20 minute read
ISM Group Annual Review
ISM Annual Review
Above: Materials from the Save the Music campaign
The Incorporated Society of Musicians (‘ISM’) is the UK’s professional body for musicians, established in 1882 to promote the art of music and to protect and support the interests of musicians and the music profession. This founding vision still serves the Society well.
The ISM continues to grow and develop in DOODUHDVDQGRYHUWKHFRXUVHRIWKHSDVWÀQDQFLDO year organisational change has continued on all fronts. The Incorporated Society of Musicians Trust (ISM Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee), of which the ISM is the sole member, the Incorporated Society of Musicians Members Fund (Benevolent Fund of the ISM, a charitable trust) and the ISM continue to work closely together and operate under the name ‘the ISM Group’. Partnership across all parts of the ISM Group has EHHQDNH\IRFXVRIDVZHH[WHQGDQG develop our range of services and resources both to ISM members and the wider music sector to protect and support the interests of the music profession. Support the music profession through a range of advocacy initiatives 7KH,60ZRUNHGWRLQÁXHQFHWZRFRUHSROLF\DUHDV over the course of the year: the UK’s departure from WKH(XURSHDQ8QLRQ(8DQGWKHLPSOLFDWLRQVIRU the music profession, together with the continuing challenges to music education across the UK. The ISM engaged with a greater number of government ÀJXUHVWKDQHYHUEHIRUH03VDQGSHHUVIURPDFURVV WKHPDMRUSDUWLHVFLYLOVHUYDQWVDQGJRYHUQPHQW PLQLVWHUVDWWKH'HSDUWPHQWIRU([LWLQJWKH (XURSHDQ8QLRQ'([(8WKH'HSDUWPHQWIRU %XVLQHVV(QHUJ\DQG,QGXVWULDO6WUDWHJ\%(,6 the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Department for (GXFDWLRQ'I(7KH,60DOVRPHWDEURDGUDQJH RIVWDNHKROGHUVLQFOXGLQJ$UWV&RXQFLO(QJODQG WKH%%&356IRU0XVLF33/0DNLQJ0XVLF Ofsted, music conservatoires and colleges, music education hubs, schools, unions and professional associations. The All-Party Parliamentary Group IRU0XVLF(GXFDWLRQZKLFKLVVXSSRUWHGE\WKH ISM continued to inform MPs and peers about PXVLFHGXFDWLRQGXULQJZLWKVXFFHVVIXO quarterly meetings featuring speakers including DPRQJRWKHUVWKH5XVVHOO*URXSWKH'&066HOHFW Committee and ASCL. It also produced the State of the Nation report, a ground-breaking publication MRLQWO\DXWKRUHGE\'U$OLVRQ'DXEQH\8QLYHUVLW\ of Sussex), Gary Spruce (Visiting Lecturer in Music (GXFDWLRQ%LUPLQJKDP&LW\8QLYHUVLW\DQGWKH ,60·V&KLHI([HFXWLYH'HERUDK$QQHWWV6LQFHLWV publication, the report has been referred to many times in debates in the House of Lords and House of Commons, and in the report from the Culture Select Committee Changing Lives: the social impact of participation in culture and sport. The report has also been cited in evidence in consultation responses by third parties, referenced in speeches and featured as the headline topic at education events.
