1 minute read
Although market indicators and polls reveal an unexpectedly high confidence level in the building industry, the SME business conditions survey of the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) found most respondents were still dissatisfied with market conditions.
At the same time, the CIDB reports general business confidence up 10 points from Q2, 28 index points for Q3 2021 – unlike civil engineering, where it has declined by eight points over the same period.
The value of recorded building plans passed in SA rose 33,5% from a year earlier to R9 million in August 2021, the seventh straight month of increases, after an upwardly revised 51,2% growth in July. Building plans increased for all sectors: residential buildings (41,1%), non-residential buildings (2,3%) and additions and alterations (32,3%).
Indicators have never been more positive for builders with a green edge and significant new funding opportunities are arising directly from the climate change emergency. This is an area where political will still lags behind social and market forces, but as it catches up, it will be a public and private sector imperative.
It is both a responsibility and an honour to serve the industry as the new editor of SA Builder. Over my 20 years of covering the built environment and utility sectors, it has been a cornerstone publication and very much on my wish-list. As we approach the final days of 2021, the outlook for the new year is actually strong, despite some unanticipated headwinds. However, “unanticipated” has become the watchword of our present times, so we soldier on together, in good cheer and good faith.
Wishing you all a safe, happy and revitalising holiday season, as well as a healthy, successful and blessed new year.
Nicholas McDiarmid, Editor, SA Builder