En how to perform wudu and prayer

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OW TO PERFORM WUDHAND PRAYER AND ITS PROOF by Sheikh: AbdullahsolaimanAl-Manooq



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HOW TO ••• HOWTO+r. (Wudrtl A) PERFORM ABLUTION PERFORM ABLUTION(WudLi) (Sa/af) B) PERFORMPRAYER PRAYER(Sa/at) B) PERFORM Written by Written AbdullahSulaiman Abdullah SulaimanAI-Marzuk Al-Marzuk

DarAI-Muslim Al-Muslimfor Dar for Publishing Publiehing& & Distribution Distribution


ABLUTION (Wudu\ (Wudu) ABLUTION .• How How to Per{orm Perform Ablution Ablution (Tayammom) Ablution (Tayammom) •. Sand Ablution Boots Socksor Boots •. Rubbing Over Socks (Ghost) •. Total Ablution (Ghost)

PRAYER (Salaf) PRAYER (Sa/at) Prayer Per{orm Prayer •. How to Perform How to


In lhe the Nme Name of ofAIJJlh, The Mos Most Grociora, Gracious, The The MN Most M*tifal Merciful AlM, The In

Praise be be to Allah, The Lord of of the the Worlds, Worlds, and and Praise peace and and blessings blessings be be upon upon His Messenger, Messenger, our His peace Prophet Muhammad, Muhammad, upon upon all the the Messengers Messengers and and Prophet his Prophets of Allah, upon our Prophet's family, our Prophet's Prophets of Allatr, upon companions those who followed his guidance guidance followed his and those companions and till the the Day of Judgement. of Judgement. till perform The is on: on: How to perform report is The following report ablution perform prayers. prayers. and how to perform ablution and guide me and I I pray pray to this work, work, and me in this to guide to Allah to from it. beseech to Him that all readers may benefit from it. may benefit all readers to that beseech Praise the Worlds. Worlds. Allah. The Lord of the to Allah, The Lord Praisebe be to S.A1-Marzuk AI-lVIaEuk Abdullah AMullah S. Arabia SaudiArabia Saudi Qaseem-Buraidah Qaseem-Buaidah (14r6A.H.) (14]6 A.H.)


ABLUTION (llludu) (Wudu) ABLUTION Every Muslim is ordered ordered to make make ablution ablution Every before performing performing prayer. prayer. Without ablution, ablution, prayer prayer before unaccepted by by Allah Allah (to (to Him Him belongs belongs all all is invalid invalid and and unaccepted Dignity and and Glory). Glory). Dignity In the says: the Holy Qur'an Allatt says: Qur'an Allah youinteni tooffer oftr payer, (0 Wlxn (O you you\\h> irrild to Whenyou uiln relieve! believe! V(ayil, yu.n anns yourfa:es ~ (fon>anns) up to the mrs(fmmrs)Wtodre fu aOO wffih your rrd your (by ~ \rrcthadsover)yourtrcads' elOOws, rub elbor,rn, rub (by Fssing \\ethaB3sover)yourheads, in asfiate ae ina~ ycnrftd up qpto lheankles. arkles.Ifyou Ifycnrare am tothe ad ~ yourfee1: "\6h (- grave gtaveimpnity) after ie. one's cnres state $aE after of .Jamba' inryxity) ie. ljunfu' (= your having ~ ~ora\\et-<Jream),~your bdre havingsilal irhtunr uauddean), \\h>le 5:7] uilnlelxxly.) body)[HolyQur'an: [FlolyQtrr'au5:7] verse,no importantverse, no With the revelation of this this important the revelation performedwithout ablution. ablution. prayer prayer could could be be performed you If impossible,or difficult, you wateris is impossible, If using usingthe the water (asitit will be performtayammom, laterexplained). can (as belater explained). ttryammom, canperform


to Make Ablution: How to l. 1.

Havethe heartintention theheart Have for ablution. intention performing for performing ablution. Do pronounce not Do not pronounce the the intention. intention.The The Prophet Prophet (peacebe be upon (peace upon him) him) used not to usednot to utter utter words words expressing hisintention expressing his for intention for ablution. ablution.

'ln the (Bismillaft).This 2. Say: Say: (Bismillah). This means 2. means'In the Name Name of Allah. Allah. Wash your your hands and wrists 3. Wash hands and wrists three three times, times, inter-rubbing inter-rubbing between between the the fingers fingers of of both both hands. hands. 4. 4.