Key achievements for the year were as follows: • The UK’s departure from the EU In October 2018, the ISM launched a new phase of Brexit work under the campaign Save MusicZKLFKLQFOXGHGWKH,60·VÀUVW campaign video. A fourth Brexit report was published in May 2019 describing the impact of Brexit on musicians, and achieved a great deal of press coverage and was referenced in Parliament several times. This report has been used to engage with government at a high level, LQFOXGLQJDWDPLQLVWHULDOOHYHODQGZLWK'([(8 %(,6DQG'&06 • Education The ISM continued to lobby extensively in support of music education both in the classroom and across music education hubs and beyond. In addition to the publication of WKH$33*IRU0XVLF(GXFDWLRQUHSRUW The State of the Nation, the ISM lobbied to secure funding for music education hubs of approximately PIRU0HPEHUVRIWKH,60VWDͿ
team have given many speeches and talks in support of music education which included WKH)HVWLYDORI(GXFDWLRQDQGWKH:HVWPLQVWHU (GXFDWLRQ)RUXP$WWHQGDQFHDWWKH$33*IRU 0XVLF(GXFDWLRQKDVJURZQVLJQLÀFDQWO\²IURP approximately 30 to 80+ parliamentarians, music education hubs and key stakeholders. • Dignity at work Following the publication of the ISM’s 2018 report Dignity at WorkDQGWKH,600XVLFLDQV Union Code of Practice, the ISM has continued to encourage all organisations to sign up to the Code and adopt its principles. • News coverage The ISM featured in news stories and comment pieces across a broad range of media platforms LQLQFOXGLQJRQ%%&5DGLRDQG Sky News television, national broadsheets and VHFWRULQGXVWU\SUHVV7KHUROHRIVRFLDOPHGLD in the ISM’s advocacy work remained strong with increasing engagement across ISM social media platforms. • Other external engagements 7KH,60VSRNHDWDZLGHUDQJHRIKLJKSURÀOH events and conferences during the course of the year, focusing on our key concerns: the 8.·VH[LWIURPWKH(8DQGWKHLPSOLFDWLRQVIRU music, music education and dignity at work. ,60VWDͿZHUHLQYLWHGWRVSHDNDWDQXPEHURI universities, conservatoires and other events throughout the year. Topics included the work of the ISM, legal matters and wider issues DͿHFWLQJPXVLFLDQVDQGWKHPXVLFLQGXVWU\7KH ,60·V&KLHI([HFXWLYHZDVPXFKLQGHPDQGDVD keynote speaker at a wide variety of conferences and events. Deliver gold standard services to ISM members 7KH,60FRQWLQXHGWRRͿHUDIXOOUDQJHRIVXSSRUW and services to its members over the course of the year. These services included legal support and representation, professional insurances, a wide range of resources linked to key issues facing musicians, opportunities for networking and promotion and a variety of events.
Our unparalleled legal services to musicians were delivered via our in-house legal team of H[SHUWVDQH[WHUQDOPHGLDODZVROLFLWRUWKH hour legal helpline, and via our legal expenses insurance. Heavy demand for the legal advice and support we give to musicians continued. During WKHÀQDQFLDO\HDURXULQKRXVHOHJDOWHDPRSHQHG 969 new cases and enquiries in addition to cases carried forward. They covered the full range of issues facing working musicians of all kinds – performers, composers and educators. Many were complex matters involving the status of music teachers. One such case involved a landmark ruling in the Court of Appeal in respect of holiday pay. The case has been backed by the ISM’s legal insurance providers and has so far lasted 6 years. Our legal team recovered almost £370,000 for members in unpaid fees and compensation during the course of the year.
$PDMRUQHZVHULHVRIUHVRXUFHVZHUHODXQFKHG in February 2019 aimed at highlighting the skills and knowledge musicians need in key areas to KHOSWKHPVXFFHHGLQWKHLUFDUHHUV7KHÀUVWIRXU chapters of our ‘How To….’ Guides covered Working with an artist manager Connecting with a digital audience Making a DIY release marketing plan and Playing at a festival . Our suite of template contracts was also updated and expanded to ensure they mirror current practice.
In May 2019 the ISM launched its Brexit (VVHQWLDOV.LWDSDFNDJHRIVHUYLFHVDQGGLVFRXQWV to help members navigate Brexit, including free visa advice, discounted travel insurance and travel and accommodation discounts.
