A Glimpse of Islamic Faith

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CooperaUn Otlcc Oflke for for Cdl CaB end and Guldrmc Guidance ln In Al-Brtbr, AI-Batha, Riyrd\ Riyadh, 1996 1996 Coopcrrdvc King Fahad Fahad National National Library Library Caralosing-in-Publication Cataloging-in-Publication Data Data King

Musri, Ghalib Ghalib Musri, A glimpse of of Islamic Islamic faith faith A P,, ....... ..... . . .P . . . . .cCD1. m. 9960-798-35-6 ISBN: 9960-798-35-6 I. Faith Faith (Islamic creeds) creeds) l.I. Title 1. 243 dc 243

Legal Dcposit Deposit No. 0617/17 0617(17 Lcgal ISBN:9960-798-35-6 ISBN:996G798-35-6

TABLEOF CONTENTS TABLE OFCONTENTS SUBJECT SUBJECT PAGE PAGE Dedication............ Dedication 44 lntroduction........... Introduction 55 Man'sNeed Needfor the the Correct Man's CorrectCreed Creed.". 88 Monotheismin Islam Islam 11 Monotheism l1 Religion and (Belief and Human Human Nature Nature(Belief Religion 13 in Allah) 13 Messengersof Allah Messengers 28 28 The Message Message of Prophet Prophet MuThe hammad (PBUH) hammad 33 33 Pre-IslamicTimes Times Pre-Islamic 33 33 The Mission ......... The Mission....... 41 41 Characterof the Character the Gracious Gracious Prophe Prophe (PBUH) (PBUH) 46 46 Holy Scriptures Scriptures (the (the books books of of Allah) 63 63 The The Holy Qur'an Qur'an 65 65 The Hereafter Hereafter................................... 82 82 Divine Destiny Destiny................................. 87 87 Angels Angels of of Allah 89 89 3



an Truth with an Searchersfor Truth To the the Searchers open open mind and and an an enlightened enlightened heart... heart... saving ** To those who are are keen keen on on saving those who going astray themselves from going and themselves from astray and living in the the broad expanse of broad expanse Light. Light. ** To every man and and woman woman desiring desiringto to every man know know about Islam'sattitude towards about Islam's attitudetowards the THE DIVINITY,'fHtr the major major issues issuesof DIVINITY, UNIVERSE and LIFE, and and LIFE and about about the position and role of man man in the the the position and role Universe. Universe. quick glimpse glimpseof the I dedicate the dedicatethis this quick Islamic IslamicFaith. Faith. 4

Introduction Introduction In the theName Nameof of Allah, Allah, the In the Beneficent, Beneficent. the Merciful the Merciful Islam has has liberated liberated man Islam man from from mental mental bondageand and trained trainedits bondage its followers followers to to search search the truth truth with open for the open minds. minds. Allah has has honouredthe the human humanmind honoured mind and and made made it aa meansof discovering discoveringthe means the tokens tokensof His His exexistenceand glory in the and glory istence the universe universeand and ununderstandingHis derstanding His Glorious Revelation. GloriousRevelation. In the the time time when when the the non-Islamic non-Islamic world was of the the so so was suffering suffering from the the abyss abyss of called called Dark Ages, Ages, the the Islamic Islamic world world was was already already living in an an age age of of enlightenment enlightenment and and had advanced advanced in alt all fields fields of of lifespiritual spiritual and and material. material. That That is, is, in fact, fact, a 5

faith which natural outcome the living living faith which natural outcomeof the is compatible with undefiled undefiled human human nanais compatiblewith ture. ture. When faith brings When in action, the Islamic Islamic faith brings action,the huforth fonh other other honourable honourable examples examples of huguides man man man civilization and man to to the the and guides Straight Path.This This faith faith is is summed up and and StraightPath. summedup pronounced in the pronounced Arabic the following Arabic Words: Words:

. i ~i 5.!iii !Is t, tJ i,i

dlJl 1dJ :riii " .lJ a,lllU • •1U. lJtJgii ~i U! " ' dlJ J I.. 0 " .. olJl1J..... l:oa-c Jg.rr1 II


It can into Roman Roman can be be transliterated transliteratedinto Letters follows: Lettersas asfollows: '' ASH-HADU AN LA ILAHA "ASH-HADU ILLAL-LAAH, ILLAL-LAAH. WA ASH-HADU RAANNA MUHAMMADAN MUHAMMADAN RASULUL-LAAH." SULUL-LAAH." 6

Its meaning meaningin in English Englishis Its is :: ''I BEAR WITNESS THAT "I BEAR WITNESS THAT THERE THERE IS IS NO GOD GOD BUT BUT ALLAH; AND THAT NO THAT MUHAMMAD IS IS HIS MUHAMMAD HIS MESSENMESSENGER.'' GER." explanationof the A brief explanation the Muslim Muslim faith faith given in the is given the following pages. pages.Yet this is this is is glimpsefor those only aa glimpse thosewho only who are are interested interested know about to know aboutthe the articles articles of the to Islamic the Islamic Faith.It could could also also be be aa step step forward forwardon on the way way of studying studying and the and discussing discussingthe the foundationsof Islamic foundations Islamic belief. belief. It could could convince convince sincere sincere searchers searchers for the the truth truth to embrace embrace the the true true religion. religion. An impartial impartial assessment assessment of of their their beliefs beliefs and and practices practices should should hopefully hopefully lead lead them them to shift their stand stand and and guide guide them them to the the only straight straight path path ( that that is, Islam). Islam). 7

MAN'S MAN'S NEED NEED FOR FOR THE CORRECT CORRECT CREED. CREED. Man stands standsat peak of creation Man at the the peak creationand and holdsthe positionof the the position holds the master masterin this this uniuniverseowing qualities he verse owing to to the the unique unique qualities he enenjoys. He providedwith He is joys. is provided with aa number number of fafaculties and qualities that culties and qualities that enable enable him to to control control and and build build this this world. world. He He is is enenwith sense dowed dowedwith senseto to make makehim him understand understand things things and and acquire knowledge. He acquireknowledge. He is is also also provided with the power and the means means of power provided and control. control.He He enjoys, enjoys,too, too, aa variety variety of emoemotions tions and feelings, such and feelings, suchas love,hate, hate,anas love, anger,etc.. etc.. ger, qualitiesare These These qualities two-edged weapons weapons are two-edged that that can can be be employed employed either either for good good or for evil purposes. purposes. Power, Power, for example, example, can can be be used used either either for helping helping people people and and giving giving 8

them happiness.or happiness. or for wronging wronging the the weak weak them and oppressing oppressing them. them. The human human mind and can be used used either either for inventing inventing the the means means can and comfort comfort or for manufacturmanufacturof luxury and ing the the devices destruction. deathand and destruction. devicesof death Therefore, there must must be be some someother other Therefore, there force these is able able to to control control these force or drive drive that that is qualities and faculties and and direct direct human human qualities and faculties his comthem man and and his cominterestof man them in the the interest munity. the munity. That That is, is, the sound belief in the the sound perfect One His perfect and His One and and Only true true God God and attributes resurrectionafter after attributes and the resurrection and in the is brought to acacdeath brought to when everybody death when everybody is past deeds. belief will count This belief for his his past count for deeds.This man in the the be leads man be the main factor factor that that leads the main from evil awayfrom right right path path and keeps him away and keeps real ideal ideal and build aa real helpsto to build andinjustice. injustice. It helps past in the the past society witnessedin society as was witnessed as it was actual life when whenIslam was embodied embodied in actual Islam was 9

and the the Muslim Muslim soceity and soceitywas was aa concrete concrete representation of the of theIslamic Islamicfaith. representation faith. In fact, fact, Allah Allah does In doesnot not need needour our belief belief in Him, Him, nor nor does does He in He need need our our worship worship and submission submissionto and to His His exalted exalted Will; it is we we who who need need this is this belief belief in order orderto to be be coftect in our concept conceptof life, the correct the universe universe and its its Creator, Creator, and and and to to achieve achieveour our happihappiness and and welfare welfareboth ness both in this this world and and in the Hereafter. Hereafter. the

l10 0

MONOTHEISM SLAM IIN N IISLAM M ONOTHEISM ISLAM, in general, general, means means surrendersurrenderISLAM, one's whole self to Allah, getting getting rid ing one's of polytheism polytheism and and complete complete submission submission to the orders orders and and instructions instructions of of Allah. the thing which Submission Submission to Allah is a thing humanity as as Allah whole humanity the whole requiresof the AUah requires whole He hascreated the whole He has createdthe its Creator; He is its Creator;He universe over it. dominatesover He alone alone dominates and He universeand Creator It is to their their Creator is the duty of creatures creaturesto the duty and to their their servility to their servility requisiteof their and aa requisite Lord. Lord. Noah, Islam Adam, Noah, religion of Adam, was the the religion Islam was prophets up to Muup to Abraham otherprophets and other Abraham and (peaceand Allah be be hammad blessingof Allah andblessing hammad (peace and wasone one and faith was upon for their their faith them), for uponthem), ethics applied ethics the the applied although the siune, although the same, 11 1l

mightbe bedifferent. different. might The Islamic Islamicfaith faith consists The consistsof of six six fundafundamentals: mentals: in Allah. AUah. 1I -- Belief in Belief in His 22 -- Belief His Angels. Angels. Belief in Divine Divine Books. 3 -- Belief Books. Belief in His His Prophets. Prophers. 4 -- Belief the Last 5 -- Belief in the Last Day. Day. Divine Destiny. 6 -- Belief in Divine Destinv. The The first fundamental fundamental is rhe the most most imImport port of of all. all.

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RELIGION AND HUMAN HUMAN RELIGION NATURE ( Belief in Allah Allah)) Everyone nature. Everyone is is born bom upright upright by nature. Pure and Pure nature leadsto Allah, Allah, the One and natureleads the One Only true nature fact, human human nature true God. God. In fact, awakes Almighty Allah's Allah's existence existence awakes to Almighty we very than we very early even earlier earlier than early in life, even generally think may only may think. We generally think that that only think. We person ponders pondersover Allah's an an older over Allah's older person existence we obexistenceand oband Oneness. Oneness.But if we serve we notice notice little child, child, we serye the the life of aa little life he he asks that his life asks that in aa certain certain stage stageof his questionsabout his the parentsendless aLroutthe his parents endlessquestions things thingshe he sees seesaround him in the the universe. universe. aroundhim Who madethe heaven?Why is is the the sky sky Who made the heaven? go at blue? night? Where does does the the sun sun go at night? blue? Where Why doesn't night? appear to to us us at at night? doesn't it appear T3 13

go when Where does light go when the dark Where does the dark gliaer? Where comes? do stars stars glitter? Where comes? Why do does the earth earthend? end?Why does flower doesone one flower does the have another doesn't? Where have smell smell while another doesn't?Where did I come from? Where Where was was I before come from? beforeI questions came? What do do all these these questions etc. What came? etc. indicate? mean mean and and indicate?