Take a palm-fuI Take palm-ful of water in your right hand. hand. of water Put Put the the water water in your mouth mouth and rinse your and rinse mouth. mouth. Do this this three three times. times.

5. 5. Take Take water water in your right hand. hand. Sniffup Sniff up water water through your through your nostrils, nostrils, then, then, blow it out. out. Do this this three three times. times.


6. Wash your your face 6 . Wash facethree threetimes timeswith both both hands. hands. Make Make sure waterhas sure that that the thewater all the the hasreached reachedall parts of your face parts of your face from from the the forehead foreheadto to the the chin, the other. chin,and andfrom from one oneear earlobe lobeto to the other. Wash your your right 7 . Wash 7. right hand, hand,arm, arrn,and andelbow elbow three three times. times. Wash your your left 8 . Wash 8. left hand, hand, arm, arm, and andelbow elbow three three times. times. 9 . Wet Wet your your hands, hands,then your head 9. then rub rub over over your head with them, them, starting with starting from from front front to to back, back,and and thenfrom from back backto then to front. front. Do Do this this once onceonly. only. Wipe the 1 0 .Wipe the inner inner side your 10. side of your your ears earswith your fore-fingers, and their forefingers, and with your your their outer outer side side with thumbs. thumbs. Wash your l l . Wash your right right foot 11. up to to the the ankle ankle three three foot up times. times.

t 2 . Then Thenwash 12. wash your your left left foot foot up up to the the ankle ankle three three times. times.


At this stage, stage, the ablution is completed, completed, and and At are ready ready to perform prayers. prayers. now, you are Your are are not obliged to wash wash your organs organs three three times. You can can wash wash them them once once or twice, twice., but it is times, preferable to wash wash them them three three times. times. preferable You are are advised advised to to recite recite the the following following supplication supplication You after your ablution: ablution: afterfinalizing finalizingyour

(Ash-hado Ash-hado (,4sh-hado alla ilaha illallah, wa Ash-hado Rasoolah. anna Mohammadan Abdoho Abdoho wa Rasoolah. anna Mohammadan waidlni Allahomma ijdlni minattawwabeen, Allahomma ij dlni minattawwabeen, wajdlni minal-mottatahhireen.) minal-mottatahhireen.) This This means: means: god, but He is (I but Allah, He is no no god, (l bear that there thereis witnessthat bear witness witness that one, He has no partner, and I bear witness that partner, and bear one, He has no Messenger.0O Mohammad and His Messenger. is His His servant servant and Mohammad is for their their sins, sins, Allah, who repent repentfor me of those thosewho Allah, make make me pure.) and who keep keepthemselves themselvespure.) thosewho andof those


You can can perforrn perform more more than than one one prayer prayer with with one one You itit unless ablution to renew ablution. You do not need to renew ablution unless need not ablution.You the of any any of of the invalidated by by the the happening happening of is invalidated following: following: 1. l.

Natural discharges; discharges; i.e. i.e. urine, urine, stools, stools, gas gas ... '" Natural

etc. etc. 2. Falling Falling asleep. asleep. 2. for 3. Losing sense; sense~ i.e. becoming unconscious unconscious for i.e. becoming 3. Losing or drunkenness sickness, or any reason such as: madness, sickness, drunkenness any reasonsuchas: madness, by drugs. takingdrugs. by taking

4. meat. camelmeat. Eatingcamel 4. Eating

Sand-Ablution (Tayammom): Sand-Ablution (Tayammom): useitit you cannot cannotuse or you water,or If have water, you do do not not have If you harm may will or water because you are ill and using water will or may harm becauseyou are ill and using as aa make TTayammom ayammom as you, to make you are allowed to are allowed you, you Allah Holy the Qur'an Allah substitute for ablution. In the Holy In substitute for ablution. Qur'an says: says:


journey,or one (... ( ... If If you you are are ill or on aajoumey, one of of comes from the the offices offices of of nature, nature, or you comes (i.e. a have been been in contact contact with women women (i.e. you have water, you find no sexual intercourse) and water, and sexual intercourse) then take take for yourselves yourselves clean clean earth earth and and rub then does your Allah therewith your faces and hands. does and hands. faces therewith not wish wish to place place you you in difficulty, difficulty, but He He not His you complete wants to and complete purify and to wants you that you may thankful.F favor upon you be thankful.) may be that you favor upon [Holy 5:7] Qur'an,5:7] [Holy Qur'an, Tayammom as follows: follows: performedas is performed Tayammomis heart of of 1. intention within your heart the intention Have the 1. Have performing performing Tayammom. Tayammom. pure earth 2. earthor sand. sand. both hands handson on pure Strike both 2. Strike the clinging clinging dust dustby 3. off the both hands hands off Shake both 3. Shake your face andwipe wipe your face striking other,and eachother, striking them them against againsteach with them wipe the the then wipe the right right hand handwith the once, then them once, left hand, handwith the the right right one. one. andthen thenthe the left hand hand,and


