19 minute read
Sunshine Sympathy
12 | The Columns The Columns | 17 Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net www.twhoa.net • 941.349.0194 • April 2019 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

NEW YORK / NEW JERSEY CLUB Family MID-ATLANTIC CLUB Owned and Mark your calendar for the two upcoming NY/NJ events, Saturday, April 13th, and Saturday, April Operated 27th. In March, the Chili Cookoff was a great The first date is our regular meeting, hosted by Mary & Bill Nothnagel and friends. The theme is event with lots of eating and voting. “Welcome to spring and play ball”, so wear your team’s colors. The second date is our end of the year luncheon, hosted by Joan & Bill Powers, to be held at Herons Glen. 239-995-0995 As the social year progresses, Sunday, April 7th, has been designated for the Brunch at the Isles Yacht Club in Punta Gorda. The brunch is the only meeting for April. The event for the Sunday, May 19th, So, make sure you sign up in the Clubhouse for these two festive occasions and don’t miss out on the fun and good eats. Any new NY/NJ residents are more than welcome to come and join in the fun. Bill Nothnagel As stated above, the luncheon will be at Herons Glen on Saturday, April 27th, between 12:00 - 2:00 PM. The 14871 N. Cleveland Ave., N. Ft. Myers (Across from Super Walmart on US 41) www.articautoairservice.com SUNSHINE AND SYMPATHY meeting is still being discussed. Details will be passed on through the Club newsletter and emails. Barb Pollitt, Secretary cost is $12.00 per person. The three menu choices being offered are: Herons Nest Salad – Grilled Chicken, candied pecans, craisins, blue cheese crumbles, and sliced apples on a field of greens with raspberry vinaigrette. Big Fish Sandwich – white fish fillet, choice of battered, grilled or blackened, and served on a hoagie roll with choice of side. Reuben Sandwich. Iced tea, coffee and water are included; other beverages or cocktails are the responsibility of the guests. I will need a total count and your choice a week before, and, of course, your money preferably in cash or a check made out to me or cash. Joan Powers 239-731-0168 NEW ENGLAND CLUB The New England Club closed out their season on March 30th with a sports themed party. There was an abundance of Red Sox, Patriots, and Yankee fan gear on parade. Awesome food was enjoyed by everyone as well as baseball, football, frisbee and golf competitions. Officers for the 2020-2022 season were announced and they are: Co-Presidents: Dawn Benjamin and Judy Machnicz, Vice-President: Barbara Gilfillan, Treasurer: Lee Beliveau; and Secretary; Carol Malatesta. Dawn, Judy, and Carol welcome our new officers with open arms and look forward to working with you! To all our snowbirds who will be taking flight: Be safe, happy & healthy. To all our summer survivors: Be safe, happy, healthy & hurricane free!! GAIL & LARRY HODGE DEL TURA RESIDENTS 239-202-0460 | 800-301-5485 www.sailwithgail.com gail.hodge@cruiseplanners.com THIS IS WHERE NEW MEMORIES ARE MADE C R U I S E & L A N D VA C AT I O N S CALL TODAY FOR THE BEST LAND AND CRUISE PACKAGES AVAILABLE AND ASK ABOUT SPECIAL OFFERS! 5/19 CALL TODAY FOR GROUP CRUISE INFORMATION FOR 2019 - 2020 Complete Auto Repair - Domestic and Foreign Specializing in Air Conditioning • Auto Electric • Brakes • Suspension • Free A/C Checks FREE AC CHECK WITH THIS COUPON Must present coupon to redeem. $50 Value Must present this coupon, not valid with other discounts or offers. Expires 10/31/2020 To the families and friends, we offer our sympathy on the death of their loved ones. Suzanne Burns, Pauline Pacquette, Keith Schuelke, George Sullivan, William Clark, Jim Towne, Betty Beaulieu*, Kevin Kelsey *Mother of Bill Beaulieu Remember these people in your thoughts and prayers and please let me know of any medical news in your neighborhood. • And More... Judy Machnicz Gail Hodge - Cruise Planners Nancy Wuebbeler • 239-245-7575 • nkw4@comcast.net FLST# 39068 • CST# 2034468-50 • HST# TAR-7058 • WAST# 603-399-504
WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH... $500? $500?
Think about the possibilities! With $500, you could go on a cruise for two, use it toward a shopping spree, or buy a flat screen TV – just to name a few. Invite your friends to live at Tara Woods, and you could earn up to $500* when they purchase a new home. Call 239-731-1011 for details!
*Referral reward restricted to Hometown America residents. Customer must register the resident who referred them at time of their initial visit. Residents whose referral purchases a new or special-order home will receive up to $500. Residents whose referral purchases a Hometown America-owned inventory home will receive up to $300. Residents whose referral purchases a brokered home will receive up to $100. Residents who refer will receive money after closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call 239-731-1011 for more details. Cruise for two Two laptops
Domestic flight Outdoor Grill
Patio Set
Flat Screen TV Gazebo
Shopping Spree
On Tuesday, July 7th, I was taking my normal stroll on the back of Tara Woods property and came upon this fellow. I know a lot of our dog owners take their beloved furry pets The Columns | 13
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2020 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
back there to let them roam. Please make everyone aware this guy is back there, and he is huge!
Lynn Lessmiller