New discounts for ISM members were secured over the year, increasing the range of discounts on professional and consumer services and products. The popularity of the ISM Music Directory continued with an average of 620 members of the SXEOLFYLHZLQJSURÀOHVHDFKPRQWK7KLVPHPEHU EHQHÀWFRQWLQXHVWREHDXVHIXOWRROIRUPHPEHUV to promote themselves to members of the public ORRNLQJWRKLUHPXVLFLDQVDQGÀQGPXVLFWHDFKHUV The ISM achieved milestones on social media: 16,000 followers on Twitter, 1,000 followers on Instagram, 7,000 ‘likes’ on Facebook. Our following on LinkedIn almost doubled and now sits at DOPRVW:HFRQWLQXHGWKH,60SRGFDVW featuring interviews with the Music Managers )RUXP00)9DQHVVD5HHG356)RXQGDWLRQ and Isata Kanneh-Mason and covered topics such as the impact of Brexit on musicians, International Women’s Day and World Mental Health Day. The ISM continued to improve the user experience on our website which attracted 20% PRUHPHPEHUVWRWKHPHPEHUV·DUHDLQ compared to the previous year.
Events and partnerships The ISM held its Members’ Day on 16 April 2019 DWWKH5R\DO%LUPLQJKDP&RQVHUYDWRLUH7KHGD\ was planned using the same structure which has proved so successful in previous years. Over 100 people attended the day which showcased high SURÀOHPXVLFLDQVIURPDFURVVWKHSURIHVVLRQ7KHUH was featured a presentation on music education by Dr Alison Daubney and Professor Martin Fautley, composer Param Vir in conversation with presenter Katy Hamilton and an open rehearsal of his music with the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group. Performances were given by Lauren Zhang, BBC Young Musician of the Year 2018 and the Xhosa Cole Quartet, winner of the BBC Young Jazz Musician 2018. Following the AGM and Open Forum, Dr Jeremy Huw Williams took over as 3UHVLGHQWIRU
John Wilson was awarded the Distinguished 0XVLFLDQ$ZDUGRQ0DUFKDWWKH5R\DO Academy of Music in London.
Across the country ISM members volunteer their time to run the ISM Local Group network. 'XULQJWKH\HDUDWRWDORIHYHQWVZHUH held by 12 ISM Local Groups. These events were a PL[RIVRFLDOHYHQWVDQGRͿHUHGRSSRUWXQLWLHVIRU members to hold concerts as well as share learning and best practice. Ensure the finances and internal structures are strong to secure the future of the ISM ISM membership continued on a path of JURZWKGXULQJDQGE\$XJXVW PHPEHUVKLSKDGULVHQWRRYHUPHPEHUV During the reporting period, total income JUHZE\RYHUWKHSUHYLRXV\HDUWR :LWKLQWKLVRYHUDOOÀJXUHPHPEHUVKLSLQFRPH LPSURYHGE\7KLVZDVDFFRXQWHGIRUE\D JURZWKRILQPHPEHUVDQGDVPDOOLQFUHDVHLQ subscription rates. In the area of non-subscription LQFRPHUR\DOWLHVIURPWKH(GXFDWLRQDO5HFRUGLQJ $JHQF\ZHUHLQOLQHZLWKWKHSULRU\HDUKRZHYHU income from cable royalties fell slightly by 1.7%. ,QYHVWPHQWLQFRPHIRUWKHSHULRGJUHZE\ largely due to an overall increase in the market value of our listed shares and despite the ISM disposing of a large part of its investments portfolio. 'XULQJWKHÀQDQFLDO\HDUWKH,60PDGHWKH important decision to dispose of part of its portfolio RIÀ[HGDVVHWLQYHVWPHQWVLQRUGHUWRVHWWOHWKH outstanding mortgage balance on the company premises, and this was completed in December 2018. Total expenditure before taxation grew by 3.2% RYHUWKHSUHYLRXV\HDUWR ([SHQGLWXUH increased in a few areas, namely marketing and H[WHUQDODͿDLUVGXHWRRXUKLJKO\VXFFHVVIXO FDPSDLJQZRUN6WDͿFRVWVDOVRLQFUHDVHGEHFDXVH we recruited an additional permanent member RIVWDͿGXULQJWKHSHULRG7KH,60UHGXFHGLWV donation to the ISM Trust from £110,000 to £80,000. 