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Spiritual Mentorship System

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During lockdown most mentors have continued to have meetings online instead of in person. This allows the mentor to have consistent interaction with the group without losing touch and providing some spiritual stability in these uncertain times.

Bhava Bhakti devi dasi started a book club with her mentee group. They have been reading four pages of the Nectar of Instruction a day and have completed the whole book in one month. Everyone was very enlivened with the daily reading and they have now started to read the Sri Isopanisad.


One group that is meeting in person is the Ladies Ashram mentee group, whom Bhava Bhakti devi dasi is the mentor for, as they have all been isolating together during the lockdown. Some of the meeting highlights from this group are Krishna conscious Pictionary and individual mentee topic talks. It has not been easy for the residents to be locked down in the temple and having to take on a lot more services to cover for the volunteers who are unable to come at present.

Mentorship System: Testimonial from Gopi Candra devi dasi Gopi Candra devi dasi is currently staying in the Ladies Ashram. Her mentor is Bhava Bhakti devi dasi.

“ I have been here since June 2019 and my services are mainly in the pujari department. I also cook and clean too. I like to spend time with the ashram residents and my mentor in a more relaxed mood and discuss Krishna consciousness. I’m actually satisfied with the System!”

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