Sales Information Sheet Foreclosing the Future The World Bank and the Politics of Environmental Destruction Bruce Rich Hardcover
ISBN 9781610911849
Price $35.00
Discount IPT*
Pub Month Sept 2013
Sept 2013
Fall 2013 Trim Size: 6x9 Pages: 344 Copyright: 2013
Bookstore Categories POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy/Environmental Policy POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy/Environmental Policy
*Trade discount until six months after publication date, then short discount Competing Titles The World's Banker: A Story of Failed States, Financial Crises, and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations, Sebastian Mallaby (Penguin Press, 2006) ISBN: 978-0143036791 Bookscan: 3788. The Globalizers: The IMF, the World Bank, and Their Borrowers, Ngaire Woods (Cornell University Press, 2007) ISBN: 978-0801474200 Bookscan: 853. Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank and WTO, Richard Peet (Zed Books, 2007) ISBN: 978-1848132528 Bookscan: 539 Previous Works Mortgaging the Earth (Beacon, 1994) ISBN: 978-0807047071 Bookscan: 419 To Uphold the World: A Call for a New Global Ethic from India (Beacon, 2010) ISBN: 978-0807006139 Bookscan: 225
Sales Handle The shocking story of the world's most influential development institution Description World Bank President Jim Yong Kim has vowed that his institution will fight poverty and climate change, a claim that World Bank presidents have made for two decades. But if worldwide protests and reams of damning internal reports are any indication, it is doing just the opposite. By funding development projects and programs that warm the planet and destroy critical natural resources on which the poor depend, the Bank has been hurting the very people it claims to serve. What explains this blatant contradiction? If anyone has the answer, it is arguably Bruce Rich—a lawyer and expert in public international finance who has for the last three decades studied the Bank’s institutional contortions, the real-world consequences of its lending, and the politics of the global environmental crisis. What emerges from the bureaucratic dust is a disturbing and gripping story of corruption, larger-than-life personalities, perverse incentives, and institutional amnesia. The World Bank is the Vatican of development finance, and its dysfunction plays out as a reflection of the political hypocrisies and failures of governance of its 188 member countries. Foreclosing the Future shows how the Bank’s failure to address the challenges of the 21st century has implications for everyone in an increasingly interdependent world. Rich depicts how the World Bank is a microcosm of global political and economic trends—powerful forces that threaten both environmental and social ruin. Selling Points • Author's track record as an authority on The World Bank; includes information previously only published in obscure reports about how the World Bank is violating its own policies • Broad audience of readers interested in both environmental issues and international development • Timeliness of book given the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and the 20th anniversary of the Rio Summit
Sales Information Sheet Food, Genes, and Culture
Trim Size: 5.5x8.25 Pages: 244 Copyright: 2013
Eating Right for Your Origins Gary Paul Nabhan Paperback Ebook
ISBN 9781610914925 9781610914932
Price $19.99 $19.99
Fall 2013
Discount IPT IPT
Pub Month Sept 2013 Sept 2013
Bookstore Categories HEALTH & FITNESS / Nutrition HEALTH & FITNESS / Nutrition
Competing Titles The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-term Health, T Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell (BenBella Books, 2006) ISBN: 978-1932100662 Bookscan: 510,472. In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan (Penguin, 2009) ISBN: 978-0143114963 Bookscan: 372,911. Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health, William Davis (Rodale, 2011) ISBN: 9781609611545 Bookscan: 350,536 Previous Works Coming Home to Eat: The Pleasures and Politics of Local Food (Norton, 2009) ISBN: 978-0393335057 Bookscan: 1978. Where Our Food Comes From: Retracing Niklay Vavilov's Quest to End Famine (Island Press, 2011) ISBN: 978-1610910033 Bookscan: 466P, 2349 C Warehouse: 1346 P, 5783 C. Desert Terroir: Exploring the Unique Flavors and Sundry Places of the Borderlands (University of Texas Press, 2011) ISBN: 978-0292725898 Bookscan: 193. Renewing America's Food Traditions : Saving and Savoring the Continent's Most Endangered Foods, with Deborah Madison (Chelsea Green, 2008) ISBN: 9781933392899 Bookscan: 2570. Songbirds, Truffles, and Wolves: An American Naturalist in Italy (Penguin, 1994) ISBN: 978-0140239720 Bookscan: 1258. Cultures of Habitat: On Nature, Culture, and Story (Counterpoint, 1998) ISBN: 978-1887178969 Bookscan: 844. Why Some Like It Hot (Island Press, 2004) ISBN: 9781559634663 Bookscan: 1493 P, 1813 C Warehouse: 3575 P, 7424 C
Sales Handle An eye-opening exploration of the connections between diet and ancestry. Description Vegan, low fat, low carb, slow carb: Every diet seems to promise a one-size-fits-all solution to health. But they ignore the diversity of human genes and how they interact with what we eat. In Food, Genes, and Culture, renowned ethnobotanist Gary Nabhan shows why the perfect diet for one person could be disastrous for another. If your ancestors were herders in Northern Europe, milk might well provide you with important nutrients, whereas if you’re Native American, you have a higher likelihood of lactose intolerance. If your roots lie in the Greek islands, the acclaimed Mediterranean diet might save your heart; if not, all that olive oil could just give you stomach cramps. Nabhan traces food traditions around the world, from Bali to Mexico, uncovering the links between ancestry and individual responses to food. The implications go well beyond personal taste. Today’s widespread mismatch between diet and genes is leading to serious health conditions, including a dramatic growth over the last 50 years in auto-immune and inflammatory diseases. Readers will not only learn why diabetes is running rampant among indigenous peoples and heart disease has risen among those of northern European descent, but may find the path to their own perfect diet. Selling Points • Increased public interest in ancestral eating, including the popular Paleo diet • Timeliness, with new developments in nutritional epigenetics • Established reputation of the author • Track record of the first edition of the book, Why Some Like it Hot
Sales Information Sheet The Nature of Urban Design
Trim Size: 8.25x10 Pages: 256 Copyright: 2013
A New York City Perspective on Resilience Alexandros Washburn Hardcover
ISBN 9781610913805
Price $40.00
Discount IPT*
Fall 2013
Pub Month Oct 2013
Bookstore Categories ARCHITECTURE / Urban & Land Use Planning
*Trade discount until six months after publication date, then short discount Competing Titles Urban Design by Alex Krieger and Bill Saunders (U of MN Press, 2009) ISBN-13: 978-0816656394 Bookscan: 961. Understanding Cities: Methods in Urban Design, by Alexander Cuthbert (Routledge, 2011), ISBN: 978-0415608244 Bookscan: 19. Urban Design: the Composition of Complexity (Routledge, 2011). ISBN: 978-0415591478 Bookscan: 111. The Urban Design Reader by Larice and Macdonald (Routledge, 2006) ISBN: 978-0415333870 Bookscan: 1004. Urban Design Reader by Carmona and Tiesdale (Architectural Press/Elsevier, 2007) ISBN: 978-0750665315 Bookscan: 433. Cities for People, Gehl, 9/2010 ISBN: 978-1597265737 Bookscan: 1720 Warehouse: 11,175. Urban Ecological Design, Palazzo/Steiner ISBN: 978-1597268295 Bookscan: 151 Warehouse: 658 Previous Works None
