Island Origins, Fall 2017

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You are cordially invited to


Fort La uderda l

A Cocktail Event PRESENTED by

thursday, November 30, 2017 • 6:00 P.M. The Grateful Palate 3003 NE 32nd Avenue • Fort Lauderdale, Florida enjoy sumptuous honey-infused hors d’oeuvres by Chef Brian Cornelius, a premium bar selection featuring Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey, live music, honey tasting, a raffle and silent auction. $75 per person to Purchase tickets, call 888.404.4248, or visit

Proceeds from this event will benefit Food For The Poor’s beekeeping programs in Jamaica.



Contents Fall


2 0 17

|26 The Business of Bolt

|14 |26 My Life as a Gay Jamaican

10| South Florida’s Sticky Wicket


Financial Literacy in the Caribbean American Community

Credits Publisher

Calibe Thompson Brand Strategy

David I. Muir Business Development

Allison Hunte Editor

Nikola Lashley Art Director

Daryl Nagil Contributing Writers

Monique McIntosh Ayana Critchlow Brian Lashley Carolyn Guniss Melanie Reffes Calibe Thompson




Tips for Investing in Caribbean Real Estate

Contributing Photographers

Point of View

David I. Muir Kyle Walcott

A Sophisticated Trini Wine Health & Beauty


Oui Shave Culture


Miami Art Week: The Caribbean Invasion Inspiration


Humble Beginnings: Dr Germaine Smith Baugh Style & Design


David I. Muir

Tropical Dreams Taste the Islands

On the cover: The Business and Money Issue Two of South Florida’s young Caribbean American

power brokers, Criminal Defense & Civil Rights Litigation Attorney, Sue Ann Robinson (Barbados), and Senior Director of Community Relations and Administration at the Urban League of Broward County, Mark Reyes (Puerto Rico). Copyright © 2017 by Island Syndicate. All rights reserved. Island Origins Magazine is published by Island Syndicate. This magazine or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a review. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at Island Syndicate, 1310 SW 2nd Ct #209, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312. Printed in the United States of America.


Restaurant Review: Sak Pase Lounge


Recipes: Diri Kole (Rice and Beans) and Black Bean Salsa


Taste the Islands This Holiday Season

Island Origins Magazine


Restaurant Listing


Event Calendar

Island Syndicate 1310 SW 2nd Ct #209 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 417-812-5663 |


A Final Thought

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invest // Caribbean real estate

5 Tips for Investing in

Caribbean Real Estate writer Janice McIntosh photography Supplied

Your recurring dream of days spent with your toes buried deep in the Caribbean sand could actually be planting the seeds of a great financial opportunity.

Real estate in the region continues to be a strong performer,

Great Recession, the property market there has maintained its

and deserves serious consideration for your portfolio, whether

momentum with property transfer values rising by 9.3% in 2015

your motives are purely economic or you’re looking for a long

to US$665.5 million.

term playground. If you’ve got some money in the bank and are

Find partners you can trust - Just as if you were buying in

considering buying a home in the Caribbean, here are some things

the US, your realtor, attorney and lender should be experienced in

for you to think about.

their industries and give you clear guidance from start to finish in

Vacation and retirement living - As a regular visitor

the buying process. They should be well versed in the local market,

or a returning resident, with your own island address, you can

and able to point you toward new developments or pre-owned

enjoy life like the locals do. Hotels and family are fine lodging for

properties on your search to finding your perfect island home.

infrequent visits, but if you’re a true island buff planning any level

Ask questions and make sure you’re dealing with qualified agents

of consistency, think about taking the plunge and settling down in

before you commit.

a place of your own.


The obvious benefits - A home in the Caribbean can be as

Vacation rental revenues - Take advantage of the heavy

quick as a 30 minute plane ride from the US. Add laid back island

tourist traffic from across Europe and North America and consider

living and year round warm weather, and you’ve got the simplest

renting your property out through Airbnb or a luxury rental

reasons to choose the Caribbean for your permanent getaway.

agency. Let your investment earn some consistent income for you.

Janice McIntosh runs the Chief Representative Office of JN Bank

A good fit for any risk appetite - Research the lucrative

in Florida. JN Bank has the oldest and largest mortgage financing

exchange and mortgage lending rates now available. Rates in

team in the Caribbean, with over 140 years of experience.

Jamaica for example, have been trending down, and since the


Feature // The jamaica Tallawahs


South Florida s



writer Carolyn Guniss photography David I. Muir

Persaud’s plan for promotion would begin by building excitement and growing the cricket fan base in South Florida.


Feature // The jamaica Tallawahs

South Florida-based real estate developer Krishna “Kris” Persaud dreamed that one day he would own a Cricket Team.

In July 2017, his lifelong love of the sport along with the

accommodate major television broadcasters at the facility. In his

considerable resources he had acquired, led him to purchase

agreement with the county for long term use of the stadium, he

Jamaica’s national team, the Tallawahs, through his company

has committed to modernizing it’s technology, and to marketing

Worldwide Sports Management Group.

the games that will be played there to West Indian hotspots in

Ask Persaud about the game of cricket or the players, and his

New York, Toronto and London.

words quicken and excitement bubbles in his voice. An avid fan

In June, when the partnership with Worldwide Sports began,

of this third most popular sport in the world since his childhood

Broward Commissioner Dale Holness, one of the architects of

in Guyana, he believes his acquisition of the Jamaica Tallawahs

the deal, observed, “Broward County has now stepped onto the

is the all time largest cricket investment for an owner from the

international stage. Games will be televised back to the countries

United States. Like any businessman, he wants to see a return on

of the visiting teams, which will showcase Broward County for

his investment.

tourism and economic opportunities.”

A member of the fledgling Hero Caribbean Premier League,

Lauderhill didn’t end up with a cricket stadium that meets

The Jamaica Tallawahs will continue to be based in Jamaica, but

international regulation by chance. City mayor Richard Kaplan

each season the team is scheduled to play a few games at Sabina

watched his first cricket match in 2002 at the Queen’s Park Oval

Park on the island, and a few games at Central Broward Regional

in Trinidad and was instantly hooked. As the West Indies battled

Stadium in the city of Lauderhill, Florida.

India, a discussion arose about Florida bidding for a Cricket World

Persaud’s due diligence when making the team investment

Cup. Lauderhill built the Central Broward Regional Stadium in

included striking a deal with Broward county, whose International

hopes of hosting the 2007 games, but it didn’t happen and cricket

Cricket Council-sanctioned stadium had rarely been used for the

never really took hold in the region - until now.

game. His plan for promotion would begin by building excitement and growing the cricket fan base in South Florida. Going forward, he aims to attract an international cricket audience, a goal that requires the infrastructure to properly

“We have a lot of work to do,” Persaud said. “My long-term goal is to build cricket in America.” Cheers to Mr Persaud for

stepping up to the challenge.


