Islamic Focus Magazine 124

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Muslim lifestyle magazine

Islamic Focus

November 2015

Wise Foresight The lesson of silence and its wisdom


Issue 124

2223 1109

Banish Sadness: Debilitating grief Blessed Fruit: Forgotten Sunnah The Chair: Life lesson

Lessons in Calling to Islam The story of Banu Shaybaan The Banu Shaybaan in the end, didn't provide protection for Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam. Nonetheless, they acted truthfully honourably and respectfully, and stood out from the other tribes which Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam visited. The leaders of the Banu Shaybaan didn't hide any of their strengths and weaknesses from Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wasallam. They told him about their treaty with the Persians etc. Allah Ta'ala decreed that about 10 or so years later, it would be the Banu Shaybaan tribe who, after they became Muslims, would be the first to fight against the very kings they once feared. During the Caliphate of Abu Bakr radhiallahu anhu, it was Muthannah bin Harithah radhiallahu anhu who led the Muslim armies which conquered Iraq. Muthannah radhiallahu anhu’s people, the Banu Shaybaan, were among the bravest fighters in the wars that took place against the Persians. All the fear they once had for the Persians were erased when they embraced Islam. An important lesson is that Da'wah done with sincerity will always reap its fruits, although this maybe only after a lengthy period of time. Another lesson is that, if one posses truthfulness, humility and sincerity, and searches for the truth, he will always be guided to the straight path, just as the Banu Shaybaan refrained from from lying, deceiving and disrespect, Allah Ta'ala then opened up the doors of guidance for them.


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Roots of the Syrian Quagmire

Seasons First Fruits

16 16 23 Shafi and Hanafi Q&A

Art of Public Speaking

In this issue 7 8 10 13 18 19 20 26


World News Wise Foresight Banish Sadness Editorial Web Guide Inspiration - The Chair Ulama Profile Bay Youth


FOCUS NEWS INDIA - The northern Indian town of Ayodhya has been a flashpoint between Hindus and Muslims in India for years. Hindu parties want to rebuild a temple and achieving this was one of the promises made by PM Modi during his election campaign. But the demolition of a mosque on the site by Hindus in 1992 triggered some of the worst religious riots in recent Indian history. Now Twitter has been flooded with messages saying "India wants Ram Mandir." The online campaign started after the right-wing fundamentalist Hindu group Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) renewed its call for construction of a temple on the disputed land. The VHP created the hashtag "India wants Ram Mandir". It became a top trend in India and more than 50,000 messages were posted including the tag. (BBC, 2 Dec 2015) LEBANON - Syrian Al Nusra Front freed 16 Lebanese security personnel held for almost 16 months as part of a swap deal. Earlier, al-Nusra Front handed over to officials the body of one of four security personnel who died in captivity. The release is part of a deal brokered by Qatar that saw the Lebanese authorities free 13 Islamist prisoners. (BBC, 1 Dec 2015) TURKEY - Tensions are high after Turkish jets shot down a Russian warplane bombing Syria. US defence secretary Carter said Turkey had to do more to combat Islamic State militants. Turkish PM Erdogan renewed his criticism of Russian air strikes against Turkmen rebels in north-western Syria, complaining that the area is being "continuously bombed". Russia is a

major ally of Syrian President Assad and its air strikes have targeted rebel groups. (BBC, 1 Dec 2015) PALESTINE - Egypt's Coptic pope Tawadros II arrived in Jerusalem breaking a decades-long boycott on visiting the city that was introduced by his predecessor, Pope Shenouda III. His attendance at the service has sparked controversy, particularly in Egypt, where he faced criticism in the media for violating the ban. Shenouda III, who led the Coptic Church for 40 years until his death in 2012, issued a ban in 1979 after the Camp David peace accords between Egypt and Israel were signed. He never visited Jerusalem and was staunchly opposed to normalising ties with Israel while it occupied Palestinian territories. A spokesperson for the Egyptian church noted that the church had not altered its stance on boycotting pilgrimages to Israel. "The position of the church remains unchanged, which is not going to Jerusalem without all our Egyptian Muslim brothers." (AJ, 2 Dec 2015) INDIA - Beef has become an incendiary issue in India. A Muslim teenager was burned alive in Kashmir for the unproven 'sin' of transporting beef in his truck. It was one of a string of Hindu mob attacks, including the lynching of Mohammad Akhlaq because he was wrongly suspected of eating the outlawed meat. The alarming brutality and rise of such incidents is due to nationwide rise of Hindu nationalism-inspired violence supported by the Hindu fundamentalist BJP government. (AJ, 25 Nov 2015)