They indicate that nature In in this They indicate that nature this child the has awake and recognize the begun to awake and recognize has begun Creator earthand heavensthrough the earth and heavens through Creatorof the His tangible There are are and seen seen creation. creation.There tangibleand several effects that that touch touch man's man's senses senses severaleffects and fact of Allah's exawakenhim to to the the fact Allah's exand awaken peerlessness. The istence, The Oneness and and peerlessness. istence,Oneness universe, vastand wide, would would certainso vast andwide, certainuniverse,so plain fact. ly awaken man to fact.Those Those awaken man to that that plain great great dimensions the dimensions in the the skies skies and and the earth... immense, celesthosecountless, countless,immense, celesearth...those The tial Who has hascreated bodies...Who createdthem? them? The tial bodies... 14 1,4

earth, earth, though though too too tiny compared compared with mounother other celestial celestial bodies, bodies, contains contains mounplains, oceans, tains, rivers tains, plains, oceans, seas seas and and rivers that that would take man to take the the whole life of man part of them. learn leam about about aa small small part them. How, then, then, about about the the solar system of which solar system part? How about our earth earth is is only aa part? about the the which our solar milky way way of which solar system system part?. And other is is considered consideredaa small other small part? celestial celestialmasses masseswhich which contain contain millions millions galaxieslike ours? and millions of galaxies ours? And and millions millions and starsin comparicompariand millions of stars son which the the large large sun is considson with which sun is considered be too small? eredto be too small? With all its its bulkiness, bulkiness, the the UnIverse universe IS is marvellously and day accurate. Night and day marvellously accurate. preciselythat follow each so precisely that we we adeachother other so adjust our watches fact, the them. In fact, watches to them. the its astrowhole is so exact in its astroso exact universe IS whole universe 15 t5

nomical revolution revolutionthat nomical thatclocks clocksin in observaobservatories, which which are tories, are the the most most accurate accurate clocks we we have have and clocks and to to which which clocks clocks in in broadcasting stations stations are broadcasting are adjusted, adjusted, are are themselvesadjusted themselves adjustedto to the theextremely extremelyaccuaccurate astronomical astronomical revolution revolution which rate which is is neverdisturbed disturbed in the never the course course of time time ununless, of course, course,Allah Allah willed less, willed it otherwise. otherwise. Every being, being,animate Every animateand and inanimate, inanimate,enenjoys suchmiraculous miraculousaccuracy. joys such accuracy.Have Have you you seenthe the extremely extremelyminute minute living cell seen cell that that can seen only under can be be seen under the the microscope? microscope? Yet it grows, grows, splits splits and and performs performs highly highly wonderfrrl wonderful tasks tasks which which make make man man helpless helpless and and humble humble towards towards the the omnipotence omnipotence of Ailah! Allah! Who, Who, other other than than Allah, Allah, has has infused of life and and guided guided fused itit with the the secret secret of itit to such activity? such surprising surprising activity? 1166

germcannot A genn cannotbe beseen A seenwith with the theunaided unaided 'virus' eye.A A minute minutekind kind called eye. called'virus' cannot cannotbe be seen even evenunder underthe theordinary seen ordinary microscope. microscope. Yet, you you know know from from your your studies Yet, studies in in science that itit might might cause science that causethe themost mostdeaddeadly disease diseaseunless unless man ly man immunized immunized himhimself against againstit by means meansof medicines and self ofmedicines and serums.The The multicellular multicellular being, serums. being, man man at at the top, top, was was originally originally one the one impregnated impregnated went on on splitting cell which went splitting and and growing growing till it became became an an integral till integral being. being. What power, than that of Allah, has has givpower, other other than that of en it life and and activity? activity? Most surprising surprising in that splitting process process is the fact that those those cells cells appear appear sirnilar similar in their beginbeginning, then orders to spespeorders are are given to them ro cialize cialize and take take certain certain forms -- one one cell cell moyes moves to to aa certain certain place place and and becomes becomes an an ear ear or or part part of of an an ear; ear; another another cell cell goes goes to to another another position position and and becomes becomes an an eye eye or or t17 7

the one of the es one becomes part of it; aa third becom etc' ... etc. bones"' turns into bones cells; aa fourth turns brain cells; recells reble cells invisible those invisi What order order did those rdinary exextraordinary such extrao obey in such ceive and obey ceive and or. Creator' the Creat order of the the order de? It is the actitu actitude? and obey Him, and theY obey and they s them them and He order orders dance with His accordance and form in accor move move and Witl. Divin Divinee Will.

red coloured ved aa multi -- colou you obser observed Have Have you behas ber? Who has flower? iful flowe beautiful nt beaut fragra fragrant and how nce and fragrance that fragra d it with that stowe stowed Supit? Supined in it? rs comb combined colours have these colou have these that so that flowerr so me aa flowe perfume pose poseyou tried to perfu ing moming nce from morn e fragra fragrance diffuse it would diffus rs colours paint it in all colou and to paint ng, and to eveni evening, as long as r so so long colour lose colou not lose d not would so that it woul so that be for would it be hard would . How hard it exists exists. pt be be attemPt would your you, and and how far would you, Your attem d busied earthbusie e on on earth people If all peopl ssful? If succe successful? 18 l8

themselveswith with such suchaa task themselves taskwith with all all flowflowgrowing on en growing on earth earttror ers or in in the the sea, sea, could could perform it? they perform it? And even they even if if they they could, could, what time time and andeffort effort would what would be be left left for for othother activities? activities? er flowers on Yet millions of flowers on earth earth grow scented,coloured colouredand pleasant.Allah scented, andpleasant. Allatr has has createdall without the created the least least effort or disdistraction from directing directing the traction the immense immenseuniverse, for He (Glory be verse, be to Him!) only "Be! And it is". saysto a thing: thing: "Be! says is". For For Him, it is so so easy. easy. The phenomena phenomena of of death death and and life also also attract attract man's man's attention attention to the the miraculous miraculous Divine Power Power that that gives gives life and and death. death. What is life in reality? reality? It It is a marvellous marvellous secret secret which no one one can can explain. explain. All All that that man has interpretahas so far attempted attempted is the interpretat9 19

of some some phenomena phenomena of of life life such such as as tion of movement, growth and physiology. physiology. As for for movement, life itself itself - what is it? How does does itit exist in life living things? things? How How does does itit direct them to living fulfil their functions? functions? All All this is a vague vague fulfil man. Man, mystery incomprehensible incomprehensible to man. mystery employedall his especially biologists, has has employed especially biologists, one cell of create one scientific knowledge knowledge to create the dibillions of living cells cells with which the vain. was in vain. vine creation abounds,but all was creation abounds, the whether in the As for man's livelihood, whether man'slivelihood, crops sky; crops the sky; form of rain falling from the anigrowing from earth; fish, birds birds and and aniearth; fish, mals; minerals underground; underground; mals; treasures treasuresand and minerals ships the wind driving driving ships we breathe; the wind brcathe; the the air we machines power driving on driving machines sea; or power on the the sea; power, electric electric power; such steam power, as steam such as Power; wapower of fuel fuel or of waatomic energy,the thepower atomicenergy, who, mountains-- who, ter from mountains down from ter falling falling down 20

other than than ABah, Ailah, provides providesall other "Lo? all these? these?"Lo? Allah, He He itit is is that gives livelihood, Allah, that gives livelihood, the the Lord of unbeatable (Qur'an,51:58) unbeatable Lord might". might". (Qur'an, 5i:58) Man yearns yeamsafter after the Man the unseen unseenwhich which only only Allah knows, knows,but but all his attempts Allah fail. all his atrernpts fail. He He longsto know what to know what is is in store longs storefor for him him in future life, his future life, what what his his his lot lot will be be next next year, what what is going to is going year, happento to happen to him him aa month or aa week weekor aa day month day later later and and what what going to is going place in to take take place is in aa moment. moment. He He cannot discover discover what cannot what is going to is going to take take place place in a moment, moment, whether whether good goodor evil. evil. Who, other than Who, other than Allah alone, omalone.enjoys enjoys omniscience, sinceHe niscience, since He has has created createdeverything everything and and nothing nothing in the the heavens heavens and and the the earth earth escapes escapes His infinite infinite knowledge?. knowledge? Many Many things things impress impress the the human human mind, mind, awakening awakening it to the the idea idea of of the the One One God, God, 221l

perceives that He partner. ItIt perceives with no partner. with glory, might, glory, perfection, might, possesses perfection, alone possesses alone power. limitless Power. and limitless greatness and greatness Allah, Only; Allah, and OnlY; One and the One Allah, the " He is AUah, begetteth not, Absolute; He begetteth Eternal, Absolute; the Etemal, the none like there is none and there begotten; and Nor is He begotten; -4) ll2:l-4) (The Holy HolY Quran unto Him." (The Quran 112:1 unto e nature ous natur righteous enjoy righte man would enjoy Thus, Thus, man er. ht believ believer. uPright and an uprig and be an suftimes sufsometimes e some nature n natur human But the the huma The e. The relapse' and relaps gement and derangement fers fers from deran so ; so dulled; be dulled may be ption may perception y of perce facult faculty tainimitasignsof inimi the signs ive the perceive man fails to perce man fails ts forgets He forge life' He and life. rse and universe the unive bility bility in the gives livelithat gives r that power ulous powe the miraculous the mirac comsses compossesses s and andposse ols event events hood, controls hood, contr the andthe seenand the seen of the ledge of knowledge nsive know prehe prehensive


unseen. unseen. Whenman manundergoes undergoesaanew When new experience, experience, all his his senses senseswill will be bealert all alert to to it. it. If If he he nonotices aa scene sceneor or hears hearssomething tices somethingnew new for for thefirst first time time or or goes goesto to aa new the new town, town, street street house, he he will be be careful or house, careful to to recognise recognise the details detailsof the the new new place. place. He the He is is highhighimpressedsince sinceit is ly impressed is new new to him; but as to him; as grows he grows familiar familiar with the he the scene sceneor place place and sees sees it several several times, times, his and his senses sensesno no longer longer pay pay much, much, or perhaps perhaps the the least, least, atattention tention to it. Sometimes Sometimes man behaves behaves likewise likewise towards wards Allah. He forgets forgets that Allah Allah is the Creator, of life life and and Creator, the the Director, Director, the the Giver Giver of death. of death. He He overlooks overlooks the the multitudes multitudes of signs signs in in this this universe. universe. He He neglects neglects to to obobserve serve the the rising rising sun sun and and light light until until they they are are 23 23

swallowed up up in in the the dark. dark. He He fails to to nonoswallowed fragrant, beautiful beautiful flowers flowers with tice the fragrant, joyous joyous colours colours and and the the melodious melodious notes notes of song song -birds. -birds. He ignores ignores thunder, thunder, lightof and rain falling from the the clouds. clouds. He ning and disregards the the new-bom new-born baby baby and and the the dead dead disregards man. He forgets forgets about about his complete complete weakweakman. ness in relation relation to the the absolute absolute power power of ness Allah. Allah. He Other senses-- He man's senses may dull dull man's Otherthings thingsmay whims food, drink, drink, whims may his food, may be busy with with his be busy which and comforts, which worldly comforts, and transient transient worldly would from considering considering mind from would divert his mind divert his seeking the universe, seeking portents in in the the universe, the portents the Allah's remembering the and remembering Allah's favour favour and retriand retriHereafter reckoning and the reckoning Hereafter and and the bution it. in it. bution in may perceptionmay Another dull perception of dull causeof Another cause 24 24

be deviation deviation from from Allah's be Allah's orders. orders. Man Man would be rebeilious against be rebeilious would against Allah Allah on on earth and and follow tbllow his his own earth own lust lust-- He He would would go beyond beyondwhat what Allah AUah allows go allows him him to to do do becauseof of his his greediness greedinessand because andhis his desire desire to have have mastery mastery over over others to others and and make make them slaves slavesto to his his desires; them desires;so so he he encroachencroaches upon upon their property, honour their property, es honour or blood blood and wants wantsto deify deify himself himself so and so as asto to be be worworshippedbeside besideAllah. Allah. He shipped He may may be proud be too too proud to serve serveAllah, Allah, or he to be fascinated he may may be fascinated by what what he he possesses possesses - his his talents, talents, health, health, power, power, money money or anything anything Allah has has besbestowed towed on him. He thinks thinks he he has has acquired acquired them them by his own power power and and forgets forgets that that all these these bounties bounties emanated emanated from Allah. The The human human perception perception or or mind mind gets gets dull dull owing owing to to one one of of the the afore-mentioned afore-mentioned reareasons sons or or to to other other deviations deviations and and relapses; relapses; 25 25

so Allah wholly wholly or ascribes forgets AUah ascribesaa so it forgets pafiter partner to Him and that someimaginesthat someand imagines one the universe universe shares shares oneor something somettring in the divinity, majesty and power with Allah. Allah. and power divinity, majesty getscorrupt Thus, nature gets corruptand and Thus, the the human human nature possessed is by Satan, who drives away Satan,who drives it away is possessed from Favour. Yet, Yet, Divine Guidance from Divine Guidanceand and Favour. go astray; His servants Allah let His sewantsgo astray; does not not let Alatr does Prophetsto them to to so them Prophets to call call them He sent sent them so He He guidance to truth. truth. He guidanceand them back backto andturn turn them (peaceand has andblessing blessing Muhammad(peace has sent sent Muhammad prophet last prophet of Allah him) as as the the last Allatr be be upon uponhim) good tidings and aa to tidings and harbingerof good to be be aa harbinger Day of warner to the the Day mankindup up to wamer to to all mankind Resurrection. Resurrection.

