in Mergers & Acquisitions services to the Records and Information Management and Destruction industries by helping owners achieve record valuations when selling. We each have decades of senior management RIM industry operating experience and have completed 350+ M&A transactions, worth more than US$6 billion in the US and worldwide.
Our industry background, senior-level relationships and vast deal experience mean that we know the buyers, their objectives and how to efficiently complete a deal that represents a win for owners like you. Most importantly, we have an unmatched track record of exceeding expectations, irrespective of market conditions.
Koop Advisors
Todd Koopersmith PO Box 131 Wayland, MA 017 78-0131 (617) 359-0509
todd@koopadvisors.com www.koopadvisors.com
Pioneer Capital Management LLC
J Peter Pierce
300 Conshohocken State Rd Ste 180 Conshohocken, PA 19428-3816 US (610) 862-2100
ppierce@pioneercapital.com www.pioneercapital.com

Cochranton, PA 16314-0192
(814) 425-3385 sales@channeldeck.com www.ChannelDeck.com

AMS Store and Shred, LLC
Denise Hammer, CSDS
13 Prosper Ct
Lake In The Hills, IL 60156 US 800-262-2344
For over 40 years AMS has been one of the most trusted names in the x-ray and radiograph recycling industry. AMS offers some of the highest silver assay and silver recovery rates in the industry. Our NAID AAA certification means that our customers enjoy the confidence and security that only a NAID AAA Certified company can offer. Our team helps you meet regulatory compliance guidelines during the recycling process. Our entire staff receives annual HIPAA/HITECH compliance training, while CSDS consultants ensure adherence to the highest industry standards. Fully insured, with a recycling volume of over 10 million pounds annually means you can trust our expertise to bring the highest rebate returns on your expired x-ray films. Specialized programs handle large and small volumes from truckloads to single cartons. Call us today for your best experience ever in archival film destruction and recycling.
See our ad below

Stop the cascading effects of data breach. Go beyond verbal assurances and show clients that your professional liability coverage protects not only you, but their firm too … even if you never need to use it.

Gain the confidence and resources to stand behind your commitments in a way that no one else in the market can.
Professional liability coverage created for NAID AAA Certified companies
www.downstreamdata.com 877-710-2498 Downstream Data Coverage protects against:


Commodity Resource & Environmental Inc.
Stacy Aesoph 116 E Prospect Ave Burbank, CA 91502 US (818) 843-2811
saesoph@creweb.com www.creweb.com
Commodity Resource and Environmental (CRE) is one of the largest purchasers and recyclers of scrap x-ray microfilm and graphic arts silver bearing film in the United States. CRE also offers a secure HIPAA BAA compliant system for all your x-ray film records and a certificate of destruction and insurance. Ship or deliver your scrap film to CRE for maximizing your recycling profits. CRE was the first NAID AAA Certified refiner in the United States, and we are celebrating 45 years in business. See our ad on page 39
Imaan International Inc.
Valerie Smith
2000 International Pkwy Ste 101 Fredericksburg, VA 22406-1226 (540) 737-4500
Valerie@imaaninc.com www.imaaninc.com
Pyromet Recycling
Lon Rudnitsky 5 Commerce Drive Aston, PA 19014 US (610) 497-1743
lon@pyromet999.com www.pyromet999.com
Rochester Silver Works
Greg Munier 100 Latona Rd, Building 110 Rochester, NY 14652 US (585) 743-1624
gmunier@rochestersilverworks.com www.rochestersilverworks.com
Sunada Recycling
Yoshi Sunada 14126 Orange Ave Paramount, CA 90723-2019 (424) 246-7700
sunadarecycling@gmail.com www.sunadarecycling.com
Tetra Recycling Inc
Bobbi Jo Roote 2210 Sycamore Dr Knoxville, TN 37921-1747 US (570) 241-3194
bjroote@tetrarecycling.com www.tetrarecycling.com
American Fiber Services
Joe Hummel
2400 Lake Park Drive, Suite 425 Smyrna, GA 30080 (770) 790-4000
Jhummel@amfiberservices.com www.americanfiberservices.com
Cook Paper Recycling Corporation
Joe Jurden 6901 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Suite 116 Overland Park, KS 66202-4004 US (913) 956-5060
jjurden@cookpaper.com www.cookpaper.com
Fourth Generation Recycling
Zachary Kirstein 6550 N Federal Hwy, Ste 522 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308-1417 US (860) 924-8030
zk@4grecycling.com www.4Grecycling.com
David At tanucci 900 Port Centre Pkwy Portsmouth, VA 23704-6700 US dattanucci@dacsinc.com www.dacsinc.com
Securaze AG
Andrew Kroeger
7014 E Camelback Rd #1452 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 (480) 519-2144
andrew.kroeger@securaze.com www,securaze.com/en/welcome
International Paper Recycling
Amy Phillips 1714 Cebrian St West Sacramento, CA 95691-3819
amy.phillips@ipaper.com www.ipaper.com
Mid America Paper Recycling
Don Gaines 3865 West 41st Street Chicago, IL 60632 US (773) 890-5454
dgaines@midamericapaper.com www.midamericapaper.com
Royal Paper Stock
Jason Radtke
1300 Nor ton Rd Columbus, OH 43228-3640 (614) 851-4719
jason@royalpaperstock.com www.royalpaperstock.com
Andrews Software, Inc.
Scott Bidwell
6930 W Snowville Rd
Brecksville, OH 44141 US (440) 546-97 71
sbidwell@andrewssoftware.com www.andrewssoftware.com
Abhishek Jain 48 Bridge St Metuchen, NJ 08840 US (844) 7 75-0101
abhishek@stellarinfo.com www.bitraser.com
Digitech Systems Inc.
Jeff Cohn 8400 E Crescent Pkwy Ste 500 Greenwood Village, CO 80111-2841 (747) 470-3065
jeff.cohn@digitechsystems.com www.DigitechSystems.com
DocuData Software Inc.
Clifford Besner 840 Satim St. St. Laurent, QC , Canada H4M 2W8 (514) 789-2789 Ext. 245
cliffordb@docudatasoft.com www.docudatasoft.com


