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Enforcement, not legislation

Ginindza defines construction waste as rubble, such as broken concrete, ceramics, wood, metals and bricks, while construction debris refers to tiles, plaster, roof material, doors and pipes.

“Construction waste generally consists of materials used to build and then becomes waste during the demolition or renovation of buildings, roads, bridges and other similar structures. It’s all considered debris,” she explains.

She adds that construction waste is heavier, bulkier and takes up more space than other sorts of waste, primarily household waste, which is a significant problem.

Despite the use of modern waste management technologies, Ginindza believes that landfilling is still SA’s most dependable waste management option at the moment. “However, when not properly managed, landfills create a number of health problems for local communities through air pollution, leachate outbreaks, vectors carrying diseases and odorous gas. There are already quite a few landfills that don’t meet the minimum standards. South African waste legislation is adequate; it’s the application and enforcement that seem to be challenges,” she says.

So what do countries that get it right do differently – and how can SA learn from them?

“They have a separate landfill for construction waste and there are re-use options for the debris to reduce what goes to the landfill,” explains Ginindza. “They also have screening or sorting facilities on site. Sorting can be done at the source as well.”

Focusing on now and the future

She says SA should focus on both shortand long-term solutions.

“An immediate change would be to separate general waste from construction waste. To create permanent change, role-players need to explore re-use options and then reduce the amount of waste that’s landfilled.”

She adds that while it is true that landfill airspace appears to be decreasing throughout the country, major changes cannot be made to the current waste system. The only real solution would be through consistent and gradual changes.

Technical expertise is the first step

“The first step would be using smart technical knowledge and approaches to maximise airspace. Waste should be diverted for fast, practical gains. This can be done by increasing the efficiency of the current landfill systems, using dynamic compaction techniques, researching different expansion levels, finding alternate waste diversion methods and choosing appropriate waste-to-resources programmes,” says Ginindza.

She stresses that the construction industry produces a lot of waste and that it needs to recognise that it has a significant role to play in resource management.

“It needs to support the waste industry by fostering the principles of the three Rs: reduce, re-use and recycle,” she says.

A construction site’s assets are the valuable tools and equipment necessary for successful completion of a project. This guide will help you manage them with maximum efficiency to lower costs

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