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Salish Sea Real Estate Winter Issue 2020
What’s Inside... Featuring the finest selection of island realtors, local businesses, and properties for sale on the Southern Gulf Islands of BC.
Spring on the coast is the longest season of the year. It begins in late January or early February when the warmth of the sun draws out new life and myriad shades of green. Millions of blooms erupt around us long before eastern snows have thawed. Spring continues to inspire Islanders until mid June when gardens have been planted and we must admit that summer will soon be here.
A fine selection of properties is available for those who wish to settle here, but homes priced right sell quickly. As our aging demographic seeks smaller dwellings and more specialized services, the Islands make room for new friends. Strong communities are built when we keep ties with those who move away, and reach out to welcome new friends.
An independent publication brought to you by the generous support of local realtors and businesses on the Southern Gulf Islands. SalishSeaRealEstate.ca
The quiet country life, mild climate, and natural beauty are as close to paradise as this country can offer.