Sales Handle A beautifully illustrated exploration of urban design for more resilient, vibrant, and equitable cities Description The global shift to an urban population comes with an uncomfortable corollary. People who live in cities as they are currently designed produce more greenhouse gasses than their non-urban counterparts—as a global average about three times more. But people in cities, particularly in coastal cities, are waking up to their vulnerability as well as to their responsibility. This newly acknowledged responsibility is reflected in current trends in urban design, in newly conceived projects, plans and standards that try to make cities more resilient in the way they are designed, built and inhabited. To truly prosper, cities need to accommodate a growing number of citizens in dignity, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and still be worth living in. In this visually rich book Alexandros Washburn redefines urban design by looking at the process and products within the context of rapid urbanization and climate change. The Nature of Urban Design uses real-life examples, drawing heavily from the New York experience, to show how to design beautiful urban spaces that achieve multiple goals and objectives—such as greater resilience, livability and equity—while addressing the political and financial challenges that can accelerate or slow implementation. With examples ranging from the High Line to the post-Sandy recovery of Red Hook, Brooklyn, The Nature of Urban Design shows how a welldesigned, well-built city can be the most efficient, equitable, safest, and enriching place on earth. The Nature of Urban Design will inspire and inform anyone who cares about cities. It provides a framework for participating in the process of change. This includes people who want to become urban designers, particularly students and practitioners in the field of politics, finance and design who help to decide how a city will change. Selling Points • Visually rich presentation of the power of urban design • More holistic definition of urban design that encompasses the elements necessary for success • Unique perspective on the creation of the High Line
Sales Information Sheet Design for an Empathic World
Fall 2013 Trim Size: 7.25x8.25 Pages: 160 Copyright: 2013
Reconnecting People, Nature, and Self Sim Van der Ryn Hardcover
ISBN 9781610914260
Price $35.00
Discount IPT*
Pub Month Oct 2013
Oct 2013
Bookstore Categories ARCHITECTURE / Sustainability & Green Design ARCHITECTURE / Sustainability & Green Design
*Trade discount until six months after publication date, then short discount Competing Titles Design for Life ISBN: 9781586855307 Bookscan: 1189; Culture, Architecture, and Nature (forthcoming) ISBN: 9780415839679 Previous Works Ecological Design ISBN: 9781559633895 Bookscan: 2532 Warehouse: 17,320 and Ecological Design, Second Edition ISBN: 9781597261418 Bookscan: 1577 Warehouse: 3391, Design for Life ISBN: 9781586855307 Bookscan: 1189, Sustainable Communities ISBN: 978-1897408179 Bookscan: 162, The Integral Urban House ISBN: 9780871562135 Bookscan: 233
Sales Handle A reflective journey to a more ecological and humane approach to design by a luminary in the field Description Despite an uncertain economy, the market for green building is projected to grow and strengthen. The US green building market has expanded dramatically since 2008 and is projected to double in size by 2015 (from $42 billion in construction starts to $135 billion). But, says green-building pioneer Sim Van der Ryn, “greening” our buildings is not enough. He advocates for “empathic design,” in which a designer not only works in concert with nature, but with an understanding of and empathy for the end user and for oneself. It is not just one of these connections, but all three that are necessary to design for a future that is more humane, equitable, and resilient. Van der Ryn’s lifelong focus has been in shifting the paradigm in architecture and design. Instead of thinking about design primarily in relation to the infrastructure we live in and with—everything from buildings to wireless routing—he advocates for a focus on the people who use and are affected by this infrastructure. Basic design must include a real understanding of human ecology or end-user preferences. Understanding ones motivations and spirituality, the author believes, is critical to designing with empathy for natural and human communities. In Design for an Empathic World Van der Ryn shares his thoughts and experience about the design of our world today. With a focus on the strengths and weaknesses in our approach to the design of our communities, regions, and buildings he looks at promising trends and projects that demonstrate how we can help create a better world for others and ourselves. The journey described in Design for an Empathic World will help to inspire change and foster the collaboration and thoughtfulness necessary to achieve a more empathic future. Selling Points • Inspiration for rethinking the way we design from one of the most influential ecological architects in the US • References to projects and programs that provide hope for more empathic design • Beautiful four-color design using author’s original watercolors
Sales Information Sheet River Notes
Trim Size: 5.5x8.25 Pages: 102 Copyright: 2012
A Natural and Human History of the Colorado Wade Davis Paperback Hardcover Ebook
ISBN 9781610910200 9781610913614 9781610912068
Price $14.95 $24.95 $14.99
Discount IPT IPT IPT
Fall 2013
Pub Month Oct 2013 Oct 2012 Oct 2012
Bookstore Categories NATURE / Rivers NATURE / Rivers NATURE / Rivers
Competing Titles Jonathan Waterman, Running Dry: A Journey from Source to Sea Down the Colorado River, National Geographic, 2010, $26.00, paper ISBN: 978-1426205057 Bookscan: 1634. James Lawrence Powell, Dead Pool: Lake Powell, Global Warming, and the Future of Water in the West, University of California Press, 2011, $18.95, paper ISBN: 978-0520268029 Bookscan: 485. Marc Reisner, Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water, Penguin, 1993, $18.00, paper ISBN: 978-0140178241 Bookscan: 75,480 Previous Works Into the Silence, Knopf, 2011, $32.50 hc. ISBN: 978-0375708152 Bookscan: 9072. Shadows in the Sun, Island Press, 2010, $21.95 pb. ISBN: 978-1597263924 Bookscan: 339 P, 251 C Warehouse: 761 P, 17, 930 C. Light at the Edge of the World, Douglas & McIntyre, 2007, $14.95 pb. ISBN: 0792264746 Bookscan: 3985. The Serpent and the Rainbow, Touchstone, 1997, $15.00 pb. ISBN: 978-0684839295 Bookscan: 27,252. River Notes (Hardcover), Island Press, 2012, $22.95. 9781610913614. Bookscan: 1569 Warehouse: 4063