Point of View // great wine

writer jeremy matouk photography Kyle Walcott

In spite of ridiculously high duties on wine, more and more, Trinbagonians are discovering the wine experience. Compared to beer and rum, our traditional drinks of choice, decent wine is quite expensive. but we are, nonetheless, developing a fascination with variety and exploring finer options in the process. For me, the fascination began 40 years ago while at university trying to impress my future bride, but really became a passion in my 30s and thereafter. Having tried hundreds of wines from different countries and regions I became more and more inquisitive. In 2004 I decided to take a second honeymoon and explore several of Italy’s regions—specifically Piedmont, Tuscany and Umbria. I needed to experience first-hand where the wines were from, and to learn more about the people that made them. What I discovered was such a romantic and educational experience. I knew then I had to be part of the world of wine—either as a winery owner or wine merchant. To do either necessitated much more travel and exploration. Over the next few years I visited wine regions in Napa, Sonoma, Chile, Argentina, Spain and France, so different from the cane fields that yielded the spirits of my home. Travel and exploration have taught me that all great wine has locational identity. Wine writers call it ‘terroir’ but it is more than that. It is also about culture, cuisine and tradition. Our multi-cultural heritage and cuisine here on the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, lend themselves very well to all sorts of wine experimentation. A personal favorite with local cuisine is White Hermitage (from the Northern Rhone Valley) with curry. It’s a culinary marriage made in heaven. All it takes is an adventurous spirit and an open mind.


Jeremy Matouk is the managing director of National Canners Ltd (NCL), parent company of the internationally distributed Matouk’s, Mabel’s, MP and National food brands. His new company, Cru Fine Wine Merchants, is an e-commerce wine seller serving Trinidad & Tobago.


Invest // financial literacy

Financial Literacy in the

Caribbean American Community writer Earl Carr photography Jordan Hollender

One of my favorite stories is called “The Parable of the

advisor and developing short, mid, and long term financial goals.

Talents.” The story describes a master who entrusts each of his

Depending on your situation, recommendations from your advisor

three servants with a sum of money while he is away. Upon his

might include contributing to a retirement plan at work, saving

return, the master evaluates how well each servant invested his

to buy a house for the associated tax benefits, establishing an

money. If the servant showed a return on investment, that servant

emergency fund, and buying insurance if starting a family.

was rewarded with more wealth. However one of the servants

Other steps toward better financial literacy could include

made no investment, and as a result had his wealth stripped and

reading articles and books on wealth management from well-

given to the others. The message here is that it is critical to our

known authors like Dave Ramsey, who wrote the New York Times

quality of life that we reap a return on our investments of time,

Bestseller “Financial Peace.” One of Ramsey’s suggestions is for

resources and money.

parents to have children pay a percentage of their college tuition.

By and large, the Caribbean American community is regarded as

This way, the college students take ownership and are more

entrepreneurial, diligent and hardworking, but are we financially

invested in the process. A popular TV show hosted by Suze Orman

literate? Unfortunately, the majority is not.

provides advice on how to take charge of your personal finances at all levels of your career.

A lack of Financial Literacy

Now more than ever the good news is that there is a plethora of

In 2016, according to the National Capability Study nearly two

resources to help people gain more basic knowledge on financial

thirds of Americans were unable to calculate interest payments

literacy. For example, two recently developed online games called

correctly. About a third said they wouldn’t even know where to

Payback and Spent help individuals better track loan obligations.

begin. In the Caribbean community, factors like a lack of financial knowledge, bad credit, significant student loans, and excess credit use especially for “wants” and not “needs”, all undermine effective wealth building.

Eyes on the prize Taking concrete steps to change how we think about wealth is important. But there are other critical steps and habits we need to

In order to address this issue we have to first recognize the

inculcate as well. Ensuring that at an early age, children develop

problem. Like an alcoholic, you have to admit that you have a

good habits like doing chores around the house in exchange for

problem to know you must seek help.

some type of monetary compensation, or obtaining a part time job, helps them understand that there is no such thing as a free

Knowing what you don’t know Becoming aware of the need for financial literacy is a great first step. Your next step could be deciding to work with a financial


lunch. I am blessed to have a wife (Johanna Pan-Carr) who consistently reinforces this with our kids.

Invest // financial literacy

I learned early on in life what it was like to live with limited financial resources. I grew up in a single parent household in New York city - a one bedroom apartment in which me, my sister and mother, slept on one bed.


Invest // financial literacy

Fundamentally changing the mindset of our community requires understanding that the best time to invest was 20 years ago.

I learned early on in life what it was like to live with limited

Though by and large, at a sub-cultural level in the US, Asian

financial resources. I was born in Panama. My father is Jamaican,

communities in particular tend to be more fiscally conservative,

my grandmother was a seamstress. I grew up in a single parent

both communities place a high premium on education.

household in New York City - a one bedroom apartment in which me, my sister and mother, slept on one bed.

A fascinating statistic contrary to the popular belief that Asians are the highest academic achievers, is that Africans who migrate

When I was twelve, I wanted a $320 GT Performer bicycle I had

to the US have the highest educational levels out of any ethnic

seen in a store. My mother told me that if I wanted it I needed to

group in the country. According to census data, almost 40% of

get a part time job. I started delivering Chinese food after school

Nigerian Americans hold bachelor’s degrees, 17% hold master’s

and earned a salary of $5 dollars a day plus tips. In three weeks, I

degrees, and 4% hold doctorates, more than any other US ethnic

had earned over $400.

group. 25% of black South American immigrants are college

I had the greatest satisfaction walking into the store with wads

degree holders, followed by those from the Caribbean at 20%.

of one and five dollar bills, and walking out with that new GT

Although black immigrants have similar levels of educational

Performer. The owner of the bike store only saw the crumpled

attainment as Americans overall, their median annual household

notes in my hand, but what my mother taught me was that

income for in 2013 was $43,800. That’s roughly $8,000 less

whether it was pouring rain or really cold outside, I had to put the

than the $52,000 median for American households in general,

work in towards fulfilling my dream!

and $26,000 below that of Asian immigrants, whose median

In our community, children need to know where money comes

household income is $70,600.

from (work) and how they can get more of it (education). Children

Fundamentally changing the mindset of our community requires

need to understand that money is not just for spending. It is also

understanding that the best time to invest was 20 years ago.

for saving, investing, donating etc.

The second best time to build wealth is today. As with the “The Parable of the Talents” we all invest in something. How will you

Community profiles Let’s look at Caribbean and Chinese communities, both of

invest today?

which I am personally a part. A commonality is that both have had a long history of entrepreneurial creativity, especially with small businesses. In contrast, if you were to compare the economies in

Earl Carr is a Managing Director at Momentum Advisors, an

the Caribbean against those of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, you

international wealth management firm based in New York City.

would see that the Asian governments have implemented policies

Momentum Advisors was featured on the front cover of Financial

supporting increased investment in education, and promoting

Planning Magazine for their October 2017 issue. Mr. Carr is also an

more inbound and outbound financial and industrial investment.

