P10 Siege of Acre
1 1 1 0 0 9
P9 Crying in Fear
222 3 - 11 10
P8 Irish Famine
P7 Being Alone
9 7 7 2 2 2 3
P3 Masada
P12 18th Camel Bukhara Publications/Tel: 078 672 7797/Fax: 086 651 2125 Email: islamicfocus@gmail.com/Korsten/Port Elizabeth
Issue 118
Igniting the Spirit of Islam Aug 2014
spouse must not be narrated at all to anyone.
Compliment your in laws in front of your wife. Compliment your wife to her family.
1. Utilising perfume: The Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam would have a container for perfume. He would use perfume constantly. One should make an effort to smell good for his wife all the time. Looking good, keeping clean, smelling nice compliments a relationship exceptionally.
3. Respecting their families: Another factor to contribute to a healthy relationship is to cherish the family of your spouse. The Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam was once asked whom he loved the most. He replied, “Aisha.” When the questioner rephrased his question and asked from amongst the men, he replied, “Her father.”
4. Calling her by a beautiful name: The Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam would call his wife ‘Humairā’ out of love. Linguistically it means the little reddish one, but the scholars state that in reality it refers to someone who is so fair that due to the sun they get a reddish tan. Call your spouse nice sweet names.
Some points to healthy marriage:
2. Do not talk about her private matters: The Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam described the one who discloses his wife’s affairs to others as amongst the worst of people. Whatever occurs between yourself and your spouse should remain between you two. How shameful is it when a husband discusses his wife to his friends? The secrets and issues of the
The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam could have easily said Abu Bakr. His answer displays such intelligence and ingenuity, that in one response he displayed his devotion to his wife and her family. He exhibited his fondness for his in-laws. Imagine how happy his wife Aisha radhiallahu anha would have become upon hearing this response?
Once the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam stared into his wife’s eyes. He then said to Aisha radiallahu anha in praise of her beauty, “How white are your eyes.” Adapted from article by Mufti Faraz al-Mahmudi Scan the QR code with your cellphone to go to our website: www.islamicfocus.co.za
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Islamic Focus
IRAQ - 40 countries, including 10 Arab states, signed up to a coalition to fight Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria. IS controls large parts of Iraq and Syria and CIA estimates they have 30,000 fighters. US fighter jets conducted 160 air strikes on IS positions. (BBC, 15 Sep) UGANDA - Police seized explosives during raids on suspected al-Shabab fighters. 19 people were arrested. Uganda has been on high alert since al-Shabab's leader, Ahmed Godane, was killed in a US air strike in Somalia earlier this month. (BBC, 14 Sep) NIGERIA - The army killed 100 Boko Haram fighters, after repelling an attack on Konduga, Borno state. Boko Haram has captured a string of towns and villages in Borno and Adamawa. (BBC, 13 Sep) MAURITANIA - The west African country is moving its weekend to Saturday and Sunday to be more in tune with its European business partners. With a Muslim majority, the country has traditionally started the weekend on Friday. (BBC, 12 Sep) GAMBIA - Homosexual acts are already illegal but MPs passed a bill on 25 Aug imposing life sentences for aggravated homosexuality. President Yahya Jammeh is known for his strong opposition to gays. Among those who could be given the life sentence were repeat offenders and gays with HIV. A person who had homosexual relations with a minor could also be convicted of aggravated homosexuality. Under current laws, homosexual acts are already punishable by up to 14 years in prison in. (BBC, 10 Sep)
Islamic Focus
KASHMIR - Indian-occupied Kashmir was hit by the worst flooding in decades. More than 184,000 people have been rescued but another 100,000 are still marooned. The death toll in Kashmir and Pakistan has passed 480. Large parts of the region are still under water, with many people still trapped. (BBC, 15 Sep) EAST TURKESTAN - 3 Uighur Muslims have been sentenced to death for with a fourth jailed for life. Uighurs are Muslims and make up 45% of Xinjiang (Chinese occupied East Turkestan). China reoccupied in 1949 after crushing the state of East Turkestan. 96 people were killed in Yarkant after Chinese police opened fire on people protesting against a Ramadan crackdown on Muslims. (BBC, 12 Sep) IRAQ - A hospital in Falluja, controlled by Islamic State (IS) fighters, has been hit by majority Shia government shelling. Many residents of Sunni Falluja and Ramadi have said they are more at risk from army air raids than from jihadists. IS has taken over large swathes of Iraq and Syria and declared it a caliphate. (BBC, 14 Sep) PALESTINE - 43 veterans of elite Israeli military signals intelligence unit, Unit 8200, said they will no longer serve in operations against Palestinians. The protest letter signed by the veterans of the unit was sent to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and armed forces chiefs. Signatories include officers, former instructors and senior NCOs. (BBC, 12 Sep)
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The siege of Masada in 73 CE, in Palestine, is revered in Israel as a symbol of Jewish heroism. Masada is the site of the Israeli army's inductions and an inspiration for Zionism.