islamic focus

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Wise Foresight It is the duty of the Ulema to continue to strive and prevent people from evil. But if in the end they are overcome or fear any danger, then it is better to remain in seclusion away from mischief. CONSEQUENCES Abdullah bin Umar (Radiallahu anhuma) says: “I heard Hajjaaj (the governor) uttering some illegal things in a sermon. The thought came into me that I should attack him, but then I remembered a hadith and I remained silent. That hadith is:“It does not befit a believer to humiliate himself.” I then asked: “0 Rasul of Allah, how will a man humiliate himself?” Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasailam) replied: “To enter himself into such a difficulty which he will not be able to bear.” Ali (Radiallahu anhu) also reported this Hadeeth: “It is not for a Muslim to degrade himself.” The Sahabah inquired: “How does a Muslim degrade himself?” He replied: “To go into such a calamity which he is not able to bear.” (Majma-ul-zawaaid) HIDDEN When the battle between Ali and Muawiya (Radiallahu anhuma) took place Saad bin Abi Waqqas (Radiallahu anhu) fled into the wilderness. His son asked him: “How is that you have taken your camel and goats and came here, leaving people to fight over the state?” Saad (Radiallahu anhu) said: “Be quiet. I have heard Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) say: Allah loves that person who is Godfearing and pious, and remains hidden.” (Muslim) Once RasululIah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) asked: “Shall I inform you who is the best persons?” The Sahabah replied: “Yes, do tell us.” He said: “It is that person who holding onto the reins of his horse while strives in the path of Allah until such time that he dies or is martyred.” “Shall I tell you who is the next best after him?” The Sahabah replied: “Yes, do tell us!” He said: “It is that person who goes to settle in seclusion in a mountain cavern all alone, performs his Salaah, gives his Zakaat and is saved from the evils of men.” “How fortunate and good is that man who keeps his tongue under control, remains secluded in his house and continues to cry over his sins.” (Hadith) From: Al-Eti'daal Fe Maraatibur-Rijaal Pg 257-258


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Banish Sadness The word Huzn or sadness is mentioned in the Qur'aan in the form of forbidding it: “So do not weaken and do not grieve (be sad)…” (3:139) or in the form of negating it: “...there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.” (2:38) The reason for this is because there is no benefit for having sadness in the heart. The most beloved thing to Shaitan is to make the believing slave sad by taking him off track. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam sought refuge in Allah from sadness: “Oh Allah! I seek refuge inYou from grief and worries…” (Abu Dawood) Ibnul Qayyim rahimahullah said: "Sadness weakens the heart and diminishes determination and wanting to go forward. And there is nothing more beloved to the Shaitan than the sadness of a believer." For this reason, be happy, optimistic and think good about Allah. Have trust in what Allah Ta’ala is able to do and depend on Him. You will find happiness in all situations. Ibnul Qayyim rahiamahullah also said: "Don’t ruin your happiness with worry, and don’t ruin your mind with pessimism. Don’t ruin your success with deception and don’t ruin the optimism of others by destroying it. Don’t ruin your day by looking back at yesterday." As Sa’ady rahimahullah said: "Life is short so don’t shorten it with worries, grief, and sadness."


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Diary of an Imam

I attended the 50th anniversary of the Port Elizabeth Batcha Jamaat the other night. It was a revealing glimpse into what is probably a uniquely Cape Malay tradition in South Africa. Batcha is a Malayo word meaning to recite. The groups form around a leader or Khalifa and once a week, generally a Tuesday night, they gather at a member’s home on a rotational basis. Whatsapp: +27 78 672 7797 Whatsapp: +27 78 672 7797 November 2015

Bukhara Publications T. 078 672 7797 F. 086 651 2125 E. Postnet Suite No 38 Private Bag X19041 Linton Grange 6015 Twitter: @IslamicFocus Whatsapp Groups: PE Events, Janaza Notices +27 78 672 7797 Facebook: IslamicFocus Editor: Muhammad Badsha Established 2003