Adjunct Professor at New York University. He can be reached at:

Many countries in the Caribbean are only recently taking firm steps

in that direction.



Health & Beauty // Oui Shave

writer Ayana Critchlow photography Supplied

It’s probably safe to say that shaving has never been the favorite part of any woman’s day. But just like a cute outfit can add a little joy to a grueling workout, there’s a product line working to make our morning ritual something we can all smile about. Oui Shave is a selection of timelessly styled razor housings, luxurious shaving creams and oils, and other skin maintenance products developed with the discerning woman in mind. Its founder is Karen Young, a passionate entrepreneur of Guyanese heritage, focused on women, and their hair removal and skin care needs. Young, like many women, suffered with razor burns and ingrown hairs for much of her life. Her research proved that the packaged razors she had been using were irritating her skin, and the creams were filled with unhealthy chemicals. Coming from the beauty industry herself, she set about creating better, more natural alternatives. She learned that a single razor skims the hair from the skin, while multiple blades lift and pull the hair resulting in ingrown follicles. She also learned that the right emollients would make the hair removal process much easier. To satisfy our love of shiny things while putting her new knowledge to practice, Young developed lavishly designed single and double razor housings in 14 karat gold, her most popular offering of course, and in chrome. Her other products for use during and after shaving include natural oils, creams, toners and balms meant to address issues like dryness, irritation, inflammation, dulling, and the dreaded ingrown hairs (Bikini time!) The Oui Shave range is scented with essential oils like bergamot, lavender, neroli and jasmine so your skin will be soft and glowing, and you’ll smell delicious too. Ladies, here’s to the promise of daily soft, smooth skin without waxing or harsh chemicals! Learn more at



Culture // miami art Week

Art Week M i


m i

writer Monique McIntosh photography Supplied

The caribbean invasion

The global art world converges again in Miami this December, for the highly anticipated annual Miami Art Week (December 4-10), anchored by Art Basel Miami, one of the most celebrated shows on the international art fair calendar.

This year, a talented roundup of visual artists from the Caribbean and diaspora are claiming their spot in the limelight and writing a new chapter in Caribbean art. Here’s our list of this year’s stand-out contemporary Caribbean artists: Juan Luis Perez: Miami, Cuba Exhibiting: Red Dot Miami Art Fair With geometric angles, furious script and splotches of color, Perez, a Cuban-born, Miami-proud artist, seems to attack his broad canvases, conveying a fierce energy as acrylic, charcoal, resins and even newspaper sheets slam together in unexpected ways. “I love monochromatic tones and rough, dynamic strokes,” says Perez, “and I enjoy turning the spatula into the biggest protagonist of my work.” The abstract, rebellious approach comes naturally for the self-taught artist. It’s a similar spirit to artists who influenced him, like Julian Schnabel, Antoni Tapies and fellow Cuban José María Mijares, a friend and mentor. Perez will be showing pieces from his latest series, Fragmented Reflections, which continue this Painting: Evolution Untamed

thread, reflecting on “the evolution of our defense mechanisms in a society that lacerates us more and more.”


Nyugen Smith: Of Trinidadian and Haitian parentage Exhibiting: Prizm Art Fair Born in Jersey City, NJ, this artist has undergone a figurative and literal odyssey into his Caribbean heritage, exploring his inherited identities through mixed-media art, sculpture, installation and performance. His collages and assemblages offer a pastiche of the region’s iconography steeped in folklore and colonization, but reimagines them, breaking down their undercurrents in startling ways. Describing his creative relations with the Caribbean, “I would have to say that it’s less about a Caribbean perspective that has influenced my work, and more about my experiencing the Caribbean, with its folklore, performance, festival

Photo: performance at the Brooklyn Museum. Credit: Pascal Bernier

culture, landscape, ways of using language, and

Performance still: Performing a new flag for the Caribbean / a flag for the new

histories that have informed my practice.”

Caribbean, with Dominique Duroseau.

Sheena Rose: Barbados Exhibiting: Prizm Art Fair The future of Caribbean art shines particularly bright in the glittery neon works of this young mixed-media artist. Though a classically-trained painter and illustrator, Rose often engages in the mediums and aesthetics of this internet-loving, global age, from her animation and digital collages, to her galactic performance art series on Instagram. Her popular Sweet Gossip series seems to borrow the sardonic sensibility of memes for a cheeky take on Bajan pop culture. Her unique approach has already attracted international attention, with shows and performances at the Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts (MoCADA), Queens Museum, Turner Contemporary and Residency Gallery. Her work however, always finds its way home, carving out a Caribbean space within a global context. “I can’t help [but] to reflect and see myself in many spaces,” says Rose. “I am from the Caribbean. I can’t help [but] see if I am similar or very different when I travel.” Painting: “So she like it”


Culture // miami art Week

Deborah Jack: St. Maarten Exhibiting: Prizm Art Fair Nothing’s more Instagram ready than the dreamy landscapes and seascapes of the Caribbean, but there’s no digital filter to reveal the complex histories that linger under the surface. We see haunting glimpses of these memories in the work of St. Maarten artist Deborah Jack. Working with audio visual installation and photography, Jack captures the beauty of the tropical flora and clear blue sea, but always finds a way to undercut these images, questioning their simplicity. Her Bounty black-and-white photo series shows the snowy piles of pure salt collected in the Bonaire Salt pans – depicting the beauty of this valuable commodity, while echoing the landscape’s unique connections to slavery. In her video installation “the water between us remembers…,” sinister soundscapes play over a young girl’s idyllic prance through the lush countryside. She carries blood-red Poinciana blooms with her, which Jack describes as invoking both “the wounds of history combined and the beauty of regeneration.”

Photo: From video installation “what is the value of water if it quenches our thirst to bloom...”

Terry Boddie: Nevis Exhibiting: Prizm Art Fair The photography and mixed-media images of this Nevis native always feel up close and personal, offering intimate insight into the shifting cultures of the Caribbean and his adopted hometown, New York City. In his photography portrait series, the individual comes first – whether capturing quiet moments of neighborhood life in New York in romantic gelatin and silver, or chronicling the back-breaking work of Cuthbert Clarke, one of Nevis’ last remaining coal men. The same sentiment also drives his more experimental mixed-media work, as ghostly snapshots of school-boy faces loom over a painterly cosmic landscape. “The Caribbean has always been the groundation for my creative process,” notes Boddie. “Its geography, its history, my memories of place and time, are all elements that infused my work from the beginning.” Painting: The Traveler




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inspiration // Dr Germaine Smith Baugh

writer Calibe Thompson photography David I. Muir


inspiration // Dr Germaine Smith Baugh

Near the corner of Sistrunk Boulevard and 27th Avenue in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, sits the prominent red and white building that is home to the Urban League of Broward County (ULBC). That’s where we met with President and CEO, Dr Germaine Smith Baugh. She is a community leader with confident ease.