CORRECTIONS TO THE 2019 – 2020 TARA WOODS RESIDENT DIRECTORY August – September 2020 Edition of The Columns
Please email corrections and/or changes for next year’s Tara Woods 2020 - 2021 Resident Directory to haywood.gandy@gmail.com.
Subject: Tara Woods 2020-2021 Directory Update. If possible, please contact me by Email. Contact Information: haywood.gandy@gmail.com -
Haywood Gandy, 2998 Tara Lakes Circle, Lot #643 - (cell phone) 603-557-8335 (home phone) 239-471-2987.
New Additions, Phone Changes, Misc. Changes and Deletions to the 2019 – 2020 directory are published in monthly editions of The Columns. Please send me any updates, corrections, or changes by the 8th of the month. The next publication of The Columns will be the October edition. Many residents will be returning to Tara Woods at that time. Also, during that time, I will begin the final review and preparation for the 2020 -2021 publication. So, it is imperative that you review your current information and provide me with any updates and or changes a.s.a.p.
ADAMS, Paul & Rhonda
KNEBEL, Denny & Connie
ROBINSON, John & Barb
2914 Tara Lakes Circle
2973 Tara Lakes Circle
2798 Cloister Street
2826 Orlenes Street LOT #
260-224-8686 (P) 260-224-1086 (R) 618-581-1242 (D) 618-654-2672 (C) 240-346-1733 (J) 407-929-8020 (B)
740-808-1577 (D) 740-808-1575 (L) HOME STATE
PORTER, Jon & Lynn 19426 Ganty Lane #200 239-286-2296 (J) 239-599-4888 (L)
BERNARD, Audrey CLARK, William
LUTZ, Bob MASON, Nancy PAQUETTE, Pauline SCHUELKE, Keith SULLIVAN, George SULLIVAN, Helen TOWNE, James 2798 Cloister Street
2845 Orlenes Street
2798 Cloister Street
19291 Potomac Circle
2818 Cloister Street 19248 Potomac Circle
2826 Orlenes Street 2826 Orlenes Street 2541 Macon Circle #339
#234 #694
#369 #369 #192 Sold
Deceased Sold Deceased
Please note: Page 4 of the 2019 – 2020 Resident Directory COMMUNITY CLUBS AND GROUPS Tennis: Greg Girard 631-897-8890
14 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
I want to express my appreciation to all of those who made my 102nd birthday celebration so special with the golf cart parade, the balloons, the cards, the posters, the little cake – just everything! I certainly was pleased – extra specially so. Your thoughtfulness brought a smile to my face (even under my mask) as I do like a fuss! So many people go out of their way

to do something nice for people and get nothing in return. May your thoughtfulness find its way back to you. Kind deeds change lives. You brightened my day and I’m so grateful. Sometimes simple words say it best. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Fondly, Helen Boettger

Friends and neighbors turned out to celebrate Helen Boettger’s 102nd birthday. The group serenaded Helen with a hardy Happy Birthday led by Sue Cook. Lee County Deputy Sheriff, Mark Sherman, arrived and presented Helen with a beautiful plant. It was a special day for a special Tara Woods resident.