Sales Handle A striking and powerful account of human exploration and the destruction of America’s most iconic river Description Plugged by no fewer than twenty-five dams, the Colorado is the world’s most regulated river drainage. It provides most of the water supply of Las Vegas, Tucson, and San Diego, and much of the power and water of Los Angeles and Phoenix. If the river ceased flowing, it would soon be necessary to abandon many of the largest cities in the West. The Colorado is indeed a river of life, which makes it all the more tragic that when it approaches the sea, it has been reduced to a toxic trickle, its delta dry and deserted. In a blend of history, science, and personal observation, acclaimed author Wade Davis tells the story of America’s Nile, from its legendary history to the human intervention that has left it transformed and near exhaustion. The story of the Colorado River is the human quest for progress and its inevitable if unintended effects—and an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and foster the rebirth of America’s most iconic waterway. A beautifully told story of historical adventure and natural beauty, River Notes is a fascinating journey down the river and through mankind’s complicated and destructive relationship with one of its greatest natural resources. Selling Points • Wade Davis is a bestselling author and acclaimed writer on environmental issues. His book Into the Silence sold more than 60,000 copies in fall 2011. • Despite the iconic status of the Colorado River and Grand Canyon, few books have been written that incorporate its natural and human history as well as its vital role as a source of water and power in the West • Offers readers a fascinating journey down the Colorado River, guided by Davis' lyric prose and skillful narrative style
Sales Information Sheet Seven Modern Plagues
Trim Size: 5.5x8.25 Pages: 250 Copyright: 2014
and How We Are Causing Them Mark Jerome Walters Paperback Ebook
ISBN 9781610914659 9781610914666
Price $19.99 $19.99
Fall 2013
Discount IPT IPT
Pub Month Jan 2014 Jan 2014
Bookstore Categories SCIENCE / Environmental Science SCIENCE / Environmental Science
Competing Titles The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic, Nathan Wolfe (Times Books, 2011) ISBN: 978-1250012210 Bookscan: 2160 Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic, David Quammen (Norton, 2012) ISBN: 978-0393066807 Bookscan: 19,129 Previous Works Seeking the Sacred Raven (Island Press, 2006) ISBN: 978-1559630900 Bookscan: 528 Warehouse: 1431 Six Modern Plagues (Island Press, 2003) ISBN: 978-1559637145 Bookscan: 2168 P, 2038 C Warehouse: 7494 P, 8146 C
Sales Handle An arresting account of emerging disease Description Every time we sneeze, there seems to be a new form of flu: bird flu, swine flu, Spanish flu, Hong Kong flu, H5N1, and most recently, H5N7. While these diseases appear to emerge from thin air, in fact, human activity is driving them. And the problem is not just flu, but a series of rapidly evolving and dangerous modern plagues. According to veterinarian and journalist Mark Walters, we are contributing to—if not overtly causing—some of the scariest epidemics of our time. Through human stories and cutting-edge science, Walters explores the origins of seven diseases: Mad Cow Disease, HIV/AIDS, Salmonella DT104, Lyme Disease, Hantavirus, West Nile, and new strains of flu. He shows that they originate from manipulation of the environment, from emitting carbon and clear-cutting forests to feeding naturally herbivorous cows “recycled animal protein.” Readers will both learn how today’s plagues first developed and discover patterns that could help prevent the diseases of tomorrow. Selling Points • Timeliness of topic as new strains of flu develop and incidents of Lyme disease and West Nile Virus increase • Successful track record with the first edition of the book, Six Modern Plagues • Combination of good storytelling with cutting-edge science
Sales Information Sheet Tibet Wild
Trim Size: 6x9 Pages: 384 Copyright: 2012
A Naturalist’s Journeys on the Roof of the World George B. Schaller Paperback
ISBN 9781610915069
Price $19.99
Discount IPT*
Pub Month Feb 2014
Oct 2012
Oct 2012
Fall 2013
Bookstore Categories NATURE / Environmental Conservation & Protection NATURE / Environmental Conservation & Protection NATURE / Environmental Conservation & Protection
*Trade discount until three to six months after publication date, then short discount Competing Titles Alan Rabinowitz, Life in the Valley of Death, Island, 2007, $26.00, paper ISBN: 978-1597261296 Bookscan: 2335 C, 202 P Warehouse: 4799 C, 614 P. William Stolzenburg, Where the Wild Things Were, Bloomsbury, 2009, $16.00, paper ISBN: 978-1596916241 Bookscan: 3569. Rick Ridgeway, The Big Open: On Foot Across Tibet's Chang Tang, National Geographic, 2004, $26.00, cloth ISBN: 0792265602 Bookscan: 1904 Previous Works The Year of the Gorilla ISBN: 9780226736471 Bookscan: 114, The Last Panda ISBN: 978-0226736297 Bookscan: 1484, Tibet’s Hidden Wilderness ISBN: 978-0810938939 Bookscan: 9, and The Serengeti Lion: A Study of Predator-Prey Relations (National Book Award winner) ISBN: 978-0226736402 Bookscan: 640. Tibet Wild, Island Press, Hardcover ISBN: 9781610911726 Bookscan: 1552 Warehouse: 3798
Sales Handle An engaging portrait of wildlife and culture in the Tibetan wilderness from the world’s preeminent field biologist Description George Schaller has spent much of his life traversing wild and isolated places in his quest to understand and conserve threatened species—from mountain gorillas in the Virunga to snow leopards in the Himalaya. Throughout his career, Schaller has spent more time in Tibet than anywhere else, devoting over thirty years to the region's unique wildlife, culture, and landscapes. Tibet Wild is Schaller’s account of three decades of exploration in the remote stretches of Tibet. As human development accelerated, Schaller watched the clash between wildlife and people become more common— and more destructive. What began as a scientific endeavor became a mission: to work with local communities, regional leaders, and national governments to protect the ecological richness and culture of the Tibetan Plateau. Whether tracking brown bears, penning fables about the tiny pika, or promoting a groundbreaking conservation preserve, Schaller has pursued his goal with persistence and good humor. Tibet Wild is an intimate journey through the wilderness of Tibet, guided by the careful gaze and unwavering passion of a lifelong naturalist. Selling Points • An important new book from preeminent field biologist and National Book Award-winning Schaller • The first book to detail Schaller's work in Tibet and Western China, over 30 years of his career • Provides an inside look at the life and work of a field biologist in one of the most remote, wild, and magnificent regions of the world
Sales Information Sheet Urbanism in the Age of Climate Change Peter Calthorpe
ISBN 9781597267212
Price $30.00
Discount IPS
Pub Month June 2013
Nov 2010
Nov 2010
Fall 2013 Trim Size: 7x10 Pages: 145 Copyright: 2010
Bookstore Categories ARCHITECTURE / Urban & Land Use Planning ARCHITECTURE / Urban & Land Use Planning ARCHITECTURE / Urban & Land Use Planning
Competing Titles Suburban Nation, Andres Duany ISBN: 978-0865477506 Bookscan: 4272 Green Metropolis, David Owen ISBN: 978-1594484841 Bookscan: 1717 Previous Works The Regional City, Island Press 2001 ISBN: 978-1559637848 Bookscan: 2890 Warehouse: 9541 The Next American Metropolis Princeton Architectural Press, 1995 ISBN: 9781878271686 Bookscan: 3867 Urbanism in the Age of Climate Change, Island Press, Hardcover, ISBN: 9781597267205 Bookscan: 1126 Warehouse: 3040