At and thisstage stageTayammom At this Tayammomis is completed, completed, andnow now you ),ou performprayer. areready readyto to perform prayer. are You perforrnmore You can canperform prayerwith one morethan thanone oneprayer one Tayammom. Tayammom. Tayammomis Tayammom is invalidated invalidatedby by finding finding water waterand and by the thehappening happeningof any by anyof the the following: following: l. 1.

Naturaldischarges. discharges. Natural

Fallingasleep. 2. Falling asleep. 2. Losingsense. 3. Losing sense. 3. 4. 4.

Eatingcamel camelmeat. meat. Eating

Tayammomshows showsone of the the facilities facilities of of Islam. Islam. Tayammom one of Rubbing Over Socks Socks or Boots: Boots: It is permissible permissible for a Muslim to perform perform ablution, ankle-lengthed ablution, then then to put on his socks socks or ankle-lengthed boots place boots with having having to take take either either 24 hours hours ifif in place of residence, of residence, or 3 days days when when travelling. travelling. ItIt is enough enough

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within to just rub over them them when when renewing renewing ablution within the allowed time mentioned. mentioned. the allowed facilities of This also shows of the the facilities of Islam. Islam. This also showsone ene of (Ghust): Total Ablution Ablutio n (Ghus/):

One shouldbathe caseof the state stateof of One should bathein case of being being in the (i.e.: having major major impurity (i.e.: sexualintercourse, having sexual intercourse,wet -with womenwomen- finishing menstruation dream dream or -with menstruationor period). having having finished finishedchild birth period).

(Satal) PRAYER (Salat) prayer is Performing prayer is the Performing the second secondpillar of of Islam. Islam. prophet, Mohammad (peace Our prophet, Mohammad (peace and and blessings blessings of of Allah be be upon upon him said: said: "Islam is is built upon (pillars)i.e.: "Islam upon five five (pillars) Bearing i.e.: Bearing witness that god but Allah, and that there witness there is no no god and that that performing Mohammad Mohammad is is the the messenger messengerof of Allah, Allatr, performing prayers, giving poor-due, poor-due,fasting (the month of) the prayers, the fasting (the

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Ramadhan, and and making pilgrimage pilgrimage to the the Sacred Sacred Ramadhan, House by those those who can the journey thereto, thereto, can afford the House and physically fit. and physically perform five obligatory obligatory orderedto perform A Muslim is ordered prayers every prayers are: Theseprayers are: prayers day. These every day. a) prayer (Fajr prayer) prayer) a) Early morning prayer prayer(two raka rakn'at). 'at). It consists of two units units of prayer consists of (about 1'l2 hours I % hours Its time begins the true true dawn dawn (about begins at the rises. strnrises. before extendsuntil the the sun sunrise)and and extends beforesunrise) prayer): prayer (Dohr prayer): b) The noon prayer The noon prayer.Its Its time begins time begins It consists four units consistsof of four units of prayer. passedthe and aa little after the meridian meridianand sun has after the the sun has passed the the time time of the extends beginning of the extends until the the beginning prayer. afternoon afternoonprayer. (Asr prayer): prayer): prayer (Asr c) The afternoonprayer The afternoon prayer. Its Its time units of prayer. time It consists consists of four four units its object is is equal equalto enjoined when the to its the shadow shadowof an an object enjoined when plus the time shadow, shadow, own length plus the length lengthof its its noon noon time own length yellow. In necessity, and turnsyellow. necessity, and extends extends until the the sun sunturns it lasts lastsuntil the the sunset. sunset.