7D[DWLRQIRUWKHSHULRGZDV LQOLQHZLWKWKH previous year. This yielded a surplus after taxation RI ZKLFKEURXJKWRXUUHVHUYHVWR PDW the year end of the reporting period. Governance 7KHUHZHUHWKUHHYDFDQFLHVIRU(OHFWHG&RXQFLO 0HPEHUV(DVW1RUWKDQG6RXWK1RPLQDWLRQV were received from Dr. Marius Carboni (for the 6RXWK%HWK)DJJIRUWKH(DVWDQG3DXOLQH Black (for Scotland & Northern Ireland). All were elected unopposed. There were four vacancies for Appointed Council Members. Three members came forward and were reappointed to Council: Dr Michelle Castelletti, Trevor Ford and Professor Stephen Goss. Susan Sturrock was appointed to WKHXQÀOOHGYDFDQF\&RXQFLOZRXOGOLNHWRWKDQN Beverley Downes for her contribution over the SDVWVL[\HDUVDVWKH(OHFWHG0HPEHUIRUWKH(DVW Council would also like to express its grateful thanks for the leadership and hard work of the outgoing President Professor David Saint, and that of outgoing Past President Susan Sturrock whose presidential term concluded at the AGM on 16 April 2019. Compliance The ISM took active steps to ensure continued compliance with the General Data Protection 5HJXODWLRQ(8¶*'35·DQGWKH 'DWD3URWHFWLRQ$FWZKLFKFDPHLQWRHͿHFW IURP0D\7KH+HDGRI&RPSOLDQFHWKH ,60·VOHDGRFHURQGDWDSURWHFWLRQPDWWHUV GHOLYHUHGIXUWKHUWUDLQLQJWRVWDͿDQG,60ERDUG members as part of embedding a positive culture DURXQGGDWDSURWHFWLRQ6WDͿDUHIXOO\HQJDJHG with data protection issues and proactively seek the involvement of the Head of Compliance in plans for activities or services they wished to XQGHUWDNH1HZVWDͿUHFHLYHDGDWDSURWHFWLRQ induction covering data protection principles and SURFHGXUHVGDWDVXEMHFWULJKWVDQGRXUDSSURDFKWR data protection by default and by design when they MRLQWKHRUJDQLVDWLRQ$OOQHZVWDͿDUHUHTXLUHGWR read and sign our Data Governance Policy which DSSOLHVWRDOOVWDͿGLUHFWRUVDQGWUXVWHHVRIDOO,60 Group companies, setting out our requirements and expectations in relation to personal data handling across all our activities in the ISM Group.
Conclusion The work of the ISM Group and the ISM is greatly facilitated by many of its members, who give their time voluntarily to support Council, Special Interest and Local Groups, which provide such a great opportunity for members to meet, exchange knowledge and engage in professional development. Council would like to thank the ISM VWDͿWHDPDQGWKH,60·VPDQ\YROXQWHHUVLQFOXGLQJ our Ambassadors working across the UK who
continue to show a high level of commitment in supporting the ISM’s activities. The ISM remains robust in all areas and is looking forward to the IXWXUHDVLWFRQWLQXHVWRJURZDQGÁRXULVK&RXQFLO thanks everyone who has helped to further the ZRUNRIWKH,60DQGRͿHUVLWVJUDWLWXGHWRDOO retiring members of Council and volunteers for their services. Deborah Annetts , Chief Executive, ISM
Summarised income and expenditure account
2018–19 2017-18
Total income 1,781,924 1,743,121 Subscription fees 1,249,244 1,208,587 Other income 532,680 534,534 Total Expenditure 1,665,287 1,613,505 Membership services 291,275 245,965 Governance and administration 46,825 64,159 Property and equipment 137,333 143,667 Staff 856,149 825,373 Marketing and external relations 202,257 174,919 Professional costs 28,830 24,631 Bad debts 400 Irrecoverable VAT 22,568 24,341 Charitable donations 80,050 110,050 Surplus before Taxation 116,637 129,616 Taxation 28,265 28,780 Surplus for the year 88,372 100,836
Summarised balance sheet
2018–19 2017–18
Fixed assets 4,440,868 5,088,364 Current assets 226,911 209,571 Liabilities and Provisions -382,624 -1,101,152
ISM net reserves 4,285,155 4,196,783
Summary accounts
The information provided here is not the full statutory accounts but a summary of the information which appears in the full ÀQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV7KHVHVXPPDULVHGÀJXUHVPD\QRWFRQWDLQ VXFLHQWLQIRUPDWLRQWRDOORZIRUDIXOOXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKH ÀQDQFLDODͿDLUVRIWKH6RFLHW\)RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQWKHIXOO annual accounts, including the auditor’s report, should be consulted. The full annual accounts, including the auditor’s report, are available to members in the members’ area of the company’s website (www.ism.org). 7KH,60ÀQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWR$XJXVWZHUHDSSURYHG E\WKH&RXQFLORQ)HEUXDU\7KHÀQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV LQFOXGHDQXQTXDOLÀHGDXGLWUHSRUWVLJQHGE\VHQLRUVWDWXWRU\ auditor Amy Healey FCA CTA DChA, on behalf of the auditor Lindeyer Francis Ferguson Limited.