The Columns | 15
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2020 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

16 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net


Specializing in all American and foreign auto repairs. Come to the people you can trust!
AUTO REPAIR, INC. 26 Cardinal Drive • N. Fort Myers, FL 33917 Corner of Pondella and Old 41 239-997-8333 FAX: 239-997-0799 GULFCOASTAUTOREPAIR1@GMAIL.COM
2. If you have already found the C, then find the 6 in the table below. 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 6999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
If you pass these three tests without problem: - You can cancel your annual visit to the neurologist. - Your brain is in perfect shape! - You are far from having any relationship with Alzheimer’s. So, share this with your over fifty-five friends; it can reassure them. Contributed by Mark Burke

18 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
In the following analysis the French Professor Bruno Dubois Director of the Institute of Memory and Alzheimer’s Disease (IMMA) at La Pitié-Salpêtrière - Paris Hospitals / addresses the subject in a rather reassuring way:
“If anyone is aware of his memory problems, he does not have Alzheimer’s.” 1. I forget the names of families. 2. I do not remember where I put some things.
It often happens in people sixty years and older that they complain that they lack memory. “The information is always in the brain; it is the “processor” that is lacking.” This is “Anosognosia” or temporary forgetfulness.
Half of people sixty and older have some symptoms that are due to age rather than disease. The most common cases are: - Forgetting the name of a person, - Going to a room in the house and not remembering why we were going there, - A blank memory for a movie title or actor or actress, - A waste of time searching where we left our glasses or keys.
After sixty years most people have such a difficulty, which indicates that it is not a disease but rather a characteristic due to the passage of years.
Many people are concerned about these oversights hence the importance of the following statement:
“Those who are conscious of being forgetful have no serious problem of memory.”
“Those who suffer from a memory illness or Alzheimer’s, are not aware of what is happening.”
Professor Bruno Dubois, Director of IMMA, reassures the majority of people concerned about their oversights:
“The more we complain about memory loss, the less likely we are to suffer from memory sickness.”
So, my friends and neighbors, these are just a few of the benefits of Laughter and a Positive Spirit. Now, how can we make sure we enjoy these benefits. 1. Balance the grim news bombarding us these days with the therapy of Laughter. Audrey and I like to watch comedy specials, like reruns of Mash and Cheers and Seinfeld, and comedians like Bob Hope and Jim Gaffigan, and whatever TV offers to help us laugh. 2. Find and foster funny friends. Lord knows there are more than enough sad sacks out there. And you know who those “funny folks” are in your life, those Gifts from God who help us enjoy the gift of laughter. So, find and foster funny friends. 3. Find things that make you smile and
To any UAW Retirees who worked at Ford, GM or Chrysler
My name is Joe Bigelow, a full-time resident in Tara Woods. I retired from GM in 1998 and I am a member of the UAW Retiree Council in Southwest Florida. If you are in laugh and do them. Watch a funny movie... read the “funnies” in the paper... watch children at play...etc., etc., etc. You get the point?
These opportunities to enjoy the gift of Laughter and a Positive Spirit are limited only by our own unwillingness to be open to them.
Well, my friends and neighbors, we may not feel much like laughing these days but like the old song puts it, “you’ve got to Accentuate the Positive”, especially in times like these, and the gift of Laughter is certainly one of the key ways to stay positive these days. (excerpts from my book, DO YOU WANT TO BE WELL)
Barry Maberry

doubt about a medical billing or any UAW benefits, please call the Drop-In Center at 239-936-6715 or email SWFLUAW@ embarqmail.com.
In solidarity,
Joseph Bigelow
The Columns | 19
www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2020 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
How Can You Help Lower Your Longevity Risk?