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d) The The sunset sunset prayer prayer (MaghriD (Maghrib prayer) prayer) d) consists of of three three units units of ofprayer. prayer. Its Its time time begins begins ItIt consists of disappearance soon after sunset and lasts until the disappearance ofthe the the until lasts and sunset soon after twilight. trvilight. i e) The nifht ni~ht Prayer: prayer: (Isha (Isha PraYer): prayer): It consists consists of of four units of of prayer. prayer. Its time begins begins It of the the twilight, and and lasts lasts soon after after the the disappearance disappearance of soon until midnight. until midnight.

A Muslim must must perform perform each each prayer prayer in its due due A says: time. Holy Qur'an the HolY time. In the Qut'an Allah says: enjoined is enjoined time is (Verily fixed time prayerat at fixed the prayer {Verily the on an, 5: 5:103] 103] on believers.) believers.)[Holy Qur'an, [Holy Qur' its prayersuntil its the prayers It one of the delays one It aa Muslim delays punishable grievousand andpunishable time commit aa grievous he will commit ends,he time ends, repent shouldrepent He should sin excuse.He reasonableexcuse. no reasonable is no if there thereis sin if should also He to Allah and ask for forgiveness. He also should to Atlah and ask for forgiveness. refrain it. recommittingit. from recommitting refrainfrom prayers their prayers delay their who delay Allah those who threatensthose Allah threatens from their fixed times. He states: from their fixed times. He states:

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(So Woe Woe unto (So unto those thoseworshippers worshippers who who delay delay prayer their from its its stated their prayer from statedfixed fixed time.) time.) 107:4-5] [Holy Qur'an, 107:4-5] [Holy Qur'an, Any one who who does does not Anyone perform prayers not perform prayers is is not not aa Muslim. Our prophet,Mohammad Our prophet, Muslim. blessings Mohammad(Peace (Peaceand and blessings of Allah Allah be be upon upon him) of him) clarifies: clarifies:"There "There is is nothing nothing between man man and and Polytheism between Polytheism and and Blasphemy Blasphemy but but abandoningprayers." prayers." He abandoning He also also says: says:"The "The obligation obligation which distinguishes distinguishesbetween which betweenus us and and the the unbelievers unbelieversis is prayer, therefore therefore whosoever whosoever desists prayer, prayer desists prayerbecomes becomesan an unbeliever." unbeliever."

How to perform prayer: l. 1. Perform Perfonn the the ablution ablution to cleanse cleanse your your body. body. Your clothes clothes and and the the place place you want want to pray pray in should should be be clean clean as as well. well. 2. Turn your face face towards towards the Holy Kaaba Kaaba at Makkah, intending intending by heart heart to perform perfonn the prayer prayer which which you you want want to to fulfiI. fulfil. You You do not need need to pronounce pronounce the the intention. intention.

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3. Raise Raise your your hands hands up to the the level level of of the the 3. shoulders saying: saying: (Allaho (Allaho Akbur) Akbur) which which means: means: slroulders is the the greatest). greatest). (Allah is (Allah 4. Lower your hands hands and and put your right hand hand 4. over the the left one, one, and and put them them both both on your your chest. chest. over (Sobhanak 5. Recite invocation: (Sobhanak Recite the following invocation: wataala Allahomma wa-bi-hamdik, tabaraka'smok, wataala wa-bi-hamdik, wa tabaraka-smok, Allahomma jaddok, jaddok, wala ghairok.) ilaha ghairok.) wala ilaha

(Doda Al Istifta).It This AIIstifta). It called: (Doda This invokation is called: invokation is means: means: (Praiseand be Your Blessedbe (Praise be to to Allah. Allah. Blessed and Glory Glory be god but no god but is no esty. There name. Thereis name. Exalted be Your Majesty. Exaltedbe Your Maj you.) you.) (A'outho 'outho billahi minash-shaitanir6. minash-shaitanir6. Say: Say: (A rajeern). raj eem). the This means: means: (I seek refuge in Allah from the seek refuge accursed accursedSatan.) Satan.) (Bismillah Ar-Rahman Then Then say: say: (Bismillah Ar-RahmanAr-Raheem), Ar-Raheem), which translates: which translates:

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(In the the name name of (In of Allah, Allah, the theMost MostGracious, Gracious,the the MostMerciful.) Mercitul.) Most 7. Recite Recite the the opening 7. opening Surah Surah of of the the Holy Holy whichis (Al-Fatihah).Here is called Qur'an called(Al-Fatihah). Hereitit is: is: Qur'anwhich (Al-hamdoLillahi Liltahi Rabbi! (Al-hamdo RabbilAalameen. ialsmeen. ArrahmanirArrshmanirRaheem. Maliki Maliki yawmiddeen. Iyyaka na'bado Raheem. na'bado wa iyyaka nastaeen. Ihdinas-siratal Ihdinas-siratal nastaeen. mostakeem. mostakeem. Siratal-latheena Siratal-lqtheena ghairil maghdoobi alaihim aa'na'mtq 'na 'mta alaihim, ghairil alaihim waladdhalleen). Ameen dhalleen). This Surah Surahmeans: means: This (Praisebe be to to Allah the the Lord (Praise Lord of the the Worlds. Worlds.The The Most Gracious Graciousthe the Most Most Merciful. Most the day Merciful. Master Masterof the day of Judgment. of Judgment. We We worship worship You alone, we seek alone,and and we seek Your Your help. help. Guide Guide us us along along the the straight straight path. path. The The path path of of those those on whom whom You have have bestowed bestowed your Your favours. favours. Those Those whose whose (portion) (portion) is not wrath, wrath, and and those those who who go go not not astray). astray). Amen. Amen. 8. 8. You are are advised advised to recite recite some some verses verses from from the Holy the Qur' an, or to recite recite a complete complete Surah Surah (if (if Qur'an, possible). possible). Here Here are are some some short short Surahs: Surahs:

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a) (Qot (Qol howallaho howallaho Ahad. Ahad Allahos-Samad. Allahos-Samad. Lam Lam a) lwfowan lahoo yakon yalid walam yoo/ad Walam yakon lahoo kofowan yoolad. Walam yalid walam ahad) ahad.)

This Surah means: means: This (Say he he is Allah the the One One and and Only' Only. The self Existing Existing (Say and besought besought of of All. All. He begets begets not nor is he he begotten. begotten. and And there there is none none like like unto unto him.) him.) Fasalli lirakbbika aatainakal KawtharKawthar. Fasalii lirakbbika b) (Inna ddtainakal wanhar. Inna shanniaka abler.) abter.) howal shannidkn wanhar.

This Surah means: means: (Mohammad) (Surely upon you (Mohammad) bestowedupon have bestowed (Surely we have is the the (one which is good the abundance of every kind of good (one of which kind every abundance the pray So, Rivekr of AI-Kawthar in the Hereafter). So, pray to your Hereafter). the in Al-Kawthar Rivekr whose your enemy enemywhose is your Lord It is sacrifice. It Hirn sacrifice. and offer Him Lord and line off). cut off). becut linewill be of level of 9) hands up to the level Then, raising your hands 9) Then, bend (Allaho Akbur), Akhur), bend your and saying saying (Allaho your shoulders shoulders and one on back on one your head and back head and down your trunk-making trunk-making your down your spread the fingers fingers spread with the level, your hands handswith putting your and putting level, and on your knees. knees. on your

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(Sobhana Rabbiyal 10) l0) Say: Say: (Sobhana Rabbiyal Adeem.) Adeem.) which which means: means: (Glorified is (Glorified is my Lord. Lord. The The Great). Great). You are are say it three advised advisedto to say threetimes. times. your head 11) I I ) Raise Raise your head up up from from bowing, bowing, raising raising your hands your shoulders your handsup up to the the level level of your shouldersand and say: say: (Sami-Allaholiman liman hamidah.) hamidah.)Which (Sami-Allaho Which means: means: hearshim who praisesHim.) (Allah hears who praises (Rabbanawalakal 12) Say: Say:(Rabbana 12) walakalhamd). hamd).This This means: means: (Our Lord! you.) (OUf Lord! Praise Praisebe be for you.) (AllahoAkbur). 13) Prostrate Prostratesaying: saying:(Allaho 13) Akbur). prostration, the the following organs In prostration, organs should should ground: The touch the the ground: touch The forehead, forehead,the the nose, nose, both both hands,both both knees, knees,and and the partsof hands, the internal internalparts of the the toes. toes. 14) Say Say the the following following while prostrating: 14) while prostrating: (Sobhana RabbiyalAdla).It (Glorified is (Sobhana Rabbiyal Ad/a). It means: means:(Glorified is my Lord, Lord, the the Exalted.) Exalted.) You are three are advised advisedto say say it three times. times.