EZshred Software Systems
Ron Ray 7621 Chardon Road, Suite B Kirtland, Ohio 44094 (877) 392-7 123 rray@EZshred.com www.EZshred.com
EZshred pioneered the development of software tailored specifically for the shredding and document destruction sector, establishing itself as an original innovator in the field. Over the years, we have not only shaped but redefined the industry landscape. Presently, our versatile software caters to businesses of all sizes, addressing diverse needs such as document destruction, medical waste management, record storage, hard drive destruction, and recycling.
EZshred plays a pivotal role for hundreds of companies by providing comprehensive solutions for scheduling, routing, invoicing, reporting, and customer management. Our user-friendly app, compatible with both Android and Apple smartphones, enhances field operations, offering features such as proof of service, inventory management, and increased productivity.
Harness the power of our cutting-edge routing software, seamlessly integrated with Google Maps, to optimize your routes and minimize expenses. Whether running on your local computer system or in the Cloud, EZshred is designed to save you valuable time, money, and contribute to increased sales. Don’t let your business dictate the terms; let EZshred empower you to effectively manage and grow your business!
O’Neil Software, Inc.
Aaron Ryssemus 11 Cushing Ste 100 Irvine, CA 92618-4233 (949) 458 1234 ext. 239 aaron.ryssemus@oneilsoft.com www.oneilsoft.com
ShredMetrics, LLC
Steven Innerfield, CSDS 101 E. Park Ave. #1165 Long Beach, NY 11561 US (516) 738-5225 info@shredmetrics.com www.ShredMetrics.com
ShredMetrics says:
“Don’t hire more people for your office… get better software instead!”
Our Cloud-Based shredding software can help run every part of your business, from Sales to Collections. Q-Shred® was built from scratch for the Shredding Industry so you can do everything you need all in one platform without jumping from software to software. Start in our CRM module and automatically send your prospects timed follow-up emails. Make up a customers’ schedule for the year with 3 mouse clicks… and send it to them with just one more click. Optimize your routing, let your drivers use our awardwinning mobile app, collect credit card payments, and even send Statements all within Q-Shred®. Autorenew your customers at the end of the year, and let our API to QuickBooks Online make bookkeeping entries seamless. Q-Shred® supports both mobile and plant-based shredding, along with hard drive shredding and serial number capture right in the app. Please call us to arrange a personal demonstration. The Q-Shred Mobile App was the winner of the 2023 i-SIGMA Operations Impact Award.

Total Recall Software by DHS Worldwide Software Solutions
563 Blanding Blvd, Ste 3 Orange Park, FL 32073 US (904) 213-0448
info@dhsworldwide.com www.dhsworldwide.com
Total Recall Shredding Management Software by DHS Worldwide delivers an unmatched, end-to-end solution for shredding businesses, empowering success across every operational area:
• Sales – CRM, Online Requests, Quotes, and Contract Acceptance
• Customer Service – Seamless Client Onboarding and Self-Service Web Portal
• Operations – Route Planning, Optimization, and Profitability Forecasting
• Inventory Control – Driver Scanning, and Bin Barcoding/Physical Location Tracking
• Finance – Streamlined Invoicing, Automated AR Follow-ups, Cash Flow Automation and Web Payments
• Management – Real-Time Task Prioritization and Actionable Metrics by Division
For over 30 years, DHS has been a trusted leader in shredding, commercial records and ITAD management software, equipping organizations with cutting-edge technology, innovative solutions, and unparalleled industry expertise.
WipeOut Inc
Ramesh Devare 5550 Sterrett Place Ste. 311 Columbia, MD 21044-2628 (410) 730-0667
ramesh.devare@indisoft.us www.wipeoutinc.us
ShredMetrics, LLC
Steven Inner field, CSDS 101 E Park Ave. #1165 Long Beach, NY 11561 US (516) 738-5225
info@shredmetrics.com www.shredMetrics.com

Vendor Member Index
P +1 602-788-6243 F 480-658-2088
3030 N. Central Ave., Ste. 706 Phoenix, AZ 85012, USA