What follows is a powerful method of keeping alive the recitation of the Quran. Each member reads a portion aloud. Gentle corrections improve the Tajweed of the reciters. The Jamaat whose 50th anniversary I attended was initiated in 1965 and has met every week for half a century. A testimony to this invaluable tradition is that you get elderly men reciting the Quran with admirable Tajweed. The night ends with tea and cakes and the inevitable Jabal or takeaway parcel. I was impressed at the survival of an institution that allows people to continue reciting the Quran beyond the mandatory school period. The Khalifas of this particular Jamaat were long serving. The first Khalifa, Haji Achmat Davids served for 15 years from 1965 - 1980. His successor held the reins for 17 years. The third and current Khalifa, Haji Armien Abrahams is now celebrating 18 years at the helm. There are few methods of earning recurring rewards as effective as the Batcha Jamaats. One of the noteworthy practices at the Batcha sessions is the dedication of the reward to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. This week also saw me participate in the final Bay Youth Adventures event for 2015: the Survival Camp at Sappershoek. This seals a landmark year for the youth of Port Elizabeth with an average of 120 kids attending each event. The varied activities on offer ranged from soccer and hiking, to archery and horseriding. Let me leave you with a final thought. In my few years of experience, the drawcard to Islam which I am finding to be most effective is to use the Masjid as a Dawah tool. The electric effect that this environment has on people is amazing. M Badsha 13

islamic focus

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Season’s First Fruits Allah Ta’ala makes repeated reference to the gift of fruit in the Holy Quran: “Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky, and we produce therewith fruits of various colours.” (Surah Fatir: 87) Fruits are great bounties of Allah Ta’ala. We have been taught to be thankful to Allah Ta’ala for every bounty of His. The practice of Rasulullah (sallallahu’alaihi wasallam) at the time of receiving the first fruit of the season was that he would show utmost respect for it by kissing it and touching


islamic focus

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it to his eyes. He would then recite a supplication to Allah Ta’ala. Thereafter he would give it to any child that was present.(Abu Dawood) The reason for giving it to the child is either because of the similarity between the two that both are new in the world or because of the extreme joy that a child experiences through this. (Al-Futuhatur Rabbaniyyah 6:235-236) The reason for kissing the fruit and touching it to his eyes is because it has been newly created by Almighty Allah. Just as Rasulullah (sallallahu’alaihi wasallam) used to go out in the rain and open his chest (so the rain may touch him) and he would say: “Verily it (the raindrops) have only recently arrived from my Lord!’ (Muslim) The Sahabah (radiyallahu’anhum) would bring the first produce of their orchards to Rasulullah (sallallahu’alaihi wasallam). People emulate that in a way by presenting their first produce to their teachers, seniors etc.





Q: Is it permissible to move a dead body from the town where he died to another so he may be buried there, if the body is in a non Muslim place where the authority put the body because the family haven't any money for paid the place of cemetery and the authority destroy him after the non payment, is it the same rule? A: According to the relied-upon opinion in the Shafi Madhhab, it is unlawful to move a body from one place to another. Rather, the community should hasten to burying the deceased in the place where he passed away. However, there may be reasons for relocating. Ibn Hajar mentioned that if concealing a grave in a nonMuslim land cannot be done and it is feared that it may be exhumed, then in such a case it may be relocated for burial. (Tuhfat al-Muhtaj 3/202) Also, some of the As-hab al-Awjuh held that moving the deceased, when there is a good reason to (ar: maslahah), is allowed. This is the ikhtiyar of al-Qaffal al-Marwazi and also the opinion of Taqi al-Din alSubki. (Halabiyyat 459) Answered by: Shaykh Yaqub Abdurrahman Q: My father has been giving me food from his salary. I don't even know if it includes interest money. He also uses credit cards for our day to day needs. I don't have any choice other than depending on him as I am still 15 years old. Is it permissible for me to depend on him for food, clothes, etc? A: Yes, it is permissible for you to take from him, even if his wealth is mixed from halal and haram. Answered by Shaykh Omar Mohsin

Q: What is the status of of Dua Qunoot in fajr salat, and is it required to be read every fajr salat? And if it is not read, is the salat considered void? A: The acts of ?alaah are divided into two categories: integrals (arkaan) and recommended (nawaafil/sunan). The recommended acts are further divided into two types: abaadh and hayaat. The abaadh are a specific set of recommended acts that do not invalidate the prayer but if any of them are not performed, it is recommended to do sujood al-

sahw. The hayaat include all other recommended acts of salaah, and if any of them are not performed, the salaah is valid and sujood al-sahw is prohibited.

