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dates for
First Tuesday of every month – coffee morning with raffle in the Church Hall of St. Mary’s Church, Cowes from 10.30am. Costs £3 per person for tea, coffee and cakes. A warm welcome to all. Proceeds to maintain church
First Thursday of the month – Coffee, Craft and Cake from 10am – 12pm at Northwood Scout Hut, Wyatts Lane, Northwood. Bring your own projects to finish, share hints, tips and ideas and craft magazine swap available tool. Free entry and refreshments. A great way to make new friends.
Friday 3rd February – Coffee Morning at Northwood Cemetery between 10.30am –12.30pm. This months theme is Books and Music. Hot and cold drinks and biscuits are available, free of charge. Everyone welcome – just come through the cemetery gates and you will be given a warm welcome.
Friday 3rd February – Movie Night at the Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes. Join in for an evening of singing and dancing with the blockbuster hit Grease being shown on the club’s large screen. Doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm start. All ages – family event. This is a free entry event. Bar and snacks available.
Friday 24th February – Fun bingo Evening with a meal. Tickets £7 to include your food at Newport golf Club, St Georges Lane, Newport at 6.30pm. £2 per card to play. Raising funds for Vectis Radio. Tickets from tickets@vectisradio.fm