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Community News for The Bay
From Richard & Jon Email. priest.gilbey@live.co.uk
Welcome Bay Residents
Congratulations to all involved with the Grammy and Brit Double-Award winning Wet Leg, the British Indie Rock Band, with members from the Bay - founded in 2019 by Rhian Teasdale and Hester Chambers, with band members Henry Holmes ( drums, percussion), Ellis Durand (bass, backing vocals) and Josh Mobaraki (additional guitars, synthesizer, backing vocals).
Friday 17 March see next TC’s evening at Shanklin Voluntary Youth & Community Centre, from 7pm to 9pm, for years 5, 6, 7 and 8 – more details on the website.
Shanklin VYCC has also helped produce a further ‘Growing Up In The Bay’ film, on YouTube, covering the bombing raids in Shanklin in January and February 1943 – the 80th anniversary of these tragic events include interviews with those living in Shanklin at the time, as well as the commemorative service at Shanklin Cemetery last month.
Shanklin Theatre continues to offer a comprehensive programme of entertainment with Saturday 4 seeing Jack Up The 60’s with the Zoots; Sunday 5 has Beyond the Barricade, the UK’s longest running musical; Poet Pam Ayre performs on Friday 10; with the Ukrainian National Opera presenting Madame Butterfly on 30 March.
Queens Award for Voluntary Service winning Shanklin Town Brass Band have published their summer programme of performances, starting on Sunday 14 May
2023 at 3pm at Rylstone Bandstand – starting their 30th season.
The Bay continues to provide Warm Spaces for vulnerable people at Age Concern Shanklin are open 10-4 daily with refreshments and social activities; Lake Methodist Church (07817154147) offer a community lunch on the 1st Thursday of the month, with a community cafe on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays; and on Mondays at Christ Church, Sandown, between 11am and 3pm – help is also available at Sandown Library.
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Cyber Crime Unit have collaborated with The Blue Lamp Trust to prepare a 10 step guide to helping you protect yourself online. Simple changes such as using strong passwords, backing up your data and most importantly turning on Two-Step Verification (sometimes called 2SV, 2FA or MFA) can really help you and your online accounts remain safe; and The guide can be downloaded via the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police Website or via Police Cyber Protect LinkedIn Page. With Football and Rugby nearing the end of their respective seasons, Sandown & Shanklin Hurricanes are competing for a top 3 place in Counties Division 2, and Shanklin Football Club men and women’s sides at the top of their divisions, as well as being in the final stages of cup competitions, such as Hants Invitation Cup on Sundays; this month also see IW Sports Awards with many local Teams and sportspeople being shortlisted for recognition.
Best wishes
Jon Gilbey BEM & Richard Priest OBE
Word Ladder
A word ladder is a sequence of words formed by changing just one letter each time. Can you find the missing words? Use the clues if you get stuck.
Report from IW Councillor Ian Ward for Sandown South
Email: ian.ward@iow.gov.uk
Telephone: 01983 403193 Mobile: 07772559093
Facebook: Cllr Ian Ward BEM – Sandown South
Did you know that family or friends of cardiology patients in Southampton hospital can stay at a hostel just across the road in Tremona Road. You can stay there for as long as you need to for just a one-off payment of £25 per room; single or double. (Yes! that is just one £25 payment for your whole stay; although additional donations are very welcome!). The hostel is funded by Wessex Trust and Wessex Rotary. There are 20 rooms, but more might be available if necessary. Occupancy is on a first come, first served basis, but people from the Island can enquire about a room one week before the patient is admitted to hospital. The hostel’s phone number is: 023 8070 609.
A few weeks ago, I did some litter picking around the Stower Place Car Park area on the Perowne Way estate as it is prone to fly tipping. I informed our Community Police and Southern Housing and asked them to monitor the area as it is their land.
I was very pleased when two local residents contacted me who are prepared to help. I raised the issue at the next SGTV meeting and members recognised that they could also help. So, if any local residents would like to volunteer, please do contact me and please leave a message if necessary.
This year’s round of Council Tax and Precept increases is understandably of concern to many residents. However, there are many types of discounts or reductions for which residents may be entitled such as; Single Persons, Disabled Persons Reduction, Students Discount & Exemption, Dependent Relative Care and Empty Properties
To find out more please go on-line to the IW Council’s website or contact IW Council Revenue Services, PO Box 238, Newport, PO30 9FP. Tel: 01983 823901