Spanish history from the fall of the Cord贸ba Caliphate in 1031 CE is essential reading for any Muslim who wishes to see Muslim strength restored.
If you read its history, you will understand why. What happened at Masada?
In the 11th century, when the First Crusades were carving out territories in Palestine, the Christians of Spain set out to take over Muslim territories.
1. The Sicarii were an extremist Jewish group, who attacked civilians in public crowds. They committed a series of atrocities in Jerusalem in order to force the Jews to war with the Romans. 2. Before the Siege of Masada, on Passover, the Sicarii raided Ein-Gedi, a nearby Jewish settlement, and killed 700 of its inhabitants. 3. The Siege of Masada ended with, not heroic battle, but the mass suicide of the 960 Sicarri rebels and their families. Any surprise, then, that Zionists used terror in the form of gangs like Irgun, Stern and Hagganah to slaughter Palestinians and stir up war?
The Caliphate of C贸rdoba, at this time among the richest and most powerful states in Europe, underwent inter-Muslim civil war. As a result, it broke into taifas, small rival emirates fighting among themselves. The disintegration of the Caliphate left the rival Muslim kingdoms much weaker than their Christian counterparts and had to submit to them. Muslim Taifas often hired Christian mercenaries to fight neighbouring Muslim realms. Taifas eventually numbered over 60, where once there was a united Muslim kingdom.
This continues today in the merciless slaughter of civilians in Gaza under relentless bombardment. It also continues in the incarceration of kids, the ruthless occupation of Palestinian land and the use of weapons of mass destruction on civilians.
End result?
Roots will tell. And the ignominious end of the Sicarri is a portend, if ever there was one, of Zionism's future.
"...do not dispute and [thus] lose courage and [then] your strength would depart..." (Quran 8:46)
The glorious Muslim reign over Spain came to a crashing end after Muslims destroyed the united Muslim state, divided into pieces and fought each other.
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Lighthearted humour can be proven from the lives of the pious. Umar radhiallahu anhu mentioned: “It pleases me when a man is like a child amongst his family, but when a need arises he is a man.” Ali radhiallahu anhu mentioned: “Amuse the hearts and engage in some lighthearted wit because hearts tire as bodies do.” Ata ibn Saib rahimahullah narrates: “Saeed ibn Jubair radhiallahu anhu would narrate incidents reducing us to tears and at times he would not leave the gathering until he would make us laugh. One of the reasons that Ibn Jawzi rahimahullah compiled his book on fools is that the occasional mention of these stories help in lifting the spirits of a person. The human soul naturally goes through periods of exhaustion and fatigue and hence requires some form of lighthearted, but permissible, diversion. Ibn Jawzi rahimahullah mentioned: “Ulama always expressed an interest in lighthearted humour and would lift the spirits of others because humour relaxes the soul and relieves the heart of its burdens.” He also said: “Frequent laughter is detested …(but) occasional humour is like salt in food.” It is proven from authentic Hadith sources that the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam smiled and occasionally indulged in good lighthearted humour. Humourous Anecdotes pg 11-13
Every year The Independent recycles the same story regarding the destruction of Madinah Munawwarah, Makkah Mukarramah or the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam’s tomb: 2011201220132014-
http://t.co/c9fjNaSQKV http://t.co/hcaWIbzZE8 http://t.co/Joad5uuCws http://t.co/Kywt5DHL20
Here are some points to note on this misleading journalism from MuslimMatters.org: 1. Divisively worded to bring about an intended response, almost all of the facts in the article are not only out of context, but embellished or completely untrue. 2. The source mentioned in the article, Dr. Irfan Al-Alawi, represents a polarizing organization called the Center of Islamic Pluralism based out of Washington DC. 3. The entire story plays off the words “proposal” and “plans.” The reality is, there was no such proposal, and there were no plans. 4. The Independent article makes the claim that Dr Al-Shabal called for the removal of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam to Baqi cemetery. This a lie. Dr Al-Shabal called for the “separation” of the grave from the masjid structure. 5. The Independent calls him a “leading Islamic academic.” The reality is he is not a leading academic. He does not represent any kind of scholarly decision-making body.