21 years ago, bright eyed and ready to save the world, she

her parents’ determination that they could improve their family’s

began in direct service social work with the ULBC, coordinating a

lives, even with their meager resources, convinced her that she, an

science and arts program with a group of 50 girls. In her eyes at

island girl from a simple background, could some day affect lives

the time, she was inspiring major change. Just over a year later,

in a positive, remarkable way.

she was called into the office of the president and offered the

She recalls when as newly appointed President and CEO, she sat

job of VP, a position he thought was better suited for her obvious

with the board of directors, largely made up of titans of business

tenacity and leadership skills, and from which she, in fact, helped

and industry. It was early on in the Great Recession and she had a

exponentially more people.

hard choice, to move forward with a plan to build a new home for

Since then she has led the charge in building and soliciting $9

the organization, or do the ‘safe’ thing and remain satisfied where

million in financing for the construction of the ULBC’s state of the

they were. At a time when money was becoming more scarce and

art headquarters. She has played a role in improving the lives of

even the highly accomplished folks at the table balked at the idea

thousands of Broward residents, and currently controls a budget

of undertaking a multi-million dollar project for the non-profit,

in excess of $12 million annually, used by the organization to help

she remained determined.

African-Americans gain economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights.

“If we’re sitting around this table fearful about the economy, the people that the Urban League serves are already under the

To the work she’s now involved with, young Germaine’s life was

bridge,” she declared. Under her leadership, the ULBC would

very different. As the fifth and final child of a construction worker

build a community empowerment center that would prepare their

father and a homemaker mother, her resources were limited.

team and its clients for better times to come. The board chair

She recalls stories of her father working ‘off island’, away from

offered anyone opposed to the idea an “out”. No one took it.

Tortola in the Virgin Islands. He would send money to her mother,

The 27,000 square foot building is now home to a staff of 71 that

who would purchase a few concrete blocks at a time toward the

Dr G manages. Her office is filled with books on leadership advice,

construction of the family home which they built slowly, as the

information which she proudly imparts on every agent who joins

resources became available. From Tortola, to St Thomas in the US

her team. The organization she leads helps hundreds of Broward

Virgin Islands where she was born, and then on to Florida where

county’s minority residents, each year, in the areas of education,

she has lived since she was a teenager, her family made the most

jobs, health, housing and most recently, entrepreneurship. Dr

of what little they had.

Germaine Smith Baugh - wife, mother of two, daughter of the

Though there were times so tight that her siblings and parents

US Virgin Islands and of innovative and hardworking Caribbean

were split up, living with friends and family in multiple homes, she

parents, is a true example of where grit, smarts and a healthy

speaks with pride about never lacking in culture or education, and

dose of good old West Indian work ethic can take you in the USA.

never going hungry. According to Dr G as she is fondly known,


Feature // my life as a gay jamaican

my life as a

Gay Jamaican writer Ghenete wright muir photography David I. Muir

It may be hard to believe, but once upon a time I was extremely homophobic. I actually like to tease myself and say I went from a homophobe to a homosensation!

unwelcome I fled the field. Mom took me to get my first haircut at 10 years old… it was my first time presenting as a boy. I loved it! My long, thick plaits

People who meet me now, often ask, “G, how could you not

were chopped to a little afro, much to the horror of pretty much

know? Hello! You’re so gay?” But hey, when you grow up in a

everyone I knew. Of course as a teen, I grew it back to look more

culture where gay people are nearly invisible and ostracized, it’s

feminine and attract boys, can you believe it? But seriously, I

hard to envision yourself as gay. It’s hard to be what you cannot

enjoyed dating boys and fell in love with my future husband David


on our high school campus in Kingston.

A classic tomboy In terms of gender identity and expression, that was more clear to me. I was a classic tomboy, and I saw reflections of myself in my

Around the same time I started to enjoy dancehall music... and

culture and the media. I apparently told my mom I didn’t want to

much of it had strong homophobic messaging. Although my

wear dresses anymore. I was just 4 years old. She accommodated

parents had taught me that there was nothing wrong with gay

me when possible, but when we left New York City, where I was

people, I joined the crowd and started to really feel the strong hate

born, to live in Jamaica, I had to wear a dress to school every

and homophobia. I would raise my hand with pride, gun finger in

single day. And to top it off, I had to do ballet every single week!

air, shouting, “Brap, brap...all ba**yman fi dead!”

My mom requested that I be excused from ballet but the school

I heard people using religious arguments for why it was wrong

refused. My boyish body begrudgingly did the plié, relevé… the

to be gay, and I adopted those arguments. Funny enough, there

whole nine, though I undoubtedly lacked the grace.

was little concern with any other types of “sins.” No one cared

My neighborhood, however, was my saving grace. I reveled in

that people were committing adultery or fornicating, but everyone

the freedom of riding my bicycle with my dog, Hunter, galloping

cared whether people were gay. With this religious condemnation

behind me, following my brother up the towering ackee tree, and

and the fact that I did not see an example of a same-sex

playing football. I learned the game so well, my father advocated

relationship during my early teenage years, It’s easy to see how I

for me to play for my elementary school. ‘Girl a play football?’

was so unaware of my sexuality.

They reluctantly allowed me to participate in practices, but I felt so


I joined the “ba**yman fi dead” crowd

Feature // my life as a gay jamaican

Ghenete Wright Muir is possibly South Florida’s most outspoken gay, Jamaican woman. as evidenced by her signature crew cut, button down, vest and tie, her gender identity leans masculine. In this piece she shares what it was like to transition from self Loathing to self acceptance, and gain the support of her family and a growing community.


Feature // my life as a gay jamaican

Let me tell you, I married the right Jamaican man. He spent the next 20 years supporting me as I grew to accept myself.

kill me. I even contemplated suicide. The first time I said out loud that I was a lesbian was to David, my husband. He was stunned. I was sickened. We wept. Let me tell you, I married the right Jamaican man. He spent the next 20 years supporting me as I grew to accept myself. In the meantime, we had a wonderful family with beautiful children, surrounded by close friends and family. I started coming out little by little to those closest to me. Mostly everyone was happy for me. My siblings were very supportive. My best friend knew, even before I did. My parents were surprised. Remember, I was still married to a man. My Mom struggled a bit with that, but eventually fully supported me. I still struggled with living a double life. Eventually, it became too much, and I decided to come out publicly. I finally got what 4 I was elated, decades later, when Jamaican singer Diana King

year old me wanted -- no more dresses! I started to date women

came out as a lesbian on Facebook. I messaged and thanked her

openly. Freedom. And after 17 years of marriage David and I

for her courage. I was still married at the time, but was gearing up

decided to go on separate paths.

to kick down the closet door as well!