Sales Handle Progressive ideas on sustainable and humane built environments by a well-known thought leader Description Most take it as a given that climate change is an eminent threat and potentially catastrophic -- the science is now clear. This fact has brought the way our cities, towns, and regions shape our environmental impacts into urgent focus. Beyond renewable energy technologies and intelligent conservation, Peter Calthorpe believes that urbanism in its broadest definition must play a central role in resolving the climate change challenge. In fact, solving climate change without a more sustainable form of urbanism will be impossible. The focus of this book is specifically America’s unique opportunities and challenges regarding climate change -- partly because we represent a disproportionate share of global emissions but also because we have a special obligation for leadership and change. Too often we see this challenge only in technical terms, within the domain of industrial efficiencies, power generation sources, or green technologies. Instead, Calthorpe attempts to paint a picture of a future that sees climate change through the lens of lifestyles, land use, urbanism, and, most significantly, the metropolitan region. Selling Points • Author’s reputation • Topic of climate change and urban design • Examples of design related GHG reduction strategies from the state of California that the author has access to from his work with the California government • Modern graphic design and four color graphics created for the book
Sales Information Sheet Mortgaging the Earth The World Bank, Environmental Impoverishment, and the Crisis of Development Bruce Rich Paperback
ISBN 9781610915175
Price $19.99
Discount IPS
Pub Month Sept 2013
Sept 2013
Fall 2013 Trim Size: 6x9 Pages: 390 Copyright: 2013
Bookstore Categories POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations/General POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations/General
Competing Titles The World's Banker: A Story of Failed States, Financial Crises, and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations, Sebastian Mallaby (Penguin Press, 2006) ISBN: 978-0143036791 Bookscan: 3788 The Globalizers: The IMF, the World Bank, and Their Borrowers, Ngaire Woods (Cornell University Press, 2007) ISBN: 9780801474200 Bookscan: 853 Unholy Trinity: The IMF, World Bank and WTO, Richard Peet (Zed Books, 2007) ISBN-13: 978-1848132528 Bookscan: 539 Previous Works To Uphold the World: A Call for a New Global Ethic from India (Beacon, 2010) ISBN: 978-0807006139 Bookscan: 225
Sales Handle An authoritative history of a critical period in international development Description The 1992 Rio Earth Summit was supposed to be a turning point for the World Bank. Environmental concerns would now play a major role in its lending—programs and projects would go beyond economic development to “sustainable development.” More than two decades later, efforts to green the bank seem pallid. Bruce Rich argues that the Bank’s current institutional problems are extensions of flaws that had been present since its founding. His new book, Foreclosing the Future, tells the story of the Bank from the Rio Earth Summit to today. For readers who want the full history of the Bank’s environmental record, Rich’s acclaimed 1994 critique, Mortgaging the Earth, is an essential companion. Called a “detailed and thought-provoking look at an important subject” by The New York Times, Mortgaging the Earth analyzes the twenty year period leading up the Rio Summit. Rich offers not only an important history but critical insights about economic development that are ever-more relevant today. Selling Points • An important companion to Bruce Rich's new book, Foreclosing the Future • Critically acclaimed when first published in 1994. Called "a hard-hitting and authoritative work, useful and provocative" by The Christian Science Monitor and "a detailed and thought-provoking look at an important subject" by The New York Times Book Review • Widely used in courses in political science, public policy, international relations, and environmental studies
Sales Information Sheet The Guide to Greening Cities Sadhu Aufochs Johnston, Julia Parzen, and Steven S. Nicholas
ISBN 9781610913768
Price $60.00
Discount IPS
Pub Month Sept 2013
Sept 2013
Sept 2013
Fall 2013 Trim Size: 7x10 Pages: 256 Copyright: 2013
Bookstore Categories POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy/Environmental Policy POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy/Environmental Policy POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy/Environmental Policy
Competing Titles Biophilic Cities, Beatley (10/10) ISBN: 978-1597267151 Bookscan: 582 Warehouse: 2018 Building an Emerald City, Athens (2009) ISBN: 978-1597265843 Bookscan: 269 Warehouse: 781 Resilient Cities, Newman (2009) ISBN: 978-1597264990 Bookscan: 1519 Warehouse: 5547 Seven Rules for Sustainable Communities, Condon (4/2010) ISBN: 978-1597266659 Bookscan: 663 Warehouse: 3208 Urbanism in the Age of Climate Change, Calthorpe ISBN: 978-1597267205 Bookscan: 1126 Warehouse: 3040 Previous Works None
Sales Handle A collection of practical tools, insights, and strategies from green city leaders across North America Description Superstorm Sandy sent a strong message that a new generation of urban development and infrastructure is desperately needed, and it must be designed with resilience in mind. As cities continue to face climate change impacts while growing in population, they find themselves at the center of resilience and green city solutions, yet political and budgetary obstacles threaten even the best-planned initiatives. The Guide to Greening Cities is the first book written from the perspective of municipal leaders with successful, on-the-ground experience working to advance green city goals. Through personal reflections and interviews with leading municipal staff in cities from San Antonio to Minneapolis, the authors share lessons for cities to lead by example in their operations, create programs, implement high-priority initiatives, develop partnerships, measure progress, secure funding, and engage the community. Case studies and chapters highlight strategies for overcoming common challenges such as changes of leadership and fiscal austerity. The book is augmented by a companion website, launching with the publication of the book, which offers video interviews of municipal leaders, additional case studies, and other resources. Rich in insights, tools, and tricks of the trade, The Guide to Greening Cities helps professionals, policymakers, community leaders, and students understand which approaches have worked and why and demonstrates multidisciplinary solutions for creating healthy, just, and green communities. Selling Points • Written by municipal leaders with years of experience planning and implementing successful green city projects • Information, advice, and tools gained through interviews with leading municipal staff from across North America • A companion website provides additional case studies, video interviews with municipal leaders, and other resources for professionals, policymakers, community leaders, and students
Sales Information Sheet How to Study Public Life
Trim Size: 8.5x10 Pages: 168 Copyright: 2013
Methods in Urban Design Jan Gehl and Birgitte Svarre Hardcover
ISBN 9781610914239
Price $35.00
Fall 2013
Discount IPS
Pub Month Oct 2013
Bookstore Categories ARCHITECTURE / Urban & Land Use Planning
Competing Titles Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, Whyte, 1980, re-released in 2000 ISBN: 9780970632418 Bookscan: N/A, Project for Public Spaces. ISBN: 978-0970632418 Bookscan: N/A Previous Works Jan Gehl is the author of Cities for People ISBN: 978-1597265737 Bookscan: 1720 Warehouse: 11,175, Life Between Buildings ISBN: 978-1597268271 Bookscan: 483 Warehouse: 2865, New City Spaces ISBN: 978-8774072935 Bookscan: 63, and Public Spaces, Public Life ISBN: 978-8774073055 Bookscan: N/A. This is Brigitte Svarre's first book.