guaHe him the andguatheQur'an He revealed revealedto to him Qur'anand ranteed preservation,"Lo! Lo! We, We, even even its preservation," ranteedits (i.e.theQur'an) We, Reminder(i.e.the revealthe the Reminder We,reveal Qur'an) guardian". and We its guardian". We verily verily are are its h! and La! 26 26

(Qur'an,15:9). (Qur'an, l5:9). The includesall that is essential The Qur'an essential ttrat is Qur'anincludes for human natureto nobleand andvirtuous, virtuous, humannature to be be noble guidesto guides realmeaning meaningof divinity to the ttrereal divinity and and acquaints Rightful God, the Rightful God, Creator Creator acquaintswith the and Director of the the universe, universe,Owner Owner of and Director partner. withoutany Sovereignty anypartner. Sovereigntywithout

27 27

MESSENGERS OF OF ALLAH ALLAH MESSENGERS One of of the the fundamentals fundamentals of of faith is is the the of belief in the Prophets Prophets (messengers (messengers of belief Allah). A A man cannot cannot be considered considered a AUah). Muslim or a believer believer unless unless he believes believes Allah sent sent to mankind Prophets Prophets from that Allah among themselves, themselves, who conveYed conveyed the the among them from their Lord, Truth revealed revealed to them good tidings, tidings, them good ALLAH, brought them ALLAH, brought interpreted expoundedand and interpreted warned them, expounded wamed them, man Hence, man them. Hence, Allah's messagefor them. Allatr's message he only if he Muslim only will consideredaa Muslim will be be considered all prophets and thatthey they all believes andthat all prophets believes in all withAllah, withfrom Allah, truth from brought sametruth the same brought the of any of out between any distinction between making distinction out making them. them. in believe in (O Muhammad): "Say "Say (0 We believe Muhammad):We us untous revealedunto whichwas wasrevealed Allah thatwhich Allah and andthat 28

and that that which which was and was revealed revealed unto unto Abratramand andIsmael Ismaeland Abraham and Isaac Isaacand and Jacob Jacob and the the tribes, tribes, and and that and that which was was vouchvouchsafed unto unto Moses Moses and safed andJesus Jesusand andthe theProProphetsfrom their their Lord. Lnrd. We phets We make make no no disdisbetween any tinction between any of them, them, and and unto unto havesurrendered". (Qur'an,3: we have surrendered".(Qur'an, Him we 3: 84) 84) has Allah enjoined enjoined belief in the Why has the Prophets and and made made it aa fundamental Prophets fundamental of faith besides besides belief in Him, though faith though the rhe is the belief in Allah is the basis basisof everything? everything? The answer answer is obvious. obvious. How can man The can man know his his Lord and worship Him in the the and worship right way without the the Prophets Prophets and and their guidance? of guidance? Consider Consider the the falsehoods falsehoods of mankind mankind concerning concerning their Lord throughthroughout history, history, how they they imagined imagined Him and and worshipped worshipped Him Him in their various various ages ages of of pre-Islamic pre-Islamic paganism. paganism. Once Once they ima29 29

gined Him in the gined the fonn form of the the sun's sun'sdisc, disc, as as was the the case was case with ancient ancientEgyptians; Egyptians;once once the fonn form of supennan, in the superman,as as did the the Greeks Greeks and Romans; Romans; once and once in the form of the the fonn the moon, another another in the moon, the fonn form of aa star star and and another in the still another the fonn form of an an idol. So So fancies differed and fancies and all strayed strayed from the the god because true god true because they guidance they sought sought guidance from their own imagination, imagination,desires desires and and knowledge and limited knowledge and didn't didn't follow the the the right way as truth in the as continned confirmed by Allah, that that is through through Prophets Prophets to whom whom the Truth Truth had had been the beenrevealed. revealed. less wrong wrong was perception of No less was the the perception ideological ignorance various various times ignorance times of ideological when there gods besides when there were were small small gods besides the the Lord of lords lords who enjoyed enjoyed some some of His traits, rain, another traits, such god of rain, suchas as a god another of lightning, another lightning, thunder, another anotherof thunder, another of 30

the wind, wind, another another of (Neptune) the of the the sea sea (Neptune) asanother anotherof of fertility, fertility, another as anottrerof progeny of progeny and others othersof of every every affair affair of and life. of life. If we we believe believe that If that Divinity Divinity and andLordship are arethe the major issues issuesin the ship the life of man man man and and that that the the worship worship of Allah is man is the the objectof human humanexistence: existence: "I created object created the ttre jinn and and humankind humankindonly that jinn that they they might might (Qur'an,51:56),then, worship Me." (Qur'an,51:56), worship then, we we prowill understand understandwhy belief in the will the Prophets principal constituent phets is a principal constifuent of faith; faith; for as as we have have seen seen in historical historical reality, reality, it is impossible impossible for humanity humanity to be be guided to the the truth with regard regard to divinity and and worship through other than than the right and and authorized the prophets prophets authorized source, source, that that is -- the senr sent by Almighry Almighty Allah. The of beThe same same applies applies to to the the necessity necessity of 3311

in all prophets without lief in all prophets without distinction distinction whatsoeverbetween whatsoever betweenany any of them. They all them.They purpose.They came for one came one purpose. They were were sent sent make it known that to make that there is only ONE to thereis the whole whole universe, GOD in the universe, that that is is (Be He glorified and Almighty Allah AUah (Be He glorified andhigh high partner.Theysaid exalted!)with no no partner.They exalted!) peosaidto to peo"ServeAllah! Ye have ple, "Serve ple, have no no other othergod god (Qur'an,11:50,11:61, but but Him". Him". (Qur'an, 11:50,l1:61, 11:84). l1:84). what is is the meaningof believing So, So, what the meaning believing in itt prophet and one one prophet and denying denying another? another? In fact, fact, denyingany any of them is the denying them is the same same as as denydenythem all, since ing them sincethey they expounded expoundedto men men them by Allah: the samething revealed the same revealed to them sent no messenger "We sent messenger before before thee thee but we inspired inspired him (saying): (saying): There There is no god god Save Save Me (Allah), (Allah), so so worship worship Me". (Qur'an,2l:25) (Qur'an, 21 :25) 32 32

THE,MESSEGE MESSEGEOF THE OF PROPHET PROPHET MUHAMMAD( Peace Peacebe beUpon UponHim) Him) ----------------------------------------------------Pre-- Islamic IslamicTimes: Times: Pre Before the adventof ISLAM all manthe advent Before mankind had had degenerated kind degeneratedinto into the the worst worst of sktesand states andthe thedarkest darkestof stages. stages. predominatedby Not only Arabia Arabia was was predominated pagan ignorance; such pagan ignorance; the such the whole whole world 'great' suffered from it. There There were suffered were two 'great' states: Persia Persiaand and Byzantium; Byzantium; they states: they ruled ruled most of the the world at at that that time. most time. Either Either had had a historic'civilization', historic 'civilization', but but what what was was its its basis and what basis and what was was the the mental, mental, psycholopsychological people? and material gical and material standard standardof its its people? In Persia a 'Khosrau' 'Khosrau' ruled. ruled. He was was not ln Penia 'god'. merely merely a ruler; ruler; he he was was a 'god'. The The cerecere33 33

moniesof greeting greetingwere were nearest monies nearest to to those those worship. People Feoplewere of worship. werereally really slaves to slaves to god, living -- whatever that god, whatevertheir that rank and and their rank was -- in the class was the way way that class or his Khosrau'or his that Khosrau' inherited royal royal traditions inherited traditions would would allow. allow. 'handful' Only aa 'handful' of people people enjoyed enjoyedthe the country that riches richesof the the country that is, is, the the court court of held sway Khosrau Khosrauthat that held sway over over the the masses; masses; were in an while while the the latter latter were an abject abject state stateof poverty, slavery poverty, and humiliation. humiliation. The slaveryand The asas'pomp' 'civilization'were pectsof 'pomp' and and 'civilization' were all pects 'people', palace.As for the confined confinedto the the palace. the 'people', were important importantas they they were as far as as they they served served interests of these the the interests these ruling masterswith ruling masters 'god' that that 'god' at at their their head. head. Yes, Yes, there were therewere production, but all was materialproduction, arts arts and and material was people, for the used, used, along along with people, the sake sake of The official worship those interests. interests. The worship was was those fire. Morals Morals had had collapsed that of fire. that collapsed and and Mazdek's Mazdek's communism permissiveness, comrnunismand and permissiveness, 34 34

dissolutionand andanarchy anarchyhad dissolution had spread. spread.What What mental, spiritual spiritual and mental, and material material contempt contempt 'great' man-under under that that 'great' civilization mancivilization-- had had lived in! in! lived In Byzantium Byzantium conditions conditions were In wereno no better. better. Caesar was surrounded surrounded with the Caesar was the same samehahaloes as as Khosrau, Khosrau, and people were, loes and people were, as as in every state stateof ideological ideologicalignorance, every ignorance,masmasters and and bondsmen. bondsmen. These ters These bondsmen bondsmen fought and and died died in great greatnumbers fought numbersonly in 'Empire' the cause causeof the the 'Empire' and the and the personal the personal glories glories of of Caesar Caesar and and his his commanders. commanders. Like Persia, Persia, there there were were arts, arts, material material production duction and and building, but for whose whose sake: sake: The masters masters or the bondsmen? bondsmen? Are there there for for bondsmen bondsmen other than than serving serving their their masters? masters? There There was was aa creed! creed! -- aa pagan pagan creed creed guarded guarded by by the the church church and and the the clergy: clergy: God God is is One One of of three! three! Christ Christ was was 35 35

the of God! were the son sonof Bishops and monkswere God! Bishops and monks lords ruling the lords domain of minds minds and the domain and spirits spirits contrary contrary to God's revelations and God's revelations and property of people people unlawfully; taking the the property whereas, whereas, Caesar physical Caesar was was ruling the the physical domain domain in accordance accordance with the Roman the Roman (i.e. not in accordance Law (i.e. accordancewith Divine Law). People People were were servants servants of the the court on the hand and servantsof the Pope the one and servants the Pope one hand rnonks on the and the other. and his bishops and monks other. bishops and 'great' empires Beyond therewere were Beyond the empires there the 'great' 'civilizations' the trndian 'civilizations' in the Chinese Chinese and and Indian Asia. Asia.

