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The arrival of spring, along with the first of the summer rains, marks a period of rejuvenation and hope that we can build upon the foundations of projects and plans that have gone before.

We are also seeing the first green shoots of recovery in the economy, with resources and retail showing better-than-expected results in the weeks prior to this issue of SA Builder. Experience has taught us that it will not be long before the building industry also sees an upswing, as purse strings are slowly loosened and money becomes available for more building projects to see the light of day.

Sometimes all that is needed is a small trigger to cause an avalanche of change, so let’s hope that the advent of the new season and the good sentiments regarding the state of the economy bring us closer to our goal of rebuilding South Africa.

In the spirit of new beginnings, it is interesting to see that compaction equipment manufacturer Bomag has appointed Smith Power as its agent in South Africa, hopefully just in time to catch on to a host of infrastructure renewal programs. Hamm has also released a new range of pneumatic tyre rollers that should see good service on upcoming roads projects.

Similarly, hardware retailer BuildIt has launched its new look and refreshed brand just in time for Spring. New products from Atlas Copco, Dartcom and others adds impetus to the renewal theme.

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