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Become an AntiHate Crime Champion

A hate crime is when someone is targeted because of their race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief.

Hate crimes sometimes go unreported, because people don’t think there’s anything that can be done. However, even if

What the council did

The council completed a site visit with the police, greenspace colleagues and representatives from the Friends of Wilmington Square Garden.

The result the law hasn’t been broken, the police record and log all reported hate crime: from abuse in person and online, to offensive graffiti. The council and the police share reported information about hate crime and take action, which can include providing support to the person affected.

Graffiti was cleaned up from the band stand; rough sleepers were offered support and provided accommodation; a fence was installed across a gap that was being used as an escape route by drug users and dealers; and shrubs were cut back to deter drug use.

Police have since conducted increased patrols and stop and searches, resulting in seizure of drugs. Police and council outreach teams have assisted some homeless people in being rehoused. Happily, as a result, residents have reported noticeable improvements in the square.

Some changes have been made to the way in which ASB should be reported to the council, following feedback from residents, so do check before getting in touch.

The council is asking people who are interested in tackling discrimination and supporting others to become Anti-Hate Crime Champions. The Champions will help people to identify when a hate crime has

Reporting anti-social behaviour to the council

You can report anti-social behaviour via the council’s ASB reporting line, either online at islington.gov.uk/ ReportASB or by calling 020 7527 7272

Reporting to the police

All criminal behaviour should be reported to the police. This includes drug dealing, threats or violence and harassment. In an emergency or if someone is at imminent risk call 999. The non-emergency number is 101


You can pass information about a crime anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling on 0800 555 111 or online via the website: met.police.uk/report

Find out more about ASB and what happens when you report it to the council: islington.gov.uk/ASB occurred and encourage people to report it, support victims and signpost them to get help, as well as help improve community understanding and awareness of hate crime. Champions will receive training and access to resources.

Interested in becoming an AntiHate Crime Champion?

Email CommunitySafety@ islington.gov.uk

Or, visit the council website: islington.gov.uk/HateCrime

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