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From various Ulama
www.shafiifiqh.com Q: What is Imam Shafi’s opinion regarding reciting the Fatihah behind the imam after he finishes? Is it similar to the Hanafi school (they say the imam’s recitation of Fatihah is sufficient)? A: In Tuhfah 2:44, Ibn Hajar rahimahullah stated that reciting Surat al-Fatihah is obligatory in every rak’ah of every prayer. This applies if one is praying alone, leading another, or following another. The evidence for this ruling is the rigorously authenticated hadith, “There is no prayer for one who does not recite ‘Fatihat al-Kitab.’” There are hadith that indicate to the imam’s recitation being sufficient. Like the words ascribed to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, “Whoever has an imam, so the imam’s recitation is for him recitation.” However, many hadith scholars judged it weak, like Imam Daraqutni in his Sunan. Q: Is it recommended as a general rule to have only one wife or more than one wife? A: In al-Hawi al-Kabir 11:417, Qadi Mawardi related a difference of opinion between the Zahiris and Imam Shafi regarding a man marrying multiple wives. According to the Zahiris, it is recommended for a man to marry four, so long as one can take care of them, completing the number they understood to be recommended. Islamic Focus
And Imam Shafi judged that it may be preferred to marry just one even if four are permitted.
woman’s lineage goes back to her father and his family; while her son’s lineage is traced through his father.
Qadi Mawardi then stated that what should be considered is the husband’s condition. If he is satisfied by one, then it is best for him to limit himself to marriage with her, i.e. that one. And if he is not satisfied, then marrying again would be recommended, marrying until he is content, up to four.
This is the Shafi Madhhab’s position on the matter, the other 3 Schools and Imam Shafi’s student, Imam Muzani, maintained that a woman’s son may act as her wali. (Mughni al-Muhtaj 4:249; Rawdat al-Talibin 5:381)
This is conveyed by Khatib Shirbini in Mughni al-Muhtaj 4:207 too, that it is best to marry just one “unless there is a definite need“, and then, marrying more may be recommended.
A: “Believing that the outward qualities that were manifest in the body of the Prophet sallaAllahu alayhie wa sallam have never been manifest in another, this is from true faith. And it was never displayed from him entirely; as if it was, eyes would not have been able to bear seeing him.” (alMawahib al-Luduniyyah)
Q: I would like to know in the Shafi madhab if it is permissible for the son of a lady who was previously married to be her wali (guardian) if she has no father, grandfather or any relatives from her father’s side? A: In the Shafi Madhhab, if a woman’s son is connected to her only by the bond of being her child, then he cannot act as her guardian and marry her off. If another connection between them is established, then he may according to that. An example of this is them sharing in lineage by him being both her son and also the son of her uncle’s son; or for example, if he was the judge. The right of wilayah [guardianship] is one established by lineage, and a
Q: Can one act as any of the Prophets in movies?
Any actor who would portray the Prophet (sallaAllahu alayhi wa sallam) would not be able to resemble him in truth, and the Prophet sallaAllahu alayhi wa sallam said, “Whosoever intentionally lies regarding me, so let him take his place in Hell.” It is impossible for anyone to accurately portray a Prophet. It will be lies thus unlawful. In Ghayat al-Sul 294, Ibn alMulaqqin mentioned that according to the vast majority of scholars, to intentionally falsify something regarding the Prophet sallaAllahu alayhi wa sallam is a major sin and a minority maintain it is disbelief.