Sales Handle A history and guide to understanding the interaction between city life and city space Description How do we accommodate a growing urban population in a way that is sustainable, equitable, and inviting? This question is becoming increasingly urgent to answer as we face diminishing fossil-fuel resources and the effects of a changing climate while global cities continue to compete to be the most vibrant centers of culture, knowledge, and finance. Jan Gehl has been examining this question since the 1960s, when few urban designers or planners were thinking about designing cities for people. But given the unpredictable, complex and ephemeral nature of life in cities, how can we best design public infrastructure—vital to cities for getting for place to place, or staying in place—for human use? Studying city life and understanding the factors that encourage or discourage use is the key to designing inviting public space. In How to Study Public Life Jan Gehl and Birgitte Svarre draw from their combined experience of over 50 years to provide a history of public-life study as well as methods and tools necessary to recapture city life as an important planning dimension. This type of systematic study began in earnest in the 1960s, when several researchers and journalists on different continents criticized urban planning for having forgotten life in the city. City life studies provide knowledge about human behavior in the built environment in an attempt to put it on an equal footing with knowledge about urban elements such as buildings and transport systems. Studies can be used as input in the decision-making process, as part of overall planning, or in designing individual projects such as streets, squares or parks. The original goal is still the goal today: to recapture city life as an important planning dimension. Anyone interested in improving city life will find inspiration, tools, and examples in this invaluable guide. Selling Points • A look at the methodology behind designing successful public spaces for people. • An overview and history of public life studies • Beautifully designed, four-color interior to show the methods as well as the successful end product.
Sales Information Sheet Urban Street Design Guide National Association of City Transportation Officials
ISBN 9781610914949
Price $50.00
Discount IPS
Pub Month Oct 2013
Fall 2013 Trim Size: 8.25x10.75 Pages: 250 Copyright: 2013
Bookstore Categories ARCHITECTURE / Urban & Land Use Planning
Competing Titles World Class Streets and NYC Street Design Manual (free from NYC DOT), Smart Growth Manual by Speck, Duany, and Lydon (Wiley) ISBN: 978-0071376754 Bookscan: 6434 Previous Works Urban Bikeway Design Guide by NACTO ISBN: 978-1610914369 Bookscan: 71 Warehouse: 597
Sales Handle A blueprint for sustainable urban street design Description The NACTO Urban Street Design Guide shows how streets of every size can be reimagined and reoriented to prioritize safe driving and transit, biking, walking, and public activity. Unlike older, more conservative engineering manuals, this design guide emphasizes the core principle that urban streets are public places and have a larger role to play in communities than solely being conduits for traffic. The well-illustrated guide offers blueprints of street design from multiple perspectives, from the bird’s eye view to granular details. Case studies from around the country clearly show how to implement best practices, as well as provide guidance for customizing design applications to a city’s unique needs. Urban Street Design Guide outlines five goals and tenets of world-class street design: -Streets are public spaces. Streets play a much larger role in the public life of cities and communities than just thoroughfares for traffic. -Great streets are great for business. Well-designed streets generate higher revenues for businesses and higher values for homeowners. -Design for safety. Traffic engineers can and should design streets where people walking, parking, shopping, bicycling, working, and driving can cross paths safely. -Streets can be changed. Transportation engineers can work flexibly within the building envelope of a street. Many city streets were created in a different era and need to be reconfigured to meet new needs. -Act now! Implement projects quickly using temporary materials to help inform public decision making. Elaborating on these fundamental principles, the guide offers substantive direction for cities seeking to improve street design to create more inclusive, multi-modal urban environments. It is an exceptional resource for redesigning streets to serve the needs of 21st century cities, whose residents and visitors demand a variety of transportation options, safer streets, and vibrant community life. Selling Points • A well-illustrated, practical guide to rethinking the design of urban streets • Draws upon the extensive expertise of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) which has been instrumental in synthesizing best new practices of street design from around the country • Gives city officials, transportation engineers, and others working on street design plans the tools they need to implement successful, innovative projects
Sales Information Sheet National Association of City Transportation Officials • Member Cities o Atlanta o Baltimore o Boston o Chicago o Detroit o Houston o Los Angeles o Minneapolis o New York o Philadelphia o Phoenix o Portland o San Francisco o Seattle o Washington, DC • Affiliate Members o Arlington, VA o Austin o Cambridge o Hoboken o Indianapolis o Memphis o Oakland o Ventura, CA
Fall 2013
Sales Information Sheet Completing Our Streets The Transition to Safe and Inclusive Transportation Networks Barbara McCann Hardcover Paperback Ebook
ISBN 9781610914307 9781610914314 9781610914321
Price $55.00 $28.00 $27.99
Discount IPS IPS IPS
Pub Month Oct 2013 Oct 2013 Oct 2013
Fall 2013 Trim Size: 6x9 Pages: 224 Copyright: 2013
Bookstore Categories TRANSPORTATION / General TRANSPORTATION / General TRANSPORTATION / General
Competing Titles PAS reports, city Complete Street guides (Chicago and LA County notably) Bookscan: N/A Human Transit, Jarrett Walker ISBN: 9781597269728 Bookscan: 1020 Warehouse: 3035 Previous Works Measuring the Health Effects of Sprawl, Complete Streets: Best Policy and Implementation Practice (PAS report) ISBN: 9781932364835 Bookscan: 66, Sprawl Costs (co-author) ISBN: 9781559635301 Bookscan: 697 Warehouse: 2314 and The Option of Urbanism by Chris Leinberger (editor) ISBN: 9781597261364 Bookscan: 2503 C, 1615 P Warehouse: 4499 C, 2648 P.
