3 minute read




Weekly Rhyme Time for babies & toddlers 11.00 - 11.30am. A fun session of songs and rhymes! It’s free and there is no need to book. Cowes Library Games Club for Adults every first and third Monday of the month 10.00am - 12.00pm. Play an assortment of board games or cards with a friendly group. Refreshments provided. It’s free so just pop along.


Tuesday Chess 2 - 5pm. For all ages, if you are interested in playing or want to learn, contact Cowes Library for more information on 01983 293341 or just come along. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Tuesday 28th March PA market Drop-in 10.30am - 12.30pm. Looking for a career as a Personal Assistant, supporting people in their own home or in the community? Come along and speak to an advisor or contact: pamarket@iow.gov.uk


Philo Café. Philosophical discussion group held on the 1st Wednesday of the month 7.00 - 9.00pm. No need to book, just go along.

Thursday 30th March

‘Our Anglo-Saxon Island’ Illustrated talk by archaeologist Dr Ruth Waller 7 - 8.30pm. “From the arrival of the Jutes to Caedwalla’s slaying of the pagan population, learn about what the archaeological evidence shows of our Anglo-Saxon Island and about the myths of our Island heritage after the Romans left. The talk is free but booking is recommended. To book a place tel: 01983 293341 or email coweslibrary@iow.gov.uk


Drop-in Café every 2nd Friday of the month 10.30am - 12.00pm. Enjoy some tea/coffee and cake and a friendly chat. You don’t have to be a library member to come along. It’s free and all are welcome.

A Multiply tutor will be at Cowes Library Friday 3rd March between 10 and 12pm offering free maths workshops for adult learners who want to improve their numeracy skills. Providing free courses that are flexibly delivered around people’s lives, whether at their workplace, in the evening, online, or through personalised support. Find out more about courses available at www.iow.gov.uk/ACLcourses or contact Adult Community Learning on 01983 817280 or email: lisa.mcginty@iow.gov.uk


Children’s Games Club: First Saturday of the month 10.30am - 12.00pm

Lego Club: Last Saturday of the month 10.00am - 12.00pm islandmagazines@gmail.com with your name, address and which area you would like or call us on 07880 587931.

Junior Colouring Club: Third Saturday of the month with colouring, drawing and being creative. 2 - 4pm. All materials provided. With all children’s activities, children need to be accompanied by an adult throughout.

Vectis Historical and Heritage Wargaming Group meet monthly on Saturdays at Cowes Library usually between 10.00am and 4.00pm with a break for lunch. The next meeting is on 4th March. Any level of interest or experience welcome. Models are provided and it’s free to attend. Recommended age 16+. Contact Cowes Library on 01983 293341 or email Will Bossman at: wdbossman@gmail.com for more information.

Never miss out on reading a copy of Island Magazines.

If you can’t get out to pick up a copy from local distributors you can subscribe to either our ‘DIGITAL’ or ‘PRINTED’ edition each month.

For DIGITAL subscriptions please email cowesmagazine@ gmail.com and include the words ‘subscribe digital’ in the email, then sit back, relax and wait for the next issue to drop into your email inbox.

For PRINTED subscriptions there will be a small charge of £1.20 per month payable 6 months in advance.

Welcome and thank you for picking up a copy of your local community magazine.

The March issue signifies that Spring is on the way and the ‘spring equinox’ and official first day of Spring is Monday 20th March.

The Island is already showing us that warmer weather is coming with the unmistakable signs of daffodils and crocus emerging on hedges, gardens and local parks.

The days will start getting longer and the clocks go forward 1 hour at 1am on the 26th March. There is a lot to look forward to as the island will slowly start emerging from it’s winter cocoon and our dates for your diary section on page 19 will keep you updated on local events happening across the Island.

Another important date to remember is of course Mothering Sunday on the 19th March.

Inside this issue you will find your regular news updates and this month Joy’s Humble Crumble Kitchen feature has some great air fryer recipes for you to try and on page 14 you will find a handy ‘what goes where’ waste and recycling guide.

I hope you enjoy this issue and please get in touch by any means below if you have any information you would like to share or would like to advertise your business in the next issue.

Have a great month and I look forward to catching up with you again soon.

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