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HAMPSTEAD HEATH KIRTANS The Sankirtan Team have been continuing the Hampstead Heath kirtan. This has been a nice way to share kirtan with the public. Many devotees were also taking part during the weekdays to help spread the Holy Names.

MENTORSHIP NEWS The following devotees were approved for initiation or officially aspiring for initiation:
Anjali Gupta
Ashmita Bauluck
Gayathri Jayanathan
Hanel Gir
Hema Shah
Jenny Yue
Sophie Georgiou Approved for first initiation from Candramauli Swami. Her mentor is Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.
Approved for officially aspiring from Radhanath Swami. Her mentor is Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.
Approved for officially aspiring from Jayapataka Swami. Her mentors are Satya Narayan dasa and Madhvi devi dasi.
Approved for first initiation from BB Govinda Swami. Her mentor is Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.
Approved for officially aspiring from Sacinandana Swami. Her mentors are Jai Nitai dasa and Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.
Approved for first initiation from Mahatma dasa. Her mentors are Satya Narayan dasa and Madhvi devi dasi.
Approved for officially aspiring from Radhanath Swami. Her mentor is Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.
INITIATION OF JENNY YUE Jenny Yue was initiated on Sunday 30th August by Mahatma dasa. The ceremony was conducted online via Zoom due to the travel restrictions. Her new name is Jayaradhe-devi dasi. Her mentors are Satya Narayan dasa and Madhvi devi dasi. Jenny, who joined Krishna consciousness in 2010 through friends and university preaching programmes, has also been serving her spiritual master for the past six years organising his schedule when he visits the UK and managing his WhatsApp and Telegram broadcasts.

Jayaradhe-devi dasi shared her thoughts about her mentors and her initiation day: “My mentors have been invaluable in my journey and I would not have been able to take such a significant step in my spiritual life without them. They have treated me like family rather than as a mentee. I am incredibly grateful that I have had the opportunity to learn from their wealth of experience in Krishna consciousness and can never repay them for their selfless support. I felt very fortunate and humbled to be able to receive initiation. It was the happiest day of my life and I was deeply moved by the kind words, wishes and prayers from so many well-wishers.”
READING CHALLENGE Bhava Bhakti devi dasi’s mentee group have continued with their “Be a Sage Page by Page” challenge. In July they read four pages a day of Sri Isopanisad in order to complete it in one month. They moved onto Nectar of Devotion Wave 1 (Chapters 1 to 19) and read four pages a day for five weeks in order to complete this challenge.