3 minute read
Frame work Action plan
Increasing demand for commercial amenities:
Presence of heritage assets as urban markers:
Historically restricted zone that requires amendment of the existing reglations to ensure ease of transformation:
Presence of multiple transit nodes:
Stress on existing infrastructure:
- Restricting vehicular access along Gandhi road and simultaneously Redesigning it to organise and support the existing formal and informal commercial activities
- Redefining the built form along major transit routes with enhanced public interface with design inventions like uniform built-to-line public edge
- Redefine the Danapith road with an enhanced public experience by integrating commercial and heritage assets to rejuvenate the CBD character of the precinct
-Organise and rejuvenate the formal and informal street markets to provide an enhanced shopping experience
- With the upcoming metro station, further, strategies like Redefining the built fabric within the metro influence zone as a mixed-use district and enhancing the public realm by adding green infrastructure
-the framework would aim to improve and enhance the visual and physical accessibility of the heritage assets organising the commercial activities around the heritage monuments
-define alternate pedestrian-friendly routes integrating the commercial and heritage assets of the precinct
-Connecting prominent city level attractions with pedestrian-friendly infrastructure along with provisions for cycling and electric vehicles
This route would be further activated with adaptive reuse of defunct buildings with activities that could anchor and facilitate vibrant public spaces.
-Framework for potential adaptive reuse of the the defunct buildings in the Pols
Proposing super blocks having a distinct urban form (commercial and parking along the periphery | residential and people centric internal streets)
-Redefining internal streets as shared streets with proper infrastructural provisions
Converting underutilised open pockets to vibrant community public spaces
Design frame work
Redevelopment in the old city along the idea of food
There are multiple reasons for one to visit the old city and food remains one of the most important reason to explore the old city. The heritage city does take food seriously and hence there are two guided heriatge walks conducted around food. Most of these eateries have been serving citizens for almost two centuries now and have been a rather important part of every Ahmdavadi’s life. With Ahmedabad being a financial centre with several museums, parks, temples, and educational institutions. This draws a large number of individuals from all across the city to the old city for food. The best method for them to satiate their hunger and gratify their taste buds is to sample street food in the old city, which is healthful, tasty, and offers a diverse selection of snacks and dishes.
There are different type fo food criterias availabale here with spice amrkets , vegetable and fruit narkets to chai stall, stalls. these stationary stalls are seen in various nooks and corners of the old city. There are movable vendors selling channa masala, soda or other eateries that roam around or stay at different plazes during the day. With all these there is food as destination where places trnasform in to social dining the charm of old city liesin the temporality of these spaces. places such as amanek chowk and bhatiyaar gali are the most celebrated food destinations in the old city. people visit these places in a flock and they are always full of people.
Most of the eateries and food joints are mapped along these two areas of Bhatiyaar gali and manek chowk. Making them the most ideal sites for any such intervention. These two areas have a high intesity impact of food in the way the area has transformed.
The two connect with Gandhi road which can be further explored as a tie to stich them together
To redevelop Bhatiyar Gali and Manek Chowk around the idea of food in the old city with a tied experience along Gandhi road.
1. To develop the Bhatiyaargali area by making it a social public realm.

2. To create an enriched experience along Gandhi road that ties the two experiences together.
3. To transform manek chowk area in order to make it more livable -social.
Network & Re- routing

6m one way two wheeler road
Designated Vending zone
Continuous pedestrian plaza along Gandhi road
Redevelopment of Manek chowk area. Creating more access routes, safer junctions, and an interactive built form along Gandhi road

The framework involves the strategies required to further in with the design. The pilot strategy to narrow the carriage way along Gandhi road creating a 6m road for only two wheelers, autorickshaws , and ev vehicles. Accopanied with designated vending zone along both the sides and a continous pedestrian plaza. With introduction to public amenities at the start and end of the road. The re routing of vehicular route from manek chowk to Fernandez bridge to create a pedestrain freindly plaza. The frame work strategies will further help in the designing of the areas.
The final plan intends to improve the public realm by providing a secure and comfortable manoeuvring area for pedestrians while also allowing retail activities to take place. The design will encourage more pedestrians to explore the region, which will boost the local economy. The importance of public interaction has led to the creation of a design that includes multiple meeting locations and plaza spaces.