It was so difficult to become openly gay in a country more

When I finally met Diana and had the opportunity to interview

accepting of the LBGTQ community, I know it’s even harder for

her, she said she did not imagine herself to be gay either. We just

gay people living in Jamaica. Even here in the US many Jamaicans

did not have any openly gay role models in Jamaica. So being a

are afraid to come out. It’s been a long, long journey for me to get

lesbian was beyond our imagination. We had similar experiences

to where I am today. OMGeee! But hey, I have no regrets.

- a realization of being gay in adulthood followed by a journey of self-acceptance. I began to embrace the LGBTQ community when my dear

The truth is, once I recognized and accepted myself as a lesbian and later became openly gay, I evolved into an advocate for the LGBTQ community.

I started “Thou Art Woman” an event celebrating

friends, twin brothers from Jamaica, came out. I had returned

LGBTQ women and allies, and I now volunteer with the Human Rights

to live in the US as a teenager and remained homophobic even

Campaign (HRC), the largest LGBT organization in the U.S. I started to

through college. But when I realized that my friends, who I loved

blog and share my LGBT life very publicly as @verygtv on Facebook,

dearly, were gay, it started to open my mind and change my heart.

IG, YouTube and my blogsite,, to bring more

Then David was working in Manhattan and met many people who

visibility to LBGT Jamaicans. And, I actually co-hosted at Montego

were gay. He would tell me how normal they were. The anger,

Bay Pride this October.

hate and fear that consumed me, finally started to dissipate.

I remember thinking that being gay was like a curse but it has been one of my greatest blessings. I’m part of a proud, resilient,


My greatest challenge was accepting myself

beautiful global community - a family. I have a beautiful supportive

My greatest challenge was to accept myself as a woman who

girlfriend. My children are so well adjusted and happy for me. And

loves women. I hated the thought of it. I started to have horrific

I’m liberated from the judgment of society and able to live my life

panic attacks. I had to share my secret. I felt like it would, literally,



feature // The business of bolt


feature // The business of bolt

Usain Bolt’s ability to stop a clock quicker than any man who ever reacted to the starter’s pistol for a sprint race made him a global superstar – and a marketing man’s dream. When Bolt took just 41 strides and a record breaking 9.58 seconds to propel himself along the 100m blue-coloured track, in Berlin, Germany, in 2009, his name was rightly added to an exclusive list of athletes that transcend their sport. With unrivalled success in any sporting arena it is inevitable that riches will follow. The hard work is not only in earning that money, it is in safeguarding it once that illustrious career reaches its finish line. For Bolt who hails from humble beginnings, his speed of foot and rapid rise to the top of his chosen sport has made him one of the highest grossing athletes in the world. He is the fastest man who has ever lived. Bolt earned that title after a bet with his coach, a lighthearted gamble, paid off. Bolt is likely to earn a reported $34.2m this year alone, making him the 23rd highest earning athlete worldwide, according to figures from Forbes. But that fortune began with early local sponsorship deals worth no more than a few hundred dollars, free cell phones and call credits. “In the early days it was not about chasing sponsors, as we tended to focus on the competitions,” says Norman Peart, Bolt’s business manager. Despite what may have, to some, looked like a lack of business strategy, Norman believed that Bolt’s raw talent would eventually lead to the kind of sponsorship deals that could earn him a place in the history books. Norman wasn’t wrong. Bolt’s income has come to derive largely from endorsements as the face of global brands. writer Brian Lashley photography Supplied

As he came to prominence, Puma, one of the largest sportswear brands in the world, and who supported him from the start, handed Bolt a $10 million per year sponsorship deal, until the end of his career. Bolt’s clean-cut image and his charisma on and off the track have left global companies, such as Virgin Media, clamoring to cash in on his extraordinary rise to the top. By 2016, Bolt’s off-track earnings for the year were a massive $22.4 million. Other leading sports brands like the PepsiCo subsidiary, Gatorade, were also keen to be affiliated with the fastest man on earth. That privilege clocked up his earnings by $2 - 4 million. In the space of 9 years Usain Bolt became the highest paid athlete in the history of track and field. By 2016, Usain Bolt, age 30 inked another endorsement deal with the Japanese airline company, All Nipon Airways. In total Usain Bolt has charmed over 10 global brand partners. Sprint Hero Not only was Bolt’s speed on the track unfathomable, the timing of his entry onto the scene was impeccable.

Athletics, especially

sprinting, needed a superhero - and it got it - in the shape of a 6ft 5in Jamaican track star wearing a yellow and green vest.


feature // The business of bolt

Bolt remains firmly grounded. He has set up the Usain Bolt Foundation, creating opportunities for young people through education and cultural development in jamaica.

For years, positive drug tests and fears about doping had plagued track and field. Ben Johnson, from Canada, won the 100m at the Seoul Olympics in 1988 in world record time, but was disqualified 48 hours later after a positive drug test. That final, since labelled ‘The Dirtiest Race in History’, also featured Carl Lewis from the USA, the golden boy of track at

Adonal Foyle, author of The Athlete CEO is a former NBA player who has written several books on financial management. He says the most important things, post-playing, are having a formidable support team in place, being informed and being able to ask the right questions. The dangers are tax implications, divorce without a prenup and having children out of wedlock.

the time. Six of the eight finalists, including Lewis, were later

Adonal says: “The key is the preservation of wealth. Do not take

implicated in some form of controversy in relation to performance

a lot of unnecessary risks and ‘audit your mamma.’ If you do that

enhancing drugs.

people will know how serious you are about money.”

Bolt’s achievements and the fact he had never failed a drug

Bolt remains firmly grounded. He has set up the Usain Bolt

test, have been a blessing for the sport, and helped to clean up its

Foundation, creating opportunities for young people through

tarnished image. He is the world record holder in the 100m and

education and cultural development in Jamaica.

200m. He also holds the world record for the rarely run 150m, which he set in Manchester, England, in 2009.

He has donated generously to his community, including funding improvements for his old schools.

Norman says: “He was doing the 200m and had he continued doing the 200m he would not have the same earning potential

Retirement and beyond

he has now.

Bolt’s glittering track career came to an end at the August 2017

“He made a bet with the coach and said “let me train.” I think it was to wriggle out of the 200, but it paid off in a major way.”

World Championships, in London. It was an extraordinary career, and you could easily exhaust superlatives in trying to sum it up.