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HANAFI Q & A From various Ulama
www.askimam.org | www.askmufti.co.za | www.daruliftaa.net Q: I work at a software house and our company has a Bonus Plan which they call the Monthly Accrual Bonus. Guide me about the permissibility of receiving and consuming such a bonus. A: All money accrued on your salary through the bonus plan will be regarded as a gift from your company. Therefore, the bonus offered by your company is permissible. Q: My company requires me to send all sale agreements to OOBA, a mortgage originator, regardless of whether a bond is required or not. When the transaction is completed OOBA gives us a cash favour which the company pays over to the agent. Can I use this money? A: In principle, any active and direct involvement in sin is not permissible. In the enquired situation, you, as a real estate agent, are only required to forward all sales agreements to a mortgage originator and you are not actively and directly involved in any mortgage transaction. Therefore, you are not party to an interest bearing loan and your income or commission as an agent is permissible. Q: Is there any time duration for consummation of marriage? A: Nikah (marriage) makes consummation permissible for the spouses immediately Islamic Focus
after nikah. There is no time duration for the permissibility of consummation after the nikah. However, if the spouses have agreed to have the consummation after some time and the spouses uphold the agreement, then that is a moral issue. Q: Is it allowed to have Quranic quotes appear on clothes such as t shirts or even hijab? A: In principle, anything with the name of Allah, His Messenger (salla Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), verses of the Quran, etc. written on it deserves respect immaterial of which language it is written in. From a practical point of view, a t-shirt or a hijab with Quranic verses printed on it will inadvertently be disrespected. For example, when relieving one’s self, throwing the shirt with other dirty clothes in the laundry basket, flinging the shirt to a side when going to sleep, etc. Therefore, we advise against such apparel. Q: What is the ruling regards congregational dua after sunnahs? A: Congregational dua after fard or sunnah is mubāh (permissible). The general principle of a mubāh action is that one should not regard it as compulsory as this will lead to bid‘āh (innovation). Q: Will grilling meat invalidate the fast, as smoke
comes from the grill? The intention of the griller and his friends is not to inhale the smoke on purpose, but some of the smoke will inevitably be inhaled as they are in the surrounding area of the grill without taking any precausion at all of not inhaling. A: There is a difference in breathing and inhaling. Breathing is natural and unintentional while inhaling is intentional. Accordingly, breathing the grill smoke does not invalidate the fast while inhaling does so. Q: A doctor has prescribed Oxygen Therapy for my lungs. I have an Oxygen Concentrator machine which I need to use. I don't add any medication to the machine, just breathe in oxygen. Can I take oxygen while fasting? A: If the oxygen contains only air and does not contain any form of medication, then the oxygen concentrator will not nullify one’s fast. Q: Can I use perfumes containing alcohol? A: If the perfume contains alcohol derived from grapes or dates extract, it is impure. If it is from other sources besides grapes and dates, then it is pure. Generally the perfumes available nowadays contain synthetic alcohol, therefore pure. Such perfumes will be permissible to use.
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The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, “If people knew what I know about being alone, no rider would travel at night by himself.” (Bukhari 2998). Imam Ahmad narrated this hadeeth in al-Musnad 2:91 with some additional material: “The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam forbade being alone, for a man to spend the night alone or travel alone.” “The (lone) rider is a devil, two riders are two devils and three are a travelling party.” (Tirmidhi 1674) These Hadith indicate that it is disliked to be alone in situations where a man fears for himself because of weakness, hardship, or when he fears that the devil may mislead him. AlTabari said: This is a rebuke aimed at disciplining and guiding because of the fear of loneliness for one, but it is not haraam. The wisdom is two-fold: a) Avoiding harm: there are religious, spiritual, emotional, and social harms in being alone. A person alone is more likely to fall into sin; to be lazy in spiritual routines; being alone can result in feeling down and depressed; and a person alone is more likely to be socially alienated. The saying is well-known that an idle mind is the devil's workshop. b) Getting benefit: being with others, especially good company, is of religious, spiritual, emotional, and social benefit. The Quran encourages us to keep good company to attain Taqwa (fear of Allah Ta'ala) 9:119. Adapted from article by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
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Enrich your web experience. Not all content on all sites Islamic-compliant. Consult Ulama
HISTORY Some things you may not know about the Ka’ba: 1. It’s been reconstructed several times From time to time, it has needed rebuilding after natural and man-made disasters. Since the time it was reconstructed in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, there has a major reconstruction every few centuries. The last renovation took place in 1996 and lead to the replacement of many of the stones and re-strengthening the foundations and a new roof. 2. It used to have 2 doors and a window The original Ka’ba had a door for entrance and another for exit. For a considerable period of time it also had a window. 3. It used to be multi-coloured The black Kiswah with gold banding seems to have started at the time of the Abbasids. Before this the Ka’ba was covered in multiple colours including green, red and white. 4. The Black Stone is broken Ever wondered how the Black Stone came to be in the silver casing that surrounds it? Most agree that it was most damaged in the middle ages by an extreme Shia group from Bahrain called the Qarmatians.