The qunoot is included in the abaadh for the fajr prayer throughout the entire year, as well as the witr prayer during the second half of ramadhaan only. Based on the above mentioned, your fajr prayer is valid if you do not perform qunoot, but it is recommended for you to do sujood al-sahw. Answered by: Shaykh Omar Mohsin Q: Masbuq (latecomer) misses 2 rakats in a 4 rakat prayer. Should the recitation be fatiha and another surah or only fatiha? A: It is recommended for the masbooq to read the surah along with the fatiha in the first two rakaah(s) if one is able to do so, otherwise it is recommended for him to read the surah along with the fatiha in the two rakaah(s) that he prays after his imam does the tasleem. However, it is not recommended to read them out loud. Answered by: Shaykh Omar Mohsin Q: After a woman’s menses she wishes to have intercourse with her husband must she take a ghusl (first) first or can she have intercourse and then make ghusl? A: Intercourse with a menstruating woman is unlawful. And only after the menstruation stops and she purifies is it again lawful. Ibn Hajar mentioned in his commentary on BaFadl, “And the unlawfulness of that continues until it stops and she performs ghusl, or makes tayammum with its condition.” (1:198) Muhammad Sulayman al-Kurdi commented on the words “with its condition” to mean in the absence of water. (al-Hawashy al-Madaniyyah 1:198) Meaning, she can make tayammum when water is absent. Answered by: Shaykh Yaqub Abdurrahman



Questions Answers

Q: My husband is unfit and we can't even go for a test tube baby. So if I get a fused egg from a married couple with their permission and go for test tube, it will be a right process according to Islam? A: It is impermissible to insert a fused egg from another couple into ones womb to get pregnant due to the following reasons: 1. Semen not being of the husband: Inserting semen into a woman other than that of the husband is haraam. 2. Mixing of lineage: Although the semen is not from the husband, if the wife gives birth the child will be attributed to the husband and not the donor of the semen. Since the wife’s egg was not used, but an egg of another woman, she will be classified as the mother. However, due to the wife giving birth to the child, she will also be seen as the mother. Q: I told my wife "I divorce you" three times via a WhatsApp voice message with the intent to divorce her. Will I need to go to the courts in the UAE to register it, or are the three talaaq enough? A: The three talaqs issued to your wife via WhatsApp voice message are valid and c o n s t i t u t e Ta l a q - e - M u g h a l l a z a h ( a permanently irrevocable divorce). There is no need to register a talaq for the talaq to be valid in Shariah. We do not know of the legal and administrative procedure of registering a talaq in UAE. You may consult with a lawyer in UAE in that regard. Q: My question is related to the medical field. Being a medical student in the US, it is necessary to examine patients of all types, male and female. This is so that a medical student learns how to treat both genders, as men and women need to be treated differently in many situations. This is part of the medical education system and there does not seem to be any way out of it. Treating and examining

patients in medical school includes looking at detailed parts of the body, and also touching them. Would it be permissible to observe and examine female patients with the sole intention of learning how to treat patients and with the condition that the student only examines what is necessary? A: Shari’ah has not permitted the viewing of the body of the opposite gender for a non-mahram man. Allah Ta’ala says: “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do.” However, you have stated that the practical examination is necessary for medicine and there is no way for you to avoid it. Considering this and the fact that the females you may examine will be patients suffering from the illness being studied, one may carry out the examination due to necessity. However, one must not look at or touch any area of the female patient other than the area that one needs to examine. Also, one must not perform the examination in seclusion. We also advise that you maintain a close correspondence with the pious Ulama of your area. Q: My family and I will be going for umrah for the first time. We are flying from Joburg to Jeddah via Istanbul. At which place should we enter Ihram? A: One must adorn the Ihraam before passing over the Meeqaat. In the enquired scenario, while flying from Istanbul to Jeddah, you will pass DhulHulaifah. Therefore, we would advise you to adorn the Ihraam before boarding the plane from Istanbul. Alternatively, you may wear the Ihraam in the plane before crossing the Meeqaat. Checked by Mufti Ebrahim Desai


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Your Web Guide ON OUR SHELF Endorsed by Mufti Zubair Bayat Aligarh Muslim University, India Muslim humanitarian NGO in India Khatme Nubuwwat Academy, London Mufti Ahmed Khanpuri Interactive site

more more With MuftiYusuf Moosagie

VIRTUES OF BUSINESS Sheikh Zakarriyya Kandelwi This is a must-read book for all businessmen. The author takes one though the virtues of earning, the best form of earning as well as a spotlight on business among the Sahaba radhiallahu anhum. The book gives the Islamic stance on business and shows how easy it is to earn reward while going about one’s daily work. 147 pages Available from: Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) Ta’limi Board Tel. 031 912 9268