Bolt took the 100m seriously in 2008. He set the world record in

Despite retirement, Bolt is still very much in demand, with top

New York in May that year, before breaking it again at the Beijing

brands eager to associate themselves with him. His latest contract

Olympics two months later.

was signed with Mumm Champagne, France, where he has been

Norman says; “In ‘08 and ‘09, he broke the world record two

appointed the new CEO (chief entertainment officer). It is a role

years in succession, so pretty much, after that, no one could deny

that will see him promoting and leading initiatives for the brand

he was the real deal.

throughout the U.S.

“He had the title of the fastest human being on planet earth -

Bolt, at the moment, is enjoying a long vacation following his

that and his brand appeal were the biggest selling points for him.”

retirement, and when he returns, Norman expects he will take a keen interest in the business side of his career.

protecting his earnings Sport is invariably a young man’s game and when your time is up, typically in your thirties, there is a lot of life still to live.

track, but Norman has ruled that out. “He’s taking some much-needed time off now,” Norman

There’s no doubt brand Bolt will go from strength to strength.

explains, “but there are big plans ahead. He will work with his

Retirement will bring new challenges, including financial ones,

foundation, maybe some acting and film cameos, and stuff like

and history is littered with ex sportsmen who have made, and


then lost, their fortunes.


There were rumours circulating that Bolt would return to the

Bolt has made no secret of his love of food and is about to

Former undisputed heavyweight boxing champion, Mike Tyson

play another hunch. He has become a guest partner and major

was declared bankrupt after amassing a reported $400 million

investor with a local club and restaurant franchise in Jamaica, and

from his career. Former NBA star Allen Iverson also found himself

is now aiming to expand in the UK. If his business successes off

in financial trouble despite a reported salary of $21 million the

the track are as lucrative as those on it, it’s safe to say brand Bolt

year before his wife filed for divorce.

will stand the test of time. Island origins | magazine


style & design // THE WALTERS RESIDENCE

Dave Walters, an architect and project manager at Heery International in Miami, and his wife Angie, now a homemaker, met in the building department of the College of Arts, Science and Technology, Jamaica. They’ve been together through graduate degree programs in different states, two children, and multiple homes.


writer Calibe Thompson photography David I. Muir Patio: The cypress chairs and table were discovered on a road trip somewhere between Jacksonville and Gainesville, Florida.

style & design // THE WALTERS RESIDENCE


style & design // THE WALTERS RESIDENCE

Kitchen: Clean white paint simplifies the complex interlocked patterns of the rafters overhead. Orange hues add warmth to the stone and stainless steel surfaces.

When they purchased their current home in Plantation, Florida 13 years ago, there was a ceiling, the floors were all covered in a single finish, and the back yard had a pool and a lawn. Dave, the meticulous, removed the ceiling then painted the rafters and sarking a clean white, separated the living and dining spaces using floor materials rather than walls, and transformed the backyard into a tropical jungle, including his own versions of Jamaica’s Fern Gully and Dunn’s River Falls. They moved in 2005, after a year-and-a-half of renovations, and have continued working on both the interior and exterior to more closely reflect their tropical dreams.

Because of his push to have things look designed and put together, he gets to create the home that we want. He created all of this. He has it in his head and he’ll take his time and pick at it until it gets done. No matter what, he’ll get it done. Angie speaks proudly of her husband’s attention to detail.


style & design // THE WALTERS RESIDENCE

Backyard Tiki bench: This bench may look familiar to viewers of Taste the Islands. In season one of the national TV show, Chef Irie and Maxi Priest had a conversation here. Their culinary escapade, as well as Ato Boldon’s, took place in the Walters family’s back yard.


Taste the islands // sak pase Lounge


Pase Lounge writer David I. Muir photography David I. Muir

Executive Chef, Gary Rice

Upon entry, I was submerged in authentic Haitian culture. Flags, thatch and bamboo decor made for an eclectic and inviting atmosphere. Kompa music kept me swaying in my seat throughout the visit, and was a welcome accompaniment to the selection of beautifully presented dishes I was offered. Sak Pase Lounge, an intimate eatery, sits within the very

with flavor and is a dish that would keep me coming back for more!

casual Caribbean Sunshine restaurant complex in Orlando, Florida,

Chef Rice surprised me with his Sake Pase Bowls - fried green

but has its own distinct vibe.


plantains shaped into curved receptacles, filled with pulled turkey

Their standard appetizer, Pate Kode, is a chicken patty with a

sautéed in his Sak Pase sauce, and topped off with Haitian Pikliz

light, flaky pastry filled with meat more reminiscent of lamb than

(spicy coleslaw). This unique treat too could have been a meal on

the chicken advertised. It was served with Bannann Peze, fried green

its own, and I’d recommend you try this as an appetizer before your

plantains similar to tostones, and a bowl of their “famous” spicy Sak

choice entrée. Their Passion Fruit Lemonade also deserves honorable

Pase Sauce.


Their Griot (Griyo) is amazing. It looks like no frills fried chunks

It seems obvious to me but it is worth noting that the food was

of pork, yet its slightly crunchy covering disguised a tender, citrus

served with a smile, making for an even more enjoyable experience.

infused paradise within. Served with Diri Kole, a richly flavored

Both the presentation and the service were excellent, and the pricing

version of rice and beans made with tomato paste and spices, and

made it a superb value for money. Sak Pase Lounge is an excellent

Bannann Peze, this meal could feed two. Their rice and beans is rich

choice for Haitian American dining. Island origins | magazine


taste the islands // Diri Kole and Black Bean Salsa

Diri Kole (Rice & Beans)


by Chef Thia Ingredients 2 cups Lakay Red Beans, cooked 3 cups Lakay Parboiled Basmati Rice, rinsed ¼ cup Lakay Tomato Paste 2 cups Top Top Coconut Milk ½ Red Bell Pepper ½ cup Chef Thia’s Spice or Haitian Epis* *(Your own blend of parsley, thyme, garlic, onions, bell peppers and scallions with oil)

2 stalks Scallion 4 tbsp Canola Oil 1 stalk Parsley 2 stalks Thyme 1 tbsp Salt ½ tbsp Black Pepper 1 whole Scotch Bonnet Pepper Method 1. Boil Lakay Red Beans in 6 cups water for 20 minutes or until tender 2. Drain the beans reserving 4 cups of the bean water 3. Over high heat, heat canola oil in





a dutch pot, then add bell peppers and scallion, stirring for about a minute to release flavors. Stir in epis and Lakay Tomato Paste, then add cooked Lakay Red Beans and stir to coat the beans with the seasonings. Stir in seasoning blend, then add bean water and Lakay Top Top Coconut Milk, and stir to combine. Wrap the parsley around the thyme to create a “bouquet garni” and add to the mixture along with a whole scotch bonnet pepper. When the mixture begins to boil, add the Lakay Parboiled Basmati Rice and stir continuously, scraping the sides of the pot to make sure the rice doesn’t stick and being very careful not to burst the pepper.Once the liquid is fully absorbed, cover the pot and lower the heat to simmer. Let simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, then serve hot with your favorite protein.