Annual General Meeting
This page gives formal notice of the arrangements for the Annual General Meeting which will take place at the ISM Members’ Day on 25 April 2020 in the Dora Stoutzker Hall at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (the ‘Meeting’) of the Incorporated Society of Musicians (the ‘Company’) will be held at the Dora 6WRXW]NHU+DOO5R\DO:HOVK&ROOHJHRI 0XVLFDQG'UDPDLQ&DUGLͿDWSPWR transact the following business: 1. To approve the minutes of the Annual *HQHUDO0HHWLQJKHOGDWWKH5R\DO Birmingham Conservatoire on 16 April 2019 at 12pm as printed in Music -RXUQDO-XO\$XJXVWWREH SURSRVHGDVDQ2UGLQDU\5HVROXWLRQ 7RUHFHLYHWKH$QQXDO5HSRUWRIWKH Council of the Company for 2018 - 19 (to be proposed as an Ordinary 5HVROXWLRQ
3. To receive and approve the Accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 August 2019, and to receive the Auditor’s report (to be proposed as an 2UGLQDU\5HVROXWLRQ 7RUHFHLYHDUHSRUWRQWKH,60 Members Fund for 2018-2019. 7RUHDSSRLQW/LQGH\HU)UDQFLV Ferguson Limited, Chartered Accountants, as Auditors for the ISM DQGWRDXWKRULVHWKH&RXQFLOWRÀ[WKHLU remuneration (to be proposed as an 2UGLQDU\5HVROXWLRQ 6. To note the retirement of those
members of the Council who wish to retire or who are retiring by rotation.
7RQRWHWKHHOHFWLRQRIWKH(OHFWHG Members of the Council and the appointment of the Appointed Members of the Council. 7RFRQÀUPWKHWLPHDQGSODFHRIWKH next Annual General Meeting.
By order of Council Dr Jeremy Huw Williams, President 2019-20 ,QFRUSRUDWHG6RFLHW\RI0XVLFLDQV²,QYHUQHVV Mews, London, W2 3JQ 1 March 2020
An open forum will take place after the AGM. A form of proxy for members who cannot attend the AGM but wish to vote on the resolutions appears below.
ISM Proxy voting form Before completing this form, please read the explanatory notes below
I (Name) of (Address) being a full member of the above named Society hereby appoint Dr Jeremy Huw Williams, President of the Society, or failing him (Name) of (Address) as my proxy to vote in my name and on my behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Society to be held on Saturday 25 April 2020 at 12.00pm and at any adjournment thereof. This form is to be used in respect of the resolutions mentioned overleaf as follows:
Resolution 1 (Agenda Item 1) FOR/AGAINST*
Resolution 2 (Agenda Item 2) FOR/AGAINST* Resolution 3 (Agenda Item 3) FOR/AGAINST*
Resolution 4 (Agenda Item 4) FOR/AGAINST* * strike out whichever does not apply Unless otherwise instructed the proxy may vote as he or she thinks fit or abstain from voting.