In India, therewere were else, there as everywhere India, as everywhereelse, tsut bondsmen there lords bondsmen there lords and and bondsmen. bondsmen. But position. They They were were bebehad peculiar position. had aa peculiar god's from the lieved lieved to have the god's have been createdfrom beencreated foot, unclean. were considered consideredunclean. foot, so they were so they 36 36

They had had to They to endure endureall humiliation, conall humiliation, contempt and tempt and torture torture they they underwent; underwent; for on on the one one hand, hand, that the that was was their fate; fate; and and on on the other, the other, it was was their their sole way to sole way to salvasalva" tion through throughtransmigration tion transmigrationof souls. souis.Man, Man, according to to them, them, spends according his fixed spetrdshis fixed life, passesinto thenhis his soul then soul passes into another new boanother new body. If If the the enslaved enslaved untouchables dy. untouchableswere were satisfiedwith their fate, satisfied fate, surrendered surrenderedto humiliation and and carried carried out the hardestand the hardest and piecesof work, their souls dirtiest pieces dirtiest souls might pass into other persons superior otherpersons pass superior to slaves slaves get thereby and get pursued salvathereby to their pursued and salvation, though though they tion, they wouldn't wouldn't acquire acquire the the rank of masters who were were created of their masters created from the the deity's head or ann! deity'shead arm!

There There werc were countless countless forms fonns of worship worship offered offered to countless countless deities, deities, but but they they had had one in cornmon, common, that that is is -- ERROR. ERROR. one thing thing 10 37 37

'temPerhapsthe Perhaps the most most curious curious thing was 'temthing was ple prostitutes' prostitutes'who stayed in temples ple who stayed templesfor the sake the sakeof deity! deity! No, No, for the sakeof Sathe sake Sa'cow tan! But stranger tan! strangerstill might might be the 'cow be the worship' -- men men wallowing in its dung worship' dung and and bathing its bathing its urine, god's urine, for the the sake sake of god's blessing! If If the the cow could blessing! could have have spoken spoken it would have have laughed laughed at worshippers at its worshippers and and would have have been been surprised surprisedto see seeman, man, whom Allah has whom hashonoured, honoured, satisfied satisfiedwith suchdegradation! such degradation!

At the the end end of of the the earth earth there was China, there was China, vast expanse a vast expanseof land land ruled ruled by an an emperemperthe time. time. Rites Rites sacredlike all rulers or -- sacred rulers of of the of worship and were offered of worship and sacrifices sacrifices were offered to him and people prostrated prostrated themselves themselves beand people fore him. The god worshipped worshipped was was Buddha, whose whose images images were were graven graven and and wordha, shipped by people. people. [n In Buddhism, Buddhism, as as in shipped 38

Indian religions, religions, the the Indian the the body body was was dedespisedand tortured for and tortured for the redemption spised the redemption andworldly worldly life was of the thesoul, soul,and was scorned scorned rejected for the and rejected ttreattainment and attainmentof immorimmortality. Immortality! Immortality! But But where? tality. where? and and in what fonn? form? It is is immortality immortality with what with BudBudworld of imagination. dha in the the world imagination. There dha There 'wiswerearts, arts, material material production productionand were and 'wisdom' but but all was wasof no dom' no avail, people avail,for people themselveswere werelost. lost. themselves Arabia was was drowned Arabia drowned in religious religiousignorance,like the mankind. There the rest rest of mankind. norance, There were which were were were three three religions, religions, all of which misguided. misguided. Jews, Jews, who who were were living the living in the outskirts Medina, had had distorted distorted their their outskirts of Medina, holy' 'holy' book book centuries centuries before, before, stuffed stuffed it with lies legends,changed lies and and legends, changed the the Divine vine Revelation Revelation and and renounced renounced it wholly, wholly, complying complying with their whims whims and and interests. interests. 39 39

Therewere, were,also, small Christian There also,small Christian groups groups who held held false falsebeliefs, who beliefs,such suchas as the Trinity, the Trinity, the deification deifieation of the of Jesus Jesusor or considering consideringhim sonof of God. God. Arab Arab idolators aa son idolatorsthroughout throughout Arabia worshipped worshipped idols Arabia idols which were were placed inside inside AL- KA'BA, the placed the Holy (AUah), the House of God House God (Allah), place which the place Abraham and Abraham and Ismael Ismael had had been beenordered orderedby Allah to build in order order that that Allah alone alone should be worshipped without ascribing should be worshipped ascribing parmer to Him. Yet, any partner any Yet, they they claimed claimed they were were followers of Abraham. they Abraham. A variety of of myths myths had had nested nested in their their minds. minds. Angels, Angels, for example, were the the daughters example, were daughters of of Allah Allah and and they they werc were worshipped worshipped on that that account. account. The jinn jinn (i.e. (i.e. genies) genies) bebelonged longed to Allah Allah and and were, were, therefore, therefore, worshipped. shipped. Idols were were carved carved and and then then worshipped shipped by people. people. Many new-bom new-born girls were were buried alive for fear fear of of shame shame 40 40

or poverty. poverty. Women Women were were scomed scorned and and or of wronged. Wine Wine was was drunk, drunk, games games of wronged. chance (i.e. (Le. maysir) maysir) were were used used to, to, and and chance adultery was was allowedallowed. Life Life was was spent spent in in adultery drinking, amusement amusement and and plundering plundering raids' raids. drinking, 'Lost' 'Man' 'Man' was was 'Lost' as as was was his case case in all states of religious religious ignorance. ignorance. That That was was the the states the world world before before Muhammad Muhammad was was state stateof the sent mankind from from the the darkness darkness of savemankind to save sent to



The Mission: TheMission: there atmospherethere In dark atmosphere extremelydark this extremely In this son Muhammad, son shone was Muhammad, Light; itit was shoneaa Light; Allah of Allah (peaceandblessing of of andblessing Abdullah, (peace of Abdullah, be him)" uponhim). beupon the probefore the The Medina, before in Medina, ProJews in The Jews had (PBUFI), had phethood Muhammad(PBUH), of Muhammad phethood of ill 41

often often said said to to its its inhabitants, inhabitants,'The The time time of aa prophet has prophet has almost almost arrived. arrived. We We shall shall fight with him against against you you and and defeat defeat you'. The you'. The Jews, Jews, in fact, fact, depended depended in their claim upon Torah, which inupon the the Torah, dicates copies of the dicates that that the the old copies Torah the Torah not not only mentioned mentionedProphet ProphetMuhammad's Muhammad's pointed name name and and description, description, but but also also pointed prophethood and to his his prophethood to and its its approximate approximate time. time. 'Muhammad in the Bible', In his his 'Muhammad the Bible', Prof. Prof. Abdul Abdul Ahad Ahad Dawud, former Bishop Dawud, former Bishop of quotes the Uramiah, Uramiah, quotes the following verses verses from Haggai, Haggai, ii; from ii: 79, 79, which which he he has has transtranslated from from an lated an Assyrian Assyriancopy copy of the Bible, the Bible, 'And 'And I will shake shake all nationsand all nations andthe the Hirnadaof all the mada the nations nationswill come come - and and in place I will give give shalom, this this place shalom, says saysthe the Lord Lord of hosts'. hosts'. 42 42

The word 'Himada' 'Himada' is derived derived from an an The archaic Hebrew Hebrew or rather rather Aramaic Aramaic root archaic 'hemed' 'hemed'. In Hebrew Hebrew 'hemed' is generally generally hemed'. used in the the sense sense of great great desire, desire, covet, covet, used Arabic the the verb verb appetite lust. In Arabic appetite and and lust. 'hamida' 'to 'hamida' means means 'to praise' praise' and on. and so so on. What is more more praised praised and and illustrious illustrious than than What that for, covetis most most craved craved for, covetthat which is ed Whichever of the the two desired. Whichever and desired. ed and fact that Ahmad meanings the fact that Ahmad meaningsbe adopted, the be adopted, is Himda remains remains inform of Himda is the the Arabic Arabic fonn (61: The Qur'an disputable decisive.The disputableand and decisive. Qur'an (61: 6) declares unto declares that that Jesus Jesus announced announcedunto the an people of Israel Israel the the coming coming of an the people name was was to Apostle from Allah whose whose name to Apostle from be 'Ahmad'. be'Ahmad'. written in The being written St.John, John,being The Gospel Gospelof 51. 'Pariclytos', barGreek, name 'Pariclytos', aa barthename usesthe Greek, uses barous to classical classicalGreek Greek form unknown unknown to barousfonn 43 43

'Periclytos',which corresliterature.But literature. But 'Periclytos', which correspondsexactly exactly with ponds wirh Ahmad Ahmad in in its its signisigni'glorious' fication of fication of 'illustrious', illustrious', 'glorious' and and 'praised', in its itssuperlative 'praised', in superlativedegree, degree,must must have been been the the translation have franslationinto into Greek Greek of of 'Himda' 'Hemida' 0r probably probably 'Hemida' of the 'Himda' or the Aramaicfonn, form, as Aramaic asuttered uttered by Jesus JesusChrist. Christ. Aias! there there is is no no Gospel Alas! Ccspel extant e.xtantin the the original language languagespoken original spokenby Jesus. Jesus. As to to L~e theetymology etyrnologyand As of and significance significanceof the Hebrew Hebrewwords'shaiom' the words 'shalom' and and 'shalama'. 'shalama', 'salam'and and the and the Arabic Arabic words words 'salam' and 'Islam', 'Islam', II (i.e., (i.e., Prof. Prof. Abdui Abdul Ahad) Ahad) need need not detain detain the tlle reader reader by dragging dragging hirn him into iinguistic linguistic details. details. Any sernitic semitic scholar scholar knows knows that that 'shalorn' 'shalom' and'lslant'are and 'Islam' are derived derived from from one one and and the the sarne same root root and and that that both both mean mean peace, peace, submission submission and and resignation.". resignation.".