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15) Raise your your head head saying: saying: (Allaho (Allaho Akhur). Akbur). 15) Raise Seat yourself on your left left foot and and straighten straighten up your Seat right foot in a vertical vertical position. position. Pur your hands hands on thighs and knees. your thighs and knees. (Rabbighfir lee, 16) warhamny, wahdinee, wahdinee, lee, warhamny, l6) Say: Say: (Rabbighfir warzoknee, waafinee, wajborny.) borny.) knee, wdafine e, waj warzo (O my Lord, forgive ffiâ‚Ź, This means: (0 Lord, forgive me, have have This means: provide guide me mercy on me, guide me, provide me with Your ffie, ffie, mercy on andconsole consoleme.) me.) blessings, heal healme me and blessings, (Rabbighfir lee), lee),which which You can suffice suffice with: with: (Rabbighfir Yotr can (O means: (0 my Lord forgive me). forgive me). my Lord means: (Allaho Akbur). Akbur). 17) 17) Prostrate Prostrate again again saying: saying: (Allaho Repeat prostrationwhat what you did and and said said during this this prostration Repeat during prostration. in the the first first prostration. (AlluhoAkbur). 18) Akbur). Recite Recitethe the 18) Stand Stand up up saying: saying:(Allaho (Fatihah) and (Fatihah) versesof the the Holy Qur'an, andsome someother otherverses Qur'an, (Ralaih). prayer(Raktih). you did and unit of prayer do as as you did in the the first first unit and do prayer consists 19) 19) If the prayer units of If the consists of two units prayer- sit prayer-as the morning morning prayersit after after the the second prayer-as the second (?"ashahhod). prostration prostrationand Here andrecite the (Tashahhod). is: recitethe Hereit is:

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(,4ttahiyato lillahi (Attahiyato lillahi wassalawato wassalawato wattayibat. wattayibat. Assalamo Assalamo alaika dlaika ayyahannabiyo ayyahannabiyowarahmatol warahmatol lahi lahi wabaralmtoh. Assalamo wabarakatoh. Assalamo alaina alaina wa we ala ala ibadill ihadill ahissaliheen.Ash-hado ahissaliheen. Ash-hado alIa alla ilaha ilaha illallaho, illallaho, wa wd ashashhadoanna anns Mohammadan Mohammadanabdoho hado abdohowa wa rasooloh. rasooloh. Allahomma sail; Allahomma salli ala ala Mohammad, Mohammad, wa wa ala ala aali Mohammad,kama Mohammad, lmma sallaita sallaita allbraheem, al lbraheem,wa wil al dali dati Ibraheem,innaka innakaHameedon Ibraheem, HameedonMajeed. Majeed. Wabarik ala Wabarik Mohammad, Mahammad, wa wa ala aali Mohammad. Kama Kama barakta Mohammad. barakta ala Ibraheem, lbraheem, wa wa ala aal lbraheem, innaknHameedon aal Ibraheem, innaka HameedonMajeed.) Majeed.) The meaning meaningof this (Zashahhod)is: The this (Tashahhod) is (Greetings,prayers prayers and (Greetings, the good good things things of of life and the belong to to Allah. Allah. Peace, belong Peace, Mercy Mercy and and blessing blessing of of Allah Allah be you upon O Prophet. be upon you 0 Prophet. Peace Peace be be upon upon us us and and upon upon the of Allah. Allah. I bear bear witness witness that that there there the devout devout slaves slaves of is and I bear bear witness witness that that is no no god god but but Allah, Allah, and Mohammad Mohammad is is is is His His slave slave and and Messenger. Messenger. O o Lord! Lord! Bless Bless Mohammad Mohammad and and his his family family as as You blessed blessed Abraham Abrahanl and and his his family. family. you You are are the the Most Most Praised, Praised, The The Most Most Glorious. Glorious.


Bestow Your Your Grace Grace on on Mohammad Mohammad and and his his family family Bestow as You You bestowed bestowed it on Abraham Abraham and and his his family. family. You You are are as the Most Most Praised, Praised, The The Most Most Glorious.) Glorious.) the