Notes on completing the proxy voting form 1. As a member of the Society you are entitled to appoint a proxy to exercise all or any of your rights to attend, speak and vote at a general meeting of the Society. You can only appoint a proxy using the procedures set out in these notes. 2. Appointment of a proxy does not preclude you from attending the meeting and voting in person. If you have appointed a proxy and attend the meeting in person, your proxy appointment will automatically be terminated. 3. A proxy does not need to be a member of the Society but must attend the meeting to represent you. To appoint as your proxy a person other than the Chairman of the meeting (the President), insert their full name. If you sign and return this proxy form with no name detailed, the Chairman of the meeting will be deemed to be your proxy. Where you appoint as your proxy someone other than the Chairman, you are responsible for ensuring that they attend the meeting and are aware of your voting intentions. 4. To direct your proxy how to vote on the resolutions strike out whichever does not apply. If no voting indication is given, your proxy will vote or abstain from voting at his or her discretion. Your proxy will vote (or abstain from voting) as he or she thinks fit in relation to any other matter which is put before the meeting. 5. To appoint a proxy using this form, the form must be: • Completed and signed; • Sent or delivered to the Society at 4–5 Inverness Mews, London, W2 3JQ; and • Received by the Society no later than 12pm on 22 April 2020. 6. Any power of attorney or any other authority under which this proxy form is signed (or a duly certified copy of such power or authority) must be included with the proxy form or a revocation of such form (see below). 7. If you submit more than one valid proxy appointment, the appointment received last before the latest time for the receipt of proxies will take precedence. 8. To change your proxy instructions simply submit a new proxy appointment using the method set out above. Note that the cut-off time for receipt of proxy appointments (see above) also apply to amended instructions; any amended proxy appointment received after the relevant cut-off time will be disregarded. 9. Where you have appointed a proxy using the hard copy proxy form and would like to change the instructions using another hard copy proxy form, please contact the Society. 10. In order to revoke a proxy instruction you will need to inform the Society by sending a signed hard copy notice clearly stating your intention to revoke your proxy appointment to 4–5 Inverness Mews, London, W2 3JQ. Note the cut-off time for receipt of proxy appointments (see above) also apply to revocations. If you attempt to revoke your proxy appointment but the revocation is received after the time specified then, unless you attend the meeting, your proxy appointment will remain valid.
ISM Trust Annual Review
The ISM Trust, the Incorporated Society of Musicians’ (ISM) sister charity, was created LQWRDGYDQFHHGXFDWLRQWKHDUWVDQGWR promote health. The Trust is dedicated to creating pioneering resources to support music and all those who work in the sector including music educators, performers, and composers. These resources include webinars, regional seminars, training events and advice packs.
,QWKH,607UXVWEHFDPHWKHVROHFRUSRUDWH trustee of the Benevolent Fund of the Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM Members Fund, a charitable trust). The three organisations, namely the ISM, the ISM Trust and the ISM Members Fund, work closely together and are operating under the name ‘the ISM Group’.
Below: Empowered Musician event Photos: Kris Brown
The ISM Trust’s activities in 2018-19 7KHPDMRUSURMHFWIRUWKH\HDUZDV7KH(PSRZHUHG Musician, a one day conference held in October DW0LOWRQ&RXUW/RQGRQZKHUHRYHU musicians and music professionals came together for a day of discussion and discovery. Performers, composers and leading music industry experts shared their experiences, knowledge and advice through four in-depth, interactive panel discussions. The day also included live music and networking opportunities. The Trust worked in partnership with over 30 organisations to promote the event ZKLFKKHOSHGUDLVHWKH,607UXVW·VSURÀOHDPRQJVW SHUIRUPHUVDQGFRPSRVHUVXQGHU$VDUHVXOWRI the marketing campaign, the Trust reached an audience of over a million performers and composers including a total of 7,000 visits to the Trust’s website.
The total reach on social media was approx. $OHJDF\SODQZDVFUHDWHGZKLFK informed many of the resources and activities for the remainder of the year.
A total of 20 free webinars were delivered covering areas such as Brexit, tax for musicians, funding, marketing and series on music exam ERDUGVDQGKHDOWKDQGZHOOEHLQJLQFRQMXQFWLRQ with the British Association of Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM).