Allah chooses chooses His His ProPhets prophets from from the the AUah best of of mankind. mankind. And And Muhammad Muhammad (peace (peace best of Allah Allah be be upon upon him) him) is is the the and blessing blessing of and best of of humanity humanity in in general, general, and and of of proprobest phets in particuiar. particular. Altah Allah takes takes eare care of,and of,and phets refines His prophets prophets before charging charging them refines with prophethood prophethood and and withaut without their knowor expectation" expectation. They They would thereby thereby ledge ledgear be, spiritually and and mopsychologieally,spiritually be, psychologically, out their carry out rally, their to carry qualified to more qualified rally, more as fullY as as fully message task as the task fulfil the and fulfil messageand Prophet the Prophet to the Allah wills. applies to This applies wills. This Ailah Muhammad (peace and blessingof Allah andblessing Muhammat! (peace beunequalledbebe extent unequalled to an anextent him) to uponhim) beupon the hadthe irehad youth,he fore. early youth, his early in his Even in fore. Even man deep-think-ing manner deep-think-ingman soLernn of aa solemn manner of 'man'' of 'man'. feelingsof and ncblefeelings thenoble enjoyed the andenjoyed

45 45

Characterof Character of the theGracious GraciousProphet (PBUH) Prophet(PBUH) The Pre-Islamic Pre-Islamicperiod The periodwas was full full of of corcorruption, pleasure-seeking pleasure-seeking and ruption, and waste waste of of time, though though there time, there were were some some respectrespectable,sober sober men men here able, hereand andthere, there,but but they they wererarely rarelyyoung youngmen; were men; for young man for aa young man would be be unusual would unusualif he he didn't didn'tseek pleasseek pleasure and and entertainment entertainmentat ure at that that time. time. If If he he addedto to his his solemnity solemnitythe added lithe avoidance avoidanceof tiquors which which were were drunk quors respectdrunk even even by respectableold men, shunningof those able men, shunning those idols idols set set up up beside beside the the Holy Mosque Mosque (i.e.Ka'aba), (i.e.Ka'aba), keeping keeping away away from inequity, inequity, along along with other other noble noble qualities, qualities, he would undoubtedundoubtedly draw draw others'attention others' attention since since none none of of the the old men men possessed possessed such such qualities, qualities, not not to to speak speak of of the the youths. youths. One of his his traits traits was was so so outstanding outstanding and and One of 46 46

deep-rooted deep-rootedthat that it attracted attractedthe the attention attention people- that of of Qurayshi that was was honesty. honesty. Qurayshi people "the Honest" (AlThey used They usedto to call call him "the Honest" (AIAmin). Amin). People Peopletrusted protrusted him with their their property owing perty owing to to their their confidence confidence in his his honestyand honesty trustworthiness. and trustworthiness. Muhammad's Muhammad's silence silence during during the meetthe meetings of Quraysh, his wisdom ings wisdom and and equaequaQuraysh, his when he nimity when he talked, talked,won their their respect respect and admiration; admiration; so so they they consulted and consulted him about their were satisfied about their affairs affairs and and were satisfiedwith his counsel. counsel. The The most most famous famous event his event in this regard regard was was the the appeal appeal of Quraysh this Quraysh (i.e. Makkans) Makkans) to him for a decision (i.e. decision conconceming the the Black Stone. Stone. They cerning They had had dederebuild the cided to rebuild the Holy Ka'aba cided Ka'aba twice its fonner former height of the the ruin of of its height because because of some parts some parts of it. They They worked worked together. together. differed about they differed But they about dre the Black Stone; Stone; 47

for each eachtribe for tribe competed competedwith with the the others othersto to enjoy alone alonethehonourof enjoy the honour of putting putring itit back back in its place.They its place. They almost in almostfought foughtwith with each each other,but but at last agreed other, at last agreedto to take take the the counsel counsel of the the first first man man to of to come come to to them. them. That That first man man was (i.e., Muhamfirst was the the HONEST HONEST (i.e., Muhammad),who who took took off his mad), his mantle mantle spread spread it ground, put on the the ground, put the on the Black Black Stone Stone on on and asked asked aa man it and man from each each tribe tribe to carry with him the carry the mantle manrle holding its edges.Thenhe he took took the the Stone edges.Then hands Stonein his his hands and put it in place. All irr its its place. All went went away away satsatand isfied with the isfied the Honest's Honest's decision. decision. In his his wife Khadija's Khadija's (May Allah be pleased pleased with her) her) description description of of him, soothing soothing his fears fears on receiving receiving the the first revelation, of his his manmanrevelation, she she gave gave a portrait of ners ners and and their impression impression on on people's people's 'Surely, minds. minds. She She said said to to him, him, 'Surely, Allah Allah 48

you are never will will discredit never discredityou you!! You are kind kind your to relatives,truthful, to your relatives, truthful, protecting protecting ororphans,generous generousto phans, poor, hospitable to the the poor, hospitable and helpful helpful to and to the the victims victims of of misformisfortune!' tune!' He was, was, during during the He the hours hours of silence, silence, much given given to to meditation. meditation. He much He spent spent aa month of retirement retirementevery month every year year in Hira' cave on on top top of the cave the Mountain Mountain of Light (in Arabic, Arabic,Jabal-un-Nur), Jabal-un-Nur),in worship (in worship of Allah in accordance accordance with Abraham's Abraham's monotheisticreligion, monotheistic religion, away away from from the the disdisiortions added tortions added through through prevailing prevailing idolaidolatrous trous ignorance. ignorance. Allah was was preparing preparing him for the the serious serious task task -- for the Message Message addressed addressed to to the the whole whole hurnanity. humanity. The The Messenger Messenger of of Allah, Allah, Muhammad Muhammad (PBUH) (PB UH) told told the the rrurh truth when when 49 49

"My Lord has he said: has disciplined me in m he said: "My disciplinedme the best best refined refmed manner". manner". the

Prophet Muhammad's Muhammad's character The Prophet character is greatest character human the the greatest character throughout throughout human history, other characcharachistory, unmatched any other unmatched by any great men, men, but ter, ter, not only amongst amongst great prophets. If If we are are to also also amongst amongst prophets. judge by the greathuman greatthe standards standards of human ness, ness,let us the case caseof a political us consider considerthe political leader, his life to political leader, dedicating dedicating his leadership. his nation leadership.He He found found his nation dispersed, dispersed, with no was no common and was common cause causeor link, and able, his wise wise leadership leadership able, by means means of his and unite the the diimpressivecharacter, and impressive character,to unite which vided found the the link which nation and vided nation and found facvariouswarring warring facfirmly connected its various connected its purpose which which tions. drew for it aa purpose He drew tions. He its differences, united removed its differences, and removed united it and Then to aa lofty, respectable respectable raised it to Then he he raised 50 50

position among among other other nations. nations.Shouldn't position Shouldn't 'great we call call him him aa 'great man', we man', though thoughhe hewas was devotedmerely merelyto to such suchaa task? devoted task? What if if this this was was only What only one one aspect aspecr amongst many others othersenjoyed amongst many enjoyed by by the great thegreat prophet'scharacter?How character?Howif he prophet's he has hasexcelled excelled every other other specialist specialistpolitician, politician, though every though the latter latter was was devoted devotedto to such suchaa task? the task? Suppose there there were were a social Suppose social refonner reformer who found found injustice injustice and and corruption corruption pre_ predominant; dominant; therefore, therefore, he he took it upon upon himself to establish establish social social justice justice and and eliminate nate perversion perversion and and decay decay from society. society. He He realized realized balance balance between between the the individual individual and and society, society, between between the the ruler ruler and and the the ruled, ruled, and and caused caused the the rich rich to to sympathize sympathize with with the the poor, poor, so so that that the the whole whole commucommunity as ifif itit were were one one large large family. family. nity lived lived as 551l

Isn't such such a man really GREAT? Isn't this was was one one part of of MuHow ifif this he, in this hammad's character? How ifif he, hammad's character? regard, surpassed surpassed those those specialized specialized in regard, this field? this field? Suppose were a moral moral reformer reformer there were Suppose there who prevalent in corruption prevaient moral corruption found moral who found his the imdevotedhimself to the and devoted his society societyand Through his provement manners.Through sacialmanners. provementof social was able he was abie to lay patience patience and strugglehe and struggle (moral code) ruled that ruled code) that down an ethic ethic (moral down an lying, drinking, drinking, their that lying, so that conduct, so their conduct, an disappeared;an gambling disappeared; adultery and gambling adultery and even was secure secureeven property was owner felt his his property owner felt an orphan orPhan or aa if was aa weakling, weakling, an he was if he rehurnan reruled human woman; conscienceruled and conscience woman; and man that such such aa man lations. we agree agree that Won't we lations.Won't greatone? one? was wastruly truly aa great 52 52

How, then, How, then, if if that that was was only one one side sideof the outsta the prophet, outstanding nding chara character cter of the the Prophet, and his and his influe influence nce was was greate greater r than than that that of any reform any reformer er in histor history y who who was wasdevot devoted ed to to his his caree career? r?

Supp Suppose, ose, too, too, there there were were lli"1 an educa educator tor who who devot devoted ed himse himself lf to to educa education tion and and was was able able to to bring bring up up aa gener generation ation of exex_ traord traordinary inary peopl people, e, every everyone one of whom whom was was aa leade leader r in his his doma domain in of activi activity ty and and an an exam example ple of good good condu conduct ct and and tower towering ing perso personaiity, nality, as as firm as as aa moun mountain tain lli"1d and of noble noble chara character. cter. Dosen Dosen't 't such such aa man man deser deserve ve to be be called calledaa great greateduca educa_ tor? tor? How, then, then, if if this this was was only only one one prophet, of sever several al aspec aspects ts of the the Proph et, who who excel exceiled led in this this respe respect ct even even the grearest the greate st of educa educators tors in histor history, y, espec especially ially with wi.ththe the generation gener ation he he had had educa educated ted to introd introduce uce 53 )J

summit leaders leaders in in every field field of of life? Suppose there there were were a military comSuppose camander, who devoted devoted himseH himself to his camander, an army anny of of heroes heroes reer and and brought up an reer - soldiers soldiers and and commanding commanding officers officers -- acacinconvenience, customed enduranceof inconvenience, customed to endurance daring steadfastness and daring adversity and steadfastness in adversity battles despite them in battles danger. He led them despite danger. and orders and and obeyed his orders and won. They obeyed places of dandanraced to places instructions and raced instructions and he be be ger Shouldn't he ger seeking martyrdom. Shouldn't seeking martyrdom. greatcommander? described commander? asaa great <iescribedas his had trained trained his If commander had If such such aa commander soldiers acquire individual to acquire soldiers not only to causeof the cause manners, to fight in the also to manners,but also to ideals it suffice suffice to would it values, would ideals and and values, greatleader? leader? describe asaa great describe him only as 54 54

How then, prophet How then, if if the thegracio gracious us Proph et had had exceeded excee in this ded in this respe respect ct every every other other mimi_ litary comm litary commander ander throu throughout ghout huma human n hishistory, and tory, andthis this was wasonly only one oneaspec t of the aspect the various variou aspects s aspec ts of his his great greatcharta chartacter? cter? Suppose Supp ose aa man man gave gayehimse himself lf up up to to worworship. His ship. His spirit spirit waswashighl highly y pure, pure, and and his his heartalway heart always remembered s remem bered Allah Allah,, wheth whether er his praye in his prayer r or work, work, in priva private te or in public. public So he he was . So was friend friendly ly to to other other peopeo_ ple, since ple, sincere re in his his work, work, and and ruled ruledcomcom_ pletely pletely by fear fear of Allah Allah and and obser vance observance His order of His orders. s ... Suppo Suppose se such suchaa man man were were able to able to collec collect t a number number of worshippers worshippers of Allah and and bring bring rhem them up up to develop develop a strong strong relationship relationship wirh with the the Almighty" Almighty. They They would would remember remember Him (Allah) (Allah) in all circumstances circumstances and and would would be be influenced influenced by faith faith in all their their deeds, deeds, rhoughts thoughts and and 5555

feelings. Their Their love love and and fear of of AUah Allah were were feelings. stronger than all all earthly pleasures pleasures and stronger temptations. Should Should we not say say he was was temptations. a great great soul in in himself and a great great teachteachcompanions? er to his companions?. This and and others others were were parts parts of of the the gragrahe cious Messenger's Messenger's character character in which he cious to, devotedto, was persons devoted thosepersons was superior superior to those we to are we and them. What are specialized in them. and specialized grahis gracall the combines in his man who combines the man each personalities,each cious thosepersonalities, personall those cious person make to make of which would be sufficient to be sufficient him great? great ? (Peaceand and The Muhammad(Peace greatnessof Muhammad The greatness not does not him) does blessing be upon upon him) Allah be of Allah blessingof severof those thoseseverlie combinationof in the thecombination lie only only in in fact, fact, person;in al own person; in his his own personalitiesin al personalities ofgreabress greatness -he degreeof superiordegree heenjoyed enjoyedaasuperior 56

that is, is,those thoseaspects that aspectsdid did not not divert divert him him from each eachother. from other.Political Politicalactivity acriviry did did not not distract him him from from military, distract military, social, social,moral, moral, educational or or spiritual spiritual tasks. educational tasks. Even Even all all thosedid did not not distract those distracthim him from from his his family, family, sohe he was perfecthusband was aa perfect so husbandand and father. father. prophet If we we compare comparethe If the character characterof Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with that Muhammad that of the the otherprophets prophets we we will grasphis will grasp other his superiorisuperiorithem. All All the greatqualities the great qualitiesenjoyed ty to them. enjoyed by them them separately separatelywere were all infused infused in his great personality great personality par excellence. excellence. Noah Noah was known for his of his folk's was his endurance endurance of obstinancy; obstinancy; Abraham Abraham (Ibraheem, (Ibraheem, in Arabic) for his clemency; clemency; Moses Moses for his wise leadership leadership of of the the sons sons of of Israel; Israel; Jesus Jesus Christ for for his spiritual spiritual aspect aspect against against the the prevailing prevailing materialism. materialism. But But Muhammad's Muhammad's character character embodied embodied all all those those characterischaracteris57

greaterin wasmuch much greater tics tics and andhis his influence influencewas He was was the the every aspects.He every one one of those those aspects. prophetsand final of prophets his message messagewas wasthe the andhis prophetepitome the crowning crowning of prophetepitome and and the hood. hood. In the Alatr tells us: the Glorious tells us: Glorious Qur'an, Qur'an,Allah