Black Bean Salsa By Chef Thia Ingredients 2 cups Lakay Black Beans, cooked 1 cup Sweet Whole Kernel Corn ¼ cup Red Onions ¼ cup each Red, Orange and Yellow Bell Peppers 2 tbsp Scallion ¼ cup parsley 3 tbsp Canola Oil 4 capfuls Lakay Lemon Blend ½ tsp Scotch Bonnet Pepper ½ tsp Salt ¼ tsp Black Pepper Method 1. Dice the bell peppers and red onions. 2. Chop the parsley and scallions finely. 3. Add Lakay Black Beans to a large bowl, along with remaining ingredients, including Lakay Lemon Blend. 4. Stir to combine. 5. Serve with tortilla or plantain chips.


See the instructional videos for these recipes on our website at


Taste the islands // christmas dishes

Aruba A speciality on the Dutch island, Keshi Yena is also the star attraction on Christmas menus. Baked in a Gouda cheese shell, the hearty casserole of chicken, onions, raisins and peppers is gussied up with sides of a cornmeal mash called funchi and a flat pancake called pan bati. “We serve this dish family-style because it’s perfectly share-able, “smiles Lino Van der Biezen, manager of Elements restaurant, Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, “and for dessert, try our Christmas cashew cake with a shot of Ponche Crema, our version of eggnog.” Sweetening the pot, Bon Pasco, or Merry Christmas in the local Papiamento language, is a must-sip blend, with the island rum called Coicoei, Licor 43, vanilla ice cream and coconut cream.

ta s t e t h e is l a n ds t his


season writer Melanie Reffes photography Supplied

A multicultural melting pot and recipes treasured like family heirlooms, preparing,

sharing and enjoying holiday fare in the Caribbean. Bring your appetite and dig into our delectable ROUNDUP OF HOLIDAY DISHES.

Nevis On the small isle across the channel from St. Kitts, holiday sips and snacks cover the bases from a traditional turkey to West Indian mainstays like the one-pot pelau made with rice, pigeon peas, chicken, salted pig tail, pumpkin, coconut milk and herbs. Keeping the holiday theme, add a slice (or two) of the boozy rum-basted Black Cake, and a few forkfuls of, coconut rum bread pudding. At the Caribbean’s only plantation inn on the beach, bartenders Dan Perkins and Kaddy Simmonds at the Nisbet Plantation Beach Club get creative, with their island-famous tropical tipples like the Christmas-colored ruby-red Nisbet Beach Martini, and the green melon Nevisian Sunset splashed with vodka.


Taste the islands // christmas dishes

Jamaica From the Grand Market on Christmas Eve to houses sparkling with ‘pepper lights’, the holidays are all about families, good cheer and downhome specialities. Kick start Christmas Day with ackee and saltfish, the Jamaican breakfast of champions made with sautéed codfish and boiled ackee that looks a lot like scrambled eggs. Move on up to Christmas dinner, often served in the late afternoon, where hefty platters of chicken, curried goat, stewed oxtail, rice and gungo peas (also called pigeon peas), plantains, dumplings and boiled green bananas do a dash of scotch bonnet pepper proud. A glass of sorrel drink made from the tart red flower that tastes a tad like a raspberry, rum-soaked fruitcake and a reggae soundtrack, morph every backyard into a holiday dance floor.

Puerto Rico Meat, eat and be merry with Spanish staples like pernil asado or roast pork shoulder with a spicy sweet drizzle, rice and pigeon peas called arroz con gandules, and for the fish lovers in the family, guisado are salt cod fritters that marry well with tostones or fried green plantains, topped with chicken or pork. Sharing the marquis, mofongo is a hefty mashed plantain mound stuffed with chicken, beef or seafood. Upping the festive ante, chefs add pork cracklings, bacon, garlic and a fruity salsa to cut the salty taste. Not for the faint-of-appetite, toast dinner with a decadently rich piña colada and a coquito made potent with white rum (we recommend Bacardi Superior), coconut cream, condensed milk and vanilla. For a sweet treat, tembleque is irresistible, made with coconut milk, sugar and cinnamon.

Trinidad and Tobago Popular on Christmas morning, glazed ham and hops (like a hamburger bun) with a side of pepper relish called chow chow is a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Other fan favorites include tamale-like snacks called pastelles made with cornmeal that is stuffed with meat, olives and capers, and then steamed (or boiled) in banana leaves. A pretty side dish, Christmas rice flecked with raisins, peppers, ginger and thyme, is on the holiday A-list. Leading the dessert hit parade, black cake is deliciously browned with sugar and molasses, and studded with hooch-soaked raisins, prunes and currants. Keeping the spirit flowing, a peppery ginger beer with a pinch of cloves and a splash of lime fits the bill nicely.


taste the islands // Restaurant directory


Listing in

s o u t h

F lo rida

Average cost per person before drinks, tax and tip. $ Under $10 / person $$ Under $20 / person $$$ Under $40 / person $$$$ Over $40 / person

Ortanique on the Mile

Calypso Restaurant & Raw Bar

Sazon Cuban Cuisine

Finley’s Bahamian Restaurant





Caribbean Fusion Island flavors, local ingredients, creative cocktails, tropical-themed decor 278 Miracle Mile, Coral Gables, FL 33134

Caribbean Try their Caribbean-styled seafood and Jamaican Jerk and curry dishes 460 S Cypress Rd, Pompano Beach, FL 33060

Cuban Tasty Caribbean cuisine and live weekend entertainment 7305 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33141

Bahamian Try their breakfast served with Johnny cakes or grits, lunch specials daily 2710 W Atlantic Blvd, Pompano Beach, FL 33069

Las Olas Cafe

El Mago De Las Fritas

Tap Tap



Donna’s Caribbean Restaurant


Cuban Freshly squeezed juices and Cuban sandwiches 644 6th St, Miami Beach, FL 33139

Cuban Cozy spot for Cuban burgers 5828 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33144


Haitian Colorful interior and authentic creole cuisine 819 5th St, Miami Beach, FL 33139

Clive’s Cafe Havana 1957


Little Havana


$$ Cuban Authentic Cuban Cuisine 12727 Biscayne Blvd, North Miami, FL 33181

Cuban Quick bites in a buzzing backdrop with Havana memorabilia 405 Espanola Way, Miami Beach FL 33139

Jamaican Popular spot for jerk chicken and curry goat 5890 NW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33127

Jamaica Kitchen

Puerto Sagua Restaurant




Jamaican Known for their extra spicy beef patties 8736 SW 72nd St, Miami, FL 33173

Cuban Known for their soup and oxtail stews 700 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139