After reciting the (Tashahhod), (Tashahhod), You you are are advised advised After Allah's, protection protection from torment torment of of Hell, to ask ask Allah's of the grave, grave, the trials in life-time life-time and after torment of death, and and from the the imposter imposter Anti-Christ, and and also also to death, ask Allah Allah for whatever whatever you wish in this life life and and the ask come. life to come. (Assalamo saying:(Assalamo 20) Tum your face to the the right right saying: face to Turn your 20) left the left to the alaikom turn it to and then then turn rahmatollah),and wa rahmatollah), alaikom wa saying: rahmatollah.) wa rahmatollah.) (Assalamoalaikom alaikomwa saying:(Assalamo means: prayer, and and it means: This salutation the prayer, ends the salutation ends you). of Allah be on you). (Peace Mercy on be (Peaceand Mercy and prayer unitsof prayer threeunits 21) prayerconsists consistsof three If the the prayer 2l) If prayer), (Maghribprayer), (three prayer(Maghrib Sunsetprayer asthat thatof of Sunset (three rakaat) ralmat)as (AIIaho saying:(Allaho stand tashahhodsaying: the tashahhod reciting the up after after reciting stand up your of your level to the up Akbur), and raising your hands up to the level of your hands raising Akbur), and put and yourleft leftone, one,and put shoulders. Put yourright handover overyour righthand Putyour shoulders. them yourchest. chest. bothon onyour themboth

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Ar-Raheem), (Bismillah Ar-Rahman 22) Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem), 22) Say: Say: (Bismillah the third unit of then andperform the of recite (Al-Fatihah) and then recite Tashahhod prayer the Tashahhod and and prayer as Recite the the second secondone. one. Recite as the prayer ask wish. Finish your prayer whateveryou wish. ask Allah for whatever yoru face the left by turning your then to the face to the the right, then ('4ssalamo alaikom while saying: saying: (Assalamo wa rahmatollah) alaikom wa as hasbeen beenexplained explainedbefore. before. as it has prayer consists prayer 23) lt the the prayer consistsof of four units units of 23) If of prayer prayer prayer), of the noon prayer (Dohr prayer), the as that the as that of the noon prayer prayer) or the prayer ('Asr prayer) afternoon the Night prayer afternoon prayer (Tashahhod), ('Isha prayer), prayer), stand ('lsha stand up up "after after the the first (Tashahhod), prayer as perform two units and ones. units of of prayer the first two ones. as the and perform prayer by the Finish your prayer the salutation salutation which is (Assalamo alaikom (Assalamo wa rahmatollah.) r ahmatoll ah.) alailwm wa

prayer,you are are advised When advisedto When you finish your prayer, ask forgivenesssaying times: ask Allah's forgiveness sayingthree threetimes: (Astaghfirollah). (Astaghfirollah).

Then Then say: say:

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(Allahoma antas-salamo antas-Salam 0 wa wa minkassalam. minkassalam. (Attahoma Tabarakta ya Jhal Jalali wal Ikram.) wal llram.) ya Jalali JhaI Tabaraha This means: means: (0 Allah, You are are the the Peace Peace and and peace peace comes comes (O Blessed be the possessor possessor of of Majesty and and from You. Blessed Reverence). Reverence). Then ask ask Allah-your Allah-your Lord-whatever you wish and the the life to come. come. in this life and Then you are the following: say the advisedto say are advised be to means: (Glory be 1. (sobhanallah) which means: l. (Sobhanallah)

Allah). Allah). (Thanks be be means:(Thanks 2. Lillah) which means: hamdo Lillah) 2. (AI hamdo

to Allah). Allatt). the is the means: (Allah is which means: 3. (Allaho Akbur) Akbur) which 3. (Allaho

greatest). greatest). once: Then say sayonce: Say times. Then thirty three threetimes. onethirty Sayeach eachone laho, shareekalaho. la shareeka (La wahdaho la (La ilaha illallaho wahdaho ilaha illallaho kolli shai-in ala kolli shai-in lahol wahwaala hamdowahwa walahol hamdo molko walahol lahol molko qadeer.) qadeer.)

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Thismeans: means: This (Thereisis no god but no god (There but Allah. Allah. He Heisisthe theone. one.He He has no partner.His no partner. His isis the has Him the Dominant, Dominant,and and to to Him aloneisisthe praise.He thepraise. Hehas haspower powerover alone overall all things.) things.)

In conclusion conclusion of this In thisreport, report,I ask askAllah-againAllah-againthat all all readers readersmake make use that and I use of it, it, and ask askHim the the rewardin the the hereafter. hereafter. reward Praisebe be to to Allah Allah and Praise and peace peaceand andblessings blessingsbe be upon our Prophet Mohammad, our Prophet upon Mohammad, his his family, family, his his companions and and upon upon those companions those who who follow their their guidance guidance until the the day day of of Judgment. Judgment.

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