In 1845, the Great Irish Famine resulted in the deaths of over a million people. Ottoman Sultan Caliph Abdulmajid declared his intention to send 10,000 sterling to Irish farmers but the Queen of England requested that the Sultan send only 1,000 sterling, because she had sent only 2,000 sterling herself. The Sultan sent the 1,000 sterling but also secretly sent 3 ships full of food. The English courts prevented the Islamic state’s ships from entering the harbors of Cork City and Belfast, but they finally succeeded to dock secretly at Drogheda and deliver the food. The Irish sent a letter in gratitude to the Caliph of the Ottoman Islamic state: “We the noblemen, gentlemen and inhabitants of Ireland want to express our thank and gratitude for the Ottoman Sultan’s munificent assistance due to the disaster of dearth. The Ottoman Sultan’s munificent response to this aid call displays an example to European States.” Former Irish president, Mary McAleese expressed gratitude to Turkey from the people of Ireland for humanitarian aid provided by the Ottoman Caliphate. Irish football club Drogheda United FC bears the Ottoman crescent and star in commemoration of the Ottoman aid that was delivered to its town.
They took the Black Stone to the East of Arabia and then Iraq where they held it ransom until they were forced to return it by the Caliph. When they returned it, it was in pieces and the only way to keep them together was by encasing them in a silver casing.
The Westcourt Hotel which is situated next to the room where Ottoman sailors stayed after delivering food to the town, displays a plaque which states: “The Great Irish Famine of 1847 — In remembrance and recognition of the generosity of the People of Turkey towards the People of Ireland.”
Al Ansar Building, Bell Road, Parkside | 041-457-1-555 Islamic Focus
Jezzar Pasha was a Christian slave from Herzegovina who was bought by an Egyptian ruler who converted him to Islam. He began as governor of Cairo but made his name defending Beirut against the Russian navy. Beirut was honorably surrendered after a long siege and the sultan rewarded al-Jezzar with promotion to Governor of Sidon and sometimes Damascus. He set up his capital in Acre. He earned the nickname ‘the Butcher’ for his bravery and effort to defeat his enemies. Jezzar Pasha is best known for defending Acre against Napoleon during the siege of Acre in 1799. After Napoleon's capture of Egypt, the French army attempted to invade Syria and Palestine. Although the French captured won every battle against the Ottomans on an open field, they were unable to breach Acre. After several months of attacks, Napoleon withdrew and his bid to conquer Egypt. Jezzar Pasha embarked on a major building program in Acre that included fortifying the city walls, refurbishing the aqueduct, and building a Turkish bath. One of the most important landmarks built by Jezzar Pasha was the mosque that bears his name. The alJezzar Mosque incorporates columns from Roman and Byzantine ruins, and included a school for Islamic studies, later used as a court. Al-Jezzar and his adopted son Suleiman Pasha, were buried in the courtyard. Abdullah Pasha, his other son, served as a governor of the Sidon Eyalet.aw1y
Ibn Masud radhiallahu anhu reported: The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said to me: "Recite the Qur'an to me". I said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall I recite the Qur'an to you, when it has been revealed to you?'' He replied, "I love to hear it recited by others". So I recited to him a portion from Surat AnNisa'. When I reached (verse 41), He said, "Enough for now". When I looked at him I saw his eyes were shedding tears. (Bukhari) Anas radhiallahu anhu narrated: “The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam delivered a Khutbah to us the like of which I had never heard from him before. In the course of the Khutbah, he said: "If you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much". Thereupon those present covered their faces and began to sob. (Bukhari) "One who weeps out of fear of Allah, will not enter the Hell till milk returns back in the udder; and the dust raised on account of fighting in the path of Allah and the smoke of Hell will never exist together". (Tirmidhi) Abdullah bin Ash-Shikhkhir radhiallahu anhu reported: I came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he was performing prayers. He was sobbing and his chest sounded like a boiling kettle. (Tirmidhi) "Nothing is dearer to Allah than two drops and two marks: A drop of tears shed out of fear of Allah and a drop of blood shed in Allah's way. Regarding the two marks, they are: Marks left in the Cause of Allah and a mark left in observing one of the obligatory act of worship of Allah, the Exalted". (Tirmidhi)
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Ahmed al-Jezzar (known as Jezzar Pasha) 1720–1804 was aN Ottoman Bosnian ruler of Acre and the Galilee from 1775 until his death.