Dominican Try their traditional stews or Churrasco with live music 4740 NW 167th St, Miami Gardens, FL 33014

Yarumba Restaurant & Lounge


Jamaican Authentic Jamaican food all day, plus cocktails and Sunday brunch. 9 locations around South Florida. 5434 N University Drive, Lauderhill, FL 33351 Island Fusion Grill

$$ Jamaican, Cuban Jamaican, Cuban, Asian and Creole flavors with seafood and vegetarian options 4816 SW 28th Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312

Ali’s Restaurant

Shalama’s Halal Roti Shop



Caribbean, Indian, Vegetarian Tiny counter-serve joint dishing up Trinidadian comfort food like doubles & aloo pie. 303 S State Rd 7 Plantation, FL 33317

Caribbean, Indian Casual ethnic take out spot with authentic roti, curries and pepper sauce. 1432 SR 7 Margate, FL 33063


Las Vegas Cuban Cuisine



Cuban, Latin American Serving tasty Cuban cuisine and culture for four decades. The gauge of the community’s pulse. 3555 Southwest 8th Street Miami, FL 33145

Cuban, Latin American A dine in hot spot with 16 South Florida locations offering Cuban meals and cocktails. 2807 E Oakland Park Blvd Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33306

L C Roti Shop

Conch Krawl Caribbean Restaurant

$ Indian, Vegetarian Cash-only eatery, serving Caribbean eats & housemade roti with pepper sauce. 19505 NW 2nd Ave Miami, FL 33169

$$ Bahamian, Seafood Promises “a taste of the islands”, where you can enjoy traditional Bahamian and other Caribbean dishes. 2600 S University Dr #106 Miramar, FL 33025


Entertainment // event calendar


Calendar 11/3


12/7 - 12/9

FIU Music Festival: Jazz for Puerto Rico

Enrique Iglesias & Pitbull

Let There Be Reggae

When: 7:30PM to 9PM

When: Doors open 6PM

When: 6PM to 10PM

Where: Herbert and Nicole Wertheim

Where: American Airlines Arena, Downtown

Where: 311 NW 23rd St, Wynwood

Performing Arts Center Concert Hall (FIU, Miami)


Admission: $10

Admission: $10 - $25

Admission: $36 - $561




A unique event showcasing a curated snapshot

Grammy winners, Nestor Torres and Paquito

The dynamic duo is bringing their high energy

of Reggae music and Dancehall culture.

D’Rivera, will headline an evening of jazz classics

show to Miami in a performance rescheduled

to benefit Puerto Rico. Cash donations taken at

due to hurricane Irma.

1/7 The Prestigious Haitian Music Awards

the door.


When: 5PM to 11PM

11/3 - 11/5

Grace Jamaican Jerk Festival

Where: Miramar Cultural Center, Miramar

BRT Weekend Caribbean Music Festival

When: 10AM to 10PM

Admission: $50 - $150

When: 10AM Friday to 11PM Sunday

Where: Markham Park, Sunrise


Where: 190 E 13th St, Riviera Beach

Admission: $30 - $150

The second annual ceremony, promoting

Admission: $95 - $3,000


Haitian culture and diversity.


The biggest one day Caribbean food festival

A 3-day Caribbean party weekend with 6

in the US, with live concerts and cultural


uniquely themed events, all-inclusive with free


Rhythms of Africa: Music Around the World

drinks & food in a beautiful resort location.


When: 3PM & 8PM


Fort Lauderdale FlaMingle

Where: Miramar Cultural Center, Miramar

Haitian Creative and Cultural Industries

When: 6PM to 10PM

Admission: $25 - $35


Where: Grateful Palate, Fort Lauderdale


When: Noon to 6PM

Admission: $75

Willie Stewart, former Third Word drummer,

Where: Florida Memorial University, Miami


leads an ensemble of musicians and vocalists


A Food for the Poor Cocktail Party with honey-

joined by a select group of students from

Admission: $20 - $200

infused hors d’oeuvres, craft cocktails and

Somerset Academy.


live entertainment to support for beekeeping

Helping Haitian artists and creative entrepreneurs

programs in Jamaica.

1/20 Monty Alexander Trio

in Haiti and the Diaspora to better respond to international market demands.


When: 8PM

Classically Cuban Concert

Where: Bailey Hall (Broward College, Davie)


When: 5PM to 7PM

Admission: $11 - $46

Spice it Up Miami

Where: Herbert and Nicole Wertheim


When: 7PM to 10PM

Performing Arts Center (FIU)

The music of self taught pianist Monty

Where: Caribbean Marketplace, Little Haiti

Admission: $20 - $25

Alexander retains a strong Caribbean

Admission: $6.50 - $520


influence,with a bebop flavor and bright


Afro-Cuban and Latin jazz concert in memory

swinging feeling.

Featuring appetizing island bites, spirits, music

of renowned Cuban saxophonist and former FIU

& dance, with cooking classes and a Spice Gift

music professor, Carlos Averhoff, Sr.




A Final Thought // Calibe Thompson

A Final


Due to time constraints and, I confess, a good bit of laziness on my part, I’ve been wearing my hair wrapped on top of my head for the past few weeks. The funniest thing happened - people I’ve known for years weren’t recognizing me. writer Calibe Thompson photography David I. Muir

You see, when I’m in public settings, my

Through Island Origins Magazine, we’re

blonde and brown mane is usually down and

showing a side of our Caribbean American lives

gathered to one side, so it’s become a trademark

that folks who aren’t our direct neighbors don’t

of sorts. People became used to one thing, so

always get to see. Our landscape is populated

what was a minor change of appearance for me,

with social influencers and industry leaders,

presented as a whole other person to them.

innovators, artists and social activists. It is where

I suppose that’s how people think about the Caribbean as well, from the perspective

we enjoy a glass of rum, as well as a good glass of wine.

they always see. If you aren’t from there, and

Our culture has seeped into the mainstream

depending on your experience, it’s either all

psyche, and more and more you’ll hear references

about beaches and vacations, or entertainment

to ‘phenomena’ like curried goat and Despacito

and sports, or the nefarious, romanticized

in mainstream America. But our accents, our

gangster life you’ve seen in movies. You might

celebrations, our changemakers outside of music

see Caribbean people as loud and colorful, and

and sport, are typically not recognized as worthy

always with a big smile and some good food to

of front page coverage. They ARE in our book,

share. In truth, we are all that, and we are so


much more.

We invite you to look through our stories in print and online, to see some of the color and culture, as well as the fabulous, thought leading, paradigm shifting side of the Caribbean American community that you never knew existed. Like Superman and Clark Kent, or like me with my hair up and my hair down, it’s the same entity, but we’ll help you see it in a different way. For every side of us, across multiple generations, at home in the US and back home in the islands, we’re proud to introduce the people, movements and events that share our collective #islandorigins.

48 Island origins | magazine




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