'nThisday your religion perfectedyour ''This religion haveI perfected day have you and my favour for you favour unto completed my unto and completed you as you, and you, have chosen chosenfor you religand have as relig(Qur'an,5:3) ion ion AI-Islam". Al-Islam".(Qur'an, 5:3) So Islamconfinns confirmsbelief messageof Islam belief So the the message previous prophets prophetsand in all previous and revelations. revelations. Jews and JesusChrist Clrist and Jews disbelieved disbelieved in Jesus Muhammad. disbelieved in Muhammad. Christians Christians disbelieved Muhammed andbelieved believedin Jesus JesusChrist, Christ, Muhammedand godor son not but as as aa god messengerbut son not as as aa messenger of Allah. is the Muslims alone who Allah. It is the Muslims alone who 58

believ e in all proph believe ets from prophets from Adam Adam throu gh Noah through Noah til! rill Muha mmad (Peac Muhammad (peace e and and blessi ng of Allah blessing Allah be be upon upon them themall). all). Both Both Jewis Jewish h and and Chris tian nation Christian nations s are are ununfit to to rule rule huma nity, for they humanity, they canno t get cannot get rid rid of hatre hatred d and and preju prejudice. dice. Only Only the the Musl Muslim im natio n is narion is well well qualiquali_ fied fied for for the the leade leadership rship of mank manhind ind (it led led mankind mank ind once once for for sever several al centu centuries) ries) bebe_ cause causeit is is the theonly only nation nationthat that rules ruleswithwith_ out out any any hatred hatredowing owing to to the the Divin Divine e guidguid_ ance ancethat thatmade madeit fit for for leade leadership, rship, espeespe_ cially its cially irs belief belief in in previ previous prophets ous proph ets of Allah witho Allah without ut discri discrimination minat ion or malic malice e whats what.soever. oever . More Mrlreover, over, the the messa message ge of Islarn is Islam is addre adclressed ssed to to the the whole wholemank mankincl. ind.

(SWT) Allah (SWT Allah ) addre addresses sses Muha Muhammad: mmad : 59


sent thee thee not save save as as a mercy for "We sent the peoples". peoples". (Qur'an, (Qur'an, 2l:107) 21:107) the the Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad According to the (Peaceand Allah be be upon upon him), (Peace blessing of and blessing of Atlah "Every prophet prophet before before me was was sent sent to sent to people, but I have have been been sent his own people, the mankind". the whole of mankind". embracing message. message. It is also an all -- embracing also an certain Earlier messages were limited to certain messageswere were limited aspects and were human life, and aspects of human the includedthe in space All of them them included well. All spaceas as well. (i.e. belief in major question questionof divinity (i.e. 'Oneness the and offering Him the 'Oneness of God' God' and includedinstrucinstrucpure pure worship). worship). they they also alsoincluded the conditions tions conditions suitedthe tions and and rules rules that that suited nation and and each nation and and circumstances circumstancesof each morals and of,morals and the the aimed aimed at at the the bettennent bettermentof elimination comrption. eliminationof corruption. 60

The stage stagehad The had come come when when the the human human mind was was mature mature enough mind enough to to accept accept aa world religion religion which world which would would last laston on earth earth till the Day of theDay of Judgement; Judgement; such till such aa world world messagemust mustembrace, message ernbrace,too, too, all all human humanrerequirementsin in all quirements all fields fields of life, life, which which is is true of of the the Message Messageof Islam. true Islam. For For it includes, like other other messages, cludes, messages,the the major major question of Divinity which question which is is essential essential the integrity integrity of human for the humanlife, and and also also canons and and laws laws ruling ruling all aspects canons aspectsof life: economic, economic, political, political, social, life: intellecsocial, intellectual, spiritual, spiritual, ethical, ethical,etc. tual, etc. But it never never opposes scientific fact, it was was opposes scientific progress. progress. In fact, ISLAM ISLAM that that moved moved Muslims Muslims to ser set out a great great scienific scienific movement, movement, the most important of which was was the the experiexperiportant effect of mental mental method method of of scientific scientific research research which Europe Europe learned learned from from the the Muslims Muslims in in Andalusea, Andalusea, North North Africa, Africa, Sicily Sicily and and 6611

South present ltaly, and which our present SouthItaly, and upon upon which scientific has based. renaissance has been scientific renaissance beenbased.

62 62

HOLY SCRIPTURES HOLY SCRIPTURES (TheBooks (The Booksof of Allah) Allatr) Allah, GIory Glorybe Allah, beto to Him, Him, provided providedevery every one of of His His prophets prophetswith one with books books which which He revealed revealed to to them. He them. Those Thosebooks books or or scriptures contained containedthe scriptures the tenets tenetsand and funfundamentalsof religion religion as damentals as well well as as the the instructions and and commandments commandmentsof Allah structions conveyedto to various variousnations conveyed nations through through His His Messengers. The holy holy books Messengers. The were meant meant books were to be be records records of religion to religion so so that that the the varvariouspeople the world world might might ious people and and nations nations of the refer them to know the the ordinances ordinances and and refer to them laws laws revealed revealed by Allatr Allah and and comply comply with them. them. On the one one hand, hand, wâ‚Ź we are are required required to to bebelieve lieve in in all all revealed revealed books books at large. On On the the atlarge. other, we are are required required to to believe believe in in certain certain other, we 63 63

books had rereAUah told us books which Allah us He had vealed, namely: vealed, namely: 1. revealedto Muhammad; Muhammad; l. The The Qur'an, Qur'an, revealed 'r rt 2. The Gospel, " "Jesus; 2.\\eGospel, Jesus; " " David; 3. "David; ThePsalms Psalms, 3. The " " Moses; 4. "Moses; 4. The The Torah, Torah, (i.e., Ibrahim, (i.e., 5. The Tablets Tabletsof Ibrahim, 5. The Moses(May peace Abraham) peace Abraham)and and Moses and upon and blessing blessing of Allah be be upon them). them). revealed to Although books to prophets prophets Although books revealed (the last Muhammad (the last Messenger Messenger before before Muhammad temporary revelaof Allah) were revelawere just temporary particulartribe each addressed addressedto aa particular tions tribe tions each yet it is incumbentupon is incumbent nation, yet or nation, upon MusMusgeneral, and them in general, lims to believe and believe in them in the particuthe Qur'an on detailed detailedbasis basisin particuQur'anon is the compreThe Qur'an the fmal final and and comprelar. The lar. Qur'an is 64

hensi ve Scrip hensive ture. It is Scripnrre. is the the only book book of Allah AUah which has has remai remained ned free free from distortio n and tortion and chang change, e, and and has has been been transm ittransmitted us ted to to us whole whole in the the most most reliab reliable le ways ways and and in its origin al text - a featur original feature e nor not enen_ joyed by any any of the the earlie earlierr books books of revela revelation. tion.

65 65

THE GLORIOUS GLORIOUS QLJR'AN QUR'AN TI{E miracles brought brought by earlier earlier Prophets Prophets The miracles had been been fiansient, transient, so so to say, say, and and for that that had reason, rapidly rapidly forgotten, forgotten, while that that very reason, of the the verses verses (of ttre the Qur'an) Qur'an) may may be be called called of "The Permanent Miracle". Miracle". Its activity has has "The Pennanent and at all been unceasing. unceasing. Everywhere Everywhere and been the ververhours, reciting the believer,by reciting hours, each each believer, and in ses, miracle, and redize the helpedto realize the miracle, ses, helped many explanationof many this found the the explanation canbe be found this can the EuEuconversions, incomprchensibleto the conversions,incomprehensible knows little or ropean who unfortunately unfornrnately knows ropeanwho judge may also He may alsojudge nothing nothingof the the Qur'an. Qur'an. He him fed to to him it on inaccuraciesfed thebasis ba3isof inaccuracies on the The wonderwonderthrough media.The anti-Islamic media. throughanti-Islamic no resemblingno ful chann Book, resembling charm of this this Book, literanrre of other the literature masterpiece of the other masterpiece to us, us, mankind, not be explainedto need not be explained mankind,need that itit Muslims, we consider considerthat becausewe Muslims, because 66

from the emanates from emanates thewords words of Allah Allah HimHimself, self,sent sent down down through through the the mouth mouth of prophet. His prophet. His In this this connection, connection,it may be interesting be interesting quote the to quote to the opinion opinion of Savary, Savary, aa celecelebrated orientalist, brated orientalist, who was was the the first to translatethe the meaning meaning of the translate the Holy Qur'an Qur'an "Muhammad was into French. French. He He says, into says, "Muhammad was leamed in the the study learned study of his his language, language,the the richest and and the the most most harmonious harmonious in the richest the world, and which, by the and which, world, the composition composition of its verses, permits thoughts verses, permits its they soar thoughts as as they soar be correctly correctly described.... described....Poets were Poets were to be greatlylooked looked up to in Arabia. Arabia. greatly Rabyah, an an illustrious Labid Ibn Rabyah, illustrious poet, poet, nailed one one of of his nailed his poems poems on the the door of of the Temple of Makkah (Al the (AI Kabah). Ka'bah). His reputation and and the of his work kept reputation the value value of 67 67

competitors away. away. None None cirme came forward forward all competitors pize.... The compete for the the prize.... The second second to compete the Qur'an Qur'an was was then then placed placed by chapter of the chapter the poem. poem. I-abid, Labid, although although a the side side of the the graven images, images, was was seized seized worshipper of graven worshipper admiration after after reading reading the the with a fit of admiration first verses and himself vanvanand confessed confessedhimseH fint verses quished". quished". and soonafter afterand He very soon convertvery He became becameaa convert desirous of one being desirous day, his his admirers admirersbeing one day, works, complete works, gathering his complete gathering together together his no haveno subject.'I'I have questioned this subject. questionedhim him of this repoetry,' he he rerecollection any of my poetry,' recollectionof any 'for abhas been beenabplied, memory has plied, 'for my my entire entire memory ReveBookof RevetheBook sorbed versesof the by the the verses sorbedby lation'. lation'.

