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dates for your diary

Every Tuesday until the end of March 2023 – Warm Hub at Whippingham Community Centre from 11am – 3.30pm. If you are an ‘over 60’ and living locally drop in for a light lunch of homemade soup and roll followed by tea/coffee and biscuits for just £2. After lunch you can either just sit and chat, play cards or other board games. You’ll be in a warm place with like-minded people. Call Dawn on 07717018131 for more information.

Friday 3rd February – Movie Night at the Isle of Wight Community Club, Park Road, Cowes. Join in for an evening of singing and dancing with the blockbuster hit Grease being shown on the club’s large screen. Doors open 7pm for a 7.30pm start. All ages – family event. This is a free entry event. Bar and snacks available.


Friday 24th February - Quiz Night in aid of Alzheimer Cafe IOW at the East Cowes Conservative Club, 11 Clarence Road, East Cowes. 7.30pm start. Team of up to 4 people. £5 per person. Raffle and a bar. Booking essential. Call 01983 220200. Everyone welcome.

Friday 24th February – Fun bingo Evening with a meal. Tickets £7 to include your food at Newport golf Club, St Georges Lane, Newport at 6.30pm. £2 per card to play. Raising funds for Vectis Radio. Tickets from tickets@vectisradio.fm

All event information was correct at time of print but could be subject to change at any time.

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