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Island Arts Magazine May - June 2021 issue #54
Art Boxes Showing up on Vancouver Island
Using the idea of the public sharing libraries – those little book stands that are placed in areas throughout the community – Artsphere Comox Valley has started placing neighbourhood art gallerias in public spaces, for people to view creations from Comox Valley artists.
The project was created by Artsphere Comox Valley member Kate Brown, and her husband, Piet Rutgers, who designed and built the first two boxes, located on the Royston Seaside Trail, and at Kye Bay.
Brown said the idea came after Rutgers saw an article about a similar project in Toronto Island Park.
“There is kind of a folksy community there, and through COVID, these art boxes were sprouting up,” said Brown. “Piet contacted the fellow who started the project on Toronto Island… then Piet made me one as a Christmas gift. That was the first one, on Royston Trail.”
The art displayed in the box is changed weekly – and Brown’s neighbours always ensure the Royston Trail box is regularly updated. source: comox valley record
This gallery is dedicated to the wonderful TOSH volunteers, past and present, without whom this organization would not function - our deepest gratitude for their service.
All artists are welcome to submit to have their smallscale artworks displayed!
Many thanks to volunteers Lois and Richard Goodnough for creating this beautiful public art space for the community to enjoy.
To learn more and submit artwork to be displayed in the TOSH Miniature Gallery, please go online.