As Hijaz,comprehending comprehending Arabof Hijaz, As for for the theArab languageof the hints of of the thelanguage most subtle subtle hints the most 68 68

the Qur'an his own own language the language-- and who andwho Qur'an-- his welcomedthe the Surahs Surahs as welcomed as they they came came out out from the lips of the lips his fellow from of his fellow -- countryman: countryman: genial, inspired the genial, inspired Messenger the Messengerof of Allah (PBUH), that that listener listener was was overwhelmed overwhelmed by such such sudden sudden surprise surprise that that he he reremained as if petrified. petrified. Could as if mained Could this this supersupernatural language languagecome come from Muhammad natural Muhammad (PBUH), known to be be completely completely illiterate and possessingno and possessing rate no other other knowledge knowledge than that that due due to nature than nature and intuition? and intuition? seemed perfectly perfectly impossible. impossible. The This seemed The Arab was forced to admit that was therefore therefore forced that Muhammad's Muhammad's words words were were dictated by dictated bv the the Almighry. Almighty. Utbah Ibn Rabiyah, of the the noted noted Rabiyah, one one of idolators of idolators -- known for his mastery mastery of Arabic -- having having heard heard some some verses verses of of the the Qur'an from Muhammad, Muhammad, said said to his Qur'an 69

gods! I've companions, never companions, "By our our gods! I've never heardanything heard anythinglike it before. is neither neither before. It is p@try, nor nor sorcery, poetry, sorcery,nor nor magic". magic". Ailatr had had challenged Allah challengedidolators idolators several several imitate the times timesto to imitate the Qur'an composeten ten Qur'anor compose Surahs resemblingHis: Surahsor even evenaa Surah Surahresembling His: "If thou "If doubt about what We thou art art in doubt about what We

have have revealed revealedunto then unto Our Our servant, servant, then bong like it of thy one Surah Surah like ttry devising, bring one devising, and call to to thy thy witnesses witnessesbeside and call thy aid aid thy beside ye are (Qur'an, Allah, if ye men of truth". Allah, if are men truth". (Qur'an, 2:23) 2:23) Eloquent men Eloquent men of letters, letters, Arab Arab and and others, not stand others, could couldnot standup up to to the the challenge challenge for fourteen fourteencenturies. centuries.

Besides Besidesthe literarymiracle, miracle, there is the the literary thereis the 70 70

legislative miracle which becomes becomes clear legislativemiracle clear after reviewing man-made man-made laws during during the thirty past past centuries the centuries-- that is, since since the existence historical records records which the existenceof historical present. can refened to up till till the the present. can be referred We take take for example example the the contemporary contemporary most malaws be the laws which are are claimed claimed to be the most ture human history owing to the the treture in human mendous human knowmendous development development in human progress. ledge, and material materialprogress. ledge,and and scientific scientific and Both blocs, Westem, deny Eastern and and Western, deny blocs, Eastern man's Allah's man's complete submission to Allah's complete submission Law. So West legislationin the the Capitalist CapitalistWest So legislation is at the the expense expense is for the sakeof capitalism capitaiismat the sake of the the CommuCommuclass, and and in the the working working class, nist the ruling ruling powinterestof the nist East Eastin the the interest 'of the people, which er at the people, expense-of at the the expense justice is laws. means missingin both both laws. is missing meansthat that justice are In the constitutions are Westem bloc, bloc, constitutions the Western 71 7l

interested mostly mostly in in the the political political aspect aspect interested of the the people's people's life; life; in in the the Communist Communist of bloc in in the the economic economic aspect. aspect. bloc neglected completely completely the the spiritsplntBoth neglected ual, ethical ethical and and family codes. codes. Westem Western ual, laws consider consider the the individual individual so so holy that that laws they cause cause the the community community to disintegrate disintegrate they the commucorlmumorally and whereasthe socially,whereas and socially, communithe communinist sanctifies the nist constitution constitution sanctifies as way as ty (in fact, such aa way the State) State) in such fact, the character. to individual'scharacter. crushthe the individual's to crush not do not blocs do The both blocs The constitutions constitutionsof both they laws; they lay internationallaws; firm international down finn lay down political circirto political are according to changedaccording are changed moral element element the moml cumstances. Besides,the cumstances.Besides, most in most weak in very weak isis either or very missing or either missing of the the interestsof theinterests of constitutions; the those constitutions; of those dominant. ruling alwaysdominant. arealways classare ruling class 72 72

In contrast, contrast, the the miracle miracle of the the Qur'anic Qur'anic Legislation very I-egislation is is easily easily obvious. obvious. At the the very beginning, the Qur'an decidesthat that Allah beginning, the Qur'an decides proves alone is entitled entitled to legislate. alone is legislate. This This proves justice of this the legislation because the justice this legislation because Allah has people no interest hasno interest in wronging people partiality to one or partiality one class class against against another. another. Allah is is also weHare also Well - Aware of the the welfare of His creatures, would be creatures,who who would be ruled ruled by His His Law on on the the basis basisof equality. equality. The Qur'anic The comprehends all Qur'anic Law comprehends fields of human human life with the fields the same same dedegreeof importance. importance.The hasnever never gree The Qur'an Qur'anhas neglected any has it any aspects neglected aspectsof life, nor has others. allowed one one aspect aspect to outbalance outbalanceothers. allowed phenomenon of comprehensiveness The phenomenon comprehensiveness The balance is is one most outstanding and balance one of the the most outstanding and featuresof Islam Islam and and Islamic Islamic Legislation Legislation features completebalance domains.Thereis aa complete balance in all domains.There 73 73

路 between between the the individual individual and and society, society, for both have haverights both rights and andduties dutiesand neitherhas andneither has aa sacred sacredexistence existenceat at the the expense expenseof the the other. Allah is other. is the the Lord of all, and and all are are equalin His equal His service. service. Islamic Law includes The Islamic The includesfixed internainternational codes peaceand tional codes in peace and war. war. The The moral element is is an element part of the an essential essentialpart the law, whether in politics, politics, economics, whether economics, society, society, family organization, organization,or individual relations individual relations and transactions. transactions. and exampleof the the Islamic Islamic application application of of An example law is is that that relating relating to the the prohibition prohibition of of lili'civilized' quors. All quors. All 'civilized' countries countries couldn't couldn't stop liquor addiction. stop addiction. But the the Islamic Islamic comcomcommunity the only one one in which liquor community is the drinking the lowest lowest degree, degree, drinking has has lessened lessened to the because the based on because the Islamic Islamic Law is based 74 74

belief, while while non-Islamic non-Islamic l-aws Laws are are based based . belief, power. on power. of the the Qu/anic Qur'anic miracle miracle is Another aspect aspect of Another the scientific scientific one. one. The The Qur'an Qur'an spoke spoke about about the universal and and scientific scientific facts facts unknown unknown to universal Arabs or any any other other nation nation at at the the time time of Arabs its revelation. revelation. It is is only only lately lately that that science science its facts. has some thosefacts. someof those hasdiscovered discovered is Allah is thatAllah This provesunmistakably unmistakablythat This proves man no man and no the the Qur'an Revealerof the theRevealer Qur'an and fact, the the Qur'an could In fact, it. In evercompose composeit. Qur'an couldever chemistry, is for teaching teaching chemistry, book for not aa book is not is aa Book Book geometry rather it is medicine;rather geometryor or medicine; Laws of theLaws pointsto to the of Yet Yet it points Guidance. of Guidance. the Allah, the Creation Allah, science. of science. facts of and facts Creationand told has told Creator everything, has and everything, man and of man Creatorof especialmen,especialthat tomen, uncoverto woulduncover Hewould that He clear the clear ly scientists,the and scientists, men and learnedmen ly learned 75 75

signs in the signs the Qur'an order that that they they Qur'an in order prove the may prove the truthfulness may truthfulness of the the MesMessageof Islam. Islam. sage " Soon will We "Soon We show show them them Our (furthest)regions Signsin the the (furthest) Signs regions(of the the earth) earth)and and in their their own souls, souls,until it becomes becomes manifest manifest to them them that that this this is the Is it not enough is the truth. truth . Is enoughthat that thy thy witnessall things"? Lord doth doth witness things"? ( Q u r a n ,41 4 1:53) :53) (Quran, 1) "We made 1) made from water water every every (Qur'an, 21 living thing'. :30) thing'. (Qur'an, 2l:30) Water is essential Water is life.No other liquid essentialfor life.No otherliquid is suitable biological interactions. interactions. It suitabie for biological has has been been proved proved by sorne some researchers researchers that that some bacteria bacteria can can live wittrout without air. air, but not some without water. water. 76 76

(too) will 2) "And verily in cattle ye will ye cattle (too) find an instructive sign. an instructive sign. From what what is is within their their bodies, bodies, betbetween ween excretions excretions and and blood We produce, for your drink, milk, produce, pure and pure and agreeable agreeableto those thosewho drink it." ( Qur'an, 16:66) Qur an,16:66) recent development After the the recent developmentof anatoanatomy and magnifying instruments, instruments,bioloand magnifying gists studied gists found studiedmilk milk formation formation and and found that food into that digestive digestive enzymes enzymes change change food excretions excretionsthat that flow through through the the small intestines, vessel absorb diswhereblood blood vessel absorb distestines, where which is is solved alimentary substance substance which solved alimentary glands that carried that carried by blood to the the lactic glands Thus absorb matter from blood. blood. Thus absorb lactic matter milk formed from between between excretions excretions milk is formed and as mentioned mentioned in the the Qur'anic and blood as Qur'anic verse. verse.


The Qur'an Qur'an points points to the the stage stage of 3) The embryonic development development in the the embryonic womb: womb: "Man We did create quintescreatefrom a quintessence sence(of clay) clay) (a drop drop of) Then placed him as as (a Then We placed rest,firmly fixed fixed sperm place of rest, sperm in a place sperm into aa clot Then made the the sperm Then We made that clot of congealed then of that congealedblood; blood; then (foetus) lump; We made lump; then then We made (foetus) and made bones and the lump bones made out of the clothed flesh; then then the bones bones with flesh; clothedthe creaWe developed out of it another anothercreadevelopedout Allah, the Best the Best ture. be Allah, blessedbe So blessed ture. So (Qur'an,23:12-1 to 23:12-l create"!(Qur'an, to create"! havediscodiscoFoetal andanatmoy anatmoyhave Foetal science science and the vered creationonly in the vered those states of creation those states present presentage. age. 78 78

"Those whom Allah (in His plan) 4) "Those plan) guide, He openeth willeth to guide, openeth their breast breast to Islam whom He willeth to leave He leave straying, straying, -- He maketh maketh their breast and breast close close and constricted if they had to constricted as as if they had climb up up to the the skies." skies." (Qur'an,6: 125) (Qur'an, 6:125)

After man was able go up in man was able to fly and and go the the upper upper layers layers of atmospheric he disaunosphericair, air, he discovered coveredthat that the the higher higher he he went went up, up, the the less oxygen pressure less oxygen and and atmospheric atmospheric pressure there there would be, be, which which would would cause causea greatdifficulty in breathing great constricbreathing and and constriction in the Verse the bosom. bosom. That is what what the the Verse has stated has statedthirteen the thirteen centuries centuries before before the flight of man. man. 5) "Or

(the unbeliever's (the is state) IS unbeliever'sstate) 79 79

like the thedepths like depthsof of darkness darknessin in aa vast deep deep ocean, vast ocean, overwhelmed overwhelmed with billow billow topped with ropped by by billow, billow, (dark) clouds; toppedby topped by (dark) clouds; depths depths darkness,one of darkness, oneabove aboveanother." another." (Quran,24:40) (Quran, 24:40) Before AD 1900, Before 1900, people people had had known one kind of waves only one waves seen seen on the the sea's sea's surface. Scandinavian Scandinavian sailors surface. sailors came later camelater to discover discover aa fact fact hidden hidden in the the ocean's ocean's depths where where there depths there is another another kind of waves waves which tosses tosses divers divers as as the the upper upper waves waves that that toss toss swimmers. swimmers. Allah revealed revealed this fact unto the illiterate Prophet Prophet Muhammad hammad (peace (peace and and blessing blessing of of Allah Allah be upon him) him) who had never seen seen the sea sea in his life, about about fourteen fourteen centuries centuries ago. ago. 6) "Does man man think think that that We We cancan80 80

not assemble assemblehis hisbones? not bones?Nay, Nay, We are put together able to We areable to put togetherin perfectorder order the Perfect the very very tips tipsof (Qur'an,75:3-4) hisfmgers". his fingers". (Qur'an, 75:34) Which is is more more difficult: Which re-creation difficult: the the re-creation bones or fmger-tips? finger-tips?Both of bones Both may may look look the same same at the at the thefirst first look. look. But But the fact is thefact is that no no man's man's fmger-tips finger-tips are that are similar similar to to those of anohter. anohter. So those Sofmger-prints finger-prints have have recognizecharacter. been used usedto been to recognize character.Only Only in this age age has has science sciencediscovered this discoveredthe the true true meaningof the meaning indication in these the indication theseverses. verses.