The investment world contains different types of risk. Your stocks or stock-based mutual funds could lose value during periods of market volatility. The price of your bonds or bond funds could also decline, if new bonds are issued at higher interest rates. But have you ever thought about longevity risk? Insurance companies and pension funds view longevity risk as the risk they incur when their assumptions about life expectancies and mortality rates are incorrect, leading to higher payout levels. But for you, as an individual investor, longevity risk is less technical and more emotional: it’s the risk of outliving your money. To assess your own longevity risk, you’ll first want to make an educated guess about your life span, based on your health and family history. Plus, you’ve got some statistics to consider: Women who turned 65 in April of this year can expect to live, on average, until age 86.5; for men, the corresponding figure is 84, according to the Social Security Administration. Once you have a reasonable estimate of the number of years that lie ahead, you’ll want to take steps to reduce your longevity risk. For starters, try to build your financial resources as much as possible, because the greater your level of assets, the lower the risk of outliving them. So, during your working years, keep contributing to your IRA and your 401(k) or similar employer-sponsored retirement plan. Then, as you near retirement, you will need to do some planning. Specifically, you will need to compare your essential living expenses – mortgage/rent, utilities, food, clothing, etc. – with the amount of income you’ll get from guaranteed sources, such as Social Security or pensions. You do have some flexibility with this guaranteed income pool. For example, you can file for Social Security benefits as early as 62, but your monthly checks will then be reduced by about 30 percent from what you’d receive if you waited until your full retirement age, which is likely between 66 and 67. You might also consider other investments that can provide you with a steady income stream. A financial professional can help you choose the income-producing investments that are appropriate for your needs and that fit well with the rest of your portfolio. After you’ve determined that your guaranteed income will be sufficient to meet your essential living expenses, have you eliminated longevity risk? Not necessarily – because “essential” expenses don’t include unexpected costs, of which there may be many, such as costly home maintenance, auto repairs and so on. And during your retirement years, you’ll always need to be aware of health care costs. If you have to dip into your guaranteed income sources to pay for these types of bills, you might increase the risk of outliving your money. To avoid this scenario, you may want to establish a separate fund, possibly containing at least a year’s worth of living expenses, with the money held in cash or cash equivalents. This money won’t grow much, if at all, but it will be there for you when you need it. With careful planning, adequate guaranteed income, a sufficient emergency fund and enough other investments to handle nonessential costs, you’ll be doing what you can to reduce your own longevity risk. And that may lead to a more enjoyable retirement.
20 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2020 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net
I hope everyone enjoyed our first gathering of 150 or more people. With So, Ladies and Gentlemen…August When we finally can return to sharing “Drive-In” National Hot Dog Day on the resurgence of the virus in Southwest and September in Tara Woods is time and socializing with each other, July 25th. Much thanks to Bill Black Florida, I would not recommend a large normally hot, humid, and a great let’s never take for granted how much & Friends for offering to coordinate gathering of any kind for a while. time to go out without lines in the we need each other. this event according to pandemic To stay informed of what’s restaurants, movies, or stores. But this In recent months we have lost several guidelines for everyone’s safety. happening in the community, go to year 2020, is quite unusual. of our residents and hope their families Thank you, also, to our Manager our Homeowners website, twhoa. Since there is no Tara Woods know how much they will be missed by (at the time) Cathy Winfree for the net. All the latest news offered by the Entertainer’s news, one of the few the Tara Woods community. support and financial backing to make Homeowners Association, Hometown times in my life there is not much to As this time of distancing continues, this a reality. This event was finalized America and community residents write about. But during these days of please stay safe and healthy. When this after The Columns was published is posted on the site. Stay current on internal reflection that we are doing is over, we will celebrate together, and for June/July. Every effort was made Sunshine, Board updates, items For now-a-days, reminds me about a sign our lives will be as active as ever. to make people aware of the event. Sale, Hurricane information, etc. There that is hanging in my bedroom. The Folks are usually about as happy as Though it may have looked a little is much information on the website and sign states, “Love - it’s not about who they make their minds up to be. different, we hope everyone enjoyed right now it is the most efficient way you live with, but about who you can’t getting out into the community and to reach everyone in a timely manner. live without.” Pat Dunning, Stage Manager seeing each other, while maintaining Contact Bill Loveday or Donna Erhardt Reflecting on these words in light of for the Entertainers social distancing. Everyone is eager to if you have any questions. our being apart from each other, makes pdunning46@gmail. get back to our regular routines and Stay well. Please continue to follow me realize how true these words are. com or 239-599-4490 using the amenities that have not been safe procedures, which are designed available for several months, but it’s more important that we remain safe for the safety of everyone around you, as well as yourself. FREE VIRTUAL TOURS and as protected as possible. Despite the Clubhouse opening on a very limited basis during this Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions regarding the parties and events. Museums, Zoos and Theme parks Contributed by Rachelle DellaRocca www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/travel/a31784720/best-virtual-tours/ pandemic, there will be no Labor Day Party on September 7th. The strict Janet Daly, Activities Coordinator When I was a kid, my parents would always say, “Excuse my French” just after precautions and guidelines necessary janetdaly@yahoo.com a swear word… I’ll never forget my first day at school when my teacher asked if for YOUR safety would not allow for a 239-567-2285 any of us know any French. Contributed by Rachelle DellaRocca ASK US HOW TO SAVE 20%

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