Sales Handle An inspiring and practical guide to planning, promoting, and implementing safe and inclusive street projects Description Across the country, communities are embracing a new and safer way to build streets for everyone—even as they struggle to change decades of rules, practice, and politics that prioritize cars. They have discovered that changing the design of a single street is not enough: they must upend the way transportation agencies operate. Completing Our Streets begins with the story of how the complete streets movement united bicycle riders, transportation practitioners and agencies, public health leaders, older Americans, and smart growth advocates to dramatically re-frame the discussion of transportation safety. Next, it explores why the transportation field has been so resistant to change—and how the movement has broken through to create a new multi-modal approach. In Completing Our Streets, Barbara McCann, founder of the National Complete Streets Coalition, explains that the movement is not about street design. Instead, practitioners and activists have changed the way projects are built by focusing on three strategies: reframe the conversation; build a broad base of political support; and provide a clear path to a multi-modal process. McCann shares stories of practitioners in cities and towns from Charlotte, North Carolina to Colorado Springs, Colorado who have embraced these strategies to fundamentally change the way transportation projects are chosen, planned, and built. The complete streets movement is based around a simple idea: streets should be safe for people of all ages and abilities, whether they are walking, driving, bicycling, or taking the bus. Completing Our Streets gives practitioners and activists the strategies, tools, and inspiration needed to translate this idea into real and lasting change in their communities. Selling Points • Practical information for practitioners and activists who want to influence the way transportation projects are conceived, designed, and built • Accessible and inspiring account of the complete streets movement from one of its founders • Case studies from a diverse range of cities and towns across the United States, including many smaller communities in middle America that are often overlooked
Sales Information Sheet The World’s Water Volume 8
Trim Size: 8.5x11 Pages: 420 Copyright: 2013
The Biennial Report on Freshwater Resources Peter H. Gleick Hardcover Paperback Ebook
ISBN 9781610914819 9781610914826 9781610914833
Price $70.00 $35.00 $34.99
Discount IPS IPS IPS
Pub Month Dec 2013 Dec 2013 Dec 2013
Fall 2013
Bookstore Categories SCIENCE / Environmental Science SCIENCE / Environmental Science SCIENCE / Environmental Science
Competing Titles The Atlas of Water, Second Edition: Mapping the World's Most Critical Resource, Maggie Black, Jannet King (University of California Press, 2009) ISBN: 978-0520259348 Bookscan: 2334 Introduction to Water Resources and Environmental Issues, Karrie Lynn Pennington and Thomas Cech (Cambridge University Press; 2010) ISBN: 978-0521869881 Bookscan: 254 Previous Works The World's Water Volume 7 (ISBN: 978-1597269995) Bookscan: 516 Warehouse: 1690, 2008-2009 (ISBN: 9781597265058) Bookscan: 1074 Warehouse: 3328, 2006-2007 (ISBN: 9781597261067) Bookscan: 947 Warehouse: 3172, 2004-2005 (ISBN: 978159635363), 2002-2003 (ISBN: 9781559639491), 2000-2001 (ISBN: 9781559637923), 1998-1999 (ISBN: 9781559635929)
Sales Handle An unmatched reference on water issues Description Island Press has been publishing the biennial The World’s Water series since 1998. In that time, it has become an institution of the water field. The Journal of the American Water Resources Association sums it up well: “The series continues to be an invaluable collection of all kinds of water-related material, ranging from concise, stand-alone chapters on important topics to numerous sections of data…a ‘must have’ for anyone interested in the water resource field.” The latest book will include chapters on particularly timely subjects, including fracking and emerging contaminants. Selling Points • Prestige and authority of Peter Gleick and the Pacific Institute • Established reputation of The World's Water series • Growing public attention to water shortages • Growing political debate over fracking
Sales Information Sheet
Fall 2013
National Climate Assessment Regional Technical Inputs Series ISBN Price Discount Climate Change and Pacific Islands: Indicators and Impacts Paperback 9781610914277 $39.99 IPS Ebook 9781610914598 $39.99 Coastal Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerabilities Paperback 9781610914338 $39.99
Pub Month
Feb 2013
Bookscan: 4 Warehouse: 91
May 2013
Feb 2013
Ebook 9781610914604 $39.99 IPS Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States Paperback 9781610914468 Pre-orders $39.99, IPS $49.99 May 9 Ebook 9781610914840 Pre-orders $39.99, IPS $49.99 May 9 Oceans and Marine Resources in a Changing Climate Paperback 9781610914345 $39.99 IPS Ebook 9781610914802 $39.99 IPS Climate of the Southeast United States Paperback 9781610914390 $39.99 IPS Ebook 9781610915090 $39.99 IPS Climate Change in the Midwest Paperback 9781610914291 $39.99 IPS Ebook 9781610915113 $39.99 IPS Climate Change in the Northeast Paperback 9781610915137 $39.99 IPS Ebook 9781610915144 $39.99 IPS Climate Change in the Northwest Paperback 9781610914284 $39.99 IPS Ebook 9781610915120 $39.99 IPS Great Plains Regional Technical Input Report Paperback 9781610914352 $39.99 IPS Ebook 9781610915106 $39.99 IPS
May 2013 May 2013
Bookscan: 11 Warehouse: 338
Warehouse: 221
May 2013
June 2013 June 2013 Aug 2013 Aug 2013 Aug 2013 Aug 2013 Aug 2013 Aug 2013 Aug 2013 Aug 2013 Aug 2013 Aug 2013
Competing Titles Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change; Its Likelihood, Character and Significance, Frances Moore (Editor), John C. Topping (Editor), Michael C. MacCracken (Editor) Earthscan Publications Ltd. (January 2008). ISBN: 978-1844074785 Bookscan: 116. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-0521880107 Bookscan: 40 Previous Works None
Sales Handle The definitive reports on the latest climate change impacts, scenarios, vulnerabilities, and adaptive capacity of the United States Description
Sales Information Sheet
Fall 2013
Developed to inform the 2013 National Climate Assessment, this series comprises nine regional reports that highlight past climate trends, projected climate change and vulnerabilities, and impacts to specific sectors. The state of the art information in each report comes from a broad range of experts in academia, private industry, state and local governments, NGOs, professional societies, and impacted communities. These reports also include case studies on topics such as adaptive capacity; climate change effects on freshwater availability and quality; regional and community economies; urbanization, transportation, and infrastructure vulnerabilities; ecosystem services; and agriculture sustainability. Selling Points • Essential guidance for decision-makers seeking to better understand how climate variability and change impact each region and its communities • Rich in science and case studies, these reports set the stage for making the necessary preparations for climate change • Definitive regional input reports to the 2013 National Climate Assessment • Critical, state-of-the-art information from a broad range of climate change experts in academia, private industry, state and local governments, NGOs, professional societies, and impacted communities
Sales Information Sheet
Fall 2013
Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment Edited by Gregg Garfin Paperback
ISBN 9781610914468
Price Pre-orders $39.99, $49.99 May 9
Discount IPS
Pub Month May 2013
Pre-orders $39.99, $49.99 May 9
May 2013
Trim Size: 8x10 Pages: 509 Copyright: 2013
Bookstore Categories SCIENCE /Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology SCIENCE /Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology
Competing Titles Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change; Its Likelihood, Character and Significance, Frances Moore (Editor), John C. Topping (Editor), Michael C. MacCracken (Editor) Earthscan Publications Ltd. (January 2008). ISBN: 978-1844074785 Bookscan: 116. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-0521880107 Bookscan: 40 Previous Works None