In June 2019, the Trust published Providing a ‘broad and balanced’ music education in school: DFODULÀFDWLRQIRUVFKRRODQGVWUDWHJLFOHDGHUV by HGXFDWLRQH[SHUW.HYLQ5RJHUV7KLVIUHHUHVRXUFH looks at the three areas of music education WKDWVFKRROVVKRXOGRͿHUFXUULFXOXPPXVLF instrumental and ensemble tuition and additional events and opportunities. There were 22 downloads from launch to 31 August 2019.
The perennially popular National Curriculum DVVHVVPHQWDQGSURJUHVVLRQIUDPHZRUNVÀUVW ODXQFKHGLQZHUHXSGDWHGWRWDNHLQWRDFFRXQW current practice, and since relaunch have been downloaded 787 times.
Performance anxiety: A practical guide for music teachers was also redesigned in August 2019 to bring it into line with its sister publication Play: A psychological toolkit for optimal music performance which since its launch in January 2018 has seen 81 e-book sales and 27 printed copies sold. Other QRWDEOHÀJXUHVLQFOXGHWKH,607HDFKHUV·3DFN which has now been downloaded over 2,000 times since launch.
Throughout the year, workshops and seminars were held on a variety of topics including assessing music in primary school, promoting instrumental and vocal learning across school, performance anxiety, and being a virtuoso teacher. Presented by music education specialists Dr Alison Daubney and Paul Harris on behalf of the Trust, training ZDVGHOLYHUHGWR6XUUH\$UWV(DVW6XVVH[0XVLF Babcock Music Service, Oxford County Music 6HUYLFHPXVLFLDQVIURP7KH5R\DO$UWLOOHU\%DQG and conference attendees at the Music and Drama 0XVLF(GXFDWLRQ([SRLQ0DQFKHVWHU
There have been approximately 13,000 visits WRWKH7UXVW·VZHELQDUFRQWHQWDFURVVWKHÀQDQFLDO year, with over 1,000 engaging with our 2019 music tuition fees webinar. Compliance The ISM Trust is registered as a data controller in its own right at the Information Commissioner’s 2FH,&2$OO,60VWDͿZRUNLQJRQ7UXVW activities are bound by the provisions of the ISM Group Data Governance Policy introduced across all ISM Group companies in 2018 as part of our activities to ensure compliance with the *HQHUDO'DWD3URWHFWLRQ5HJXODWLRQ(8 ¶*'35·DQGWKH'DWD3URWHFWLRQ$FW7KH Trust was also registered with the Fundraising 5HJXODWRUDQGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK&KDULW\ Commission guidance further training in trustee duties and charity governance was provided to Trustees in 2019. Financial review The ISM Trust derives its income from three main sources: donations, membership subscriptions and income from events. During the reporting period, total income fell by 20.3% over the previous \HDUWR 7KH,60SURYLGHG £110,000) by way of donations in order to continue supporting the work of the ISM Trust. Income IURPPHPEHUVKLSVXEVFULSWLRQVJUHZVLJQLÀFDQWO\ GXULQJWKH\HDUZLWK UHFRJQLVHGLQWKH UHSRUWLQJSHULRG DQLQFUHDVHRI KDVEHHQJHQHUDWHG as a result of professional development work which LQFOXGHVLQFRPHIURP7KH(PSRZHUHG0XVLFLDQ conference held in October 2018. The total direct and support costs in respect of the professional GHYHORSPHQWZRUNZDV an increase of 32.0% over the previous year. This ZDVODUJHO\GXHWRFRVWVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKHPDMRU conference held during the year. This yielded a GHÀFLWRI IRUWKHÀQDQFLDO\HDU Deborah Annetts , Chief Executive, ISM
ISM Members Fund Annual Review
The ISM Members Fund is the working name of the Benevolent Fund of the Incorporated Society of Musicians, registered charity no. 206801.