HISTORY In 2007, there were over 5,000 Muslims residing in Puerto Rico (80% Palestinians), representing 0.1% of the population. The early Muslim community largely consisted mainly of Palestinian immigrants who arrived 19581962. Muslims operate restaurants, jewelry stores and clothing outlets. A storefront mosque in San Juan served the entire religious community on the island during earlier years, however, today there are 9 mosques and Islamic centers throughout the main island. The American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA) also has an office in Cayey. The first mosque was established in 1981 in San Juan. The mosque has a full time Imam and adhan and khutba are heard by speakers outside the mosque. The ninth mosque was established in 2011 in Loiza. It was adopted by local indigenous Muslims with a capacity of 20 people. There is a rise in Puerto Rico converts to Islam. According to organizations like WhyIslam.org, Latinos are one of the fastest growing segments of the Muslim community. About six percent of US Muslims are now Latino – and as many as a fifth of new converts to Islam nationwide are Latino. If it’s a surprise that many Latinos are moving from a predominantly Roman Catholic culture to an originally Arab faith, perhaps it shouldn’t be. For one thing, like African-Americans in the 1960s, Latinos are discovering their own historical and cultural ties to Islam and the Arab world. And that starts with what most defines Latinos: Spanish.
Glorious Muslim Defence of Acre | Napoleon defeated 215 years ago For two months in 1799 the Muslims defended Acre, Palestine in the Ottoman Empire against the forces of Napoleon Bonaparte. A site of significant strategic importance due to its commanding position on the route between Egypt and Syria, Bonaparte wanted to capture the key port of Acre following his invasion of Egypt. He hoped to incite a Syrian rebellion against the Ottomans and threaten British rule in India. Napoleon believed the city would capitulate quickly to him and that a mere two weeks would be necessary to capture it before marching on to Jerusalem. After Napoleon's earlier conquest of Jaffa, rampaging French troops had savagely sacked the conquered city, and thousands of Albanian prisoners of war were massacred on the seashore. Ultimately, in Acre, 4,000 Muslim soldiers held off 13,000 French troops with 2,300 French killed and 2,200 wounded or ill. It was a turning point in Napoleon's invasion of Syria and Egypt. Jezzar Pasha was the Muslim hero of the Siege of Acre, which eventually halted Napoleon's invasion of Egypt and the East. Palestine and Egypt played major roles in Islamic history in stemming imperialists.
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Steps to enable effective communication: 1.Think before speaking “Indeed a servant will speak a word pleasing to Allah that he thinks to be insignificant, but because of it Allah raises him by many degrees. And indeed a servant will speak a word displeasing to Allah that he thinks to be insignificant, but because of it, He will consign him to the Hellfire.” (Hadith) 2. Maintaining honesty “The signs of the hypocrite are three: when he speaks he lies, when he promises he breaks his promise and when he is entrusted he betrays the trust.” (Bukhari) In our endeavour to ‘fit in’ we forget the aspect of integrity. Sometimes it’s as simple as agreeing to like a particular sport when in truth you have no interest in sports of any sort. According to positivelypresent.com when you’re honest, communication becomes a lot less complicated. 3. Be an active listener Listening does not only mean lending your ears to the communication it also means being receptive about the information being sent your way. The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam always gave his full attention to anyone that he conversed with, even his enemies and those with whom he disagreed. When he addressed his companions, they listened intently and attached importance to everything he said.
Once there was a Bedouin who had three sons. He left a herd of 17 camels for his sons. He said to them: “My sons, I’m about to die. Please, look after each other and live in peace. I leave my herd of 17 camels, which I want you to divide in the following way. You, my eldest son, take half of the herd. You, my middle son, take one third of the herd. And you, my little one, take one ninth part of the herd.” With these words the old man died. The sons buried their father and began to divide the heritage. At this point they realized that the 17 camels could not be divided into 2, 3, or 9 parts. So, they began arguing. Another Bedouin with a camel happened to come by. Seeing these young men fighting, he asked them what was happening and why they were fighting. They told him their story. And the Bedouin said: “Please, do not kill each other for the camels, rather, take my camel!” The young men took the Bedouin’s camel and the herd became 18 camels. Now it could be divided into 2, 3, and 9 parts. So, the oldest son took his 9 camels, half of the herd. The middle son took his 6 camels, a third of the herd. And the smallest son took his 2 camels, 1/9th of the herd. So, they divided 17 camels (9+6+2=17). And there was also one camel left, which they returned with gratitude to the generous and wise stranger. He then took his camel and went away. Peace among brothers was reestablished. Blessed are those who wisely lend us those crucial eighteenth camels, resolving our problems which we could not resolve alone.
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ISSN 2223 - 1110 (Print) | ISSN 2223 - 1129 (Online)