Sales Handle The definitive report on the latest climate change impacts, scenarios, vulnerabilities, and adaptive capacity for the southwest United States Description Prepared for the 2013 National Climate Assessment and a landmark study in terms of its breadth and depth of coverage, this report blends the contributions of 120 experts in climate science, economics, ecology, engineering, geography, hydrology, planning, resources management, and other disciplines to provide the most comprehensive, and understandable, analysis to date about climate and its effects on the people and landscapes of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah—including the U.S.-Mexico border region and the lands of Native Nations. What is the climate of the Southwest like today? What has it been like in the past, and how is it projected to change over the 21st century? How will that affect water resources, ecosystems, agricultural production, energy supply and delivery, transportation, human health, and a host of other areas? How vulnerable is the region to climate change? What else do we need to know about it, and how can we limit its adverse effects? In addressing these and other questions, the book offers decision makers and stakeholders a substantial basis from which to make informed choices that will affect the well-being of the region’s inhabitants in the decades to come. Selling Points • Essential guidance for decision-makers seeking to better understand how climate variability and change impact the Southwest region of the United States and its communities • The definitive input report on climate change in the Southwest region for the 2013 National Climate Assessment • Critical state of the art information from a broad range of climate change experts in academia, private industry, state and local governments, NGOs, professional societies, and impacted communities
Sales Information Sheet Oceans and Marine Resources in a Changing Climate A Technical Input to the 2013 National Climate Assessment Edited by Roger Griffis and Jennifer Howard Paperback
ISBN 9781610914345
Price $39.99
Discount IPS
Pub Month June 2013
June 2013
Fall 2013 Trim Size: 8x10 Pages: 288 Copyright: 2013
Bookstore Categories SCIENCE / Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology SCIENCE / Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology
Competing Titles Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change; Its Likelihood, Character and Significance, Frances Moore (Editor), John C. Topping (Editor), Michael C. MacCracken (Editor) Earthscan Publications Ltd. (January 2008). ISBN: 978-1844074785 Bookscan: 116. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-0521880107 Bookscan: 40 Previous Works None
Sales Handle The definitive report on the latest climate change impacts, scenarios, vulnerabilities, and adaptive capacity for the oceans and marine systems of the United States Description U.S. marine ecosystems and services are increasingly at risk from climate change and other human pressures. A wealth of information documents strong linkages between the planet’s climate and ocean systems as well as changes in the climate system that can produce dramatic changes in the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of ocean ecosystems on a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Conversely, relatively little information shows how these climate-driven changes in ocean ecosystems may impact ocean services and uses, although it is predicted that the vulnerability of ocean-dependent users, communities, and economies increases in a changing climate. This report was produced by a team of experts as a contribution to the third National Climate Assessment (NCA), conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). The report provides an assessment of scientific knowledge of the current and projected impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on the physical, chemical, and biological components and human uses of marine ecosystems under U.S. jurisdiction. It also provides assessment of the international implications for the U.S. due to climate impacts on ocean ecosystems and of efforts to prepare for and adapt to climate and acidification impacts on ocean ecosystems. Selling Points • An essential guidance for decision-makers seeking to better understand how climate variability and change impact our oceans and marine resources • Rich in science and case studies, this report sets the stage for making the necessary preparations for climate change • The definitive input report on climate change for oceans of the 2013 National Climate Assessment • Critical, state-of-the-art information from a broad range of climate change experts in academia, private industry, state and local governments, NGOs, professional societies, and impacted communities
Sales Information Sheet Climate of the Southeast United States Variability, Change, Impacts, and Vulnerability Edited by Keith Ingram Paperback
ISBN 9781610914390
Price $39.99
Discount IPS
Pub Month Aug 2013
Aug 2013
Fall 2013 Trim Size: 8x10 Pages: 224 Copyright: 2013
Bookstore Categories SCIENCE /Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology SCIENCE /Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology
Competing Titles Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change; Its Likelihood, Character and Significance, Frances Moore (Editor), John C. Topping (Editor), Michael C. MacCracken (Editor) Earthscan Publications Ltd. (January 2008). ISBN: 978-1844074785 Bookscan: 116. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-0521880107 Bookscan: 40 Previous Works None
Sales Handle The definitive report on the latest climate change impacts, scenarios, vulnerabilities, and adaptive capacity for the southeastern United States Description Assessment of Climate Change in the Southeast, one of a series of regional reports prepared for the 2013 National Climate Assessment, is a landmark study in terms of its breadth and depth of coverage. The report blends the contributions of experts in climate science, economics, ecology, engineering, geography, hydrology, planning, resource management, and other disciplines to provide the most comprehensive and understandable analysis to date about climate and its effects on the people and landscapes of the eleven states east of the Mississippi River, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. What is the climate of the region like today? What has it been like in the past, and how is it projected to change over the 21st century? How will that affect water resources, ecosystems, agricultural production, energy supply and delivery, transportation, human health, and a host of other areas? How vulnerable is the region to climate change? What else do we need to know about it, and how can we limit its adverse effects? This report offers decision makers and stakeholders a substantial basis from which to make informed choices that will affect the well-being of the region’s inhabitants in the decades to come. Selling Points • An essential guidance for decision-makers seeking to better understand how climate variability and change impact the southeast region and its communities • Rich in science and case studies, this report sets the stage for making the necessary preparations for climate change • The definitive input report on climate change in the southeast region of the 2013 National Climate Assessment • Critical, state-of-the-art information from a broad range of climate change experts in academia, private industry, state and local governments, NGOs, professional societies, and impacted communities
Sales Information Sheet Climate Change in the Midwest A Synthesis Report for the National Climate Assessment Edited by Julie A. Winkler Paperback
ISBN 9781610914291
Price $39.99
Discount IPS
Pub Month Aug 2013
Aug 2013
Fall 2013 Trim Size: 8x10 Pages: 224 Copyright: 2013
Bookstore Categories SCIENCE /Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology SCIENCE /Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology
Competing Titles Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change; Its Likelihood, Character and Significance, Frances Moore (Editor), John C. Topping (Editor), Michael C. MacCracken (Editor) Earthscan Publications Ltd. (January 2008). ISBN: 978-1844074785 Bookscan: 116. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-0521880107 Bookscan: 40 Previous Works None
Sales Handle The definitive report on the latest climate change impacts, scenarios, vulnerabilities, and adaptive capacity for the midwestern United States Description Assessment of Climate Change in the Midwest, one of a series of regional reports prepared for the 2013 National Climate Assessment, is a landmark study in terms of its breadth and depth of coverage. The report blends the contributions of experts in climate science, economics, ecology, engineering, geography, hydrology, planning, resource management, and other disciplines to provide the most comprehensive and understandable analysis to date about climate and its effects on the people and landscapes of the eight states in the region. What is the climate of the Midwest like today? What has it been like in the past, and how is it projected to change over the 21st century? How will that affect water resources, ecosystems, agricultural production, energy supply and delivery, transportation, human health, and a host of other areas? How vulnerable is the region to climate change? What else do we need to know about it, and how can we limit its adverse effects? This report offers decision makers and stakeholders a substantial basis from which to make informed choices that will affect the well-being of the region’s inhabitants in the decades to come. Selling Points • An essential guidance for decision-makers seeking to better understand how climate variability and change impact the midwest region and its communities • Rich in science and case studies, this report sets the stage for making the necessary preparations for climate change • The definitive input report on climate change in the midwest region of the 2013 National Climate Assessment • Critical state of the art information from a broad range of climate change experts in academia, private industry, state and local governments, NGOs, professional societies, and impacted communities