The Fund commenced a review of its activities in March 2017. This resulted in the addition of the objects of the advancement of health and prevention of poverty to the object of the relief of poverty amongst ISM members and the dependants of deceased members being approved by the Charity Commission in December 2017. A new strategy which places greater emphasis on resources and services together with a focus on prevention in the areas of physical, mental and ÀQDQFLDOKHDOWKZDVDSSURYHGE\WKH7UXVWHHLQ June 2018. Over the year the Fund consulted with the Trustee and ISM members and determined that the most prevalent issues faced are around mental health, hearing and musculoskeletal injuries. 7KHVHÀQGLQJVZHUHXVHGWRGHYHORSWKUHHQHZ VHUYLFHV7KHÀUVWRIWKHVHWKHDGGLWLRQRIIDFHWR face counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy WRWKHKRXUSHUVRQDOVXSSRUWDQGDGYLFHOLQH launched in July 2019.
The Fund’s work in 2018-19 'XULQJWKH\HDUWKH)XQGRͿHUHGDVVLVWDQFHWR relieve a wide range of issues relating to poverty. It spent £58,346 (2018: £58,545) on grants to individuals. In total, 30 individuals (2018: 31) received assistance. In addition, there were times when applicants to the Fund were signposted to other sources of help, such as medical support, debt DGYLFHZHOIDUHEHQHÀWVDQGRWKHUFKDULWLHV
The Fund continued to provide an outsourced KRXUSHUVRQDODGYLFHDQGVXSSRUWWHOHSKRQH helpline available to all ISM members and their dependants. The number of people accessing the service increased by 185% compared to the previous year. This includes 50 people who UHFHLYHGFRXQVHOOLQJVHVVLRQVHLWKHUIDFHWRIDFH or by telephone since the introduction of this additional service in July 2019. The Trustee wishes to thank everyone who has helped to further the work of the Fund, especially members of the Fund’s working party.
Donations and Bequests The Trustee acknowledges with thanks a bequest to WKH)XQGIURPWKHHVWDWHRIWKHODWH0LOHLQ&RVPDQ Keller. Total donations and legacies received during the year were £7,335 (2018: £544). The Trustee is most grateful to all the individuals who made donations or organised fundraising initiatives.
Deborah Annetts , Chief Executive, ISM
Summarised statement of financial activities
2018–19 2017–18
Unrestricted income 157,918 152,532 Quoted investments 150,249 151,940 Interest received 334 48 Legacies 5,000 Donations 2,335 544 TOTAL INCOME 157,918 152,532
TOTAL EXPENDITURE -140,113 -121,850 Charitable activities -123,639 -108,155 Investment management fees -16,474 -13,695 NET INCOME (before movement on investments) 17,805 30,682 (Losses) / gains on investments -105,458 95,561 Net movement in funds -87,653 126,243
Summarised balance sheet
2018–19 2017–18
Long term investments 3,848,361 3,970,289 Current assets 189,205 153,442 Liabilities -10,080 -8,592 Net reserves 4,027,486 4,115,139 Reserves distribution 4,027,486 4,115,139 Permanent endowment 3,380,392 3,487,497 Expendable endowment 425,211 438,683 Unrestricted funds 221,883 188,959
Summary accounts
The information provided here is not the full statutory accounts but a summary of the information which appears in the full ÀQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV7KHVHVXPPDULVHGÀJXUHVPD\QRWFRQWDLQ VXFLHQWLQIRUPDWLRQWRDOORZIRUDIXOOXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKH ÀQDQFLDODͿDLUVRIWKH)XQG)RUIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQWKHIXOO annual accounts, including the independent examiner’s report, should be consulted. The full annual accounts, including the independent examiner’s report, are available to members in the members’ area of the website (www.ism.org). 7KH)XQG·VÀQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVWR$XJXVWZHUH DSSURYHGE\WKH7UXVWHHRQ)HEUXDU\7KHÀQDQFLDO VWDWHPHQWVLQFOXGHDQXQTXDOLÀHGH[DPLQHU·VUHSRUWVLJQHGE\ independent examiner Amy Healey FCA CTA DChA, on behalf of the auditor Lindeyer Francis Ferguson Limited.
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