Get over 1,000 links at or scan the QR code


The Chair

Once, a professor kept a chair at a certain distance on the stage, in front of the audience. He started his lecture, then pointing to the middle row, those who were sitting exactly in front of the chair, he asked, 'How many legs the chair has that you can see, but answer me exactly what you observe, not assuming that the chair has four legs?' The first person of the middle row replied, 'Two', because the other two legs were hidden behind the front legs. The professor then asked the same question to the left side viewers. The answer came 'Three'. Here, one back leg was hidden behind one of it's front side leg. So, only three were visible. The same question was repeated to the right side and the extreme corner side audience. The answers, he received were 'Three' and 'Four' respectively. The professor then said, 'Look!! All of you know that the chair has four legs, but when I asked you to answer me exactly what you are observing from your angle, your answer varied. But, do you think it is possible? So what does it mean? Do you think that the same chair has two, three or four legs? Obviously, the answer is 'no'. We assume it as the varied numbers according to our perception, the angle from which we view. So, what I mean to say is that our perception is not always absolutely correct or true. The same thing happens to everybody, when he/she judges others from his/her view points. Kindly, take your time, but judge others correctly.’


islamic focus

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Sheikh Shamiel Panday Name: Shamiel Panday Born: 1964 in Korsten, Port Elizabeth Sheikh did his schooling at Gelvandale Primary and his secondary education at St Thomas High. His initial Islamic education was done under late Sheikh Jamiel Jardien rahimahullah in Musjid Taqwa. Sheikh studied in Madinah 198184 and completed Sha'batu Ta'leemul Arabieya and Thanawieyah. Sheikh was about to enter the College of Shariah when his father passed away in 1984. He was forced to give up his studies as he was the eldest son. On his return to SA Sheikh served on the executive of Eastern Cape Islamic Congress as a co-opted member and was also a member of the Religious Affairs Council. In 1988 the ECIC Baitul Maal fund was merged with SANZAF and Sheikh ran the office for 3 years. Thereafter he pursued a career in building contract management whilst remaining a member of the Religious Affairs Council. In 1994 Sheikh Jamiel encouraged Sheikh to enrol at Al Azhar University in Cairo for an Imaamat course which he successfully completed. One year after the death of Sheikh Jamiel he hesitantly accepted the Imaamat of Masjidut Taqwa in Gelvandale. He has served as Imaam from then (1995) till now. In 2003 Sheikh was approached to assist SANZAF with fundraising and he runs the Eastern Cape branch. Sheikh is passionate about Palestine and has made 5 trips there (2000, 2005, 2006, 2008 and Gaza in 2010) and is a member of the Al Quds Foundation. Sheikh has also made 4 trips to Syria and organised a 12 foot container of aid as well as financial and medical aid that was distributed to various rehabilitation clinics for Surian amputees and quadreplegics. He is a member of the United Ulama Council of SA and regularly gives Juma Khutbas around SA. His mentor is Dr Faa Abdur Raheem of Madinah and he has an attachment to Sheikh Yusuf Al Qardawi and Sheikh Amr Khalid. Sheikh has made 10 Hajj and numerous Umrahs. Sheikh currently only does Imamat and the odd building job.




Agriculture in Islam

After trade, Sheikh Zakariyya rahimahullah rates agriculture as the best occupation:

Charity. “Should a man plant a tree or busy himself with farming, and a person or a bird or an animal eats from it, then that shall be an act of charity for him. And if anything gets stolen then too it will be considered as charity.” (Muslim) Compulsory. (Salih alaihis salaam) said, "O my people, worship Allah ; you have no deity other than Him. He has produced you from the earth and settled you in it..." (Quran 11:61) Imam Abu Bakr Razi concludes from this verse that it is Wajib (compulsory) to fill the earth with crops, gardens and orchards. A tree or plant that one planted is a means of recurring reward after one’s demise. (Tarateeb) Encouragement. “If the Final Hour comes while you have a palm-cutting in your hands and it is possible to plant it before the Hour comes, you should plant it.” (Al Adab al Mufrad, 1:479) Independent. That farming is free of disgrace where you farm your own land. Otherwise, if it is done on rented farms or under the feudal system, then the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has remarked that: “Verily into the houses in which these things (farming equipment) enter, dishonor and disgrace also enter.” (Bukhari) Dawoodi mentioned that this refers to people who farm close to enemy borders and there is a fear of the enemy capturing them and their lands.


