About Me! I am an Egyptian Architect graduated from the Arab Academy for Science and Technology in Cairo, in 2008. I received a Master’s degree in architecture from Dessau International Architecture Graduate School in Germany in 2011. I am interested in digital design and fabrication and how it helps reshape architecture. Along with this I have deep interest and perception for Photography and this helps me express my creativity in the most explicit way... ISLAM SALEM Architect
Bachelor Projects Graduation Project The New Egyptian Parliament-Cairo Instructors: Prof.Sawsan Badr & Prof.Ayman Wanas Bachelor Graduation Project SS_2008 Architectural Design 6 Heliopolis Library-Cairo Instructors: Dr.Lobna Sherif Design 6 Studio WS_2007-08
Graduation Project We were asked to redesign the new Egyptian parliament, and we were given the existing site of the parliament, a site area of 60,000 sqm. We were asked to choose between destroying the old building or keeping it for development. I kept only 2 buildings out of many which are, the old people’s assembly and the main building which holds the senate and the services for the people’s assembly,. Facade retention was done to both buildings, but changing the function within.
Architectural Design 6 Re-Designing one of the oldest Libraries in heliopolis district,. positioning of building clusters was done through geometrical analysis of the site shape.
Post Grad Projects
Piano Factory-Braunschweig Instructors: Stefan Worbes & Constantine Weber Shimmel Piano Factory Studio WS_2009-10 Transformers collective store-Berlin Instructors: Matias Delcampo & Sandra Maninnger Toy Store Studio SS_2010 Pavillion of Relaxation-Barcelona Instructors: Matias Delcampo & Sandra Maninnger Barcelona Density Studio WS_2010-11
The new Shimmel Piano factory at Braunschweig, is considered one of the most famous pianos factories in the world . Piano and nature follow both Order & Rhythm. A direct link between the factory and the people, Interaction is considered to be the link. People have access to the roof of the building they can walk, sit, rest, and talk over its roof and enjoy the pleasant nature, while hearing the newly produced pianos being tried out by the most famous piano artists from all over the world.
Piano Factory
S t o r e This project will be composed mainly of an Exhibition area. The store should be addressing most of the characteristics and features of the item to be collected. Through morphological intelligence, which promises spatial paradigm.
Barcelona Pavilion The varying densities of Barcelona’s urban texture serve as a field for speculations on the parametric nature of this historic example. The project is to design a small scale pavilion in the city of Barcelona to contribute to the contemporary urban character of the city that includes the volatile conditions of simulated environmental pressures.
Master Thesis Project
Thesis supervisors: Matias Delcampo & Sandra Maninnger As result of what has been acknowledged in the past design studios, and being acquainted to many of the digital design tools and methods, and pursuing them in the studio for 2 semesters. My interest and curiosity led me in knowing how these complex designs we produce in the studio can be an actual reality. My ulterior Purpose was to prove the idea of how to implement the tools in the actual preparation and manufacturing of Architecture.
Surface population using grasshopper was implemented. The design of the main component was done using Maya.
Fabrication Automation On seeing this component, I realized it comprises of 48 tubes and 2 connecting rings. Further to that I recognized that these tubes can be fabricated using the CNC tube bending machine, and these two rings can be CNC milled using 5-Axes CNC milling machine.
After knowing and understanding the information as to how to fabricate a single component, I still encountered Problems that this pavilion is made of 70 components, each component is made of 50 parts, which meant I have 3500 parts in this pavilion which need to get the information required for the manufacturing process out of each single component, knowing that none of the components are identical. Hence, to move forward it was very essential for me to find a way which would help in proceeding further.
Milling Simulation
I feed the grasshopper definition with only 2 inputs - the surface and the component having to be populated, in Addition, this definition will be in a position to then orient itself to each component of the 70 components on A flat surface and it provides a tag for each component, then it takes each component and decomposes it into 50 parts, tagging 48 tubes and two connecting rings. The rings to be CNC milled, and the 48 tubes to be CNC Bent. The tubes are also analysed providing the XYZ point coordinates which are exported to excel sheets giving the manufacturer details with which he will be able to convert the XYZ to YBC coordinates which the CNC Tube bending machine understands. The other two rings which will be CNC milled Is taken as a CAD model to a CAM (computer aided manufacturing) software to get the G-Code, which the Milling machine is able to understand.
CAD Logic course
The Playground Instructor: Daniel Dendra Fabrication method: unrolling of developable surfaces SS_2010
Professional Practice The Courthouse in 6th of October city Client: High court of Egypt 2014 The new AAST building in smart village Client: Arab Academy for science and technology 2013
The Court house
AAST New Campus-smart Village
Morphing Norms Workshop Tutors: Alexander Kalachev- Olga KovrikovaIslam Salem- Karim Soliman- Sherif Tarabishy The Workshop offered the participants the latest cutting edge digital design tools along with digital fabrication of the result of the workshop using 3 axis CNC milling machine Materials used: MDF 8mm Client: SODIC Year: 2013
Academic teaching Digital Design and Fabrication Course Tutors: Islam Salem- Sherif Tarabishy The Class introduces students to various parametric design tools and digital fabrication. Prototypes is fabricated at the end of the semester Materials used: polyethylene pipe 3mm Year: 2015
Students: Ahmed Sohil Abdelrahman Hossam Mohamed Nashar MOhab Khaled Sara Noha ibrahim Froncois Maher Mahmoud Ayman Peter MiIlad Sajed Hosny
Academic teaching Digital Design and Fabrication Course Tutors: Islam Salem- Sherif Tarabishy The Class introduces students to various parametric design tools and digital fabrication. Prototypes is fabricated using after 3d models was optimized for fabrication using 2d laser cutter Materials used: paper- cork sheets Year: 2014
Students: Ahmed Abd el aziz ahmed fahmy ismail kasem basel mohamed perihan hossam passant hossam hakim khaled shaza mahmoud abd el rahman makhlouf omar sharkawy fatma mohy karim abd el kader kirlos wafik nada tarek
Academic teaching Architectural Design Studio Lead tutor: Islam Salem Assistants: Sherif Tarabishy Nour Nadim- Ahmed Sharkawy- Yehia Hassan Supervisor: Dr. Amgad Aly The Class introduces students to various parametric design tools and digital fabrication. Students were asked to design and build 1:1 paviion and furniture prototypes mimicking a living organism Cellular structural behavior Materials used: wood/Velcro/plexi/cardboard/foam Year: 2013- 2014
Students: moharam el sayed mohamed hatem mohamed ragay mohamed khafagy ,mohamed samir mohamed yasin mahmoud ayman mahmoud alaa mahmoud amr mariam sameh mostafa mohamed nada fahim nesma hesham noha amr nor el hoda hadir emad hadil hossam yara Mohammed
Students: Ahmed zeyad ahmed hafez asmaa magdy asmaa medhat bahaa salah gamal ayman dalia saeed dina adel dina mohamed rasha bashir raghda adel rana khalil zeynab mohamed sara hany aly ibrahim aly abd el moneim omar refaat omar mazin froncois maher karim mohsen karim mohamed karim haytham kamal amgad lobna magdy marina mourad
Prototyping Various prototypes from 3D printing to milling of wood Designs: Islam Salem- Sherif Tarabishy Year: 2012- 2015
ISL A M SA L EM 7 bayo u m i na s s a r s t r e e t H e l i o po l i s , 113 5 1 Ca i r o, E gypt +2 0 10 0 14 2 6 9 6 4 islam i br a h i m 1@h o t m a i l .co m