Sales Information Sheet Climate Change in the Northeast
Fall 2013
Trim Size: 8x10 Pages: 224 Copyright: 2013
A Sourcebook Edited by Radley Horton Paperback
ISBN 9781610915137
Price $39.99
Discount IPS
Pub Month Aug 2013
Aug 2013
Bookstore Categories SCIENCE /Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology SCIENCE /Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology
Competing Titles Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change; Its Likelihood, Character and Significance, Frances Moore (Editor), John C. Topping (Editor), Michael C. MacCracken (Editor) Earthscan Publications Ltd. (January 2008). ISBN: 978-1844074785 Bookscan: 116. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-0521880107 Bookscan: 40 Previous Works None
Sales Handle The definitive report on the latest climate change impacts, scenarios, vulnerabilities, and adaptive capacity for the northeastern United States Description Assessment of Climate Change in the Northeast, one of a series of regional reports prepared for the 2013 National Climate Assessment, is a landmark study in terms of its breadth and depth of coverage. The report blends the contributions of experts in climate science, economics, ecology, engineering, geography, hydrology, planning, resource management, and other disciplines to provide the most comprehensive and understandable analysis to date about climate and its effects on the people and landscapes of the region, encompassing New England, the Mid-Atlantic, the Chesapeake Bay Area, and Appalachia. What is the climate like today? What has it been like in the past, and how is it projected to change over the 21st century? How will that affect water resources, ecosystems, agricultural production, energy supply and delivery, transportation, human health, and a host of other areas? How vulnerable is the region to climate change? What else do we need to know about it, and how can we limit its adverse effects? This report offers decision makers and stakeholders a substantial basis from which to make informed choices that will affect the well-being of the region’s inhabitants in the decades to come. Selling Points • An essential guidance for decision-makers seeking to better understand how climate variability and change impact the northeast region and its communities • Rich in science and case studies, this report sets the stage for making the necessary preparations for climate change • The definitive input report on climate change in the northeast region of the 2013 National Climate Assessment • Critical, state-of-the-art information from a broad range of climate change experts in academia, private industry, state and local governments, NGOs, professional societies, and impacted communities
Sales Information Sheet Climate Change in the Northwest Implications for Our Landscapes, Waters, and Communities Edited by Philip Mote Paperback
ISBN 9781610914284
Price $39.99
Discount IPS
Pub Month Aug 2013
Aug 2013
Fall 2013 Trim Size: 8x10 Pages: 224 Copyright: 2013
Bookstore Categories SCIENCE /Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology SCIENCE /Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology
Competing Titles Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change; Its Likelihood, Character and Significance, Frances Moore (Editor), John C. Topping (Editor), Michael C. MacCracken (Editor) Earthscan Publications Ltd. (January 2008). ISBN: 978-1844074785 Bookscan: 116. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-0521880107 Bookscan: 40 Previous Works None
Sales Handle The definitive report on the latest climate change impacts, scenarios, vulnerabilities, and adaptive capacity for the northwestern United States Description Assessment of Climate Change in the Northwest, one of a series of regional reports prepared for the 2013 National Climate Assessment, is a landmark study in terms of its breadth and depth of coverage. The report blends the contributions of experts in climate science, economics, ecology, engineering, geography, hydrology, planning, resource management, and other disciplines to provide the most comprehensive and understandable analysis to date about climate and its effects on the people and landscapes of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. What is the climate of the Northwest like today? What has it been like in the past, and how is it projected to change over the 21st century? How will that affect water resources, ecosystems, agricultural production, energy supply and delivery, transportation, human health, and a host of other areas? How vulnerable is the region to climate change? What else do we need to know about it, and how can we limit its adverse effects? This report offers decision makers and stakeholders a substantial basis from which to make informed choices that will affect the well-being of the region’s inhabitants in the decades to come. Selling Points • An essential guidance for decision-makers seeking to better understand how climate variability and change impact the northwest region and its communities • Rich in science and case studies, this report sets the stage for making the necessary preparations for climate change • The definitive input report on climate change in the northwest region of the 2013 National Climate Assessment • Critical, state-of-the-art information from a broad range of climate change experts in academia, private industry, state and local governments, NGOs, professional societies, and impacted communities
Sales Information Sheet Great Plains Regional Technical Input Report Edited by Dennis Ojima
ISBN 9781610914352
Price $39.99
Discount IPS
Pub Month Oct 2013
Oct 2013
Fall 2013 Trim Size: 8x10 Pages: 224 Copyright: 2013
Bookstore Categories SCIENCE / Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology SCIENCE / Earth Sciences/Meteorology & Climatology
Competing Titles Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change; Its Likelihood, Character and Significance, Frances Moore (Editor), John C. Topping (Editor), Michael C. MacCracken (Editor) Earthscan Publications Ltd. (January 2008). ISBN: 978-1844074785 Bookscan: 116. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-0521880107 Bookscan: 40 Previous Works None
Sales Handle The definitive report on the latest climate change impacts, scenarios, vulnerabilities, and adaptive capacity for the Great Plains states Description Assessment of Climate Change in the Great Plains, one of a series of regional reports prepared for the 2013 National Climate Assessment, is a landmark study in terms of its breadth and depth of coverage. The report blends the contributions of experts in climate science, economics, ecology, engineering, geography, hydrology, planning, resource management, and other disciplines to provide the most comprehensive and understandable analysis to date about climate and its effects on the people and landscapes of the eight states that make up the region. What is the climate like today? What has it been like in the past, and how is it projected to change over the 21st century? How will that affect water resources, ecosystems, agricultural production, energy supply and delivery, transportation, human health, and a host of other areas? How vulnerable is the region to climate change? What else do we need to know about it, and how can we limit its adverse effects? This report offers decision makers and stakeholders a substantial basis from which to make informed choices that will affect the well-being of the region’s inhabitants in the decades to come. Selling Points • An essential guidance for decision-makers seeking to better understand how climate variability and change impact the Great Plains region and its communities • Rich in science and case studies, this report sets the stage for making the necessary preparations for climate change • The definitive input report on climate change in the Great Plains region of the 2013 National Climate Assessment • Critical, state-of-the-art information from a broad range of climate change experts in academia, private industry, state and local governments, NGOs, professional societies, and impacted communities