islamic focus

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The Art of Public Speaking The best example of public speaking is found in the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam: Ibn Qayyim writes: “The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam was the the most eloquent human being. His speech was so sweet and lucid, that it sank into the depths of the hearts of those who were listening and captured their souls. (Zad al Ma’ad) Planning The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: “O Abu Zarr! There is no intelligence like astute planning…” (Ibn Abi Dunya) “A good manner of conduct, deliberation and moderation are a twenty-fourth part of prophecy.” (Tirmidhi) Ask a Question This engages the minds of the audience. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam used to pose questions. He asked the Makkans when inviting them to Islam: “If I told you there was an army behind this hill, would you believe me?” They answered in the affirmative. Using Analogy In the Final Sermon, the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam gave examples of matters the Sahaba radhiallahu anhum were acquainted: “Just as you regard this month, this day and this city as sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust.” The Sahaba knew the sanctity of that month, day and place. Then the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam drew an analogy that the life and property of people were just as sacred. From: The Dynamics of Public Speaking by E Khamissa 23

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Roots of the Conflict Do you know how Syria ended up with the deviated Shia minority Alawi leadership of Bashar Assad and Co? The roots lie in the French colonial misadventures in Syria. In 1920, the French divided the territories of Syria based on religious lines to intentionally divide the population and favouring religious minorities such as the Druze and the Alawites to break Muslim power. This included an Alawite State. The Alawite State was later dismantled, but the Alawites continued to be a significant part of the Syrian army. From the 1949 coup, Alawites dominated the officer and governmental corps. Former president Hafez Asad and his son, Bashar are Alawite. Many young men from rural Alawi communities joined the French troops for social advancement. These troops, regional forces recruited from minority populations, were often used to suppress Muslim aspirations for freedom. The Syrian army subsequent to independence was dominated by recruits from Alawite, Druze and Kurdish communities. And just what do Alawites believe in? Their theology is based on a trinity of God: the "Essence" together with his "Name" and his "Gate". They claim that these have manifested themselves in different human forms over several cycles in history, the last of which was as Ali (Essence), Muhammad (Name) and Salman the Persian (Gate). Alawite belief is summarised in the formula: "I turn to the Gate; I bow before the Name; I adore the Meaning". The French colonial escapade deliberately created the murderous scenario we have today.


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1954-62 French occupied Algeria Pierre Vidal-Naquet says there were "hundreds of thousands of instances of torture" by the French military in Algeria. The French military also buried alive old men. French soldiers systematically raped Muslim women and girls in Algeria. Over one million Muslims lost their lives in the war to free Algeria from French slavery. 1798 French occupied Egypt 23 year old Sulaiman al Halabi, a student at Al Azhar, was arrested by French soldiers and tortured, his right arm burnt to the bone. He was killed by impalement, his body ripped onto a sharpened stake. 1830 invasion of Algiers French troops plundered the city, killing people, seizing property, and desecrating religious sites. 1840’s French invasion of Algeria The French resorted to the most barbaric methods to terrorise the Algerian population. They cut off prisoners’ ears and took away the Arabs’ wives, children and flocks. They exchanged women prisoners for horses and auctioned them off like pack animals. They used a scorched earth policy slaughtering the population and destroying villages. French generalsbroke the record of barbarism in this campaign. Pelissier drove thousands of Arabs into the mountain caves, where he suffocated them with smoke. Saint Arnaud bricked up in caves 1,500 Arabs, including women and children.

Colonial Curse

Our History Bay Youth Development was formed 4 years ago with the aim of providing the youth of our surrounding communities motivating activities to assist with their physical and mental development. We began arranging once-off youth days featuring sporting activities as well as presentations and lectures on youth development. As the Bay Youth Team grew and the response from the enthusiastic learners increased, we accordingly began conducting more events.

Our Mission

Our Team The Bay Youth Development team is made up of experienced seniors who have been working with the youth for decades as well as dedicated scholars from the community.

Activities 21st February Hike 18th April Horse Riding 6th March On behalf of SANQC the annual Eastern Cape Hifz Competition for 2015 was hosted at Musjid Taqwa 1st August Archery 29th August Soccer Tournament 18th October Soccer Tournament 31st October Soccer Coaching Clinic 5th December Survival Camp


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t. +27 83 976 1145 e. @BayYouth786


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