81l 8


--------------Belief in the the Hereafter Hereafter is belief in the the Unseen,, which is known known onlY only to the the Unseen Omnipotent, Omniscient Omniscient Creator. Creator. Allah Omnipotent, (Exalted be be He!) He!) says: says: (Exalted

had We had "Did ye ttrat We ye then think that then think that ye created and that jest, and you in jest, createdyou Ye us to us would backto broughtback not be be brought would not (Qur'an,23:115) 23:ll5) (for (Qur'an, (for account)?" account)?" We purPosedid did We "Not "Not without without purpose and all all create earth and and earth heavenand createheaven thought between! the thought were the That were between!That woe to to But woe of unbelievers!But of the the unbelievers! the of the the becauseof the unbelievers unbelieversbecause Fire (ofHell)! Fire(of Hell)! believe "Shall "ShallWe whobelieve thosewho treatthose Wetreat 82 82

andwork and work deeds deedsof righte righteousness, ousness, thesame the sameas as those those who who do do mismischief on chief on earth? earth? Shall Shall We We treat trear those thosewho who guard guardagain against st evil, evil, the the same sameas asthose thosewho who tum tum side sidefrom from the the right? right?" (Qur'an,38:27 " (Qur' an, 38:27 28) 2g) "Shall "Shal l We We then then treat treat the the peopl people e of faith faith like like the people the peopl e of sin? sin? What is What is the the matte matter r with you? you? How Howjudge judge ye? ye?" (eur'an, (Qur'a n, 68: 6g: 35-36 35-36) ) fact, life would In fact, would be be absur absurd d if if there there were wereno no Day Day of Judge Judgement ment on on which which all all the the dead dead will be be resurr resurrected ected and and quesques_ tioned about tioned about their their deeds deedsin this this earthl earttrly y life. life. This can This can be be easily easily realized realized by by every every_ 83 83

body without without need need for material material evidence. evidence. body this world there there are are many many examples example.s in In this fulfilled and and which divine divine justice justice is not fuHilled which we naturally naturally come come to the the conclusion conclusion that that we there should should be be some some world or life other other there than this this transient transient one one in which which all ununthan settled issues issues and and deeds deeds of injustice injustice are are settled Court of brought forward the Divine Divine Court forward in the brought wicked justice, the wicked justice, and and the righteousand the righteous and the Day Such aa Day receive just deserts. deserts.Such their just receivetheir necessary,for of Judgement is extremely extremelynecessary, Judgementis wicked people we cruel or wicked many cruel we see see many PeoPle wrongdoing, who and wrongdoing, to sins sins and devotedto who are aredevoted happy comfortable comfortable and yet they lead aa happy they lead and yet punishment. life without getting their due punishment. theirdue withoutgetting rightmanyrightOn aremany thereare hand,there the other other hand, On the life miserablelife eous lead aa miserable who lead peoplewho eous people fromoppression, oppression, during sufferfrom whichthey theysuffer during which and humiliation, and homelessness povertyor orhomelessness humiliation,poverty Is all all requited. at Is being requited. without being die without last die at last 84

this consistent consistentwith with Divine this Divine Justice? Justice? Not Not in the least. Then the least. Then there in theremust must be besuch such an an inevitable day day devoted devoted to inevitable to aa lasting lastingsettlesettlementof of all all accounts. accounts. ment many people peopleare But many areblinded blindedto to this this fact fact owing to various various factors owing to factors such suchas as whims, whims, covetousness, lack of belief and covetousness, lack anddeviation deviation from truth. truth. from Thus, everything everything we we do Thus, do In in this this world, every every intention intention we we have, have, every every move move we make, make, every every thought thought we entertain, entertain, and and every every word we say, say, all are are counted counted and and kept in accurate accurate records. records. On the the Day of of Judgernent, Judgement, they will will be be brought brought up. People genePeople with good good records records will will be generously rously rewarded rewarded and warmly warmly welcomed welcomed to to the the Heaven Heaven of of Allah, Allah, where where there there is is etemal eternal and and perfect perfect bliss, bliss, and and those those with with bad bad 8855

into cast into and cast punished and be punished will be records wil records JudgeDay of Judgethe Day word, the a word, is, in a Hell.That is, Hell.That nts. accounts' ment of all accou settlement final settle andfinal ment and ment

86 86

DNIN DryINE E DEST DESTINY INY (QADAA (QAD AA AND QAD AR) QADAR) Almi Almighry ghty Allah Allah's 's know knowledge ledge is is limitl limitless ess andHis and His powe power r to plan and to plan andto to execu execute te His His plans is plans is infmi infinite. te. He He is is also alsothe theCreat Creator or of manand man and his his deeds deeds. . This This does does not not in any any way make way makeman manfatali fatalist st or helple helpless. ss. He He has has endowed endow ed us us with the thepowe power r of mind mind in ororder that der that we we may may have have the the freedo freedom m and and ability abilit y to to think, think, plan plan and andchoos choose e our our own own way of life. way life. But But our our limite limited d spher sphere e of knowledge know ledge and andpowe power r make makes s us usfail fail to to unundersta derstand nd fully or disco ver Allah discover Allah,s 's wisdo wisdom m justice andjustice in what and whatHe He create creates s or does. does.So So we shoul we should d accep accept t in good goodfaith faith and and satsat_ isfaction isfact ion all all that thatAllah Allah does, does,as asour our know knowledgeis ledge is limite limited d and andour our thinki thinking ng is is based based on on indiv individual idual or perso personal nal consi considerations, derations, where whereas as He He is is Omni scient, All-S Omniscient, All-Seeing, eeing, 87 87

All-Wise, Almighty Almighty -- His His knowledge knowledge and and All-Wise, Justice are are not not limited limited or or encompassed encompassed by by Justice of man's man's the narow narrow horizon horizon or or sphere sphere of knowledge. Allatr's Allah's timeless timeless knowledge knowledge knowledge. anticipates events, events, and those those events events take take anticipates place according according to the exact exact knowledge knowledge place of Allah, Allah, wittrout without forcing man to take take any of action, whether whether good good or evil. course of action, course as so far as So responsibility in so bears responsibility man bears So man beand behe freedom to think and the freedom he enjoys enjoys the concerns far as as it concerns have. so far Destiny, in so have. Destiny, any hint not bear bear any man's does not behaviour, does man'sbehaviour, deimport, it deIslamic import, of coercion. its Islamic coercion. In its according things according notes happening of things the happening notes the knowledge. to infallible knowledge. Allatr's exact, exact, infallible to Allah's

88 88

ANGELS ANGELS OF OF ALLAH An essential essentialarticle Muslim's faith faith article of Muslim's is is belief beliefin the theangels angelsof ALLAH. We can We know about about the the angels can know angels and and from the some someof their attributesfrom theGlorious Glorious their attributes Qur'an andthe the Prophet ProphetMuhammad's Muhammad'stratraQur'an and ditions ditionsas asthese thesetraditions traditions are reliable, inare reliable, fallible authorities fallible authoritieson on the the articles articlesof faith faith general,and in general, relating to and those those relating to the the ununparticular. For, seen seen in particular. For, as as it has has been been proved in the presentage proved thepresent ageof scientific scientificdisdiscoveries, many unseen facts of science coveries, many unseenfacts science pastare wereunknown which which were unknown in the the past now are now well truths well established man has hasacestablished truttrsafter after man acquired some instrumentsthat quired that some means meansand and instruments enable leam about enablehim to to learn about and and discover discover many facts of the the many already alreadyunbelievable unbelievable facts knows IS is unIverse; but all thatman manso far knows universe;but all that sofar 89 89

no more than than a a drop drop of water water compared compared to no more the the unknown. unknown. oceansof the the oceans So, every science science or field of of as in every So, as knowledge, tum to those those specialized specialized we turn knowledge,we or to well-informed authorities, here here too, too, well-informedauthorities, we Prophet (May peace peace and and refer to the we refer the Prophet blessing matupon him) in matAllatr be be upon blessing of Allah ters he has has conveyed religion as as he conveyed to ters of religion and instnrchumankind instrucrevelationsand the revelations humankind the everytions Creator of everythe Creator tions of ALLAH, the no liknow, with no thing to know, best to and the the best thing and power as He as He mits and power to His His knowledge knowledgeand mits to All-Knowing Almighty, All-Knowing is Absolute, Almighty, is the the Absolute, Creator. and All-SeeingCreator. andAll-Seeing i.e.,sayings sayingsof According HADITTI,Le., Accordingto to HADITH, (May peace peaceand and blessings blessings the Prophet (May the Prophet were him), ANGELS ANGELSwere of Allah be upon upon him), Aliah be light, as Adam from light, as Adam createdfrom originally originally created 90

was originally originally created createdfrom was from clay. clay. They They purely spiritual are purely spiritualcreatures are creatureswho who never never eat, drink drink or or sleep; sleep;their eat, their major major activity activity toserve serveALLAH, ALLAH, obey isisto obey His His orders ordersand and glorify Him all all the thetime. glorify Him time.They Theyare arenumenumerousand andeach eachof of them rous them is is charged chargedwith with aa certain task. task. Gabriel, Gabriel, for certain for example, example,conconveyed the revelation revelationof ALLAH unto veyed the unto Prophets. Some Some of them Prophets. them observe observeman's man,s deeds and and preserve preserve aa comprehensive deeds comprehensive record of them. them. On record On the the Day Day of JudgeJudgement ment they they will will bring bring forttr forth a full report report on on man's man's good good or bad bad deeds deeds for which which he he will will be be rewarded rewarded or punished. punished. There There are are other other duties duties of of angels angels indicated indicated in the the Qur'an. Qur'an. The The creation creation of of those those great great extraorextraordinary dinary creatures creatures testifies testifies to to the the infinite infinite inimitable inimitable power power of of ALLAH. ALLAH. They They also also 991l

stand as as a good good example example of highly stand righteous and and industrious industrious servants servants of righteous ALLAH to be be imitated imitated by man. man. At last, last, ALLAH the angels angels of ALLAH ALLAH would would belief in the and knowledge and enlarge man's horizons horizons of knowledge enlargeman's make him never never feel the vast vast feel lonely lonely in the make universe as he learns that it abounds aboundswith leamsthat ashe universe down kind and comedown spiritsthat thatcome friendly spirits and friendly and unto good believers composureand believerswith composure unto good comfort. comfort.

"Praise The wordswill be: be: "Praise our words Theclose closeof our andSustainer Sustainer be The Cherisher Ctrerisherand AUah,The to Allah, be to of the Worlds". theWorlds".

92 92

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