Fast Portuguese/English Guide

Page 1

Enhance Your Knowlegde

Welcome aboard to the Unit I of Fast Portuguese/English Guide. Here we are going to look at some expressions for greetings, addressing people and introductions. At the end you´ll be able to introduce yourself or someone else in both situations: in a friendly situation or informal, and in business situation or formal. In formal situations the sentences are longer and we use more advanced structures. So, when you´re ready we can begin!


Contents / Índices Breaking the Ice / Primeiros Contatos UNIT I

Greetings; Saying Goodbye; Addressing People;


Informal & Formal Introductions; Introducing Someone else (informal way);


Introducing Someone (formal way); Some informal and formal conversations;


Hotel / Acomodação & Hospedagem UNIT II

Means of Transportation / Meios de Transportes UNIT III

Food / Alimentação UNIT IV

Food / Alimentação UNIT IV

Tour / Atrações Turísticas & Lazer UNIT V

Shopping / Compras UNIT VI

Health Care & Emergencies / Saúde & Emergências UNIT VII



“Primeiros Contatos” Apresentações: Formais e Informais / Cumprimentos / Apresentando-se / Despedindo-se

Unit I Chapter 1

Breaking the Ice Greetings

Saying good-bye


Hello! / Hi!

Olá! / Oi!* (informal)

Good morning!

Bom dia!

Good afternoon!

Boa tarde!

Good evening!

Boa noite!* (ao chegar)

Good night!

Boa noite!* (antes de dormir)

Good night!

Boa noite!* (ao se retirar / formal)


Até logo!* (formal)


Bye, bye! (Bye!)


See you!

Até breve!

See you around!

Nos vemos!

See you later!

Até mais!

Catch you later.

Até depois.

I´ll be off.

Estarei fora.

Talk to you later, bye!

Depois nos falamos, tchau!

Have a nice (great) day!

Tenha um belo (ótimo) dia!

Take care!


Addressing People

Formas de Tratamento








Informal Introduction

Apresentação Informal

To introduce yourself in an informal situation is very nice and simple. Hi, I am...

Oi, sou...

Hello, my name is…

Olá, meu nome é...

And to improve the dialogue you can say: How are you?

Como vai?

How are you doing?

Como tem passado?

Formal Introduction

Apresentação Formal

To introduce yourself in an formal situation requires a little bit long sentences and more advanced structures.

Introduding Someone

Hello! I don´t think we´ve met. Let me introduce myself. My name is…

Olá! Acredito que não nos conhecemos. Deixa-me apresentar-me. Meu nome é…

Good morning. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is...

Bom dia. Permita-me apresentar-me. Meu nome é...

Apresentando Alguém

First, let´s see how to introduce someone in an informal situation. Then, let´s see the most common informal answer. And finally, the most common informal response. Mike, this is my friend Peter.

Mike, este é o meu amigo Peter.

Hi, Peter. Nice to meet you.

Oi, Peter. Muito prazer em conhecê-lo.

Nice to meet you, too.

O prazer é todo meu.

You can also use other friendly expressions that mean “nice” such as: happy, lovely, pleased. Hello, Lucy. It´s lovely to meet you.

Olá, Lucy. Encantado em conhecê-la.

I´m pleased to meet you, too.

Fico feliz/contente em conhecer você, também.


Introducing Someone

Apresentando Alguém

Let´s see some expressions you may use in a formal / business situation when introducing someone else. May I introduce my colleague, Lucy Lee?

Posso lhe apresentar minha colega, Lucy Lee?

Allow me to introduce my colleague Lucy Lee?

Permita-me apresentar minha colega Lucy Lee?

I would like you to meet my colleague Lucy Lee.

Gostaria que você conhecesse minha colega Lucy Lee.

A common formal expression in introduction is: How do you do? And the answer to that is: How do you do? How do you do, sir?

Como vai, senhor?

How do you do?

Como vai?

Conversations Informal Style

Estilo Informal

Kate: Julie: Kate: Julie: Kate: Julie:

Kate: Julie: Kate: Julie: Kate: Julie:

Sue: Julie: Kate: Julie:

Hello. My name´s Kate. Hi, Kate. I´m Julie. Nice to meet you, Julie. Nice to meet you, too. This is my friend Sue. Yes, I know. We´ve already met. How are you, Sue? Fine, thanks. Andy you? Great, thanks. We must go now. Speak to you later, Julie. Ok. See you both later.

Sue: Julie: Kate: Julie:

Olá. Meu nome é Kate. Oi, Kate. Eu sou a Julie. Prazer em conhecê-la, Julie. Prazer é todo meu. Esta é a minha amiga Sue Sim. Eu a conheço. Nós já nos escontramos. Como você está, Sue? Bem, obrigada. E você? Muito bem, obrigada. Precisamos ir. Nos falamos mais tarde, Julie. Ok. Vejo vocês depois.

Formal Style - Business Meeting

Estilo Formal – Encontro de Negócios



Good Morning. I don´t think we´ve met. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kate Russel.

Julie: Kate:

How do you do. My name is Julie Bates. How do you do, Ms Bates. Allow me to introduce my colleague Sue Halen. Well, actually we´ve already met. Hello, Ms Halen. How are you? Very well, thank you. It´s very nice to see you again. And you.

Julie: Kate: Julie: Sue: Julie:

Good Morning. I don´t think we´ve met. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kate Russel. How do you do. My name is Julie Bates. How do you do, Ms Bates. Allow me to introduce my colleague Sue Halen. Well, actually we´ve already met. Hello, Ms Halen. How are you? Very well, thank you. It´s very nice to see you again. And you.

Julie: Sue: Julie:




Well, we must be on our way. It has been a pleasure meeting you Ms Bates. I hope to see you again soon. Likewise. I look forward to seeing you both again.



Well, we must be on our way. It has been a pleasure meeting you Ms Bates. I hope to see you again soon. Likewise. I look forward to seeing you both again.


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